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For many girls with short hair, voluminous curly hair is a dream come true. Many short hairstyles and haircuts (cessson, bob, pixie, ultra-bob, bob with extension) can be diversified and enlivened with the help of hair wraps. To ensure the maximum duration of such styling, many chemical and biological compositions for curling have been invented. They provide long-lasting results and can be used to perform the procedure at home. About what chemistry for short hair is, how to do it at home, how long the effect lasts - read about all this and much more further in the article.

What's happened


This is a classic twist, the head is divided into sectors, and each has the same number of curlers.

Root chemistry

Adds volume, if volume is not needed on the top of the head, curl the hair, stepping back a few centimeters from the scalp. Read more about root chemistry on our website.

Features of perm for short hair

For each haircut you need to select a specific curl option. Perming short hair is quite difficult, so if you do not have the proper skills, it is better to turn to professionals.

It is better to use purchased products as chemical compositions from trusted manufacturers, with a guarantee and quality certificates.

Advice. After chemical treatment, it is better not to dry your hair with a hairdryer, but to let it dry naturally. It may take longer, but it will minimize the negative impact on your hair.

Stages of the procedure

You will need:

  • shampoo for thorough cleaning of hair;
  • special curlers, bobbins;
  • chemical composition for perm;
  • retainer;
  • air conditioner;
  • comb;
  • gloves;
  • small sponge;
  • ceramic or plastic dishes for composition.


  1. First, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried naturally (do not overdry the hair and scalp before applying the composition).
  2. It is necessary to check whether the composition will cause allergies.
  3. Then proceed according to the instructions for the product. Either they wet each strand before and after curling, or they curl the hair using the chosen technique and quickly apply the composition.
  4. The product is usually left on the hair for 20 to 35–40 minutes. You can’t overexpose it; instead of improving the result, you can not only ruin the structure of the strand, but also be left without hair.
  5. Then a fixative or neutralizer is applied, left on the hair for about 4–5 minutes, and washed off with running water without using detergent.

How long does the perm effect last?

Depending on the composition used and the skill of the one who performed the procedure (everything must be carried out according to the instructions, following the steps and their sequence), chemistry can last from 1 to 6 months.

Consequences and hair care after

After perm, hair needs special care:

  1. Wash your hair with a special shampoo that contains components to soften the hair and does not dry out the roots.
  2. Rinse with various infusions (rye bread, nettle, chamomile, tea) and make masks (with almond, burdock, rapeseed, peach, rose oil) to maintain elasticity and smoothness.
  3. You can take vitamin complexes for hair, fish oil.
  4. Use a wide-toothed comb for combing and trim the ends of the hair regularly.

Important! It is necessary to use conditioner or balm every time you wash.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • increases hair volume and lasts for a long time;
  • styling takes less time, a fluffy hairstyle is guaranteed;
  • for oily hair, excess grease is removed, unruly strands are also in order;
  • This is a great way to diversify a short hairstyle, give it liveliness and romance.


  • despite the apparent safety of many formulations, they still have an effect on the hair and lead to dryness;
  • the expected effect is not always obtained;
  • special care is required, hair may become thinner and fall out more.

In conclusion, I would like to say that as a method of long-term styling, chemistry is in great demand, and given the use of new technologies and the development of the most gentle formulas, it has practically ceased to be harmful to hair.

This procedure is perfect for owners of short haircuts with slightly oily hair, since any composition degreases the hair. And also for those who want to revive a boring haircut. Styling becomes easier, takes less time, romantic curls will not disappear even after washing or swimming in the pool or at sea.

Useful videos

How to get natural curls.

Bioperm. Execution technology.

How to add volume to your hair? What can you do to preserve it for a long time and not waste precious time in the morning on warming up the curling iron and tedious styling? There is only one answer to these questions - perm.

What is hair perm?

Chemistry is the artificial transformation of straight and smooth hair into curly hair. The effect lasts from several weeks to several months, depending on the technique used.

Reference! The very first perm was carried out by the inventor Karl Nessler back in 1906, and his wife acted as a test subject. .

Over the many years of its existence, perm has undergone many changes and modernizations. This is not at all what our grandmothers did, and certainly not what Karl Nessler did with his wife’s hair.

The procedure has become more gentle on the hair, and some types of long-term perm even have a therapeutic effect, filling the curls with moisture and nutrients.

The curling technique has remained unchanged, which is based on the master’s use of a special chemical composition – a fixative. It is used to process strands wound on special curlers so that they repeat their shape and become spiral-shaped.

Indications and contraindications

Let's look at who perm is suitable for and for whom it is extremely contraindicated:


  • Thin hair– thin and straight hair looks lifeless due to lack of volume.
  • Too rough facial features– soft curls can smooth out the look, making it more romantic and feminine.
  • Constantly busy and lack of time for styling– with curling, you can simply comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb or add texture to it using a styling product, without wasting time on a curling iron.


