How to cook zucchini with sour cream. Zucchini stewed in sour cream with garlic Zucchini fried with garlic and sour cream recipe

I've been cooking zucchini using this recipe for about 15 years now. And we are not tired of them at all! When the zucchini season begins, zucchini stewed in sour cream is the first thing I rush to prepare.

They are excellent both from young and tender zucchini and from huge overgrown ones with hard skin and seeds. Of course, you need to remove the skin and clean out the seeds. You can use sour cream of any fat content, whichever you like best; over the years I have cooked with absolutely any kind.
You can serve such zucchini as a side dish for cutlets or fried fish; they are very tasty on their own, but my family’s favorite accompaniment for them is young boiled potatoes with butter and dill and fresh rye bread.

Total and active cooking time – 20 minutes
Cost – $2.5
Calorie content per 100 g – 73 kcal
Number of servings – 4 servings

Recipe for zucchini stewed in sour cream


Zucchini – 1 kg.
Sour cream – 200 ml.
Onions – 2 pcs.
Vegetable oil– 3 tbsp.
Black pepper - to taste(ground)
Dill – 1 p.
Starch – 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste
Sugar - to taste


Peel and wash the onions. Cut into thin half rings.
Heat vegetable oil in a deep and wide saucepan. Place the onion in a frying pan, lightly sprinkle it with sugar and fry until light golden brown, very lightly.

Wash the zucchini, if necessary, remove the skin. Cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. If the zucchini is very young and tender, you can leave the seeds. Cut the zucchini into thick slices.

Add zucchini slices to the frying pan with the onions, stir and add salt. Close the lid. Simmer the zucchini, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes over medium heat. They should release juice and become soft, but not fall apart. Mix sour cream with starch. If the zucchini has released little juice, you can add a little water to the sour cream. Pour the sour cream mixture into the frying pan, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. Chop the dill and add to the zucchini. Pepper and salt to taste. Serve hot or warm.

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Zucchini stewed in sour cream and garlic, the recipe with photos of which I offer, turns out both tender and tasty, so be sure to prepare them as soon as possible.
Since childhood, I have been very fond of zucchini, and of a certain variety. I really like their delicate, slightly cucumbery taste, and I enjoy preparing various dishes and snacks from them, both in summer and winter, because, among other things, I also freeze them in the freezer. And I also really like it.
I remember how my grandmother’s sister, Aunt Lyalya, came to our dacha, I really liked her, because we played and talked a lot with her. It was only later that I found out that her name was actually Larisa, but for a long time I was sure that this was her real name - Lyalya Nikolaevna. So, in addition to communicating, grandmother and Aunt Lyalya also prepared delicious dinners for the whole family. I especially liked the zucchini stewed in sauce, which was the first thing to be scattered from the table. And all because they were very tasty, moderately hot and piquant and seasoned with garlic and sour cream sauce.
A lot of time has passed since then, but we still gather at the dacha in the summer and during the zucchini season we cook this wonderful, one might say family dish. True, I changed the recipe somewhat, but it seems to me that the dish only benefited from this in taste.
The main thing is to choose young, strong zucchini, when they are more juicy and tasty. If you take old ones, you must remove the seeds, as they are tougher and less edible.
I fry the zucchini rolled in flour a little, and then add salt, spices to taste, warm water and simmer them for 10-15 minutes. At the end I add chopped garlic, herbs and sour cream. This dish can be either a main dish or serve as a side dish for meat.

How to cook stewed zucchini with garlic in sour cream

The recipe is for 4 servings.

- fresh zucchini – 1 kg,
- garlic – 1-2 cloves,
- sour cream – 5 tbsp.,
- water – 100 ml,
- vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.,
- wheat flour – 1-2 tbsp.,
- fresh dill - 1-2 sprigs,
- sea or table salt,
- spices - to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

If the zucchini is still young, then just wash it and dry it with a towel. For older fruits, cut off the peel using a vegetable peeler.
Next, cut the zucchini into medium-sized cubes. Pour wheat flour onto a plate and bread the zucchini in it.

Pour oil into a preheated frying pan, then add the zucchini and fry on all sides until golden brown over high heat.

Reduce the heat and sprinkle the zucchini with salt, spices, and also add water. Simmer the dish covered for another 15 minutes.

Finely chop the washed dill and add it to the zucchini along with chopped garlic 5 minutes before readiness.
Next, add sour cream, mix the dish and serve. These are the zucchini stewed in sour cream and garlic you will get.

Bon appetit!
They also turn out very tasty

Either for birds or use as an independent treat. Juicy vegetables, prepared with imagination and culinary skill, are always appropriate and will decorate any table. This article will discuss how to deliciously cook stewed zucchini.

