How to cook clear broth. Recipes for clear broth How to cook white broth

The basis of all clear soups is a strong broth made from game beef or chicken.

Rice, eggs, dumplings, vermicelli and various vegetables are usually prepared separately, placed in plates and poured with hot broth before serving. This keeps the broth clear and gives the soup an attractive, appetizing appearance. Vegetables should be cut into strips or cubes.

The calorie content of clear soups depends mainly on the additional products included in them. But a significant amount of extractive substances found in the broth causes increased secretion of gastric juice and, therefore, helps stimulate appetite and better assimilation of food eaten after soup.


To prepare a clear meat broth, you need to take lean meat. Place the washed meat in a saucepan, add cold water, cover with a lid and put on fire. When the water boils, remove the foam from the surface. After 1 - 1 1/2 hours, add roots and onions. To give the broth more flavor and golden color, part of the roots - 1/2 pcs. carrots, parsley and onions - fry without oil (on one side) in a preheated cast-iron frying pan, then put them in the broth, at the same time salting it.

The duration of cooking the clear broth is from 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Remove the finished meat and use it to prepare the second dish. After the broth has settled, remove the fat from the top and strain the broth through a fine sieve or napkin.

To obtain an even stronger and completely transparent broth, you additionally need to perform the so-called pulling (clarification). To prepare the guy, take 300g of lean meat, pass through a meat grinder, put in a separate pan, add 1 lightly beaten egg white, 1 glass of broth, mix and leave in this form for 20-30 minutes in a cold place. Then pour all this into the hot broth, close the lid, put on the fire, bring to a boil, add salt and continue cooking at a low boil for another 30-40 minutes. When the guy curls and settles to the bottom, carefully strain the broth and skim off the fat.

The finished clear broth can be served with croutons, pies, corn flakes, or used to make clear soups. The remaining meat after pulling can be used for casserole.

For 500g of meat - 1 piece. carrots, parsley or celery, 1 onion, 1 1/2-2 liters of water.


This sauce, prepared from tomatoes boiled with sugar, vinegar, salt, spices (cloves, cinnamon, allspice, red cayenne pepper, nutmeg, garlic), has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and aroma of spices.

It is used as a ready-made seasoning for dishes made from meat, fish, and vegetables; it is also added to many so-called red sauces.


Place bouillon cubes in a saucepan (1 cube per glass of liquid), add boiling water, stir, bring to a boil and use as a clear broth made from meat.

Before placing raw meat in the cold, it must be freed from paper or cellophane, placed in a ceramic or enamel bowl and covered with paper or gauze on top.

You can store the broth even in the refrigerator only by straining it and pouring it into a glass jar or soup bowl.


Game broth is usually prepared when game is cooked for salad or for cooking with mayonnaise. In addition, such a broth can be cooked from bones and trimmings from game used for preparing second courses (for example, when preparing cutlets from pheasant, black grouse, partridge, hazel grouse, etc.). In this case, bones and stripping: you need to chop them into smaller pieces, put them in a soup pan, add carrots, parsley, and onions fried without oil (see above for the recipe for making clear meat broth), then add 1-2 stalks of celery (or a few slices of celery root ), pour it all with meat broth or water and put it on fire.

When the broth boils, remove the foam and continue cooking over low heat for about 1 hour. Before finishing cooking, add salt to the broth, let it settle and then strain.

For 1 pheasant or black grouse, or for 4 hazel grouse - 1 pc. carrots and parsley, 1 onion, 1-2 stalks of celery, 2-3 liters of water.

The meat broth will have a golden color if you put an onion in it, cut in half or whole, heavily fried without oil in a dry frying pan. Or you can boil the broth by adding clean onion peels.

Do not forget that cooking the broth determines the taste of many dishes, since broth is the basis not only for soups, but also for a number of sauces and aspics.


Wipe the chicken dry with a towel, singe it, cut off the neck and legs, gut it and rinse thoroughly.

Cut the stomach, clean it and remove the membrane from it; cut the heart; scald the paws, remove the skin from them and cut off the claws; pluck the head; Carefully remove the gallbladder from the liver. Rinse all offal.

On the chicken carcass, below the breast, make 2 cuts and tuck the legs into them, and bend the wings to the back - this gives the carcass a more beautiful and convenient shape for cooking.

Place the chicken and giblets prepared in this way, along with the peeled and cut roots, into a saucepan, add cold water, cover with a lid and cook. After the broth boils, reduce the heat and cook at low simmer. Remove the foam that appears at the beginning of the boil with a slotted spoon. The duration of cooking chicken ranges from 1 to 2 hours depending on its size and age.

