How to properly cook lingonberry jam. Merchant traditions – lingonberry jam with oranges

Lingonberry jam with peeled oranges

  • 1 kg lingonberries;

Lingonberry jam with oranges, recipe

Lingonberry jam with oranges is very tasty and healthy. In addition, this jam is very unusual; you can surprise your family with it.

Lingonberry jam with oranges - general principles of preparation

Lingonberry jam with oranges and lemon

3 kg. ripe lingonberries;

Three large oranges;

Two big lemons.

Lingonberry jam with oranges, pieces

Three spoons of cinnamon powder.

Lingonberry jam with oranges (with citrus juice)

Two large oranges;

1 kg. refined sugar.

Thick lingonberry jam with oranges

800 gr. lingonberries;

A kilogram of white sugar.

Lingonberry jam with oranges and apples

Three large oranges;

One kilo of sugar.

Lingonberry jam with oranges for the winter – “Savory confiture”

600 grams of fresh lingonberries;

Two medium lemons;

A couple of sprigs of fresh mint;

Fresh green basil.

Puree jam from lingonberries with oranges without cooking (in a meat grinder)

One kilogram of lingonberries.

Lingonberry jam with oranges without cooking with honey

Three large lemons;

Lingonberry jam with oranges - cooking tricks and useful tips

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

Recipes for lingonberry and orange jam for the winter, secrets of choice

Recipes for lingonberry and orange jam for the winter, secrets of choosing ingredients and adding spices, description of step-by-step preparation

Recipes for lingonberry and orange jam

Lingonberries and orange are a very unusual combination; most likely, you have never tried such desserts. The jam made from these gifts of nature is extremely tasty, with a slight sourness and an amazing aftertaste. How to properly prepare lingonberry jam with the addition of oranges?

Lingonberry jam with oranges Photo: Getty Ingredients Lingonberries 2 cups. Sugar 1 cup.

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Lingonberries with orange: recipe without peel

If you want the jam to be not homogeneous, but with pieces of oranges, then this recipe will suit you. To prepare the dessert you will need:

Sort the berries and pour boiling water over them, peel the oranges and cut into small pieces. Mix these ingredients and place them in a saucepan. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the released juice begins to boil. Let it boil for 10 minutes and then add sugar. At this stage, you can add a little cinnamon if you wish. Do not put more than 3 tsp. this spice so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dessert.

Stir the jam and cook it for another 10 minutes. During this time, periodically mash the berries with a wooden spoon. Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool. Once it reaches room temperature, it can be poured into jars.

Lingonberry jam with peeled oranges

This jam turns out to be more homogeneous and quite thick, approximately like thick sour cream. In addition, it is more healthy, because citrus peel also contains many useful substances. To make jam you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of oranges (preferably thin-skinned);
  • 1 kg lingonberries;
  • 1 kg sugar (you can use less if you like more sour tastes).

Sort the lingonberries, wash and dry. Mix the berries with sugar and wait until they begin to release juice. After this, put the berries with sugar on the fire. Divide the oranges with the peel into several parts and remove the bones. Pass the citruses through a meat grinder or puree in a blender.

After the berries have cooked for 15 minutes, add the orange mixture to them. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and wait until the mixture boils. Let it simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. and remove from heat.

This dessert is not only very tasty, it is also incredibly healthy. In winter, when our body is so lacking in vitamins, tea with a couple of spoons of this orange-lingonberry jam will become a real vitamin bomb for the body.

Recipes for lingonberry and orange jam, Women's Portal

0000Lingonberry with orange is a very unusual combination; most likely, you have never tried such desserts. Jam is made from these gifts of nature

Lingonberry jam with orange

Cooking time: 40 min.

Preparation time: 12 hours

Number of servings: 6 pcs.

The recipe is suitable for: fasting, dessert, breakfast.

Ingredients for the recipe “Lingonberry jam with orange”:

How to make lingonberry and orange jam

In winter, we lack vitamins. And that’s why I suggest making a very healthy and tasty jam from lingonberries and oranges.

It's easy to prepare. But I think the benefits of one spoon of this jam are very great! And the taste is simply great. And the main thing about this recipe is that you don’t need to boil the berries for a long time so that they lose all their beneficial properties.

How to prepare a dish step by step with photos at home

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients: oranges, lingonberries and sugar. Wash the lingonberries with cold water and remove all the branches and spoiled fruits, otherwise the jam will acquire bitterness from low-quality berries. Now soak 1 kilogram of berries in 2 glasses of water and add 2 glasses of sugar to them. In this form, they must stand for at least 12 hours for the berries to release their juice.

