A light dish for February 23rd. The process of preparing a fish dish

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Not much time left until February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! This means that it’s time for us women to think about choosing gifts for our beloved men. What is the best gift we can give to our soldiers? Of course love, warmth and care!

Many express this in cards, poems, songs or gifts. Undoubtedly, this is all good, but you should not forget about a small but important addition to the gift - prepare your men’s favorite dishes and set a delicious, satisfying and festive table. After all, do not forget the old and wise proverb - “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Therefore, we will devote today’s article to culinary recipes that you can pamper men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

As you know, many men love high-calorie and satisfying foods, for example, a piece of fried pork, baked lamb, juicy steak and other meat products. It’s rare that anyone will refuse a delicious beer or a picnic in a snowy forest. Therefore, today we will not ignore any culinary addiction and we will try to feed every man with his favorite dishes.

Beer party

Of course, at home we are unlikely to be able to recreate the full ambiance of a Bavarian establishment with waitresses in low-cut, bright suits and two braided blonde braids. But we will try to please our men with a tasty, satisfying and salty snack accompanied by a glass of cold, fresh beer.


Shrimps can be prepared in different ways. The most classic option is to boil it in salted water with various spices and serve with soy-lemon sauce.

Mexican shrimp in spicy sauce will delight true gourmets and will appeal to those who love spicy dishes. To do this, simmer the garlic and onion in a frying pan for 5 minutes. Add hot sauce, salt and peeled shrimp. Simmer them for 3-4 minutes, then remove them from the sauce and place on a dish, strain the sauce and pour into a gravy boat.

Spicy shrimp kebab will add variety to the beer party menu. Therefore, first prepare a marinade from chopped garlic, hot pepper, olive oil, salt, juice and lemon zest. Place peeled shrimp in this marinade for 45 minutes. Then thread them onto wooden skewers, wrap each one in bacon and bake in the oven for 2 minutes.

Chicken meat

Crispy spicy chicken wings Ideal as a snack with beer. To do this, spread the wings with a mixture of hot red and black pepper and bake them in the oven for 45 minutes.

Chicken kebab will take its rightful place on the table. You will need chicken fillet cut into pieces. It should be strung on wooden skewers, after marinating for 30 minutes in salt, red pepper, tomato sauce and olive oil. Then bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.

Spicy chicken legs have a beautiful golden hue and original taste. To prepare them, grind the onion and garlic in a blender. Add white wine, olive oil, ketchup, mustard, salt, red and black ground pepper. Marinate the legs in this mixture for 30 minutes and then bake in the oven at 190°C for 45 minutes.

In addition to these dishes, there are a huge number of traditional beer snacks. For example, homemade potato chips, baked sausages, sausages, seafood, cheese balls and much more. You can find all these recipes in our Cookbook.

Winter picnic

Perhaps the words “winter picnic” sound somewhat dubious, but you can enjoy a country walk with a snack in the fresh air at any time of the year! Therefore, if your men love this type of recreation, let them enjoy the winter nature and prepare everything necessary for this. Dishes prepared in advance at home will be appropriate here.

For example, from a piece of hearty pita bread with meat and mushrooms Not one man will refuse. To do this, you need to place food on each layer of thin pita bread and lightly grease it with mayonnaise. The first layer is fried twisted meat with onions. The second layer is fried chopped mushrooms with onions. The third layer is Korean carrots. The fourth layer is finely chopped greens. Wrap it all up, pack it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. And in nature, all that remains is to cut the lavash roll into pieces.

Pancakes with red caviar or red fish They will be an excellent snack for strong men's drinks. To do this, bake pancakes and wrap red caviar or fish with a piece of soft cheese in them.

Very useful in nature aromatic teas, which can be prepared in advance in a thermos from your favorite herbs.

Well, don’t forget, of course, about the juicy pork kebab. The best way to prepare it is fatty pork tenderloin, which you cut at home into pieces no smaller than 5 cm in size and marinate in salt, pepper, bay leaf and vinegar. And, when you arrive for a picnic, light a fire, thread the meat onto skewers and fry over the coals with good heat.

You can find a list of other different delicious dishes that are suitable for celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland holiday in nature in our Cookbook under the appetizers section.

Homemade dinner

The classic version of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day is the home walls with a wide-set table. Make sure that the dishes that your beloved men prefer are prepared. Well, we will help you with this a little.

What dishes do men like best? Of course, most prefer juicy meat. Therefore, we suggest preparing rack of pork ribs. To do this, pour soy sauce over the ribs, add finely chopped chili pepper, ginger, garlic and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Then fry them in vegetable oil and you can serve.

Before veal loin Not one man can stand. To make it especially tasty, it should be fried for 30 seconds on each side on a pan and brought to readiness in the oven at 160°C for 5-10 minutes.

Grilled veal You can also surprise and please your beloved man. To do this, marinate the meat steaks with onions for two hours in mustard, cayenne pepper and olive oil. Then fry on both sides in a grill pan and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

From pork in honey glaze Not one man will refuse. To prepare it, coat the meat with a marinade of soy sauce, honey, mustard, ketchup and black pepper. Then place it in a frying pan with a roasting rack and place it in the oven at 160°C for 90 minutes.

We have selected for you, dear women, recipes dedicated to the men's holiday. Make sure that Defender of the Fatherland Day turns into a real holiday for your men and will be remembered for a long time. And in order to please your men with the offered aromatic and satisfying dishes, you don’t have to wait for the holidays!

