Which part of the pork is more suitable for barbecue. What meat to choose for barbecue

A successful picnic will be only with deliciously delicious barbecue. Therefore, the organizer of the event has a considerable responsibility in terms of the choice of meat, its pickling and cooking.

Everyone knows that the meat for the preparation of barbecue must be fresh, and in no case frozen. But what part of the pork carcass to choose so that the kebab is soft, juicy and tasty? We will tell about this and how to properly marinate meat for barbecue below. And today you can not be tormented and order a barbecue at home is not only convenient but also very tasty.

What part of pork is better to make kebab from?

Any specialist in barbecue business will unequivocally answer that for the preparation of barbecue the best pork meat is pork neck. It is from it that you can get the most tender, juicy and soft barbecue cooked at the stake. The meat from this part of the pork carcass has a lot of fatty layers, which contributes to obtaining the ideal result. In addition, the meat fibers of the collar are always softer and softer than, say, in the scapular or posterior part.

Sometimes it happens that it’s not possible to buy pork neck for a barbecue because of its absence at the right time on sale. What to do in this case? Really abandon the planned outings? Or is it still possible to buy another piece of pork carcass and cook kebab from it? In fact, in addition to the pork neck for barbecue, you can also get meat from the scapular part. It also usually contains enough fatty layers. But unlike the collar, the shoulder blade is always stiffer and requires longer preparation. This can be fixed with a more aggressive marinade, which softens the meat fibers well. These are spicy mixtures based on kefir, mineral sparkling water, in which it is recommended to pickle meat during the day. For a quick effect, you can use a kiwi-based marinade, the flesh of which is added to the meat a couple of hours before grilling the kebab. The juice of this tropical fruit will work wonders and make the meat incredibly soft. But in this case, it is not recommended to withstand the preparation of barbecue in such a marinade for more than two hours, otherwise the meat can simply be spoiled.

Some also use pork chop or tenderloin for barbecue. Such meat as the neck is soft and tender, but its structure after preparation is much drier and to achieve its greater juiciness than that of the collar, even the most first-class marinade will not succeed. However, the carbonade shish kebab also has its admirers. Among them are those who respect more lean, low-fat dishes, because fatty layers in such meat are very rare.

We have decided on the meat and now you know which part of the pork is better to take for barbecue. It remains only to marinate it before frying for several hours. Next, we offer a variant of the most standard set of spices and spices for marinating barbecue. Note that such a marinade is more suitable for a collar, as it is aimed more at giving the meat a taste, rather than at softening it.

What is the best way to pickle pork skewers?


Calculation of 3.5 kg of pork collar:

  • onions of medium size - 5 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - 85 ml;
  • black pepper peas - 17 pcs.;
  • coriander peas - 17 pcs.;
  • dried basil - 0.5 tsp;
  • dried thyme - 1 pinch;
  • ground red paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - 40 g or to taste.


Starting to marinate the kebab, rinse the pork neck with cold water, dry it and cut it into medium-sized slices (roughly the size of a matchbox). Put the meat in a bowl, add salt and   mix thoroughly. Now grind the peas of pepper and coriander in a mortar and season the meat with the crushed mass. Add dried basil and thyme there, throw ground paprika and bay leaves, add sunflower oil and mix.



Each meat has its own charms.




Important TIP!


Meat taste and color

The skin of the young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the more yellow its skin will be and the darker the fat.

Important TIP!

Important TIP!

Important TIP!

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8 years 9 months back by Aleksi

Barbecue - This is not just a dish owed to its origin by hunters. This is a whole ritual, it is a holiday with the scent of freedom, the sounds of nature and good weather. This is a friendly company or family circle, this is vanity around the campfire and intimate conversations to the quiet chewing of tasty meat. It is delicious, properly pickled and well-cooked meat, and not on the principle that “warm meat cannot be raw.” So if you want the holiday to be a success, take care of the main ingredient of barbecue in advance. Which meat is better to choose, how to determine its freshness and quality and how to marinate it? For answers to these and many other questions, look further.

Each meat has its own charms.