The readiness of the chicken is determined using a fork. If a fork pierces the leg meat easily, the chicken is ready. Remove the chicken and giblets from the broth, place in another pan and cover. Strain the broth.

For one chicken (average weight 1 kg) - 1 pc. carrots and parsley, 1 onion, 2 1/2-3 liters of water.


Delicious nutritious fruit sauces are prepared from fresh fruits (apples, plums, quinces, peaches, apricots, etc.). For their preparation, selected, ripe fruits are used, which are peeled and seeds removed. When cooking, sugar is added to them.

The technology for the industrial production of fruit sauces provides for the most complete preservation in the finished product of all the most valuable nutrients contained in fresh fruits. Fruit sauces are widely used in children's and dietary nutrition.

Due to their taste and aroma properties, they go well with cereal dishes (porridges, casseroles, cereal cutlets and meatballs), and flour dishes (pancakes and pancakes). These sauces can be used both as an independent dessert dish and for making delicious jelly, which can be prepared within a few minutes.

Fruit sauces together with mayonnaise add an attractive taste to fruit salads.


Boil broth (meat, chicken or game) and serve in broth cups or plates. Serve the croutons separately on a plate.

To prepare croutons, cut white bread into 1/2 cm thick slices and brown in the oven.

Croutons can also be made with cheese. To do this, sprinkle slices of bread with grated cheese, drizzle with melted butter and brown in the oven.

Instead of croutons, you can serve pies, dry cookies, and corn flakes.

Firm beef meat will become more tender and easier to cook if you rub it with dry mustard on all sides in the evening (before cooking, you need to wash the meat in cold water).


In a clear broth (meat, chicken or game), 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, add thin slices of peeled red beets, 2 tbsp. spoons of grape wine or vinegar, a little sugar and for spiciness, a little red hot pepper.

Strain the finished borscht and pour into broth cups. Serve the croutons with cheese separately.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of broth - 250g beets, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.

You need to know that raw meat, even completely benign and fresh, can be contaminated with microbes, so it should never be kept in direct contact with other products.


Place vermicelli, noodles, ears, stars in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain in a colander and transfer to boiling clear meat or chicken broth and cook until tender for 12-15 minutes. Flour products are first placed in boiling water to maintain the transparency of the broth.

For 2 liters of broth - 100-125 g of flour products.


The basis of the sauce is a wild plum, which is boiled, pureed, seasoned with basil, cilantro, garlic, and red pepper. Tkemali sauce is widely used in Caucasian cuisine. Its taste goes well with boiled and fried meat dishes. Usually “Tkemali” is served separately with these dishes, placed in gravy boats.


Boil meat or chicken broth and at the same time prepare dough for dumplings from flour, semolina or potatoes as indicated at the end of the recipe. Divide the prepared dough with a tablespoon and a teaspoon: with a tablespoon, take the finished dough from the pan, and with a teaspoon, soaked in water, separate small oval-shaped pieces, dip them into the hot broth and cook in it.

For 2 liters of broth, prepare dumplings from 1/2 cup flour (or semolina) or 3 pcs. potatoes.

Choux pastry for dumplings.

Pour 1/3 cup of broth into the pan, add butter, salt and boil. Then add flour or semolina, stir with a paddle and cook the flour for 1-2 minutes, and the cereal for 5-6 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, let the dough cool slightly, and then add the eggs and mix well.

For 1/2 cup of flour or semolina - 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 eggs.

Uncooked dumpling dough.

Pour 1/4 cup of broth into a plate, add butter, egg, add flour, salt and knead the dough.

For 1/2 cup of flour - 1 egg, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Potato dough for dumplings.

Peel the potatoes, boil them, wipe them hot, add flour, raw egg yolks and mix well. Then add the beaten egg whites and mix again.

For 3 pcs. potatoes - 3-4 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 eggs.

When cooking broths, pour 3 cups of cold water for 1 serving. Approximately 1 cup of liquid evaporates during cooking. You should not add water to the soup during cooking, as this worsens its taste.

To prepare the broth, the meat should be cut into small pieces and the bones should be crushed.


Prepare a stiff dough (as for noodles), then rub it through a sieve with large holes. Place the grains on a board or table sprinkled with flour, dry and then sift through a colander or sieve to remove the flour.

Cook broth from beef or poultry (chicken or turkey) with roots. Strain. Add egg grains to the boiling broth and cook until tender. Serve with chopped dill or parsley.

For 200g of flour for semolina - 1 egg, 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of milk, salt to taste.