  • Coloring done less than two weeks before the procedure will put a strong load on the follicle and hair shaft, which can cause the structure to deteriorate irreparably.
  • Pregnancy and lactation– despite the fact that there have been no medical studies proving the negative impact of hair chemicals on the health of the expectant mother and child, doctors recommend refraining from the procedure for this period. Acrid and pungent odors can trigger an attack of toxicosis.
  • Taking antibiotics or other “heavy” medications. During this period, the hair may not receive enough nutrients; it is not worth loading it even more.
  • Fever and increased intracranial pressure– additional heating of the head can seriously worsen your well-being.
  • Coloring with henna or basma– vegetable dye heavily clogs the hair cuticle, making it less susceptible to any influence.
  • Weak and thinning hair– this is a completely different case than just naturally thin hair shafts. Hair worn out by frequent dyeing, bleaching and improper care may not withstand perming.

Important! If your hair needs restoration, give preference to bio-perm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of perm include:

  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions– whether it’s moisture, snow or wind, the styling will not lose its shape; moreover, in humid conditions, curls become even more noticeable.
  • Volume– the hairstyle becomes fluffy and springy.
  • Removes oiliness from roots due to the drying effect of the components.
  • Durability– you can forget about daily styling for a period of several weeks to several months.

The disadvantages of the procedure are the following:

  • Some formulations can severely damage the hair structure.
  • After perm, curls need intensive nutrition and restoration.
  • Severely dry hair should be cut off.
  • For some time you need to stop coloring.
  • It may not suit thick and coarse curls.
  • A large list of contraindications.

Types by chemical composition and execution technology

There are several types of perm:

  • Acidic- so called due to the fixative used based on thioglycolic acid, which has a rather gentle effect on the hair, but at the same time fixes curls well. The styling result lasts for about a month. The method is not suitable for curling thinning hair or for those with sensitive scalps.
  • Amino acid– one of the types of therapeutic hair styling, which includes nourishing amino acids and proteins. After the procedure, the curls look as if the curly structure is their natural state. Alas, this result lasts only 2-6 weeks, and then the hair straightens. It will be useless for coarse and dry hair.
  • Alkaline– has an intensive alkali-based fixative that penetrates deep into the hair structure, revealing its scales. Among the advantages, we can highlight the fact that the result from such a perm lasts for about 3 months and a very affordable price. The downsides are poor results on coarse hair and a drying effect on soft hair.
  • Neutral– works equally well on both soft and coarse hair. The curling result lasts from 3 to 6 months.
  • With thioglycolic acid– also known as “safe”. This is due to the effect of thioglycolic acid on the hair - the hair shafts swell gradually, due to which the degree of damage is minimal.
  • – the softest and rather expensive long-term perm procedure. There is no ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or aggressive acids in the curling composition. It is carried out due to components of plant origin. Hair is not only curled, but also restored.
  • Silk– silk proteins included in the fixative gently envelop each hair shaft, making them not only spiral-shaped, but also incredibly soft and moisturized. This method is one of the most expensive.
  • – carving is something between bio-perm and classic perm. It has a softer, but still chemical composition. Carving gives the effect of soft curls, so if you expect to get bouncy curls, choose something else.
  • Japanese- This is not a separate variety, but rather a class of safe perms. This includes silk, matrix and neutral.
  • American– gives large and pronounced spiral curls. Looks good on hair of medium length and longer.

Reference! For American curls, special Olivia Garden curlers are used.

The safest perm is considered to be bio-perm and all Japanese techniques. The more natural and gentle the composition, the better it is for the hair. If you are in doubt about your choice, be sure to consult a specialist. He will tell you the best option based on the length, thickness and condition of your curls.

Types according to the method of winding strands

Let's consider the procedure depending on the winding method:

  • Horizontal– curlers with the principle of horizontal winding are used, while their type and material may vary. This method is considered classic.
  • Vertical– curlers for this type of curling look like an elongated base with cut spirals along the contour. The strand is inserted into these spirals. Both thin and thick curlers, or a combination of both, can be used to achieve the most natural effect.
  • Spiral– with this method you can get small curls and amazing volume. It involves twisting the hair into a plait, and then winding the plait onto a special thin bobbin.
  • Basal– used to correct overgrown curls and to add root volume to thin hair without curling the length. This is done by twisting the strands in a “half-eight” pattern on curlers, and fixing the remaining length with an elastic band.
  • Double wrap– this method is used on long hair in order to get a more intense curl. In this case, the root strand is wound on thin bobbins, and the length is wound on curlers of the required diameter.
  • Curling the ends of your hair– also known as “local”. To implement it, curlers of different diameters and sizes and various winding methods can be used.
  • On curlers– these are long, soft and elastic curlers. Curling with curling irons is considered the softest and most gentle, and due to their shape they give the most natural result.
  • Large curls– large curlers are used to create large curls. In this case, the specialist must control the time the composition is left on the hair. The larger it is, the stiffer and more expressive the curl.

