How to make plum and apple jam. A simple recipe for plum and apple jam for the winter

Jam yield: from the norm of fruit according to the recipe, 600 ml of the finished product is obtained.

Cooking time: 3 hours.

Thanks to the excellent combination of aromatic apples and sour plums, you can get delicious jam for the winter. A jar of sweet and sour jam will be an ideal option as a treat for tea. Preparing healthy fruits will give your household a supply of vitamins and new taste sensations. Apples and plums are rich in sucrose, glucose and iron, which is why they should be included in your diet. Can anything compare with delicious homemade apple and plum jam? Using a simple winter recipe from fresh fruits, you can make jam from natural ingredients without any preservatives. Apple and plum jam can become a favorite among your winter preparations. Find out right now how to make apple and plum jam.

The process of making jam from apples and plums

First of all, you need to prepare the fruits, weigh them, sort them and rinse them thoroughly. The norm of apples, plums, sugar and water can be increased if necessary. It all depends on how much jam you are going to make.

Separate the prepared plums from the seeds, cut the fresh apples into small pieces. This jam recipe uses unpeeled apples, and the end result is whole pieces. If desired, the peel can be peeled, then the apple and plum jam will turn out more crumbly and tender.

Cover the apples and plums with sugar, mix the mixture, pour in the amount of water and put the contents on the fire. Bring to a boil, cover and cook on low until a thick consistency forms. This will take approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.

During the cooking process, winter jam needs to be stirred so that it does not burn and cooks evenly. Place the finished apple jam and hot plums into pre-washed and sterilized jars, then immediately seal with lids.

  • plums – 200 grams;
  • apples – 300 grams;
  • fine crystalline granulated sugar – 500 grams.

How to make jam from plums and apples

Select firm, tasty apples. Wash and place on a towel to dry. Without wasting time, sort out the plum fruits. If they are very soft, crushed or damaged, set them aside. Place the fruit in a colander, rinse and leave to drain. Cut each plum in half and remove the pit, then cut into small pieces.

Peel the apples, divide them into two parts and cut out the core. Grate the halves on a medium or coarse grater.

Combine chopped fruits and sprinkle with sugar.

In order for the juice to stand out, leave the assorted fruit for 30-50 minutes. If after the specified time the volume of liquid is insignificant, stir the mixture and increase the rest time.

Place the liquid plum-apple mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat intensity and cook with constant stirring for half an hour. Be careful not to burn the jam. Gradually, the fruit will change color and the jam will acquire a more uniform, thick consistency. You can complete the cooking process and remove the pan from the heat.

Place the jam in dry, sterile jars and seal. Create a multi-layer thermal protection from towels and other auxiliary materials and leave until cool. Choose a storage location based on your capabilities. Bon appetit!


Today we will prepare apple and plum jam for the winter according to the original recipe. It will turn out very tasty and very rich, since we will use a minimal amount of water to create it. This way, the fruit will cook almost in its own juice and will turn out very rich. Very often spices are added to jam, although the classic cooking method does not provide for them. Most often, dried cloves, aromatic cinnamon sprigs, mint and even hot pepper are used. Thus, any recipe can be varied and created something new. But this is optional. If you want to be sure of the final result, be sure to follow our recommendations.
We will prepare jam with apples and plums according to a fairly simple step-by-step photo recipe. The highlight of this delicacy will be tangerines: it is in their juice that the main ingredients will be cooked. At home, such jam will turn out completely natural and very healthy. It simply needs to be closed for the winter in order to stock up on delicious fruits and their vitamins.
Let's start making jam from apples and pitted plums for the winter.


Apple and plum jam - recipe

Choose a variety of apples depending on the flavor of jam you want to get as a result. We thoroughly wash the fruits, get rid of the stalks and cores, cut the fruits into neat, identical cubes as in the photo or into slices.

First wash the plums, then divide them into halves and remove the pits. After this, they can be cut into pieces to match apples or into slices and placed with the rest of the ingredients in a deep suitable pan. Immediately add all the prepared sugar and a packet of vanillin to the chopped fruit. Squeeze the juice out of the tangerines using any convenient method and pour it into the pan.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, put the pan on the stove, turn on low heat and cook the delicacy for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the specified volume of water into the fruit, stir, increase the heat and bring to a boil. Cook the fruit in its own juice for another 15 minutes, then remove from the stove.

Greetings, dear friends! Summer varieties of apples have ripened in the gardens, and it’s time to prepare a tasty and interesting preparation with this healthy fruit. Today I want to tell you about a wonderful jam: apple and plum, and also show you how to make jam from plums and apples so that it turns out thick and incredibly tasty.

Rich in a natural gelling agent (pectin), apples allow you to do without artificial analogue thickeners and boil liquid jam to the texture of confiture. Apple and plum jam is just the case when fruit fragments are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, do not settle to the bottom and are covered with an enveloping syrup.

Assorted jam from apples and plums can be a universal additive for biscuits, bagels, cheeses, cottage cheese and pancakes. Are you intrigued? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to make apple and plum jam.


  • apples 300 g;
  • plums 200 g;
  • sugar 500 g.