For 500-600 g of meat for broth - 1/2 pcs. carrots, parsley, celery, onions.


This sauce, made from boiled pomegranate juice, has a unique, very pleasant sweet and sour taste. “Nasharabi” is used for meat and fish dishes of Caucasian cuisine. You can also quickly prepare delicious jelly from Nasharabi; you can add it to compotes, especially those made from dried fruits and berries.

The absence of hot herbs and spices makes this sauce suitable for dietary and baby food.


This dish can be quickly prepared using commercially available dumplings. Place the prepared dumplings into a boiling, salted broth and cook at a low simmer until they float to the surface of the broth (about 10 minutes). If you don’t have ready-made dumplings, you can make them as follows. Mince the meat (preferably half beef and pork) together with the onion twice, add a little water, add salt and ground pepper, stir well.

Prepare the dough separately. To do this, pour an egg, 1/4 cup of water into the flour, add salt, mix well and knead into a fairly stiff dough.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut circles out of it using a notch or a glass and place small balls of cooked minced meat on each circle. Pinch the edges of the dough circles.

To make the broth with dumplings transparent, you must first immerse the dumplings in hot water for a few seconds (rinse off the flour), and then transfer them to boiling broth and cook.

Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

For 2 liters of broth for dumplings - 300-400 g of meat, 1-2 onions, 1 1/2 cups of flour, 1 egg.


Add sifted semolina into boiling meat or chicken broth, stirring it, and cook for about 10 minutes. Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle with parsley. When serving, you can put 1 tbsp on each plate. a spoonful of heated canned green peas and 1 egg, boiled in a bag.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 4 tbsp. spoons of semolina.


The nutritional value of fats largely depends on the digestibility of this fat by the body.

The most complete and easy to digest are those of solid fats that melt at a temperature close to the temperature of the human body. Thus, fats with a melting point not exceeding 37°C have the ability to emulsify most completely and quickly and, therefore, are well absorbed. These fats primarily include butter, lard, table margarines, and liquid fats.

Fats with a high melting point are absorbed much less well.

Butter is digestible, for example, by 98.5%, while lamb fat is only 80-90%, and beef fat is 80-94%. This explains the widespread use of butter in children's and dietary nutrition. Fats are one of the main, most important and irreplaceable elements of nutrition. They are included in the diet of all healthy people. A rare dish, snack, or culinary product can be prepared without fat.

For frying foods, fat is used, which, when heated to a high temperature, does not change its taste and smell.

Butter or margarine, when heated, quickly begins to smoke, “burn” (they give the fried product a smell of smoke) and, in addition, they are very wasteful, since they are consumed in large quantities. For frying, it is better to use pork, beef, lamb lard, table margarine, and vegetable oil.

Ghee also cannot withstand heating to high temperatures. It can be used for frying in cases where the product does not need to be heated very much.

When choosing fat for frying, you need to take into account the taste match between the product and the fat in which it will be fried.

Beef and pork lard are used for frying beef or pork dishes, and lamb lard is mainly used for preparing lamb dishes.

To prepare dishes from poultry meat, the fat of the same bird is usually used. If the poultry does not have enough fat, ghee or lard is used for frying it, i.e. fats with a mild odor.

For many cold dishes and appetizers, especially vegetable ones - for salads, vinaigrettes, vegetable caviar, stuffed and fried eggplant pieces, for dressing herring - vegetable oils are used (sunflower, corn, as well as refined - cottonseed and soybean).

Vegetable oil suits the taste of cold dishes best.

For the same reasons, easily congealing fats should not be used for dishes served cold or hot (casseroles, minced meat cutlets, etc.). For such dishes, rendered lard and butter are suitable, which, although they harden, melt so quickly in the mouth that they do not leave an unpleasant greasy aftertaste. Vegetable oils and table margarine are widely used for frying fish.

Ghee, butter and vegetable oil, lard, butter and table margarine are added to the dough. The advantage of the latter is that it delays the staling of baked dough products.

Animal fats, ghee and vegetable oil are used for minced meats and fillings.

For sauces and delicacies, for seasoning soups, and pouring over ready-made cutlets, butter is used. Its soft and delicate taste matches the delicate taste of such vegetable dishes as cauliflower and green peas.

Sweet foods, flour confectionery products, cakes, sweet pies, pastries are prepared with ghee and table or butter margarine, creams with butter.


Place sago in boiling meat broth and cook for 15-30 minutes. Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 1/2 cup of sago.


Rinse the rice well, put it in a pan with hot water and let it boil for 3-5 minutes.

