Coffee quotes. Quotes and aphorisms about coffee from famous people

  • Got up for a cup of coffee, and then didn’t notice how the day passed. And so every morning... (Valiullin Rinat “Where the kisses lie”)
  • Do not put in Morning coffee past memories. Better add the sugar of future hopes to it.
  • I would rather suffer, but with coffee, than not feel anything at all. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • "I can't solve all your problems, but I promise to make your life better. Your coffee."
  • You can do anything for coffee. Even to work. (Bill Gates)
  • I sit, drink coffee, analyze. There is autumn in the cup, winter in the plans, spring in the body, but in the soul, as always, there is not enough summer. (Rinat Valiullin. “Solo on one key”)
  • When there is bad weather outside and you don’t want to go out, a cup of coffee is simply happiness... and you can drink this happiness! (Tatiana Simona. "Cup of Coffee")
  • Most tasty coffee- the one you drink on the go. (Max Frei "Winds, Angels and Men")
  • Let's go to. Let's get some coffee and you can talk. And what are you at work? Everyone should have time for coffee.
  • (From the movie "My Big Greek Summer"
  • Most best drink- coffee. Most best coffee- espresso. The best espresso is double espresso. (Robert DeNiro)
  • If it's coffee, please bring me some tea, and if it's tea, please bring me coffee. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning. (Natalia Krainer)
  • Three most delicious smells? The smell of hot coffee, fresh baked goods and the pages of a new book. (Nadeya Yasminska)
  • Chocolate is almost exquisite delicacy, and coffee has the taste of hope. (Jeffrey Lindsay Homeland)
  • Sometimes I feel like I can do anything. And then the coffee stops working.
  • The strength of the human mind is directly proportional to the amount of coffee consumed. (Sir James Mackintosh, Scottish historian and philosopher)
  • What makes me do what I do? The desire to make parents proud. Or a cup of strong coffee. (Benedict Cumberbatch)
  • The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation. (Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Jacob's Ladder")
  • What on Earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee? (Anthony Trollope, English writer)
  • Carefully sniffing the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, into a drink made from strange grains. (Max Fry. "The Coffee Book")
  • Did I drink too much? Not a bit. I didn't drink anything except coffee and sadness. (Erich Maria Remarque. “Shadows in Paradise”)
  • It smelled of freshly ground grains - the aroma that separates day from night... (Haruki Murakami "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and the Years of His Wanderings")
  • True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning. Freshly ground, preferably by hand. Cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Coffee that you have to stand next to so that it doesn’t run away, otherwise the taste will hopelessly deteriorate. You need to make sure it rises three times, then pour a spoon cold water into the cezve, wait a couple of minutes for the grounds to settle. The coffee you pour into your old favorite cup and drink, feeling every sip, every day. Enjoying every sip. (Max Fry)
  • Irish, Irish coffee, is a passion. Somewhere there, at the very bottom, there is scalding alcohol. You can stir it, then it is practically not felt if the coffee is prepared correctly, of course. But it’s still there, and you still inevitably get drunk. By the way, yes, the only thing worse than bad espresso is bad Irish. (Max Fry)
  • There is also mocha - coffee with hot chocolate. Mocha is melancholy. Thick and viscous. But even mocha has milk. And sweetness, one that you won’t find in espresso, for example. You don’t feel it right away, and every time you don’t really understand why you ordered it. Only later do you remember, at the very moment when it becomes sweet (Max Fry)
  • Latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that comes in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment. (Max Fry)
  • Cappuccino is love. At first it’s tart, then it’s sweet and light, but in reality it’s still the same life. But the sweet and tart moments are the best. By the way, you can always just eat the foam and not drink, but few people think of this. Apparently, it's still a matter of combination. (Max Fry)
  • Espresso is life. It's bitter, but invigorating. The first sip may not taste good, but once you've finished your cup, you'll always want another. And most often there is not enough time for one more. (Max Fry)
  • And when she felt sad, she drank strong coffee and remembered his smile.
  • “I haven’t had coffee yet, how can I leave?...” (M. A. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”, replica of Cat Behemoth)
  • Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or like the early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life... (Banana Yoshimoto)
  • Coffee is the common man's gold; and just like gold, coffee introduces him to luxury and nobility. (Shayk Abd al-Qadir)
  • If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nick Gardo)
  • The scary truth about me is that I don't really like coffee. However, I drink buckets of it. It's not even about the invigorating effect of caffeine, which, strictly speaking, is only required in the morning, and even then not always. The taste of coffee calms me down and reconciles me with life, returns the solid ground that is always trying to leave under my feet and gives life at least some semblance of meaning. In short, I don’t like coffee, but when I drink it, I’m almost happy, and that’s all that matters. (Max Fry "Coffee Book")
  • After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd together like battalions of a great army on a battlefield. "Honore de Balzac"
  • Coffee... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to capture and convey taste in words, but it is more difficult to guess and preserve true love... (Anthony Capella "Coffee Flavors")
  • Every successful woman... drinks a significant amount of coffee. (Stephanie Piro)
  • I got up in the morning, poured some coffee, went to the window, looked at the morning sun and realized that I was happy.
  • With a cup of coffee in hand, it is much more interesting to read all sorts of different books that she previously considered boring... (Max Fry "Coffee Book")
  • Sleep is a symptom of caffeine starvation.
  • Coffee is a fleeting moment and a fragrant aroma. (Claudia Rodin)
  • Sometimes life is purely a matter of having a cup of coffee and the solitude it provides. (Richard Brautigan "Trout Fishing in America")
  • Coffee? - this is the silent fiction of the rainbow. (Max Fry "Coffee Book")
  • Coffee? - this is the gate of perception of the night landscape. (Max Fry "Coffee Book")
  • Coffee? - this is light that can be stirred with a spoon (Max Fry "Coffee Book")
  • Coffee? is a jam made from jazz records. (Max Fry. "Coffee Book")
  • For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life. (Johann Strauss)
  • If I didn't love coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all. (David Letterman)
  • There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee. (John Galsworthy)
  • How do you drink coffee? We ourselves drink it black as night and sweet as sin. (Neil Gaiman "American Gods")
  • This world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it. (Cassandra Clare "City of Ashes")
  • Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs! (Winston Churchill)
  • A good conversation is as invigorating as a cup of coffee, and it is just as difficult to fall asleep after it. (Anne Morrow Lindbergh)


