How to decorate the dish with herbs? Decoration of dishes with greens on a New Year's table.

It is good that the cooks came up with another way - to decorate with greens a wide variety of dishes, including salads, soups and desserts. As a result, we get an aesthetic and healthy dish. It is not necessary to be a master at decorating the table. It is enough to put the patties on the terry leaves of the salad - this will already be attractive. For other ways of decorating, you will have to learn and spend some time with the magazine in your hands. And then the treatment of any greens will become a habit, and your table will become a work of art.

What should be greens

Before conducting experiments, you need to pick the freshest greens. Shriveled parsley and dill with yellowness are more likely to make the salad unattractive, and all efforts will be in vain. You will not get any pleasure from such food. So, the most common way to give food a more “lively” and vivid look is to sprinkle it with finely chopped greens. It is simple, fast, efficient. It is only necessary to take into account that the greens should be finely chopped - without pieces of stems or leaves of leaves. If you decide to decorate the dish with leaves or twigs, they should remain intact. In another case, all products for decoration need to be cut finely.

Decorate with twigs

Even familiar onions and parsley can become actors in filling the aesthetic qualities of a dish if they are able to use them skillfully. If you do not want to constantly chop the greens, try dividing dill into small branches and sprinkle a large plate on them. It turned out the basis for many dishes: here you can put just half the eggs, poured with mayonnaise, sand baskets with salad, stuffed tomatoes and much more. This is enough to give the dish a special charm. And if you add more slices of lemon or apple - you get a whole still life. In the same way, you can use parsley sprigs, lettuce or other greens that you like. Therefore, in the refrigerator there should always be a bunch of dill and parsley - this is the smallest set that will allow you to add a touch of novelty to the usual table design and give it completeness.

Greens for children's dishes

Similarly, you can decorate children's dishes, only here it is worth making a lot more fiction. From greens, you can make the basis for whole landscape sketches that mom and baby will do together. On the basis of finely chopped dill, you can lay out trees, figures of animals and insects, mushrooms and bushes. Ladybug made from tomato, butterflies from carrots, cucumbers and cheese, a stump of bread and mushroom mushroom from eggs and tomatoes, mushrooms from olives and much more can be done on this green carpet. And branches of greenery can be used as parts for making animal faces - mustaches or eyebrows from dill look amazing. Even simple sandwiches laid out on lettuce leaves or a parsley base will make the child look at them differently. After all, an appetizing dish causes a desire to eat it faster, which is what we achieved by our efforts to decorate the dish with greens.

Decorate with green onions

Enclosed by stereotypes, we do not want to look for something new, but it is even in the design of dishes with greens. This is a chives, which has long been well-known among professional cooks. These thin green tubes are a very convenient thing to combine with any dish. They especially like to attach it to canapes or other similar sandwiches - it gives them a more refined look. At home, it is very simple to use, especially since no special tricks are required here. Chives are simply cut into pieces and randomly laid out on top for any dishes. And in childhood fantasies it can be used most successfully - no one has yet come up with the best mustache if parents want to put the face of a cat or a tiger out of porridge. Among other things, this onion is very tasty.

  Decorate with rosemary

How to decorate snacks? If you use canned vegetables, you can also decorate them with sprigs of greens or onions, and not just put them in plates. This will give the table more brightness and diversify the design. If you are a champion of everything new and like to experiment, try decorating the table with a rosemary wreath. This is an unusual decoration, and it will certainly surprise and delight your guests and loved ones. This grass in itself is very effective, and any dish can be decorated with it, but the wreath will become a more amazing and non-trivial decoration of the table. Lay the rosemary on a flat plate in the form of a wreath, you can even twist the twigs slightly. The middle should remain empty. Put olives, small cubes of mozzarella, gherkins, cherry tomatoes and any other small products alternately on a wreath. In the middle, you can put any canned vegetables or assorted ones. This will turn out to be a “wreath” appetizer. You get an accidental memory of the New Year, because a rosemary wreath looks like a Christmas tree decoration.

The second variant of decoration with rosemary is even more romantic. It is suggested that rosemary decorate a cake or a cupcake with a hole in the middle. To make the pie look more attractive, it’s better to fill the middle with something, so that it looks like a finished work of culinary art. They often put a candle there, and it looks pretty pretty. Let the candle be small, with a low candlestick. Scented candles are not used here - rosemary will play the role of a fragrant filler. We will lay out its branches around the candle, and while it burns, its heat will warm the fragrant grass, and you will smell the delicate smell of the pie and the graceful smell of rosemary. Together they will create a unique bouquet that none of the guests can forget.

