How to make rolls recipe. Sushi at home: step-by-step Hosomaki recipe

Over the past 10 years, Japanese cuisine has gained rapid popularity, as a result of which sushi chefs come up with new recipes every month, and this is not surprising. If you look at the pricing policy of restaurants or boutiques that sell takeaway rolls, you can conclude that their revenue is excellent. However, not everyone can afford to look so chic every week, hence the need for training. culinary arts. You can prepare rolls yourself, because even in small towns there are necessary ingredients.

Roll composition

Before talking about how to prepare rolls, you need to understand what is included in them and what this or that product should be. Let's consider important aspects in order.

  1. Rice. Japanese masters and chefs working in such establishments use special sushi rice called “Nishiki”. The product is a grain round shape With high content starch. It is due to this feature that the rice sticks together so well after cooking, so the rolls do not fall apart. As a rule, the pricing policy for such rice is quite high, so it makes sense to consider other options. Choose any round or medium grain rice, but not parboiled rice, otherwise it will not stick together.
  2. Ginger. In most cases, the main property of ginger is considered to be its antimicrobial effect. The product kills bacteria contained in raw fish. In fact, not everyone knows about it, but ginger is used along with rolls to overpower the taste when you eat several types of sushi.
  3. Nori. They are sheets seaweed, in which rice and roll filling are wrapped. Nori is made from a red type of seaweed; it brings out the flavor of the dish more fully. The product is rich in many vitamins, including groups A, B, C, D, E, which a person needs for full functioning. As for the variety, there are nori three types: A, B, C. The first ones are considered upper class, they are of higher quality and denser.
  4. Soy sauce. It's hard to imagine eating rolls and sushi without soy sauce. It gives the dish piquancy, sophistication and lightness. To all other, soy sauce good for the heart and liver if it is produced by natural fermentation. When choosing a product, pay attention to the “Composition” column; it should not contain components unfamiliar to you. Soy sauce is made from wheat and soybeans, vinegar, sugar and salt. In some cases, garlic is added during the production process.
  5. Wasabi. The product is a paste or powder composition. Wasabi is horseradish that comes in two types: sawa and seyo. The most common horseradish is seyo, since it is cheaper and belongs to the economy segment. It doesn’t matter at all which type you choose, they are almost identical in taste. As for consistency, buy powdered wasabi, which is diluted with water until thick sour cream(it is completely natural).
  6. Rice vinegar. Serves to give sweetish taste rice. Vinegar also glues the grains together, and then retains a peculiar sticky consistency for a long time, which does not allow the roll to fall apart. The optimal product option is considered to be real Japanese vinegar, the label of which does not have symbols in other languages.

The basis for making rolls at home is well-cooked rice. As mentioned earlier, choose special composition or a round grain product that contains greatest number starch.

  1. Preparing a Japanese dish begins with thoroughly washing the rice in cold water. To do this correctly, add ice cubes, rice grains and regular running/filtered water to the pan, leave for half an hour, then proceed to rinse. As practice shows, it is necessary to do 10-12 repetitions so that the water eventually becomes crystal clear.
  2. Place the washed rice in a saucepan with thick walls and bottom. Fill with cold (!) water per 1 kg. rice/1.5 l. water. Cover with lid and turn on medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. After the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10-12 minutes. After the expiration date, turn off the burner, do not open the lid, and leave the product for half an hour. Then transfer the rice to another container and leave to cool until room temperature.
  3. When you have cooked the grains, you can move on to the next stage - preparing a seasoning for rice using Japanese technology. There are several options, let's consider them in order.

Refueling based apple cider vinegar. It is not necessary to use special vinegar for sushi; traditional vinegar will do just fine. apple composition. It is important to understand that such technology will change taste qualities, but not in strong degree. Buy in store healthy eating 6% apple cider vinegar solution, pour 60 ml. product in enamel pan and place on low heat. Wait until it boils, then pour in 30 ml. purified water, add 75 g. granulated sugar(preferably cane), add 30 g. salt. Bring the mixture until smooth, stirring with a wooden spoon. Once the granules have melted, remove the dressing from the stove.

Rice vinegar based dressing. Undoubtedly, this type is more traditional. If possible, prepare rolls using this method. Connect together 35 g. sugar and 35 gr. chopped salt, pour in 100 ml. rice vinegar. Place over medium heat, wait for the mixture to boil, then immediately turn it to minimum. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. The dressing is considered ready at the moment when the crystals of salt and granulated sugar have melted. After this, it must be cooled to room temperature and mixed with rice.

