Cooking lavash at home. Thin pita bread in a frying pan

Caucasian cuisine always attracts increased attention. Fragrant spices, delicious kebab, delicious desserts. Many of these dishes are quite simple to prepare, and even a less experienced housewife can handle them. A special place in the national cuisine is occupied by the preparation of bread and flatbreads.

Lavash is a tasty and healthy dish, on the basis of which you can prepare not only delicious snacks, but also cakes. This flatbread can also be eaten on its own. We will tell you how to cook thin pita bread at home in a frying pan. We’ll also share some culinary tricks.

Lavash: calorie content, composition

Many housewives love to bake their own bread and bakery products. But before we talk about how to cook pita bread at home in a frying pan, let's find out its calorie content, as well as the beneficial properties of this type of bread. Why is lavash with herbs, and not only, recommended for consumption even by nutritionists? After all, its calorie content is 275 kcal, while only 213 kcal.

It's all about the composition, which does not include yeast, and the percentage of fat is minimal. You can eat the flatbread without any fear of gaining weight. Lavash also contains a large amount of vitamins and lactic acid bacteria, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

About the benefits

Lavash cooked at home in a frying pan has a number of beneficial properties. We invite you to get to know them:

  • It can easily be included in the diet menu.
  • Daily consumption of pita bread with herbs or vegetables improves immunity.
  • It contains a large amount of fiber, which should be consumed by anyone who wants to lose weight.
  • Lavash improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Regulates carbohydrate balance in the human body.
  • It can be eaten instead of bread.
  • Very quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger.
  • If the cakes are dried, they can be stored for quite a long time.

Required Ingredients

To cook pita bread at home in a frying pan, you don’t need a lot of ingredients. All we need:

  • water;
  • Wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • egg.

As you can see for yourself, the products are the simplest. Every housewife has them in her arsenal. Therefore, it will not be difficult to cook pita bread in a frying pan. The recipe will be written below.

Simple pita bread in a frying pan: subtleties of preparation

It is very difficult to determine exactly when a person first began to eat this flatbread. It is used as food in many countries and baked in special ovens using certain technologies. Let's find out how you can prepare this flatbread in an ordinary apartment. We offer several popular recipes:

Lavash in a frying pan. The recipe is quite simple and won’t cause much trouble. We have already talked about the products that are necessary for this. Let's move directly to the recipe itself. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Break one egg into a cup or pan and stir it thoroughly.
  • Add a glass of water and a pinch of salt. There may be more, be guided by your own taste preferences.
  • Take the flour and sift it through a sieve. Exactly how much will be needed? Two or three glasses.
  • Gradually add flour to water and stir everything well.
  • Next, knead the dough on the board. To prevent sticking, sprinkle your work surface with a little flour.
  • When the dough is well kneaded, cover it with a plastic bag or cling film. It can be left for about an hour. There is no need to put it in the refrigerator.
  • The dough is ready. What do we do next? Cut small pieces from the dough and roll out thin, round cakes.
  • Take a frying pan. Attention: no need to pour oil. Fry the tortillas on both sides over medium heat.
  • Ready-made pita breads can be sprinkled with water and covered with a towel.

Lavash with greens It won't be difficult to cook either. The technology will be almost the same as in the previous recipe. But, nevertheless, there are still certain subtleties. We'll tell you about them next:

  • You can use any greens that you like: parsley, green onions, dill, cilantro, etc. They need to be washed well and finely chopped.
  • Sprinkle the finished flatbreads with herbs and roll them up.
  • Pre-lavash should be coated with a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise. You can also use butter.
  • If you use spinach, you don't have to grease the tortillas. They will be juicy enough anyway.
  • Can be prepared with cheese and herbs. Place the grated cheese and chopped herbs on the pita bread, roll it up so that the filling does not spill out. Pour a small amount of sunflower oil into a frying pan and lightly fry the resulting rolls. This wonderful appetizer will appeal not only to your family, but also to unexpected guests.

What other foods go well with pita bread? The list can be very large: unsweetened and sweet cottage cheese; any jam or fresh berries with sugar; various types of cheeses; ham; boiled and smoked chicken; tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as other vegetables; any type of minced meat; fish fillet, etc.

Cooking secrets

To prepare delicious and aromatic pita bread, you need to know some subtleties. We invite you to get to know them:

  • For cooking, it is advisable to use only the highest grade flour. Be sure to sift it before using, the pita bread will be more tender.
  • The dough must be rolled out very carefully so that the cake turns out thin.
  • If the pita bread begins to crack, moisten it with water. You can use a damp cloth for this.
  • When preparing baked goods, baking powder is added to the flour; this is not required for lavash.
  • You can add poppy seeds and sesame seeds to the dough, this will only improve its taste.
  • Stores sometimes offer customers frozen pita bread, but it is best to buy freshly prepared or bake it yourself.


