Where can I use corn starch. Corn Starch - Health, Energy and Beauty Source

What is the corn starch, chemical composition and beneficial properties. Possible harm when using. As they prepare, in which dishes it is added. Interesting facts about starch from corn.

The content of the article:

Corn starch is a substance that is synthesized in the grains of the plant during photosynthesis. After processing corn grains, a white powder with a yellowish chip is obtained. To the touch, it looks like a small flour, pleasantly rolled in his hands. The taste is not felt, the aroma is lightweight, "corn". Rights rapidly in size when the water is compounded, forming an opaque solution. It is widely used in the food industry as a thickener and in rare cases replaces potato starch in the manufacture of drugs. Creased is determined by the content of the ash substance, purity and acidity. Mix 3 varieties: the highest, first and amylo-pectin. The latter is made of wax corn.

Composition and calorie content of corn starch

The nutritional value of dishes with a thickener of the cereal is lower than with a product made of potatoes, so it is more often introduced into a diet for weight loss.

Calorie Corn Starch - 381 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.26 g;
  • Fats - 0.05 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 91.27 g;
  • Food fibers - 0.9 g;
  • Water - 8.32 g;
  • Ash - 0.09
From vitamins in the composition of corn starch, there is choline - 0.4 mg per 100 g.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium, k - 3 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 2 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 3 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 9 mg;
  • Phosphorus, p - 13 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, FE - 0.47 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.053 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 50 μg;
  • Selenium, SE - 2.8 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.06 mg.
An indispensable amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.012 g;
  • Valin - 0.014 g;
  • GISTIDIN - 0.008 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.01 g;
  • Leucine - 0.036 g;
  • Lysine - 0.006 g;
  • Methionine - 0.006 g;
  • Treonine - 0.009 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.001 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0,013
Replaceable amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.019 g;
  • Asparagic acid - 0.02 g;
  • Glycine - 0.009 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.053 g;
  • Proline - 0.024 g;
  • Serine - 0.012 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.01 g;
  • Cysteine \u200b\u200b- 0,006
Fatty acids are represented by Omega-6 - 0.025 g per 100 g.

Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Palmitic - 0.009 g;
  • Stearinovaya - 0,001
From mono-insecured fatty acids in cornstorming, it contains oleic (0.016 g), from polyunsaturated - linoleous (0.025 g).

The benefits and harm of the corn starch is determined by the content of nutrients:

SubstanceBenefitHarm in excess
CholineImproves brain activityReduces blood pressure and causes nausea
PhosphorusStimulates the growth of bones and distributes energy in the bodyIncreases bone fragility, violates metabolic processes
SodiumHelps to avoid dehydrationStrengthens the burden on the kidneys and reduces blood flow speed
CopperStimulates the generation of hemoglobin, has an anti-inflammatory effectIncreases sweating
Omega 6.Increases blood clottingIncreases the risk of arthritis

Moderate consumption of corn starch is absolutely safe, even if you purchased packaging with the inscription "Modified". This does not mean that the source product is gennomified. Marking on the package Indicates special properties: no odor, color change or special production technology.

Useful properties of corn starch

When drawing up a daytime menu for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, preference should be given to corn starch dishes, since it contains less carbohydrates than similar products.

The benefits of corn starch:

  1. Increases the body's protective forces and warns the hystamine emission, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Stimulates the operation of the gallbladder and reduces cholesterol levels.
  3. Restores the structure of nerve cells, soothes, normalizes the emotional state.
  4. Stabilizes the work of the kidneys and warns the development of edema, helps to clean the kidneys from salt sediments and councils.
  5. It has an antioxidant effect, reduces cholesterol levels and increase blood coagulation.
  6. Eliminates vessels spasms, stimulates the production of hemoglobin, helps to warn the ischemic disease, the development of strokes and infarction.
  7. With a peptic disease, a solution with a gelasting product will help to stop the formation of ulcers and erosions, forming a film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  8. Starch dishes stimulate an increase in appetite.
  9. Normalizes blood sugar levels with diabetes mellitus.
  10. During pregnancy, the first trimester eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis.
  11. Starch grafts accelerate the healing of burns and purulent wounds, boils, and the effects of acne, have a cleansing effect.
If corn starch is added to the pasting, it does not take full assimilation, and therefore the fat layer is not formed. Even with a strict diet, you can pamper yourself with this ingredient 1-2 times in 10 days.