Tastes differ. Someone prefer a kebab of poultry meat, and someone loves to pluck hot pieces of venison from skewers. For example, I, for sure, would have loved kebabs made from crocodile meat or kangaroos if I had tried them. But let's talk about kebabs from less exotic types of meat.

Pork.  Shish kebab masters say that the best shish kebab is obtained from pork. Juicy, soft, fatty: chewing is a pleasure, and meat juices flow appetizing along the beard. Someone will object: “But what about the figure?” - If you don’t overeat, the barbecue gatherings will not affect the figure, but a good mood is guaranteed.

Pork meat has excellent nutritional qualities, is easily digestible and contains minerals that are beneficial to humans. In addition, this meat does not require long soaking, pork can be pickled two hours before a picnic and then cooked according to any culinary recipes.

Barbecue  The best way to cook is from the shoulder blade, brisket, loin, ham, tenderloin, shanks and neck. In principle, studying the anatomy of pigs is not necessary in order to choose the perfect meat. It is enough to know one fact: the muscles of the upper part of the body of the pig during life do less work than the lower, as a result of kebab from such meat is more tender.

Beef. This meat is much inferior in tenderness to pork. Shish kebab turns harsh, and whatever the recipe, it will take longer to marinate. But from this he does not lose his right to exist.

Beef is considered low-calorie meat. There is too little fat in its fibers, so the kebab after frying is dry and slightly fresh. However, there are recipes with which you can return the meat to its former juiciness: either fill the meat with small pieces of unsalted fat and artificially create "marble meat" or brew the meat pieces in breadcrumbs and eggs.

For beef kebabs, the tenderloin and sirloin are considered the most suitable.

Important TIP!
Beef must be pickled in sparkling water. Firstly, reduce the soaking time by half, and secondly, such a marinade will not interrupt the true taste of meat.

Mutton. Barbecue from a young lamb - a heavenly pleasure. In the culinary books of the Caucasus, lamb occupies a significant place. And although the lamb shish kebab is harsh, it has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, and also goes well with vegetables.

For barbecue, lamb leg, rib meat or shoulder blade is ideal. And one more nuance: lamb shish kebab tends to solidify quickly. So the main thing is not to miss the very moment of readiness and taste a delicious barbecue.

Meat taste and color

Near the meat counter, look at both. Meat sellers know many tricks on how to turn not-so-fresh meat into a product that caresses your eyes and soothes your vigilance. So before you send the meat to the basket, look not only at the price tag, but first of all at the product itself.

The color of the meat should be uniform, without any inclusions and stains, and natural. Subtle connoisseurs of meat even distinguish such a characteristic of high-quality, fresh meat as a glossy color, that is, bright, rich and without a matte coating.

Normal beef is red, its fatty streaks are white or cream. If the color of the meat is closer to brown, then it has been languishing in the window for more than a week. The characteristic color of pork is pinkish red. Experts say: the darker the meat, the older the pig was, which means that the meat will be more stiff and muscular.

By the color of lamb, you can immediately determine whether the animal was young or old. The color is too different: the meat of a young lamb is light red, and that of a surviving one is dark, red-brown.

  The skin of the young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the more yellow its skin will be and the darker the fat.

The skin of the young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the more yellow its skin will be and the darker the fat.

Important TIP!
  Even the cunning seller with his tricks can be taken to clean water. If the meat is "sweeping", some sellers, in order to return to its original appearance, soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate ("potassium permanganate" in the people). Potassium permanganate does not leave a smell and does not interrupt the smell of meat, so you can’t make out immediately. But the fat layer can tell about the seller’s trick. Since in nature they are white or cream, after the solution they turn pink.

Important TIP!
Buying frozen meat - be doubly careful. There can be nothing more harmful to the body than re-frozen meat. And to determine this is not difficult: pay attention to the ice crystals. If they are pink - this is a sure indicator that the product is frozen repeatedly.

The smell of fresh meat should not cause any negative emotions. Natural smell, without any impurities and additional shades - ideal for the product. Even if your sensitive (or not so) nose has caught even a hint of unpleasant odor, bypass such meat.