Note! Large curls stay on the hair for less time, as they quickly sag and straighten under their own weight.

  • Small curls or afro– this method is most often used by girls with thin and sparse hair of medium length. For curling, small curlers or spiral curlers are used. Please be patient - this installation will take from 3 to 5 hours. The volume turns out incredible and the longer the hair, the more “spherical” the shape the hair will take.
  • Waves– are carried out using large or special ribbon-shaped curlers, through which the strand is pulled and then moistened with a fixative.

Permed hairstyles

For short hair

  1. Apply a small amount of styling gel or wax to your hands and hold the strands in your hands, giving them a little more volume and texture.
  2. If you have bangs, separate them from your hair and place them on your forehead. Put a headband or headband on your head that will accentuate your short, playful curls.
  3. Give your curls a wet look by applying a styling gel with the appropriate function.

For medium and long hair

The longer the hair, the more variations of hairstyles. You can adapt any usual hairstyle to curls, and it will look more impressive.

  1. Lay your hair on one side, fixing it on your free temple. If you wish, you can decorate your hair with a flower.
  2. Pull your hair into a high ponytail at the top of your head, parting the curls so that half falls on your face and the other on your back.
  3. Styling with the effect of wet hair is still relevant, which can be done using appropriate styling products.
  4. Give your hair even more volume and fullness by drying it after washing it with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.

Perm with bangs

In the classic version of the curl, the bangs remain straight. If the bangs are cut straight, very short or very asymmetrical, then the curls will look strange and bristle in all directions. If the bangs have already grown out or are cut in a ragged way, curl them along with the rest of the hair.

How is hair perm done?

Perm composition

When choosing a curling product, it is very important to pay attention to its chemical composition. It must meet the following parameters:

  • Do not change the natural color of your hair.
  • Easy to wash off.
  • Have a slight scent of a perfume composition.

First of all, pay attention to the Ph level - the higher it is, the more destructive it is to the natural keratin layer of the hair.

Depending on the type of perm, one of the following permanents is used:

  • alkaline;
  • acid-balanced;
  • soft;
  • gel-like;
  • foamy.

Tools and compositions for perm

  • Curlers and bobbins– come in different materials (wood, plastic, fabric, foam) and sizes. Designed for curling and fixing curls in the required position.
  • Paper– used during curling to prevent split ends. Also, the curls are covered with paper during root curling.
  • Retainer– a liquid used at the last stage of curling to fix the achieved result.

How long does it take to get a perm?

Session length varies from 1.5 to 5 hours, depending on the technique used, the length and thickness of the hair.

How often can you perm your hair?

Most often, the styling is updated as the root zone grows, that is once every 3-5 months. You shouldn't get a perm more often. In addition, there should be an intensive recovery phase between sessions.

How long does it last?

The stability of the curl depends on the chemical composition and natural structure of the curls. On coarse hair, the curl lasts much less than on soft hair. The average is 3 months.

Perm hair at home

, if you prepare the composition and necessary tools in advance. But you shouldn’t do this if you don’t have similar experience - there’s a high risk that you won’t get an even result. If you are confident in your abilities and are determined to do a perm yourself, follow the following instructions.

  1. Make a mirror corridor placing one mirror in front of you, the other behind your back, in order to better control your actions.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly and divide it into sections for ease of curling and processing. Remember that the curls must be clean, without traces of care and styling products.
  3. Use curlers or bobbins, following a pre-selected curling pattern.
  4. Treat your hair with a chemical compound- Be very careful here. Each curl should be evenly soaked. Don't skimp on money, but don't go overboard either. Be sure to wear protective gloves first.
  5. Leave the product for the required time– do not deviate from the manufacturer’s instructions. 10 minutes before the expected completion, unwind one curler on the back of your head - if the curl is sufficiently curled, proceed to the next step. If not, wait as long as indicated in the manual. The maximum permissible exposure time is 45 minutes.
  6. Rinse the product from your hair without removing the curlers. Then rinse your hair with plenty of running water. Finally, pat your hair dry with a towel and let your hair dry until slightly damp.
  7. Apply fixative– all the same, without removing the curlers, distribute the fixative over your hair and let it absorb. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. After the required time has passed, wash your hair and untwist the curlers. Let the strands dry naturally or use a hair dryer on cool air setting.

Important! Work with chemical composition only with gloves!