When lactation is useful to introduce a dish with corn starch 2-3 times a week as soon as the baby will be 3 months. It stabilizes the production of breast milk and helps to fill it with nutrients.

Contraindications and harm of corn starch

With individual intolerance to corn from starch will have to refuse.

Harm corn starch can apply:

  • In diseases of the digestive tract in acute form, regardless of the symptoms, since the rate of peristaltics changes;
  • At high temperatures - slows down the exchange processes;
  • With thrombophlebitis - increases blood coagulation;
  • With pronounced obesity.
However, if you have extra weight, you should generally abandon baking and dishes with an increased carbohydrate content.

How to cook corn starch

Cooking corn thickener is a complex technological process.

Brief description of the production of corn starch:

  1. At first, the grains are soaked and only after that finish, and then washed thoroughly. Before the grinding is cleaned twice.
  2. Soaking is carried out in Chans with countercurrent. To accelerate fermentation to the container, sulfur dioxide is added. This stage takes up to 50 hours, grains increase by 2-3 times.
  3. The evaporation is carried out in a special multi-stage installation.
  4. The embryos of grains are isolated in microcyclones. Then rinsed repeatedly.
  5. Purified and dehydrated embryos are fed into the drying unit with steam pipes, where they dry during constant rotation. Permissive residual humidity is 4%.
  6. Then the raw material is fed to a special milling type mill or crusher, where it is removed gluten and endosperm.
  7. Only then the dehydrated fiber successes.
  8. The separation of gluten and starch is carried out in the separator.
In special installations, starch is cleaned, dehydrated and dried to complete readiness. After re-cleaning, the finished product can be packaged.

Important! When grinding and missing grains at home, it is possible to obtain corn flour of fine grinding with a high content of starch, but the gelling properties will be low.

Recipes dishes with corn starch

The thickener made from corn cobs makes sense to use low-calorie dishes in the "light" low-calorie dishes with a delicate structure: biscuits, creams and drinks, for example, when cooking guy or liquid jackets from juices.

Recipes with corn starch delicious dishes:

