How to cook delicious jelly? How to cook jelly at home. Recipe for making jelly

Kissel is a drink with history, but in our newfangled times it is undeservedly forgotten. And in vain! Delicious cool jelly is wonderfully refreshing summer heat, and warm jelly in winter time warms and calms. The recipe for making jelly is simple: water, starch and any fruit. And in more detail about nutritious and tasty jelly - a few tips below.

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From jam

How to cook jelly from jam? It’s simple, because the jelly turns out very tasty and doesn’t require any special preparation. For this 200 grams of jam is diluted with 3 small glasses of water and heated on the stove until boiling, and then filter through a strainer. The solid mass is rubbed through a sieve. Add 2 tablespoons of sweetener and a quarter of a small spoon of citric acid to the strained liquid. The drink is then reheated and brought to a boil.

In 250 grams cold water you need to dissolve 2 (level) tablespoons potato starch, and then slowly and carefully pour into the hot jelly. Immediately after boiling, remove the jelly from the stove and cool.

Starch must be diluted right before adding to the jelly, otherwise it may settle to the bottom.

From cranberries

Children love to drink cranberry jelly, and mothers ask questions about how to cook cranberry jelly. To cook jelly, one full glass of berries is washed and placed in a pan filled with water. For a glass of berries you will need only about 3 liters. The water should be brought until the first bubbles appear and the cranberries should be boiled for 15 minutes.

After cooking, the solution must be filtered through a strainer, and the cranberries must be wiped. The remaining cake can be used for other purposes, and the resulting fruit drink should be returned back to the pan, adding 5 tablespoons of sugar.

Before the fruit drink warms up, a few tablespoons of starch should be carefully diluted in cool water. to the consistency of kefir and pour into a saucepan with cranberry juice, while reducing the fire underneath it to a minimum. After mixing the drink well, remove it from the heat and carefully pour into portions. The thickened jelly is ready to eat.

Everything is quite simple and now everyone knows how to cook cranberry jelly correctly.

Brewed according to this recipe, the drink will be healthy and tasty, and in the cool season it will also help fight various colds.

Powdered jelly

Many women have been cooking regular jelly for years, but they know very little about such a simple thing as making jelly from powder. But making powdered jelly is even easier than regular one!

Most often, jelly is sold in packages weighing 250 grams. One such package will require a liter of water. So, the jelly powder needs to be diluted in a glass of cool water, and the remaining water should be put on high heat and boiled.

It is best to stir the powder using a mixer: this makes it easier to get rid of lumps.

Pour diluted jelly into boiling water in a thin stream, stir and cook until it begins to boil. Cool the finished jelly and pour it into portions. This recipe explains how to boil jelly, which is factory prepared for use.

Good old milk jelly

Our great-grandmothers knew how to cook milk jelly: this tasty treat loved by children and adults. To prepare delicious jelly, you need to pour 3 cups of milk into a saucepan and put it on barely noticeable heat until it starts to boil, then add 3 tablespoons of cane sugar or 2 tablespoons of beet sugar.

3 tablespoons of starch are diluted in a bowl of cool milk. Starch forms more lumps in milk than in water, so it is better to lightly beat it with a mixer or rub it with a spoon. The resulting mixture should be carefully poured into warm milk and boiled, stirring, over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add a pinch of vanilla to the finished jelly and fruit syrups for color and taste.

Sea buckthorn

How to cook sea buckthorn jelly? Easy and simple - with this recipe! For a sea buckthorn drink, you will need a glass of berries, from which you need to squeeze the juice, cover and place the vessel with it on the balcony or in the refrigerator. The cake retained by the sieve is dipped into hot water (6 cups) and boiled for 5 minutes immediately, after which the broth is filtered through a strainer and put back on the fire, adding sweetener.

Starch is diluted in a glass of cool water and carefully pour into the sea buckthorn drink, stirring it tirelessly. After 5 minutes of cooking, add the remaining sea ​​buckthorn juice, after which the broth is removed from the heat.


Cherry - perfect berry for jelly, so almost everyone knows how to cook jelly from cherries and how delicious it turns out.

