How to preserve apples for the winter for pies. Apples in jars for the winter - preparations according to the best recipes - compote, puree, jam, for pies without sugar

This recipe, according to which I have been preparing apples for pies for the winter for many years, is one of the simplest and most practical. Literally nothing makes a delicious filling! If you have your own dacha or garden, collect fallen apples and put them to work. If you buy at the market, take the cheapest ones, of any variety, as long as they are ripe. They cut it into pieces, added a little sugar, boiled it and put it in jars. That's all, and no sterilization! A stock of apples for pies for the winter is stored in the pantry for two to three years; this is a kind of reserve if the next year is not fruitful.

Recipe for making apples for pies


  • Apples of any variety - as many as you have;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l. per 1 kg. chopped apples.

Making apples for pie - a simple recipe for the winter

I repeat once again - do not buy selected fruits, this is a waste of money. Buy those that are cheaper, but so that they are tasty and ripe. Although greenish ones will also work, they will require a little more sugar. Well, if you need to process your harvest, then the solution naturally suggests itself - from good apples collected from the tree we make compotes, jam, drying, and from those collected under the apple tree - juice, jam and pie preparation. Cut the fruit into quarters, remove the center with the seeds. Or we cut it out with a special knife.

Whether to cut off the peel or not depends on your preferences and the appearance of the fruit. If the peel is stained, damaged, or you are preparing the filling from peeled apples, then cut it off. I do it differently. I don’t cut the peel off apples of summer varieties, it’s thin and the flesh is tender and can fall apart. You can cut winter varieties, or you can leave them. Cut into small pieces as you usually cut for filling.

Sprinkle the chopped apples with sugar. I have a large enamel basin adapted for this; it is convenient to mix and cook in it immediately. Add two to three tablespoons of sugar per kilogram of prepared fruit. But if they taste sour, then add more. Just keep in mind that the more sugar, the more juice there will be, and then, when you open the jar, pour the liquid into a cup and discard the filling in a colander. In principle, you can prepare apples for pies for the winter without sugar, and add it when you prepare the pie. Leave for 5-6 hours to release juice. You can leave a larger portion overnight.

This is what the workpiece looks like after five hours: the cubes have darkened a little, softened a little, and juice has collected at the bottom.

Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for five minutes if peeled, and 7-8 if not peeled.

There is no need to bring it to full readiness! Be guided by color: as soon as you notice that individual pieces have begun to lighten, as if becoming transparent, stop heating. The result will be an almost ready-made apple filling for pies for the winter, and it will reach full readiness during baking.

We sterilize the jars before starting cooking. Boil the lids. What volume to choose - calculate so that you can use it at a time. For a large yeast pie, I need a 700-gram jar, for charlotte, half a liter is enough, and for pies with apples, a liter is just right. Place the mixture in jars and fill with syrup if there is any left. Fill tightly, compacting the apple pieces. Roll up with tin lids or screw on threaded lids. We hide it under a blanket for a day so that it cools slowly.

The apple pies are stored in the pantry for the winter, but be careful not to expose them to sunlight, otherwise it will quickly darken.

I highly recommend using this recipe to prepare apples for pies for the winter! Savings in all respects - time, money, and effort. You can’t even imagine how convenient it is to have such jars in stock! In winter, you can prepare any pastries, for example, bake, it is amazingly tasty and very easy to prepare. I hope that this interesting recipe for apple pie preparation will be useful to you, and you will definitely use it. Have a delicious winter!

There is usually no need to prepare delicious apple filling for pies for the winter. After all, what could be simpler than cutting washed apples into pieces and adding sugar. But some apples are not stored until winter, and their aroma is much stronger than winter and late varieties. That’s when the apple filling for pies and pies is prepared for the winter according to this recipe.

There is no need to sterilize and boil the dessert to a certain thickness. And you don’t have to worry that the filling will turn out liquid. If you have chosen good ripe apples of an early variety, then before winter in jars they will absorb all the syrup that is formed.


  • Ripe apples - 1 kg;
  • Water 1/4 cup;
  • Granulated sugar - 400 g.

