What cocktail is on fire. Sambuca - what is it and what is it drunk with

To diversify the party and make it unforgettable, the replacement of standard alcoholic drinks with original cocktails can help. About a hundred years ago, cocktails were used as dessert alcohol and were mostly sweet. They were used to get unforgettable emotions, arouse appetite and relaxation.

However, over the entire existence of traditional cocktails, they began to annoy many. This feature forces barmen from all over the world to come up with new combinations of ingredients. Now at the peak of popularity, burning cocktails can turn any gatherings with friends into an unforgettable show. With their help, you can not only relax, but also tickle your nerves.

Making drinks with a twinkle

Thanks to the creation of this category of cocktails, bartenders from around the world are obliged to Jerry Thomas, nicknamed the "Professor". Few people know about him, however, thanks to his efforts, the world saw the very concept of alcohol, which should be set on fire before drinking. He himself did not create most of the cocktails from this category, but put an enormous amount of effort to popularize them, made an unbearable contribution to the popularization of the cocktail culture of the world. Last minute cocktails have become a really new phenomenon and laid the foundation for the bartender's current called flaring. It is based on bright work with fire.

Rules for working with cocktails

Just before proceeding to the process of describing recipes for popular fire cocktails, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the basic rules of work. Remember that fire is a dangerous element. Only specially trained bartenders can cope with it. At home, you can create lasting cocktails, but you should be careful.

It will be preferable if you begin to enjoy a similar show in slightly darkened rooms in the circle of relatives and friends. Remember that cocktails with a twinkle are dangerous not only to make, but even to drink. In this case, it is extremely important to carefully observe the safety rules:

  • Use thick glass glasses and preheat them before making cocktails.
  • Open fire should not be used to heat the surface of glasses, because the material may slightly fade and lose its attractive appearance.
  • Alcoholic drink should be set on fire in a separate spoon, and then pour it into a cocktail.
  • Any bar where you can order last-minute cocktails must have the appropriate permission and license.
  • Do not bend close to a burning cocktail, because the flame can quickly spread through the stripes, clothes.
  • Keep cocktails away from other alcohol (the latter should be stored in unopened bottles).
  • Do not add strong drinks to the composition after it has already been set on fire.
  • Be sure to extinguish the flame before drinking, for example, use a saucer.

The burning process does not really affect the taste of the final drink, however, many believe that they become a little nicer and softer in taste. If you have firmly decided that you can make such alcohol, carefully read the following recipes.


For the cooking procedure we will need:

  • 25 g of liquor.
  • 60 g of cognac.
  • 10 g of powder.
  • 5 g of granulated sugar.
  • Lemon.

Take a glass specially designed for grog and slightly heat it. Pour powdered sugar into it and pour all the alcohol. Pour boiling water, previously putting in a container a small slice of lemon. Place a teaspoon with a small piece of sugar on a glass and pour cognac on it. Light a spoon and serve a drink.


It is required to take 20 ml of the following liquors:

  • Kahlua cafe.

Pour into a small glass all these liquors in the same order, preventing them from mixing. We set fire and enjoy the show!


The cocktail is completely similar in preparation with the previous option.

However, tequila should be added instead of Cointreau. It is this variation that many patrons of bars like.

"Burning Punch"

The drink is designed for 6-8 people, i.e. Suitable for a company of friends. Of the ingredients required:

  • 1 liter of tea (necessarily strong).
  • Sugar head.
  • A small bottle of rum (also strong).
  • Dry white wine - 2 bottles.
  • One citrus (you need their juice).

We make strong tea. We put the tongs with the sugar head on the pot and saturate it with rum. Never pour rum from a bottle, but use a special pouring spoon. We set it on fire and wait until the sugar completely drains into the container. Rum should be added periodically. We heat all the wine together with tea and lemon juice with orange. In this case, do not bring to a boil - watch this carefully. Pour the mixture into the pot and mix. The drink is served hot.

