Easy cake drawings with pencils. Painted cakes

Let's assume that we have already prepared the cake. It has settled in the refrigerator and is now completely ready to be smoothed with cream. I use . Using a mixer at high speed, beat 170 g of butter (82.5% room temperature) with 150 g of powdered sugar until white. Next, I add curd cream cheese - 510 g, and beat at medium speed for 2-3 minutes. In this case, I add a little yellow and a little less blue dye (Americolor gel) to the cream. This amount of cream is enough for me to level a cake 20 cm in diameter and 9 cm in height.

Cover the cake with the resulting cream and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. You can put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Here, by the way, are my dyes.

We dilute titanium dioxide with water on a saucer. Just water, because if you use vodka, it evaporates quickly, and this is not entirely convenient: the dyes will dry out quickly!

With a thin brush we draw a horizon line and sketch out the birch trees.

We rinse the brush, mix blue and yellow dyes (which ones I showed, see above) and get this green-colored Christmas tree)

...add a little titanium dioxide, yellow and blue dyes to the diluted paint, alternating strokes.

If the cream on the cake has softened a little, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. The cake should always be well cooled, and the cream on it should be strong and dense!

Rinse the brush thoroughly. We draw birch trunks with white color.

Add a little blue to diluted titanium dioxide and use strokes to outline areas of the sky that will be visible from under the birch leaves.

Mix yellow, blue and white colors (yellow more than all the others!) and, holding the brush in the position as in the photo, paint the foreground (grass, clearing).

Mix blue and a drop of yellow dye, paint shadows with a medium brush on the left side of the trees.

Important! The closer to the subject, the deeper and darker the shadows, so you can add a little more blue dye and walk closer to the base of the birch tree trunks.

Add a little blue to the green and paint the background.

Remember that the closer you are to us, the more intense and darker the color.

Let's assume that the light falls from the right side, which means that these areas of the background (forest) should be lighter. To register them, we add a little titanium dioxide to our dark green color (don’t overdo it! As soon as the dyes begin to dry, the color becomes noticeably lighter!).

We begin to create foliage using dotted strokes. First in dark green. Do not dip the brush in water! She's semi-dry! We rinse the brush and do the same with yellow, add a little blue and white and apply strokes again.

Using a thin brush, paint the tree branches with white. Add a little black and blue to the white and draw horizontal strokes (this will be the bark), slightly shading them.

All children love delicious cakes! But what is there to hide, adults also love this truly magnificent work of culinary art! Cakes are usually bought or baked for birthdays, various holidays and events. They can be biscuit, shortbread, puff pastry. Typically, cakes are decorated with whipped cream, butter or protein cream, doused with icing, sprinkled with nuts and coconut flakes. Candied fruits, fruits, and jelly are added to them.

On our website we will teach you how to correctly and quickly draw a very beautiful elegant cake step by step with colored pencils or felt-tip pens and present such a drawing to the hero of any occasion in addition to a real sweet gift. We think that everyone will be pleased to receive such a drawing as a gift. It is advisable to use a ruler at some stages of drawing auxiliary lines. So, go ahead and get to work!

Stage 1. First, we outline auxiliary lines - one vertical straight line, and then on it at approximately equal distances we draw horizontal lines slightly curved downwards. There are five of them, and, as you can see, the top one is the shortest, and the bottom one is the longest. The middle three are about the same. Between the two bottom lines we outline the outlines of the plate on which the cake is placed using semi-oval curves.

Stage 2. Then we start drawing all the layers of our cake. We draw the first layer upward from the base, symmetrically arranging its parts relative to the middle vertical line. We decorate it with patterns - one row of rings.

Stage 3. On the upper right side of this layer, carefully draw a rose using an enlarged image.

Stage 4. Similarly, draw the next layer of the cake, going up and using auxiliary horizontal lines. We decorate this layer with two rows of rings.

Stage 5. On the second layer we draw the same rose as in stage 3, but only on the other side.

Stage 6. Drawing the next, third layer, we gradually rise to the top of our cake. It also has two rows of cream rings. It seems that what we want to draw in the end is already beginning to emerge before our eyes! Is not it?

Stage 7. We designate the last, fourth layer of our deliciousness. It is the smallest, located on the top of the cake. Don't forget about the cream rings!

Stage 8. We decorate the last layer of the cake with two roses. When drawing flowers, we also use an enlarged image. Moreover, note that we draw half a rose on the side, and on the top of the cake there is a double rose, more luxurious than on the lower layers. This is not surprising, because this rose is like crowning our birthday cake!

Stage 9. All that remains is to decorate our cake with colored pencils or paints. The layers of the cake can be made soft peach, pink, light green, roses red, yellow or crimson, leaves green. The color scheme depends entirely on your imagination. Look how beautiful the cake turned out! I really want to eat it!

Everyone knows that little girls love to draw and color. Unlike boys, who usually depict sports cars, fighting robots and immortal superheroes, girls prefer something more airy, graceful and pleasing to the eye. And then you can definitely color the drawing with rich, bright, saturated colors. Among my favorites are images of lush bouquets, Barbie dolls and, of course, all kinds of sweets. You can show your daughter how to draw a cake. He will definitely be a success!

After all, this miracle of confectionery art, decorated with cherries, roses and cream, can be decorated for a long time, with pleasure and in the most favorite “girly” colors - raspberry, light green, pink, purple... And what mother doesn’t want to get an extra half hour of such precious silence and make something useful while your daughter is busy coloring a picture? Today we’ll talk about how to draw a cake. Let's try to depict two types of biscuit treats - a cake with berries and a birthday cake.