And if you haven’t found anything suitable for yourself from the above dishes, then our Cookbook of “wild” housewives will be happy to offer you a large selection of culinary recipes for holiday dishes for all tastes. With us you can choose any recipe and prepare a festive dish not only on Defender of the Motherland Day, but also for many other celebrations.

Remember how in the movie “What Men Talk About”, the characters wittily joke about the “deflop” and “croutons” served in a chic restaurant? This short episode perfectly illustrates the attitude of many men to the latest gastronomic trends. Despite the fact that the best chefs, experimenters and culinary virtuosos are still men, most representatives of the stronger sex will prefer a well-fried piece of meat or a baked chicken leg to a salad of eight types of arugula.

Let's please our defenders with a “real man's lunch”!

We offer three options for every taste and budget menu for February 23. For your convenience, we provide the cost of each menu and an approximate work plan. We recommend that you do everything in advance, if possible, so that you don’t waste time fussing around in the kitchen on the holiday. The suggested shopping list will help you remember to buy the necessary ingredients.

So let's get started!

Menu for February 23 “Save with taste”

Action plan:

The day before the holiday

As you know, yeast dough does not tolerate fuss and bad mood. Therefore, it is better to prepare the pie in advance. This year the holiday fell on Saturday, so Friday evening can be devoted to baking with a clear conscience. Experiment with fillings. Dried apricots can be replaced with prunes, walnuts with hazelnuts or cashews. Cognac will give the filling a special aroma (and an opened bottle of good cognac will be very useful to you on a holiday). But if you need a more budget-friendly option, then dried fruits can be soaked not in cognac, but in apple juice or herbal tea infusion.

When the whole house is filled with the aromas of baking and the neighbors begin to envy your man, resolutely cover the finished pie with a kitchen towel and hide it in a place that is difficult for the defender of the fatherland to reach.

Peel the potatoes and fill them with cold water. In this form, he will wait his time just fine. And you won't have to waste time cleaning in the midst of preparing a festive dinner.

Make a lemon-olive potato dressing and a nut-garlic salad dressing. Nothing will happen to them in a few hours, so it's better to make them in advance.

Prepare the main course. We have selected a recipe for you that gives excellent results with minimal effort. Believe me, chicken baked with onions and garlic is worthy of the most festive feast. It simmers for about an hour and a half, but practically does not require your presence. Please note that the recipe uses white wine. Feel free to uncork the bottle, pour out the required 150 ml, and send the rest of the wine to the cognac that is already awaiting its fate. The holiday is just around the corner!

It's time to start making side dishes. Don't be fooled by the unusual combination of ingredients. Potatoes with olives, lemon and spices will please even the most avid conservative. And it will make an excellent pairing with wine-baked chicken.

While the potatoes are stewing, prepare the salad. It should not be done in advance - the tomatoes will give a lot of juice. If you can't buy good tomatoes, replace them with cherry tomatoes.

Half an hour before the gala dinner

Pour yourself a glass of white wine and relax in your favorite chair. Don’t even think about skipping this point – it is the most important in the preparation process!

Shopping list:

Vegetables, fruits, greens
Tomatoes – 350 g
Garlic – 3 heads
Potatoes - 800 g (11 small potatoes)
Onion – 3 pcs.
Olives - ½ cup
Lemon - 1 pc.
Large apples – 2 pcs.
Chopped parsley – 1/4 cup
Thyme and rosemary – if you don’t have fresh, you can use dried
Nuts, dried fruits
Walnuts – 30 g (handful)
Peanuts – 100 g.
200 g dried apricots
200 g raisins
Meat, eggs
Chicken – 1.5 kg.
Egg – 1 pc.
0.5 cups milk
50 g butter
Alcoholic drinks
Cognac – 50 g (replace with apple juice)
Dry white wine – 0.5 l. (150 ml for the recipe, the rest for the table).
Groceries and other products
Wheat flour -400 g
Sugar – 2 tbsp.
Dry yeast – 10 g.
Olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) – 9 tbsp.
Vanilla sugar - a pinch
Cumin (jeera) - 1 tsp.
Salt, pepper to taste

Menu for February 23 “Classic holiday”

Action plan:

The day before the holiday

Cake is a win-win option for a festive dessert. Firstly, almost anything can be prepared a day, or even two, before day “X”. And, secondly, a beautiful and delicious cake is guaranteed to become a hit at the feast.

Poppy seed cake with sour cream will require some effort and time on your part, but it's worth it! To optimize the cooking process, prepare chopped dough a few days before the celebration and put it in the freezer. Place the dough in the refrigerator on Thursday night and it will be as good as new on Friday.

In addition to making the cake, plan to do some prep work on Friday. Cut the chicken into portions. Pour cold water over the peeled potatoes. Boil eggs for salad. If you are internally ready for a civic feat and bought a whole herring instead of fillet, cut it up in advance - you will thank yourself the next day.

Get some sleep. If you acted according to plan and accomplished all the culinary feats that we wrote about above, then you can easily afford it. "Larks" can bring coffee in bed to their "night owls." This start will set a festive tone for the whole day.

Fry and simmer potatoes with prunes. In our plan, preparing the side dish is the most time-consuming part. Once the potatoes are in the oven, your holiday dinner is almost ready. But don’t relax, but get on with the main course. Mix all ingredients for the sauce in a blender and marinate the chicken. Let it wait until the oven is busy - it will taste better.