Decorate with mint

Mint has been known for a long time, it is used in a variety of situations - for making tea, cocktails and for decorating dishes. And its filigree leaves can be decorated with mashed soup, and mousse, and drinks. And everywhere it will be out of place. Therefore, it is so easy to make any dish brighter if there is fresh mint at home. Now many housewives just grow it on the site, and in winter in pots and flowerpots. So this is a decoration all year round! What can be decorated with sprigs of mint:

  1. fruit salad;
  2. beverages;
  3. ice cream;
  4. dessert.

And if you add berries to the mint, you will get a fun multi-colored assortment that will enhance the mood of the guests. Any child will not resist yogurt if he sees on top a leaf of mint and raspberry. What about homemade cake? Here, mint may well play the role of a savior if there is nothing to decorate it or there is no time left for all sorts of delights. The top cake is simply covered with white cream or whipped cream, in the center we spread a circle of mint, and sprinkle all the splendor with cinnamon. No one would think that the idea was completely different. And the aroma will please the most capricious sweet tooth.

Some advanced housewives make mint a completely new and unusual decoration: chocolate coins. They can decorate desserts, ice cream, cake and cake. In addition, in such coins, mint is kept fresh for three days. And there’s no need to talk about the original taste of jewelry. Take as many mint leaves as you need to decorate the dishes and place them on baking paper or foil a short distance from each other. Melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath and pour into a pastry bag.

Now you need to carefully lay out so much chocolate from the bag on each leaf so that it is enough to close one leaf. On top, put another sheet of parchment and lightly press on the table. After this, the chocolate should completely cover the mint leaves to make chocolate coins. If they are uneven, they can be trimmed with a knife or a round cookie cutter. Now the leaves on the tray need to be placed in the cold, and after an hour they can be separated from the parchment and immediately used as a decoration. They can also be stored in a container for several days. After a short training session, you will get excellent coins, and you will certainly surprise your guests.

Decorate with basil

The beautiful basil is very suitable for decorating dishes. Like mint, they can decorate meat dishes, salads, pizza, and desserts. Professionals consider the salad of mozzarella, tomato and basil to be the most successful combination, but here it goes not as a decoration, but as a full-fledged ingredient. Nevertheless, the shade of basil each time gives this salad a new look. As well as a way of stacking products. They can be cut into flat plates and laid out in layers in the form of a pyramid tapering upwards. You can put cherry tomatoes, cheese and basil on a flat dish in a spiral, rounding it to the middle. Some lay in circles in layers, and inside the circle lay branches of basil - also beautiful. Sometimes they simply lay a plate with basil leaves, and on top lay canapes of cookies, cheese and cherry tomatoes.

As you can see, decorating the table with greens is not as difficult as it might seem at first. And all the greens are quite accessible, you just need to remember that it must be fresh. And the most important thing here is that this is not just a whim, because decorating dishes with herbs, we also make them useful, and this is very important.

PAPILLOTS  (fr. papillote - paper wrapper). Paper tubes used in restaurant kitchens with various cutouts and scallops, with which they hide the endings of animal or bird bones protruding from meat. Papillots also play the role of a pen, for which you can hold a serving without soaking your hands on fat, and make it easier to cut portions into smaller pieces.
Papillots first appeared in the 19th century in French restaurant cuisine, from where they quickly spread to many cuisines of the world, including and in Russian restaurant cuisine. Papillots were especially widely used in Soviet restaurants and in the communist Kremlin cuisine.

Paper papillots and sockets are used to decorate fried game, cutlets and chop with bone, ham on the bone.
For papillots, a sheet of paper is folded three times in length, then the edge of the paper is folded to a width of 1-1.25 cm and strips are cut evenly across the width of the paper with a sharp knife or scissors. The paper is cut into 4 strips, screwed onto a round stick, giving the appearance of a flower, and its ends fold.
To make a socket, paper 12:12 cm in size is folded into 4 layers (in half and again in half), cut obliquely and crimped with a thin cloth. Then the sharp tip of the outlet is cut off, the outlet is deployed and put on a papillot and a bone (see below).

"... I never wrote about how to cook fish in papillots. A papillot, dear dull-headed, in cooking is a twisted cut paper that is usually worn on the bones of cutlets or a fried bird. Well, except that Gedrius managed to cook catfish in a papillotka her lady who was screwed into her hair. "
(excerpt from Lithuanian literature of the twentieth century).

