How to make chocolate ganache. Classic chocolate ganache

Every pastry chef has his own favorite ganache recipe. Unique flavors, secret ingredients- ganache is a fertile field for experiments. But today I would like to talk about basic version, which even a novice pastry chef can prepare. First, let's figure out what this unusual word means. Ganache is amazing chocolate cream. Depending on its purpose, it can be of a thinner or thicker consistency.

The main ingredients for ganache are chocolate and cream. Liquid ganache is used as chocolate sauce, sweets are filled with a light creamy mass. Thicker cream is ideal for coating and decorating cakes.

How to make ganache for leveling a cake

For leveling, we need a thick cream that will hold its shape well. There are two ways to do it. You can take chocolate and cream in 1:1 proportions, or replace part of the cream with butter. If you don’t have cream on hand, and you need the cream urgently, use butter in similar proportions instead. This ganache will be denser than a delicate cream based cream. But he will cope with his task perfectly.

Cream ganache for mastic recipe:

Let's consider the most difficult ganache to prepare, which uses all three ingredients at the same time: chocolate, cream and butter. You will need:

  • black chocolate 200 grams
  • heavy cream (from 33%) 100 ml
  • butter (from 82%) 100 grams

The proportions of butter and cream can be changed to your taste, the main thing is that the ratio of chocolate to cream and/or butter remains 1:1.

Preparation. First you need to melt the chocolate. The easiest way to do this is to heat it in a water bath. It is best to heat the chocolate immediately with the cream so that the cream does not separate due to temperature differences. Place the chocolate pieces in a bowl and pour cold cream (you can straight from the refrigerator). Remove the oil so that it has time to heat up to room temperature. Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, turn the heat to medium and place a bowl of chocolate and cream on top. It should completely cover the pan so that the steam does not escape. Chocolate and water are absolutely incompatible things.

While melting, the chocolate should be constantly stirred with a silicone spatula. At first it will resist a little, but in the end it will disperse perfectly and mix with the cream. The resulting mass should be smooth, shiny and homogeneous. Remove it from the heat and wait until it cools to 40 degrees. Now mix the chocolate mixture thoroughly with soft oil. Cover the finished cream with film so that air does not penetrate under it, and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If you are making ganache without butter - just cream, leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Before use, you can whip the cream - just a couple of minutes, no more. The result is an excellent truffle cream - light, delicate, airy. The mass will increase in volume, the color will change to lighter (see photo).

How to use

This cream is universal. Cake ganache is used as a layer between cake layers or to level its surface. And also for confectionery- macaroons, shu, profiteroles, as a filling. By using pastry bag you can make chocolate caps for cupcakes, or other decorations. Whether to whip the cream beforehand or not is the personal choice of each pastry chef. Both options are basically interchangeable.

Chocolate ganache for mastic

This cream can be used to cover the cake for decorative purposes, or to level the cake with mastic. Ganache - simple perfect cream for the cake. You can safely cover the cake with fondant without fear that it will flow. Wafer and sugar pictures are placed on the ganache. Ganache is used to cover cakes hot weather; if long-term transportation is planned. If you are using light mastic and are afraid that the cream will show through, prepare it from white chocolate.

Recipe for making mastic ganache

The cooking technology remains the same, only the proportions change. White chocolate contains a high percentage of cocoa butter and milk fats, so you will need much less butter/cream. About three times. If you want a thicker cream, use four. That is, to prepare, you need to take 75-100 ml of cream per 300 grams of chocolate. For milk the ratio will be 2:1.

How to choose ingredients

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the chocolate. It's no secret that many manufacturers use cheaper substitutes instead of cocoa butter. You cannot use such chocolate - otherwise the ganache will not harden. Study the composition of the tiles very carefully. It should not contain cocoa powder or extraneous fats. It is best to use a special confectionery chocolate. Small callet pieces melt quickly and evenly. It is deservedly considered the best. Most confectioners use it in their work.

Now let's talk about cream. It doesn’t matter whether you take natural or vegetable cream. The main thing is that their fat content is at least 30%. You will also need fatty oil, about 82%. Do not under any circumstances replace it with margarine, spread or similar products. It is better to make do with only chocolate and cream than to use low-quality butter substitutes. The ganache used to cover the cake should form a strong, hard coating that will protect the dessert from damage. Whether you can get just such a cream directly depends on the quality of the ingredients.

