Coffee with chocolate: unusual recipes for a delicious drink. Coffee with chocolate: recipes

Chocolate flavored coffee is a famous drink. Coffee and chocolate are in perfect harmony with each other. The bitterness of coffee beans becomes virtually invisible when mixed with the latter. Having started his way in the countries of the Latin American region, he reached the countries of Europe and became the favorite drink of many coffee lovers. The most famous of the chocolate and coffee drinks today is called.

The oldest known coffee legends date back to Ethiopia, where this beautiful plant was first discovered. At first, gourmets paid attention only to the leaves. But then drink lovers began to look closely at the green beans, when roasted they become dark in color.

History of appearance in Russia

As for Russia, coffee gained popularity in this country at the beginning of the 19th century. The pioneer was the establishment opened in the center of Moscow, which has the name Pechkin's cafe. Famous figures of this period often gathered here, namely scientists, literary and musical figures, various critics.

Pisemskoye it was called the most interesting and intellectual place in Moscow. The environment of intellectuals very warmly greeted this drink, coming up with a new version of coffee with chocolate, the recipe of which was discussed among the intelligentsia.

Coffee with the addition of chocolate has become the hallmark of all coffee houses and restaurants. At the end of the 19th century, the value of imports began to amount to over 9 thousand tons, coffee took first place among drinks.

We will analyze how to make coffee with chocolate, cooking options, as well as some of the features associated with this drink.

Cooking methods

Today there are a lot of recipes by which you can make delicious coffee with chocolate. We will analyze a few of them.

Watch the video of making chocolate coffee.

Recipe one

  1. Two teaspoons of coffee beans;
  2. Water 200 milliliters;
  3. 40 grams of dark chocolate;
  4. Salt and pepper optional.

First, grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour them into a Turk, fill them with boiled water. Cook until boiling, stirring regularly.

After the contents have boiled and froth, you must immediately turn off the stove, wait 30 seconds. Then turn on the fire again and repeat the process.

After boiling again, salt and pepper are added to the chocolate coffee. We insist for 3 or 5 minutes. After straining, pour the drink into cups.

Grate the chocolate bar on a small grater and add to the coffee. Close the cup, let it brew for a few minutes. Once dissolved, you can mix it into the drink. The drink is ready!

Second recipe

  1. 3 teaspoons of coffee;
  2. 120 grams of cold water;
  3. 150 milliliters of warm milk;
  4. 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  5. Sugar to taste.

Cook in a Turk at least three times. This is necessary for proper strength. At this time, melt the chocolate in a water bath.

The milk needs to be heated, but not to a boil. We pour it in a small stream into the melted mass. Beat the mixture with a broom or mixer.

Combine the resulting mass with milk. If you wish, you can add sugar, chocolate chips, almonds.

It can be served both hot and cold.

Combined recipe

Also, coffee with chocolate has a recipe that is very interesting, because it contains all the best from the previous two recipes for a coffee drink:

  1. Half a liter of strong cold coffee;
  2. 5 pieces of chocolate of any kind;
  3. 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  4. 3 tablespoons of milk cream;
  5. Three sticks of cinnamon or 10 grams of ground cinnamon.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath with the addition of water. After that, add the remaining ingredients to the prepared mass. Cream should be added at the last moment, since in this case the consistency will not be disturbed.

Dispense the drink immediately after preparation or 20 minutes after the refrigerator. You can skip cinnamon or add spices. To the taste, the recipe for coffee with chocolate has a similarity to cappuccino.

Types of chocolate for coffee

Coffee and chocolate are indeed a favorite. At first, only very wealthy people could afford it. Cocoa beans mined in Africa were processed and delivered to prestigious houses in Europe. And only after some time these products appeared in stores.

It comes in three varieties: black, with the addition of milk, and special, white chocolate. The first is the most natural. It is quite bitter due to the high percentage of cocoa and not everyone's taste. But the quality plus the benefits are confirmed thoroughly: if you have consumed a piece of such a delicacy, then you will feel satiety in the body, and unnecessary calories will not be deposited in the body.

This product contains a large number of beneficial enzymes. It is used to prevent most diseases, including those associated with depression.

Dairy is distinguished by the milk added to it. Children love this type of delicacy. It may contain nuts, raisins, and other fillers. But at the same time it is worth using it in moderation. For children, it should be given in small portions to avoid allergies.

The most interesting is the white chocolate. It is made from cocoa butter combined with sugar. In Russia, the white species appeared a long time ago and was able to gain popularity.

Among the additives, mint, pepper, cinnamon, ginger and other unusual ingredients are distinguished. It all depends solely on the preferences of the client, because everyone has their own wishes when making coffee with chocolate.

Thus, coffee and chocolate together form a wonderful drink. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation. Each of them has certain advantages and variations.