The meat consistency should also not be in doubt. Quality and fresh meat is resilient. And no excess moisture. A piece of meat should not ooze in blood. At least for aesthetic reasons, I do not want to buy it.

And after that, the freezer is a friend?

Meat, meat, meat ... And chilled, and steamed, and frozen, and even re-frozen - this is all meat. The question is, which one is the most useful and more suitable for barbecue? The answer is unconditional: chilled. Why? We will deal with each meat in turn.

Fresh meat is the one that was obtained immediately after the slaughter of the animal. Many inexperienced culinary experts consider it ideal in taste, tenderness and aroma for barbecue and are mistaken. If you cook steamed beef at the stake (and in the oven too), they can hammer in nails instead of a hammer. After all, the muscles of the just killed animal will not have time to relax and the meat will be unstable, stiff. But do not write off fresh meat. In some industries, its value is high. For example, fresh meat is used in the production of cooked sausages, as it has an increased ability to absorb moisture.

Frozen meat is also not the best option for a good kebab. By definition, it does not contain even two-thirds of those wholesome and flavoring substances that fresh meat stores in itself. In addition, after thawing, valuable juice flows out of the meat. So the kebab of frozen meat does not have such a rich "meat" aroma and taste as the kebab of fresh meat.

Re-frozen meat is not that barbecue is unsuitable, but generally dangerous to eat. The thawed meat itself, when thawed, contains a lot of moisture, it is raw and loose. There is no need to talk about elastic consistency. And if you freeze such meat repeatedly, then the crystals of water will simply break the meat fibers. So the second time you get out of the freezer is not meat, but a rag, a product that, when melted a little, will begin to decompose.

You can distinguish frozen meat from re-frozen one touch. Poke your finger into the once frozen, thawed meat - and there will be a dark trace on it, the repeatedly frozen meat will not change color, even if it is actively mixed with your hand.

Important TIP!
  If you buy meat in a plastic bag, unpack the meat and let it “catch its breath” for half an hour.

If you choose chilled packaged meat, then see if there are streaks inside the package (if there are any, it means the meat has thawed and let the meat juice go). The gray edges of the meat mean the following: myoglobin, a special substance contained in the meat, collapsed when heated. A sticky mucus on the surface of the product is a sure sign of the development of bacteria. Gray and burgundy red spots, blood clots, pigmentation - all this indicates poor ventilation, improper cooling of the product, meat storage and improper storage.

So be careful with the meat. And take care of your stomach.

Enjoy your picnics and delicious barbecue!

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8 years 9 months back from doris


I just marinated tomorrow's picnic with 2 kg of fresh barbecue pork. In beer and mayonnaise. With onions and spices. Hurry to fresh air !!))

She was always a little cat, she loved to sleep and milk, and under the glove, each palm hid five graceful claws ...

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  Put it all on a skewer, and fry it on hot coals, periodically you need to turn it over and water it with brine. Serve shish kebab always hot.

Cooking brine.
  Crushed garlic should be diluted with ayran.

Lamb fat - 600 grams.

Lamb liver - 400 grams.

Garlic - 80 grams.

Ayran - 360 grams.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Caucasian Kebab from the liver: The recipe for this kebab from the liver is very tender, and requires quick cooking. You can use the liver for barbecue lamb, pork or veal. The liver is cut into cubes with a thickness of not more than 15 - 20 mm., Threaded cubes are put on a skewer along with slices of lamb or pork fat, sliced \u200b\u200bas well as the liver, but only about twice as thick as it is, fried on hot coals.

5 minutes before the kebab is ready, it must be poured over it with a solution of salt. Salt solution (10 grams of salt per 100 grams of water) and pour over pepper. On such a shish kebab it is best to serve with crumbly rice and fried onions, or with green and onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Separately served sauce from "Ketchup" or any other hot sauce.

Liver - 500 grams.

Fat tail fat or salted pork fat - 300 grams.

Onions - 200 grams.

Melted lard (for frying onions) - 50 grams.

Rice porridge - 250 grams.

Kuban sauce - 150 grams.