You will need 2 cups of cherries per liter of water: place them in cool water, bring to the first signs of boiling, then mash with a masher and boil for a few more minutes. Then the resulting drink must be strained and the cherries discarded. Add 6 tablespoons of sugar and half the amount of starch dissolved in half a bowl of water to the liquid. The finished jelly is sprinkled with grated nuts.

But with the only difference: strawberries are much sweeter in themselves than, for example, cherries, so you need less sugar for strawberry broth.

Kissel without starch

Those who advocate natural and environmentally friendly food are wondering how to cook jelly without starch. For such natural drink will be needed oat groats or flakes, drenched hot water in a ratio of 1:2. They are kept in a warm place (near a radiator or in the sun) for 10 - 12 hours. Its sweetness depends on how long the drink sits: the longer it sits, the more sour it will eventually become.

The resulting mixture must be strained through cheesecloth or a strainer and placed over low heat, without bringing it to a boil. So that the jelly can be served as a snack, add dill, parsley and other spices, salt, and for a sweet taste - sugar and vanilla. You can cook this kind of jelly for your child and not worry about his health.

The recipe for how to cook oatmeal jelly is quite universal: depending on the additives, it can be made either as a sauce or as a separate dish.

We reveal the secrets of making it as useful as possible!

Have you ever cooked a delicious non-alcoholic mulled wine Houses? No? Then especially for you!

Gogol mogol... We remember how to cook it here: join us!

From compote

The prepared compote can easily be given the new kind and taste, but not everyone knows how to cook jelly from compote. To do this, add a little liquid starch to a warm, but not hot compote. It is better to first mix the starch with a small amount of compote, and then pour the mixture into the remaining compote. The drink should be put on low heat and simmer slowly, without letting it begin to boil.

Healthy… Lingonberry

Lingonberries make delicious drinks, so the recipe for how to make lingonberry jelly will be relevant at absolutely any time of the year. It is possible to boil jelly from raw or slightly frozen berries. A couple of lingonberry grains need to be doused with boiling water and dried, and then crushed by rubbing through a sieve. The pureed berries are placed in a saucepan filled with a liter of warm water, placed over low heat until it starts to boil, then filtered through a strainer.

To the drink you need to add 5 tablespoons of sugar and a starch solution (3 tablespoons dissolved in half a glass of cool water), then carefully put on low heat, bring to a boil and cool.

If you are thinking about how to cook blueberry jelly, then you don’t need a separate recipe - just cook it the same way as lingonberry.

Quick and easy... In a slow cooker

Those who are thinking about how to cook jelly in a slow cooker can relax: it’s easy! On average, jelly is cooked for up to an hour: “steamed” for 15 minutes, and simply infused for 40 minutes. In this case, you cannot open the multicooker.

Ways to cook delicious jelly came up with a lot. To summarize, we can highlight the main procedures when brewing a drink: water or milk is heated to a boil, a sweetener and diluted starch are added, heated again and removed from the stove. If the main question is how long to cook the jelly, then the total cooking time is up to 1 hour, which, in general, is not long. Well-cooked jelly will be a wonderful dessert after a heavy meal, so don’t stop trying and experimenting!

Video recipe for making cranberry jelly, the rest are cooked in the same way:

Bon appetit!

Recipe famous drink came to us from childhood since the times of Rus'. Initially, the composition turned out to be very thick, its main components were oat, rye and wheat decoctions. Today, cooking technology has become a little simpler. To cook jelly, use berries, compotes and jams with the addition of various types starch. Let's take a closer look at popular recipes.

General technology for making jelly

  1. The main ingredient for preparing the drink is starch (corn, rice or potato). Thanks to the loose composition, the jelly acquires the necessary thickness.
  2. Potato starch, unlike others, makes the drink more transparent. First of all, add required quantity composition in a small container with cold water.
  3. Stir thoroughly and strain through a sieve. Next, pour the mixture into the liquid from which the jelly will be prepared. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  4. You can change the thickness of the jelly yourself; this criterion completely depends on your taste. The delicacy can be either drunk or eaten with a spoon as a dessert.
  5. To obtain similar dish, you need to mix about 80 grams. starch with 1 liter. liquids. To get more liquid jelly it is worth reducing the quantity food additives 2-3 times.
  6. When preparing the drink, make sure that the jelly is not subjected to prolonged boiling. Otherwise, the starch will turn into glucose and lose its viscous properties. The optimal simmering time for the drink is considered to be 25 minutes, no more.
  7. Please note that it is better to prepare jelly in an enamel container; you need to stir the composition with a wooden spoon. This move will prevent the mixture from burning and causing unpleasant odor.
  8. After fully cooked Sprinkle the drink with sugar and add a piece of marshmallow or marmalade. A little trick will help avoid the formation of a film.