Then drain the water, rinse the rice again, place it on a sieve and, when the water has drained, put it in boiling meat or chicken broth for 20-25 minutes. Pour the finished broth into plates and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 1/2 cup rice.


Make broth from beef or poultry (chicken or turkey). Strain. Sort and rinse the rice well, cook it into a very thick porridge, first with water and then with milk. Season the finished porridge with oil, salt and beaten eggs. Make small balls from this mass, roll each one in flour. Boil salted water, drop the balls into the boiling liquid and cook until tender. Before serving, place the prepared dumplings into plates and pour hot broth over them.

For 1/2 cup of rice for dumplings - 1/3 cup of milk, 2 eggs, 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, salt to taste.

For 500-600 g of meat for broth - 1/2 pcs. parsley, carrots, celery and leeks.


In terms of taste, aroma, and nutritional value, cow butter belongs to the best and most valuable edible fat. It is distinguished by its high calorie content, almost complete digestibility by the body (up to 98%), and the presence of vitamins A, D, E.

According to the method of preparation, cow butter is divided into butter and ghee.

Butter should be used mainly for serving and for sandwiches.

Ghee, due to its higher fat content (it contains 98% fat, while butter has 81-84%), is more economical. It is used for frying and adding to some dough products.

Butter is available for sale salted (no more than 2% salt) and unsalted, as well as with additives (chocolate, etc.).

Among the varieties of butter, Vologda variety stands out. It is produced at a temperature of 95°C, due to which it acquires a pleasant, barely noticeable nutty flavor.


Cook the rice, place in a sieve or colander, let the water drain, then transfer it to a bowl or plate, add raw eggs, butter, some grated cheese, salt; Stir all this well and place on a frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs. Level the surface of the rice with a knife, sprinkle with the rest of the grated cheese, pour over the oil and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes to bake. Cool the baked rice slightly, place it on a board, tip the pan, cut it, place it in plates and pour in hot meat or chicken broth.

For 2-2 1/2 clear broth - 1/2 cup rice, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and crushed crackers, 50g cheese.


Place vegetables in hot meat or chicken broth - first carrots, turnips and asparagus, cut into cubes, cauliflower, disassembled into small buds, and then bean or pea pods, freed from the veins and cut crosswise into 2-3 parts. After 15-20 minutes, add chopped spinach or lettuce leaves and let the broth boil for 2-3 minutes.

The soup prepared in this way is served with pieces of chicken or an egg boiled in a bag. The listed set of vegetables can be changed depending on the season. For example, if there is no asparagus, add a little more carrots; Replace fresh peas and beans with canned ones. For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 250-300 g of various roots and herbs: carrots, turnips, cauliflower (or asparagus), pea or bean pods, spinach or lettuce, parsley.

If the ghee has acquired an unpleasant smell, add a few chopped raw carrots to it.


Set the clear meat broth to cook. 1 - l 1/2 hours after it boils, add peeled carrots, parsley, celery root and continue cooking until the vegetables are fully cooked. Strain the finished broth, pour into broth cups and serve with croutons or pies.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 100 g of celery root, 1 carrot, 1/2 parsley.


Boil meat or chicken broth, pour into plates or broth cups and place a boiled egg in a bag into each plate.


Boil meat or chicken broth and then prepare an omelet.

To prepare an omelet, beat the eggs in a plate or bowl with a broom until the whites and yolks are well mixed, add salt and, while continuing to beat, pour in cold milk or broth.

Pour the resulting mass into a frying pan greased with butter; place it in another large frying pan with hot water, cover and simmer until the omelette thickens. The duration of cooking the omelet in small ramekins is 10-15 minutes, in a large frying pan 30-40 minutes. To ensure an even surface on the omelette, the water should be close to boiling while cooking, but not boiling.

Cool the finished omelette a little (10-15 minutes), and then put it out of the molds into plates with broth. An omelette cooked in a frying pan, after it is removed from it, must be cut into squares.

Before serving, add parsley leaves to the broth.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear omelette broth - 1 glass of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 4 eggs.


Pass the raw meat pulp, stripped of fat, through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Grind the resulting minced meat with softened butter, add salt, pepper, raw egg and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cold water. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly, cut it into balls (meatballs) and place it in the prepared boiling salted meat or chicken broth. Remove the finished meatballs with a slotted spoon and place into plates, 8-10 pieces each. Strain the broth and pour it over the meatballs, sprinkle parsley on top.

Meatballs can be made from beef or veal.

For 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth - 200g of meat (pulp with fat), 1/2 egg.