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
  Hunting barbecue: Hunting barbecue can be prepared from the following meat: moose, fallow deer, wild goat or deer. Cut the meat into small pieces of 40 - 50 grams, and pickle in a cold place for 10 - 12 hours. To prepare the marinade, you need to dilute the vinegar in cold or hot water one to one. Skip onion through a meat grinder and add it to the marinade, also add garlic with mashed salt, sugar to taste, crushed black pepper, and bay leaf.

String cooked meat on a skewer and fry over hot coals in a fire. Grease the hunting kebab with olive oil or baked pork lard. Serve hunting kebab with green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes or pickled cherries, grapes, plums. Tkemali or ketchup sauce is served separately.

A portion:
  Meat 2 kg. (moose, fallow deer, wild goat or deer), olive oil 50 grams, 200 grams of onions and 200 greens, cucumbers - 200 grams, tomatoes and pickles.

For marinade:
  100 g of wine vinegar, 2-3 pieces of black pepper, peas, 100 g of onion, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, bay leaf, salt.

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So, in order to start cooking a real and tasty barbecue, you must first choose the right meat. What you need to buy meat? Someone loves only lamb, others do not eat pork, and still others eat any meat. For a good barbecue pork is excellent, not very greasy, only fresh and not frozen. What portion of pork to take for the best result? I would not risk other parts of meat from pigs, so that later I would simply be disappointed. Take your neck and that’s it. But, and right there, I’ll make one reservation. It has such a middle, without veins, slightly pink in color, which goes along the spine on both sides. So, she, too, is not suitable for barbecue. And if it even gets on a barbecue, and this can always happen, then you will immediately begin to chew like a chicken brisket and without any special, taste pleasure, whatever seasonings you use. Like all butchers, I will also assure that frozen meat loses its main taste properties. Although, what can I say, our brother can not take something for the future. It happens that somewhere meat was found fresher, but it also does not always work out over time. Therefore, listen to at least one tip: do not pickle meat frozen or else. cold, let it first thaw to room temperature and all blood water drains. Pay attention to the color of the meat: if the meat is faded, dried up, then it is not fresh and the kebab will not work out of it. Conclusion: fresh meat is better than frozen than not fresh! And make the right conclusion yourself!

To get started, wash the meat with running water and dry it with a tissue towel. Who knows how and who pawed it before you, and moisture in the pickle is not needed, absolutely. If you buy meat at the bazaar early in the morning, pickled immediately according to this recipe, then in the evening you can safely turn it on the grill!

We figured out the meat, by the way, the lamb will be even tastier, and I have been convinced of this more than once and, always, I will affirm it. I had a chance to cook kebabs for a purely Turkish society, they bought me meat themselves. What was mine. surprise that they snatched pieces of meat from almost their mouths even from others! The lamb was pickled precisely, according to this recipe! Therefore, dear and respected guests, I still try to treat fresh mutton!

Using this method, we cut the meat into transverse washers 3-4 cm wide, then into equal pieces, removing the bar and tendons. Do not get too carried away with the removal of fat, it will give a certain juiciness. After a good workout, you can get the same as mine, where each meat shelf comes out with a difference of two to five grams !!! With low-fat mutton, it is recommended to wear tail fat between the meat. Leave this topic for lovers of lamb.

Now the ingredients for pickling and the whole secret of my dish. We take from the calculation, let's say, 3-4 kilograms. The main system for marinating meat is not what ingredients to put there, it is very important even - in what sequence!

1. Salt (approximately 4-5 tsp). The tastes, I’ll say right away, are different for everyone, I personally don’t add anything to the table, even eggs or tomatoes I never salt. The two chemical compounds, sodium and chlorine, which make up the salt, do not give anything good for the body, and the bones will spoil the arthrosis. We will not say that salt is simply necessary, it is impossible to do without it, etc. But under-salted kebabs will be very inappropriate, so you need to salt them well and correctly.

2. Black pepper and, I emphasize, is LARGE ground, as in the picture. No "dust" from the pepper shaker! Better yet, crush the peas with a knife plane and then, cut a little point. When you chew the meat, these grains will give you a pleasant taste. How many? 15 - 20 peas !!! Want more, for an amateur! By the way, black pepper is very useful for the body !!! Do you know vodka and pepper for colds? So, the recovery reaction gives, first of all, not vodka, but black pepper itself!