  Scheme of manufacturing the simplest papillot:

1. The paper does not have to be very thin — printer paper is best.
2. Take thick white paper and cut a strip of about 8 cm long and 4 cm wide from it.
3. Fold the strip along its middle along.
4. Cut the folded paper into folds with a pair of scissors into uniform notches - you get something like a fringe.
5. Wrap the round stick with the cut paper in a spiral, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the bone.
6. Glue the end of the paper strip with food glue from brewed starch or flour, or gelatin, or attach it with tape.
NOTE. Although lately papillots are often glued with tape for simplicity, it must be admitted that the tape does not fit well with edible products, therefore food glue made from flour or starch, or gelatin is always preferable.
7. Trim the bottom of the cuff with scissors.
Use ready-made papillots to decorate birds.
  Photo of the step-by-step production of the simplest papillot:

From time to time, every chef and every housewife is engaged in decorating dishes. But professionals have experience and dexterity and they know exactly what and how to use in decorating dishes. But we often have to experiment and turn on fantasy so that from an everyday dish it turns into a festive one. The easiest, fastest and most universal way to make a dish beautiful is to decorate it with fresh herbs.

First place in popularity  amidst the greens that is used in decorating dishes, parsley confidently holds. It is available at any time of the year, looks beautiful, has a great taste, which is difficult to spoil. For decoration, you can use both ordinary parsley and curly. The usual one can be spread out in whole leaves or chopped, curly bushes turn out spectacular bushes in the center or on the sides of the dish.

In second place is chives or chives.It is very popular among professionals, but in home cooking, the onion - chisel has not yet taken root. It is replaced with green onions. Green onions have a more pronounced sharp taste and less accurate appearance and should be used in small quantities. Schnitt - onion has a more delicate taste and you can not be afraid for too harsh interference in the overall taste of the dish. Schnitt - onions can be finely chopped or cut at an angle (in eastern cooking), set vertically and build complex compositions using other vegetables. Just laid out on a finished dish, the feathers of onions - chives will give the appearance of the dish an appetizing and colorful look.

To decorate the fish, nothing is better than dill. It is recommended to decorate meat with rosemary, thyme, and basil will perfectly decorate any dish. If greens is used only as a decoration, and not as an addition to a dish, then it is better to place it not in the center, but on the side or even put a sprig of rosemary next to a piece of meat.

General rule  which is often forgotten. Greens to decorate dishes must be fresh and have a rich color. This is especially true for leafy greens - basil, parsley, cilantro. Faded leaves can still be finely chopped and hope that no one will notice your oversight, and decorating dishes with leafless leaves will spoil any dish and reduce your culinary efforts to nothing. If the greenery has a “peppy” look, but it has already begun to turn yellow, the more you should not use it;

Cutting greens.  In our view, “chop the greens” is just to walk on it with a knife and sprinkle with chopped leaves a salad or roast. According to the rules, “chop the greens” - this means that it needs to be cut as finely as possible, so if you really want to decorate the dish with chopped greens, you will have to try. Somehow, crooked and carelessly chopped greens will not add to the appetite of the dish, if there is no desire to chop it with a knife, then it is better to decorate the dish with whole leaves. When cutting greens, only leaflets are used, no twigs and stems, in cooking it's a taboo!  They can be left for cooking broths.

If you decorate the dish with herbs, do not save.  Too much of it does not happen. Several branches of curly parsley in the center of the dish will look much more beautiful than one. Do not be afraid to mix tastes and select new design options, but try not to forget about simple rules.

My great-grandmother was also preparing these recipes.

In those distant years in the village there were absolutely no benefits of civilization, and all the food was cooked on the stove. I tried all the recipes and I can say that not all dishes turned out to repeat. After all, a gas or electric stove is not at all that. Well, everything turned out in the country stove.

Nevertheless, several recipes can be adapted to modern conditions, which I did. I share them with you!

For this dish, apples of the Antonovka or Bogatyr types are best suited. Instead of large potatoes, you can use potato "peas" - very small tubers. They can be put in the whole soup or cut lengthwise into 2 parts.

  • 500 g of pork;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 “leg” of leek;
  • 300 g of apples;
  1. Cut the pork into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Finely chop the onions and fry separately.
  3. Cut carrots and potatoes figuratively.
  4. Add the fried pork to the pan, add water, add fried onions and cook for half an hour, then add potatoes and carrots.
  5. Cut the apples into small pieces, add the leek, and simmer them together in a pan for 15 minutes, after which we put everything in a pan. Cook the soup until tender.

