Classic Kiev cutlets - recipe with step-by-step photos. Cutlet Kiev: cooking secrets What kind of dish is this: “cutlet Kiev”

How to cook delicious cutlets

Such a familiar dish can surprise even the most notorious gourmets with its taste. You just need to know the recipe, how to properly cook Kiev cutlets

1 hour 40 minutes

290 kcal

5/5 (2)

What kind of dish is this: “Cutlet Kiev”?

Kiev cutlet is a very popular dish all over the world. And, despite the fact that the name indicates that it belongs to Ukrainian cuisine, there are quite a lot of stories of its origin.

For example, the French version, in which the authorship belongs to Nicolas Appert. There is a version about her first appearance in the St. Petersburg Novomikhailovsky club. However, it is believed that she owes the addition of butter to the Kyiv restaurateur. It was his idea leave the cutlet on the bone, thereby imitating a chicken leg.

In the classic version, the dish consists of pounded chicken fillet with butter inside. At first, the butter was beaten into the fillet with a hammer, later it began to simply be wrapped in cutlets. Let's find out how to make this wonderful dish at home.

How to cook chicken Kiev


First you need to prepare the filling.

  1. Take the melted butter and mash it with a fork. Add chopped herbs, pepper and salt and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then form oval balls from the resulting mass and place in the freezer for 5 minutes, then when preparing the cutlets, the filling will remain intact.
  2. Now the time has come prepare chicken fillet. Remove the tendons and bones from the fillet and beat it. When the fillet is ready, remove the prepared balls of butter and herbs from the freezer and distribute them evenly over the fillet, based on the required number of cutlets.
  3. The density of the meat should be uniform and without holes, otherwise the oil will leak out during frying and the cutlets will not turn out. The cutlets should also be kept in the freezer for a while so that they retain their shape when frying.
  4. Now it's time for the top layer.
    Break the eggs into the milk, beat the mixture with a whisk. Be careful not to overcook the cutlets in the freezer - they should not fall apart, but not become oaky. After refrigeration, they need to be sprinkled with pepper and rolled in flour and only then dipped in a mixture of milk and eggs.
  5. After that you need to roll them again in breadcrumbs.
  6. Kiev-style cutlets are also fried in a special way: pre-deep-fried for 3-4 minutes so that the minced meat and breading “set”, then they need to be further fried in the oven or in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Serving this dish is a responsible matter: Kiev cutlets must be served immediately after frying, otherwise they will lose their special taste.

How to make sure your dish turns out right the first time

Firstly, strictly adhere to the recommended quantities of ingredients.

Secondly, use high-quality fillet for cooking, without film and cartilage.

To avoid cooking the cutlet on the bone, as the original recipe calls for (the fillet must be cut so that the meat remains on the bone), the bone can be added to the finished cutlet before frying it. With the bone, the cutlet should resemble a chicken leg.

To vary the taste, you can add to the cutlet yolk or cheese.

Kiev-style cutlets are prepared only from beaten chicken fillet, in which a block of cold butter is wrapped. The butter is mixed with herbs, mushrooms, cheese, but more often with herbs - dill. The meat preparation with filling is breaded, deep-fried and served in a certain way. And although chicken Kiev can be ordered in all major restaurants and bought in grocery stores in the prepared foods section, preparing the heroine of several culinary legends at home is at least interesting.


  • chicken - broiler
  • egg – 2 pcs.
  • breadcrumbs – 150 g
  • butter – 170-180 g
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil for deep frying
  • spices


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    Finely chop the greens and stir them into the softened butter.

    Then divide the mass into two parts and put it in the freezer, making two small sausages (or sausages) and rolling them into cling film. The secret to this step is uniformity: the butter and herbs should be mixed thoroughly.

    On the chicken carcass, separate the skin from the breast.

    Trim the wing so that the humerus remains on the carcass

    and clean it with a knife.

    Remove the chicken fillet from the bones.

    From one breast you should get two bone-in fillets and two smaller fillets (this will separate very easily from the main large fillet).

    Beat the small fillet with a hammer, placing it between layers of cling film.

    On a large fillet, make shallow longitudinal and transverse cuts so that it eventually opens like a book, and also beat it in layers of film.

    Season the pounded meat with ground pepper and salt, place a piece of congealed butter with herbs on a large fillet,

    Cover it with a small part of the fillet on top and, forming an ellipsoidal cutlet, cover the filling on all sides.

    Wrap the finished meat product in cling film and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

    Beat the egg not very fluffy with a pinch of salt.