Lavash cooked at home in a frying pan does not require much time, you could see this for yourself. Its excellent taste and benefits deserve this flatbread to appear in our homes more often. You can eat it alone or come up with different toppings.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Store-bought bread, pita bread and other baked goods can never compare with the homemade version. In addition to the main advantages - quality and taste, there are many others, for example, the price of homemade baked goods is several times lower. Today we will tell you how surprisingly simple and quickly you can prepare homemade pita bread for lunch. This pita bread can also be filled with all kinds of salads, vegetables, meats, cheeses, you can make... If you have never baked lavash or bread in your life, don’t let even a drop of doubt overcome you, you will succeed one hundred percent, since the process is easy, and even a novice cook can handle it. Well, our recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to prepare homemade pita bread without yeast in a frying pan.

Flour – 180-185 g,
- water – 100 ml,
- salt - a pinch,
- sunflower/olive oil – 2.5 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We prepare kitchen scales, measure out exactly 180 grams of wheat flour into them, and take 5 grams in reserve. We also need the finest sieve and a deep bowl - sift the flour through the sieve, saturate it with oxygen and remove unnecessary lumps that we may encounter, it is better to do this twice.

Throw a small pinch of salt into the sifted flour, also pour in a little oil, olive oil or regular sunflower oil will do. Mix lightly. At the same time, put a kettle of clean filtered water on the stove and boil.

We measure out exactly one hundred grams of boiling water, pour it into a bowl of flour, and start stirring with a spoon so as not to burn your palms. After 7-10 seconds, the base will cool down a little, you can continue kneading with your hands. We knead the dough as usual, pushing it away from us with the back of our hand.

After about a few minutes, we have excellent dough - smooth, elastic, and not sticky to our hands at all.

Place the lump of dough in a bowl, cover with film or a clean plastic bag, set aside for half an hour, and give it time to rest. While the dough is resting, you can come up with any filling and quickly prepare it.

After half an hour, remove the bag and divide the ball of dough into parts.

We take a rolling pin, roll out each piece into a thin layer, the dough is very pleasant, it doesn’t even require additional flour when rolling. At the same time as rolling, place a dry, clean frying pan on the stove and heat it up.

Place the pita breads one by one in a hot frying pan, fry on both sides for 15-20 seconds.

Spray the finished pita breads directly from the frying pan with clean water from a spray bottle, or cover the pita breads with a towel soaked in cool water.

Ready-made homemade pita bread is elastic and easy to roll.

Serve with various toppings and sauces.

Enjoy your meal!

Somehow it happened that these national Caucasian flatbreads are tightly woven into our gourmet history, and without them sometimes it’s like being without hands. They have a lot of applications in culinary matters, and therefore it would be a good idea to study the recipe with detailed photos on how to prepare Armenian lavash at home. In general, the culinary task set for today is very easy, because baking unleavened flatbreads requires a minimum of the simplest and most affordable ingredients.

The dough for Armenian lavash is made in the same way as the composition for thick Georgian lavash in the tandoor - with flour, salt and water.

But rolling out the flatbread and baking it is a real art. Traditional stretching of the dough is done by hand by throwing the dough from side to side in a circle and then stretching the thinnest layer on a special pillow.

In the video demonstrating how Armenian lavash is prepared and baked, such skill looks simply fantastic. Naturally, it will not be possible to repeat such an attraction at home with your own hands without skill and training, and there is simply nowhere to make such a huge pita bread at home, so we will limit ourselves to small thin flatbreads.

Armenian lavash without yeast in the oven


  • — 450 g + -
  • — 130 ml + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -

How to cook Armenian lavash in the oven

The classic recipe for thin Armenian lavash does not include yeast, soda, or fermented milk base, so we will adhere to the same principle at home, using only the necessary ingredients and original kneading technology. Only in this way will we be able to prepare the base for shawarma correctly. It is worth noting that pita bread turns out dry in the oven, so our cooking will have an additional step - softening the flatbread.