Watch a short video of a simple homemade recipe.

For a long time, this aromatic drink has delighted people with its excellent taste and tonic effect on the body. Many great politicians and artists of the past have introduced themselves into the habit of drinking coffee in the morning or at lunch, popularizing this drink among their close associates and subjects. Some attention should be paid to the rules of drinking coffee and its effects on human health.

Large quantities of the pep drink should not be overused. It has been found that a couple of cups of coffee during the day are better at activating the body than a double serving in the morning or evening. This drink should be treated with caution by people who have difficulties with the health of the heart and blood vessels. Coffee is not recommended for pregnant women, but if softened with chocolate or ice cream, the effect of caffeine will decrease.

Who among us doesn't like having a cup of wonderful hot coffee with chocolate? Unique taste, tart and soft at the same time. There are many tips and recipes for making such a treat. Let us turn our attention to them.

Chocolate coffee recipe

Would need:

  1. sweet chocolate with milk (drink) - 250 ml
  2. black strong coffee - 250 ml
  3. whipped cream, to taste

Cooking process:

Prepare milk chocolate. Mix with hot coffee, pour into cups. Top with some whipped cream. ! Tip: The drink can be drunk chilled through a straw. Optionally, you can add a little cognac.

And this recipe is perfect for coffee lovers who want to cool down. Suitable for treating guests in the summer.

Iced coffee with chocolate

Ingredients (per 4 servings):

  1. chocolate - 4 pieces
  2. strong cold coffee - 500 ml
  3. sugar - 10 g
  4. cream - 3 tablespoons
  5. pinch of cinnamon


Melt the chocolate with a few tablespoons of hot water, pour in coffee, add everything else in sequence, stir thoroughly, refrigerate and pour into cups after 15 minutes. Enjoy!

Keep in mind that finely ground coffee is better suited for cooking in a Turk and, in general, for cooking in an oriental way. A slightly larger grind is best prepared in a coffee machine. Medium grind is more versatile for both the coffee pot and the coffee machine. Coarsely ground coffee is only suitable for brewing in a coffee pot. The taste of coffee also depends on the freshness of the grind, so prepare as much freshly ground coffee as you need to make your dessert drink.

Many coffee lovers love cinnamon. There are many recipes for black coffee with the addition of this spice. But a truly magical taste comes from mixing the three main ingredients: coffee, chocolate and cinnamon. Be sure to prepare your coffee using the following recipe that brings out all the flavors together.

Chocolate and cinnamon coffee recipe

We need (based on 2 servings):

  1. 2 chocolate bars, 10 g each
  2. strong coffee - 250 ml
  3. sugar - 1 tsp
  4. cream 20-25% - 1.5 tbsp
  5. pinch of cinnamon

Cooking method:

Brew strong coffee (medium grind is fine), strain it, add sugar and chill. Melt chocolate in a metal cup. Then we put together coffee, cream, cinnamon and chocolate. Mix well, pour into cups, cool a little and drink!

Remember, no matter how much you know about coffee, there will always be new variations of its preparation and use. And there are so many interesting facts about coffee! Coffee is a unifying and reconciling drink, like the Indian pipe of peace. After all, over a cup of hot delicious drink, any meeting and date passes pleasantly and warmly. Be happy and like coffee!

Since high-quality chocolate, as well as freshly brewed, aromatic coffee, enjoys great love among the inhabitants of the world, it is not surprising that various variations of the combination of the two delicacies have appeared. Today we offer you interesting recipes for coffee with chocolate, collected from different parts of the world. So let's get started.

Refreshing coffee with ice cream and chocolate

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 ml strong coffee;
  • 300 g ice cream;
  • 90-100 g of chocolate;
  • 1-2 tsp sugar (depends on how sweet your coffee is).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grind coffee beans with a coffee grinder. Pour raw materials into a copper pot, fill with water, add sugar. Simmer the drink over low heat until a high foam starts to form. Lift the Turk over the stove. As soon as the foam disappears, return the coffee to the stove. Repeat the procedure twice more.
  2. Cover the finished drink with a saucer, let it brew for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, rub the chocolate in any convenient way. Pour Turkish coffee into a tall glass goblet, add chocolate chips.

Tip: To make the chocolate easier to grate, we recommend freezing it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

  1. Put ice cream on top. Sprinkle a large amount of chocolate chips on its surface. Now your coffee and chocolate cocktail with ice cream is ready. We recommend serving it with cocktail tubes.

Coffee with chocolate and ice cream: an original variation

Required Ingredients:

  • ground black coffee;
  • ice cream sundae (without additives);
  • syrup from red rose petals;
  • liquor;
  • lemon;
  • grated chocolate.