For cooking you will need (n6 servings):
  • 1.5 kg of beef (brisket);
  • 3 beet root vegetables;
  • 1 head of white cabbage;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 medium green tomatoes;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 parsley roots;
  • 50 g of greens, lovage and basil;
  • dill and parsley to taste;
  • bay leaf;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Borsch with green tomatoes


  1. A piece of meat is put in a pan with water and set to cook.
  2. We chop the cabbage, chop the parsley into slices, pepper and green tomatoes - with cubes, rub the beets and carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the greens, and divide the herbs into separate leaves.
  4. Lightly fry beets and carrots in a pan. In another pan, fry peppers and tomatoes.
  5. Cook the meat for 1.5 hours, then remove from the broth. We put all the vegetables, herbs and bay leaves in a pan and cook for another 30 minutes.
  6. In about 20 minutes until ready, cut the meat into small pieces and fold it back into the pan, and add the herbs. Ready borsch is seasoned to taste with sour cream.

Delicious express soup is best served in ceramic bowls. Bread can be taken not rye, but whole grain or bran. Or take part of the bread and part of the rye crackers. If desired, 1-2 tbsp can be added to the finished soup. tablespoons of bread kvass or dissolve in it a piece of cream cheese.

For cooking you will need (for 4 servings):

  • 400 g of rye bread;
  • 3 onions;
  • 50 g of green onions;
  • 1 egg
  • some cumin or coriander to taste.
  1. Cut rye bread into small slices, onions and green onions - in small cubes.
  2. We spread the bread and onions in a pan and fry together for 5 minutes. in vegetable oil.
  3. After that, we transfer to the pan, pour boiled water, add cumin or coriander (depending on the type of bread used), bring to a boil and pour the egg.
  4. Now we insist 15-20 minutes. under the cover.

These green onion cutlets are delicious both hot and cold. Serve them best with sour cream.

  • 500 g of green onions;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying.
  1. Finely chop the green onion and slightly knead with a wooden crush.
  2. Add the flour, mix it with the onion, drive the eggs in and mix again.
  3. We spread the resulting mass with a tablespoon on a well-heated frying pan in the form of cutlets, fry them on both sides until browning, for about 5-7 minutes.

5. "Rich" porridge

Be sure to add some dried porcini mushrooms to the porridge - this will give it a unique flavor.

For cooking you will need (in 3 servings):

  • 300 g of pearl barley;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 200 g of boiled mushrooms;
  • 100 g of hazelnuts;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of pumpkin seeds;
  • vegetable oil for dressing;
  • salt to taste.
  1. Cut the onion rings, carrots - into strips.
  2. Pour 60 g of vegetable oil into the bottom of the gooseberry, put onions and carrots, simmer for 10 minutes. under the cover.
  3. Then lay on top a layer of pearl barley, nuts and seeds, and then again a layer of pearl barley. Carefully pour water just above the level of the cereal, salt, close the lid and set to cook for 1.5 hours.
  4. In 15 minutes until ready, add the chopped boiled mushrooms (if they are small, you can not chop them), stir, cook the porridge, and then remove from heat and leave to simmer for 15 minutes. After that, season with vegetable oil to taste.
  “Rich” porridge can be sweet. In this case, instead of mushrooms, use a mixture of any dried fruit and increase the number of nuts and seeds.

6. Steamed potato (rutabaga) with viburnum

Rutabaga with viburnum can be served on the table in a pot, and can be laid out on plates or ceramic bowls. If you decide to cook this dish in an oven in the country, it would be nice to cover the lid of the pot with clay so that there are no gaps.

For cooking you will need (in 3 servings):

  • 500 g rutabaga;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • 200 g of rye bread with malt;
  • 150 g of viburnum berries;
  • coriander to taste;
  • a few leaves of mint.
  1. Boil the swede and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Crush the malt bread and dry it slightly in a pan.
  3. Put rutabaga, bread, honey, coriander, viburnum berries, mint and mix well in a ceramic pot.
  4. Put the pot in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  5. Then turn off the stove, but do not remove the pot, and hold it there for another quarter of an hour, so that all the components are steamed well at lower temperatures.
  Before serving, decorate the dish with mint leaves.

For cooking you will need (in 2 servings):
  • 7-8 small cucumbers;
  • 200 g of greens and 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 8 young leaves of blackcurrant;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 400 g sour cream.

Salad of cucumbers and blackcurrant leaves


  1. Dice the cucumbers.
  2. Grind garlic in the press.
  3. We mix cucumbers and garlic with finely chopped currant leaves, herbs and dill umbrellas and season with sour cream.

