How to prepare structured living water. How to make living and dead water yourself

Why buy? Why expensive filters? Do living water at home on your own!


It's hard to believe that just 100 years ago you could safely drink water from rivers, streams and lakes without worrying about your health.

But man decided that he was more powerful and smarter than Nature and began to behave like a careless owner. The results of his activities were not long in coming - the air became harmful, and the water from most sources became simply dangerous to drink. There is no clean water left on the surface of the Earth at all.

The virgin and untouched water went deep underground, but not all of it became suitable for drinking.

Man found a way out: he came up with technologies that make it possible to purify dirty water and consume this artificial “dead” product as food.

But Nature generously did not abandon the unreasonable Man, giving him one last chance: deep underground there are springs, into the water of which Nature has laid a “memory” with the program of Health and Longevity for thousands of years. True, there are very, very few such sources left, and discovering them is considered a great success. But the main thing is that they exist!

However, most people still prefer to drink synthetic “dead” water, because there is a lot of it, and most importantly it is cheaper, not by much, but cheaper.

It’s paradoxical, but true - many people thus value their health at several silver coins.

The awareness of the negative and often irreversible consequences of one’s unreasonableness sooner or later comes to everyone, but much more often it comes too late.

How to prepare living water at home

Place an enamel pan with filtered (or regular) water in freezer refrigerator (in winter - on the balcony). After 4-5 hours we take it out. The surface of the water or the walls are already covered with the first ice.

The water is poured into another pan. The ice that remained empty concentrated molecules of heavy water (deuterium, which freezes at a temperature of +3.8°C, while the water needed by our body is at -1°C). We throw away this first ice, which contains deuterium, and put the pan with water back in the freezer.

As soon as the water freezes by 2/3, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemistry of our civilization. The ice that remains in the pan is the water we need so much. It is 80% purified from impurities and contains 16 mg of calcium per 1 liter of liquid. Now melt the ice at room temperature(not on fire) and drink during the day. This is the kind of water that long-livers drink.

During the day, it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 glasses of melt water. Drink the first glass early in the morning an hour before meals, the rest during the day also an hour before the next meal. You need to store water in the refrigerator, gradually accustoming yourself to cold things.

According to many sources, melt water is a vascular agent that helps reduce heart pain and even resolve blood clots in the coronary vessels of the heart. It stops severe hemorrhoidal bleeding, relieves pain from hemorrhoids, improves blood supply after thrombosis of the lower extremities and eases the course of the disease with varicose veins. In cardiovascular patients, it significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood and improves metabolism. Melt water can serve effective means against pathological completeness. This water is good for relieving inflammation and tension in the eyes due to computer vision syndrome. I recommend putting it in your eyes.

Health and longevity, friends!


Many of us have long been accustomed to using a water filter, because in this way we, at least a little, purify tap water from various harmful impurities, and turn"dead" water into "living". But water filtrationis not the only way to make “living” water, there are many more ways that are much more effective than filtration, and we’ll talk about these methods today.

According to numerous scientific studies, it has been proven that the most beneficial water for humans is melted or structured water. You probably immediately thought about boiling, because we generally believe that boiled water is the healthiest, but this is far from true. Yes, boiling kills all harmful substances present in water, but it also contributes to the appearance of various mechanical particles in the water, as well as salts, chlorine, heavy metals and viruses. Besides, boiled water It is considered “dead” water, and such water cannot bring any benefit. So let's look for another way to structure water.

As we have already said, melt water is very useful for our body, in addition, frozen water acquires its original structure. And if we also freeze filtered water, we will get a real natural elixir of health, youth and beauty.

So, anyone who has a freezer or freezer can make melt water, and every home has a freezer. First, filter the water, then pour it into an enamel cup or pan, place it in the freezer and watch when a small ice crust appears on the surface of the water, which needs to be removed. Then wait until 2/3 of the water freezes, rinse a hole in the ice and drain the water that remains unfrozen at the bottom. Then defrost the ice, and you can enjoy clean, and most importantly, “living” water. But remember that melt water cannot be boiled and frozen again, as it will lose all its properties. beneficial features. Also, melt water cannot be stored for a long time.