An hour and a half before the gala dinner

It's time to make the salad. Do you know why we chose this particular recipe? If you ask hundreds of men what their favorite holiday salad is, the result will be quite predictable. Perhaps the palm of leadership will have to be given to the inevitable “Olivier”. But in second place there will definitely be a herring under a fur coat. What is the reason for such popular love? On the one hand, it’s a tribute to tradition, on the other, it’s simply delicious! Let's reveal a little secret - any salad in which one of the main ingredients is herring is simply doomed to success. Many women have already performed with “fur coats” in the compulsory and free New Year’s program, so on February 23 you can try to prepare a simple herring salad, which, nevertheless, will cause no less applause.

Shopping list:

Vegetables, fruits, greens

Potatoes – 1 kg
Onion – 3 pcs.
Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.
Lettuce – 1 bunch
Green onions – 1 bunch
Garlic – 3 cloves
Lemon – 2 pcs.
Dill or parsley
Fresh basil - a bunch
Nuts, seeds, dried fruits
Sesame seeds – 2 tbsp.
Prunes – 100 g
Poppy – 100 g
Meat, fish, eggs
Chicken wings (or drumsticks, thighs) – 700 g
Herring fillet (ready, in oil) – 400 g
Quail eggs – 20 pcs.
Cheese – 100 g (hard, “Russian” type)
Butter 100 g
Milk – 125 g
Sour cream – 300 g
Groceries, etc.
Semolina – 1 tsp.
Sugar – 100 g.
Flour – 240 g
vegetable oil – 5 tbsp.
White wine vinegar – 2 tbsp. 1 rub.
Spices and seasonings
Bay leaf - to taste
Ground paprika – 2 tbsp
Rosemary – sprig (you can use dried – 1 tsp)
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
Vanilla - to taste

Menu for February 23 “Walk, walk like that”

As part of this menu, we invite you to take a short gastronomic journey. Spanish paella and Japanese cheesecake are a rare but win-win combination. Both dishes are quite labor-intensive, but we agreed: “Walk, walk!”

Grocery list- at the bottom of the page

Action plan:

A few days before the holiday

Prepare the fish broth for the paella in advance. It can be prepared several days in advance and “stashed” in the freezer.

For the salad you will need baked duck breast. It’s worth taking care of it in advance and planning the menu for the week so that by Saturday there will be a small piece left.

The day before the holiday

Making cheesecake is a fairly lengthy process, so let's start there. Try to calculate the time so that the cake has time to bake completely (about an hour and a half) and cool in the oven with the door slightly open (another same amount).

Start your day with fiery Spanish music! It will help you “catch” the atmosphere and get into a festive mood. While dancing, start preparing the paella. Do a lot at once - you won’t waste it! Let the thought that you won’t have to cook anything in the next two or three days warm your soul and give you strength.

Prepare your salads and turn up the music – the holiday has begun!

Shopping list:

Vegetables, fruits, greens

Beets – 2 pcs.
Bell pepper – 2 pcs.
Tomatoes – 4 pcs.
Onion – 1 pc.
Garlic – 1 pc.
Orange – 2 pcs.
Pomegranate – 1 pc.
Lemon – 1 pc.
Lettuce – 1 large bunch
Dill – 1 bunch
Nuts, dried fruits
Walnuts – 100 g
Poultry, seafood, eggs
Duck breast - 150 g
Seafood (cleaned sea reptiles) – 700 g
Eggs – 6 pcs.
Roquefort cheese (any blue mold) – 150 g (can be replaced with feta if desired)
Natural yogurt without additives – 200 ml
Sour cream – 100 ml
Cream cheese – 400 g
Butter – 60 g.
Whipping cream, heavy – 200 ml.
Groceries and other products
Mixture of golden and wild rice - 2 tbsp. with a slide
Rice for paella – 1 tbsp.
Grapeseed oil (or any other neutral-tasting oil) – 4-5 tbsp.
Olive oil – 6 tbsp. l.
Vinegar – 1 tsp.
Sugar – 17 tbsp.
Rum – 1 t.l.
Flour – 8 tbsp.
Apricot jam – 3 tbsp.
Spices, sauces and seasonings
Narsharab sauce – 1 tbsp.
Grained mustard – 2/3 tsp.
Saffron – 1 pinch
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Initially, it was believed that this was a holiday of people who served or are serving in the army. But today, many women stand guard over peace and quiet together with men, so this holiday has lost its original meaning and has become simply a holiday for men. It doesn’t matter what profession they have, how old they are, whether they served in the army or not, these are people you can always rely on in difficult times. Real defenders!

In our article we would like to talk about how to beautifully and interestingly set the table for the holiday, what to cook for February 23rd to surprise and delight your beloved men.

Table setting for February 23

For the festive table for Defender of the Fatherland Day, serving is a very important point. Therefore, it will be an excellent solution to serve cooked dishes in an unusual style. So that the main participants in the celebration, looking at the decoration of the dishes, understand that today is their holiday!
Here you will need your imagination and talent as a designer.

Below you can see several options for how you can decorate dishes for February 23rd. These can be carved dishes in the shape of a star and salads in the shape of a tank, or a soccer ball.

When it comes to table decoration, it is best to start from the interests, activities and hobbies of your men. Many people advise making a table in a military style or in the primary colors of the flag. But if your friend, father, husband has nothing to do with the army, and even worse, if he has bad memories associated with it, or your men simply don’t like khaki, why set the table in such styles. Please your men by setting the table with their favorite flowers.