Where to buy confectionery chocolate

You can easily find good butter and suitable cream in any supermarket. With chocolate things are more complicated. The most convenient option is to order online. This way you will get a large selection of different types of dark, milk and white chocolate. It is sold in different packaging starting from 100 grams. In the same online store you can choose vegetable cream for vegetarian cake. As well as bases, boxes, beads for decoration, ready-made sugar flowers - a lot of products for your inspiration. If you buy in advance, you can save on delivery. And you will definitely find where to use the acquired beauty. Happy experimenting!

Ganache is a delicacy that came to us from France. Thanks to its excellent taste, it has become an excellent alternative butter cream. Mastic ganache is very easy to prepare and decorate cakes with. Below we present to your attention a few famous recipes ganache for mastic. In particular, we will consider options for how to prepare chocolate ganache for mastic.


There are several varieties of mastics using chocolate (white, black and milk). In all cases, the ganache recipe is slightly different. However, we are interested in preparing ganache cream for mastic. To do this you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of chocolate, which must be at least 58%.
  • 100 grams of butter.

There are also other recipes for making ganache, for example:

  1. From milk chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 300 grams per 200 milliliters.
  2. Made from white chocolate under mastic with cream. Proportion ratio: 400 grams per 200 milliliters.
  3. Made from dark chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 200 grams per 200 milliliters.

Making chocolate fudge

So, you can make it from three types of chocolate. Let's consider the option self-cooking French cream based on white.

Cooking process

  1. To prepare, you need to prepare 300 ml of cream and 600 g of chocolate.
  2. First of all, the chocolate is chopped.
  3. The cream must be put on gas and brought to a boiling point, then quickly removed.
  4. It is best to use a container with a non-stick bottom to heat the cream. To prevent the cream from burning, be sure to stir it.
  5. As soon as you remove the saucepan from the heat, immediately add chopped chocolate to the cream.
  6. Next, take a silicone spatula and mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Gradually the tile will become soft.
  8. if you have immersion mixer, then the task is greatly simplified.
  9. Pour the cream into a bowl, add the main ingredient and immerse the mixer with a special blade attachment into it.
  10. The mixing process must be carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! Do not constantly raise the mixer up/down. Otherwise you will end up with foam, which is bad.

  1. Next, take cling film and cover the finished mixture with it so that there is no air left under it. As you move your hands over the film, it should stick to the mixture.
  2. If there is air there, there is a risk of crust formation.
  3. After this, put on another film, only on top of the container.
  4. Now place the ganache for the cake under the mastic in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. For the mixture to thicken, it must cool completely.
  6. In the morning, three hours before use, you need to remove the ganache from the refrigerator so that it comes to room temperature.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! If the mixture turns out to be quite liquid, you can beat it again with a mixer, using only regular whisks.

By following these simple instructions, you can prepare ganache for various confectionery products. It will be a great addition to homemade desserts.

Chocolate ganache and bird's milk

Thanks to ready mix very flexible, it can be used in combination with different cakes. Hot chocolate by itself cannot be used for coating bird's milk. But the ganache glaze is great solution. This is one of the popular cakes that housewives bake at home. You can hide all the filling ready creamy ganache on cream. Here you can use dark chocolate as a base, which in combination with the cake will be very tasty.

Leveling the cream cake

Chocolate ganache for leveling the cake is different perfect consistency. A special pastry spatula is used for this. As a result, the cake leveling mastic allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. Sufficient plasticity also allows you to cover not only the top of the cake, but also the side.


So, we looked at the intricacies of how to make ganache with your own hands. Using ganache on desserts will be a wonderful addition that will not spoil, but enhance the taste of a dessert, such as cakes. Candies can be used as decoration. If the dessert itself has White color, That dark glaze will become perfect combination. Do you know other subtleties of cooking? Feel free to leave comments on this article!

The recipe for chocolate ganache is very simple, and there are many ways to use it. Thus, chocolate ganache under the mastic levels the surface of the cake, creating a base for further work on decorating the cake. This is possible thanks to unique property ganache - hardens, creating a smooth, even surface.

Another way to use this cream is as a chocolate ganache for macarons. This a win-win filling that goes perfectly with pasta. By adding various fruit purees instead of some cream to the basic recipe, you can get many variations of ganache, each of which will surprise you with interesting flavor notes. Apply the finished ganache to the center of the cooled half of the macaron, press down with the other half and hide in the refrigerator. The finished pasta will be firm and tender. The cream securely holds the halves together, preventing them from falling apart even in hot weather.