Berry jelly

  • potato starch - 60 gr.
  • sugar - 340 gr.
  • drinking water - 1 l.
  • berries (any) - 450 gr.
  1. If you decide to use fresh berries, rinse them thoroughly in a colander and dry. Remove excess twigs, leaves and spoiled fruit.
  2. Combine in an enamel container granulated sugar and filtered water. Place the pan on the fire, stir occasionally, until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  3. After this, add starch diluted in cold water and chopped berries in a blender to the syrup. Mix thoroughly and cook the jelly for about 25 minutes over low heat. Serve chilled.

Kissel with lemon and honey

  • fresh lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 85 gr.
  • filtered water - 1.5 l.
  • honey - 150 gr.
  • starch - 65 gr.
  1. Separately, take a small container with cold water. Add starch and stir thoroughly.
  2. Connect to suitable container 150 gr. honey and a little hot water. Stir. Pour into an enamel pan required amount purified water, add sugar and honey solution.
  3. Place the container on the stove and wait until it boils. Next, carefully pour in the starch liquid. Mix well.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, remove the pan from the burner. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, stir the drink, wait until it cools.

  • purified water - 950 ml.
  • starch - 55 gr.
  • any berry jam - 150 gr.
  • sugar - to taste
  1. Combine the jam and drinking water V enamel pan. Send the container to medium heat, cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. After time has passed, strain the mixture through a sieve. Place the syrup back into the pan and add the starch diluted in water. Add sugar if necessary.
  3. Place the pan with the mixture over medium heat; as soon as the first bubbles appear, reduce the burner to low. Stir the mixture constantly and cook for another 15 minutes.

Kissel with currants and almonds

  • red currants - 200 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • peeled almonds - 240 gr.
  • starch - 95 gr.
  • drinking water - 1.7 l.
  1. Wash and sort the berries, let them dry. Scald boiling water almond kernels and peel them. Next, place the nuts and sugar in a blender bowl, add 100 ml. water.
  2. Grind the mixture into a homogeneous mixture, then strain through double gauze. At the end you will get almond milk. After this, gradually pour the starch into the liquid, stirring constantly.
  3. Add berries. Pour the remaining drinking water into the enamel pan. Turn the burner on to medium heat and wait until it boils.
  4. Simmer for another 7 minutes, turn off. Don't forget to stir the jelly constantly. Can be consumed cold or hot.

  • potato starch - 35 gr.
  • berry compote - 1 l.
  1. Combine starch with 200 ml. cold compote, mix thoroughly. Bring the remaining liquid to a boil in a heat-resistant container.
  2. Next, begin to carefully pour the starch mixture into the main liquid, do not forget to constantly stir the composition. Wait another 5 minutes, remove from heat.

Thick jelly dessert

  • fruit compote - 900 ml.
  • berries (any) - 230 gr.
  • starch - 75 gr.
  1. Mix 250 ml. cold compote and starch. Rinse the berries and pass through a blender. Next, combine with the rest of the liquid.
  2. Send the mixture to cook in an enamel container. When the compote boils, slowly pour the starch mixture into it, stirring constantly.
  3. Simmer the mixture for about 25 minutes on low heat. Pour the jelly into molds and put it in a cool place. Serve with cream.

Milk-based jelly with strawberries

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 1 l.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • starch - 55 gr.
  • sugar - to taste
  • fresh strawberries - 250 gr.
  1. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly, remove the stems and dry. Next, the berries need to be passed through a blender. Squeeze the resulting puree in a double-cloth.
  2. Combine egg, sugar, vanillin and strawberry porridge in an enamel pan. Pour in 750 ml. milk, mix thoroughly and place over medium heat.
  3. At the same time, mix the starch with the remaining cold milk. Bring the mixture to a boil on the stove, then reduce the heat to low. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir the composition with a wooden spatula.
  4. When the first bubbles appear, carefully add the mixture of starch and milk to the liquid. Stir the jelly thoroughly, wait 3-4 minutes, remove from heat.