You can simply cover the table with a green or blue tablecloth and serve napkins to match.
You can also add various figures symbolizing Defender of the Patronymic Day, and even better if you make decorations yourself that will remind you of your happy days together, of the help and protection of your men towards you.

What to cook for February 23?

February 23 is the only men's day that belongs entirely to them. And, therefore, men should be congratulated on a grand scale. Show more care than usual to make them feel like they are celebrating.

For a special mood, you need to prepare a festive treat.
Desserts and mousses are not relevant for a men's holiday. Hearty salads and various savory snacks are suitable.
Also, alcoholic drinks are appropriate on the festive table of the heroes of the occasion.
There are no traditional recipes, such as turkey for Christmas, for February 23rd. And, thanks to this, you can show maximum skill in cooking.

Above, we decided in what style we will set the table, depending on the hobbies of your men, now you need to decide on taste preferences and the location of the feast.

First, we decide on a place; a men’s holiday can be celebrated outside the home; if you, for example, have a dacha, then it would be ideal to fry a shish kebab. If you don’t plan to stay at home at all, then field kitchens will help you; try delicious buckwheat porridge with tea right on the street.

It may well work out if you arrange a holiday in nature, a so-called picnic.
Here you can do without lace tablecloths and crystal wine glasses. The main thing is exquisite “camping” dishes.
Setting a camp table involves disposable plates and glasses. Now there are many of them on offer, in different sizes and colors. Again, you can use a military-style color to make everything fit the theme. Place prepared dishes in containers and serve them in them.

The main thing is that there is a lot of tasty and beautifully prepared food. Meals are usually prepared at home. They should be such that they do not need to be reheated. That is, mainly snacks and salads.

If the holiday is organized for male colleagues, then the “office” version of the dishes can be exactly the same as outdoors.

But if you still decide to celebrate at home, then the first thing you need to do is remember what your men love.

You can specify what kind of alcohol a man will prefer for the holiday, and the choice of dishes that will appear on the holiday table will depend on this.

On February 23, you definitely need to prepare hot dishes, appetizers, salads, and, if you have a sweet tooth, then dessert. There are many options. Let's look at some of them:

Everyone loves rich solyanka, with its amazing taste. The dish is not quick, but worth it. There are many recipes. This option is different in that it does not contain expensive products.

1. Pork - 250 g
2.Smoked sausage - 250 g
3. Boiled sausage - 250 g
4.Chicken breast - 250 g
5. Pickled cucumbers - 250 g
6. Tomato - 50 g
7 Onion - 150 g
8. Olives - 50 g
9. Olives - 50 g
10. Cucumber pickle - 100 g

Pork meat, cook for an hour over low heat, after removing the foam. Remove, let cool and cut. Chicken breast, cook for 20 minutes. And also, cool and cut into strips.
Boiled and smoked sausage, chop, finely chop the onion, cut the cucumbers into small strips.
Fry meat ingredients with onions. Then add cucumbers and fry for another three minutes. The next step is to add the tomato and simmer for five minutes.
Place cooked meat and fried vegetables with sausage into the cooked broth. Pour in the cucumber pickle. After that - seasonings.
Serve with a slice of lemon, olives and black olives. You can add sour cream.

Meat “Three in one”

Three types of meat in one dish are an incomparable solution. This is very festive and men should certainly like it.

1. Pork or beef tenderloin - 500 g
2.Bacon or smoked meat - 300 g
3.White wine - 100 ml
4. Chicken breast - 2 pcs.
5. Garlic - 2 cloves
6. Spices

Dry the washed meat and breast and cut into small pieces. Same size. Salt and pepper the meat, pour in white wine. Place in the refrigerator. Season the chicken a little, squeeze out the garlic and add oil. Olive is recommended. After a few hours, the marinated meat and chicken pieces are paired together and wrapped in strips of smoked meat or bacon. Secure the ends of the bacon with a toothpick.
Place the prepared meat rolls on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200 degrees.
Serve garnished with any vegetables or boiled rice.

You can prepare a holiday appetizer from the liver. And by adding mushrooms, you can turn an ordinary liver into a masterpiece of culinary art.

1. Beef liver - 500 g
2. Chicken liver - 500 g
3.Eggs - 2 pcs.
4.Milk - 1/2 cup
5.Salt, pepper.

1. Mayonnaise - 300 g
2. Garlic - 5 cloves
3. bow 1
4. carrots
5.Salt, vegetable oil.
6.Two hard-boiled eggs and one bunch of dill - for decoration.

Pass the prepared liver through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, spices, flour and mix everything until smooth. You will get liver dough. It should be like pancakes.
Fry like pancakes in a greased frying pan.
Now, chop the onion, simmer until transparent, add finely chopped carrots, add salt and simmer until the carrots become soft. Add garlic, passed through a press, to the mayonnaise. Mix. Grease the liver cakes with mayonnaise and place one on top of the other, transferring with the filling. Press the last cake down a little, spread with mayonnaise, sprinkle first with grated egg white, then with yolk. Garnish with dill. It is advisable to let the appetizer sit for a while to soak in.
No holiday table can do without salad. Men, as a rule, are reluctant to change their culinary preferences. Therefore, it would be appropriate to offer something with herring. Always a win-win. Nourishing and very tasty.