  1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve, and cool the water for the recipe in the refrigerator, after which we pour the liquid into the basin and begin to gradually introduce the flour in portions, stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula.
  2. As soon as the dough becomes very thick, take it out onto the table and knead by hand until elastic. Now cover the dough with film and leave for 20 minutes so that the gluten is released and the dough structure becomes soft and pliable.
  3. After a third of an hour, sprinkle more flour on the table (from what is left) and knead the dough again, and then again wrap it in film for another 20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, we make the final knead by again sprinkling the table with flour and dividing the dough into equal pieces the size of a tennis ball.
  5. Roll out one piece to a very thin layer the size of a baking sheet, keep the rest of the dough balls under a napkin so as not to dry out.
  6. Place the rolled out flatbread in the oven, preheated to 200°C for a few minutes. You need to make sure that the pita bread does not burn. And we determine its readiness by baking the convex parts of the cake.
  7. Take the finished pita bread out of the oven, brush it with water on both sides and cover it with a towel to make it soft.

In this way we bake all the pita breads, moisten them and stack them. As soon as the cakes are no longer fragile, fold them and put them in a plastic bag, where they will finally take on a flexible and pliable structure.

Thin Armenian lavash: recipe in a frying pan

The resourcefulness of some culinary enthusiasts is sometimes amazing in its simplicity and effectiveness. Lacking a traditional oven, Armenian bakers often make lavash at home on thick-walled, large-diameter metal pipes, maintaining a hot fire inside a newly-minted cylindrical oven.

Alternatively, you can try this method at the dacha, but for now let’s practice making pita bread in ordinary homemade frying pans, using the original recipe for super elastic dough in boiling water.


  • High-grade wheat flour – 650-700 g;
  • Cool boiling water – 250 ml;
  • Rock salt – ½ tsp;

How to bake Armenian lavash in a frying pan

  1. Mix the sifted flour with salt and make a hole in the middle of the flour mound, into which we pour freshly boiled water.
  2. Immediately vigorously mix the flour with water with a spoon, and as the dough becomes tight and cools slightly, we continue to knead the delicate and very plastic mass with our own hands.
  3. The dough in boiling water is simply amazingly stretchy, and it can be rolled out even to transparency, but let’s not overdo it and will stop at a layer 2 mm thick and with the diameter of the frying pan in which we plan to bake the flatbread.
  4. Pita bread should be baked on both sides at medium temperature for literally 2 minutes on each side. We moisten the finished pita breads by sprinkling with water or covering with a damp towel.

It can take a long time to learn how to prepare Armenian lavash in the traditional way, but it’s easier and faster to master the methods of baking these flatbreads at home in an oven or frying pan, and enjoy fresh, aromatic bread at any time.

Thin Armenian lavash has long entered Russian cuisine, where today it occupies an important place. However, not many housewives know that they can cook it themselves. It is not only cheaper, but also tastier and healthier. So, let's begin!
Recipe contents:

Thin Armenian lavash is the most popular product of oriental cuisine. It's the basis of countless meals and snacks. Of course, you can buy it, but for many lovers of this bread it will be a discovery that you can cook it yourself. Because what is sold in supermarkets often does not live up to the expectations: the product crumbles, breaks, becomes moldy, or simply falls apart. That is why I suggest baking Armenian lavash yourself at home. And my guide with a step-by-step photo recipe will help you.

With this recipe for making lavash, you can always provide yourself with the necessary amount of lavash. After all, you can make it for future use, freeze it and store it in the freezer. This kind of pita bread is used instead of bread, for rolls, for shawarma, lasagna, pies and many other snacks. In general, its use can be the same as that of a purchased product. The dough for it is mixed with ordinary water, as in my recipe, but it can be made with kefir, and even using yeast. Bake the flatbread in a hot non-stick frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 236 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Drinking hot water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch

Making thin Armenian lavash

1. Pour flour into a bowl for kneading dough. Add salt and stir.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the flour.

3. Then add hot drinking water.

4. Start kneading the dough. This must be done by hand. At first you may think that the dough is very stiff and not enough water has been added. But do not add additional water, continue kneading the dough.

5. After 5 minutes you will have an elastic “bun” dough.

6. Wrap it in plastic wrap and set aside to rest for 30 minutes. During this time, while the dough sits, it will become elastic and easier to roll out.

7. Then remove the dough from the packaging and divide into four parts.

8. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a thin layer about 2-3 mm thick.

9. Hang the sheets on the glass so that it does not shrink, but rather causes the edges to sag. Meanwhile, work on the remaining pieces.

10. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat it up. Do not lubricate it with oil. Then add a sheet of pita bread and fry over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side. When you see the dough puffing up with bubbles on the surface, turn it over to the other side. The most important thing is to choose the right temperature, otherwise on too high heat the cakes will burn instantly, on low heat there will be no bubbles. Therefore, if the first cake does not turn out very beautiful, do not be discouraged. After all, the first pancake is always “lumpy”.