Pumpkin jelly

  • milk - 1 l.
  • pumpkin pulp - 320 gr.
  • starch - 60 gr.
  • peeled walnuts - 8 pcs.
  • cranberries - for decoration
  • granulated sugar - 90 gr.
  1. Chop the pumpkin into small cubes. Let it cook for about half an hour until full readiness. Next, grind the vegetable through a fine sieve.
  2. Pour in 800 ml. milk into an enamel container, wait until the first bubbles appear. Connect pumpkin porridge with hot liquid and sugar.
  3. At the same time, dilute potato starch in 200 ml. cool milk. Pour the mixture into a common container and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 10 minutes, stir the jelly constantly.
  4. After preparing the drink, pour the mixture into mugs and grind Walnut. Sprinkle the mixture over the jelly and add a few cranberries.

  • black bread - 40 gr.
  • milk - 1 l.
  • oatmeal - 450 gr.
  • honey - 65 gr.
  1. In the evening, combine milk, oatmeal and black bread. After waking up, take out a slice. Grind the flakes through a fine sieve into a suitable container.
  2. At the exit you will receive oat milk, add diluted starch and water to it. Send the composition to the stove. Turn the burner to low.
  3. Gradually add honey and stir thoroughly until it boils. Next, remove the jelly from the stove, let it cool, and consume.
  1. To enhance the taste, a few grams of citric acid are added to the mixture of starch and water. When you start cooking the main mixture, pour in the mixture as usual and stir thoroughly.
  2. To enhance the aroma of the drink, you can add the zest of any citrus fruit to the jelly. Don't be afraid to experiment with different spices.
  3. If you decide to cook jelly in milk, to achieve delicate taste Cooks recommend adding corn starch instead of potato starch. It is a little harder to find, the composition will cost more than regular powder.
  4. If you decide to make a full-fledged dessert from jelly that can be eaten with a spoon, hot composition must be poured into pre-processed forms. Pre-wet the dishes and sprinkle a little granulated sugar. This way you can easily place it on a flat dish and decorate it to your taste.
  5. When mixing starch with the main mass, pour it in slowly and along the edge of the pan. Such manipulations will help avoid the appearance of lumps. Among other things, if you want to get a dessert, you only need to cook it over low heat from start to finish.
  6. Liquid jelly turns out when the composition just begins to boil. Just wait a couple more minutes and turn off the stove. The drink should be prepared in an enamel pan and stirred constantly with a wooden spatula. This way you will avoid unpleasant odors from metal appliances.

Make your household happy various variations jelly. Prepare traditional drink, and also try other drink options. Find out for yourself perfect recipe and make it a family treat.

Video: how to cook jelly from frozen berries

Kissel is a sweet gelatinous dish. Whether a drink or dessert will turn out from it depends on the amount of starch introduced into the liquid. This is an original Russian dish. If earlier it was cooked with peas or oats, and it was sour, hence the name - “jelly”, i.e. sour, now they prefer sweet jelly. They are made from fresh (frozen) fruits and berries, cocoa, milk, oatmeal, dried fruits, jam. Starch acts as a thickener. Most often it is potato, but sometimes corn or wheat is added.

Kissel - food preparation

Starch is one of the main components of this dish. It was thanks to him, as if by magic magic wand, ordinary compote turns into jelly. Before adding to the pan, starch must be diluted with cooled broth, juice or water. It is usually diluted in a ratio of 1:4 (one part of starch is mixed with four parts of water). The starch solution should be poured into the boiling liquid as quickly as possible, stirring vigorously with a spoon. Otherwise, it forms lumps, because swells quite quickly. For liquid jelly you need to take 30 g of potato starch, for medium thickness - 40 g and for thick - 70 g (per liter of liquid). If corn starch is used, its amount should be increased by 1.5-2 times, because it has a weaker viscosity. If the jelly is cooked with potato starch, then after boiling, immediately remove it from the heat, and the jelly corn starch Boil for another five minutes.