There is another way to make “living” water; this method is easier to use, but no less effective. Pass tap water through a filter and then pour into clean water a tablespoon of holy water. Thus, you will not only make the water “living”, but also sanctify it, giving it beneficial properties. It has been proven that a tablespoon of holy water can turn 5 liters of plain water into holy water.

We know about living water from fairy tales. She could heal and even revive people. It turns out that not everything in fairy tales is fiction. Living water exists. Nothing is known about reviving people, but living water can help treat some diseases and have a positive effect on everything. How to make living water at home?
Method one. Take a deep cup, fill it with water and place it in the freezer. After some time, a crust of ice will grow on top. Remove it and leave the container until completely frozen. Ready ice remove and let thaw, but not completely. When a piece of ice remains, about the size of half a glass, remove it. The remaining water is living water. Together with ice, you will get rid of harmful substances. The properties of water are also influenced by positive emotions. If you are irritated and in a bad mood, do not make water.

The second method, making living and dead water at home, requires basic knowledge of electrical engineering. If you live in a city, then first pass the water through a filter or let it settle. IN glass jar Place two stainless steel electrodes through the cover. Supply power, diode D231 or D232 to one electrode. To the other electrode - directly. Place the cathode in a tarpaulin bag. It can be sewn from a fire hose. The water in the jar should be below the edge of the bag. Plug in 220 volts, the process has begun. Do not bring to a boil under any circumstances. After a few minutes (from 5-30, depending on the strength), turn it off. Remove the bag carefully so as not to mix it with other water. This is living water, let it sit for 30 minutes and you can drink it. Shelf life is no more than two weeks. Dead water remained in the jar.

The creator of books about transurfing, Vadim Zeland, pays a lot of attention to proper nutrition. Frankly speaking, the further, the more. And one of the most important components of this diet is specially prepared water. Living water.

The first method (cheap, but long)

For the first time, a description of the process of preparing living water was given in the book “The Maker of Reality.”

The process consists of several stages.

1. Ordinary tap water settles for several hours. The water settles in an open vessel to remove chlorine. 5 liters of water are taken, part of it will be “rejected” during the preparation process.

2. Then you need to boil water in a regular enamel pan. You need to boil water with a “white key”. This means that it needs to be high fire bring to education large quantity small bubbles, and have time to turn it off before large ones appear.

3. The water needs to be cooled, and quickly. You can dial cold water in a large basin or even a bathtub, or in winter take it out onto the balcony, or even better - put the pan in a snowdrift.

4. Then the water is infused on flint for 2 days. Black flint is recommended for infusion. Amount of flint per specified quantity water – 5-7 pebbles. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid; just cover it with gauze. At the end of the infusion, the water is carefully drained. In this case, there is no need to use the bottom layer, 3-4 centimeters, because it contains concentrated harmful impurities.

5. Then the water freezes. The second of the methods described in the article Preparation of melt water is used. Namely: water in metal pan placed in the freezer, after the first ice has formed, it is thrown away and the water is poured into a plastic container. Why plastic? To prevent the enamel on the pan from cracking.

The water is allowed to freeze by about 2/3, then a hole is made in the resulting layer of ice to drain some of the water, which contains salts.

The remaining ice is melted at room temperature.

6. The water is almost ready. On final stage Can pass it through a magnetic funnel to secure the structure.

Living water is ready. It retains its properties for 7 hours.

As you can see, this is a rather complex scheme. And a lot of time is spent preparing such water.

This recipe is on video:

Subsequently, through the use various devices, the process has been simplified.

2. Water is infused with shungite and flint. You can also add rock quartz;

3. The water is activated by the “Living and Dead Water” device (electric activator);

4. Water is structured using an aquadisc or Koltsov functional state corrector (KFS).

The sequence of actions should be exactly like this. And you cannot skip any of the stages. Zealand clearly distinguishes between activation and structuring - these operations give water completely different properties.