Chocolate ganache for coating the cake can also be used as an independent decorative element for the finished confectionery product. Smooth shiny ganache will create a wonderful surface of the cake, on top of which you can do nothing else, at most decorate it with your favorite nuts.

The principle of preparing ganache is the same; its different types differ only in the proportion and type of ingredients. It can be prepared from various types chocolate, with the addition of flavors and fruit and berry purees (for example, raspberry ganache, mango). Chocolate ganache, the recipe for which you will read on this site, is a base that allows for further flights of imagination.

White chocolate ganache

White chocolate ganache for coating cake will do just as good as for filling in a pastry. He pleases with his light color, as well as a very sweet taste. You can add banana puree if you wish.

For white chocolate ganache, you need to take white chocolate and cream 33% in a 2:1 ratio, as well as a little butter (10%). For example, 200 g of chocolate, 100 ml of cream, 10 g of butter.

Break the chocolate into pieces, pour the cream into a ladle and bring to a boil. Once it boils, pour the cream into the white chocolate. Now all that remains is to stir the resulting mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved. And then you are ready to leave the product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, if necessary you can leave it overnight. Later required time take out the yellowish mass and start beating it with a mixer. During the process you can add butter– it is necessary for shine and a more delicate structure of the cream. After this manipulation, the ganache will thicken, turn white and be ready for use.

Helpful Tips:

  • Choose only quality products, since the success of your idea depends on it.
  • Make sure that not a drop of water gets in, as the chocolate may not melt.

Milk chocolate ganache (white ganache)

This is a basic recipe for all occasions. This ganache is universal: it is suitable for any function and can also be combined with most products.

The required proportion of chocolate and cream for milk chocolate ganache is 3:2, as well as 10th part butter. For example, 300g milk chocolate, 200ml 33% cream, 30g butter.

Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil. Pour it over the finely chopped chocolate and melt it completely. Leave the resulting mass in the refrigerator for several hours. When you take the ganache out of the refrigerator, add softened butter and beat with a mixer. The milk chocolate ganache is ready.

Dark chocolate ganache

This is the simplest chocolate ganache. It is not as sweet and soft as previous versions of the cream. But this is an excellent icing for covering a cake, which can be prepared in shortest time. All you need to do is mix hot cream with chocolate, and then stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. The proportions of chocolate and cream for black ganache are 5:3. main feature- it's just boiled cream. They help the chocolate melt correctly and evenly.

Helpful advice:

In order to have time to cover the cake before the glaze hardens, place the container with the finished ganache in a water bath.

Cocoa ganache

An affordable and easy to implement option. Good as a glaze. It tastes a little like truffle.

Ingredients: 170 ml milk, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 100 g butter.

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Now add sugar and cocoa. Cook the ganache over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, remove the future glaze from the heat and add butter. Stir until the butter dissolves. When the mass cools, it will thicken and be finally ready.

That's it for the list basic recipes ganache is finished. As you can see, all the options are very simple to prepare, and the result always pleases with its taste and beauty. Moreover, you can adjust the consistency finished cream. By adding more cream, you get more liquid cream, which can be poured over fruit or ice cream. Adding more chocolate will give you a firmer texture, perfect for filling croissants. Almost all children and adults like chocolate; it gives refined taste any dessert. For this reason, you will not go wrong if you decide to make this cream. By using your imagination and trusting your culinary intuition, you can create unique variations of chocolate ganache. Culinary inspiration and bon appetit!

To bake a delicious, aesthetically attractive cake, you need to prepare ganache cream for it. It fits perfectly under mastic. What is ganache, and why is it so attractive to housewives? The main quality of the cream is minimal amount products used. It is suitable for any type of baking and has an exquisite taste. To prepare ganache correctly, you need to have skill. She comes with experience, but you must definitely try your hand.

What is ganache

Creamy chocolate cream for a cake doesn’t surprise anyone now, but it wasn’t always like that. This emulsion was invented completely by accident, but its delicate taste was quickly appreciated. Chocolate ganache in classic version prepared on the basis of cream. But confectioners have gone further and offer a version of cream made with butter. It can also consist of these two components. A prerequisite for the cream is the presence of chocolate.