Let's start creating

So, how to draw a cake with a pencil... First, in the center of the album sheet, draw the base of the dessert - an ellipse of the required size. From both sides of the ellipse, draw a vertical line up. Then connect their edges with two arcs. The cake base is ready!

Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the base of the ellipse, draw a curved line - this way we will draw a layer. Then you need to draw decorations, such as fruits, on the top of the cake. Any you like - grapes, raspberries, cherries, currants. Let's say the cake is strawberry.

Then draw a few berries on the top, maybe whole ones, or maybe cut into sections. Draw syrup that drips deliciously onto the sides of the cake. Use an eraser to erase all unnecessary lines, and draw the main ones thicker with a pencil. You can “add” raisins or nuts to the cakes. The dessert is ready to be decorated!

Another variant

Now let's try to learn how to draw a birthday cake. Of course, it should be more luxurious than the first one - after all, this is a delicacy for a birthday! Definitely in two or even three tiers and always with candles! Perhaps it would be better to first see how to draw a cake step by step.

Use a pencil to mark an ellipse, two vertical lines and two arcs - the base is exactly the same as for the previous cake. On top, draw another similar figure, only a little smaller, and on it - another, the smallest one. These will be three tiers. Now use an eraser to erase the unnecessary lines so that the dessert stops “seeing through.” On each of the tiers in the upper part, draw cream with a wavy line in the form of lace. Draw cherries along the perimeter of the bottom of each layer.

Next, draw a cream layer with double arcs - again on each tier. Now take hold of the candles. Let's assume the birthday boy is twelve years old. Then, on the bottom tier, draw six candles located at equal distances from each other, on the middle tier - five, and on the top - one candle in the very center. “Light” the candles by drawing a flame coming from a thin wick stick to the top of each of them. At the very bottom, at the base of the first tier, draw a decoration - circles of cream.

Finishing touches

Make the sides slightly curved so that the cake does not resemble a geometric figure drawn under a ruler. Sprinkle each biscuit layer with grated chocolate, making random dots with a pencil. Use an eraser to erase the extra lines, draw the main lines harder, and the holiday treat is ready!


Congratulations! You have become a real pastry chef and now you know first-hand how to draw a cake of any degree of complexity!

Today's lesson is dedicated to those with a sweet tooth. I'll tell you with a pencil: delicious, sweet, beautiful, tender. It would be much more pleasant to eat it, but since our site is about drawing and not about food, we will draw. In the future, maybe I’ll write another lesson about tasty things, but I haven’t thought of a topic yet. If you have any suggestions on this matter, I would be glad see the answers in the comments.

How to draw a cake:

Step one. We draw a cross, it will serve as a support for us in the future. Step two. On the very top part of the vertical line we will place three cute berries: a large smiling one in the middle and small ones at the edges. They will decorate the top of the head. Step three. Along the horizontal line we will draw more strawberries that will decorate the bottom tier of the cake. Draw a thick line behind the berries along the auxiliary contour - this is the base of the upper tier. And up to a large berry we will smoothly continue the line on both sides. Step four. From the outermost berries on both sides of the cake we draw smooth curved lines down, which smoothly turn into a wave or lace of cream. I wonder what kind of cream it is: whipped cream, custard or with condensed milk? Which one is yours? Step five. We draw a horizontal line, continue it slightly upward to the cream and we get the base of our delicacy. Step six. Erase the auxiliary lines using an eraser and trace the outline with a soft pencil. Now you can make the cake colorful. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make it edible, but you can make it appetizing. Color at your own discretion or as shown in the very first picture. OK it's all over Now. Now you know how to draw a cake with a pencil. Good luck! =) And don't miss the next one

If you want to make an incredible birthday gift for a friend, make a card with a picture of a cake on the cover. Everyone loves cakes and almost everyone loves receiving greeting cards. Drawing a birthday cake on a card is the right idea! In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a traditional round cake. You can imagine it will be a white cake, a yellow cake, or a dark chocolate cake because we will only be painting the outside. Believe me, the result can be wonderful.

If you are really planning to make a birthday card. Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half along the long side. The postcard usually opens to the left.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

1. To start drawing, we must know how to draw an oval. One way to draw an oval is to start with a plus sign on the page. Make one direction bigger than the other. This will set the outermost points of the oval, which will give perspective to the cake. (Let's try to get the 3D format).

2. Using the plus as a start, make an oval. You can erase the options you don't like and try again. Drawing three-dimensional perspective is difficult; rely on an oval shape.

3. Now that you have installed the top lid of the cake, make 3 lines down from the oval to find where the bottom edge of the cake will be. The lines should be approximately equal in length.

4. Use a semi-oval line to complete the sketch of the bottom of the pie. Try copying the curve from the top.

5. Now all that remains is to decorate the cake and personalize it. Add some guide lines on the top of the cake to write the message "Happy Birthday!" You can add a name below the words of congratulations.

6. Add celebratory ones to mark the number of years of the birthday person. If you need to add a lot of candles, you might consider using 3D and adding a number on the top of the cake. For example, you could make a large candle with the number 25 and a flame above each number. If you are making a card for a mom who is over 25, you can put 25 on the cake and simply add the words “you are always young to us” under the numbers. Trust me, it will work!

7. All that's left to do is finish decorating the birthday cake and trace it with a marker or pencil. You can create a flowing frosting effect by drawing small curves along the edges of the cake. You can decorate the resulting cake with any colors.