Beef fat is widely used in cooking for frying beef, as well as in deep frying.

The highest grades of beef fat have a low melting point, a pleasant clean taste and smell, a light yellow or yellow color, and when melted, the fat of these varieties is transparent.

Lamb fat is difficult to replace in the preparation of many dishes of Caucasian and Central Asian cuisine. The highest grades of lamb fat are distinguished by their pure white or pale yellow color, their consistency is solid, and when melted they are transparent. The taste and smell of this fat are specific with the inherent taste of lamb.

In terms of its culinary qualities, taste, smell and nutritional value, pork fat is considered the best of all animal fats, except cow butter. Pork fat of the highest grades has a white color, a soft and delicate taste with a slightly sweetish, pleasant aftertaste, and a barely noticeable subtle odor. At room temperature, this fat has a paste-like consistency, but when melted it is transparent. Widely used in cooking for preparing a wide variety of dishes, as well as dough products.

Poultry fat - geese, ducks, chickens - is an excellent product. It is easily digestible, melts at low temperature; has a pleasant taste and smell. Widely used in cooking, primarily for preparing poultry dishes.


Boil meat broth with roots and onions. Remove the meat from the finished broth and cool. Strain the broth. Chop the onion and lightly fry (until light golden brown) in oil. Soak a slice of stale white bread in cold water and then squeeze it out. Pass the boiled meat along with the fried onions and squeezed bread through a meat grinder. Season with raw eggs, ground breadcrumbs, finely chopped parsley, salt and ground pepper. Mix thoroughly, and then prepare small balls from the minced meat - meatballs - and bread them in flour. Boil the meatballs by placing them in boiling broth or salted water. In the first case, the broth acquires a better taste, but becomes less transparent.

For 500g of meat with bones - 1 pc. carrots, parsley, celery, 2 onions, 500g stale white bread, 2-3 raw eggs, 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of ground crackers, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of butter.


To prepare dumplings, you need to pass the chicken meat through a meat grinder, add the egg white, as well as squeezed bread soaked in milk (without crusts) and salt. Mix all this well and pass it through a meat grinder 1 - 2 more times, and then put it in a saucepan and stir. After this, gradually adding milk (a tablespoon at a time), beat the mass with a spatula, add salt and rub through a sieve to obtain a smooth, homogeneous mass. Divide this mass with two spoons: a tablespoon, take the finished dough from the pan, and a tea spoon, soaked in water, separate small oval-shaped pieces, lower them into the hot broth and cook in it.

Remove the finished dumplings from the water with a slotted spoon, place on plates, pour in chicken broth and sprinkle with parsley. FOR 2-2 1/2 liters of clear broth for dumplings - 100 g of chicken pulp (fillet), 1 egg white, 1/4 cup of milk, a slice of white bread.


A diverse range of vegetable oils includes fats with different chemical and physical properties. In cooking, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, corn, olive, and peanut oils are most often used; flax and hemp oils are less commonly used. Refined vegetable oil is more suitable for frying, since particles of mucous and protein substances remaining in unrefined oil quickly decompose when the fat is heated to a high temperature and can give the fried product a pleasant bitter taste and a specific unpleasant (“smoky”) odor.

Sunflower oil is sold refined and unrefined.

Refined oil is transparent and almost devoid of a specific odor.

Dressings for salads, vinaigrettes, and herring are prepared using sunflower oil. It is used in cold appetizers, especially vegetable ones.

Cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is obtained from cotton seeds. For food purposes, this oil must be refined, since unrefined cottonseed oil contains a toxic substance - gossypol.

Refined cottonseed oil tastes quite good. Its color is straw yellow. Used in the same way as sunflower.

Soybean oil. Soybean seeds contain 20 to 25% oil, which is extracted from them by extraction or pressing. Soybean oil has a good taste and is widely used in cooking, but only in refined form, for the same purposes as sunflower or cottonseed oil.

Olive oil. Olive oil is extracted from the fleshy part of the fruit of the olive tree (olive) and from the kernel of its hard pit. The best food grade olive oil is obtained by cold pressing.

Olive oil has a delicate, soft taste and pleasant aroma. It is used to prepare salad dressings and fry some meat, fish and vegetable products.

Corn oil. Corn oil is obtained by pressing or extracting the germ of corn kernels. Available for sale refined and unrefined. Widely used in cooking for preparing dough products, for dressing salads, vinaigrettes, and for frying (especially fish).

Unrefined corn oil has a light yellow color, transparency, pleasant taste and smell of corn.

Refined corn oil is also clear, ranging from light yellow to golden yellow in color, and may have a reddish tint.


