How to make peaches in syrup. Peaches, recipes for the winter: compotes, jams, jellies, whole canning

Greetings, dear friends! Peaches have fallen in price on the market, so it's time to replenish your home collection of dessert preparations for the winter and learn how to cook canned peaches in syrup without sterilization! An amazing delicacy that you cannot buy for any money, because peaches in sugar syrup from the supermarket, unlike home-canned peaches in halves, do not always satisfy in quality and price. But in the winter cold, you will be ready to prepare delicious cakes and pastries with canned peaches, or even just a ready-made addition to ice cream and sweet cereals.

If you bought the “correct” peaches - slightly unripe, firm, without obvious damage, then canning peaches in syrup will not be too troublesome for you and you will be pleased with the ease of preparation! We will prepare peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the entire preparation process. I hope I convinced you to cook peach halves in syrup? Then come with me to the kitchen!


  • peaches 1 kg
  • sugar 200 g
  • water 1 l
  • citric acid 1 tsp

How to make peaches in syrupfor the winter:

As I already mentioned in the introduction, to prepare canned peaches in syrup for the winter you will need selected and slightly unripe, sweet or sweet and sour peaches. For soft peaches, you simply cannot remove the pit delicately, as the risk of deforming the fruit will be very high. We wash the peaches and remove the top whitish coating.

We cut the peach along the hollow that runs along the entire circumference of the peach, and turn the peach halves with our hands in opposite directions. We get two halves of the fruit: a hollow one and a half with a pit. We pry the bone with a knife and remove it. It happens that the peach does not want to “part with” the pit, then try another method. Use a knife to cut the pit from the side of the stalk (reducing adhesion to the pulp), then make a similar cut along the hollow, insert the knife with the blunt side into the resulting slot and, with a little force, detach the pit from the pulp. If desired, at this stage you can remove the skin from the peaches, which will color our syrup a beautiful ruby ​​hue.

Prepare syrup for peaches: pour water into a saucepan, add sugar. Since peach is a rather capricious fruit, it’s better to play it safe and add 1 tsp to the syrup. citric acid per 1 liter of water. Bring the sweet and sour syrup to a boil.

The syrup for the peaches has boiled - lower the halves and bring to a boil.

As soon as the peaches in the syrup boil, catch them with a spoon/skimmer and place them in clean jars, previously sterilized along with the lids. Do not arrange the peaches too tightly so that the halves do not become deformed, but float freely in the sweet syrup.

Bring the syrup to a vigorous boil again and pour it over the peaches in the jars. Seal the peaches with lids with seals or screws (depending on the jars you choose), and turn the lids down. Be sure to wrap them up and let them sit in the hot syrup for as long as possible, so we take the thickest blanket for the jars of peaches. Thus, we will provide the peaches with additional sterilization and better preservation for the winter.

We put the cooled jars of peaches in syrup in the pantry or cellar away from sources of light and heat.

Canned peaches in syrup for the winter, with orange and lemon slices. Very, very tasty!

In order to preserve peaches for the winter, along with beneficial substances, pectins and amino acids until the next season, there are many ways. For example, the simplest is or jam. This tasty preparation requires very little time, but it really preserves all the useful vitamins and microelements.

But today I want to suggest an even simpler way - pour syrup over the fruit. Bright and with slices of lemon and orange - they will decorate your table and be a healthy treat for tea. They can also be used to decorate homemade cakes and cupcakes, and any other sweet pastries.


  • Peaches 1 kg.
  • Oranges 2 pcs.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Sugar 350 gr.
  • Grape or apple cider vinegar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Water 1 l.

Wash the fruits thoroughly.

Remove the pit from the peaches and cut the fruit into 5-6 pieces.

If you want your slices to be skinless, you need to put the peaches in boiling water for a minute - after that it can be easily removed.

Let's make the syrup. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into the pan and add 350 g. Sahara. Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil.