1.Beets - 2 pcs.
2. carrots 2 pcs.
3. potatoes 4 pcs.
4. bow 1 pc.
5. boiled eggs 2 pcs.
6. Lightly salted herring 1 pc.
7.Mayonnaise 80 g
8. salt, pepper.

Classic salad recipe

We cut up the herring. Rinse under running water and dry. Carefully remove all entrails and cut off the fins. Make a longitudinal incision along the spine. Near the tail, pick up the skin of the fish with a knife. Then, take it off
Now, you need to separate the bones from the fillet. Lift the fillet from the side of the spine and, pressing your finger against the bones, separate the fish meat. Remove the spine.

Why is it important to cut the fish yourself? This is the only way to be sure of its freshness.

Boil all the vegetables in their skins. This will make them more starchy. Peel the prepared vegetables, cut the onion into fine cubes. Boil eggs hard. Cut the fish into cubes.

You need to pay attention so that there are no bones.

When the preparation is complete, you can begin laying the layers. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.

The first layer is herring fillet, then a layer of onion. Then, grated potatoes. Again - onions. Grate the carrots, then the eggs. The last beet, also grated on a coarse grater. On top is a large layer of mayonnaise.

If desired, the vegetable layers can be salted. Decorate according to the holiday.

If you wish, you can make a “royal herring under a fur coat.” How? Everything is the same, only you need to make a layer of red caviar on top. And, decoration, and, truly, a royal scope.

But the festive table should delight and surprise. Therefore, you can prepare a real “male” dish

1. Pork 1 kg
2.Bow 3 pcs.
3.Vegetable oil - 50 ml
4. Pepper, salt and rosemary.

Cut the meat into large pieces, about 5 cm, and the onion into rings. Mix everything and add spices to taste. Thread onto wooden skewers, alternating, and place on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven at 220 degrees for about one hour. The taste is no worse than at the stake.
Tips: you don’t need to add salt to the marinade at first; keep the meat in the marinade for no more than two hours; wooden skewers need to be kept in cold water for about forty minutes so that they do not burn.

If you cook it from beef, the meat is tougher. To make the barbecue a success, you need to pour alkaline mineral water into the marinade.
Men are known meat-eaters, so shish kebab can be served as a first course, a second course, and even instead of compote.

Don't forget that the simplest dish, beautifully served at the table, lifts your spirits and develops your appetite.

You can make pizza. It will replace regular sandwiches.

Italian pizza recipe

First you need to prepare the yeast dough. To get the correct result, you need to use fresh yeast, not dry. Flour must be durum. Do not use eggs or sugar - these products will make the dough heavy. It must come within two hours. You need to stretch it not with a rolling pin, but with your fingers. Baking time - 10 minutes. At a temperature of 280 degrees.

1. Fresh yeast 10 g
2. water 300 ml
3. salt
4. Flour 2 cups

Dissolve the yeast in water, add salt, flour, and at the very end add a spoonful of olive oil. Knead the dough.
While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the filling. The filling should be even, like dough. It is better to choose the cheese type “mozzarella”.

Filling ingredients:
1.Cheese 120 g
2. Salami 80 g
3. Champignons 80 g
4. Olives 7 pieces.
5.Tomato sauce or ketchup

Grate the cheese, cut the salami into thin circles, cut the olives and champignons into thin slices. Stretch the dough, lay out the filling in layers; salami, mushrooms, cheese, olives.

In fact, pizza is cooked in stone ovens at a very high temperature, approximately 600 degrees. But, the oven is quite a suitable option.
Let this holiday be unforgettable!

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For the men's holiday on February 23 - salad recipes, detailed descriptions with photos, ideas for a beautiful table!

  • boiled chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • pickled honey mushrooms - 350 g;
  • carrots - for decoration;
  • soy straw - for decoration;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • cucumbers - for decoration

For this salad I needed 2 shapes: one rectangular, and the second a small bowl for the top. Both forms need to be covered with cling film. The salad will be in layers, each layer is smeared with a mesh of mayonnaise.

Grate the pickled cucumbers on a fine grater, squeeze and place in a thin layer in a mold.

The next layer is jacket potatoes grated on a coarse grater.

The penultimate layer will be pickled mushrooms (but you can also take pickled champignons, for example, or fry fresh champignons). If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be cut, but not very finely.

The last layer will be boiled chicken breast, cut it and put it in a mold. Don't forget that we coat each layer with mayonnaise!

For the top of our tank, we take a small bowl, but since it’s not very convenient to put layers in it, we put a layer of cucumbers, and mix the rest of the ingredients together with mayonnaise, and simply put it in the bowl on top of the cucumbers.
Next we need to carefully turn over the base of our tank. Since there was no suitable large plate, I inverted it onto a tray. Cover the mold with a tray on top, turn it over and carefully remove the mold.

Place the top of the tank on top of the bowl, hold it with your hands when you turn it over, the process is a little more complicated here.

Cut the fresh cucumber into thin slices and place on the sides of the tank.

We make stars out of carrots and decorate the tank. We write the inscription with mayonnaise, we make the barrel out of two sticks of straw.

Recipe 2: chicken salad with cheese and apple for February 23

“Tank” is a salad that you can pamper your beloved man with on February 23 or on any other holiday.

  • Chicken fillet – 300 g
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • Celery
  • Apple - ½ piece
  • Lemon - ½ piece
  • Pitted olives - 200 g
  • Creamy curd cheese - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Olive or vegetable oil (for frying) - 50 g

Cut the chicken fillet into small slices.