8. Potato pie with dried carrots

For such a pie, you can prepare dried carrots for the future in the fall: in the old days it was prepared not with fresh, but with dried carrots.

For cooking you will need (for 4 servings):

  • 600 g of potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 700 g carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  1. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel them and push in a large bowl until it starts to “reach out”. We push for a long time, about 20 minutes, add salt. Why so long? Because only then will the potato “stretch” like a dough, otherwise it will crumble.
  2. Cook the carrots, cut them into circles or shapes, put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for about 20 minutes as well.
  3. Add the flour to the potatoes, knead.
  4. The resulting dough is rolled into a layer.
  5. We shift it to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil or a cast-iron skillet and form with our hands the "sides" of the future pie.
  6. Oil the carrots with vegetable oil, add sugar and put this filling on the potato "dough".
  7. Put the pie in the oven and bake for 40 minutes. at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.

9. Homemade maple leaf bread

Maple leaves for the preparation of this bread can also be prepared for future use. To do this, select the most beautiful and dry them. And then, before making bread, they are simply poured with boiling water.

  • 500 g of whole wheat flour (or 400 g of flour and 100 g of bran);
  • 80 g of yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • large maple leaves according to the number of loaves of bread.
  1. Sift the flour. We cultivate yeast in warm water and filter through a sieve. Pour boiled water into the flour, add vegetable oil, yeast solution and knead the dough.
  2. We put the dough in a warm place for 4-5 hours. After that, we kneel and let it come again.
  3. Wash the maple leaves and dry on a towel, then lay them on a baking sheet. With our hands we form small round loaves, put each of them on a sheet, and then put the baking sheet with the loaves in a well-heated oven. Bake for 45 minutes. at a temperature of 250 ° C.
  Serve delicious bread directly on maple leaves instead of plates. If you have a stove in your country house, bake bread by spreading the leaves directly on the bottom of the stove.

Before serving, turn the bowls over and place the jelly in ceramic plates. Garnish with greens and onion rings. They eat pea jelly cold, with salt and vegetable oil.

For cooking you will need (in 3 servings):

  • 500 g of dry yellow peas;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil - to taste.
  1. Grind dry peas into flour with a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting flour in a thin stream into boiling salted water, stirring constantly.
  3. After obtaining a sufficiently viscous mass, pour it into small bowls and cool.
  You need to cook jelly long enough, the signal of readiness is the quality of pea mass: it should become very viscous. Long cooking will do without starch. If you want to cook a dish very quickly, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch.

This casserole can initially be prepared in portioned pots or small tins. If you want sweet, then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and serve the casserole with any jam.

To prepare, you will need:

  • 1.3 liters of milk (but not "long-playing");
  • 5 eggs;
  • salt to taste.
  1. Beat milk and eggs thoroughly and for a long time with a mixer and salt.
  2. Then the mixture is poured into a ceramic or heat-resistant glass mold with high sides. We put the form in the oven or in a well-heated stove in the country.
  3. Bake until golden brown for about 15-20 minutes. (depending on the type of focus).
  Milk casserole is eaten with spoons, add butter or ghee if desired.

Cottage cheese for this dish must be prepared manually: shopping will not work.

For cooking you will need (for 6 servings):

  • 1 kg of homemade cottage cheese;
  • 800 g of potatoes;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • butter for frying;
  • leaves of frozen mint and basil for decoration.
  1. We prepare our cottage cheese like this: we buy 3 packets of milk, which is capable of souring (not long-playing) and 1 packet of kefir. We merge them together in a large bowl and stir with a fork (like a rake).
  2. After 1-2 days, the milk "sits", then you need to put it on a slow fire and make cottage cheese.
  3. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel and knead. Combine it with cottage cheese, flour, eggs and mix thoroughly.
  4. Fry cottage cheese pancakes in butter or ghee until golden brown.
  We serve ready cottage cheese pancakes on a bright ceramic dish, garnish with sour cream and grated cheese, decorate with mint and basil leaves.

13. Starch pancakes “Two in one”

For cooking you will need (in 3 servings):
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 0.7 l of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of starch;
  • salt to taste.


  1. All of the listed ingredients are mixed well.
  2. The resulting "dough" is poured in portions onto a pan greased with ghee and baked pancakes.
  Serve hot, with sour cream or milk. The remaining pancakes are cut into strips and used as ordinary noodles for any soup - meat, milk, or vegetable.