Place the chopped peaches in the hot syrup and let them boil. After this, carefully remove them with a slotted spoon.

We cut oranges and lemon randomly - I prefer to cut them into circles or slices up to 1 cm thick. When slicing, you need to remove the seeds from the citrus fruits.

Place citrus fruit slices and hot peaches in random order into pre-sterilized jars (personally, I bake them for a few minutes in a hot oven). I prefer to place orange and lemon slices close to the sides - they look very good next to the amber peaches in syrup.

Boil the syrup a second time, pour in a few tablespoons of grape vinegar, mix thoroughly and pour the hot syrup over the fruit in the jars.

We screw the lids on the jars, I use jars with screw lids, it’s very convenient. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up, and leave them overnight.

This is such a beautiful and aromatic fruit preparation!

How nice it is to open such an amber jar in winter! And with pleasure taste a pleasant sweet with a slight sourness of a slice of peach or orange.

Peaches are a favorite delicacy for many people, so they remain a desirable fruit during the winter season. In order to preserve the taste of these fruits at home, several recipes have been developed that differ in additional ingredients. To prepare canned peaches, the recipe for which will preserve the freshness of the fruit, you need to use sugar, citric acid, cinnamon, and ginger.

Canning peaches in syrup: a simple recipe for the winter

What you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh peaches;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 1 dessert spoon of citric acid;
  • 1.7 liters of water.

These ingredients are enough to seal a three-liter jar, which requires preliminary sterilization. It is better to use several sterilized jars, which in total will amount to 3 liters. The ideal option would be 4 750 ml jars, which are usually used for pickling cucumbers.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. First, the peaches are washed thoroughly. If desired, you can peel off the skin. To free the pulp from the skin, you need to immerse the fruit in boiling water for a few minutes, and then transfer the fruit to cold water. After such manipulations, the skin can be easily removed.
  2. Peaches are cut into two halves and the pit is removed.
  3. The resulting halves need to be filled into a sterilized jar.
  4. Water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Boiling water is poured into the jar for the peaches. The containers are closed with lids and left in this position for half an hour.
  5. The water from the jar is poured back into the pan.
  6. Pour sugar and citric acid into the same pan. The liquid is actively stirred and brought to a boil.
  7. Then the peaches are again filled with syrup and rolled up. The jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a towel.

After the containers have cooled, they can be stored in a cool, dark place.

Canning peaches with pits in wine

This recipe will give you a dish that will perfectly complement the holiday table and become an interesting dessert. This preparation is not suitable for children due to the presence of alcohol.

To prepare you will need:

  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • dinner spoon of lemon juice;
  • half a dessert spoon of cinnamon;
  • a little clove;
  • liter of dry white wine;
  • a quarter dessert spoon of ground ginger;
  • 300 milliliters of water;
  • one and a half kilograms of peaches.

How to make a blank:

  1. First the syrup is boiled. To do this, bring the water to a boil, and then add granulated sugar, cinnamon and ginger.
  2. All liquid is brought to homogeneity.
  3. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then leave it over low heat.
  4. Peach fruits and cloves are washed thoroughly. Then each fruit is doused with boiling water, and several clove buds are pressed into its peel.
  5. Then each peach, along with its pit, is carefully immersed in syrup and cooked for 10 minutes.
  6. The pan is removed from the stove and remains closed for 4 hours.
  7. After the fruit has infused, the syrup is poured into a separate container.
  8. Wine and lemon juice are poured into the pan where the peaches are located.
  9. Next, the wine drink is brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes.
  10. Transfer the peaches into pre-sterilized jars using a wooden spoon.
  11. The wine is brought to a boil again and then poured over the fruit.
  12. Each jar is immediately rolled up and turned over until it cools.

Low Calorie Peaches Recipe

Peaches cooked in their own juice have an exceptional taste. The recipe is suitable for those who carefully count the calories they eat.