3. Coriander. She is cilantro. I think this name is familiar to you. Again the question is how much? I think that also 15-20 peas will be enough. They need to be crushed in a mortar, first slightly fried. It may already be sold and ground. But, in no case, maybe I, and I repeat, go overboard with seasonings - it is IMPOSSIBLE! Otherwise, you won’t get the real taste of meat. If coriander is already ground: a little more than half a teaspoon Or rather it will be as in the photo. I saw marinated kebab with green cilantro, but in order to advise you this, you yourself need to check this out. I haven’t tried it - I don’t know, although I will try to pickle it as soon as possible.

4. Basil. I have it in a jar, dry. Sold in almost all stores. Take as much as ground coriander. In the teaspoonful size it is 1/2, it is possible a little more! This herb does not have such a sharp and pungent taste.

5. Thyme. He is Thyme. One of the Asian seasonings from which dried thyme greens are applied. In small quantities, it well complements vegetable and meat dishes, as well as various salads. The use of thyme dates back to ancient Greece, where it symbolized courage. Roman soldiers bathed in the water infused with thyme to gain strength, energy and courage. In the Middle Ages, girls embroidered a branch of thyme on knitted scarves for courage. How many? One kilogram - one, two pinches, rubbing lightly with your fingers.

6. Zira, she is Zra, she is Cumin. Do not confuse with caraway seeds or dill. Such things do not go to barbecue at all. Look in stores, with friends and it will pay off for you! I didn’t see him in German stores, but in Russian stores there is for sure! Amount? Very specific seasoning, a little less than half a teaspoon will be enough Zira is very specific in taste, so be careful in its quantity. Zira is very similar to dill, do not confuse!

7. Bay leaf, a couple of pieces. Let it even break into small pieces with stirring. When you put meat on skewers, noticing it, just put it to the side. They don’t eat it !!!

8. Red pepper, paprika. Ground, sweet. You can teaspoon without a "slide". It will give a little flavor and a beautiful color when frying. Want to add pungency? One clove of crushed garlic, add hot peppers, but I warn you that the taste of meat can be greatly interrupted, I think you do not need it, because you wanted a real kebab, right?

9. Onions. We cook in two ways: onions, which are smaller - into meat, larger than onions - for a snack. First we cut large onions and only rings. Rings need to be separated from each other. We carefully and individually sort the dose into rings, and mix everything else with meat. Eat barbecue rings! And not some waste or ponytails, chopped, anyhow. Aesthetic culture and accuracy must be present first! About 5-6 bulbs are enough. As some people write, that I think there will be a lot of onions 1: 1, just cut correctly so that he gives the juice. For convenience, in the second way, you can skip the onion through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. I use this, it’s very convenient and I don’t have to bother with waste from onions. It is even easier to pass through a juicer, it will be more practical, but the hassle with washing the device will be more. The next day, onion rings can be sprinkled with vinegar diluted with water and sprinkled with red or black pepper, as you like!

10. Sunflower oil, do not confuse with olive oil, 5-6 tablespoons. Yes, yes, you absolutely heard right, it is sunflower oil! Imagine yourself tossing meat into a skillet without oil. And, no matter what non-stick pan you have, any meat just starts to burn. This is what happens in the pictures of other kebabs, where charred edges stick out, and you need to chew them, because spitting it out is ugly, and simply uncomfortable. Add oil after all added, mixed bye, exactly in the sequence as it is written.

It looks like someone, fried, in the picture, meat: a. pickled without oil;
  b. too finely chopped onions and all of them were not removed;
  at. this is the meat that goes along the neck trim,
  slightly pink in color, does not change its shape after pickling and does not have a real, juicy taste. And burned something like that? Can this be called barbecue?

11. And now, putting everything that is written above in the meat, skipping between the fingers, we begin to mix everything well, adding the equally important and, even I will say, effective product, this is LEMON. A good lemon is enough for half. Just be careful, squeeze out only when everything is already mixed with seasonings and oil. Getting lemon on clean meat, it will immediately become a “stake”, as after vinegar, so vinegar does not go to barbecue.