History of the cream

The recipe for chocolate ganache appeared thanks to an accident, and was entrenched in cooking for a long time. His invention again was not without French chefs. They have long been considered tastemakers.

The young cook accidentally spilled cream into the melted chocolate. The boss scolded him very much for this offense. He called the careless pastry chef “ganache,” which translates from French as “fool.” Subsequently, we tried the milk chocolate ganache and were amazed by it delicate taste, but the unpresentable name stuck to it forever.

There are several types of this French delicacy. Chocolate butter cream prepared on the basis of: cream, butter or both. The main thing in preparation is the proportions and quality of the ingredients. Chocolate ganache is used for cakes, muffins and pastries.

Features of the composition

A ganache recipe may include different types chocolate. This is the main component, the quality of which determines how successful the cream will be.

You can use any chocolate for ganache. The proportions must be observed correctly to achieve the required fat content and consistency.

  1. Classic ganache involves the use of dark chocolate. In this case, the components are taken by weight in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Milk chocolate ganache is less fatty. For him, the proportion changes to 2:1.
  3. White chocolate requires a lot of cream. Their proportion to sweetness is 4:1.
  4. Ganache with dark bitter chocolate is also made at a 1:1 ratio, but it has a specific taste. Children most likely will not appreciate it.

The proportions of the cream depend on how much cocoa butter is contained in the chocolate. The less it is, the greater the need to compensate for fat content. There is practically no cocoa butter in white chocolate, so the proportion looks like 4:1.

Cream ganache is considered the easiest to prepare. He also has less calories and easier on the stomach. Delicious cream can be created using cream and butter. It is the most difficult to prepare. The oil composition is easy to prepare. It turns out greasy and heavy on the stomach.

Traditional recipe

Ganache cream for covering the cake traditional recipe made by French chefs, it looks like a clearly proportional cream, in which every gram must be taken into account. At home, you can experiment and look for the most acceptable options. Covering the cake with ganache allows you to correct the roughness of the cake layers and give the dessert a respectable look. The cream turns out very tasty. It's rich and very chocolatey.

Product composition

In order for the ganache to turn out correctly, it is necessary to observe the proportions and adhere to classic set products. For the cream you will need:

Butter ganache cannot be called classic, but this product is a cream substitute. In order for the cream to be of high quality, the ingredients must be only selected. Dark chocolate ganache has rich taste. The fat content of the products is very high, and this is one of the features of the product. Chocolate ganache cream has viscous consistency and is used hot.


Choosing the most best products, we need to start the cooking process. To properly make chocolate ganache according to the classic recipe, you need:

  1. The tile must be broken into pieces. The chocolate is placed in a saucepan. There is no need to grind it too much; the product will still melt at temperature.
  2. The cream is heated in a separate bowl. They should be brought until bubbles appear around the edges, but not boiled.
  3. Heated cream is poured into a saucepan with chocolate pieces. You cannot do the opposite so that the product does not burn.
  4. Then you just need to stir with a spatula until the chocolate melts completely.

The butter ganache also turns out smooth and homogeneous. Its quality depends only on the selected products. Knowing how to make ganache, you can quickly decorate cupcakes and cakes. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator under cling film 2 days, so it is sometimes prepared in advance. It does not require heating; at room temperature it takes on the required consistency.

Chocolate ganache for coating the cake with honey

Delicious chocolate cream with cream has a lot of variations. You can prepare ganache with milk or sour cream, add condensed milk and butter. The option with honey is also popular. The recipe for chocolate ganache for drips on the cake has delicate taste and aroma.


  • 100 g cream;
  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g honey.

This ganache is used to cover the cake. It is better to use dark chocolate, as the cream will be very sweet with white. Chocolate ganache for coating is used under mastic or to coat the sides, make drips, add color variety, and layer the cakes. This cream can be called universal. Ganache for a cake with honey is prepared in the same way as the classic one.

  1. It is necessary to heat the cream and melt the chocolate in it.
  2. Heat the honey slightly and mix with the creamy mixture.
  3. Finally, add the oil and mix everything until smooth.

The ganache cream for the cake is soft and fragrant. It can be stored in the refrigerator. Ganache with honey, milk and white chocolate will be very sweet, it is advisable to choose black.