Only pre-prepared (purified and slightly mineralized) water should be activated. Activating tap water, according to Zealand, is useless or even harmful.

And, since the structure of water is destroyed during the process of electroactivation, structuring should be the last step.

What's good about this system? Because it is precisely a system. All stages of preparation are clearly described and explained. healthy water. Whether these explanations are considered sufficient is a personal matter for everyone. But in general, this method of preparing healing water should be of interest not only to transferrs, but also to everyone who cares about their own health.

How to use this living water? You need to drink it. As you know, a person should drink about 2 liters of water per day. Moreover, it should be water, and not tea, coffee or compote. If drinking water is prepared according to any of the above recipes, the body will be cleansed, and many diseases will go away.

Learn more about the effect of this water in the video.

Today we’ll talk about how living water, prepared at home with our own hands, can help us. Yes, the process is somewhat troublesome - but completely free, unlike the expensive medicines with which we are stuffed. It is very useful and can solve many health problems.

The first mentions of living water came to people from fairy tales. It was used to rejuvenate, revive heroes, give them strength and vigor. The first attempts to scientifically study the properties of such healing water were made in the 20th century. As a result, it turned out that living water is an electrically charged liquid.

Live medicinal water is a powerful biostimulant; it has an alkaline environment. Water passes through biological membranes without problems, stimulating cell activity and strengthening protective mechanisms. Living water also acts as an antioxidant.

How to make living water?

By taking the “magic” liquid, you can avoid many diseases. It is easy to prepare at home. You don't need complex designs. Living water is obtained from water that enters apartments through pipes. To obtain water, you need to know some steps.

Improving the structure of water

It is necessary to pour water into a saucepan with a capacity of 5 liters, leave it for 4 days, it should settle. It is better to use enamel cookware. Then boil. For quick cooling, it is recommended to fill the bath with cold water and, after boiling, place the container in the bath.

We eliminate the presence of harmful and chemical elements

To do this, lower 6 black silicon stones into water and cover the container with gauze. After 2 days, pour the contents into another container, but not completely. The bottom layer, about 3 cm, will need to be thrown away. Harmful impurities that have precipitated remain at the bottom.

We remove hydrogen isotopes tritium and deuterium

They have an adverse effect on the body. At this stage, the water must be placed in the freezer. When an ice crust appears on the surface, the container should be pulled out of the freezer and the formed ice should be thrown away. Heavy water, which is harmful to the body, turns into ice first.

We eliminate harmful components

Pour the water into a plastic container. If you re-install enamel pan in the cold, the enamel may crack. We put the water in the freezing chamber. Only two-thirds of the volume needs to be frozen. That part of the water at the bottom that does not freeze contains harmful impurities. It is poured out by making a hole in the ice. Then you need to wait until the ice melts at room temperature.

We receive living water

Final stage. The water is ready. But there is one caveat. It should be filtered through a magnetic funnel; a ring-shaped magnet can be used. This will strengthen the structure of the water. This procedure is not necessary.

How to use water correctly?

Living water has a healing effect on human health. It removes toxins, rejuvenates the body, cleanses the body of cholesterol plaques, and enhances thought processes. Water should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. In 10-15 minutes you need to drink a glass of living water in small sips. Women should drink water before applying makeup. You should drink liquid throughout the day, 30 minutes before meals and an hour after eating. You need to drink a glass of water, and in small sips. For 1 kg of weight, 30-40 ml is required - this is how much water should be drunk per day.

Living water for all diseases

Living water helps restore blood pressure, cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol, improve metabolism and sleep. It is used as a gargle for sore throats. With the help of water, periodontal disease, stomatitis are treated and tartar is removed. It helps cope with gastritis, constipation, heartburn. It even cures jaundice. Living water is used as an after-shave balm; it perfectly relieves irritation.