Vinegar can pour already fried kebab.

12. A quarter, or a half, of natural pomegranate juice will add even more compliments and will even more reliably hide the key to your recipe! Pomegranate, in the summer, you are unlikely to find it somewhere, but it is better to neglect the juices in the store. Many tests show that the grenade was not even there. So, let’s leave your experiment until late autumn.

All this is thoroughly mixed and left tightly covered in a pan, squeezed on top with a suitable, approximately in diameter, plate. Put something heavy on top and leave it until tomorrow. Although, as I mentioned above, if the meat is fresh, then for the whole day it will also be marinated. Mix everything in the morning, now enjoying the smell that will already come from the meat. You can even lick it or bite it, now there is nothing terrible in this meat.

And so it should look fresh, soft, vigorous, pickled meat. It can be immediately distinguished from bad meat. Conclusion: be friends with the butcher, at least, find out on what days he is slaughtered. An exceptional case if you are doing this yourself. I will pay attention now also to the barbecue. It must also meet some parameters. It is best to have iron, and even better with stainless steel, the thicker its walls are, the better. It will be better to keep the heat and fry the extreme pieces.

And do not starve yourself by making barbecue on bricks or somewhere on hanging chains.

My brazier looks like this: length - 60 cm, height 15 (from the grill) and width 22 cm. The main mistake of those who make braziers: the grill should not have a large number of holes. Let it be better a quarter of the bottom of the grill will be completely from the lattice, the rest is solid iron. You will see how the meat will simply blush and fry all the way down. And most importantly, it will not flare up under a flame of fire, where the meat will immediately take on a sooty color and lose the taste we all need. Want to eat soot ??? Me not!!! Smoking is a completely different topic and in this case it simply will not be appropriate.

This barbecue is for a small company or a trip to the countryside. At the moment, the photo is testing my latest brazier. Now that it’s already sun. behind and the meat is eaten, I can say with confidence that the test was not 100% complete and there are now its drawbacks: along the edge of the holeless bottom, along, I made holes, through five centimeters and now everything is fine! Yes, there was still no damper for blowing, so I had to remove the meat from the place where the grill was, my welder said that he would fix this.

Also, I will not focus on the fact that meat should be fried in good heat all the time, turning and, in no case, should not be enveloped in flames. Let the coals burn out well, fan the ashes, and only then do the finest in this art - fry the kebab! Every self-respecting barbecue must know this!

Next to the barbecue is my whole yummy pickled and put on skewers! Everything is very convenient, practical! At the expense of lamb: be especially careful! If you overcook it, the meat will turn into dry and stale balls. Good, fresh meat is cooked quickly, just a couple of minutes is enough. Especially women need to learn one truth, because they often confuse fried meat juice with blood, so they ask for more frying. Although the meat is already quite ready.

And I’ll open my tradition to everyone. When the coals flare up, I always first fry only one stick. I’ll pour a glass of good red wine for the success of the event and appreciate the quality of the future barbecue. I will give the guests a try, albeit not to everyone, teasing them to the limit. And then it went - let's go!

Personally, I have had cases where close friends, one even a butcher by training, were speechless while eating. And after breathing out 5-6 sticks, he said that he had not eaten such a barbecue yet! Now, by the way, pickles the only way!

No need to make skewers meter. While eating, you get to the last bite, it will already be cold. Secondly, waving a “sword” at the table, saying what a delicious kebab is, you can gouge out a good friend’s eye. And how wonderful it is to eat kebab from skewers, when it is still hot. In this case, I use my short skewers, total length 37 cm. If you have only 20 of them, it means that you have no friends, and you cannot call someone to visit. The meat should be put on skewers to the last bite. Or you do this: -Hey, Vova, come on, finish up, skewer come on, I need to fry Kolka!

I have 90–100 of them, they don’t rust, they don’t ask me to eat, if only they put meat on them, and that's enough for everyone. And on the nature I take all the meat already dressed and only on skewers. It is hidden in a special container and from any insects. I put marinated meat on skewers only myself and only at home. I will not bother my ladies with this work, if I got down to business, I will bring it to the end. I don’t want to offend our sweet and beautiful sex, but the meat should not be rolled on skewers or dangled to the very coals.