In order to prepare this dessert, you will need:

  • peaches;
  • a little granulated sugar;
  • clean small jars, 1 liter capacity.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the jars thoroughly; it is advisable to use baking soda for this. Blanch the peaches, peel them, divide them into halves and remove the pit. If the fruits are large, then they can be cut into 4 parts, or even into pieces.
  2. Place the first layer of fruit in a jar and lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar, then, alternating peaches and sugar, fill the container. For a liter jar, 4-5 tablespoons of sugar are enough, but the portion can be reduced if the fruit is sweet in itself.
  3. Now you need to add boiled water to the jar so that the liquid covers the fruit segments and you can begin sterilization. This process lasts about 30 minutes for a liter jar. Then the jar is rolled up with an iron lid, which also needs to be sterilized.
  4. Place the preserved food on the lid to cool.

The finished product contains about 44 kcal per 100 g.

Peaches in their own juice

This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, so it can significantly reduce the calorie content of the product.

Thanks to short heat treatment, peaches will retain most of the vitamins and will not reduce their benefits to the body.

To prepare you need:

  • peaches;
  • water.

How to do:

  1. Peaches are washed thoroughly, cleared of twigs and seeds.
  2. Divided in half, they are placed in a jar.
  3. The fruit in the jar is filled to the top with boiling water and the lids are rolled up.
  4. The jars are immersed in a pan of water heated to 60 degrees. There must be a towel or napkin spread at the bottom of the pan. This is necessary to ensure that glass containers do not burst during sterilization.
  5. Taking into account the sealing of half-liter jars, they should be sterilized within 9 minutes. If liter jars are rolled up, they need to be kept in water for 10 minutes.
  6. After sterilization, the jars are turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth.

Canned peaches without sterilization

It is very easy to prepare peaches for the winter without resorting to sterilization. Well, perhaps it will take a little more time, but all this is nothing compared to the pleasure of the exquisite taste of fruit.

To prepare compote we will need:

  • ripe peaches, the fruits should not have damage to the skin;
  • granulated sugar at the rate of 300-400 g per 1 kg of fruit;
  • water, better filtered;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. The peel of the peaches in the compote is quite rough, so it is better to remove it. To do this, the fruits are blanched: place a colander with peaches in boiling water for a minute, and then pour cold tap water over the fruits. Carefully peel the peach, divide it in half, remove the pit and place the halves in clean jars.
  2. As soon as the container is filled with peaches, pour in the boiling syrup and leave the jar for 10 minutes. Then pour the liquid into the pan and let it boil again. Refill the jar with syrup, roll up the lid and place under a warm blanket until completely cooled.
  3. 1.5 liter jars are best suited for storing peaches.

The jar should not be packed tightly; the fruit should retain its shape. We fill the jar with fruit halves up to the shoulders; it’s stupid to preserve water: concentrated syrup can always be diluted.

Preserving Spiced Peaches

For the preparation you need:

  • one and a half kilos of peaches;
  • cinnamon tube;
  • star anise;
  • half a dessert spoon of citric acid;
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 4 drops vanilla essence.

Preparation steps:

  1. Each ripe but firm peach is carefully washed and dried.
  2. Next, the fruits are peeled, cut in half, and then the pit is removed.
  3. When rolling two liter containers, you need to divide the star anise and cinnamon into two parts.
  4. Fruit pieces are placed in pre-sterilized jars.
  5. Half of the star anise and cinnamon are poured into each jar, and then the whole thing is poured with boiling water.
  6. The workpiece remains closed for 10 minutes.
  7. Next, all the liquid is poured into the pan. Sugar is poured into it, everything is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil.
  8. After this, the pan is removed from the stove, vanilla essence is poured into the syrup.
  9. Freshly boiled syrup is poured over the fruits, and the jars are immediately rolled up.
  10. The rolled containers are turned over and covered with a warm towel.

With almonds

This preparation will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table, as fruits sparkling in syrup look very impressive in combination with almond kernels.