Kissel - best recipes

Recipe 1: Cherry jelly

When you mention jelly, many people associate it with a square briquette that is sold in the store. Yes, it’s simple and convenient - dilute the semi-finished product with water and boil. But concentrate is concentrate. It looks like jelly, but not the same as what my grandmother or mother cooked. And if you make the most natural jelly, from real berries or fruits, for example, cherries. There will be a lot more benefit. Moreover, it cooks once or twice. Other fruit or berry jelly is prepared using the same principle.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of cherries (any - frozen, fresh), sugar - (to taste), starch - 6 tablespoons, water - 1.8 l.

Cooking method

If the cherries are fresh, add water and bring to a boil. If frozen, then throw it straight into boiling water without defrosting. As soon as the water with berries boils, add sugar and simmer for ten minutes.

Dilute the starch in half a glass of cold liquid and pour into the boiling berry broth, stirring vigorously. As soon as the mixture boils (the first large bubbles appear), immediately turn off the heat.

Recipe 2: Milk jelly with yolks

A slightly modified version of the classic milk jelly. This recipe has added egg yolks. Kissel can be decorated by dropping any fresh berries into a glass. If you add frozen berries, then such a drink, if it does not quench your thirst, will be pleasantly refreshing on a particularly hot day. The consistency of the jelly should resemble kefir. Children will be happy to drink this jelly accompanied by the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, with milk rivers and jelly banks.

Ingredients: milk – 0.8 l, sugar to taste, chicken yolks– 4 pcs., a bag of vanilla sugar, starch – 2 tbsp. l., optional - lemon or orange zest.

Cooking method

Grind the yolks with sugar until it dissolves. Dilute the starch in a partial glass of cold milk. Pour sugar into the remaining milk according to the recipe and boil, then pour in the diluted starch. The mixture should be constantly stirred to avoid lumps. For convenience, you can use a whisk. Remove from heat. Kissel requires rapid cooling. Therefore, you should place the container with jelly in a bowl of cold water. While the jelly is cooling, it needs to be whipped. Add to the cooled mixture vanilla sugar and chopped zest.

Recipe 3: Fruit and milk jelly

This product is more like a dessert than a drink - delicious and healthy. Children will especially like two-color jelly. For fruit jelly, you can take any compote or juice. It is better if it is cranberry, cherry, blackcurrant, i.e. with intense color. The jelly turns out to be quite thick and is poured into bowls.

Ingredients– 0.5 liters of milk, a bag of vanilla sugar, granulated sugar - to taste, 0.5 liters of compote (juice), 5 tbsp. starch (2.5 tbsp each for milk and fruit bases).

Cooking method

First you need to cook jelly from milk. Dilute starch (2.5 tablespoons) in a partial glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, add sugar (regular and vanilla) and boil. Pour in the dissolved starch in a thin stream and mix thoroughly and quickly to avoid lumps. Remove from heat. For milk jelly, it is better to use corn starch, but you can also cook it with potato starch. Place the thick milk mass into bowls, bowls or other small dishes, filling halfway. The consistency should resemble thick semolina porridge.

Cook by analogy fruit jelly. Dilute the starch in a glass of compote, boil the remaining liquid and pour in the starch mass, stirring. At the first signs of boiling (gurgling bubbles appear), remove from heat. Cool a little and place it on top of the milk. Let the dessert cool and serve. You can sprinkle chopped mint leaves, powdered sugar, coconut flakes, chocolate chips.

Recipe 4: Jelly for jam

If in the summer you can make jelly from fresh berries, then why not make it from jam in the winter. Absolutely any jam is suitable for this, as well as jam, marmalade or berries twisted with sugar.

Ingredients: jam, water – 1.5 l, a pinch of citric acid, 4 tbsp. starch.

Cooking method

Dilute jam to taste in one and a half liters of water to make morsik. Taste it, if it’s too sweet, add a little water, if it’s not very sweet, add a spoon or two more jam. If used raspberry jam or twisted berries, it is recommended to strain the broth using a sieve, gauze or colander. Squeeze out the cake and put the fruit drink on the fire.

Dilute starch in half a glass of water. Pour it into the boiled fruit drink. Do not forget to constantly stir the liquid vigorously. As soon as the jelly boils, remove from heat.