  • Crystal dumplings. They mix the starch of two species - 180 g of wheat and 60 g of corn, poured 350 ml of boiling water with a thin flowing and add a teaspoon of melted swine bass. We mix the dough, they are saturated, wrapped in the food film and removed into the refrigerator. The root of ginger, 50 g, rubbed on the grater, mixed with a handful of Sichuan pepper, add boiling water and retain it. Passed through a meat grinder 100 g of pork and 200 g of shrimp. 150 g of shrimp is cut into pieces and interfere in the finished mince. Satisfy. Also in it is poured on a teaspoon of sherry and sesame oil, low green onions are added, a little sugar. Before a homogeneous state, it is adjusted by the liquid in which ginger with pepper insisted. The dough is rolling, pumps dumplings - it is better to choose the shape of mantle or converters. On the bottom of the steamer laying layer of carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bby pieces, top of dumplings. Preparation - 5-7 minutes. Served with soy sauce.
  • . Machine 100 g Manka in the same amount of milk so that it swells. Cottage cheese 5% fat, 700 g, wipe through a sieve. They knead out of the Manka with milk and cottage cheese of the dough, interfere with 4 yolks, 3 tablespoons of starch, 150 g of sugar, condensed milk, satisfy. In order for the dough to be homogeneous structure, they add sour cream and everyone is thoroughly whipped. For taste you can pour vanillin or cinnamon, add any bone berries. The form is generously lubricated with butter, pour the dough, bake about 40-45 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  • Corn Starch Cheese. This recipe recommends that the famous dietist Duan. A pack of cottage cheese is smeared for a fork, puff eggs, on a tablespoon of dry milk, corn starch, cocoa, sugar substitute and teaspoon of a baking powder. Form cheese and roasted on both sides in a pan, on sunflower oil.
  • Pancakes on corn starch. The currency is whipped 2 eggs, adding sugar, 2 tablespoons, half a teaspoon of salt. Then the milk is poured fine, and only then a glass of corn starch is suited in small portions. If you start with starch - lumps will appear. If a non-stick frying pan is poured into the dough at the very end of 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. The usual frying pan is 2 tablespoons of melted butter, and then fried on sunflower.
  • Gluratic Pie. We mix the dough: 80 g of butter oil are peathed with sugar powder, 90 g, drive 3 yolks and milk, a tablespoon. A flour is spook in the dishes - 100 g rice, 60 g corn, baking powder - half a teaspoon, salt. Baked biscuit in a shaped parchment form, at a temperature of 160 ° C. After 15 minutes, the cake takes and pushing the middle. Mix filling. Bubble 1 yolk with 3 tablespoons of sugar, snapped corn starch - 60-70 g, pour a glass of yogurt and 20 ml of vegetable oil. Everything is well mixed, you can use a blender. Separately interrupt in foam 2 protein with 2 tablespoons of sugar, neatly lay out in the filling with spoons and the bottom is stirred. Stuffing poured on the cake and serve. 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 ° C and as much time dried at 140 ° C. Before feeding, you can decorate any berries or fruits, pour chocolate.

Corn Starch Drink Recipes

Kissels from corn starch are obtained opaque, so it is better to cook them with milk.

Consider the most popular recipes:

  1. Lactic. Milk, 0.5 l, poured into a saucepan so that it is heated to room temperature. 4 tablespoons of starch are suited and stirred until it is dissolved. Another 0.5 l of milk is heated to a boil and poured the starch solution with a thin flowing, constantly stirring. Sugar and vanilla add to taste, they do not stop bothering so that the milk "does not convince". After 5-7 minutes, removed from the fire and spill. In each portion are investing 2 mint leaves.
  2. Pumpkin. Interrupted in a puree blender or grind in the meat grinder 200 g pumpkins. Milk, 750 ml, divide in half. In one half of the cool drink, 2 tablespoons of starch are dissolved, and the second heat heat on fire to a boil. The cold part is poured into the cold part in the hot, lay the pumpkin puree and add sugar to taste. Cook 75-7 minutes. Served warm.
  3. Chocolate. To get a rich taste, take 1 l of milk and black chocolate tiles. Starch, 3 Tolstow spoons are dissolved according to the already described scheme. In boiling milk, grated chocolate is spook and stirred until it melts. The starch solution is poured and stirring. After 7 minutes, turn off and spill. Served cooled.

Interesting facts about corn starch

It can be wondering, but the bulk of the corn starch is not used in the food, but in the textile and paper industry. The property is widely used under pressure in a thick paste, retaining an elastic structure with minor temperature differences.

This paste is treated with cloth to increase strength. The threads are not only intertwined, but also glued together, which increases the margin of safety. From such fabrics, specialists are made for workers' hot shops, loaders, miners and builders. To make 1 million tissue meters, 120-250 tons of starch are required.

To increase elasticity in starch, thermoactive resins and thermoplastic are added. The resulting adhesive (substance that enhances the surface clutch) can be administered to materials for building fillers, plastic and adhesive adhesiveness. Adhesive increases the strength of cardboard and drywall - 60% of the corn starch goes to the manufacture of paper.

In the food industry, corn starch is used to thicken the milk chocolate, giving the desired "crustility" to the waffle cups, for the manufacture of canned food and stews. The manufacturers of sports nutrition also prefer the product from corn.