Rolls can be internal or external. In the first case, the rice is inside the nori along with other ingredients. In the second version, the rice is twisted outward, and the filling remains inside. In order to roll the roll correctly, you need to purchase a bamboo mat and then wrap it with cling film so that the grains do not stick to the mat.

Internal rolls

  1. Place a container of water next to you, dilute salt in it, wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  2. Cut the nori sheet into 2 equal parts, leaving one of them. Place it on the mat, shiny side down.
  3. Place your hands in acidified water, scoop up a handful of rice and roll it into a ball.
  4. Place it in the middle of the sheet, 1 cm away from the top edge of the nori (do not put rice on this area). Roll out the grains in an even layer, constantly wet your hands so that the mixture does not stick.
  5. Distribute the filling closer to the bottom edge in thin strips, do not overdo it, otherwise the roll will not wrap completely. For the first time, it is recommended to put less rather than more.
  6. Pull the sheet of nori with the rice already on it to the bottom of the mat. Lift the bamboo mat along with the roll and begin to roll it into a cylinder. Hold the filling with your fingers.
  7. When you get almost to the end, wet your finger with water and run it along the indentation line in the top section. This must be done so that the roll sticks together well.
  8. Continue rolling until the edges of the nori touch and are sealed. After this, run your hands through the mat along the cylinder, giving the roll a square shape.
  9. Soak a sharp knife in cold water, cut the resulting roll first into 2 equal parts, and then divide each section into another 3-4 pieces (optional).

External rolls
All famous rolls are prepared this way. The most common Japanese dishes include Philadelphia, California, and Caesar rolls.

  1. Cut the nori in half, take one piece and place it, shiny side down, on the mat.
  2. Wet your hands in cold filtered water, scoop up a handful of rice and roll into a ball.
  3. Now be extremely careful. Distribute the grains so that the layer of rice protrudes 1 cm from the bottom edge of the mat (it turns out that this area will lie on the mat). At the same time, you need to step back 1 cm from the top edge (there should be no rice in this area).
  4. Knead the surface with your fingers until it becomes smooth, giving Special attention edges. Then pry up one part and turn the roll over so the rice is facing down.
  5. Spread the desired ingredients onto the surface of the nori, sticking to the bottom. Now lift the mat, grabbing the seaweed, and begin to roll the roll into a roll.
  6. As in the previous case, give the roll a square shape, cut first into 2 sections, then into 3 more.

  1. "Philadelphia". The rolls are prepared using the external rolling principle, in which the rice is turned inside out. When you turn the nori over, place it on it cream cheese, avocado or cucumber slices, then roll up. Slice the salmon thinly, place it on top of the rice, and roll it with a bamboo mat to help it stick. Cut into equal pieces with a sharp knife dipped in cold water.
  2. "Caesar". Grind chicken fillet thin slices, then fry until golden color. Cut the tomato into strips, do the same with lettuce leaf. Spread the rice over the nori and turn it inside out. Brush the seaweed with Caesar dressing or garlic mayonnaise. Place chicken, lettuce, tomato on top, grate hard cheese so that it covers all the ingredients. Roll the roll. Break into a bowl egg yolk, salt it and beat with a whisk. Cook in a frying pan thin pancake, place it on the roll and wrap it up. Cut the roll into equal sections and serve with nut sauce.
  3. "California". The roll is prepared externally. Brush the upside-down surface of the nori with cream cheese, add medium-sized shrimp or crab meat, add cucumber slices and pieces fresh pineapple(optional). Roll the roll, sprinkle it with tobiko caviar of any color, again use the mat so that the caviar grains do not fall off. Cut the roll into pieces.

If you have sufficient knowledge regarding the technology of preparing rolls, difficulties should not arise. We have provided the most common recipes that can easily be made at home. Now you know how the outer and inner rolls are rolled, which means you can bring to life any version of the Japanese dish you like, found on the Internet or on the menu of your favorite Japanese restaurant.

Video: how to cook sushi - step-by-step instructions

A large number of restaurants and sushi bars with a varied menu tempt you with their tasty morsels with rice and fish. Many people repeatedly ask the question: can you make rolls at home? Will it taste as good as the pros? Of course, if you cook them at home it will be much tastier, and there will be twice as much filling. There is nothing complicated in cooking, you just need practice and understanding of the process.