Cooking methods:

  • Pour two tablespoons of crushed coffee beans into a glass of cold, purified water. Put the cezva on a low heat, bring the drink to a boil. From this amount of coffee, a fairly strong drink will turn out. If you want to get "weak", then just add 1 tsp. crushed coffee beans in a glass of water.

Drink serving methods:

  1. You can squeeze something in a separate cup, and put a bowl of ice cream next to it. First, you need to pour the delicacy with rose petal syrup and a little liquor. And put a slice of lemon next to it. If you choose this option, then adding sugar to coffee is not necessary at all.
  2. Pour half of the freshly made coffee into a tall, clear glass. Add a few spoons of ice cream, stir. Put more ice cream on top. Then pour a little liqueur and lemon juice over it. If the drink is intended for use by children, then alcohol is recommended to be replaced with chocolate syrup.

Unusual coffee with chocolate and raspberry syrup

To prepare it, we need:

  • 200 ml of coffee;
  • 150-200 ml of chocolate milk;
  • 4 tsp raspberry syrup;
  • 5-7 cubes of dark dark chocolate.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Make coffee according to your favorite recipe. Let it cool slightly. Pour chocolate milk into the drink. Put the coffee in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  2. Add raspberry syrup to your drink. Stir with a spoon.
  3. Pour coffee into a tall glass. Decorate the surface of the drink with chocolate chips. If you wish, you can also add whipped cream for decoration.

Traditional coffee with chocolate

Required Ingredients:

  • 2.5 tsp ground coffee beans;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml of purified water;
  • 100 g of chocolate.

Step-by-step preparation of a drink:

  1. Prepare a medium-strength coffee. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, get busy with chocolate. Break the treat into small pieces. Pour it into a bowl, top with milk. Place in a water bath. Do not forget to stir regularly until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Make sure milk and chocolate do not boil. Otherwise, this stage will have to be repeated again.
  3. Pour coffee into a cup, slowly pour in melted chocolate with milk, stirring thoroughly. And let's get down to coffee. If desired, garnish the surface of the drink with cinnamon powder or whipped cream.

Note: by the way, it is not at all necessary to mix the two factions. You can also do the following: pour melted chocolate with milk on the bottom of the cup, and then fill the cup to the top with coffee.

Mexican coffee with chocolate and cinnamon

To prepare a drink for 10-12 servings, you will need:

  • 5 glasses of water;
  • half a cup of ground coffee beans;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1/3 cup chocolate syrup
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla (can be replaced with extract);
  • a few pinches of cinnamon powder;
  • whipped cream - optional.

Make me coffee - only in the morning
Breathe the coolness of the day into it.
And a couple of slices of chocolate
Wake me up asleep.
(Author unknown)

The tradition of drinking coffee with hot chocolate dates back to the 18th century. Then this drink was called "bicherin". His admirers included Ernest Hemingway and Pablo Picasso. Modern "bicherin" is the basis of many cocktails, desserts and confectionery products, as well as a favorite drink of coffee lovers and aesthetes.

A little about the usefulness

Chocolate and coffee come from warm countries, which means they have similar beneficial properties. They make a great duet. It brings pleasure, cheers up and, with high-quality ingredients, has a positive effect on health.

A cup of coffee with chocolate will be the perfect end to a light breakfast and will give you the mood for the whole day.

Drinks like coffee and chocolate are great for those on a diet. In addition, you will find special chocolate diets on the Internet.

Scientists have created a “menu for centenarians”. Other products included coffee, tea and chocolate. These products restore and extend the life of the affected cells.

Chocolate coffee

Coffee tastes even better when joined by a bar of your favorite chocolate. Drinking her coffee, you will feel an amazing chocolate taste, which will begin to interrupt the coffee bitterness. When combined, coffee and chocolate create a gourmet dream.

If the sequence is changed ("seize" the coffee with chocolate), then the taste will be different - the bitterness will be replaced by sweetness. This option is more suitable for those who try the treat for the sake of chocolate, rather than for the sake of coffee.

For this purpose, dark bitter and milk chocolate are more suitable. White will give the coffee an oily taste, which will negatively affect the drink. Black will unite with his bitterness. Milk chocolate and coffee are the best solution.

Magic drink

Let's call the symbiosis of coffee and hot chocolate a magic drink. Two of the most delicious and invigorating drinks in one. The aroma of this delicacy is a feast for charm. Isn't it magic?

An unusually tasty drink is obtained in coffee machines. However, you can also do it at home. The main thing is to be charged with desire.

Hot chocolate latte

Ingredients (1 serving):

1) Coffee - 1 tablespoon;

2) Hot chocolate - 50 ml;

3) Cold milk - 100 ml;

4) Grated chocolate for decoration.