The dispute about the dangers and benefits of corn starch nutritionists and folk healers are still leading. For example, naturopaths believe that it is not necessary to introduce it into the diet, it only litters the body. But to fully ensure the body with energy without starch is almost impossible. Complex carbohydrates are split for a long time, require energy costs, contribute to weight loss.

In cosmetology, corn starch is used as the ingredient of insulating and anti-inflammatory masks. For young children, powder can be used instead of talca to prevent diameters.

Corn starch should be at home for each mistress. It can be used as a dry shampoo for people, clean the animal wool after a walk. Water-starch paste will help bring silver shine and remove divorces from window glass. If at home there is corn starch, you can maintain cleanliness and eat normally, without fear to recover.

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How much is corn starch (the average price for 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Corn starch - This is a white not particularly transparent hub, having a low degree of viscosity. The smell and taste of starch are characteristic of grain. As a result of the drying, it becomes a bulk substance, white powder with a barely caught yellow tint. As for its chemical composition, the corn starch is characterized by an excessively low content of such substances as protein and ash. The main properties of the corn starch can be called an increased ability to swell even in cold water. It is quite interesting that compared to the source product, the swollen starch does not change at the chemical level.

Many are interested in the question of how corn starch is mined. The essence of the process is: in the grain of corn, starch is connected with the help of proteins, to dissolve which corn is soaked in a solution of sulfuric acid. After that, the grain is crushed, and the germ is distinguished. Then the croup is additionally crushed, during which starch milk is distinguished. Interestingly, starch is separated from an insoluble protein in huge centrifuges, and then it is thoroughly washed and dried to produce a dry food product. Corn calorie starch is slightly higher and is 343 kcal per 100 grams.

In the food industry, the corn starch is used in meat and making bakeries, in the production of ketchup and mayonnaise. The hostess add this product in the manufacture of various sauces and puddings, as well as fuels for pies. In cases where the action of gluten needs to weaken, giving a special tenderness and a great soft softness, this powder is just by the way. In the confectionery industry in the manufacture of soft candies, the starch is indispensable, as it has reduced humidity.

The benefits of cornstarch

The use of corn starch can be traced not only in cooking, but also in the field of medicine. It is an important ingredient in the manufacture of powders, ointments, mixtures, cosmetic powder, various pastes and means used to treat skin diseases.

In addition, eating products with a small content of this bulk agent can positively affect human health. The benefits of corn starch is due to the ability to activate the formation of muscle mass and feed the nerve cells.

Harm corn starch

The damage of starch corn is traced in the presence of individual intolerance to the original product, that is, corn, but this is extremely rare. It is manifested in the form of allergic reactions, asthma and skin rash.

Calorie Corn Starch 343 Kcal

Energy value of corn starch (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - BZH):

: 1 g. (~ 4 kcal)
: 0.6 g. (~ 5 kcal)
: 83.5 g. (~ 334 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 1% | 2% | 97%

As part of the culinary recipes and many finished products, you can find such a substance as corn starch. It is used as a thickener when it is impossible to use flour or potato starch. Corn has special properties and qualities. But on the influence of him on the human body for several years, hot spores are being conducted. Let's try to figure out what the benefits and harm of the corn starch.

What is starch?

Starch in its essence is the energy battery in plants. In the process of photosynthesis, glucose is formed, which becomes a building material for this substance. It is starch, which is part of a plurality of plants, and is the main source of energy for all herbivores, to which a person belongs. Corn starch is a unique nutrient element, which is used as a dietary supplement in the production of confectionery and in bread maker.

It is significantly softer potatoes, it can dissolve even in cold water, but it does not allow to achieve a jelly-like consistency. Therefore, such powder is absolutely not suitable in sausage production, in the manufacture of jelly. But confectionery creams, dough and soft candies on it are very gentle.

Mineral composition

In its pure form without additional treatments, corn starch contains:

  • Carbohydrates - 37% daily norm. Of the 100 grams of this product, 91g are carbohydrates, so it is very nutritious;
  • Proteins - 0.6%;
  • Minerals: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. All minerals are part of a minor quantity, not exceeding 5% of the daily rate.