Extreme Cocktail

It is required to take 2 glasses - shot for martini. Of the ingredients you need 20 ml of each alcohol:

  • Bailey’s Irish Cream.
  • Blue Curacao.
  • Sambuca.

In a martini glass, pour sambuca and then the whole rum. Cream and “Blue Curacao” layers are added to the shot. We set fire to rum with sambuca and lower the cocktail tube to the bottom. Try to drink the first half of the glass as quickly as possible. Then the contents are poured from the shot and the cocktail is drank.


The original name will delight all connoisseurs of delicious cocktails. To prepare it, you need a lot of ingredients:

  • Cognac.
  • Galliano liquor.
  • Sambuca.
  • Syrup "Grenadine".

Each element must be taken in equal parts - 50 ml. Pour layers in a large enough glass. The first is liquor, followed by the sambuca, and after them we pour cognac. Next, add syrup and complete the composition of the rum. We set fire and enjoy the original taste!


The "Club" includes:

  • Absinthe - 40 g.
  • Kizlyar cognac 3 * - 20 g.
  • Cold Cappuccino - 50 g.
  • Sugar.

We place in a specialized cup of cappuccino, in brandy glass - absinthe. On the side of the glass we lay on a glass of wine glass and add a pinch of sugar into it. We burn absinthe. Scroll the wine glass so that the sugar gradually melts and the glass does not burst. When the absinthe is heated, it should be poured into a glass of cappuccino in this form. Close the glass tightly so that the fire goes out.

"Black Pearl"

It is required:

  • Ripe Banana Syrup - 10 ml.
  • Cream 33% - 20 ml.
  • Black rum - 30 ml.

To receive an exclusive drink, it is necessary to pour the syrup chosen by us, cream with rum, in a standard shot one by one. We set fire to rum and drink a cocktail through a straw.

In fact, there are a lot of popular burning cocktails. You can try several of them and find your favorite. The main thing is to drink strong drinks in moderation and with pleasure!

Burning cocktails are power. After all, you can set fire not only absinthe, but also various other drinks. Just begins the cold season, when you need to bask by all means, so as not to freeze back to the chair. So set it on fire, man, why did you get up there?

1. Pumpkin Pie

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 shot of Bailey's;
  • 1/3 shot of tequila (white);
  • cinnamon.

Gently pour the drinks in layers: down Kalua, in the middle of Baileys, tequila up. Burn tequila and throw cinnamon. Flip. It looks like a warm pumpkin pie.

2. Flaming Lamborghini

  • 30 g of Kalua;
  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 30 g of blue Curacao;
  • 30 g of Bailey's.

Pour sambuca and Kalua into a cocktail glass and put a straw there. We pour Baileys and Curazo into two different shots and set them on different sides of the glass. We set fire to the mixture in a glass and start drinking through a straw (we absorb it in one sitting). When the glass is almost empty, pour in Baileys and Curazo and continue to drink!

3. Burning Dr. Pepper

  • ¾ Shota Amaretto;
  • ¼ shota rum;
  • ½ cup of beer.

Add shots with Amaretto rum to make the mixture flammable. Pour the contents of the shot into a beer pint, where there is already half a glass of beer. Ignite the mixture on top - let it burn a little. Then close the mug so that the fire goes out, inhale the steam. It tastes like Dr Pepper.

4. Burning B-52

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 Bailey's;
  • 1/3 Shot Cointreau;
  • a couple drops of rum.

Pour into a shot of Kalua, then a layer of Bailey's, and upstairs, in a spoon, Cointreau. All layers should be poured either on a spoon or on a knife blade, leaning it against the glass. Add a little rum on top and set it on fire! You can then drink it in one gulp or through a straw.

5. Backdraft

This is a hard drink. You must be a good master to cook it.

  • 45 g Cointreau;
  • 45 g Sambuca;
  • some cinnamon;

Put a saucer on the table. Put a shot of Sambuca on it. Take a pint and pour the right amount of Cointreau into it. Light Cointreau and shake a pint until the walls are warm. Pour the burning Cointreau into the shot, igniting Sambuca and spilling the flaming mixture on the saucer. Holding a pint inverted over a saucer to collect precious alcoholic vapors, add a little cinnamon to the drink from a safe distance and then cover the saucer completely.