After adding potato starch, the jelly is not boiled, but only brought to a boil. Because with prolonged boiling, the paste is destroyed (loses its properties) and the consistency of the jelly becomes watery.

To avoid the appearance of a film on the jelly, its surface should be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Kissel - tasty and original folk dish, which is a thin jelly. It can be prepared from any product; as a rule, fresh berries, fruits, syrups, jams and compotes are most often used. It can also be cooked from milk. How to cook jelly? This is not a difficult matter.

There are many options for that. It is only necessary to determine the product from which the drink will be brewed, as well as the desired consistency.

Density of jelly

Before cooking jelly, you need to choose a certain consistency. The thickness of the drink depends on the starch used in cooking. So, the jelly will turn out thick if the following proportion is observed: 70 g of starch per 1 liter of selected liquid (this can be water or juice). The jelly will be of medium thickness if you add 40 g of starch powder to 1 liter of liquid. And finally, the jelly will turn out liquid if, when boiling it, only 30 g of starch is added to 1 liter of liquid. Do not forget that before cooking the jelly, you need to dilute the required amount of starch in cold, clean water or juice. You should not boil a drink to which starch has already been added for a long time, otherwise its qualities will be destroyed and the jelly will turn out to be too liquid.

Jelly made from jam

The traditional raw material for Russian jelly is jam. To prepare such a drink you will need water, jam itself, starch, sugar, and lemon acid. First you need to dilute 200 g of jam in 750 ml of boiled water, place it all in a saucepan and put it on fire. When boiling, you will need to strain the jam, then add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid (previously diluted in water), 2 tablespoons of sugar powder and bring to a boil again. Next, 2 tablespoons of starch must be diluted with a glass of cold clean water and, stirring, slowly pour the resulting liquid into the pan. Now you need to bring the contents of the pan to a boil again. In this case, immediately after boiling, you need to remove the finished jelly from the stove, pour into cups and let cool. The drink is ready!

Cranberry jelly

Another option for making a drink is from cranberries. It is noteworthy how jelly is useful. This drink helps with colds and stomach diseases. In addition, jelly is suitable for feeding children. To prepare this drink you will need 100 g of berries, 1 tbsp. l starch, about 4 tbsp. l. sugar, as well as water (about 3 glasses). Berries for jelly must be washed and ground, after which they must be separated cranberry juice from crushed berries. The cranberry mixture should be placed in a saucepan with water. The contents of the pan should be brought to a boil, then cook for 5 minutes. Subsequently, you will need to strain the liquid. Sugar must be added to the resulting mass, after which the broth is brought to a boil again. It is necessary to skim the foam from the liquid when cooking. Previously diluted starch should be poured into a boiling pan, stirring constantly, gradually bringing the drink to a boil. At the very end, you should pour the remaining cranberry juice into the preparing jelly. The drink should be poured into containers to cool, and then can be consumed.

Kissel, the recipe for which is popular among housewives, is a jelly-like drink or gelatinous dessert. It is prepared using the most variety of basics– dairy, fruits and berries, cereals and even vegetables.

How to prepare jelly?

Prepare homemade jelly simple, but the technology still has its secrets. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will undoubtedly end up with a delicious dish:

  1. Starch used as a thickener must always be pre-diluted in small portion liquid base or water.
  2. The starch solution should be introduced into the boiling liquid base in a thin stream, making sure to stir it while doing so, or mixed with a cold base and then heated until thickened.
  3. The thickness of the dessert is regulated by the proportions of liquid and starch.
  4. Ready dessert It is preferable to let it cool unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

Milk jelly - recipe

Milk jelly - simple, tasty, aromatic and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is also formalized in an elementary way. If you use the indicated proportions, in half an hour an appetizing mousse delicacy for 4 people will be ready. It can be sprinkled chocolate chips, chopped nuts or pour over jam. For a more liquid structure, the amount of starch mass should be halved.


  • milk – 320 ml;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon with a small slide;
  • granulated sugar – 60 g;
  • vanillin, grated chocolate, nuts.