Stewed zucchini with tomatoes. Ingredients

This dish is good to prepare during the harvest season, when all the aromatic ingredients can be collected directly from the garden. It is then that stewed zucchini in sour cream turns out especially juicy and appetizing. The recipe for this dish involves the use of the following products:

  • zucchini - 600 grams;
  • tomatoes - one piece;
  • sweet pepper - one piece;
  • sour cream - three tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • dill - 30 grams;
  • garlic - two or three cloves;
  • oregano - one spoon (teaspoon);
  • vegetable oil - 40 milliliters;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Stewed zucchini with tomatoes. Cooking method

  1. First of all, the zucchini must be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces.
  2. Next you need to deal with the sweet peppers. The seeds should be extracted from it and then cut into strips.
  3. Then you need to prepare the tomato. It needs to be doused with boiling water, the skin removed and cut into small pieces.
  4. After this, place the zucchini in a heated frying pan and fry them in oil for five to seven minutes until a crust forms over high heat. In this case, you need to stir the vegetables no more than three times and very carefully.
  5. Now you need to add peppers and tomatoes to the pan and fry them along with the zucchini over moderate heat for another five minutes.
  6. Next you need to prepare the dressing. To do this, mix sour cream, chopped dill and garlic in a separate bowl.
  7. Then the dressing must be added to the frying pan with the vegetables, salt and pepper everything, mix with oregano and leave to simmer under the closed lid for another five minutes.

So our zucchini stewed in sour cream with tomatoes and pepper is ready. This delicious dish is good served with meat. In addition, it goes well with black Borodino bread.

Stewed zucchini with potatoes. Ingredients

During the harvest season, you can give free rein to your imagination and combine your usual potatoes with other vegetables. For example, cook stewed zucchini with potatoes in sour cream. For this dish you will need to stock up on the following products:

  • sour cream - 150 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 100 milliliters;
  • zucchini - three pieces;
  • potatoes - one kilogram;
  • onions - two pieces;
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

Stewed zucchini with potatoes. Cooking method

  1. First, cut the onion into cubes and fry in a deep frying pan in sunflower oil.
  2. Next, you need to cut the zucchini into cubes, combine it with the onion and simmer over moderate heat for ten minutes.
  3. After this, you need to add potatoes cut into small pieces to the vegetables, mix everything, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for another fifteen to twenty minutes (until the food is completely cooked).
  4. Then add sour cream, pepper, salt to the frying pan and leave on low heat for another five to ten minutes.

After the specified time, the zucchini stewed in sour cream will be completely cooked. They should be served warm, with a light salad and herbs.

Stuffed zucchini in sour cream. Ingredients

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that goes with a wide variety of foods. There are a lot of variations on the theme of its preparation. For example, you can prepare stuffed zucchini stewed in sour cream. For this dish you need to purchase the following products:

  • zucchini (small) - 6-7 pieces;
  • minced meat - 300 grams;
  • mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • rice - 200 grams;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste.

Stuffed zucchini in sour cream. Cooking method

  1. First you need to wash the zucchini and remove the skin. Then you need to carefully remove the middle of them along with the seeds. It is better not to cut vegetables in half. You should end up with neat zucchini tubes.
  2. Then you should prepare the filling. It will make stewed zucchini in sour cream much more appetizing. The recipe indicates that for this you need to mix rice with chopped onions, minced meat and finely chopped and fried mushrooms. Next, the products must be peppered, salted and seasoned with various spices (paprika, coriander, dried basil, saffron, curry, dry adjika, etc.).
  3. Now we can fill our zucchini with filling. However, keep in mind that the rice will swell during cooking, so do not add too much.
  4. After this, the vegetables should be placed in a deep container and completely filled with water. Next, you need to add sour cream to the pan, close it with a lid and put on fire for about forty minutes. During this time, the zucchini should become soft, and the filling in them should be completely cooked.

This is how you can cook zucchini stewed in sour cream with rice and mushrooms. Our grandmothers used this recipe, and many consider it very successful.