As for the size of the sticks, it’s better to take another, fresh, hot stick during the meal, so I plant 5-6 pieces. For lovely ladies, even one skewer is enough, she would like to try the second one, but with huge skewers she is afraid that she can’t cope. With my size, you can safely adjust the amount of kebab eaten. We are not in the Stone Age at the spinning mammoth or at the competition: “Who will eat more!” Although, with a good kebab, any thought about diet simply disappears! And two or three skewers, your lady can always eat with pleasure!

Again a case from life. The day was delayed by all sorts of things, it was late evening, a sauna and, accordingly, a barbecue. One lady from a family circle was already very indignant, like, looking at such a dish for the night !? From her youth she knew the rules of nutrition, looked after her figure, and she, by the way, swallowed three sticks and, moreover, a glass of beer upstairs !!! ...

The last condition and important: always sit down at the table, let them pass one glass with salads. No walk around the barbecue, everyone should sit at the table! Let them draw in with their nostrils what you cook there. Your place is only by the fire !!! Here you are and start serving them your kebab!

Barbecue is necessary to eat only hot! And yet., If you are treating with barbecue, let it be only barbecue. Something from an appetizer, such as: pickles, tomatoes, squash. Sweet pepper, black olives, onions, dark bread and, of course - good vodka! There should not be any manti and pies, because you only treat Kebab!

I don’t know where you will be kissed later, but you will definitely be the first skewer in the village! This is what the first skewer looks like, twisting, frying and, not burning on a hot fire. And juice, what juice runs, you just look! If he drops on fire, then this drop will immediately flare up with fire, and at the bottom of the barbecue with the least ventilation, this will not happen.

Below you will see that all the batches of barbecue I have fried by me look about the same, so you will succeed, I'm sure of that!

And here she is the first batch, the people are waiting, everything is poured, just serve!

And this is how mutton looks: surprisingly ruddy and just melting in your mouth. It is this meat that you saw in the second picture above. What, exactly, served as a pickle? This can not be said, most likely each ingredient has contributed to this work. And the fact that the first pancake can always be lumpy, you know that, but from this you will get the lesson that is the right one! In this case, if everything was clear to you, there simply cannot be an error.

Try my recipe, maybe you will like this dish! Drooling after all, flowed ???

PS: as one wise man said that: “We do not live in this world to eat, but eat to live !!!”

A successful picnic will be only deliciously delicious. Therefore, the organizer of the event has a considerable responsibility in terms of the choice of meat, its pickling and cooking.

Everyone knows that the meat for the preparation of barbecue must be fresh, and in no case frozen. But what part of the pork carcass to choose so that the kebab is soft, juicy and tasty? We will tell about this and how to properly marinate meat for barbecue below.

What part of pork is better to make kebab from?

Any specialist in barbecue business will unequivocally answer that for the preparation of barbecue the best pork meat is pork neck. It is from it that you can get the most tender, juicy and soft barbecue cooked at the stake. The meat from this part of the pork carcass has a lot of fatty layers, which contributes to obtaining the ideal result. In addition, the meat fibers of the collar are always softer and softer than, say, in the scapular or posterior part.

Sometimes it happens that it’s not possible to buy pork neck for a barbecue because of its absence at the right time on sale. What to do in this case? Really abandon the planned outings? Or is it still possible to buy another piece of pork carcass and cook kebab from it? In fact, in addition to the pork neck for barbecue, you can also get meat from the scapular part. It also usually contains enough fatty layers. But unlike the collar, the shoulder blade is always stiffer and requires longer preparation. This can be fixed with a more aggressive marinade, which softens the meat fibers well. These are spicy mixtures based on kefir, mineral sparkling water, in which it is recommended to pickle meat during the day. For a quick effect, you can use the pulp of which is added to the meat a couple of hours before grilling the barbecue. The juice of this tropical fruit will work wonders and make the meat incredibly soft. But in this case, it is not recommended to withstand the preparation of barbecue in such a marinade for more than two hours, otherwise the meat can simply be spoiled.