Video of making chocolate ganache

Recipe for cream ganache with chocolate

Delicious and aromatic chocolate cream with cream can decorate the cake. When purchasing products, you need to pay attention to their composition. If you plan to use chocolate cream for the cake, then a bitter bar will not work. Especially when the main eaters are children. In this case, it is better to choose a ganache recipe made from milk chocolate. It is not as tart and sweeter.

In white and dairy product less cocoa butter. Its fat content is significantly reduced. In order for the ganache to have the desired consistency, it is necessary to balance the content of chocolate and cream, and also add butter.


  • 500 g white or milk chocolate;
  • cream in the amount of 350 g;
  • butter – 50 g.

IN pastry cream Ganache for decorating the cake is prepared in compliance with all proportions. Professionals have extensive experience in this matter. When preparing ganache at home, you can adjust the amount of a particular product to achieve optimal consistency and taste. As a result, the cream should be smooth and homogeneous.

In order to make ganache for a cake correctly, you need:

  1. The cream is heated over the fire until bubbles appear.
  2. They are poured into pre-prepared chocolate and mixed until smooth.
  3. At the final stage, softened butter is introduced, which should melt depending on the temperature. This requires constant stirring.

Cream for a cake made from cream and chocolate without butter may turn out less concentrated. The main task is to achieve homogeneity by constant stirring. Knowing how to make ganache from milk and white chocolate, you don’t have to worry about the quality of your baked goods.

Ganache for mastic

For creating culinary masterpiece with smooth surfaces, the method and technology of preparing ganache are important. Mastic is spread only on perfectly “camouflaged” cake layers. Chocolate ganache is suitable for decorating and leveling the cake.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

In order to prepare chocolate ganache for mastic, you need:

  1. We cook only for steam bath. All equipment and products must be prepared in advance.
  2. Place chocolate and softened butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The mass must be heated until the main component is completely dissolved and with constant stirring.
  3. After the cream becomes homogeneous, it is removed from the steam bath and sent to cool for 30 minutes.

To properly glaze the cake with ganache, you need to cool it a little so that the cream thickens. Water carefully and level with a knife. The cake with ganache becomes smooth and ready for fondant.

Ganache glaze

The chocolate ganache for coating the cake can be thick or thinner. Then it will become a good layer for cakes. Can ganache cream with milk be applied to upper layer dessert? Of course, you just need to cool it a little and water it in doses so that it doesn’t spread. For the glaze you need:

  • 350 ml milk;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 400 g chocolate.

Making ganache with milk is similar to classic recipe. As in other cases, the basis is the quality of the products and compliance with proportions.

  1. Over high heat, heat the milk to 90 degrees.
  2. Sugar is poured into it and stirred until completely dissolved.
  3. Finally, add the milk mixture to the chocolate and melt it. Regular stirring will ensure uniformity.
  4. The soft component of the saucepan is whipped with a mixer at high speed. The ganache turns out light and airy.

The cream can be used warm or cooled. Ganache is suitable for covering a cake with smudges or simply for pancakes and pancakes.

Cream for filling cakes

Chocolate ganache can be used to decorate not only a cake, but also small cupcakes or pastries. It is used as a cream and does this function perfectly. You need to know a few secrets that allow you to make it light and airy. Not only chocolate cake, but also brownies will be purchased special taste with butter cream.


  • 150 g chocolate;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 50 g butter.

If dark chocolate is chosen for the cream, you can add granulated sugar taste. Preparing a recipe for ganache cream classical principle. The cream is heated, the chocolate is melted in it and finally the butter is added. Then cool the ganache a little in the refrigerator. Before use, you need to beat it with a mixer for 3 minutes to give it airiness. It turns out ganache for cakes - best cream, intended for decoration.

Ganache with sour cream

If you have absolutely no time, and the cake requires decoration, then the technology for making ganache with sour cream will captivate you with its simplicity. You don’t even need to buy chocolate for the cream. The question arises: how long can such ganache be stored or kept in the refrigerator? The cream can last for 2 days. Chocolate ganache has a simple and affordable recipe. It will require:

  • 8 spoons of sour cream;
  • 6 small spoons of cocoa;
  • 6 teaspoons sugar.

All components must be placed in a saucepan. Put it on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Sugar is used in the cream to give it more sweetness, since sour cream is sour. Whipped dark chocolate ganache becomes fluffier. It needs to be cooled a little in the refrigerator. Beat the ganache for 3 minutes at high speed. If the cream contains cream and chocolate, then it is perfect for cakes, pastries and other baked goods. Ganache can also be used to decorate cakes and cupcakes.