Mineral composition may differ in different varieties. In the color, purity, content of acids and ashes; three main varieties are distinguished:

  • Amylopectin, which is obtained only from wax corn;
  • Higher;
  • First.

Calorie is 381 kcal, above potato (300 kcal). With a completely insignificant food value, corn starch has a very high calorieness, which gave rise to disputes about its benefits for a person.

Is there any benefit?

Regardless of how the starch enters the body - naturally, along with vegetable food or in the form of additive - it is made by a valuable source of carbohydrates, without which life is impossible. Among other things, it is he who contributes to the buildup of muscle mass and the normalization of the nervous system.

Since carbohydrates in the composition of this vegetable substance are slow or heavy, they do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, which means completely safe for people with diabetes. The use of starch hydrocarboards as a source reduces the risk of hypoglycemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Separate attention deserves amopectin variety. Amoplektins are very poorly cleaved by the enzymes of the gastric juice, so in virtually unchanged in the intestine, where they help to associate all the foods and output them. Amoplektinine starch stimulates the intestinal activity, helps digestion and prevents cholesterol suction.

Great harm

With all this benefit, the harm of corn starch is also rather big. Like other artificially obtained products, it is deprived of everything except practical benefits for production. In a small portion of this powder there are a lot of calories, while there are practically no dietary fibers that the body is so necessary. All this contributes to weight and obesity. The formation of extra fat sediments on internal organs leads to very serious violations in their work and severe diseases.

The addition of independently no one in food does not eat, but it is contained in ketchups, mayonuz, confectionery, cheap sausages, some dairy products. That is, in those products that the counters are filled and our refrigerators are filled. Moreover, the corn starch is used as a thickener in large dosages, so the caloric content of products increases by an order.

By themselves, these products alone cannot be called useful, they contain salt, sugar, preservatives, etc. If you exclude from your diet only corn starch, but to leave other products that are not related to healthy nutrition, a significant benefit of the body will not feel.

Natural or modified

The terrible word "modified" is associated with great harm and serious health effects. Modified does not mean manufactured from GMO. In the case of starch, the modification consists only in the processing methods that improve the quality of the finished product. Therefore, the modified starch is not terrible than the usual, there are few fewer proteins and carbohydrates in it, there are practically no minerals, lower and caloric content - only 328 kcal.

Application in cosmetology

Perhaps the only sphere in which the harm of starch is not marked is cosmetology. White powder capable of absorbing fats and other skin seals is used in cooking powder, powder, ointments, creams, pastes, other means for outdoor use.

Most modern owners are accustomed to using potato starch, while they do not think about the fact that there is an alternative - starch corn.

This product is more popular in Western European countries, but currently becomes popular with us.

Unusual properties, nutritional value, high degree of applicability, benefit for the body - made corn starch with one of the favorite ingredients of bakers and chefs.

True, there are also such manufacturers, unfortunately, which abuse the use of corn starch, and its excess in food can harm the body.

What is the difference between corn starch from potato

Corn starch less viscous, not "creak" when rolling in a package, like potato. When adding to the dish, it does not "score" it, retains a gentle texture, and baking makes porous and at the same time dense, not like a sponge.

Today, such starch is often used in the production of sausages, as a substance binding moisture, allowing to reduce the cost of products.

But a large amount of corn starch harms the body, especially in conjunction with other "natural" components, which are squeezed by sausages.

How do corn starch

The production of corn starch is a complex chain of processing of corn grain.

Initially, the grain of certain maturity is separated from the base, then it is soaked in a solution of sulfuric acid, so that the protein binding starch collapsing and the starchy substances were released.

Then the grain is crushed, drive through a special centrifuge, which allows you to cut off the unsolved acidic protein and separate pure starch.

The resulting mass is eliminated from toxic components, washed, dried and sent to the packaging for implementation.