Put out the flame and remove a pint from the saucer. Quickly drop a few ice cubes into a pint and immediately cover it with your palm so that the alcohol does not evaporate. Shake a pint several times vigorously and inhale the vapors with a straw. Then, using the same straw, drink what is left on the saucer. To increase the effect, everything must be done very quickly and spectacularly.

6. Flaming Sambuca

  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 3 coffee beans.

Put the coffee beans in a shot and add Sambuca. Light it and let it burn for 10 seconds. Cover the shot with your hand to extinguish the flames and inhale the vapors. Drink in one gulp.

Witches were burned at the Inquisition bonfires, and absinthe lovers set fire to the "green fairy" - this is what the French call this strong alcoholic drink. Want to know what absinthe is, how to drink it by all the rules, and how to set fire to it? Then this article is for you.

The Greeks called this wormwood drink "unbearable." Try to drink a liquid green from chlorophyll with a strength of 55 to 86%! Indeed, you can’t drink such a lot in one gulp. Actually, they do not drink “pure” absinthe in one gulp.

The herbs that make up absinthe - anise, wormwood, mint, lemon balm, fennel, angelica and others - give the drink a magical taste. That is why artists and writers so often appealed to this “enchantress” in search of inspiration.

Absinthe is one of the strongest spirits in the world, because it is served with water and a piece of sugar

"How to drink absinthe? - many will ask. - And what you need to do?". So, in addition to the bottle with absinthe, you will need:

  • rafinated sugar;
  • special spoon with holes;
  • water.

Drinking undiluted absinthe is bad taste. Water passed through sugar on a special spoon directly into the drink makes absinthe unclear. Sugar is intended to sweeten the bitterness of wormwood. A green fairy is served before meals as an aperitif.

The high strength of absinthe (from 55 to 86%) is not a whim of manufacturers, but a necessity: only with such a concentration of alcohol will the drink hold essential oils in dissolved form.

Until 2004, absinthe was "outlawed." The toxicity of thujone (a hallucinogenic substance that is part of wormwood) makes the drink a real poison. The ban on its manufacture was caused by alcoholism among lovers of "fairies" and the increasing incidence of schizophrenia in the early XX century. This reputation has made the drink unpopular for a long time.

Why and how to burn absinthe?

If you want entertainment, there are several more effective ways to present absinthe. Many are interested in why and how to burn absinthe. Let's try to give some recommendations.

Carefully choose glasses for absinthe - under the influence of fire, the container may not withstand and burst

1. "Czech way"  orders to set fire to sugar saturated with absinthe. Turning into caramel, sugar flows into absinthe, and then 3 parts of ice water are added there.

The inscription "Absinthe refined" on the bottle with a drink is a sign of fake absinthe. There is no bitter wormwood in it, and thujone, respectively, is also absent.

2. "Russian way" more difficult. 1 part of absinthe is poured into a glass, set on fire. After the liquid briefly “burns with a blue flame”, the glass is covered with another glass. The flame goes out, hot absinthe is poured into the second glass, immediately covering the first with a napkin and turning upside down. A straw is pushed under an inverted glass and the absinthe vapor is inhaled, washed down with a cooling drink from the second glass. The way is impressive with its ritualism and bewitching mastery of the bartender. After all, you can’t do without training here.

Some absinthe lovers recommend drowning the bitter taste of a drink with a slice of lemon

3.   Gives special sensations "Bar way": a 4/5 cup is filled with ice-cold absinthe, sugar is placed on a spoon and held over burning absinthe. Sugar is caramelized and drips into absinthe. When all the caramel has dissolved, the spoon is removed, the flame is extinguished and absinthe is served with a cocktail tube.