  • Strong coffee in large quantities- that's what I need to wake up. It warms me and gives me strength. Sometimes it causes sweet pain, but I would rather suffer from it than give up coffee. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • I would rather suffer, but with coffee, than not feel anything at all. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs! Winston Churchill
  • A good conversation is as invigorating as a cup of coffee, and it is just as difficult to fall asleep after it. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  • Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel and sweet as love. Charles Maurice Talleyrand (this is how he described the ideal cup of coffee)
  • Coffee is the favorite drink of the civilized world. Thomas Jefferson
  • The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love him, only under this condition can you enjoy him to the fullest with rapture. Gustave Flaubert
  • Coffee, it cleanses the skin and eliminates puffiness, and also gives the whole body a wonderful aroma. Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdullah ibn Sina, aka Avicenna. Medieval scientist, philosopher and physician
  • This drink strengthens the stomach, helps the stomach in cooking food, cleanses clogged insides, and warms the stomach. Carl Linnaeus, Swedish naturalist and physician
  • No one can understand the truth until he tastes the coffee-foaming bliss. Sheik Abd al-Qadir
  • Coffee is the common man's gold; and just like gold, coffee introduces him to luxury and nobility. Sheik Abd al-Qadir
  • The truth is inaccessible to those who have not partaken of the frothy grace of coffee. Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir
  • If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. Nika Gardo
  • Coffee is a fleeting moment and a fragrant aroma. Claudia Rodin
  • You can do anything for coffee. Even to work. Bill Gates
  • There's no better love potion, how regular coffee, welded by hand. Once a man tries it, he won’t go anywhere. Sophia Loren
  • Every successful woman... drinks a significant amount of coffee. Stephanie Piro
  • After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd together like battalions of a great army on a battlefield. Honore de Balzac
  • Coffee is an ally, with which writing ceases to be a torment. Honore de Balzac
  • If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow-acting one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century. Voltaire
  • For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life. Johann Strauss
  • Sometimes life is purely a matter of having a cup of coffee and the solitude it provides. Richard Brautigan. "Trout Fishing in America"
  • - True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning. Freshly ground, preferably by hand. With cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Coffee that you have to stand next to so that it doesn’t run away, otherwise the taste will hopelessly deteriorate. You need to make sure that it rises three times, then pour a spoonful of cold water into the cezve, wait a couple of minutes for the grounds to settle. The coffee you pour into your old favorite cup and drink, feeling every sip, every day. Enjoying every sip. Max Fry
  • Irish, Irish coffee, is a passion. Somewhere there, at the very bottom, there is scalding alcohol. You can stir it, then it is practically not felt if the coffee is prepared correctly, of course. But it’s still there, and you still inevitably get drunk. By the way, yes, the only thing worse than bad espresso is bad Irish. Max Fry
  • There is also mocha - coffee with hot chocolate. Mocha is melancholy. Thick and viscous. But even mocha has milk. And sweetness, one that you won’t find in espresso, for example. You don’t feel it right away, and every time you don’t really understand why you ordered it. Only later do you remember, at that very moment when it becomes sweet. Max Fry
  • Latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that comes in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment. Max Fry
  • Cappuccino is love. At first it’s tart, then it’s sweet and light, but in reality it’s still the same life. But the sweet and tart moments are the best. By the way, you can always just eat the foam and not drink, but few people think of this. Apparently, it's still a matter of combination. Max Fry
  • Espresso is life. It's bitter, but invigorating. The first sip may not taste good, but once you've finished your cup, you'll always want another. And most often there is not enough time for one more. Max Fry
  • The scary truth about me is that I don't really like coffee. However, I drink buckets of it. It's not even about the invigorating effect of caffeine, which, strictly speaking, is only required in the morning, and even then not always. The taste of coffee calms me down and reconciles me with life, returns the solid ground that is always trying to leave under my feet and gives life at least some semblance of meaning. In short, I don’t like coffee, but when I drink it, I’m almost happy, and that’s all that matters... Max Fry. "Coffee Book"
  • ...with a cup of coffee in hand, it is much more interesting to read all sorts of different books that she previously considered boring... Max Fry. "Coffee Book"
  • Coffee... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to capture and convey taste in words, but it is more difficult to guess and preserve true love... Anthony Capella. "Coffee Flavors"
  • - In this form, I can’t... I have to take a bath, drink a cup of coffee... - There will be a bath for you, there will be coffee, there will be poop and tea. Go! Let's go, Gesha... Film "The Diamond Arm"
  • I got up in the morning, poured some coffee, went to the window, looked at the morning sun and realized that I was happy. Unknown author