Fry the meat in hot oil until cooked.

Place the finished fillet on paper towels to remove excess fat.

Place the cooled meat on a plate. Sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Cut the cucumbers into strips.

Place the chopped cucumbers on the meat.

Spread with mayonnaise.

Chop the celery.

Place celery on top of mayonnaise.

Spread with mayonnaise.

Peel and core the apple and cut into thin strips.

Place the apple in the next layer.

Sprinkle the apple generously with lemon juice.

Cover the salad with a thin layer of cheese.

We make a tank out of olives. We make grass from celery leaves. They also decorate the corners of the salad dish.

Recipe 3: meat salad for men Drifts

This delicious, very satisfying and, most importantly, spectacular salad “Drifts” with beef can be quite simply prepared for the winter holiday on February 23. The fact is that preparing the dish is simple and the ingredients for it are quite affordable. You just need to understand that the longest process is the preparatory process, since it is necessary to boil all the ingredients. And only then grind them and form a dish.

In order to give the salad a special twist, halves of stuffed eggs are placed on top of the layers of potatoes, carrots and meat. And sprinkle the dish with chopped cheese on top - this creates the effect of Feval snowdrifts, which makes the dish especially beautiful and winter. Be sure to save his step-by-step recipe with photos so that you can prepare a delicious and easy-to-prepare salad more than once.

All the ingredients of the salad are perfectly combined with each other, so the taste of the dish is very balanced and self-sufficient. As for the meat layer, you can use sausage, ham or boiled meat (chicken or beef) for the salad.

  • beef meat (tenderloin) – 200 gr.,
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • garlic – 2 cloves,
  • quail egg – 5 pcs.,
  • hard cheese – 100 gr.,
  • sauce (mayonnaise) – 200 gr.,
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

We wash the vegetables to remove dirt and boil them until soft. Then cool, peel and grind with a grater.

Boil the prepared piece of meat with the addition of salt and spices. Cut the cooled meat into small pieces.

Boil the eggs for about 5 minutes, cool, peel and cut into halves. Take out the yolks, knead them and mix with chopped garlic and sauce.

Fill the egg white halves with this mixture.

Now we form the salad, place a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the dish and lightly coat it with sauce.

Now add the meat and coat it as well.

Place the stuffed eggs over the meat layer.

Sprinkle the eggs and the entire salad generously with grated cheese.

Recipe 4: salad for the Red Star holiday with salmon

The men's holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 is just around the corner. Many women are faced with a choice of how or how to surprise their man. Today we will prepare a very tasty salad for February 23rd. Rest assured, your man will be satisfied.

  • rice - 150 gr
  • salmon – 600 gr
  • shrimp – 400 gr
  • cucumber - 2 pcs
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • cream cheese - 200 gr
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • olives - to taste
  • lettuce leaves - 6 pcs

Recipe 5: puff salad for my husband on February 23

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, a salad that resembles a man's broad shoulders. The salad turned out to be very interesting, although I think that everyone can add something of their own to it and even change the filling.

I specially made this salad in layers in order to give it an even more beautiful look.

In order to prepare such a themed salad with pomegranate for February 23, I needed the following ingredients:

  • potatoes (1 pc.)
  • pomegranate
  • green onions
  • chicken eggs (2 pcs.)
  • carrots (1 pc.)
  • sweet cheese (100 gr.)
  • peas (150 gr.)
  • mayonnaise
  • cucumber (1 pc.), for a richer taste, you can use pickled cucumbers.

So, at the first stage of preparation, I prepared all the necessary ingredients that were on my list.

Boiled the potatoes. I think that potatoes can be replaced with anything, since their role in this recipe is insignificant.

I cut the boiled potatoes into medium sized cubes. In the photo you can see that it was very boiled, but I did this on purpose so that the salad would be more tender.

I grated the cheese on a fine grater.

I prepared the peas.

Boiled the carrots and cut them into cubes. You can boil the carrots, but not all of them, as some of them will be used to decorate the salad.

I also boiled chicken eggs, then peeled them and put them through an egg slicer.

Finely chopped green onions. We don't need very much of it in this recipe.

At the next stage, I started the most interesting part.

As I wrote earlier, I laid the salad in layers, but it is best to arrange the layers as follows:

  • 1 layer - eggs
  • 2nd layer - carrots
  • 3rd layer - potatoes
  • 4th layer - polka dots
  • 5th layer - potatoes
  • 6th layer – cheese

Each layer, consisting of potatoes and eggs, needs to be slightly salted to taste.

You can choose absolutely any mold; even an ordinary container for sour cream will do, the main thing is that its walls are flat, without convexities or concavities.

The layers should be lubricated sparingly so that the salad does not fall apart when placing it on a plate.

Recipe 6: Knight's Shield salad with beans (with photo)

With a very important men's holiday coming up - February 23rd, it's worth arming yourself and being ready now. After all, our men, be they obnoxious boys, beloved boyfriends, strong husbands or dear fathers and grandfathers, or maybe just friends, like children, they love not only to eat delicious food, but also require more attention.

We’ll prepare an excellent dish, but I’ll say right away that it’s not for everyone, as it contains red beans. If your stronger sex does not like legumes, then choose any other salad and arrange it in the shape of a shield.

  • Boiled beef liver - 300 gr.;
  • Canned red beans - 1 can;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Rye crackers - 100 gr...