And you can cook from them here is such an independent and very tasty dish - starchy noodles.

14. Home-cooked noodles

To prepare, you will need:
  • stripes pancakes
  • milk


  1. Put the noodles in a cast iron.
  2. Pour milk.
  3. We cover the lid with clay (the most ordinary) and simmer in the country stove for several hours. In the city, instead you need to use a ceramic pot and cook in the oven over very low heat.
  Ideally, of course, all products should be homemade, and vegetables from your garden. I tried to cook from the store, and from mine. Store vegetables in these dishes are tasteless, and sometimes even their structure is completely different. Apparently, all kinds of chemistry affects. Well, if you take real vegetables, the gifts of your dacha, you will succeed!

The products with which you decorate the dish should not conflict with the main components, but only complement them and enrich the taste. Today we’ll talk about decorating dishes not only with our own hands, but also about everyday dishes.

DIY highlights for decorating your holiday table

The first dish is best decorated with greens - finely chopped parsley, cilantro, green onions give it a summer flavor and, most importantly, enrich it with vitamins.

Attractive is the second dish, decorated with vegetables of bright, contrasting colors. For example, chop or rump steak can be served in a wide plate, decorated with a handful of green peas, semicircles of radishes, sauerkraut, a sprig of greens. Potato cut into strips and deep-fried looks appetizing as a side dish.

Vegetable plate decoration

In spring and summer, lettuce, celery, various types of cabbage, both whole and chopped, are an excellent decoration for dishes.

Tomatoes and cucumbers, sliced \u200b\u200band laid out on plates covered with large green lettuce, look beautiful.

Vegetable cutting - home decoration

The first dish will look like a crumbled clearing if you cut the carrots with flowers and sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions. Carrots should be taken medium size, peeled, washed and cut into 3-4 parts across. From the obtained cubes of different diameters cut, not reaching the core of the sector, from the narrowest part - three sectors, from the next - four, etc. As a result, at the end of the block you will get "flowers" with a different number of "petals".

Tomatoes will decorate your table originally if you remove the core from them and fill it with cubes of unpeeled cucumbers or green peas.

It’s very fun to see on the table, especially fly-agarics from eggs and tomatoes - the "fly agaric in the clearing", especially loved by children. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel them and cut off the blunt part of the egg for stability on a plate. Pour chopped greens, green onions into a plate or lay on lettuce leaves and set eggs. Then take a tomato, cut a segment and take out a little pulp with a knife, just enough to put a “hat” on the “leg”. After all the mushrooms are assembled, put white dots of sour cream on the hats.

Vegetables can be decorated to the gala table. When decorating a dish, it is good to use both fresh and canned vegetables. Natural cucumbers can be cut into a fan, feathers and thin long strips that are easily folded in the form of cones and petals.

If in autumn you took care of salted cabbage in a timely manner, then all winter you will have not only wonderful pickles, but also excellent decoration for any meat dish.

Finely chopped red cabbage gives a special flavor to the whole table.

Beautiful decoration of second courses and snacks with their own hands

If the side dish is rice, you can color it in different colors: tomato - in pink, saffron - in yellow, and if you mix rice with finely chopped dill - in green.

Fish dishes can be decorated with lemon slices, cutting corners out of their zest, resulting in gear wheels of different diameters.

A beautiful contrast to lemons and oranges when decorating meat and fish dishes are the whole fruits of pickled plums, gooseberries, olives and soaked apples.

If you have some savory snack in a small amount, it is convenient to distribute it portionwise. For this purpose, you can take boiled eggs, cut them lengthwise in half, take out the yolk, which is useful as a decoration for another dish or salad, and fill the protein with black and red caviar, pollock roe, herring mincemeat, etc.

Try to decorate the fish as follows. Take a beautiful sprig of parsley or cilantro, green peas, a “flower” of carrots, a toothed wheel of lemon or radish, a circle of a steep egg and fill the dish with jelly made from broth (based on the proportion: 5 g of swollen gelatin per 100 g of heated broth). A perfect complement to the fish are kefir jelly with chopped herbs and horseradish.

A spectacular backdrop for a salad or cold cuts can be the leaves of beet tops or red cabbage. For an egg, an unpeeled cucumber, obliquely and often notched on one side and turned out in a fan.

Chrysanthemum can be made from an ordinary onion if it is often cut into sectors without reaching the base and lowered into cold water overnight. It is also possible multicolor. If water is tinted with beetroot juice or saffron infusion, then by morning you will have a pink, white, or yellow “flower” “bloom”.