It differs both in taste and appearance from its thinner Armenian counterpart. Georgian lavash - we are, of course, talking about it! This national dish is a kind of calling card of the Caucasus. Skillfully prepared, Georgian lavash turns out fluffy and thick, with a crispy crust and aromatic crumb. Shall we try?

How to cook according to the rules?

Proper Georgian lavash is baked in an oven called “tone”. This special oven consists of a huge clay pot, lined with bricks and positioned obliquely at an angle of approximately thirty degrees. Tone is usually melted with sawdust. During the cooking process, the fire is constantly maintained. Lavash made from dough is placed (stuck) to the back wall of the oven and baked for about ten minutes. To get a crispy crust, you need to constantly sprinkle the prepared pita bread with water. Real Georgian lavash is simply delicious! It is customary to eat it freshly prepared with cheese, milk, herbs, and wine. To prevent the bread from weathering, wrap it in a towel - this way it lasts longer. Georgian-style lavash can also be used as a base for other dishes. For example, baked with meat or cheese filling - it will be even tastier! By the way, some Georgians consider the word “lavash” itself to be Armenian and prefer to call the national flatbread “puri” (tonis puri), which means “bread” in Georgian.

Homemade Georgian lavash

Of course, it is best to build a tane oven for food in the courtyard of a private house. But if you live in a high-rise building, don’t worry: good bread can be made both in the oven and in an electric mini-bakery. You just need to knead the dough correctly and select the temperature and baking mode.

Georgian lavash: recipe

In order to knead the dough, take half a kilogram of flour, about half a glass of water, 30 grams of fresh yeast, salt, sugar.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a little flour and sugar, let it sit until it rises. mix it with salt and yeast. Knead a homogeneous dough (like for pies). Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave to rise for half an hour. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour. Roll out the dough into characteristic shapes, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until cooked. Sprinkle the hot pita bread with water and wrap it in a towel so that it sweats a little and becomes soft.

With cornmeal

How to cook Georgian lavash with and egg? We will need: a kilogram of wheat flour, five large spoons of corn flour, 80 grams of yeast, two small spoons of salt, one egg, vegetable oil.

We start preparing Georgian lavash (the recipe is in front of you) by sifting the flour and mixing it with salt. Next, dissolve the yeast in half a liter of warm water and let it sit for a while. Combine yeast and flour. Knead soft dough. Place it in a warm place for half an hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven thoroughly and grease the baking sheets with oil. We form the cakes, lightly rolling them in corn flour, flatten them to the required size (they turn out oblong and quite thick). Beat the egg with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and sugar. Grease the pita bread with the resulting mixture. Place on a baking sheet in the oven. The cakes are baked for 15-20 minutes at the very top in the oven until cooked. Sprinkle the pita bread with water several times during cooking. This will make the crust crispy but not hard.

Ancient recipe

How to cook Georgian lavash (recipe without yeast)? Ancient Georgian flatbreads were prepared, of course, without the use of this product. Same as without eggs. They used the so-called old dough as leaven, which remained from previous batches and soured. This is what the bakers added to the new, freshly prepared one. So, nothing but flour, salt and water! All the piquancy lies in the method of cooking in a special oven, tane (or tone).


This type of Georgian lavash is an oblong flatbread of a ruddy, golden hue. On one side the cake is round and thick. On the other hand, it is thin and pointed. When preparing the dough, no yeast is used: only flour, salt and water. This type of pita bread bakes very quickly (three to four minutes). Madauri variants are found in various areas of Georgia. You can use eggs and vegetable oil. The flatbread is eaten with butter, sour cream, herbs, and cheese.


This word can be translated literally: “curd bread.” There is no uniformity in the preparation of this dish. Megrelian - round, covered with top Adjarian - boat-shaped, filled with egg on top. Rachinsky - with beans. The classic filling is Imeretian cheese. The dough is used prepared with matsoni or kefir (where yeast is replaced with a lactic acid product). Khachapuri is fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven.


To prepare it you will need: 300 grams of flour, a glass of water, 10 grams of fresh yeast, a spoonful of honey (or molasses), salt, olive oil.

Dissolve the molasses with yeast in warm water. Add two large spoons of flour and set aside in a warm place for 15 minutes. Combine flour with salt and mix with molasses and yeast. Set aside again for 10 minutes. Knead the dough with olive oil. When the dough has approximately doubled in volume, form small loaves by rolling them in the air and pulling out the edges. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with water and let stand until volume increases. Bake in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes. Before eating, lightly sprinkle the pita bread with flour. You can eat milk and butter instead of regular milk.

Try making this delicious Georgian bread with or without filling according to one of the above recipes - and you will surely remain a fan of Caucasian cuisine forever! Bon appetit everyone!