Cut the liver into cubes and mix with beans.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Then fry in vegetable oil. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.

Combine all the prepared products, pour in mayonnaise and mix well. Take an oval flat dish and lay out a shield shape around the perimeter, leaving space in the middle.

And put crackers in the center.

Hard-boil and peel the eggs in advance. Separate the whites from the yolks and grate them on a fine grater. Decorate our blank on top as shown below.

Wash the pepper and remove the core. Cut into strips and decorate the dish.

Recipe 7, step by step: potato shoulder straps salad

  • Potatoes 3 pieces
  • Meat 200 grams
  • Mushrooms 200 grams
  • Cheese 100 grams
  • Cucumbers 3 pieces

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool and peel. Boil the meat until done.

Grate the boiled potatoes on a coarse grater and place on a plate in the form of a shoulder strap. Grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Cut the boiled meat into small cubes and place on the potatoes. Grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Cut the mushrooms into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Cool. Place on meat. Grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and place on the mushrooms. Grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Grate the pickled cucumbers on a coarse grater and place on top and sides of the salad.

Decorate the salad with carrot stripes and cheese stars.

Recipe 8: military salad for February 23 (step by step)

Defender of the Fatherland Day is always celebrated with congratulations to all men. They are congratulated by former colleagues, and colleagues and friends do not ignore them. A festive dinner for February 23 awaits them at home. If the wife prepares such a dinner, then on this day her most important question is what to cook for her husband on February 23rd.

Naturally, any holiday menu begins with salads and appetizers. Original salads for February 23 will help set the table on this day. One of these salads is called “Epaulettes”.

The "Epaulettes" salad is quite simple; it does not require much effort, expensive ingredients or special skills. It takes about 40 - 50 minutes to prepare the products. It will take another half hour to cut and prepare the dish.

  • boiled potatoes - 5 pcs. (weighing 0.4 kg);
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs. (weighing 150 g);
  • cervelat - 0.3 kg;
  • a small jar of peas or half a large jar;
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g.

To decorate the top:

  • pickles;
  • cheese in slices;
  • a piece of carrot.

Boil the potatoes. Since February 23rd falls at the end of winter, it is better to cook potatoes peeled rather than in their skins.

Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and hard boil them.

Cut the cervelat into narrow strips.

Cool the potatoes and also cut them into pieces.

Peel the eggs, cut into slices.

Chop the cucumbers finely. It is advisable to use pickled cucumbers rather than pickled ones in this salad.

Open the can of peas and drain the liquid.

Place all products in a spacious bowl.

Add Mayo.

Mix the contents.

Place the salad on a plate. To decorate the top, cut one cucumber into slices and the rest into slices.

Cover the top of the salad with chopped cucumbers.

Shape the cheese slices into shoulder straps.

Peking duck in the oven at home

Ingredients: duck, honey, sherry, soy sauce, olive oil, ginger, black pepper, salt

Your guests will definitely like Peking duck - it is very tasty and beautiful. And it’s not difficult to prepare, especially with our recipe.
- 1.8 kg duck;
- 4 tbsp. honey;
- 50 g sherry;
- 4 tbsp. soy sauce;
- 1 tbsp. olive oil;
- 1 tbsp. ginger;
- 1 tsp. black pepper;
- coarse salt.


Juicy whole roasted duck in the oven

Ingredients: duckling, apple, sauce, syrup, dry wine, seasoning, salt, pepper, butter

I bake duck with apples several times a year. Previously, it didn’t always turn out juicy for me; more often than not, I dried it out. But this recipe has made my duck delicious for the past few years.


1-1.5 kilogram duck;
- 2-3 green apples;
- 15 ml. soy sauce;
- 25 ml. maple syrup;
- 200 ml. dry white wine;
- black pepper;
- Red pepper;
- thyme;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.


Braised pork ribs with potatoes

Ingredients: pork rib, potatoes, carrots, onion, pepper, salt, bay, paprika, garlic, water, oil

I don't know a single man who would refuse pork ribs. This is a truly masculine dish. I cook a very tasty, hearty dish for my beloved - stewed pork ribs with potatoes


- half a kilo of pork ribs,
- 400 grams of potatoes,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 1 sweet pepper,
- salt,
- pepper,
- paprika,
- dry garlic,
- 1 bay leaf,
- chilli,
- 2 glasses of water,
- 30 ml. vegetable oil.


Beef and pork jellied meat

Ingredients: beef, pork ribs, bay leaves, peppercorns, gelatin, salt, water

I suggest you prepare a very tasty jellied meat. Beef and pork go well together in this dish. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- beef - piece,
- pork ribs,
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.,

- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt,
- water.


Beef jellied meat

Ingredients: beef, water, peppercorns, gelatin, salt

Jellied meat is a very tasty and satisfying dish. There are a lot of jellied meat recipes and they are all incredibly tasty. Today I have prepared for you an excellent beef jellied recipe.


- beef - piece,
- water,
- black peppercorns - several pieces,
- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt.


Fast and tasty economy pizza on pita bread

Ingredients: lavash, tomato, salami sausage, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, salt

Pizza can be prepared in 10 minutes if you use ordinary thin pita bread as a base rather than a flatbread made from yeast dough. It will turn out just as tasty and beautiful, but preparing such a dish is much faster and easier.


2 pieces of thin pita bread;
- 1-2 pcs tomatoes;
- 200 grams of sausage (Salami type);
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. ketchup;
- salt.