The most delicious fish soup is made from live fish (sterlet, perch). Fish soup can also be prepared from pike perch or various small fish, with the exception of crucian carp and tench. To give the fish soup the necessary stickiness, scales are not removed from small fish - ruffs and perches. Before cooking, the fish is gutted and washed thoroughly. In addition to the entrails, the gills are also removed, otherwise the broth will have a bitter taste.

Place the prepared fish in a pan, add cold water, add peeled roots, onions, salt, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at low boil for 40 minutes to 1 hour. After this, let the fish soup brew for 10-15 minutes, and then strain it .

In order to make the ear transparent, it can be pulled back (lightened) with pressed or granular caviar. To do this, grind 50 g of caviar along with finely chopped onions in a mortar, gradually adding a spoonful of cold water until a dough-like mass is obtained. Dilute the ground caviar with a glass of cold water, add a glass of hot fish soup and, after stirring, pour in 2 additions into the pan with the hot fish soup. After the first part is poured in, the soup should boil and only then can the rest of the guy be poured in. When boiling again, remove the lid from the pan and cook the fish soup at low boil for 15-20 minutes.

When the soup is ready, you need to remove it from the heat and let it stand for 10-15 minutes so that the guy settles to the bottom of the pan. After this, strain carefully. The finished fish soup is served with kulebyaka, unbuttoned. You can put a piece of boiled fish on a plate with fish soup.

For 1 kg of fish - 1 piece. leeks, parsley and celery, 1 onion, 2 1/2-3 liters of water.

To make it stronger, additionally cook beef, chicken or other meat products intended for main courses in it. At the same time, prepare the broth to clarify the broth.

For cooking guy ropes Pass 3rd grade meat (shank, cut and other parts of the carcass with the highest blood content) through a meat grinder, add cold water (1.5-2 liters of water per 1 kg of meat) and place in a cold place. After 1-2 hours, add lightly beaten egg whites, salt and mix well. Separately, fry the roots and onions.

For lightening Strain the broth, heat to 70-80°, add strain, stir well, add roots and onions, as well as celery stalks and leeks, close the pot with a lid and heat. As soon as the broth begins to boil, remove the foam, remove fat from the surface and continue cooking at a low simmer. After 1-1.5 hours, set the broth on the edge of the stove and let it settle, remove the fat from the surface and strain the broth through a napkin or fine sieve.

The clear broth should have a light brown hue, taste and smell characteristic of freshly cooked meat broth with aromatic vegetables.

The broth should be stored in a water bath until serving. It must be remembered that the quality of the broth deteriorates significantly if it is stored hot for a long time. It is recommended to cool freshly brewed broth and store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator or on ice.

Pour broth into a cup; You can serve croutons, pies separately or with meat filling.


Meat bones 200, meat for guy 35, eggs (whites) for guy 1/6 pcs, carrots 5, parsley or celery 5, onions 5.

Cooking method:

Wash meat or meat bones;

Strain the finished broth; the broth should have a light brown hue, taste and smell characteristic of freshly cooked meat broth with aromatic vegetables.

Broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish and as a basis for preparing soups, some cereals, risotto, jellied meat, sauces, gravies and other culinary masterpieces.

The taste of the broth directly depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. This is lean, tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon. Bacon pork cooks quickly and produces a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken broth, choose poultry raised in environmentally friendly conditions without antibiotics or growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen and that chlorine is not used to cool it. This chicken produces the right broth: transparent, rich, moderately fatty, without any foreign odors.

For broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. When cooked for a long time, such meat releases the most extractive substances, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses differently, so when choosing a piece of meat for broth, rely on the seller’s recommendations. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and identifies the following parts of the meat carcass suitable for cooking: for pork, this is the shoulder; for beef - neck, brisket, ham; for lamb - medallions from the neck, shoulder, brisket, ribs, shanks. Pay attention to the signs “Recommended for cooking” located next to the price
As for poultry, almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part makes the broth tastier. Some people think that the most delicious broth is made from wings and necks, some prefer broth made from lean chicken breast meat, and others prefer a whole chicken broth.

1. Prepare the food: wash the meat, vegetables and herbs thoroughly. There is no need to chop the meat for the broth; it should release its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out clear and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin - it can make the dish too greasy.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and put it on fire. Our goal is broth, not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: when the water is gradually heated, flavors and nutrients are released from the meat and transferred into the broth. If you put meat in boiling water, its surface will immediately be “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent extractive substances from escaping into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

Before boiling, you can cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking over low heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and spoil its taste.