Ganache with condensed milk

A custom ganache made from chocolate, butter and condensed milk is prepared without cream. It can be used to fill a cake as a cream. This recipe is based on condensed milk.


  • chocolate – 250g;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g condensed milk.

The ganache for layering and filling the cake is softer, but very tasty. In order to make ganache correctly and achieve the desired consistency, you must:

  • melt chocolate and butter in separate containers in a steam bath;
  • Bring condensed milk to room temperature;
  • mix it with melted butter and beat lightly;
  • add the resulting mixture to the chocolate;
  • stir until smooth.

This mixture should be immediately greased onto a chocolate cake or filled into baked goods. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but it hardens quickly.

White chocolate cream

One of the most complex options The cream is considered a ganache for covering a white chocolate cake. It is required that it spreads and not lie in one unpresentable cake on the top cake.

We will need

The softest and lightest chocolate ganache includes the following components:

  • cream – 50 ml;
  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 25 g butter.

Milk ganache is suitable for layering chilled cakes. You can decorate the top of the dessert with warm cream.

Cooking step by step

It is not difficult to prepare chocolate ganache as a decoration for a cake; you just need to strictly follow the proportions so as not to disturb the consistency.

  1. The cream is heated to 90 degrees.
  2. They need to be poured into a bowl with prepared chocolate.
  3. The whole mass is mixed until smooth. The chocolate should be gone.
  4. Finally, oil is added to the cream and mixed.
  5. To decorate a cake or fill a pastry, the mixture is cooled and whipped.

The cream can be used for cakes, meringues or straws. For all desserts except cake, chocolate ganache requires beating for 3 minutes.

Rum ganache

A cake covered with ganache and rum is perfect for an adult group. He has delicate aroma And spicy taste. The dish has varied recipes, but ganache with expensive alcohol remain the privilege of adults. It has distinct notes of cognac or rum. This ganache is needed for cakes or small pastries. It does not harden much and turns out soft.


The recipe for chocolate ganache for coating a rum-flavored cake includes the following ingredients:

  • chocolate – 250 g;
  • cream – 250 ml;
  • a spoonful of expensive alcohol.

A small list of products puts the cream in the category of the most affordable and in demand.

How to cook

To make colored ganache for drips or classic black with the addition of rum, you need:

  1. You need to heat the cream very hot on the stove, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Pour the hot liquid into the previously broken chocolate.
  3. It is recommended to stir the mixture until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Finally, add another spoonful of cognac or rum and mix again.
  5. For cakes, you can make whipped ganache. Before this, the cream is cooled. Then beat it for 3 minutes.

The ganache must be used immediately so that it does not lose volume. A very simple cream always decorates baked goods.

Every dessert requires special approach. In order to prepare ganache at home, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. In order for the ganache to turn out correctly, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio and proportions of chocolate and cream.
  2. Products must only be High Quality.
  3. Cream for cream is used from 33 percent fat content and above.
  4. The composition of the product can include any chocolate, but the proportions of the entire cream depend on the amount of butter in it.
  5. Ganache on dark chocolate it turns out more saturated. Products are taken in equal proportions.
  6. To make ganache, you can also use dark dark chocolate, but it is intended for the amateur. Powdered sugar makes it sweeter.
  7. Ganache dessert should have a uniform consistency. If you can’t mix it, it means the quality of the products is failing or the heating was done incorrectly.
  8. Simple chocolate ganache can be made with milk or condensed milk, honey or cream. The main thing: maintain proportions.

Every housewife should know how to make ganache for a cake. They can decorate any other dessert, grease cakes or decorate cupcakes. Knowing how to decorate a cake with ganache, you don’t have to worry about taste qualities and the appearance of your baked goods.

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

ganache for covering the cake

1 hour 20 minutes

460 kcal

5 /5 (4 )

My friend is an amateur homemade baked goods, which she pampers her guests at every opportunity. Chocolate cake with ganache is one of her signature desserts, which will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth indifferent. Before she treated me to tea with unusual cake, I had no idea that ganache existed and didn’t know what it was.

Ganache is french cream, which is widely used to cover cakes, layer cake layers, and also as a filling for cakes and sweets. Confectioners often use ganache to level a cake: the surface of the cake covered with it becomes ideal for decorating with fondant and other decor.