  • 3 kilograms of ripe peaches;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • one and a half liters of water.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. During this, sugar actively dissolves in water.
  2. Peaches are washed, doused with boiling water, and peeled.
  3. The fruits are cut in half and the pit is removed.
  4. The washed lemon is cut in half and the juice is squeezed directly into the sugar syrup.
  5. Peaches are placed in sterilized jars, pieces of lemon zest and peeled almonds are poured between them.
  6. The containers are filled with freshly boiled syrup and covered with lids.
  7. Each workpiece should be sterilized within half an hour. After sterilization, each jar is sealed.

Recipe Sugar Troublemaker

Peach fruits can simply be candied for the winter.

This requires one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar per kilogram of fruit.

The peaches need to be firm so they don't turn into jam.

How to do it:

  1. The fruits are poured with boiling water for 30 seconds and then removed from the skin and seeds.
  2. The pulp is cut into slices and transferred to an enamel-coated container.
  3. The fruits are poured with a small amount of water and boiled for 7 minutes.
  4. After this, the peach slices are removed from the liquid, sprinkled with sugar and left in this state for a couple of days.
  5. Then they are brought to a boil, distributed into pre-sterilized jars, and rolled up.

Harvesting peaches for the winter (video)

Whatever recipe you decide to use for canning peaches, the end result will be a wonderful sweet preparation that you can delight your loved ones with.

23.09.2017 5 707

Peaches in syrup for the winter - a simple and most delicious recipe!

Peaches in syrup for the winter, the recipe for which is known to many housewives, will delight you with an unsurpassed taste and aroma in the winter cold, and you can cook them in your own juice, whole or in slices, in syrup, with or without sugar, the main thing is to stock up on delicious fruits in time ...

Canned peaches in syrup for the winter - a traditional recipe

Perhaps the peach is one of the most summer and sunniest fruits. To keep the summer warmth with you all year round, prepare sweet velvety fruits for future use. As a result, you will receive not only sweet canned fruits, but also compote.

Sweet lovers use the syrup undiluted; others dilute it with water; it is perfect for soaking cake layers and biscuits. Peaches canned in this way can be used to decorate baked goods and added to salads and sweet dishes. To prepare canned peaches for the winter, we will need:

  • Fresh peaches
  • Pure water
  • Granulated sugar in the proportion of 400 grams per 1 liter of water

For preservation, choose healthy fruits without damage or rot; it is better to give preference to small fruits, they will fit more compactly in the jar. In this case, the syrup and fruit will be in the correct proportion.

Peaches should be ripe, but not overripe. Press the fruit with your fingers - if it is soft, it is not suitable for harvesting. If for preservation you have chosen a variety in which the stone is easily separated, you can cut the peaches into halves.

Prepared fruits must be washed thoroughly, as dust will firmly settle on the fleecy skin. Place clean and dried fruits tightly in sterilized jars.

Pour cold water over the fruit, which will become the basis for the syrup. The jars need to be filled completely, taking into account that when boiling, some of the water will evaporate, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan where the syrup will be boiled, and add sand to it at the rate of 400 grams per 1 liter. Cook the future syrup until it boils.

Peaches in syrup - pictured

Fill the jars with peaches with boiling sweet water. Leave the jars covered with sterilized lids to cool.

Pour the cooled syrup back into the pan and boil, then pour it over the peaches again, and again wait for it to reach room temperature. Then we repeat the procedure a third time. We roll up the fruits, doused with syrup three times, with iron lids and wrap the jars with a blanket. When the workpiece has completely cooled, it is necessary to put it in a cool place where the peaches in syrup will be stored in the winter. It is advisable to use fruits with pits within a year, but peaches sliced ​​in syrup can be stored for up to 2 years.