3. When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will ruin the appearance of the dish. Remove foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it should be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel into the broth, then it will acquire a pleasant golden hue. Carrots, turnips, celery and other roots can be lightly fried in a frying pan without oil or baked - their aroma in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The time to cook the broth over very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the toughness of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, pork broth is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, lamb broth - 1.5-2 hours, chicken broth - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, keep in mind that it will cook faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will go into a fully cooked piece without effort. The cooked meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and the bones can continue to be cooked until the broth is ready.

6. After finishing cooking, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung dry so that the broth is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given all their taste and aroma to the dish, and they no longer have any value.

The best broth is made from fresh or chilled meat. But if you have to use frozen food, it is very important to defrost it properly. Do not use a microwave or hot water for this. The optimal way is to wash the meat with cold water and place it in a closed container for 2-3 hours.

It is advisable that the pan for cooking broth have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractive substances.

The broth should not “boil” - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust so that the desired temperature is maintained, try placing the pan with the broth in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 100–110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or not at all: when cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, thus the broth risks being oversalted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook using broth.

...The French add a “bouquet garni” to the broth - a bunch of herbs consisting of thyme sprigs, bay leaves, parsley stems and leeks. If you wish, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - whatever you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

...The broth can be frozen. If you often prepare broth-based dishes, then it will be convenient for you to do the following: cook the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze it. Cool the broth and remove all fat from it. Line a deep rectangular container with a large piece of cling film, allowing the edges to overhang. Carefully pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and place in the freezer. When the broth is completely frozen, remove the resulting “briquette” along with the film and wrap it in the overhanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze broth. Frozen broth can be stored for up to 6 months.

Broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish and as a basis for preparing soups, some cereals, risotto, jellied meat, sauces, gravies and other culinary masterpieces. Myasnov offers several tips to help you prepare the perfect broth - aromatic, clear, nutritious and incredibly tasty.

Delicious broth - made from quality meat!

The taste of the broth directly depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

For beef broth, Myasnov recommends using the meat of young bulls - this is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. Young bulls have meat that is more tender, juicy and lean than that of an adult animal. Plus, it cooks much faster. Unlike veal, the meat of young bulls has already accumulated all the useful substances necessary for adequate human nutrition.

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. This is lean, tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon. Bacon pork cooks quickly and produces a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken broth, choose poultry raised in environmentally friendly conditions without antibiotics or growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen and that chlorine is not used to cool it. This chicken produces the right broth: transparent, rich, moderately fatty, without any foreign odors.

When choosing meat for broth in Myasnov stores, it is impossible to make a mistake, since the products we offer meet all the listed quality criteria.

Choosing the right piece

For broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. When cooked for a long time, such meat releases the most extractive substances, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses differently, so when choosing a piece of meat for broth, rely on the seller’s recommendations. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and identifies the following parts of the meat carcass suitable for cooking: for pork it is; for beef – , ; for lamb – , . Pay attention to the “Recommended for Boiling” signs located next to the price tags, and your choice of meat for broth will always be successful.

As for poultry, almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part makes the broth tastier. Some people think that the most delicious broth is made from wings and necks, some prefer broth made from lean chicken breast meat, and others prefer a whole chicken broth.

Vegetables and herbs

Vegetables and herbs are designed to enrich the taste and aroma of the dish. Onions, carrots and celery are best suited - this is a classic “vegetable composition” for meat broth. For a two to three liter pan, one onion, a small carrot and 2-3 stalks of celery are enough. Also in perfect harmony with meat broth are leeks, parsnips, bay leaves, turnips and other roots - add them to the broth to your taste.


The water for the broth should be clean (well, spring, bottled or at least filtered) and, preferably, soft - in hard water the meat will not be able to release all its juices.

As for the amount of water, depending on how rich and concentrated the product you want to get, 1 kilogram of pulp or meat with bones will require 2 - 3 liters of water.

The longer you plan to cook the broth, the more liquid will evaporate from it - take this into account when determining the required amount of water. It is better to add more water in advance than to add it as it boils, otherwise the taste of the broth will not be as rich and saturated.

Preparation: 6 simple steps

1. Prepare the food: wash the meat, vegetables and herbs thoroughly. There is no need to chop the meat for the broth; it should release its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out clear and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin - it can make the dish too greasy.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and put it on fire. Our goal is broth, not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: when the water is gradually heated, flavors and nutrients are released from the meat and transferred into the broth. If you put meat in boiling water, its surface will immediately be “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent extractive substances from escaping into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

Before boiling, you can cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking over low heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and spoil its taste.