What benefit can be removed from corn starch

In its chemical composition, starch is not rich. It consists of more than 90% of complex carbohydrates, and a small part of the ash components, protein, fats. And, nevertheless, he has a high benefit for the body.

1. Promotes the growth of muscle massTherefore, corn starch, it is useful to eat athletes by weightlifters and people exhausted requiring recovery.

2. The product is a valuable source of slow carbohydrates, which even in small doses quickly and long satisfy, which is indispensable for increased physical exertion.

3. It is a safe binder ingredient in pharmacy, used for the production of powder, ointments.

4. Successfully replaces talc in the treatment of diarmostics in children and adults.

5. Corn starch is widely used in cosmetology - a harmless substance for removing excess sweat, skin fat, other derivatives of external secretion.

6. It has a property to bind scattered fragments of digested and non-digestible food in the intestine, to bring them out of the body - improves peristality, contributes to timely and full emptying.

7. Nourish nervous cells.

8. Corn starch does not raise sugar, therefore recommended for the use of diabetics.

9. There is a recipe based on corn starch to reduce blood pressure: a tablespoon (20g) starch diluted in 120 ml of water, drink every day two weeks in a row in the morning before meals.

10. In case of violation of the work gastrointestinal tract, a spoonful of starch to brew a half cup boiling water, drop 2 drops of iodine, cool and drink.

11. Corn Starch Compresses Perfectly cope with bruises and wounds: 2 spoons of powder, pour 1 spoon of boiling water, stir and apply to the patient, keep to frost.

12. The product will help remove the inflammation of the bladderIf you take a suspension from 30 g of starch and 300 ml of water three times a day.

13. Corn starch is an ideal tool for outdoor use.

As a face masks, it has an amazing botox effect, smoothes wrinkles, cleans clogged pores, refreshes fading skin, increases its elasticity.

14. Amoplelopectin type of corn, starch, which is produced from wax corn, prevents cholesterol suction.

In general, starch has an enveloping, soothing, wound-healing effect, nourishes and maintains the skin hydrobalance.

What is the harm of corn starch

Starch caloriene, contraindicated in obesity.

An excess of corn starch in the diet (especially if it is used in the composition of sausages, creams) causes a metabolic disorder.

Allergic reactions.

Individual intolerance.

Do not be afraid of "modified" corn starch. Despite the alarming title, it is only an improved version of the conventional starch - a cleaner, more active and less calorie.

In modern cooking, more and more secrets are used that allow you to make dishes unforgettable. To soft baking or lungs of other dishes applied starch. More than a dozen years known potato and corn product. But not everyone is thinking that the benefits and harm of corn starch exists not only for culinary masterpieces, but also for the human body.

What is corn starch and how to get it

Corn starch is obtained from corn grains. In them, it turns out by photosynthesis. At the production of grain is kept in a solution of sulfuric acid. Then they are crushed. And starch is released. With the help of special devices, it is separated from the protein, washed, dried. It turns out a slightly yellow powder, with a characteristic odor and taste.

Manufacturers are divided into three grades: the highest, first, amylo-pectin. The indicator is determined by color, uniformity, density.

Chemical composition of corn starch

Corn starch is the product of processing corn grains. It has a large amount of carbohydrates, a small percentage of protein. Also contains ash, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin PP, iron. Fiber 1.7%.

Nutritional value and calorie of corn starch

Those who are interested in the quality and usefulness of nutrition understand that the benefits of corn starch is not so great. And they scare mainly calorie and nutritional value. 100 grams of the product contains a lot nor little - 330-340 kcal. At the same time, 91 grams of 100 - carbohydrates. And proteins in the product only 0.6% of the daily rate.

What is the corn starch

Despite its composition, the product still benefits the body. After all, a large amount of carbohydrates - only at first glance is bad.