How to make apple and plum jam:

To prepare jam from apples and plums for the winter, we select high-quality fruits for homemade jam: ripe, without rot. Before slicing, rinse thoroughly in cold water, peel or dry on a woven towel.

We cut or tear the fleshy plums in half, first dividing them into longitudinal bars, then crosswise into cubes. The plum pulp will mix with the apple pulp, and the harder and darker skin will appear as a contrasting inclusion and create some decorativeness.

Be sure to peel clean apples, cut out the core, and cut the rest into small shavings, and at this stage it is convenient to use a cheese grater.

We combine the apple pulp and pieces of plums with granulated sugar, shake and leave for half an hour - let the sugar dissolve and liquid form, as required by the recipe for jam from apples and plums.

Place the sweet mixture with a large amount of juice on high heat, boil, reduce the temperature and keep it at a low simmer for the next 25-30 minutes. We do not leave our future apple and plum jam unattended, stir periodically and separate the thickening composition from the walls, protecting it from burning. If you want to enhance the aroma, add vanilla, cinnamon, anise or other spices.

The apple and plum jam, which has changed its consistency and color, is ready! Moderately gelled, picturesquely ruby, with delicate acidity.

Summer is not only a time for a pleasant holiday on the sea coast or in the countryside, but also a season for preparations. Every good housewife tries to preserve a piece of warmth and sun in preservation, and making jam from plums and apples is considered a good tradition - this is the delicacy that will remind you of the hot season on frosty days.

The combination of sour varieties of apples and juicy plums in jam is well known to housewives, because almost everyone prepares this preparation using different recipes. There are many peculiarities and secrets of preparation, and one of them is that a lot depends on the raw materials used in preservation.

It is better to use apples that are sour but fully ripe. If the fruits are too hard, you will have to cut them into several small pieces. It is recommended to take juicy and large plums - chop into slices if necessary.

It is better to prepare canned food in an enamel container; if there are no suitable size pots in the house, take a copper container for cooking.

Preparing the main ingredients

The first thing you need to do is prepare the apples. Rinse them first, clean them, remove all wormholes, rotting or drying areas. Be sure to remove the core and then cut into quarters. If the fruits are small, it is recommended to use halves.

Rinse the plums, check for damaged areas, if there are signs of rotting or dry spots, remove them with a sharp knife. Cut the fruits into halves, remove the seeds. Next, follow the recipes - cut into smaller slices or leave it as is.

Methods for making apple and plum jam

There are several options for preparing aromatic preparations from plums and apples. The easiest way is to simply combine the fruit with sugar and boil until tender. There are also more complex recipes - with the addition of additional components.

If you don’t have enough time for cooking, you can use a multicooker, which will do most of the work. The jam in it turns out no worse than in a copper basin or enamel pan.

Simple recipe

The simplest preservation does not mean that it is inferior in taste to exquisite recipes. The aroma and taste of the jam will satisfy the needs of the most demanding gourmet.


  1. Send apples cut into slices (700 g) into a container in which the preserve will be prepared, cover with sugar (350 g).
  2. Place plum slices (600 g) on ​​top of the sugar, pour 400 g of sugar on top of the fruit.
  3. Leave for 3 hours, no need to stir.
  4. Cook the mixture, stirring, for half an hour, being sure to remove the foam.

Place the preserves in jars, seal, and check for leaks.

In a slow cooker

A multicooker will help you reduce the time and prepare aromatic preserves. There are many options for preparing the workpiece, but the recipe most often used is:

  1. Place 500 g of apples and plums in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour sugar (850 g), shake the bowl, leave for 2 hours.
  3. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for half an hour.

Send the finished preserves into sterilized jars and seal them. Wrap the jars until they cool completely.


Fruit jam with the addition of cinnamon is most often used in baking - the pies acquire a special aroma and taste.


  1. Pour water (200 ml) into the cooking container, add apple pieces (1 kg) and drain (1 kg).
  2. Cover the fruits with sugar (1.2 kg), leave for an hour.
  3. Place the container on the fire, boil for half an hour, remove.
  4. The next day, continue cooking, cook, stirring often, for 30 minutes. Try the jam - if there is not enough sugar, add a little.
  5. 3-6 minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon (10 g) to the mixture.

Pour the mixture into glass containers, roll up, and turn the lid down to cool.

Important! Cinnamon can cause damage to the product, so it is recommended to play it safe and sterilize it - a quarter of an hour is enough for 0.5 ml jars.

Five Minute Recipe

You can also make jam according to the “Five Minute” recipe, popular among housewives, which is used for various fruits.


  1. Mix 500 g of plum and apple particles.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar (1 kg).
  3. Place the container on the fire and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the mixture and leave until completely cooled.
  5. Put it back on the fire, boil again for 5 minutes.
  6. Repeat the process 4 times, then cook until tender (at least half an hour).

Pack into jars and seal.

Storage of the finished product

You can preserve jam for the winter without loss only with proper storage. It is important to send the preservation to a cold basement or cellar immediately after cooling. If there are few preparations, it is recommended to use a refrigerator for storage.

Even if the storage of the preparations is carried out according to all the rules, it is necessary to regularly check whether the jam has begun to deteriorate. This often happens when cooked incorrectly.