Winter apple filling for pies - simple photo recipe

1. Since the filling can be prepared together with the skins (only if they are not too hard), start washing the fruits. Be sure to dry the apples. If you have a small amount of fruit, you can use a regular colander. If there are too many apples, it is better to spread them on a paper or cotton towel.

2. Be sure to remove the seed boxes. To do this, cut the whole apple into 4 parts or use a special round knife to remove the core of the apple.

3. But to prepare the winter filling for pies, apples need to be cut smaller. Therefore, cut each slice into thirds.

Place all the resulting slices into a saucepan and pour water into the bottom.

4. Cover the top completely with sugar. Do not stir to avoid damaging the integrity of the fruit. Cover the pan with a lid and place it on the fire.

5. Thus, when the water boils at the bottom, it will begin to evaporate and melt the sugar. About a few minutes after boiling, the sugar will dissolve completely and drain to the bottom.
This way the sugar won't burn and the filling will be more natural. In this form, the dessert can already be mixed. Cook the apples after boiling for about 10 minutes.

7. In the meantime, you need to wash with soda and sterilize the container. Boil the lids for 2 minutes. The jars must either drain well or be dry by then.
Pour the apple filling into a jar and seal it with sterile lids for the winter.

Note: To begin with, you will find the consistency a little runny. But the structure of white filling apples is a little crumbly. That is why when it’s sunset, you will hardly see the yushka.

8. Rolled up jars need to be turned over and insulated, unlike “apple jam” made from the same fruit.

The finished apples in the jars will cool for about a day.

In this form, apple filling for the winter is much better suited for pies and pies, since there will be practically no juice in it. And if you want to bake delicious buns or pancakes, then the filling will already be ready.

Apple pie filling is an excellent preparation for the winter that will save time and effort. In addition, it is also a tasty delicacy that you can eat on its own, spread on bread. How to prepare the filling from fresh apples? I will tell you several simple ways to prepare this preparation.

Delicious filling in the oven: suitable for any pies and pies

Liquid jam, which tends to spread, is not suitable for making pies; for this case, I have the following filling recipe.


  • 5 kg apples
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 50 g vinegar

How to do:

  1. Wash, peel and core the fruits.
  2. Cut the apples into slices and place in a saucepan. Add sugar and vinegar to apples.
  3. To speed up the process, you need to place the container with the filling on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. After this, put the pan with the filling in an oven preheated to 180° for 4 hours. Be sure to stir the jam every 30 minutes.
  5. When the filling is ready, put it in sterilized jars and roll up tightly.

Store the workpiece in a cool, dark place.

Filling for apple pies for the winter without sugar

This recipe is perfect for those who care about their health and figure. The main difference from other preparations is the absence of sugar.

So, let's begin.

The only ingredient we need is apples. They must be fresh and ripe.

  1. We take the apples and rinse them well under running water; for this it is best to use a special brush.
  2. We cut the fruits into slices or cubes and place them tightly in jars.
  3. Advice! To prepare apple filling, it is better to choose small containers for it; 1-liter jars are ideal.

  4. Cover the jars with apples with lids and sterilize them in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Next, roll up and cool.

It is better to store such a product in the refrigerator or basement.

In a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker, the process of preparing homemade apples can be made much easier, because this assistant partially takes on the responsibilities of the cook. The filling according to this recipe turns out to be very tender and aromatic.


  • 1 kg of sweet apples;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml water.

We wash the apples for the filling under running water, cut off the skin, remove the core and cut into small pieces.

Note to the owner! To make the filling more uniform, the apples must be chopped using a grater.

  1. Pour water into the multicooker and add sugar. The device must be set to “quenching” mode for 60 minutes.
  2. After 15 minutes, the sugar should completely dissolve and we will have a homogeneous syrup.
  3. Next, put the apples in the slow cooker and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. After the signal tells us that the work is complete, we cool it and put it in pre-prepared and sterilized jars.
  5. Screw on with special lids.
  6. Store in a cool place.

Apple and orange filling

Citrus fruits perfectly complement the taste of apples, so we suggest you prepare an original preparation for the winter from apples and oranges, which will be an excellent filling for pies.