Rolls and sushi are a real paradise for gourmets. The main composition is rice and nori seaweed. Everything else can be added to your liking:

  • fish (trout, salmon, eel);
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, crabs, squid);
  • rice vinegar;
  • avocado;
  • cucumber;
  • Philadelphia cheese;
  • caviar;
  • sesame;
  • soy sauce;
  • wasabi;
  • ginger.

Subtleties of making rolls

Tools at hand:

  • mat;
  • bowl of water;
  • gloves;
  • sharp knife.

The mat must be wrapped first cling film so that it does not become clogged with grains. With its help, rolls can be given absolutely any shape: round, square and even triangular. You need to wet your hands in water so that the rice does not stick to them. And also use regular gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. A well-sharpened knife is the main rule of any sushi chef.

The simplest roll

A classic roll that even a beginner can do. It is quite simple to make, and you can add products according to your preferences.

  • rice 500 g;
  • red fish 300 g;
  • nori;
  • avocado 1 piece;
  • cucumber 1 piece;

Preparation procedure:

  1. Cut all the necessary ingredients into strips.
  2. Divide the nori sheet into halves and place one half on the mat, glossy side down.
  3. Wet your hands in water, take rice (about 80-90 g) and roll it into a ball. Distribute it evenly over the sheet.
  4. It is important to leave strips around the edges, not covered with rice, about 1-2 cm.
  5. Place pieces of fish, avocado and cucumber on top of the sheet.
  6. Take the top edge of the mat and roll it into a tube. Use your thumbs to press down the ingredients so they don't fall out.
  7. Press the edges together, pressing lightly on the mat, and continue rolling. The rice should stick together well.
  8. Using a sharpened knife, cut the roll in half first, and then in half several more times. One sheet yields approximately 6-8 pieces.

Tip: Spicy wasabi and pickled ginger will help add some heat.

Roll with rice out

This option is also easy for making rolls. Only in it the rice envelops the algae with delicious filling. If desired, the edges can be rolled in black or white sesame seeds, colored masago caviar or fine crumbs of crab sticks.

Required Products:

  • rice 200 g;
  • fish 200 g;
  • cucumber 1 piece;
  • avocado 1 piece;
  • topping of your choice.

Cooking method:

    1. Chop the necessary ingredients and take half a sheet of nori. It should lie with the rough side up.
    2. Wet your hands in water and warm rice distribute seaweed from edge to edge.
    3. Turn rice side down and add cheese, cucumber and avocado filling. Place thin slices of fish on top of the filling.
    4. Wrap and connect the ends of the nori with a mat.
    5. Give the roll a square shape by lightly pressing the mat.
    6. Sprinkle some sesame seeds evenly onto the mat.
    7. Carefully turn the roll over with a mat and press down lightly so that the sesame seeds stick to its edges. Wrap it in a circle and press down so that the sesame seeds stick to the rice. An easier way is to dip the entire roll into a plate with sprinkles.
    8. Using a large knife dipped in water, cut it into 2 equal parts, and then into several smaller ones.

The most delicate curd cheese goes well with red fish. And the original sprinkling will add uniqueness and a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

Philadelphia roll - everyone's favorite

You can prepare Philadelphia rolls according to this recipe, it is quite simple. Products you will need:

  • rice 200 g;
  • fish 200 g;
  • Philadelphia cheese (or cream cheese);
  • cucumber;
  • avocado.

How to cook:

  1. Chop all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Place half of the nori on the mat, smooth side down.
  3. With wet hands, take a ball of rice and roll it over the entire surface of the sheet, going 2-3 centimeters beyond the seaweed.
  4. Turn the sheet over so that the rice is on the bottom.
  5. Place the cheese on a smooth surface, sparingly, using a knife or pastry bag(syringe).
  6. Place cucumbers on one side of the cheese and avocado strips on the other.
  7. Take the edge of the mat and roll and begin to twist it, giving it a small shape.
  8. Gradually turn over and press lightly with your hands so that the rice sticks together well.
  9. On top of the resulting roll, place thin strips of fish diagonally, slightly overlapping.
  10. Give the mat its final shape and trim it a little on the sides and top. Cut into small portions.

There is nothing complicated here. Anyone can repeat it. You can put more fillings without regret.