Modern preparations and products for hair perm


The manufacturer offers three products intended for perming hair:

  • Curl Hair Perm Gel is capable of turning straight strands into elastic curls, while creating a protective keratin film on them.
  • Mix fluid “Fluid mix Ollin Curl Hair"– softens the effect of the chemical composition, preventing hair drying and split ends.
  • Retainer– is the final means to consolidate the result obtained.

With proper care, the curling effect lasts up to three months.


The Wave it perm set consists of 3 products:

  • care;
  • curling lotion;
  • retainer

In addition, you can choose a set depending on your hair type - for normal, difficult to style and colored curls.

A distinctive feature of Wella sets is Flexi-Protect technology with a keratin complex for intensive nutrition and restoration of the hair shaft during styling. The manufacturer promises lasting results for up to 12 weeks.

Schwarzkopf professional

The Natural Styling series of permanent curling products has several branches, which makes it easier to choose a product for your hair type, whether it is weak, unruly or thin.

Thanks to a well-chosen composition, the curls do not lose their moisture and are saturated with the missing microelements. The result lasts up to six months. The line includes the following products:

  1. Gel– used for partial or root perm.
  2. Lotion– used for classic curling, there are several types. For normal, colored, porous and coarse hair.
  3. – used to create a short-term curl effect.
  4. Neutralizer– used as the final step for each type of curl.
  5. Revitalizing spray– used as a treatment after perm. Makes strands softer and more manageable.


The innovative composition intensively curls curls without disturbing the hair structure. The manufacturer made sure that it was easy even for a beginner to choose the appropriate composition, and therefore divided the lotions according to markings, where:

  • 0 – for hard, unpainted ones.
  • 1 – for normal unpainted ones.
  • 2 – for dyed and damaged hair or for re-perm.

The products contain fruit acids, keratin polymers, elastins and silicones that help maintain healthy hair.

The fixator contains ammonium thioglycolate instead of ammonia, which makes the process more gentle.

Paul Mitchell

It has a gentle and soft composition, thanks to which, even after repeated perm, the hair quickly recovers and returns to normal. You can find three types of products from the manufacturer:

  • Alkaline– for gray and thick hair.
  • Exothermic– for normal, dry and colored skin.
  • Acid– for thin and lightened hair.

The set of products includes deep cleaning shampoo, curling compound, conditioner and neutralizer.

Results – BEFORE and AFTER photos

Here are photos before and after the procedure:

How to care for permed hair?

No matter how gentle the composition, the hair structure still suffers. It is possible to minimize negative consequences if you follow the care recommendations.

When can you wash your hair after a perm?

The chemical composition is fixed on the hair for several more days, from the moment of the procedure, so experts recommend washing your hair no earlier than 3-5 days in advance.

How to style hair after perm?

For the first 3 days after curling, refrain from using styling products - they, like washing, can negatively affect the structure of the shaft. If possible, avoid using a hair dryer and do not tie your hair with an elastic band.

Industrial products after perm – shampoo, balm, mask

Most hair restoration products contain keratin, protein, panthenol and extracts of treated plants, which is ideal for hair after perm. If you are looking for products in the mass market, then choose products marked “for dry and brittle”, “for colored”, “for severely damaged hair”. If you have a professional cosmetics store in your city, then pay attention to the following products.

Shampoos: The main rule when choosing a shampoo after a perm is that it should not contain sulfates. The softer and more natural the composition, the better.

Balms:“intensive hydration” from Schwarzkopf, Hydra Mist for dry and frizzy hair from T-LAB Professional, “Smoothing” from Paul Mitchell, etc.

Masks: Nutri Argan nourishing from NHP, moisturizing with SPF filter “Inebrya Ice Cream Dry-T”, strengthening Green Light Day By Daw.

Oils: ampoule oils for restoration Kleral System Silk Senjal, restorative natural oils from “Secrets of Grandma Agafya”, sea buckthorn oil for curly hair from Organic Shop. From natural oils you can use grape seed oil, sea buckthorn, burdock, coconut and cocoa butter.

Masks after perm at home

After chemical exposure, you want to give your hair more natural, and then folk recipes come to the rescue.

Black bread mask


  • Black bread – 200 grams;
  • Kefir – 200 ml;
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Preparation and use:

Pour kefir over the bread and leave to soak overnight. The next morning, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Wet the hair roots with water and distribute the mask over the scalp with soft, massaging movements. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

Garlic and onion mask

This mask is very effective, but has a rather pungent odor, so use it only when you have enough time to air out.


  • Onion – 1 medium sized head;
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l;
  • Shampoo – half a glass.

Preparation and use:

Squeeze the juice from the garlic and onion into a bowl, add shampoo and then a spoonful of honey. Carefully distribute the resulting substance over the strands and leave for 15 minutes. After time, lather well and rinse several times. If you need to remove the smell faster, make a soda solution (half a teaspoon of soda per liter of water).