  • 5 ripe apples;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. butter;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.

Apples must be washed and cut into small slices. We take out the core. It is better to leave the peel, so the fruit will retain its structure.

  1. Peel the first orange and cut into slices. Next, each part must be cut crosswise several times. Remove the zest from the second orange using a grater, cut it in half and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Place butter and prepared apples in a deep frying pan. Fry over low heat for about three minutes.
  3. Next, add sugar, cinnamon and mix everything carefully.
  4. After the excess liquid has evaporated, add the zest, orange slices and juice. The entire cooking time takes about 10 minutes.
  5. Place the resulting filling into prepared jars and cover with a lid. The fragrant and original filling is ready!

In a special video you can see how to make a delicious apple filling for pies; the step-by-step cooking recipe is very simple and does not require much time from you. Be sure to try again!

Filling apple pies for the winter is a good option for housewives who value their time and want their baked goods to always turn out tasty and healthy.

They are good at any time of the year, but they are especially popular in our family in winter: it’s great to get everyone together for evening tea with aromatic pastries and tell each other how your day went! Of course, you can also use winter varieties of apples for the cold season, but I prefer to use apples for pies in jars.

Why? Well, firstly, we have a lot of summer apple trees in our garden, so I have to buy winter varieties. Secondly, summer apples seem tastier to me - they are brighter, richer, or something... Well, and thirdly, preparing the filling for apple pies for the winter allows you to save a lot of time when preparing baked goods: all you need to do is worry about the dough , and the apples are already ready - peeled and cut!

If I’m interested in you, then I’m happy to invite you to my kitchen - I’ll show you how to prepare apples for the winter for pies. It's so simple and quick that you will definitely appreciate this preservation.


  • 1 kg apples;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

*The weight of apples already peeled and seeded is indicated. This quantity yields approximately 1 liter of pie preparations.

Preparing apples for pies for the winter: process, description and photo

Many varieties of apples are suitable for making pies. It is better to use firm, sour varieties (such as “Antonovka”) - such apples will not become mashed during processing.

We wash the apples with proton water. Peel and cut into 4 parts, remove the core, carefully cut out the wormholes (if any). Then cut them into thin slices or cubes - whichever is more convenient for you for use in baking. To prevent the peeled apples from darkening while waiting in line for processing, dip them in a salty solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of cold water).

Place the chopped apples in a saucepan, add sugar and cover with a lid.

The apples should be kept in this way until they give juice; 2-4 hours is usually enough (but you can leave it for 8-10 hours).

Apples do not release as much juice as other fruits, but when heated, much more will be released.

Place the pan with apples on low heat and stir. Cover the mixture and bring it to a boil. There is no need to cook: as soon as the apple mixture begins to actively boil, immediately remove the pan from the heat.

And put the apples in jars. We sterilize the jars in advance and wipe them dry; Boil the lids and wipe them off. We fill the jars to the very top with apples and fill them with the resulting juice.

Filling for apple pies and pancakes for the winter

Apple slices. Recipe with photo

This is a universal apple preparation. It can be used as a filling for pies and pancakes, you can cook compote, you can simply put it in a vase and serve it with tea. A small amount of sugar is also an argument in favor of using this recipe. Preparing apples takes a little time, especially if family members are involved in the process. For example, my daughter and I can manage it in 20 minutes. She cuts the apples into quarters and I peel and remove the seeds. My daughter manages to chop apples into plastic ones.

– one kilogram of peeled apples;
– 300 grams of granulated sugar.


Cut the apples into quarters (large ones into eight slices), remove the seeds and peel. Cut each slice crosswise into thin slices.

Place the apples in a saucepan, add sugar and stir.

Leave the apples in a warm place for several hours, stirring occasionally. You can keep apples in the refrigerator for up to a day.
The apples release quite a lot of juice and darken slightly.

Place the pan on the fire and cook after boiling for five minutes, stirring. The slices will lighten, summer apples will become transparent. Place the slices in sterilized jars, pour in the remaining syrup and seal. Turn the jars over and wrap them until they cool completely.