Zucchini stewed in a slow cooker. Ingredients

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a kitchen that does not have any household appliances. Of course, the slow cooker is the most versatile of them. You can cook almost any dish in it, but stewed vegetables are especially successful. Moreover, you don’t need to use any tricks to do this - just fill the device with the necessary ingredients. In order to make zucchini stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker, you need the following:

  • onions - two pieces;
  • dill - one bunch;
  • sour cream - one glass;
  • zucchini - 800 grams;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • starch - one spoon (teaspoon);
  • garlic - two or three cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Zucchini stewed in a slow cooker. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you should cut the washed and peeled onions and zucchini into half rings.
  2. Next, you need to turn on the multicooker to the “Frying” mode, heat the sunflower oil in it and fry the onions.
  3. Now you need to add the zucchini to the bowl and fry them for five minutes along with the onions. After this, the device can be switched to the “Stew” mode, close the lid and leave the vegetables to simmer in it until they become soft. This process usually takes about fifteen minutes.
  4. Then you need to prepare a dressing from sour cream and starch. Pour it over the prepared zucchini, add salt and pepper and bring it to a boil in a slow cooker.
  5. Next, you need to let the dish stand for a while in the appliance, which has already been turned off, to reach the desired condition. At this time, chop the greens and grate the garlic.

After this, the zucchini stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker can be considered ready. This dish should be served warm, sprinkled with garlic and herbs.

Stewed zucchini: pros and cons

Some people really like this vegetable, while others completely ignore it. What is the reason for such an ambiguous attitude? Let's start with the fact that zucchini is a dietary product; it is actively included in the diet of those who want to lose weight. In addition, it contains many useful substances, vitamins and fiber. On the other hand, many people call this vegetable tasteless. This is partly true. However, it is precisely thanks to this feature that zucchini stewed in sour cream turns out unusually organic. They absorb the taste of other ingredients, complementing them with their own consistency and aroma. It is also a very juicy vegetable that does not require adding water when cooking. Thus, zucchini stewed in sour cream with garlic or other products will perfectly diversify your diet and bring you a lot of benefits and pleasure. Bon appetit!

A fertile summer is just around the corner, when the gardens will be filled with harvest, and from it it will be possible to make not only winter preparations, but also a delicious lunch. For example, zucchini in sour cream is an excellent low-calorie snack, has a special delicate taste, can be combined with many foods, and is also quick to prepare. We offer you several different, but very simple recipes for preparing dishes that will help diversify the summer table with benefit and taste.

As soon as the young fruits ripen, you can immediately look for culinary uses for them. The best solution is to “drown” tender young zucchini in sour cream.

Ripe tomatoes, herbs and spicy seasoning will help enhance the taste. A short half hour of preparation - and your hearty, but not high-calorie (only 54 kcal per 100 g of product) lunch is ready to eat.

Stewed zucchini with tomatoes and sour cream


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 600 g + -
  • — 30 ​​g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -
  • - 2-3 cloves + -
  • - 3 tbsp. + -
  • on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
  • — 40 ml + -
  • Oregano - 1 tsp. + -

Cooking zucchini in sour cream

  1. Wash the zucchini under running water, peel it, and cut it into thin slices.
  2. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into strips.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomato to make it easier to remove the skin, then, already peeled, cut it into small pieces.
  4. Heat a frying pan in vegetable oil and place the chopped zucchini in it.
  5. Simmer the fruits over moderate heat for about 5-7 minutes until they are lightly browned. You should not stir the contents of the frying pan more than 3 times.
  6. When the zucchini is stewed over the fire, add chopped tomato and pepper to it. Simmer the dish over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  7. In a separate bowl, prepare a dressing for our fruits: mix chopped dill (without stems), garlic (pressed under pressure), sour cream (3 tbsp.).
  8. Pour the resulting sour cream and garlic dressing over the food in the frying pan, salt and pepper the appetizer to taste. Finally, add a little oregano.
  9. Mix all the ingredients, cover the dish with a lid, and simmer for 3-5 minutes over medium-moderate heat.

At this point the cooking is complete - homemade stewed zucchini with tomatoes and sour cream can be served. Young zucchini in sour cream is an ideal independent dish that can be served with one black or white bread.

You can also use the dish as an addition to other treats. It is best to serve stewed fruits with meat or fish dishes; they do not interrupt their main taste; rather, on the contrary, they subtly and unobtrusively complement it.

How to cook zucchini with sour cream: recipe with cheese

Zucchini goes perfectly with any food, and all because the fruit itself tastes bland. That is why housewives always experiment with the composition of snacks at their own discretion.

We offer you a simple recipe for quickly preparing young zucchini with grated cheese and sour cream sauce, made with your own hands at home.


  • Zucchini – 1 kg;
  • Hard cheese – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream – 250 g;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Dill greens (chopped) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.