Mask with yolk and glycerin


  • Yolk – 2 pcs;
  • Glycerin – 10 drops;
  • Water – 3 tbsp. l;

Preparation and use:

Move all ingredients together until smooth. Distribute the substance first along the roots and then along the entire length of the hair. Put a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a towel. Leave it on for an hour, then rinse off.

Note! If you wish, you can enhance the effect of the mask if you rinse your hair not with water, but with a solution of nettle or chamomile.

Where to get a good perm, how to choose the right salon?

Of course, it is better to get a perm in a salon than at home. But at the same time, be sure to pay attention to the reputation of the beauty salon, the experience of the specialist and the products he uses.

Read the reviews on the Internet, look at the gallery of works, ask your friends - and if everything suits you, feel free to sign up for a session!


Prices for perm in Moscow beauty salons, information taken from

Alternative techniques

Perhaps the best alternative to perm is. It does not harm the hair, looks more natural and is not so noticeable on regrown roots, since the transition from straight to wavy hair is very smooth.

In the skillful hands of a master, a bio-perm will not only add volume to your hair, but also make it healthier.

It is difficult to find at least one representative of the fair half of the planet's population who has never worn curls in her life. It’s just that their durability varies. It’s not uncommon for all efforts to last for a couple of days. And then - again with a curling iron, curlers or tight braids for the night. However, there is a more reliable method - perm. But this hairstyle also has its pros and cons.

Such different chemistry

Several subtypes of perm are known. And the most common is permanent. This hairstyle guarantees curls for several months. The whole secret is in treating the hair with a special solution. It destroys the natural shape of the hairs and forces them to maintain the new one given by the curlers. This is followed by fixation, and the new form remains for a certain time, as in the photographs from our gallery.

This method is over a hundred years old. This hairstyle was first introduced in 1906 by Karl Nessler. But the technology incredibly spoiled the hair; often the masters simply burned the hair of their clients. Currently, new subspecies are constantly appearing, which means that you need to at least understand the main ones properly. After all, it is advisable to use a method that is safer for hair.

Acidic and alkaline

The first varieties, acid and alkaline perms, have not lost their popularity to this day. They are the most persistent, this is their secret. And the fact that these species are the most harmful for this reason is forgotten. Acid reagents do not open the hair scales, and the curls retain increased rigidity. But after such manipulations, thin and soft strands at the roots are stretched and do not hold their shape. But they become brittle. Such procedures should not be carried out with dry types of hair, as well as with sensitive or problematic skin.

A less long-lasting alkaline perm will last about three months. But the curls will be elastic and look natural. The drug penetrates the scales, unlike the acidic composition. However, for heavy straight hair, this type of hairstyle is very difficult to achieve. The result will last no longer than a month and a half, however, the hairstyle will cost twenty percent less.

There is a type of acid perm with thioglycolic acid. But this option is very unstable. Lush curls will quickly lose their shape after the procedure is completed. But this type harms the hair even less than acid and alkaline perms. The preparations do not cause significant swelling of the hairs and this method is recommended for curling damaged or colored hair (see photo).


This option combines the best characteristics of the alkaline and acidic varieties. The preparations contain allantoin to soften strands, and the PH level is simply perfectly balanced. The technique is universal, the curl has good durability, strong and elastic curls.

Amino acid

From the name it is clear that the composition contains amino acids. There are also proteins that are beneficial for hair. Hair is styled and treated. The negative effects of the drug are neutralized, but the durability is low. Heavy long hair will remain virtually unchanged after the procedure: the curls will straighten out under the weight of the hair.


The reagent contains silk proteins that care for weakened hair. , but the hairstyle’s durability won’t last long. A couple of months - and you’ll have to say goodbye to soft natural curls. Only short ones or can last longer.


With this method, there is no chemistry in the preparation. The hairstyle is held in place by components similar to the natural composition of the hair. The hair gets a healthy shine. There are also several varieties of biowaves. There is bamboo based on an extract from the plant of the same name, Italian or “angel curls”. In the composition of preparations for Japanese chemicals. perms - a complex of fats and proteins for problem strands. Humidity is regulated by the two-phase preparation itself, and the hair looks natural, acquiring a healthy shine. The rigidity of the hairstyle is average; a method is shown for medium-length locks.

When choosing any method, the master can use a special cap with holes through which the strands are pulled for subsequent hair removal. The skin is reliably protected from drugs, so even increased sensitivity will not be an obstacle to the procedure.

What types of curls are there?