After the lingonberries have steeped and the sugar has dissolved, pour the liquid into the pan. Place the pan on the fire and add the remaining sugar (2 more cups), bring to a boil. As soon as our syrup boils, reduce the heat and leave for another 30 minutes so that the excess liquid evaporates.

Let's deal with oranges (4 pieces). First, rinse them thoroughly with running water and scald with boiling water. Now cut the oranges into 2 parts and squeeze out the juice. You should get about 1 glass of juice.

Pour orange juice into our syrup, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Place half of the lingonberries in our syrup and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, skimming off any foam that forms.

Place the remaining half of the berries evenly in clean, sterilized jars. And fill them with hot syrup. Then we roll up the jars, turn them over and cover them with something warm to keep the heat longer. Once the jars have cooled, you can store them in a cool place. It is better to open this jam after a week so that the fresh berries are saturated with syrup.

Lingonberry jam with orange recipe with photos, how to prepare it

In winter, we lack vitamins. And that’s why I suggest making a very healthy and tasty jam from lingonberries and oranges. Prepare it...

Merchant traditions - lingonberry jam with oranges. Prepare lingonberries and oranges for the winter without cooking

Lingonberries – juicy, tart, amazingly fresh!

The same is true for fruit drinks and compotes with its addition.

But lingonberry jam is a special topic.

Many people like it, but there are also many who complain about the overly “harsh”, although still unique, taste of the delicacy.

A simple method, tested more than once on other fruits and berries, is to slightly dilute the main component with others with a more neutral taste.

Lingonberry jam with oranges - general principles of preparation

Lingonberries must be ripe. Green and unripe ones are not suitable. When sorting lingonberries, select berries damaged by rot. They will not only spoil the taste of the delicacy, but will also significantly shorten the shelf life of the prepared lingonberry and orange jam without cooking. It will quickly become covered with mold.

Carefully fill the sorted berries with plenty of cold water. After that, drain the dirty water with the debris that has floated on its surface and replace it with warm water. Rinse and carefully drain the liquid again. After this, collect the berries in a colander, rinse under the tap a couple of times and dry. If the degree of drying of the berries for classic jam does not have a special role, then for lingonberry and orange jam without cooking it is significant. The berries used for its preparation must be completely dry, even without droplets of moisture, so it would be better to dry them on a towel.

Lingonberries are a rather tart berry, and to dilute the taste, jam is prepared with oranges and other fruits, such as apples or lemons. Citrus fruits are used both with and without peel. Often only freshly squeezed citrus juice is used. To enrich the taste, you can add spices, herbs or replace sugar with honey.

Lingonberry berries contain a very considerable amount of acid, so it is not recommended to prepare jam in aluminum containers. It is best to take basins or pans made of stainless steel.

Usually the jam is stored in the refrigerator under nylon lids, but for longer storage it can be rolled up. In this case, sterilization of jars and lids must be taken very seriously. Prepared lingonberry and orange jam cannot be rolled into jars without cooking; it should only be stored under sealed lids in the cold.

Lingonberry jam with oranges and lemon

3 kg. ripe lingonberries;

Three large oranges;

Two big lemons.

1. Peel the citrus fruits washed with warm water. Remove all white fibers, divide the fruit into slices and remove the films from them, cut into small slices.

2. Pour the dried lingonberries into a large container, add granulated sugar and place on moderate heat.

3. Stirring occasionally and always removing any foam that forms, cook the jam until done. Lingonberry jam will be ready when its syrup does not spread over the plate.

4. Add chopped citrus fruits to the container, stir thoroughly and boil everything together for 2 minutes.

5. Drain the resulting syrup, and pack the berries with pieces of fruit into sterilized jars.

6. Boil the strained syrup for exactly three minutes and pour it over the fruit and berry mixture placed in jars, seal with any reusable lids. Store in moderate cold, in the refrigerator or basement.

Lingonberry jam with oranges, pieces

Lingonberries - two full glasses;

Four small oranges or two large ones;

One and a half glasses of white sugar;

Three spoons of cinnamon powder.

1. Scald the sorted lingonberries, washed with cold water, quickly and with the hottest boiling water, then drain in a colander so that the berries dry well.

2. Cut the peeled oranges into small pieces.

3. Place the dried berries and citrus slices in a large bowl and bring to a boil over medium heat, without stirring. Then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking.

4. After about ten minutes, add the sugar mixed with cinnamon and, stirring well, continue cooking, mashing the berries with a long-handled wooden spoon.

5. After a quarter of an hour, remove the container from the stove, package the finished jam into sterile containers and seal them hermetically.

Lingonberry jam with oranges (with citrus juice)

A liter jar of ripe lingonberries;

Two large oranges;

Fresh cinnamon powder – 1 tsp;

1 kg. refined sugar.