Use living water medicinal purposes Every person can. There is no treatment age restrictions and contraindications. This is the cheapest and most accessible medicine for many ailments.

Friends, the information presented below was collected over many months of experiments. I hope it will be useful to some of you and help restore your health, replenish your energy deficit and give you strength in the morning :)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. If you have similar experience, including working with other installations and have data on measurements of the water parameters described below at the outlet of other installations, also contact me, I am very interested.

This article is devoted to the production of alkalized water with low ORP using the EMERALD STO installation.

Obtaining living water (water with PH level >10, ORP< -300) с помощью установки "Изумруд" не такой простой процесс, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Как показывает опыт эксплуатации установки, существует множество факторов, которые необходимо учитывать при попытках получить и сохранить свойства живой воды.

In this article I will try to disclose all the necessary information, which, unfortunately, is missing in the basic installation instructions. The data was obtained through a large number of experiments and measurements of water properties using a PH meter and an ORP meter. We will talk about the Izumrud STO installation (with one reactor).

Production of water with the required parameters.

The Izumrud STO installation from a “live” water tap can produce water with completely different parameters. The PH level can range from 4(!) to 12(!) and ORP from -200 to -700. It is impossible to determine water parameters by eye. It is necessary to use special instruments: ORP meter and PH meter. Without them it is not possible to use the device...

If you follow the instructions, you need to set the minimum water pressure in the water tap, then use the “live water” wheel to adjust the ratio of live water to dead water as 1 to 1. Unfortunately, if you do this, you will get water of different quality each time and it will not have the necessary parameters. On average it will be 7ph and -200 ORP, it will also depend on the pressure of the water tap, the contamination of the device itself and some other factors. In some cases, such water can even be shifted towards the acidic scale, which we do not need at all.

First, you need to decide what water parameters you want to get. First of all, this relates to the PH level. Water with a pH greater than 8 is considered alkaline water and is beneficial for the body. Thus, the higher the PH, the better. However, in this matter one should not be led by greed. Don't drink a lot of highly alkaline water right away.

Moreover, it is very alkaline water(parameter from 10.5 and above) has a pronounced unpleasant smell and appropriate taste (the taste and smell resembles laundry soap). Water with a parameter of 9.5-10.5, as a rule, does not have this drawback, and can be considered ideal for drinking, because in the "Emerald" installation, when the gap of the "living water" regulator is set to a position that is equivalent to 10 PH, the ORP of such water will be approximately -600 -700 mV at the outlet of the installation.

When choosing the pH of water, it is also necessary to consider what this water will be used for in the future.

For example, regular tea from a bag, depending on how to brew, can give from -1 to -3 to PH. How stronger tea, the stronger the effect. For example, if you brew pu-erh in water with a pH of 12, the pH of the drink will drop to 7-8.

As for the ORP, the ORP should always be the lower, the better. But, as I already said, the spread of ORP at the outlet is not so great; if you tighten the wheel of living water and measure PH, then for PH >10 and for PH=12 the ORP will be consistently low -700. I repeat once again - all these figures are determined exclusively using instruments that are not included in the Emerald delivery set. The installation itself does not have any mechanisms for adjusting water parameters. The only way of adjustment is the “analog” wheel of “living water”, with which we adjust the gap at the outlet of the living water tube. The more the wheel is twisted, the less water flows through the “living water” tube and the higher the parameters of this water (accordingly, the amount of “ dead water" at the same time the output becomes larger).

So, we have decided on the target ORP and PH values, what next?

As noted earlier, the PH and ORP parameters are adjusted mainly by turning the “living water” wheel. The more tightly it is twisted, the higher the parameters (PH increases, ORP decreases). In addition, the parameters are highly dependent on how much the water tap is open and how dirty the device is.

Instructions for creating living water.

In order to get water with the most beneficial properties, follow the following instructions:

1) Open the water tap to the minimum value that will create the necessary pressure in the device so that the green light comes on.