The drug determines the time that the hairstyle will remain unchanged, and the type of curl determines the method of winding the strands. Curlers were replaced by different-sized curlers. With their help, the hair gets luxurious soft rings, very similar to natural ones. These options are good for any hair length. Bobbins provide many options for curls. With an average length, the master usually recommends vertical chemistry. With it, the strand is completely wound from tip to root, and the bobbin is attached vertically.

On long hair, part of the strand is fixed with a thin bobbin, the rest with a larger one. With this chemistry, the curls are more spectacular, smaller at the root and larger at the bottom. Thin strands - thin bobbins. In the salon, only medium and long strands are curled in this way. If you want curls “a la the coils of a snake,” then you will need a hairpin and short hair. The effect is ensured by winding the moistened strand onto a hairpin, the bend of which lies towards the root. The styling gains volume. The studs are not made of metal, and oxidation does not occur.

You can also curl it in braids. A lot of hair is braided into tight thin braids, securing the ends with bobbins. The result is a real mane of lush, wavy strands. On long curls, “twin” curls are very impressive. Half of the hair is curled vertically, the rest horizontally.

In the American method, different drugs are used. As a result, tight curls are ideal for ladies with large features. The complexity of the design of curlers is the main feature of the hairstyle.

But progress has not ignored chemistry. Curlers have ceased to be a necessary styling attribute. Each strand is placed in special latex bags. As they shrink, they twirl their hair. These devices are called wellaformers. The curls turn out lush and soft. However, this option is only for average and. It is impossible to curl short hair at the roots; the strands remain straight in this area.

Those with short hair can get it with the help of root chemicals. While the curls are holding their shape, the drug is needed only to restore the shape of the curl near the root. The strands rise, drying slightly. Usually this procedure is carried out only on the back of the head, because regrown hair that is not curled at the root immediately attracts attention.

Curling the very ends is necessary for ladies with a triangular face shape. Tonic, sparse, scalloped or cascading hair is perfect for this type of curl. They will remain obedient and fluffy after it.

How to make chemistry in a salon

When both the curling method and the shape of the curl have been determined, you need to find a real master who will carry out the procedure efficiently. If there is no information about a specialist, then it is risky to trust your hair to him. And only a real professional will offer the best option. In this case, a test for hair breakage and compatibility with the skin preparation is required.

A test behind the ear is needed to determine the possibility of an allergy to the composition used. For this purpose, apply a small amount of the drug near the ear with a thin stick. If there is no discomfort, it is time to start the procedure after a quarter of an hour. A test on the strand is also required. This is necessary to determine the amount of reagent. If the hair becomes dull or the appearance of the strand worsens, less concentration is required. If a specialist offers to proceed without testing, it is safer to contact another specialist.

If the strands are bleached or very weakened, it is better not to carry out the procedure, as a real professional will warn you about. If hairs break during testing, it is safer to avoid chemicals. If there are remnants of henna on your hair after, they will interfere with the penetration of the reagent. True, this will not interfere with the use of a composition of alcohol and oil, but such a composition is too time-consuming.

After staining, you need to wait a while. After chemistry, the color will become lighter. It is also contraindicated to use chemicals on menstruation days, since the strands are inelastic at this time. The temperature should not drop below twenty degrees. And when carrying out the procedure, thinning is required. With it, winding will become more effective. If necessary, then it is done before perming, so as not to get shorter strands. In addition, this procedure will get rid of fluffy ends, and the hairstyle will take on a finished and elegant look. After thinning, wash to close and open the scales for easy penetration inside.

Then - winding. Excessive tension is unacceptable, because it can cause deformation of the strands. Immediately after winding, it is worth assessing the evenness of the bobbins and whether they fit snugly to the head. Tightness is unacceptable; no tails or hairs should stick out from the hairstyle. If you don’t like the look, it’s better not to apply the product and reattach the bobbins. The final result depends on the winding. And then comes the curling itself.

Before starting, apply a rich cream to the hairline and tie a long towel around your head so as not to spoil your clothes with the preparation. Protection includes a towel over a special clothing pad. The process starts from the back of the head. The blood flow causes the crown and temples to become very hot, which speeds up the reaction. The drug is applied in three doses. Only this approach guarantees complete absorption. The third application is the most generous. After distributing the composition, put on a warming cap to speed up the reaction.

Next, the towel tourniquet is removed, but the towel covering the clothing itself remains until the procedure is completed. With a lack of internal heat, the reaction is slowed down. You'll need a cup of coffee to speed things up. There is also a reagent that speeds up the reaction. It is heated before application. When curling, checking the condition of the strands is mandatory. This is determined at least three times. The strand is not completely untwisted, supporting it with the palm of your hand. The wet curl holds its shape and is springy – the process is complete. If the curl is limp, the reagent did not work. If there is excessive rigidity, you urgently need a compress that weakens the effect of the reagent with a balm that weakens the effect of the reagent.