Sambuca is a famous national Italian drink. This liqueur has a specific aroma of star anise, or as it is also called - star anise. It is because of the unique aniseed taste for sambuca that you cannot remain indifferent. They either love her or cannot bear it to the spirit. For many, the peculiar spicy taste of sambuca is associated with medical syrup. But nevertheless there are much more admirers of this drink than those who did not like it.

What is a sambuca?

It is worth noting that this is a fairly strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 38 to 42%. Often it is transparent, but sometimes it is painted with the help of natural dyes in black, red and even blue.

What taste, besides anise, does sambuca have? The anatomy of the drink is quite complex and consists of extracts of aromatic herbs, berries, flowers. Another famous ingredient in sambuca is elderberry flowers, but still the exact recipe of the drink is not known to anyone. Manufacturers carefully hide the full composition of aniseed liquor from the masses.

Origin history

Many admirers of this liquor ask the question: "Sambuca - what is this amazing drink, and how was it invented?" In fact, the history of the invention of this liqueur is very cliched and peculiar to many alcoholic drinks. It all started with an ordinary experiment, when someone decided to add a spicy spice - star anise (star anise) to wheat spirit. The result of the experiment was so amazing that after many years you and I can enjoy the fragrant invigorating sambuca. But then this drink was nicknamed “Zammut” and was considered a drug, although sometimes it was used just for fun.

Naturally, sambuca is not only wheat alcohol and anise. Its composition was enriched for many years, and the recipe was improved. 1945 was the year of the official birth of this alcohol. It was then that the Italian winemaker Angelo Molinari improved the recipe by adding extracts from plants known only to him, and gave the name sambuca to spicy liquor. That this creation would bring him fame and become a recognized alcoholic beverage, he did not yet know.

Now the most popular and widespread brand of sambuca bears the name of its creator - Molinari Sambuca Extra.

The origin of the name "sambuca"

Let's look at the origin of the name "sambuca". What is this word, and where did it come from?

There are several options for the emergence of such a name for the drink.

The first option is the name Sambucus nigra elderberry, the flowers of which are added in the manufacture of liquor. There is also an Arabic version of the appearance of the name. She says that she got the name of the sambuca due to the name of the Arab ships that transported it between the continents. Some are of the opinion that the name comes from a similar name for a city in the Tuscan province.

Nevertheless, the most historically substantiated opinion is that the name of the drink gave the name of its main component - anise (translated from Arabic). Zammut - the so-called drink-ancestor of sambuca, which was made and consumed in the Middle Ages.

Ways to use sambuca

It simply surprises a huge number of methods (you can call them rituals) for using sambuca. How to drink sambuca? 6 correct ways we will consider further.

1. In its pure form, sambuca is rarely drunk and in very small doses. Most often they use it as a digestif after a plentiful meal. The Romans slightly modified this way of making anise liqueur. Traditionally, they fill a special glass with sambuca, throw a couple of coffee beans there, warm them up and drink in one gulp.

2. Perhaps the most famous method of consumption - "sambuca with flies" - is also from Italy. There are also coffee beans. According to an ancient legend, there should be three of them. Each grain thrown into a glass with liquor is the personification of the human good: eternal health, unlimited happiness and prosperity.

3. "Props" for the implementation of the following method - "fire sambuca" - will serve as a special glass made of thickened glass. Pour liquor into this glass, set fire to it and wait until the flame goes out by itself. After the contents of the glass you need to drink in one gulp, without biting. It is important to feel and enjoy the spicy aftertaste of the drink.

4. Another way to use sambuca can be compared with this presentation. This is perhaps the most extreme method. Sambuca is typed in the mouth, for safety, you need to wet your lips with a napkin, then throw your head back and open your mouth. The show begins when the waiter sets fire to a drink in the mouth. It should be swallowed as soon as the heat begins to be felt.

5. The next method, although connected with the flame, is not as dangerous as the previous one. It is necessary to take two glasses, in one of which pour sambuca and set on fire. After a few seconds, pour the burning sambuca into another glass, and turn it over or empty it with a napkin. The burning sambuca is drunk in one gulp, after which the vapors from the first glass are inhaled through the tube. All this can be eaten with coffee beans.