2) Start turning the “living water” wheel clockwise until you hear a crackling sound in the installation. Continue to gently turn the wheel, watching as the flow of water becomes less and less. As soon as drops of water begin to quickly flow from the tube and merge into a thin stream, stop. In this case, water should flow through the “living water” tube (marked with a white rivet), alternating with air bubbles. Pour some water into a mug and measure the pH value. Please note that over time, the output PH parameter will only increase due to the gradual contamination of the device with scale. And the amount of water at the outlet decreases accordingly.

Those. As a rule, the less water goes out, the higher its parameters. If you are happy with the PH level, continue pouring water until you get required amount.

3) After the required amount of water has been received, you must COMPLETELY OPEN the living water wheel (turning it counterclockwise) and allow the water to flow freely from the “living water” tube for a few seconds, after which you can close the tap. It is not recommended to stop the process by closing the water tap without opening the “living water” wheel, because This will lead to rapid clogging of the device.

How to preserve the healing parameters of living water?

The vessels in which living water is stored have a huge impact on its preservation. healing properties. The PH parameter does not depend in any way on the material of the container.

In addition, PH is practically not lost over time and once “leached” water continues to retain its PH for a long time (however, I did not measure after more than a week). The same cannot be said about ORP.

I have conducted many experiments that have revealed b dependence of the ORP on the vessel material and time, during which this vessel can retain the beneficial properties of the ORP. The worst option is various plastic bottles.

It's strange, but nevertheless, once in plastic bottle water with an ORP of -700 IMMEDIATELY loses half of its charge.

Accordingly, the ORP increases before the eyes and such vessels are not recommended. Showed the best results Sealed stainless steel flask(volume 1.8, sold in any Expedition store with all sorts of funny inscriptions, like “Annealing liquid”, etc.). ORP in a metal flask loses only half of its properties after 6-8 hours. Approximately -50 ORP “evaporates” in an hour. Initially, these parameters are worse, but the more you pour into the flask, the better it holds. It's like it's accumulating a charge.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the idea of ​​using a metal flask to preserve the ORP belongs to Sergei Bobyr. I once despaired of trying to preserve the ORP properties of prepared living water.

As for ordinary ceramic and glass vessels, when you pour living water into them, the ORP is not lost instantly, as is the case with plastic containers, but begins to gradually evaporate. After 8 hours, the ORP increases from -700 to -50, i.e. almost to a neutral value. Which, by the way, is even written in the instructions for the Emerald.

Taking into account the information from these experiments, it can also be assumed that electromagnetic fields, shaking and possibly some other conditions may also affect the ORP.

Living water is best consumed immediately after preparation. The ideal time is in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case, the water can be heated so that it is warm and can be drunk in small sips. In this case, it will enter directly into the small intestine, bypassing the stomach through a special channel. This is the so-called " fast water"Everything else - coffee, tea, juices - will require digestive enzymes. And the stomach will not let cold water through.

Please note that heating water does not affect pH, but does affect ORP. In fact, the ORP starts to rise (this is bad) when the water temperature gets close to boiling. A few minutes of boiling water reduces the ORP charge to neutral. This, however, does not mean that nothing can be cooked with living water. Firstly, nothing happens to the PH when boiling, and secondly, the ORP is lost rapidly, but still its level remains better than that of any tap or bottle water. And tea or coffee can be made with hot, scalding water without bringing it slightly to a boil.

The Emerald STO device has one significant drawback - it quickly becomes clogged with scale if the water is hard. Water hardness is measured by a salinity meter in ppm (in total, you will need to buy a salinity meter, an ORP meter and a PH meter, preferably each device separately and not 3in1).

Living in Moscow, you can hardly count on the hardness of tap water being less than 250 ppm, which corresponds to 5-6 degrees of hardness on the Russian scale. By international standards this is very hard water. With this water hardness, the device becomes clogged very quickly and after a week it fails (the outlet of the “living water” is completely clogged, the living water stops flowing). Accordingly, it needs to be washed hydrochloric acid(8%) once a week. The procedure is quite simple, takes about two hours, but does not require your constant participation or observation. In addition, at a given level of water hardness, you will have to drink living water with big amount"white scale", which is not very pleasant. Accordingly, it is necessary to install a pre-filter and, possibly, more than one in front of the Emerald and try to soften the water.