1. Rinse the berries several times with warm water, scald the citrus fruits with boiling water. Cut the fruits in half and squeeze out the juice, using a fine sieve to strain it from the seeds and any pulp that accidentally gets into it.

2. Pour the dried lingonberries into a saucepan, pour orange juice into it. Add all the sugar, mix well and let it brew for at least three hours.

3. After this, place the container on the stove, add cinnamon and mix everything well.

4. Cook the jam over low heat, shaking the container occasionally so that the berries are well mixed in the syrup and constantly skim off the foam that forms on its surface.

5. Ready-made lingonberry jam should not spread on a cold plate.

Thick lingonberry jam with oranges

800 gr. lingonberries;

A kilogram of white sugar.

1. Pour the lingonberries, dried from moisture, into a deep container and mix with granulated sugar. Cook the berries on very low heat.

2. Place the oranges in hot water for a minute. This will help to better wash away the harmful substances that are used to treat the fruit, as well as remove some bitterness from the zest. Then wash the citrus fruits well with warm water, wipe dry and cut into slices. Grind the citruses in a meat grinder and add to the berry mass after 15 minutes. from boiling.

3. Boil the jam for another half hour and pack into clean jars. Cover the containers with nylon lids and cool. It is advisable to store in a refrigerator or a very cold cellar.

Lingonberry jam with oranges and apples

Five ripe apples, Antonovka variety;

Three large oranges;

One kilo of sugar.

1. Rinse the fruits in cold water and peel them. Cut out the core of the apples, and remove the seeds from the oranges by disassembling the citrus into slices.

2. Pass the prepared fruits through a fine sieve in a meat grinder and mix with half the granulated sugar, stir.

3. Bring the fruit puree to a boil over medium heat, reduce the temperature and cook, stirring occasionally, for another quarter of an hour.

4. Then add washed lingonberries, chopped in a meat grinder, to the fruit mixture. Add the remaining sugar and, stirring thoroughly, continue cooking for another ten minutes.

5. Distribute the slightly cooled mixture into clean jars and store in a cool place. It is not recommended to seal containers hermetically.

Lingonberry jam with oranges for the winter – “Savory confiture”

600 grams of fresh lingonberries;

Two medium lemons;

50 ml balsamic vinegar;

A couple of sprigs of fresh mint;

Fresh green basil.

1. Mix the lingonberries prepared for jam with sugar so that the berries release juice better, crush them with a masher and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Then, without ceasing to stir, boil the berry mass at moderate heat for 15 minutes and remove the container from the heat.

3. Pour the slightly cooled berries, along with the syrup, onto a metal sieve. Strain the syrup, and lightly squeeze out the cake remaining in the sieve and remove it. It will no longer be useful in our recipe, but you can make a wonderful compote from it.

4. “Drown” the citrus fruits in boiling water for a couple of minutes, cut them in half and strain the juice into the berry mass through the same sieve.

5. Do not throw away the zest, cut it into thin strips. Tie strips of zest, mint and a couple of basil leaves in cheesecloth and dip the bag in berry puree, pour in balsamic vinegar.

6. Place the container with jam on the stove and simmer it over low heat until it reaches a thick, viscous consistency.

7. Carefully remove the gauze bag from the finished confiture, boil the jam for another minute and pour into small (half-liter) jars, seal them hermetically with special metal canning lids.

Puree jam from lingonberries with oranges without cooking (in a meat grinder)

One kilogram of lingonberries.

1. In order for such jam to be stored for a long time, the sorted berries are washed most thoroughly with warm water and then dried just as well. There shouldn’t even be a drop of moisture left on them, so it’s better to dry them not in a colander, but spread them out in one layer on a towel.

2. Scald the oranges with boiling water and wipe them dry, divide them into slices, remove the seeds.

3. Place the smallest wire rack on the meat grinder and grind the berries and oranges on it, alternating them in small parts.

4. Then add granulated sugar to the fruit mass and mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with a gauze cloth and leave. After two hours, stir again and leave for two hours again.

5. Place the jam in sterile jars, close tightly with dry nylon lids and put in the refrigerator.

Lingonberry jam with oranges without cooking with honey

Three large lemons;

One and a half kilograms of light honey.

1. Be sure to puree the sorted and washed berries using a blender or food processor.

2. Peel the citrus fruits, cut them into small pieces and mix with the lingonberry mixture.

3. Add honey, mix well and leave for an hour and a half. Then stir well again and leave again.

4. After two hours, stir the jam one last time and pour it into sterilized glass jars. Seal tightly with proven lids and refrigerate. Don't roll it up.