    Before deep-frying the cutlets, first coat them in flour.

    then in the egg

    and then in breadcrumbs (you need to roll in the egg mixture and breadcrumbs twice).

    Fry the cutlets in well-heated oil until golden brown.

    After frying, transfer the Kiev cutlets to a baking sheet and cook for 10 minutes until cooked; the oven temperature should be 190 degrees.

    The dish is very tasty and juicy, but it should only be eaten hot.

1. The herb butter - the filling you use - must be very cold, straight from the refrigerator.

2. It is noteworthy that before the cutlet began to be mass-produced, butter was hammered into the fillet (turning it into the most tender, creamy chicken) - and only then they began to shape it and wrap it into meat. Try it yourself, but be aware that it will require precision, patience and time because it requires gradually adding small pieces of butter at a time.

3. The filling can consist of butter + grated cheese, mushrooms, yolk, herbs and seasonings and even ham. And these are not all of the listed ingredients that can be found in chicken Kiev recipes.

4. In some restaurants, cutlets are served on specially prepared croutons, and a chicken leg can be “stylishly” displayed and “shod” in a paper culinary curler. However, do not rush to grab it by the bone, hold it with a fork, otherwise it will break off under the weight of the meat.

5. Deep frying is not the most dietary way of cooking. Therefore, if you want a more dietary option, fry the cutlets a little in oil in a frying pan and then bake in the oven. At the same time, deep frying is a traditional, correct recipe for cooking chicken Kiev, and it takes quite a lot of oil.

History of the Kyiv cutlet recipe

Chicken Kiev is a dish known all over the world. The ability to cook it is included in the compulsory culinary education program of European and American culinary schools. And as often happens, several countries argue about the origin of the recipe.

Here he is, Appert

According to the French version, the recipe for Kyiv cutlets on the bone (côtelette de volaille - lit. “poultry cutlet”) was invented in the 18th century by a French culinary genius - a certain Appert. Then, as they would say now, as part of an international humanitarian aid program, the recipe came to Russia, which did not (!!!) have its own culinary tradition. Allegedly, Russian student chefs brought it, and this happened during the time of Elizabeth.

According to the same French, after the victory over Napoleon, the Russians tried to forget the origin of many things borrowed from them, and renamed the recipe for chicken cutlets to Mikhailovsky, declaring that they were invented by a cook from the Mikhailovsky Palace.

According to the Russian version, the French have nothing to do with it, but it’s true about the Mikhailovsky Palace. And this is our recipe, ours, at least register the copyright! The Kiev cutlet was invented in a St. Petersburg restaurant from the Merchant Club. It was called “Novo-Mikhailovskaya”, since the restaurant was located next to the Mikhailovsky Palace. It was there that they began to serve it in papillots, which the public appreciated and loved. The merchant club was conceived as a grandiose, luxurious project designed to demonstrate the chic and scope of Russian capitalism. But... the music didn’t play for long. After the revolution, all that remained of the plan were those same Novomikhailovsky cutlets, however, they also disappeared from the scene for a while.

The Ukrainian version is the same as the Russian one. Ukrainians claim that the cutlets were brought to them from Russia immediately after the revolution - the same Novomikhailovsky ones. However, they did not achieve popularity and were forgotten for a long time. And only much later, in the 50s of the last century, they were appreciated after they were prepared for diplomats on the occasion of some important event. Then they appeared in all restaurants in Kyiv and for brevity they began to be called “Cutlet Kiev”.

Finally, there is an American version of the origin of the recipe. Of course, the Americans claim that they came up with all this. Why, you ask, are cutlets called Kyiv? Very simple: because Ukrainian emigrants liked to order them. It seems that the Americans have already registered copyright...

Alas, the modern semi-finished version of cutlets with bones, which is sold in every grocery store, lacks the taste, piquancy and juiciness of their restaurant counterparts. The conclusion is simple: treat yourself either to a good culinary establishment, or prepare chicken Kiev according to the recipe at home. Then enjoy it.

But if you decide to order Kiev cutlet in a restaurant, you should remember some rules with which you can easily enjoy this delicious dish... However, you can’t say better than Pokhlebkin about one insidious feature of cutlets...

Pokhlebkin about the recipe for Kiev cutlets

“This dish invariably amazed foreigners with its unpredictable behavior while eating. It ruined countless snow-white shirts and expensive jackets, thereby leaving an indelible mark in the memory (and on the clothes) of those who dared to try it.