How to make baked rolls

Fragrant baked pieces with a delicious delicate “cap” that complements the product. There are several ways to prepare sauce for rolls.

Recipe for “hat” No. 1

  • capelin caviar 5 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika or chili sauce;
  • lemon.

All ingredients are mixed together. It turns out tart spicy taste with notes of citrus.

Recipe for “hat” No. 2

  • salmon 100 g;
  • hard cheese 50 g;
  • sugar 2 teaspoons;
  • mayonnaise (the fattest) 2 tablespoons.

Finely chop the salmon and grate the cheese. Mix all products. Cheese and fish go well together, forming delicate taste, which melts in your mouth.

Recipe for “hat” No. 3

Grate the sticks on a medium grater and mix with caviar. The result is an unusual crab taste. You can add a little hard cheese for spiciness.

Recipe for “hat” No. 4

  • shrimp 7-10 pieces;
  • cream cheese 2 heaped teaspoons;
  • capelin caviar 2 teaspoons;
  • Tabasco;

Mix everything thoroughly. The result is a creamy, sweet and peppery taste.
All components may vary as desired based on taste preferences cooks

Baked rolls are a little more tender in taste than cold ones. Products you need to prepare to make baked rolls at home:

  • rice 250 g;
  • nori;
  • shrimp 7-10 pcs;
  • Philadelphia cheese.

The preparation itself is quite simple:

  1. It is recommended to use 1/3 nori. You can divide it into strips on the sheet itself.
  2. Chop fish, cucumber and shrimp.
  3. Roll the rice into a ball and place it in the center of the seaweed sheet that is lying on the mat.
  4. Gently spread the rice over the surface, leaving 2 centimeters of the sheet. You should not press or squeeze it, it should be airy.
  5. Spoon or using pastry syringe Place Philadelphia cheese strictly in the center. Add cucumber strips and red fish slices.
  6. Carefully wrap the roll, starting from the edges. The filling should be lightly pressed with your fingers.
  7. Roll the mat forward, without too much pressure, until the ends of the sheet are connected to each other. Bring it all the way.
  8. With one touch of a sharp knife, cut the roll into 8 pieces.
  9. Prepare any “hat” according to the recipe described above, or mix your favorite ingredients if desired.
  10. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment paper.
  11. Use a spoon to place the “caps” into pieces.
  12. Place in the oven at 200-220 degrees for 4-5 minutes until a fragrant crust forms.
  13. To add a special flavor, you can pour unagi sauce on top of the rolls.

All that remains is to dip delicious pieces in soy sauce and eat.

Tempura roll

Cold fish with rice in hot batter is truly exotic. Despite his complex look, making these tempura rolls is easy.
Filling ingredients:

  • Rice 300 g;
  • nori;
  • crab sticks 1 package;
  • cucumber 3 pieces;
  • capelin caviar;
  • cottage cheese.

For the tempura:

  • egg 2 pcs;
  • flour 1/2 cup;
  • soy sauce;
  • sparkling water.

Mix the flour and eggs well, add a little sauce and sparkling water. You should get a viscous and thick consistency. In stores, in specialized departments, you can find a special tempura coating with which you can prepare delicious rolls.

Simple cooking method:

  1. Chop the ingredients and place half of the nori, smooth side down, on the mat.
  2. Spread the ball of rice over the surface of the seaweed sheet.
  3. Add curd cheese and a few teaspoons of capelin caviar. Don't forget to add cucumber strips and whole crab sticks (grated).
  4. Using a mat, roll the roll until it stops so that the rice sticks well.
  5. Pour oil into a frying pan or wok and heat until it begins to bubble.
  6. Dip the roll completely into the mixture, first sealing the ends well in the tempura. You can also roll it in additional breadcrumbs.
  7. Dip the roll into oil using kitchen nippers. Fry for 2-3 on all sides until golden crust. For better roasting, you can baste the roll with oil from time to time.
  8. Let it cool and cut into pieces.

This recipe will appeal to all gourmets who love to experiment and try something new.
As you can see, recipes for making rolls at home are quite simple. Here you can choose your filling and its quantity. It's practical, cheap, and most importantly very tasty.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making rolls

Making rolls at home is a very real task if you equip yourself with the necessary “tools”. We will need a mat (a special mat for rolling rolls), a sharp knife, cling film, and some products. Having purchased everything you need in advance, you can start making a popular dish.