  1. The recipe for jelly is simple. A third of the milk is poured and starch powder is dissolved in it.
  2. Bring the remaining milk portion to a boil, sweeten and season with vanilla.
  3. Enter starch milk, warm up a little, stirring. Don't boil!
  4. Cool the mass, place it in the refrigerator for an hour and serve with additives.

Jelly made from jam and starch

Next, you will learn how to cook jelly from starch and jam. Fruit and berry based treats are considered one of the healthiest, but it is not always possible to use a fresh or frozen product. In this case, you can turn to supplies prepared in the summer and use jam as a basis. 4 serving bowls of dessert will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • jam – 150 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar, citric acid - to taste.


  1. Dissolve the jam in water, season the liquid to taste, let it boil and filter after five minutes.
  2. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cold water, mix the mixture with the main liquid portion, and warm it up a little, stirring.

Cranberry jelly - recipe

Homemade jelly, the recipe for which will be described below, has long been considered a real vitamin aid in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition, this drink will ideally complement diet menu at . The secret of success is not being exposed heat treatment juice that retains all its properties. A drink for three people can be prepared in an hour.


  • cranberries – 150 g;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide.


  1. The washed cranberries are ground and the juice is squeezed out.
  2. The pomace is poured with water and heated almost to a boil, filtered and sweetened.
  3. The starch is dissolved in a small portion of cold water and mixed with the liquid base.
  4. Heat the cranberry jelly to a boil, cool, stir in the juice and serve.

Frozen berry jelly - recipe

Jelly made from frozen cherries, red and black currants, and raspberries can be surprisingly rich and aromatic. In the off-season, using such preparations for decorating desserts is as advisable as possible. No berries required pre-defrost, they are immediately put to use after being pulled out of the freezer compartment. The following is a recipe for ten servings of the drink, which can be brewed in half an hour.


  • frozen berries – 300 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - glass;
  • potato starch - 5 tbsp. spoons


  1. The recipe for jelly from berries is simple. Pour water over the product, bring to a boil, filter, grind the pulp and squeeze out.
  2. The liquid base is sweetened and mixed with starch diluted in a small portion of liquid.
  3. Warm up berry jelly to a boil, stirring continuously.

Compote jelly

You can make delicious jelly at home from compote. And it will work just like canned finished product, and freshly brewed. Excessive sweetness can be leveled by adding lemon juice or a portion of water, but not enough, sweeten the drink to taste. You can use either a liquid base or inclusions in the form of slices of fruit or berries. Seven servings will be ready in thirty minutes.


  • ready compote – 2 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. IN small quantity compote dissolves starch.
  2. The main portion is heated, adjusted to taste if necessary, mixed with the solution, stirring.
  3. Heat the jelly from compote and starch to a boil, cool.

Apple jelly

Next, you will learn how to cook jelly from fresh apple fruits. The dessert is prepared from apple decoction mixed with, which enriches the taste and valuable characteristics of the drink. Four servings of the delicacy prepared taking into account the specified proportions in thirty minutes will have a runny texture. For a thicker effect, you need to increase the amount of starch by one and a half to two times.


  • apples – 500 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • corn starch – 50 g.


  1. Apples are cut into slices, boiled in water for ten minutes, drained into a sieve, and wiped.
  2. The pomace is discarded, and the puree is combined with the broth, sweetened and mixed with starch water.
  3. While stirring, heat the mixture until thickened and cool.

Dried fruit jelly

The recommendations below will help you figure out how to prepare jelly at home using dried fruits. Their valuable properties and beautiful taste qualities will show themselves best in such a dessert. The dish will be as harmonious as possible if you take a mix of several fruits. A drink for 5 people will be ready in an hour.


  • dried fruits – 200 g;
  • water – 1.2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Boil dried fruits in a liter of liquid for ten minutes, leave for a little while covered, and strain.
  2. Sweeten the broth and heat to a boil.
  3. Mix with starch water, combining the remaining components.
  4. Serve jelly with dried fruits warm or cold.

Oatmeal jelly

Read more about how to cook oatmeal jelly. This type of surprisingly healthy and nutritious Russian dish was prepared in ancient times. Nowadays, jelly is often remembered when a problem arises. various diseases, forgetting that regular use product could completely prevent them. The process of creating a dish is long, but worthwhile. A day later from specified quantity you will get approximately 500 g of product.