When you tried to cut it with a knife (European style, sedately), it shot out a long stream of oil, pouring sticky liquid onto either the face of the eater bent over him, or his entire formal suit. In the end, foreign companies, sending their tourists to the USSR, were forced to include in their prospectuses a special warning about careful handling of “Kiev cutlets.”

Meanwhile, Soviet restaurant visitors never got into trouble with Kyiv cutlets, because they treated them in Russian, that is, they did not try to cut them into pieces with a knife, but simply stuck the whole fork into them at once (for strength), piercing the cutlet without any compression simultaneously in three or four places (according to the number of teeth in the fork) and thereby ensuring uniform flow of oil from the cutlet. And then, slightly surprised that the “cutlet was flowing,” they shook it slightly over the plate on a fork and reliably and fearlessly bit off half of it at once, without bothering with all sorts of knives, ceremonies and decency. And the Kiev cutlet did not let any of them down...”

“Entertaining Cooking” M, 1974

Kiev-style cutlets are loved not only in Ukraine. These juicy and tender cutlets made from chicken could not leave many people of various nationalities indifferent. The classic Kiev cutlet is cooked on the bone; we offer a step-by-step recipe for Kiev cutlet made from chicken breast. This dish is often avoided by novice housewives, because... They are afraid that this dish will not work. We will tell you how to prepare this delicious dish, and share little secrets of preparing delicious cutlets that can be served both for a family dinner and for any holiday feast.

TIME: 1 hour 40 min.


Servings: 2


  • chicken breast 600g;
  • butter 120 g;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground pepper mixture;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • breadcrumbs 2-3 cups;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation time: 1 hour.
Cooking time: 40 minutes.


From these ingredients we will prepare two large Kiev cutlets.
First, prepare the butter filling; to do this, finely chop the dill and parsley. Divide the butter into two pieces, and roll each piece well in the herbs, while firmly pressing more greens onto the piece of butter with your hands, it should be completely covered with greens.

After that, put the butter in the greens in a small bowl and put it in the freezer.

Meanwhile, take the breast, separate from the bone, remove the skin, cut into two parts. From such a piece of breast we will get one large cutlet.

If your fillet is medium in size, then use a knife to cut it in the middle, but not all the way, lay out the piece of meat like a book.
Then wrap the meat in cling film and beat it on both sides with a kitchen hammer, do this not too intensely so that your fillet does not tear.

As a result of beating, you should get a round-shaped fillet, about 3-6 mm thick, salt and pepper it on both sides.

Place cold butter in the middle of the fillet.
Instead of butter, you can put cheese, bacon, and mushrooms in this cutlet.

Wrap your cutlet tightly like a cabbage roll so that there are no holes left.

Make the first breading, roll the cutlets in flour.

Then beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and pepper to the eggs.
Pour breadcrumbs into a container.

Dip the cutlets into the egg and then into the breadcrumbs.

It's time to dip the cutlet into the oil. I would like to note that the shape of your finished cutlet will depend on the amount of oil. If you pour it into a deep container, as for deep frying, the cutlet will turn out more rounded. We poured so much oil that it almost covers the entire cutlet. After 4-5 minutes, turn the cutlet over to the other side.
If you fry these cutlets with less oil, your cutlet will have a rectangular appearance with small corners. In this case, you need to fry the cutlets on all four sides, otherwise the sides of the cutlet will remain unfried and will have an uneven golden crust.
The amount of oil affects the duration of baking the cutlet in the oven; for deep-frying it will be 10 minutes, for a frying pan 15 minutes.

Place the fried cutlets in a baking dish or on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Important! We do not cover the cutlets with any lids or foil.

Serve the finished chicken Kiev hot. You can put bread croutons on a flat plate and place a Kiev cutlet on them. The sauce will be melted butter, or any sauce of your choice.

To prepare Kiev cutlets, remove the skin from the chicken breasts. Place them with the inside facing up. Cut the fillet lengthwise and spread each piece so that the filling fits.

Cover the breasts with cling film and carefully pound them. Trim the white tendons in several places to prevent the cutlets from shrinking when frying.

To fill Kiev cutlets, chop the parsley very finely. Place it in a bowl, add room temperature butter. Add salt. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Using two tablespoons, form the filling of the cutlets from butter and herbs. Place it in the freezer for 3-5 minutes to prevent the butter from spreading. Take it out, place it on the fillet and wrap the cutlet so that the edges are on top of each other. Place in the freezer for 5 minutes. While the cutlets are freezing, mix the eggs with milk and beat with a whisk, as for an omelet.