Salad "Shishka" with almonds

Ingredients: chicken fillet, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise, almonds, salt, potatoes, pickled cucumbers

For your holiday table, be sure to prepare this very tasty and beautiful salad in the shape of a cone. Roasted almonds in this salad will give the salad a delicious taste.


- chicken fillet - 300 grams,
- potatoes - 3 pcs.,
- pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 3 pcs.,
- hard cheese - 150 grams,
- mayonnaise or sour cream - 150 grams,
- roasted almonds - 200 grams,
- salt.


Salad with herring - tastier "Herring under a fur coat"

Ingredients: beets, eggs, pickled mushrooms, herring, mayonnaise, dill

I would like to offer you a recipe for a new herring salad, which I like even more than herring under a fur coat. Be sure to try it.


- 2 beets,
- 1 carrot,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 herring,
- 150 grams of pickled mushrooms,
- 250 grams of mayonnaise,
- dill - sprig.


Salad "Gift"

Ingredients: potatoes, yolk, carrots, grapes, beets, green peas, chicken liver, mayonnaise

Puff salad "Gift" will undoubtedly become the main decoration at your holiday feast, no matter what holiday you celebrate. The ceremonial presentation of this delicious dish will definitely not go unnoticed by your guests!


- potatoes - 5 pcs.;
- 4 yolks (boiled);
- carrots - 2 pcs.;
- seedless grapes - 300 g;
- beets - 1 large;
- green peas - 100 gr.;
- chicken or beef liver - 300 g;
- a little mayonnaise.


Homemade carrots in Korean

Ingredients: Carrots, garlic, vegetable oil, 6% herbal vinegar, ground coriander, ground red hot pepper, ground black pepper, sugar, salt, parsley

Korean carrots are a cold vegetable appetizer with a spicy taste and a wonderful aroma of spices. This savory dish can be used both as an independent dish and as an ingredient for preparing delicious salads.

To prepare homemade Korean carrots you will need:

- 400 g carrots;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 50-60 ml vegetable oil;
- 1.5-2 tbsp. l. vinegar 6%;
- 2-3 tsp. ground coriander;
- 1/4 tsp. red hot ground pepper;
- a little ground black pepper;
- a pinch of sugar;
- a little salt;
- a few sprigs of parsley.


Snack "New Year's snowballs"

Ingredients: chicken egg, coconut flakes, crab sticks, processed cheese, salt, ground pepper, mayonnaise, garlic

Appetizers are the most popular dishes on any holiday table and beyond. Today we decided to invite you to make original “New Year’s snowballs” from crab sticks. The appetizer turned out very tasty and beautiful.

For the recipe you will need:
- two eggs;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of white coconut flakes;
- eight crab sticks;
- 100 g processed cheese;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- 60 g mayonnaise;
- a clove of garlic.


Stuffed eggs with cod liver

Ingredients: cod liver, eggs, mayonnaise, parsley, salt, ground pepper

One of the most delicious and original fillings for stuffed eggs is a delicate filling of cod liver with herbs and mayonnaise. We suggest preparing a delicious and elegant appetizer of stuffed eggs and serving it to the holiday table.

For the recipe you will need:

- eggs – 4 pcs;
- cod liver – 120g;
- mayonnaise – 2 teaspoons;
- parsley;
- ground pepper.


Pork tongue aspic

Ingredients: tongue, gelatin, bay leaf, salt, black pepper, mustard, vegetables, herbs, berries

A recipe for one of the most common holiday snacks - jellied tongue. For cooking, you can use pork or beef tongue; to decorate the dish, it is better to use fresh berries. A very tasty and beautiful holiday dish will delight your family and guests.

- pork (beef) tongue - 1 pc.,
- black pepper - 2 pinches,
- gelatin - one and a half teaspoons,
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
- mustard - 1 teaspoon,
- vegetables,
- greenery,
- berries for decoration,
- salt - 1 teaspoon.


Crab salad with corn and egg

Ingredients: eggs, cheese, corn, crab sticks, mayonnaise, red caviar

We suggest preparing a very tasty, bright and festive salad with crab sticks, corn and cheese, decorated with red caviar. Appetizing, beautiful and uncomplicated.

- 150 g crab sticks,
- 150 g dessert corn,
- 50 g red caviar,
- 100 g of hard cheese,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 100 g mayonnaise.


Salad "Pearl"

Ingredients: lightly salted salmon, orange, eggs, olives, mayonnaise, cheese, red caviar, lettuce

Salad on .
The original, beautifully decorated “Pearl” Salad will not go unnoticed by your guests. Our recipe with photos will help you prepare it. With caviar, fish and oranges, the dish turns out unusual, but very tasty.
You will need:
- 300 grams of lightly salted salmon;
- 1 large orange;
- 6 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. chopped olives;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- Red caviar;
- olives, lettuce and half an egg for decoration.


Shortbread cookies "Hearts"

Ingredients: wheat flour, butter, sour cream, chicken egg, powdered sugar, cinnamon, soda, red food coloring, lemon juice

How to express your feelings? And you will bake delicious and beautiful heart-shaped cookies. Mom, sister and friend will be happy with such a gift. It's not difficult to prepare.

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 g flour;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream;
- one chicken yolk;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar;
- cinnamon – half a teaspoon;
- soda - a pinch.

For the glaze:
- one chicken protein;
- 200 g of powdered sugar;
- red food coloring - 1 g;
- lemon juice – 4 g.