Invigorating issue: phrases and quotes about coffee:

  • I want to be coffee - I will be cheerful and happy.
  • - I need to take a bath, drink a cup of coffee... - There will be a bath for you, there will be coffee for you, there will be poop and tea for you, let’s go to the boss!)))
  • This is a guy... coffee... and chocolate - three favorite men.
  • How about brewing me a cup of pleasure...
  • Black coffee is the source of greyhound!
  • Coffee cans are a famous ashtray maker!
  • Would you like hot coffee in bed? You need to get up, get dressed, cook, and then undress, lie down and drink coffee...
  • The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love him, only under this condition can you enjoy him to the fullest with rapture. Gustave Flaubert
  • Morning depression is a morning without coffee.
  • New day and new variety coffee…
  • A girl is like ice cream, she should be sweet and melt. And the guy is like coffee - strong and doesn’t let you sleep...
  • The most expensive coffee is coffee spilled on a laptop...

  • For some it is rich coffee, for others it is strong, black or even with milk. And for some, coffee is just “it.” So it is with a person. For some he is the best, beloved, for some he is a person with a twist, for others he is a nobody. And for some, it’s complete “shit.” Zhanna Terekhova
  • Why is morning coffee always better than yesterday's beer?
  • The only thing that matters when pouring coffee from a silver spout is the way the stream begins to glow, the way the deep brown color turns amber and golden yellow, and the stream, twisting like a dancer as the cup fills, suddenly stops, as if a ghost has hidden back to the coffee pot. Anne Rice
  • After the third cup of coffee, I’ll feel kinder, like Karabas-Barabas on his fortieth sneeze.
  • If I didn't love coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all. David Letterman
  • “Rusiano” is our answer to “Americano”
  • In the morning, the neighbors really like coffee with a puncher.
  • If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow-acting one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century. Voltaire
  • Drink coffee and live even faster and more energetically.
  • If I don't drink coffee three times a day, I dry out like a piece of roast goat meat. Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Very easy way waking up in the morning is coffee in bed... Spilling it and jumping up...
  • Every successful woman... drinks a significant amount of coffee. Stephanie Piro
  • Every morning there is a dilemma - coffee, tea or cocoa?
  • He compares life to coffee - sweet and bitter at the same time. “In life, like in a cup of coffee, there is both the sweetness of sugar and the bitterness of grounds. No matter how you filter or strain, without them coffee is not coffee.” Elchin Safarli
  • Zombie coffee people are those who perform the same ritual every morning...
  • I’ll let my nerves go and have some coffee...)
  • The truth is inaccessible to those who have not partaken of the frothy grace of coffee. Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir
  • A man, if he is real, just like coffee should be strong.
  • Coffee is the common man's gold; and just like gold, coffee introduces him to luxury and nobility. Abd al-Qadir
  • I love coffee, but I would never spill it on my bare knees!
  • Coffee is the official representative of cheerfulness...
  • The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation. Lyudmila Ulitskaya