Use for a person:

  1. Accelerates the growth of muscle mass during exercise.
  2. Normalizes the work of the nervous system.
  3. Reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Diuretic.
  5. Displays toxins from the body.
  6. Helps digestion.
  7. Slows cholesterol growth.
  8. Recommended for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys.
  9. Regulates blood coagulation.
  10. Increases appetite.
  11. Used when combating dermatological diseases.

Is corn starch useful for pregnant and nursing women

The product does not change its properties depending on the method of use. To benefit, it can be obtained from porridge, corn, baking. That is how doctors recommend making pregnant women. One maize corn gives the body most of the necessary vitamins to replenish the daily rate. In the first trimester, the product is able to relax the effect of toxicosis.

Corn starch during breastfeeding is also not prohibited, but everything has its time. The first samples to introduce it to the diet mom should be no earlier than three months after childbirth.

Attention! It is always necessary to check the presence of an allergic reaction in the kid before continuing the use of any product.

The benefits of corn starch for children

Doctors allow you to enter the product in the Child menu, starting from 6 months. On a day you can not give more than 120 grams. When the baby marks 1 year, the amount is increased.

Typically, the product is added to porridge, baking, kissel. The benefits of corn starch for children are that it does not contain gluten and quickly saturates, is an important source of carbohydrates that give a large charge of energy.

Is it possible to corn starch when weight loss

In most cases, nutritionists do not reject corn starch. Moreover, they are advised to replace the potato, consumed until they manage to exclude bakery products from the diet. But with the product you need to be careful. Yet it has a large amount of carbohydrates, and the calorie content does not inspire confidence. And the use of bread, sweets and starch will bring a couple of extra kilograms altogether.

Daily rate of eating corn starch

Most products bring great benefits for the body, but whatever it is - there is always a consumption measure. Adult man should use 300-400 grams of starch on the day. It is not recommended to eat many carbohydrate dishes in one day (pasta, porridge, bread) and at the same time get the norm. It turns out excess carbohydrates, which in some diseases bring a lot of harm.

Rules for the use of corn starch in certain diseases

Any disease requires certain limitations in the diet, the use of some products in moderate, or, on the contrary, increased quantity. After all, the food is of great importance in a person's life. This is fuel, but it is it that affects how the mechanism will work, and whether it will work at all. After determining the diagnosis, a person who protects his health should be interested in a doctor about a further diet.

With diabetes

Diabetics are devoid of many joys of life. The diet of patients with this disease is almost completely changed. Corn starch is included in the group of permitted products. It saturates, does not increase cholesterol. But its calorie still leaves the consumption framework. At the same time, doctors not only allow, but also recommend adding it to the menu. The daily rate is calculated taking into account weight and nutritional features. Products with corn starch ideally should be a third part of the daily diet.

With pancreatitis

Pancreatitis also makes reconsider its nutrition. In this case, restrictions are more serious. But corn starch is recommended to use during treatment. However, not in any form. There is corn it is impossible. But cooking cooks is very helpful, like porridge. Kashi is used 3-4 times a week. Kissel is allowed to drink more often.

With gastritis

Gastritis is one of the few contraindications to the use of starch.

Important! Gastroenterologists prohibit the use of the product in any form not only during the exacerbation, but also during remission.

Application of corn starch in traditional medicine

Most products that are used exclusively in cooking can actually be used in folk medicine for the treatment of certain diseases, damage. Cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, breakdown, burns, bruises - only one of the few states at which starch helps.

With cholecystitis

Starch has a healing, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. Thanks to these properties, the product is used in the treatment of cholecystitis. However, this method cannot be independent, it only supports and accelerates medication treatment.

The use of the product in medicinal purposes does not require effort, spending time and money. The patient must be stirred half a teaspoon of starch in half a glass of warm clean water and drink three times a day before meals for 21 days.

With inflammation of the gallbladder

Starch removes the inflammation of the gallbladder due to the anti-inflammatory property. Before applying, it is worth considering a specialist and find out whether it is possible to combine with medicines.