You need to wash your hair without untwisting the curlers. Then blot with a towel and apply a fixative. After this, the curlers are removed, the curls are still not untwisted. Then again fixer, wash and biofixer. Five minutes - wash again and apply balm to make combing easier.

How to care for locks after chemistry

After the procedure, you should not wash your hair for three days. Special care products are required, professional or. Do not comb wet hair. This action not only harms the health of the strands, but also... Comb - only a rare-toothed one. For styling, use a warm hairdryer setting and a nozzle with a diffuser. Over-drying is unacceptable, and don’t forget about moisturizing. Preparations with it will restore shine. And the series should preferably be professional. Backcombing is contraindicated.

Without fear for the condition of the strands, new chemical treatment can be carried out no more than once every three months. But hair that is too thin can suffer considerable damage and become brittle. Restoring them is difficult, sometimes impossible.

If, after moisturizing, the curls have lost their original appearance, they cannot be combed immediately; the curls should be pressed a little, allowed to dry, and then combed. Chemistry can be done at home. But such a step is very unsafe. Let there be an opportunity to get the composition and repeat all the steps after the master. This doesn't mean your curls won't suffer more damage. And treatment due to one’s own neglect of hair health is too expensive.

To prepare a hearty dinner, just quickly fry the chicken in a frying pan. But by spending a little more time, you can get a much tastier and healthier dish. Chicken meat soaked in a delicate sour cream sauce with spices turns out soft and aromatic. The calorie content of one serving is 244 kcal.

Chicken stewed in sour cream in a frying pan – photo recipe

Sometimes figuring out what to cook for dinner is more difficult than preparing the dish itself. I want to feed my loved ones tasty and satisfying meals with a minimum of effort. Chicken is an ideal option - fast, tasty and inexpensive.

This dish is great for baby food. To eliminate excess fat, you can replace butter with vegetable oil. For those who are not afraid of gaining extra pounds, it would be appropriate to add a little mayonnaise along with sour cream.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Chicken: 2 legs, wings, breast
  • Bow: 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream: 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Butter: for frying
  • Salt, pepper: to taste
  • Garlic: 2 cloves

Cooking instructions

    Cut the onion into half rings and melt the butter in a frying pan. Valuable advice: to prevent the oil from burning, you can dilute it a little with vegetable oil. It is better to cook such a dish in a large frying pan in order to ensure high-quality mixing of all ingredients.

    Finely chop the garlic and fry along with the onion until golden brown. Under no circumstances should the products burn - this will completely ruin the final result.

    Place chicken pieces into the pan and stir.

    Simmer thoroughly, add salt, black pepper, and your favorite seasonings to taste. Famous chefs advise adding spices at the end to maximize their flavor.

    Pour sour cream into the pan and mix with the rest of the mixture. Then keep it on the fire for no more than two minutes with the lid closed. At this point you can add finely chopped dill.

    The chicken turns out tender and creamy. This meat is ideal for any side dish. You can boil pasta or make mashed potatoes. The gravy will delight you with a pronounced taste.

    Classic recipe for the oven

    This dish takes just 50 minutes to prepare and the result is juicy baked chicken. It is advisable to marinate the bird carcass 5-6 hours before cooking.


  • Chicken carcass – 1 pc. about 1 kg;
  • Khmeli-suneli seasoning - to taste;
  • Fat sour cream (25%) – 100 g;
  • Mustard beans – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

What we do:

  1. We take the carcass, wash it and cut it into equal pieces.
  2. Place in a bowl, add all ingredients except vegetable fat, and place in the refrigerator.
  3. After six hours, turn on the oven, grease the baking sheet with oil and lay out the marinated meat.
  4. We set the temperature to 180 degrees. After 50 minutes, the baked chicken is ready. It can be served with fresh vegetables or delicious crumbly porridge.

Chicken in a slow cooker with sour cream

For this recipe, it is best to use chicken fillet and definitely parsley - the aroma and taste of the finished dish will pleasantly please you.


  • 0.5 kg chicken;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • Parsley – 1 large bunch;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • Water (hot) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Spices and salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

How to prepare:

  1. First, peel the onions and carrots and chop them very finely.
  2. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker, add the vegetables and fry them in the “stew” mode for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cut the chicken into strips and add it to the vegetables, don’t forget to add salt.
  4. Finely chop the washed parsley and pour it there.
  5. Add flour, spices and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour in a glass of water and sour cream.
  7. Simmer in the selected mode for another 30 minutes. Delicious spicy chicken in sour cream sauce is ready.

Fragrant chicken stewed in sour cream and garlic

This dish can be prepared on the stove, or in a pot, baked in the oven.


  • Chicken weighing up to 1 kg;
  • 15% sour cream – 200 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Ground pepper and peas;
  • Water - half a glass.