How to seal fruit in its own juice

Peaches in syrup for the winter, the recipe for which is described above, is undoubtedly the most popular preparation of these aromatic fruits. However, many housewives prefer to prepare peaches in their own juice for the winter - the ingredients for this recipe are the same as in the first case, but the proportions and preparation technology differ:

  • Ripe strong peaches 2 kg
  • Sand – 250 g
  • Purified drinking water without chlorine – 2.2 liters

The fruits, as in the first recipe, must be washed and sorted well, removing spoiled and overripe ones. Some housewives remove the skin from peaches before canning. This is done quite simply - you need to cut the skin crosswise and hold it in hot water (not boiling water!) for 2-3 minutes, during which time the skin will peel off from the fruit on its own. If you decide to preserve peaches with skin, choose whole fruits without the slightest damage.

Fill the jars with peaches carefully placed in them (it is better to take three-liter ones) with sugar and pour boiling water over them. Next, place the future peach stock in a large saucepan or basin with boiling water so that the peaches are sterilized, and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, all that remains is to remove the jars from the pan, roll them up and cover them with something warm until they cool completely. Within a week, all the juice will finally be released from the peaches, and they will be ready to serve.

Recipe for canning peaches without sugar

As you can see, in previous recipes, peaches, canned whole or in halves, are prepared with the addition of sugar, however, you can prepare this southern fruit without sweet syrup - in this case, we only need peaches and clean water. Peaches in their own juice without sugar are a preparation that is especially appreciated by people on a diet; no preservatives - sugar, vinegar, etc.

We cut selected and well-washed fruits into two parts and remove the pit. Carefully place the resulting peach halves into jars that have been previously sterilized. The fruits must be placed tightly in the jar, not stuffed. Fill the filled jars with boiling water and cover with iron lids (but do not screw them on!).

Place the jars in an enamel bowl - a saucepan or basin, fill with warm water (about 60 degrees) and sterilize. The time in this case will depend on the volume of the cans. For half-liter jars, 9 minutes are enough; liter jars should be kept in boiling water for 11-12 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, remove the jars from the pan and roll them up hot. Turn them upside down and cover them with a blanket until they cool completely. Such peaches are perfect for making desserts, as a filling for pies and cakes, you can make compote and even jam from them. In addition, prepared in this way, they perfectly retain their beneficial properties and wonderful aroma.

Now you know how to cook peaches in syrup for the winter; the recipe turned out to be very simple and not labor-intensive. For those who prefer natural products, we offer a sugar-free recipe in its own juice. Whatever cooking option you choose, these incredibly tasty fruits will definitely delight you on cold winter evenings, giving your table a little bit of sunny summer!

Peach, canned in halves, is one of my favorite items on my winter canning list. Every year I cook several jars of peaches in sugar syrup, it turns out no worse than the store-bought product, and contains much more benefits.

T This delicious delicacy is very easy to prepare, especially since the preparation does not require sterilization, and you will taste both delicious fruits and sweet compote!

Peach canned according to this recipe is suitable as a filling and decoration for homemade baked goods, cakes, appetizers and desserts.


  • peach – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • citric acid – ½ tsp;
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method

For canning, choose peaches that are sweet, ripe, but firm and without damage. You can even use slightly unripe fruits, the main thing is that the seed is easily detached from the pulp. Peaches should be thoroughly washed and dried with dry cloths or a towel.

Sterilize jars in advance in a way convenient for you. Place the prepared peach halves in them and compact them tightly, but do not press so that the fruit does not bruise.

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Pour hot water over the peaches in the jar. Cover with tin lids and steam for 30 minutes. After this, pour the water back into the pan and repeat the procedure again.

Then, pour the liquid into the pan and bring to a boil again, only now add sugar and add citric acid. Boil until sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the prepared sweet syrup into jars of fruit and cover with sterilized tin lids (I pre-boiled them for 10 minutes).

Turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave in this position until they cool completely. Thanks to this, the workpiece will undergo additional sterilization and the jars will not explode.