We will use a simple recipe for making rolls with classic combination fish, cucumber and cream cheese. This filling option can be called the simplest, most common and quite affordable. So, let's find out how to make rolls at home.


  • Short grain rice - 1 cup;
  • water (for cooking rice) - 1.5 cups;
  • dressing for rice - approximately 50 ml;
  • red fish - 150 g;
  • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
  • nori sheets - several pieces;
  • cream cheese - 150 g;
  • green onions (optional) - a few feathers.

Making rolls at home, recipe with photos

How to make rolls at home

  1. Any recipe for making rolls begins with cooking the main component - rice. We remind you that the technology for making rice in Japanese cuisine differs from the method we are used to. The washed rice grains are boiled with the lid tightly closed over moderate heat until the moisture has completely evaporated, and after cooking they are necessarily soaked in a special dressing. detailed instructions described in the article "".
  2. Next, we proceed directly to the formation of the Japanese dish. To do this, wrap the mat in cling film and cut the nori sheets in half. Spread the rice, which has cooled to room temperature, in a thin layer over a rough surface. Japanese seaweed. We leave a free space of about 1 cm on one edge, and on the other, on the contrary, we “step” the rice grains beyond the border of the nori sheet. Periodically wet your palms with water to prevent the glutinous rice from sticking to your fingers.
  3. Carefully take the nori by the edge free from rice and turn it over to the other side. Now we lay several thin slices cucumber Distribute 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cheese. For variety, you can add a feather of green onion to the filling.
  4. We cut the fish into slices, removing all large and small bones. You can prepare rolls at home with salmon, lightly salted salmon, trout and any other red fish - there are no restrictions here. We put some bright ones fish pieces to the rest of the filling components.
  5. Now we face the most important stage - rolling our workpiece into a tight roll. We start from the edge of the nori where there is no rice. Lift the mat, covering the entire filling with part of the nori sheet, then make another turn. The result should be a monotonous, moderately tight roll. For someone new to the field Japanese cuisine This process may seem complicated, but there is nothing incomprehensible here: it just takes practice.
  6. Use a mat to give the roll the desired shape (round or square), and then cut it into 6 or 8 pieces. It is important to remember that only a sharp knife is suitable for this: it is almost impossible to cut rolls beautifully with a dull blade.
  7. To give the rolls a presentable look, you can use sesame seeds, tobiko caviar and much more. Serve the rolls with soy sauce poured into a small bowl. Addition Japanese dish make up pickled ginger and small portion hot sauce"Wasabi."
    As you can see, the recipe for making rolls is quite accessible. The main thing here is to practice rolling rolls, but otherwise everything is extremely simple. For variety, experiment with filling and decoration. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking rolls at home

How to make rolls at home, step by step recipe with photo. Homemade rolls- cooking secrets .Preparing rolls. Rice for rollo in, like wrap the rolls. How to do rolls homemade . Rolls at home conditions with photo. How cook rice for rolls. How to store nori seaweed.

Due to popular demand, I am posting a short step by step photo recipe for making rolls at home. I want to say that making rolls at home- it's simple, tasty and fast. After I started doing rolls at home myself, I stopped going to like Japanese eateries. Why pay 200-300 rubles for something that I can do without much difficulty at home. I'll give you some tips and recommendations. It takes me a little over an hour to prepare 12-15 servings of rolls, including cooking the rice. For me, preparing rolls at home is much easier than, for example, cooking shawarma at home.

What you need to buy to make rolls:

  1. Rice for sushi.
  2. Pressed nori seaweed for wrapping rolls.
  3. Rice vinegar.

There is no need to skimp on rice and seaweed - this is the basis. I always buy Blu Dragon rice, it is quite common in many chain stores. Do not buy excess sheets of nori; nori does not store well once opened. If you have any leftover sheets of nori, store them in an airtight container or in a plastic bag in a dry, dark place. Nori does not tolerate moisture. Poor quality nori may be difficult to chew.

You can use many ingredients for the filling, in this recipe we used:

  1. Lightly salted trout, salted in-house.
  2. Crab sticks
  3. Avocado
  4. Cucumber
  5. Philadelphia cheese

We didn't make it too complicated prepared rolls in the first recipe we prepare only rolls wrapped in nori sheets. IN the following recipes we will talk about preparing more complex rolls, such as, Philadelphia roll and etc. Lightly salted trout we do it ourselves. I just love avocado, and I had crab sticks and cucumbers in the refrigerator. I definitely recommend adding Philadelphia cheese to the rolls, it adds a delicate taste to the roll. When it comes to the filling for rolls, you can experiment according to your taste.