6. Sambuca with ice. Italians love to use sambuca on hot days, putting a few ice cubes in a glass or pre-freezing the drink. One variation of this method is to dilute aniseed liquor with iced mineral water. If ice is thrown into the sambuca or water is added, the presence of essential oils in the composition makes the drink cloudy.

What is sambuca used for and what is it for?

Sambuca - what is it and with what is it drunk? Not all questions have been answered. As you noticed, there are many different interesting ways to absorb this liquor, but what can be a complement to it? What foods are best combined with sambuca?

Extreme lovers and owners of strong stomachs drink this alcoholic drink with milk. You should immediately warn that not everyone will like such a connection. Much more harmonious than sambuca is combined with coffee (strong espresso) or tea.

The best sambuca duet forms with Italian dishes. It will also be appropriate in combination with traditional Japanese dishes.

It is advisable to serve brackish, light meals - cheese, cheese, cold meat snacks, olives in the form of appetizers for sambuca. For lovers of sweets, you can recommend marmalade and a variety of desserts containing peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts. A good combination for this liqueur will be fruits: grapes, orange, lemon, apples.

Sambuca liquor: calorie content, useful properties  a drink

Like any strong alcoholic drink, sambuca in large quantities can adversely affect the body. But the correct, dosed use of aniseed liquor will not do any harm. Or maybe the other way around.

Since ancient times, sambuca was served after food and played the role of a digestif. Its purpose is to help in the digestion of food. In addition, alcohol that is consumed on a full stomach does much less harm to the body.

Components such as anise and elderberry give this liquor a whole list of beneficial properties. It improves digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves cough, strengthens the immune system and promotes a speedy recovery from colds.

The composition of sambuca contains vitamins B6 and PP, calcium, potassium, sodium. The calorie content of this liqueur is 240 kcal per 100 ml.

Sambuca Cocktails

We learned that there are many ways to use pure sambuca, but there are also a huge variety of cocktails where this liqueur is combined with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, creating unique notes of taste.

How to use this drink - the choice is yours. Someone likes to feel a clean, refined aftertaste of sambuca, and someone likes to dilute its taste with other, alcoholic and not only components.

Admirers of aniseed drink will not remain indifferent to cocktails, which include sambuca. What kind of recipes are to be found out below.

Sambuca Cocktail Recipes

Cocktail "Poison Mint"

Mix mint syrup and sambuca in a cocktail glass until smooth. Carefully pour in absinthe to form a layer. Absinthe set on fire. Drink through a straw as quickly as possible.

The Four Horsemen Cocktail

Four components are used in equal parts: tequila, sambuca, rum, Jagermeister (fruit and herbal liquor). Mix everything in a glass for whiskey. Drink very carefully and little by little.

Cocktail "Red Dog"

  • Sambuca - 30ml.
  • White tequila - 30 ml.
  • Spicy Tabasco sauce.

Fill the shotka shot with half sambuca, carefully pour white tequila on top. In appearance, the cocktail will be monophonic, but due to the difference in density of sambuca and tequila - two-layer. When you drop a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce, it will lie on the border between two liquids, in the middle. The cocktail produces an invigorating effect. You need to drink it in one gulp.

Sambuca in cooking

Earlier we learned that for an amazing drink - sambuca, everything about sambuca, liquors with sambuca, cocktails with sambuca, but few people know that this strong alcoholic liquor can add spice to culinary masterpieces.

But not only for sweet dishes, you can use this drink. Culinary experts often experiment by adding sambuca to sauces for meat and fish dishes. Sambuca is a favorite ingredient for "adult desserts." Ice cream, jelly, creamy panacotta will gain a new sound if the composition contains sambuca. Anise liqueur is able to transform the taste of almost any sweet dessert.

Surprisingly, well, there is not one, but several correct methods for drinking absinthe at home. All of them have been repeatedly tested by fine drink connoisseurs and true gourmets. Therefore, it does not hurt to get to know some of them better.