Pepper the cutlets and roll them in flour. Dip in egg and milk and roll in breading. Dip in egg and milk again and roll in breading again.

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the Kiev cutlets until golden brown, 5 minutes, then finish them in the oven for 10 minutes.

Do you know how to cook classic Kyiv cutlets? Yes, those same juicy chicken cutlets, covered with a crispy crust, from which, when cut, a liquid yellow-transparent filling interspersed with aromatic greens beautifully flows out. Today, especially for you, a recipe with a photo of real Kiev-style cutlets, with bones, which are traditionally served not only in Ukrainian and Russian restaurants, but also in Europe and even in the USA.

Classic Kiev cutlets are made from beaten chicken fillet, inside of which there is butter with herbs (most often dill). Usually the product turns out to be quite impressive in size, and to make it more convenient to cut, the cooks came up with the idea of ​​cutting the chicken so that the wing remains along with the breast. Traditionally, all the meat from the wing is trimmed, leaving only a neat bone that sticks out invitingly from the ruddy cutlet, which is convenient for holding the cutlet when slicing. Today I will tell you in detail how to “create such a miracle” from seemingly the simplest and most affordable products in a recipe with step-by-step photographs. Be sure to prepare it - I’m sure that your chicken Kiev will turn out exactly the same as in the restaurant!


  • chicken breast with wing 2 pcs.
  • butter 100 g
  • fresh dill 10 g
  • salt 0.5 tsp.
  • a mixture of ground peppers 2-3 chips.
  • loaf 200 g
  • large eggs 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil for deep frying

How to cook chicken Kiev

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the aroma oil, as it will need time to freeze. To do this, I combine soft butter, previously softened at room temperature, with finely chopped dill and mix thoroughly until smooth using a fork. You can add a little salt to it for taste.

  2. I wrap the “green” butter in cling film, forming something like candy. I pack a piece of loaf separately. And I place both pieces in the freezer so that they freeze slightly.

  3. In the meantime, I'm processing the chicken. You can buy a ready-made breast with a wing (as in my case) or cut up the chicken yourself - from one carcass you can cook 2 large Kiev cutlets. If you cut it yourself, first separate the breast along with the wings from the skeleton. Then cut it along the keel into two equal parts. Remove the skin and remove excess fat, if any.

  4. I cut off the outer phalanges of the wing, leaving only the bone adjacent directly to the breast itself. I cleaned the bone, that is, removed the skin and all the meat.

  5. Carefully cut off the inner prominent part of the breast - the so-called dewlap. The result was a large (with bone) and small fillet. In the place of thickening on a large, main piece of meat, I made a couple of cuts, but not completely, in order to open the fillet like a book. Salted and peppered.

  6. Covered the meat with cling film and beat it with a hammer. The main thing here is to make the fillet as thin as possible, but under no circumstances tear it!

  7. Meanwhile, the butter has already hardened. I divided it into 2 equal parts (according to the number of servings) and put it inside the beaten fillet. Covered the top with a dewlap.

  8. And I wrapped the ends so that the filling was inside (similar to a roll). If you carefully beat the meat, then there should be no problems. If, however, the structure does not look very reliable, you can fasten its ends with wooden toothpicks.

  9. I set the deep fryer to heat up - a saucepan with a large amount of vegetable oil (refined). I crushed a piece of loaf, which I froze at the beginning of the process, on a fine grater. Due to the fact that the bread was frozen well, it instantly turned into crumbs. Beat the eggs into a bowl, lightly salt them and scramble them with a fork (do not beat them!). As soon as the fryer was well heated, I coated the cutlets in the following sequence: flour, scrambled eggs, bread crumbs, and then again in scrambled eggs and crumbs.

  10. Immediately fry in boiling oil until golden brown, about 5-6 minutes. It’s better not to skimp on the oil or you’ll have to turn the product over to the other side, in which case be extremely careful not to get burned!
  11. Then I took it out of the fryer using a slotted spoon and transferred it to a baking dish. I sent the Kiev cutlets into the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for another 5-10 minutes, depending on the size, so that the meat had time to reach full readiness. They should be served immediately, hot.

Do you see the cut? If everything is done correctly, the oil will flow out beautifully from the cutlets, and they themselves will turn out very juicy and tender, with a loud crispy crust. The dish is best served with fresh vegetables and herbs. If desired, of course, you can add any side dish you like.