  • Coffee is just happiness... and you can drink this happiness...
  • They drink coffee at work - when they want to eat.
  • Coffee is a fleeting moment and a fragrant aroma. Claudia Rodin
  • Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
  • Jacobs coffee is supposedly coffee...
  • Coffee is good, but vodka is still better.
  • Coffee and the word “must” are the only two things that can make me wake up...
  • The coffee lover is me!
  • Coffee is amazing drink, which warms the whole world.
  • Coffee... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to capture and convey taste in words, but it is more difficult to guess and preserve true love... Anthony Capella
  • Coffee - a remedy for drowsiness and laziness
  • Strong coffee revives me. He brings me warmth, amazing energy, and pain that contains pleasure. I like suffering more than not suffering. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs! Winston Churchill
  • My coffee cup looks like a cut of wood - you can tell by the rings inside how many days it hasn’t been washed...
  • There is no better love potion than regular coffee brewed with your own hands. Once a man tries it, he won’t go anywhere. Sophia Loren
  • A vicious circle every morning: to make coffee, you need to wake up, but to wake up, you need to brew coffee.
  • Carefully sniffing the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, into a drink made from strange grains. Max Fry
  • There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee. John Galsworthy
  • I really like coffee with cognac... It’s a pity, but I don’t have coffee.
  • If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. Nika Gardo
  • Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or like the early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life... Banana Yoshimoto
  • If a woman brings you coffee in bed in the morning, it means she’s asking for something!
  • Sometimes life is purely a matter of having a cup of coffee and the solitude it provides. Richard Brautigan
  • I’m driving a car and see something terrible - the guy behind the wheel is shaving! I almost dropped my lipstick in my coffee!
  • After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd together like battalions of a great army on a battlefield. Honore de Balzac
  • Good morning is a cup of coffee in bed... Quotes about coffee and a new day...
  • A common myth is that you have time to make your bed while the coffee is brewing in the Turk.
  • For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life. Johann Strauss

Today, the popularity of coffee cannot be overestimated. So much of it is sold all over the world that it is second only to oil - and this is an important evidence of the importance this drink has in the life of a modern person. What did great people say about him?

Coffee is one of Churchill's favorite drinks

The list opens with an outstanding politician - Winston Churchill. He has a famous quote about coffee: “Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs! There are many myths about Churchill's life and habits. However, it is reliably known that the greatest politician was partial to this drink.

There is an anecdote that once one of the ladies belonging to high society said to Churchill: “If I were your wife, Mr. Churchill, I would put poison in your coffee!” To which the politician calmly replied: “And if I were your husband, I would certainly drink it.”

Coffee and creativity

Musician Johann Strauss has a poetic quote about coffee: “For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee.” Indeed, for many creative people, a fragrant black drink is a way to cheer up and begin the creative process. Writing music, paintings, plays - all this requires mental tension and concentration. It is difficult to engage in such types of activities when the body is weak and half asleep. This invigorating drink is an excellent remedy in order for the creative process to occur sufficiently intensively and concentratedly.

The Great Coffee Lover - Voltaire

An interesting quote about coffee comes from Voltaire. He said: “If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow-acting one. After all, I’ve been dying from it for more than half a century.” Voltaire himself lived for 84 years - and this despite a hard life and an unchanging passion for the drink of vivacity.

It was said about Voltaire that he drank about 50 cups of this drink every day. Of course, this figure is absolutely unthinkable, because then the great poet, philosopher and historian would have to drink it more than twice an hour. However, there is no smoke without fire - most likely, such conclusions were not made in vain. One of Voltaire's servants dared to ask for double wages after resupplying his supply of coffee beans when they unexpectedly ran out.