  1. Let's start with the chicken: divide it into portions, put it in a high frying pan and, after adding water, simmer for a few minutes.
  2. Then add pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt and sour cream.
  3. Simmer the meat for about 30 minutes, and only then throw in the chopped garlic and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Can be served with mashed potatoes and fresh or blanched vegetables.

If you like your meat more browned, fry the pieces over high heat for 5 minutes before stewing.

Chicken in onion-sour cream sauce

This recipe will make the chicken very tasty and tender. It is ideal served with a side dish of fluffy rice.


  • Chicken meat – 400-500 g;
  • Onions – 4 pcs.;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 20% sour cream – 250 g;
  • Salt, herbs;
  • Flour – 3 tbsp. l.
  1. First, take pieces of chicken meat, roll them in flour and fry until golden brown.
  2. Meanwhile, peel the onion, cut into half rings and place in a bowl with meat.
  3. Fry for another 3-5 minutes, add soy sauce, and after 5 minutes sour cream and a little boiled water.
  4. After it boils, add some of the greens and salt.
  5. Then simmer for another half hour. Before turning off the stove, throw in the second part of the greens.

Recipe for stewed potatoes with chicken in sour cream

This recipe serves six people. By preparing chicken following our recommendations, you can treat your family to a delicious and satisfying dinner.


  • Potatoes – 7 pcs. medium size;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken drumsticks or thighs – 6 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise 50% or sour cream 25% – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Allspice, salt.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Take potatoes, peel them and cut them into cubes.
  2. Wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel.
  3. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
  4. Then take a tall saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron, put butter and carrots there.
  5. After five minutes, add the meat, salt and allspice.
  6. Add sour cream or mayonnaise.
  7. We also send the chopped potatoes there.
  8. Add water until it covers the potatoes and simmer for 45 minutes until done.
  9. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill if desired.

Specialty dish: chicken with champignons

Any mushrooms, both fresh and canned, are suitable for this recipe. Cooking chicken is easy and simple, and the taste is amazing.


  • Chicken fillet – 700 g;
  • Champignons – 300 g;
  • Onions – 200 g;
  • Sour cream – 250 g;
  • Oil – for frying;
  • Ground pepper, salt.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into four parts.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings.
  4. Take a frying pan and first fry the onion, then the fillet pieces, and after 15 minutes add the mushrooms.
  5. Fry everything together for another 10 minutes.
  6. Then add sour cream, ground pepper and salt.
  7. Simmer over low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
  8. Serve with mashed potatoes, boiled rice, pasta or buckwheat.

Juicy chicken with vegetables


  • Chicken (boneless) – 500 g;
  • Fat sour cream – 200 g;
  • Tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken seasoning, salt;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Tomatoes should only be taken when they are ripe and red. Before cooking, be sure to rinse with boiling water and remove the skin.

How to cook:

  1. In a frying pan, fry the pieces of meat with pepper, adding seasoning and salt.
  2. In a separate container, mix chopped tomatoes and sour cream.
  3. Next, place all the ingredients in a baking dish and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The temperature should not be too high, approximately 180-190 degrees.

Spicy chicken in sour cream with prunes

The following recipe is a great idea for a hearty homemade lunch on a weekend.

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken meat – 600 g;
  • 100-150 g sour cream of any fat content;
  • Prunes - 200 g;
  • Butter;
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.

What to do:

  1. First of all, pour boiling water over and cut the prunes into strips.
  2. Then we take the meat and cut it into large pieces.
  3. Place butter in a heated, thick-bottomed bowl and fry the chicken pieces.
  4. Then add prunes, salt and allspice.
  5. After 5-10 minutes, add sour cream, a little water and simmer until done.

Spicy chicken pieces with prunes can be eaten with fresh vegetables and sauces.

Delicious chicken in sour cream sauce with cheese

This is a great recipe that serves a family of four. Before cooking, chicken meat should be boiled for half an hour in salted water with bay leaves and peppercorns.


  • Boiled chicken – 400 g;
  • Hard cheese – 200 g;
  • Tomato paste – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream 15% fat – 220 g;
  • Spices.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, fry the onion for 3 minutes.
  2. Then we take the boiled chicken and cut it into strips and add it to the onion.
  3. We also put spices and tomato paste there.
  4. After five minutes, pour sour cream into the pan.
  5. If desired, add chopped dill, parsley or cilantro.
  6. At the end, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Simmer under the lid for another 3-4 minutes. The dish is ready.
  • To prepare delicious chicken stewed in sour cream, you need to use only fresh or chilled meat.
  • If very fatty sour cream is used, it must be diluted with boiled water.
  • You can add any spices you wish, and before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle the hot dish with chopped herbs.

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