  1. Prepare and pour 50 ml hot chocolate into an irish glass. For instant cooking, you can use packaged liquid hot chocolate.
  2. Prepare black coffee.
  3. Pour the coffee into an irish glass over the hot chocolate.
  4. Foam the milk.
  5. Add frothed milk to coffee and chocolate.
  6. Decorate the resulting yummy with grated chocolate.

Enjoy your coffee!

Sweet lovers prefer to combine aromatic coffee and chocolate. After all, such a mix not only invigorates in the morning, but is also a wonderful dessert. The tradition of drinking coffee with a chocolate flavor originated in the 18th century, when such a delicacy was called "". Pablo Picasso himself created his masterpieces while drinking this treat. The modern interpretation of the drink is the basis of many cocktails, sweet treats and dessert dishes. It is loved by connoisseurs of chocolate and coffee gourmets.

The recipe for coffee with chocolate is known all over the world; it is used in popular coffee houses and restaurants. Consider several options for making a sweet treat.

The modern version of the preparation of a drink can be different in terms of the amount in coffee. A latte with the addition of melted chocolate and crumbs will be considered a classic.

Best of all, such a delicacy is obtained in a coffee machine, but true connoisseurs can prepare it at home. For cooking we need:

  • Fresh ground grains - 3 tsp;
  • Bitter chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Milk - 100 ml;

Cooking steps:

Put ground grains and water in a Turk, put on fire, keep, without boiling, as long as possible. After boiling, remove from heat and leave for 5 minutes. Using a strainer, remove excess thickening from the drink.

  1. Divide the chocolate bar 1/3. Put most of it in a water bath, melt, and do not forget to stir constantly to avoid burning.
  2. Heat the milk a little and froth.
  3. First pour the chocolate into the serving glasses, then the espresso.
  4. In the last step, gently pour in to make three brightly delineated layers.
  5. Grate the rest of the tile on a fine grater and decorate the treat before serving.

Hot coffee with chocolate is ready! Such a treat will cheer up and delight any sweet tooth.

Mayan treat

The recipe, which came to us from the distant past, was of a ritual nature among the Mayan and Aztec tribes. But it is to them that we owe the emergence of modern chocolate. To create a drink according to an ancient recipe, you need to prepare:

  • hot espresso - 50 ml;
  • chocolate - ½ bar;
  • salt and pepper - 1 pinch each.

Home cooking method:

  1. Add salt and pepper to the hot espresso still in the turk and bring to a boil again.
  2. Pour the drink into cups, add 1 tsp. grated dark chocolate in each glass, cover with a saucer and let stand for 2 minutes.
  3. The preparation of a natural coffee drink is ready! This cooking method is unique if you want to surprise your guests and loved ones.

Dessert with condensed milk, chocolate and cinnamon

Another popular restaurant recipe. It can be served in several flavors: hot in cold autumn and winter, and with ice in hot weather. Prepare the following ingredients for 4 servings:

  • espresso - 300 ml;
  • chocolate - 1 bar;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp;
  • condensed milk - 5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;

At home:

  1. Melt half of the existing chocolate, add, and cinnamon.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into hot coffee, stir, sweeten to taste.
  3. If you decide to serve a drink in the summer, then place the resulting mix in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then add crushed ice and garnish with a mint leaf.

An interesting option will be suitable both in the morning and in the evening in any weather! You can experiment with this recipe as you like, you still get a bright and rich taste.

If you wish, you can add cognac or rum instead of condensed milk to give the treat the status of a festive or just an evening drink. After all, the taste will turn out to be brighter and acquire new properties.

Frappe with chocolate chips

Making coffee with chocolate syrup is also famous all over the world. But its preparation does not require special skills, you can cook it at home:

  • cold espresso - 50 ml;
  • crushed ice - 4 cubes;
  • cream 10% - 20 ml;
  • chocolate chips;
  • chocolate syrup - 15 ml ;,
  • whipped cream - balloon;
  • ginger cookie.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour cream into cold espresso, add ice and pour into tall glasses.
  2. Add syrup to each serving.
  3. Before serving, pour in balloon cream, then decorate them a little with chocolate syrup, crumbs and gingerbread cookies, previously ground into fine shavings.

This option can be called a dessert, it is quite high in calories. But at the same time, the taste turns out to be unique, real sweet tooth will appreciate your creativity.

Benefits of drinking chocolate coffee

It is scientifically proven that drinking two cups of this delicacy per day improves mood and gives vigor.

  1. it is necessary to distribute the consumption throughout the day, because the separate intake of the drink is more effective than a double portion in the morning or in the evening;
  2. people suffering from depression are simply obliged to drink such a treat, because chocolate has a positive effect on the work of the brain.

if you do not have time to prepare a cake for the arrival of guests, surprise them with an unusual solution - prepare a chocolate drink with coffee!