Of course, you can order free delivery of rolls in Moscow, but for me tastier rolls prepared with your own hands. And I am always confident in the quality of the products.

What else needs to be purchased for the rolls:

  1. Japanese horseradish wasabi
  2. Pickled ginger
  3. Soy sauce.
  4. Chuka seaweed salad

The list goes on and on: sake, Japanese beer, etc. But wasabi, ginger and soy sauce are a must. If you use kikkoman soy sauce, then take the sauce with a green lid - it is less salty than the one in the photo with a red lid.

We also can’t do without a bamboo mat. It is needed to wrap the roll into a roll.

Let's get to the main thing - cook rice for rolls.

I cook 500 grams of rice - this amount makes 12-15 servings of rolls. If you need less, reduce the amount of rice, water and vinegar proportionally.

Place the rice for the rolls in a colander and rinse under running cold water.

Place the rice in a saucepan and pour it cold water and set aside for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, drain the water.

Add water to the rice in the proportion of one cup of rice to two cups of water. Place on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cook rice for rolls until ready.

Filming rice for rolls from the stove and remove to a warm place (under the pillow).

While the rice is cooking we cook filling for rolls. You need to cut everything into thin strips.

Cut the trout and crab sticks into strips.

Peel the cucumber and avocado and also cut into strips.

Now we need to finish the rice for the rolls. Pour 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a small ladle (this is for 500 grams. raw rice) add four tablespoons of sugar to the vinegar. Place the saucepan on the fire and stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar in the rice vinegar.

Let's prepare a tray; in such a tray it is convenient to mix rice with vinegar. We will also need a spatula.

Place the rice in the tray in an even layer.

Water evenly rice for rolls with vinegar and sugar and mix the rice with cutting movements of the spatula. Do not stir the rice in literally this word, but as if we cut it with a spatula.

We are ready for the wrapping process rolls. Rice should be at human body temperature.

We take out a sheet of nori. One side of the nori sheet is glossy, and the other is rough. Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. You can make smaller rolls, then the nori sheet needs to be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. Can be done rolls smaller size, then the sheet of nori must be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

Place a container of warm water next to you and begin to distribute the rice over the nori sheet. Do not put a lot of rice, otherwise it will roll there will be a lot of rice and little filling. The layer of rice should be thin.

On one side, the rice should cover the sheet to the edge of the nori sheet, on the other hand, leave part of the nori sheet free.

Place the filling and some Philadelphia on the rice. We put the filling in various combinations, then decide for yourself which one you like best.

Let's start wrapping roll. Wet the rice-free part of the nori with water. We bend the mat and, little by little, crush the rice with the filling and wrap the roll.

After wrapping, add roll form and set aside on a plate. Let's move on to the next roll.

Let's spin rolls until we use up all the rice.

Now you need to carefully cut rolls. Take the sharpest knife. I recommend cutting the roll in half first, and then cutting the halves into three equal parts.

cut into portioned pieces roll Place on a plate or dish. Decorate with chukka and ginger and serve the rolls.

Do not cut all the rolls at once. Not cut rolls cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator. Rolls Stored in the refrigerator for several days, practically without losing taste.

Good day everyone!

Do you love rolls as much as I love them? These words come to mind first when I’m about to write about something I love so much, about which I am very sensitive. My husband and I often order rolls when we go to a cafe, we usually choose an assortment, and it’s bliss))

But despite this, preparing rolls at home is my special love and almost a meditative process. I won’t lie, even with my love for simplifying cooking and reducing the time spent in the kitchen, make rolls at home It doesn't work very quickly. But I promise that among others, my approach to preparing rolls is one of the simplest - that’s for sure. So when you have a free hour, it’s a nice thing: you lay it out, wrap it, cut it... And this is how beautiful it turns out.

Who is this article for?

I am writing this article for lovers like me who adore rolls, eat them with pleasure in a cafe and want to cook them at home. It is not very important for you and me to prepare the rolls exactly the same way and from the same products as the Japanese make them in Japan. We want it to be delicious, so that we can combine rice, nori and filling, so that our rolls are neat, beautiful and do not fall apart.

We can imagine everything in general terms, right? Boiled rice Place on a sheet of nori, add filling, roll and cut.