3.When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will ruin the appearance of the dish. Remove foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it should be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel into the broth, then it will acquire a pleasant golden hue. Carrots, turnips, celery and other roots can be lightly fried in a frying pan without oil or baked - their aroma in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The time to cook the broth over very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the toughness of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, pork broth is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, lamb broth - 1.5-2 hours, chicken broth - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, keep in mind that it will cook faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will go into a fully cooked piece without effort. The cooked meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and the bones can continue to be cooked until the broth is ready.

6. After finishing cooking, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung dry so that the broth is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given all their taste and aroma to the dish, and they no longer have any value.

Important nuances

The best broth is made from fresh or chilled meat. But if you have to use frozen food, it is very important to defrost it properly. Do not use a microwave or hot water for this. The optimal way is to wash the meat with cold water and place it in a closed container for 2-3 hours.

It is advisable that the pan for cooking broth have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractive substances.

The broth should not “boil” - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust so that the desired temperature is maintained, try placing the pan with the broth in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 100–110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or not at all: when cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, thus the broth risks being oversalted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook using broth.

Did you know that...

...The French add a “bouquet garni” to the broth - a bunch of herbs consisting of thyme sprigs, bay leaves, parsley stems and leeks. If you wish, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - whatever you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

...The broth can be frozen. If you often prepare broth-based dishes, then it will be convenient for you to do the following: cook the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze it. Cool the broth and remove all fat from it. Line a deep rectangular container with a large piece of cling film, allowing the edges to overhang. Carefully pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and place in the freezer. When the broth is completely frozen, remove the resulting “briquette” along with the film and wrap it in the overhanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze broth. Frozen broth can be stored for up to 6 months.

These soups are based on clear broths: bone, chicken or fish, as well as game broth. Transparent broth is obtained by clarifying ordinary broth and saturating it with extractive substances. This method is called "pulling". At the same time, suspended particles of protein and fat are removed from the broth, and it turns out transparent. There should be no fat on the surface of the broth. Fat is removed especially carefully if the broth is served without a side dish. Transparent broths are stored on a steam table for 2-3 hours; with longer storage, their aroma and taste deteriorate and transparency is impaired.

Meat clear broth

Edible bones (beef, excluding vertebrates) 375, beef (cutlet meat) for “draw” 149, eggs for “draw” 1/3 pcs., carrots 13, parsley (root) 11 or celery (root) 12, onions 12 , water 1400.

First, cook the bone broth. For this, beef bones are used, except for vertebrates, since they have a spinal cord, which makes the broth cloudy and makes it difficult to clarify. To obtain a stronger broth, meat products intended for main courses are additionally boiled in it. The finished broth is filtered and clarified with a “pull”.

Preparing the "drag". Lean beef (shank, neck) is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, poured with cold water (1.5-2 liters per 1 kg of meat), salt is added and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to infuse, you can add food ice instead of some of the water. In this case, soluble proteins pass into water. After steeping, add lightly beaten egg whites and mix. You can add juice that flows out when thawing meat and liver to the “draw”.

Clarifying the broth. The strained broth is heated to 50-60 °C, a “draw” is introduced, stirred well, lightly baked roots and onions are added and cooked to a boil. Then remove the foam and fat from the surface, reduce the heat and cook at low boil for 1.0-1.5 hours. During cooking, the soluble proteins coagulate and form a dense clot with the chopped meat, which captures suspended emulsified fat particles and foam, giving the broth a cloudy appearance. . Thus, the broth is clarified and at the same time enriched with extractive substances. The broth is considered ready when the meat sinks to the bottom and the broth becomes clear. The finished broth is allowed to settle, the fat is removed from the surface, filtered through a napkin and brought to a boil.

To lighten, you can use a “pull” made from carrots and egg whites. To do this, raw, peeled carrots are grated, combined with lightly beaten egg whites and mixed thoroughly.

Add the prepared “pull” into the broth, cooled to 700C, stir, add baked carrots, parsley and onions, cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil. After boiling, remove fat and foam from the surface of the broth and cook the broth over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 30 minutes, the fat is removed from the surface, after which the broth is filtered and brought to a boil. N. A. Anfimova, L. L. Tatarskaya "Cooking. Pastry Chef." Academy Publishing House Moscow, 5th edition 2006

Store the finished broth in a water bath until vacation. Long-term storage of broth in a hot state significantly deteriorates its quality, so it is recommended to cool freshly brewed broth and store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator or on ice.