Classic or French

For the classic method of drinking absinthe, you will need a special glass, a piece of refined sugar, ideally pressed, and a special spoon with slots.

  • Pour exactly thirty milliliters of absinthe into the container.
  • Place a spoon on top of the stack and place a piece of refined sugar on it.
  • Pour icy water in the amount of ninety milliliters on sugar in a very thin stream.

As you add water, in which the sugar has dissolved, the drink will begin to cloud (Louche), since the essential oils from absinthe create an emulsion with the liquid. You need to drink in small sips and do not bite. This method is recommended as an aperitif, about an hour before meals.

Crystal or Czech

This method of using absinthe is the most extreme, because here it will be drunk in its pure form, absolutely undiluted.

  • Pour the drink into a glass or a special glass for absinthe, about one sip (20-30 milliliters).
  • Ignite the fluid with a match or lighter.
  • Wait until it burns out a little.
  • Extinguish sharply and immediately drink in one gulp.

Drinking alcohol with this method of consumption is not accepted, have a bite too. If you are too bitter, chew a slice of the zest of lemon and salt, it should add discomfort and vomiting.

Czech fiery

This method of drinking absinthe also implies the presence of a special glass that is not afraid of temperature extremes, a special spoon and a piece of sugar.

The creation of the drink looks like real magic, but it is interesting to drink it. It gives unusual sensations, both of a taste plan, so aromatic.

This is how it is customary to drink green absinthe.

  • Place a spoon with slots on the edges of the stack.
  • Gently, drop by drop through sugar, pour thirty milligrams of absinthe.
  • Light the alcohol-impregnated refined product.
  • Wait until it, when burnt, is completely melted and drips into a drink.
  • Slowly inject ninety milligrams of cold water and drink immediately.

This, preferred by bartenders and the most effective method, is dangerous because the liquid can catch fire from dripping sugar. Many simply consider this a signal to start diluting with water, because a rapidly falling degree will extinguish absinthe itself.

You can snack with a piece of dark chocolate, but it is better to limit yourself to a slice of lemon or not to jam at all.


Do not be surprised, there is such a method. Let's find out with what our people drink green absinthe abroad or at home.

  • Make sugar syrup from cold water and a slice of refined sugar. You can take simple sugar, warm it with water, and then cool to the desired temperature, this is quite acceptable.
  • Mix one part absinthe and three parts syrup.

Snacking such a drink is not necessary, this method perfectly softens the bitterness of absinthe and gives only positive impressions.

"Two glasses"

Another bartender's favorite absinthe feeding method that can be repeated at home. True, you should be extremely careful, since here you will also need to set fire to the drink. This method is also sometimes called Russian, because our stern and strong men liked it.

  • Dissolve a refined cube in ninety milligrams of cold water.
  • Pour syrup gently into absinthe (30 milligrams).
  • Set the drink on fire.
  • After waiting a few seconds, cover with a second glass. After that, without oxygen, the flame immediately goes out.
  • Pour the absinthe into the second glass without tearing the containers apart.
  • Drink the liquid, and sharply cover the second glass with a napkin and turn upside down.
  • Slip a cocktail tube under it and inhale the vapors of the just burned alcohol.

Here you should be extremely careful, since you need to act very quickly, almost instantly. Glasses need to choose special ones that are resistant to temperature changes, and the tube must be of high quality so that it does not deform from hot combustion products.

How to proceed, you decide.

Instructions for methods: how to drink absinthe at home

There is still not one or two, but several dozen simple and not very methods for drinking and how to eat absinthe at home. All of them are diverse, but mainly revolve around how to dissolve sugar, set fire and dilute the drink with water.

All of them in one article will not work. If you want to know more, watch the video below.

The main thing is to be extremely careful when handling fire, and do not overdo the amount of alcohol taken to the chest. Indeed, in addition to the excessive strength, which almost all types of such alcohol are famous for, it has just a “lethal” set of essences of herbs that are toxic.