But it’s all about a lot of subtleties and nuances, without knowledge of which everything can go wrong.

What will you find in the article?

A detailed step-by-step photo recipe on how to prepare rolls at home with the least effort and expense. We will simplify all complex actions and protect ourselves, so that even without special skills we will get a good result.

We will make the simplest and most inexpensive rolls. We will need a minimum of specific products: only what we cannot do without. You will see that making rolls can be neither difficult nor expensive!

But what you definitely won’t find in the article is compliance with certain rules and canons of cooking. I don’t even know them, but I’m probably breaking them))

What do you need to make rolls?

You absolutely must not do without this:

  • sheets of nori seaweed in which we will wrap rice and filling;
  • makisu (a flexible mat made of wooden sticks, with which we will wrap and form rolls);
  • sharp knife.

You can replace, use cheaper/expensive ingredients:

The basis:

  • special rice for sushi and rolls (I use regular short-grain unparboiled rice);
  • rice vinegar (I use vinegar);
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Filling (one of the simple and inexpensive options):

  • fresh cucumbers (choose long, smooth, firm flesh, not watery);
  • processed cheese(it’s convenient to take cheese in the form of rectangular bars);
  • crab sticks.

To submit:

  • soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger (optional);
  • Japanese horseradish wasabi (optional).

Proportions of products for preparing rolls:

  • 1 cup (250 ml) rice;
  • 6 sheets of nori;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • crab sticks - 1 pack (100 g);
  • 1 long cucumber(about 20 cm);
  • processed cheese - 1 pc. (100 g).

How to choose products for making rolls?

Everything you need for rolls can be found in a regular department store or supermarket.

Nori. Nori sheets are standard size, sold in packs of several pieces. When purchasing, do not confuse them with the dried crunchy seaweed sheets that are eaten as a snack. We need nori that clearly says “for rolls” or “for sushi.”

Makisu rug. Special mats for rolling rolls can be sold near the nori seaweed, but can also be found in the tableware department. By the way, you don’t have to buy a special makisu. I for a long time I used a similar rug for table setting. It is made on the same principle as a roll mat (from flexiblely connected thin sticks), only larger in size. I used it until my son successfully disassembled it into separate sticks to build rails from them :-)

And recently I received this set for rolls as a gift from a friend. I was pleased)) I’ve wanted something like this for a long time, and now they read my thoughts.

Now at our house, rolls are often on the weekend menu. Girls, what delight I hear from my husband, and how nice it is to see pleasure and gratitude in his eyes. It’s just a pity that my son doesn’t appreciate the taste of rolls yet, but I think the time will come.

Rice. You can find special rice for sushi and rolls, but it will be much more expensive than regular rice. I use short-grain Krasnodar rice, and everything works out great with it. Definitely won't fit long grain rice, which is used for side dishes, pilaf, salads: the grains of rice will crumble.

Rice vinegar. Recipes usually recommend using special rice vinegar for sushi. I bought it, cooked with it and fundamental difference I did not notice. I use wine vinegar, which I always have at home for dressing salads.

Soy sauce, ginger, wasabi. These seasonings are used when serving; they are usually not added to the rolls themselves. Therefore, it is a matter of your taste what exactly to use. We always eat rolls with soy sauce because everyone loves it and we always have it at home. It’s so tasty when you dip one side of the roll into a cup of soy sauce... But I perceive ginger and wasabi more as decoration, so I don’t buy them.

Products for filling. In this version I have an economy version: fresh cucumber, processed cheese, crab sticks. I suggest you use 3 items for the filling. I tried it in different ways, and it turns out that this is optimal quantity. If you take two products, the taste turns out to be rustic; if you take 4-5 products, the rolls will be difficult and inconvenient to roll.

I share my work formula for the perfect filling:

  • something fresh (cucumber, avocado);
  • something soft, tender (processed cheese, cream cheese, tofu);
  • something protein (crab sticks, lightly salted red fish, smoked chicken, smoked eel).

As you can see, you can put together a set to suit any budget.

Making rolls at home

Prepare the base (rice + dressing). First boil the rice. Its quality is very important for rolls! We need rice that is not crumbly, but at the same time it should not turn into viscous porridge. The grains of rice should cling to each other and keep their shape.

It would seem that this is a very fine line that is difficult to maintain, but I will tell you how to get the desired consistency of rice without problems, without measuring water for cooking, without looking under the lid of the pan all the time, etc.