How to make zucchini in sour cream and cheese

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut into circles (each circle should be thin, with a diameter of no more than 7 mm).
  2. Chop the garlic.
  3. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes.
  4. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds and stalks, then cut it into cubes.
  5. Pour 3 tbsp into the pan. l. olive oil, fry the chopped garlic in it for a few seconds. After that, add chopped onion and pepper, sauté the food over medium heat until soft, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add chopped zucchini to the frying pan, simmer them over low heat (stirring from time to time) for about 15 minutes. When frying fruits, add ½ tsp to the dish. salt.
  7. Prepare sour cream sauce: mix chopped dill in a bowl (use only greens, without stems), ground pepper, sour cream, salt, grated hard cheese.
  8. Pour the prepared sauce over the zucchini in the frying pan, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and bring them to a boil. Afterwards, turn off the stove, cover the dish with a lid, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes so that the zucchini is soaked in the sour cream sauce.

That's all, the zucchini in sour cream is ready - serve it as a cold or hot appetizer and enjoy the juicy stewed pieces, complemented by toast or fresh bread. To enhance the taste, and at the same time to decorate the dish before serving, sprinkle the treat with herbs or grated (on a fine grater) cheese.

The most delicious dishes are not those that are prepared from expensive ingredients and using complex technology. Most often, the best dishes are those that can be prepared from homemade ingredients and very quickly. Zucchini in sour cream is one such dish. Prepare it at the height of the season not only for your family, but also for guests who come home, let your labors bring you pleasure and a “tasty” result.

Bon appetit!

An excellent appetizer that can be served cold, warm or hot. The article contains several recipes for this dish. We wish you success in your culinary career!

Useful properties of zucchini

Who said that a hearty dish can only be prepared from meat? This is wrong. For those who like to eat delicious food but are watching their figure, we can recommend zucchini. It is used to make pancakes, compotes, various snacks and even jam.

What beneficial properties does this vegetable have? Zucchini contains B vitamins, pectins, carbohydrates, carotene, proteins and ascorbic acid, as well as mineral salts of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Dishes prepared from it are well absorbed by the body. Regular consumption of zucchini cleanses the intestines and joints and improves skin condition. This vegetable can be included in the diet of people on a diet. After all, its calorie content is 20 kcal/100 g.

Stewed zucchini in sour cream: recipe for a slow cooker

Grocery list:

  • flour;
  • tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • packaging of sour cream;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 leaves;
  • two zucchini (medium size);
  • spices;
  • a little olive or sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.


1. Wash the zucchini with tap water and peel it. Cut the pulp into circles, fry in flour and place in a frying pan. Fry in oil until golden brown.

2. While the zucchini is cooking, let’s process the tomatoes. They need to be washed and cut into slices.

3. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife.

4. Place half of the fried zucchini in the multicooker bowl. Salt. We also send tomatoes and garlic there. Fill with sour cream. And a layer of zucchini completes it all. Close the lid. Find it in the menu and start the “Extinguishing” mode. The timer should start for 60 minutes. Immediately after the beep, place the dish on plates and serve. Chopped herbs are perfect as a decoration. can be served as a separate dish or as an addition to a side dish.

in the oven

Product set:

  • medium bulb;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • dill;
  • small zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • spices;
  • 2 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable (unrefined) oil.

Practical part:

Step #1. Wash and clean the zucchini. Cut the pulp into circles. Place them in a deep bowl, add oil and spices. Salt. These ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.

Step #2. Peel the onion and garlic. We grind them. You can simply chop the dill with a knife.

Step #3. Place zucchini in a baking dish. Sprinkle them with a mixture of garlic, onion and dill. Place the zucchini pieces again. Sprinkle with the mixture again.

Step #4. In a separate plate, dilute the sour cream with water. Pour the resulting mixture over the zucchini.

Step #5. Cover the form with foil. We send it along with the contents to a preheated oven. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Then we take out the form. Remove the foil from it. But that's not all. The zucchini in sour cream and garlic should remain in the oven for another 20 minutes. Now you can serve the dish on the table and start tasting it. We wish you bon appetit!

in sour cream


  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • spices;
  • 150 g sour cream of any fat content;
  • two medium sized zucchini.


1. Above we talked about how zucchini is baked in sour cream and garlic in a slow cooker and oven. Now we will look at another way. For this we need a frying pan. The dish will be prepared from young zucchini. There is no need to clean them. Simply wash the vegetables in running water and cut into strips.

2. Place the chopped zucchini in a frying pan and fry using oil. Add spices and garlic passed through a press. Salt.

3. Fry the zucchini, stirring them constantly. As soon as they are browned, you can fill the dish with sour cream. Reduce the heat to minimum. Cover the pan with a lid. We time it for 5-10 minutes. Our aromatic dish is ready.


Now you know, in sour cream with garlic in different ways. Both an experienced cook and a novice housewife can easily cope with this task.