The patient needs to be stirred 30 grams of starch in 300 milliliters of water. The solution takes 10 grams three times a day. After 7-10 days, the application is completed.

From high pressure

Corn starch has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Helps normalize increased pressure. For treatment, 200 grams of powder in 100 milliliters of water are divorced. The liquid is drunk at a time. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

From breakdown

Anti-inflammatory and healing effects, he manifests the breakdown. Fix the problem with it is possible even in running states when the wound appears. This uses not only corn, but also potato product. They sprinkle wound twice a day with a thick layer. Before each procedure, the affected place is processed by an antiseptic napkin.

Ointment of burns

The product quickly removes redness, pain in burns. It helps to cope even those who burned hard in the sun. To do this, it is interfered with water in such a ratio so that Cashier turns out, even more similar to ointment. Apply the burn for 2 hours.

Compress from Synyakov

It often happens that the bruise appeared completely unnoticed in a very inappropriate place. And it should be removed as soon as possible. In this case, pharmacy drugs are not always available. It will help to remove the starch problem. Take several tablespoons of the product, interfere with a spoonful of warm water. Tools from bruises are ready! They are labeled the necessary places every three hours.

Application of corn starch in cosmetology

Many women do not recognize that such a simple means as starch will help cope with dermatological problems. And in some cases it is better than essential oils, expensive cosmetics. What is the use of corn starch for skin:

  1. It acts as an antiperspirant.
  2. Deodorizes.
  3. It has a matting effect.
  4. Convents pores.
  5. Removes fat.
  6. Improves cosmetics slide.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Dry leather needs moisturizing. Holders of this type of dermis are experiencing not only aesthetic dissatisfaction, but also very unpleasant sensations, depth, etc. Corn starch not only removes fat, but also eliminates dryness, benefits for the face.

The face mask is very simple. Starch is bred in water to the desired consistency. Oil is added to it. Suitable corn, peach, apricot, almond. The skin will be a meat, soft, more elastic. Mask keeps on the face of 20 minutes. Then washed off. Following the moisturizing cream.

Tightening face mask

To rejuvenate and pull the skin helps a combination with a banana. 1 Ripe banana need to grind in a puree, add 1 small spoonful corn product. All this prevents homogeneous porridge. Apply to a clean face for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to cry. 1 time a week is enough for the desired effect!

Mask to reduce mimic wrinkles

The next mask is suitable for all skin types with mimic wrinkles. Half tomato, 1 yolk, spoonful starch, half a spoon of olive oil mix. Apply on face. The place around the eyes does not smear. The time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes. After the procedure, the moisturizing cream is applied.

Nutritional hair mask

Long beautiful hair in most cases is a huge work. After shampoos, which are simply filled with sulphates, the hair is needed correct, nutritious and harmless care. For this use many products.

Recipe with the addition of starch


  • cabbage coarse leaves crushed - 4 spoons;
  • starch - 2 spoons;
  • warm olive oil - 1 spoon.

All ingredients are mixed, held on the head of 60 minutes.

Corn starch in cooking

The benefits and harm of corn starch for the body are not very interested, since it is not so often used in medicine, as in cooking. It is applied along with a potato product. As part of the dish, it makes them viscous, more dense. It can be found in the composition of jelly, biscuit and other flour products, candies, soups. In addition, it perfectly absorbs and creates a bark.

What is more useful: corn or potato starch

Many choose between potato and corn starch according to physical properties. The first option fastens better, leaves the dish transparent, but it tastes. And the second is not very good, becomes muddy, but does not spoil the taste. It should be noted and the benefits of products. Carbohydrate from corn in this parameter wins! His healing properties are stronger.

Harm corn starch and contraindications

The product is harmful when gastritis, problems with dermis, asthma, allergies. If these diseases are not, then you can use it.

Attention! When obesity is entered in the menu Caution.


The benefits and harm of corn starch are not as well known. After all, it is used, first of all, in cooking. But has an impact on human health. Doctors recommend using it in any form for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. He helps in cosmetology.