Boil water in a saucepan. There should be much more water than rice, for example 1.5 liters of water per 250 ml of rice. After boiling, cook over low heat. After 10-12 minutes of cooking, catch a few grains of rice with a spoon and try - are they soft? Just be careful not to get burned! You may need to cook them for another 2-3 minutes until soft, these differences depend on the quality of the rice. different manufacturers. Drain the rice in a colander, drain and cool, then transfer to a plate or salad bowl.

If you cook long-grain rice in the same way, you will get an excellent side dish or for salad.

Prepare the rice dressing: mix vinegar, sugar, and salt in a cup. Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve.

Pour over rice and stir. The rice will not become wet, but it will become more sticky, as we need.

Products for filling. We cut the filling products into long bars 5-7 mm wide. The cucumber can be immediately trimmed so that its length becomes the same as that of a sheet of nori.

We collect. Makisu rug for rolls put on a large cutting board or a silicone mat to prevent the makisu from slipping. Place the nori on the mat so that the edges of the sheet and mat closest to you match.

You may have a question: which side should you put the nori sheet on? One side is smooth, the other is rough.

I tried both ways, and I can say that it does not affect the wrapping process or the taste. Only visually the shade of the rolls is slightly different. So choose what you like best.

Place the rice on a sheet of nori. We scoop up the rice with a spoon, help lay it out and level it with our free hand dipped in water or vinegar, because... sticky rice. Wet your hands just a little to prevent the rice or nori from getting soggy.

We distribute the rice across the entire width of the nori, and along the length it should not reach the middle of the sheet. The thickness of the layer should be 2-3 grains of rice so that the rolls turn out harmonious: just enough rice and filling, not thick and not thin.

A common mistake. It is wrong to spread the rice over the entire or almost the entire surface of the nori sheet, then when folded you get a so-called snail. Remember what the roll looks like in cross section. This is how the roll turns out. And a proper, beautiful roll should have the filling in the center, an even layer of rice around it, and then a ring of nori.

Place the filling in the middle of the rice layer: one block of each product covering the entire width of the sheet.

We wrap the roll. The most responsible! Thumbs We bring it under the mat, and hold the filling with the rest. Fold it halfway, just lift the edge.

Now we move all our fingers onto the mat, spread them wider to press the entire width of the roll, and turn them further so that the edges of the rice layer are closed. We roll it tightly, applying a little force so that the roll holds well, does not fall apart and nothing falls out of it after cutting.

Fold the rug back onto the table. If we have laid out the rice and filling correctly, then there should be no rice left on the free part of the nori. I have very little left this time. Remove excess rice.

The hardest part has already been done! Roll the roll to the end of the sheet. At this stage, you can use your hands to shape the roll: round, triangular or rectangular.

When you have rolled it almost to the end, run a brush dipped in water along the edge of the nori sheet from the inside so that it sticks well.

For 1 cup of rice I use 6 sheets of nori. We roll everything up and put it aside so that all the products are well combined and glued to each other.

Let's cut it. Be sure to use a sharp knife for slicing! Otherwise, you can tear the nori, mash the roll, and all your efforts will be wasted.

So, take a sharp knife and first cut off the edges of the roll to a length of about 1.5 cm. Such edges will always be obtained; marketable condition, but this does not affect the taste.

Cut the roll into equal parts. Choose the thickness yourself: thicker or thinner. What I usually do is cut down the middle and then cut each half into thirds. It's so easy to make rolls of uniform thickness.

Important! When slicing, wash the knife often to remove any stuck rice that will prevent you from making an even, smooth cut.


Well, really, it’s a delight for a family dinner :-) Rolls, soy sauce in a special cup, you take chopsticks, pick up the roll, dip it in the sauce, and enjoy)) But, to be honest, I put the chopsticks for beauty. They taught me and taught me, but I still can’t handle them.

Friends, I told you everything I knew. If you thought that preparing rolls at home was very difficult and only professionals could do it, then I hope now you know for sure that everything will work out. And even though not a single Japanese sushi master will shed tears of happiness looking at our rolls, we will still find it delicious and beautiful.

If you also have some tips for making rolls, write them in the comments and share them with us all. Thank you! And Bon Appetit))

Have a warm spring, pleasant walks in the sun, cozy family evenings!

With love, Elena Nazarenko