Now I will reveal the secret of my culinary friend and tell you how to make chocolate ganache, describing in detail the recipe with photos of the main steps.

The preparation of the cake coating should be carried out using high quality chocolate, as it will melt perfectly and give an optimal result when decorating sweet baked goods.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: deep bowl, silicone or wooden spatula, mixer.

Required Products

For cooking we will need the following products:

The frozen chocolate cream becomes matte, losing its original shine.

History of ganache

France is considered the birthplace of the cream: it was created in 1850 by Patisserie Seradin in his own confectionery shop, where he sold various sweets for local residents.

The young pastry chef loved to experiment with recipes and ingredients, creating real sweet masterpieces of that time.

In its classic form, French cream was prepared from heavy cream and chocolate, but after it spread to many cuisines around the world, the recipe changed as confectioners changed it in their own way.

How to make ganache for cake coating at home

Let's consider all the stages of preparing ganache, namely detailed recipe homemade with photos of some steps step by step.

First stage- Preparation confectionery glaze or chocolate.

At the initial stage of creating the cream, you need to chop the chocolate or grate it. Received chocolate chips pour into a large deep bowl and place in the microwave on low power until completely melted.

Second phase– cooling.

The melted chocolate mass should cool to room temperature so that coating the cake with ganache and its hardening takes as little time as possible.

Third stage- combination of ingredients.

Gradually add soft butter into the melted glaze, continuously stirring the mass with a silicone spatula for homogeneity.

Fourth stage- whipping cream.

Answering the popular question of how to prepare ganache for a cake so that it is tender and easily lays on the confectionery product, I will say - beat it. Beat our cream mixture using a mixer or food processor for 5 minutes at high speed.

This is done to better mix the butter and chocolate, as well as to give the mass airiness.

Fifth stage– completion of the preparation of the cream.

For optimal application of ganache cream under mastic and other dessert decorations, you need to leave the whipped cream to sit at room temperature for about 1 hour.

The finished ganache cream can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for about a month. If necessary, bring it to room temperature and beat thoroughly.

Chocolate ganache is ideal for any type of cake, and the recipe for covering the cake is universal and easy to make; it can be prepared by novice confectioners and those who like to bake sweets at home.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a cake covered with ganache

I’ve already told you how to make ganache for a cake, now I’ll tell you the most interesting thing - how to decorate and serve a cake with this sweet cream.

The baked, formed cake, the cake layers of which are already coated with cream and are completely ready for decoration, we begin to cover sweet mass from the very bottom: first the side part, after which we proceed to processing the upper surface.
It is better to apply the mass with a thin metal spatula, giving the straight long side part as smooth as possible to the confectionery product.

After processing chocolate composition The dessert should be placed in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes to harden, after which the baked goods are ready for final decoration with fondant.

Ganache for mastic, in addition to an excellent base, also provides a strengthening effect for confectionery products, allowing them to be transported without fear of safety appearance, the recipe is easy to follow, and a delightful holiday with bright photos will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Leveling the cake with ganache under the mastic should be a layer of approximately 3 mm. A large thickness will not give the decoration a reliable hold, and a thinner layer will not hide minor imperfections in the dough.

Before making ganache for a cake, make sure the products from which it will be prepared are fresh to avoid poisoning and bitterness. finished product and other troubles.

Milk chocolate ganache has a beautiful beige color and a slight creamy flavor that children will appreciate.
Using white chocolate you can make gorgeous cream for decorating wedding confectionery products in light colors.

Invitation to discuss cake coating and possible modifications

Freshly whipped chocolate cream can be used to liquid filling muffins, layers of layers in cakes and pastries, and also as a glaze, pouring it over sweet pastries. The thickened cream can be used to fill pies, cookies and wafer rolls, or use it to create sweets - by forming balls and rolling them in crushed wafers or nuts.

Using this cream, you can decorate a variety of desserts - to do this, you need to place it in a pastry syringe and use your imagination and individuality. Additive in the form fruit puree diversifies the taste of the cream and makes the dessert more original.

I would love to see your feedback on my recipe, as well as your options for using this French cream.

Cake with ganache - very tasty and beautiful dish, not at all difficult to perform. It's worth trying to make this delicious dessert and please your family and friends with them when organizing the next festive event.