Famous coffee lover: Balzac

Quotes about coffee from great people show that this drink has always helped them in their work and made their work easier. For example, one of the great writers used to say: “Coffee is an ally, thanks to which even such hard work as writing ceases to be flour.” These are the words of Honore de Balzac. He was a talented writer and at the same time a workaholic. Thanks to his efforts, people today can enjoy wonderful literary works.

Balzac also wrote his novels with the help of an invigorating drink. However, it is unlikely that anyone could repeat the great writer’s daily routine without harming his health: Balzac went to bed at seven in the morning and slept until one in the afternoon. Then he woke up and got to work. In the evening he slept for one hour and began working again until the morning. However, Balzac owns not only individual quotes about coffee. He is also the author of a Treatise on Modern Aphrodisiacs, which he apparently had a good understanding of.

Beethoven - a lover of aromatic drink

Another lover of this drink was the great musician Ludwig van Beethoven. He believed that one cup of it should contain no less than 60 grains. Beethoven was a rather temperamental person. However, one day the now legendary quote about coffee came out of his mouth. The owner of the property came to the musician to swear. Beethoven said: “Would you please, dear sir, have a cup of coffee before you go out?”

Quotes about coffee and love

This aromatic drink Many people associate it with home comfort, warmth, and communication with loved ones. Writer Max Fry says: “True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning.” It is always a pleasure to spend time with those who are dear to you over a cup of drink, which has become an indispensable companion for a modern person. The writer expressed her attitude towards him this way: “Love is like a cup of hot coffee. With its help it is possible to get heat and get badly burned.”

Coffee has always been a companion for creative people. How many books have been written over a cup of coffee, how many great discoveries have been made, the companion of which was an invigorating drink. For centuries, great minds have spoken about coffee, and in today's article we have selected 30 of the best quotes.

Every morning I bring Shann coffee in bed... All he has to do is grind and brew.

Jared Leto

If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me.

Nika Gardo

Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love.

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs!

Winston Churchill

After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd together like battalions of a great army on a battlefield.

Honore de Balzac

The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love him, only under this condition can you enjoy him to the fullest with rapture.

Gustave Flaubert

If I didn't love coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all.

David Letterman

There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee.

John Galsworthy

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy.

There is no better love potion than regular coffee brewed with your own hands. Once a man tries it, he won’t go anywhere.

Sophia Loren

Coffee is a fleeting moment and a fragrant aroma.

Claudia Rodin

The truth is inaccessible to those who have not partaken of the frothy grace of coffee.

Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir

Every successful woman... drinks a significant amount of coffee.

Stephanie Piro

Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or like the early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life...

Banana Yoshimoto

Carefully sniffing the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, into a drink made from strange grains.

Max Fry

How do you drink coffee? We ourselves drink it black as night and sweet as sin.

Neil Gaiman

For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life.

Johann Strauss

Sometimes life is purely a matter of having a cup of coffee and the solitude it provides.

Richard Brautigan

If I don't drink coffee three times a day, I dry out like a piece of roast goat meat.

Johann Sebastian Bach

After the third cup of coffee, I’ll feel kinder, like Karabas-Barabas on his fortieth sneeze.

Max Fry

The only thing that matters when pouring coffee from a silver spout is how the stream begins to glow, how the deep brown color turns amber and golden yellow, and the stream, writhing like a dancer as the cup fills, suddenly stops, as if a ghost has hidden back to the coffee pot.

Anne Rice

The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Coffee... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to capture and convey taste in words, but it is more difficult to guess and preserve true love...

Anthony Capella

Coffee is the common man's gold; and just like gold, coffee introduces him to luxury and nobility.

Abd al-Qadir

What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee?

Anthony Trollope

He compares life to coffee - sweet and bitter at the same time. “In life, like in a cup of coffee, there is both the sweetness of sugar and the bitterness of grounds. No matter how you filter or strain, without them coffee is not coffee.”

Elchin Safarli

For some it is rich coffee, for others it is strong, black or even with milk. And for some, coffee is just “it.” So it is with a person. For some he is the best, beloved, for some he is a person with a twist, for others he is a nobody. And for some, it’s complete “shit.”

Zhanna Terekhova

Strong coffee revives me. He brings me warmth, amazing energy, and pain that contains pleasure. I like suffering more than not suffering.

Napoleon Bonaparte

This world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it.

Cassandra Clare

If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow-acting one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century.


Drink coffee and you can do stupid things even faster and more energetically.

We hope you enjoyed Kofella's collection of coffee quotes! We will be glad to receive any thoughts, and maybe even our own quotes from readers. Share in the comments!