Residents of St. Petersburg and its suburbs are lucky - the water hardness there ranges from 50 to 100 ppm, which is less than two degrees of hardness and corresponds to the recommended hardness for drinking water. Accordingly, if you live in St. Petersburg, all you need is to install a pre-filter (for mechanical filtration) and get yourself an Emerald.

What to do if the water is hard? Ideal solution Not yet, I can only offer my version, and I’ll be happy to listen to your ideas, if you have them. In the meantime, I have a Typhoon 20 BB geyser as a main filter. Moreover, it is not embedded at the inlet of all the cold water, but only into the pipe that leads to the kitchen. For this, of course, you need a lot of space. And a savvy plumber. In case of difficulties, you can take a filter with half the volume - 10 BB.

The Typhoon geyser consists of a stainless steel body and Aragon 3 filter material. Housings made of other materials are cheaper, but are not as convenient to replace (for size 20 BB, the filter element is replaced approximately once a year). Also, instead of the Aragon 3 filter element, you can use the BS cartridge filter element of the appropriate size, which is intended exclusively for softening water, while Aragon acts comprehensively.

In short, a line filter is not a specific model filter. There are size standards - 10 BB and 20 BB. You choose the type of housing and filter element in any options. Accordingly, I took stainless steel and aragon 3, it cost 18 thousand including installation (11 filter, 7 installation).

After installing this main filter, water hardness dropped from 270 to 160, which is a good result. To soften the water even more, I use the Aquaphor Modern faucet attachment with the B200 softening cartridge. It allows you to reduce ppm by another 40. However, this is a bad solution - it is small (the resource is only enough for 1000 liters), it quickly clogs and stops softening the water (it lasts for several days active use up to a couple of weeks). In addition, to connect it to the Izumrud, you need a homemade adapter made of silicone, which you can ask the employees of the Izumrud Research and Production Enterprise to put in the parcel when ordering acid for washing the device from them. If your hands grow out of right place, you can try to make an adapter yourself. As for the acid - at the time of writing this article, I couldn’t find where to buy it in Moscow - it was delivered from St. Petersburg, I ordered it on the Izumrud NPP website.

Another VERY IMPORTANT point. Reverse osmosis filters cannot be used as a pre-filter for Emerald. Even if it (osmosis) with mineralization. A small amount of salts in water are necessary for chemical reactions in the device; without this, it will not be possible to obtain water of the required quality. If you want to drink distilled living water, then try passing it through a distiller... But not vice versa. Plus, the other way around won’t work, because... The Emerald requires water pressure to operate; therefore, water cannot be poured into it in any other way except from the tap. Also, I cannot say what will happen to the main parameters of living water after distillation, since I do not have a distiller.

Now regarding measuring instruments. You can take any salinity meter and it is cheap. It is more difficult with a PH meter and an ORP meter. I purchased a set of two PHB-3 ORP-5041 models respectively. I do not recommend them in any way, especially the latest model because of its unstable operation (it periodically turns off spontaneously). I advise you to take a closer look at more expensive models with a wider range of supported temperatures.


ORP- redox potential (Redox, Eh) of water is an indicator of its oxidizing (acidic) or reducing (alkaline) qualities. ORP characterizes the degree of activity of electrons in redox reactions, i.e. reactions involving the addition or transfer of electrons. With a positive ORP, water captures and attaches electrons to those substances with which it reacts (oxidizes), and with a negative ORP, it gives up electrons (reduces).

pH- Hydrogen index (lat. pondus hydrogenii - “weight of hydrogen”, pronounced “pe ash”) - a measure of activity (in very dilute solutions it is equivalent to the concentration) of hydrogen ions in a solution, quantitatively expressing its acidity.