Some also use pork chop or tenderloin for barbecue. Such meat as the neck is soft and tender, but its structure after preparation is much drier and to achieve its greater juiciness than that of the collar, even the most first-class marinade will not succeed. However, the carbonade shish kebab also has its admirers. Among them are those who respect more lean, low-fat dishes, because fatty layers in such meat are very rare.

We have decided on the meat and now you know which part of the pork is better to take for barbecue. It remains only to marinate it before frying for several hours. Next, we offer a variant of the most standard set of spices and spices for marinating barbecue. Note that such a marinade is more suitable for a collar, as it is aimed more at giving the meat a taste, rather than at softening it.

What is the best way to pickle pork skewers?


Calculation of 3.5 kg of pork collar:

  • onions of medium size - 5 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - 85 ml;
  • black pepper peas - 17 pcs.;
  • coriander peas - 17 pcs.;
  • dried basil - 0.5 tsp;
  • dried thyme - 1 pinch;
  • ground red paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - 40 g or to taste.


Starting to marinate the kebab, rinse the pork neck with cold water, dry it and cut it into medium-sized slices (roughly the size of a matchbox). Put the meat in a bowl, add salt and   mix thoroughly. Now grind the peas of pepper and coriander in a mortar and season the meat with the crushed mass. Add dried basil and thyme there, throw ground paprika and bay leaves, add sunflower oil and mix.

At the end of the preparatory phase, peel the onions, cut them into circles, disassemble them into rings, knead a little with your hands and mix with meat.

Pork should be marinated in the refrigerator, but about an hour before frying it must be removed and aged under room conditions.

In the last warm autumn days, I so want to relax in nature with friends or family, warming ourselves by the smoking brazier in anticipation of a meat treat. Therefore, before the weekend, you need to take care of everything you need in advance: purchase all the provisions, choose a place for a picnic, prepare the car for the trip. Well, and, of course, find out what kind of meat kebab is made to make it really tasty. This article describes the possible options for the products used. The pros and cons of each type are outlined in detail. This will allow you to decide exactly before purchasing everything you need for cooking the main dish of the picnic - barbecue. Then there will be enough impressions for the whole long winter.

What meat is suitable for barbecueand which not? Expert Advice

Regardless of the variety, the meat must be young. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and not fried. The darker the meat, the older the carcass.

Freshness is a prerequisite. When using leeward pieces of dubious origin, it is likely to get extraneous “smells”. When buying, try to press the pulp with your finger. Good meat will immediately return to shape, smoothing the pit.

In no case do not take frozen pieces for barbecue - they will turn out dry and tasteless.

The pulp should be without veins and with a sufficient dissemination of adipose tissue to obtain a juicy dish.

: pork

Such a choice will certainly be perfect! Pork has, in addition to excellent taste, another amazing feature: you do not need to worry about pickling in advance. Just two to three hours will be enough to soak the pieces before frying with aromatic seasonings and sauce. The best kebab is obtained from the pulp located on the parts of the body closer to the neck of the pig.

What meat is better to take on barbecue: beef

To avoid stiffness, place the pieces in the marinade for a longer time, such as overnight. The most successful sauce for soaking will be mineral water. Beef is not as fat and juicy as pork, so cooks go to some tricks when cooking kebabs from it - they stuff meat with slices of bacon or bread to preserve juiciness in eggs and breadcrumbs. The most tender dish is obtained from tenderloin and carcass.

What meat is better to take on barbecue: lamb

Despite the rigidity, true gourmets prefer a fried dish with a smoke, prepared precisely from this product. In all the culinary books of the Caucasus, their young lamb kebab is a classic dish with excellent taste and aroma. The ribs, leg or shoulder blade are usually used for it. But the most important highlight is to have time to enjoy hot juicy slices. After all, any mutton tends to harden quickly.

What meat is better to take on barbecue: bird

Some categorically do not recognize such a dish. They believe that this is like a “rooster ear”. But, if you use meat not of tough old domestic hens, but of “early” broilers, it will turn out quite gently and appetizingly. Carcasses are usually cut into portions and grilled, turning to brown. Tasty and appetizing!