Lingonberry jam with oranges - cooking tricks and useful tips

Be sure to remove pits from citrus fruits. They will add a bitter taste to the tart lingonberry jam.

Scald oranges and lemons used with peel with boiling water or rinse thoroughly in hot water with a sponge.

If you only need citrus juice to make lingonberry and orange jam, put them in water for a couple of minutes, the juice will be squeezed out better and there will be more of it.

If you don’t like the taste of the zest, but want aromatic jam, tie the zest in a gauze bag and remove it after cooking.

To ensure that lingonberry and orange jam prepared for the winter without cooking can be stored for a long time and does not become sugary, package it in containers only after the sugar has completely dissolved. If you grind berries and citrus fruits in a meat grinder, grind sugar with them.

Merchant traditions – lingonberry jam with oranges

Lingonberries – juicy, tart, amazingly fresh! The same is true for fruit drinks and compotes with its addition. But lingonberry jam is a special topic. To many it

Lingonberries and orange are a very unusual combination; most likely, you have never tried such desserts. The jam made from these gifts of nature is extremely tasty, with a slight sourness and an amazing aftertaste. How to properly prepare lingonberry jam with the addition of oranges?


Cowberry 2 stacks Sugar 1 stack

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Lingonberries with orange: recipe without peel

If you want the jam to be not homogeneous, but with pieces of oranges, then this recipe will suit you. To prepare the dessert you will need:

  • 2 cups lingonberries;
  • 3 medium oranges;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Sort the berries and pour boiling water over them, peel the oranges and cut into small pieces. Mix these ingredients and place them in a saucepan. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the released juice begins to boil. Let it boil for 10 minutes and then add sugar. At this stage, you can add a little cinnamon if you wish. Do not put more than 3 tsp. this spice so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dessert.

Stir the jam and cook it for another 10 minutes. During this time, periodically mash the berries with a wooden spoon. Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool. Once it reaches room temperature, it can be poured into jars.

Lingonberry jam with peeled oranges

This jam turns out to be more homogeneous and quite thick, approximately like thick sour cream. In addition, it is more healthy, because citrus peel also contains many useful substances. To make jam you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of oranges (preferably thin-skinned);
  • 1 kg lingonberries;
  • 1 kg sugar (you can use less if you like more sour tastes).

Sort the lingonberries, wash and dry. Mix the berries with sugar and wait until they begin to release juice. After this, put the berries with sugar on the fire. Divide the oranges with the peel into several parts and remove the bones. Pass the citruses through a meat grinder or puree in a blender.

After the berries have cooked for 15 minutes, add the orange mixture to them. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and wait until the mixture boils. Let it simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. and remove from heat.

This dessert is not only very tasty, it is also incredibly healthy. In winter, when our body is so lacking in vitamins, tea with a couple of spoons of this orange-lingonberry jam will become a real vitamin bomb for the body.

Lingonberry jam from the most delicious northern berry can be varied, giving it a subtle taste and aroma with a touch of exoticism. Add your choice of oranges, dried apricots, apples or pears, bananas, walnuts during cooking and get an original taste and different consistency of jam.

In a good year, I not only cover the lingonberries with granulated sugar, mash them and make regular jam, but also make several jars of “exotic” jam with the addition of various fruits or nuts. As a result of several experiments, I chose the most interesting flavor combinations, which I present to your attention.

Note. There is no need to add water when cooking jam. Add sugar to the berries, stir, place the pan on low heat and cook, stirring frequently. While the sugar dissolves, the berries will gradually release juice on their own. There is no need to add the entire amount of sugar at once. To begin with, 500 g is enough. You can add it to taste 5 minutes after adding fruit or nuts, so as not to over-sweet it. Cover the finished jam with a towel and let cool completely. Then we put it into jars.

For 1 kg of lingonberries there are approximately 0.8-1 kg of apples or pears and 0.6 - 0.8 kg of granulated sugar.

I prefer jam with pears. It turns out more fragrant. Young pears and apples are more suitable; we choose harder, denser fruits. The soft ones will quickly boil and turn into porridge. If the skin is very thick, then it needs to be cut off. Cut apples or pears into slices and remove the core.
After boiling, cook the lingonberries over low heat for 20 minutes, add apples or pears, let it boil, and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
The consistency of the jam is runny. The fruit segments should be clearly visible. The taste is very subtle. Sweetness and aroma depend on the type of fruit. This jam will be an excellent addition to tea buns or.

For 1 kg of lingonberries there are approximately 0.8-1 kg of unpeeled oranges and 0.8-1 kg of granulated sugar.

For 1 kg of lingonberries, approximately 1 kg of peeled bananas and 0.6 - 0.8 kg of granulated sugar.

For 1 kg of lingonberries there are approximately 0.4-0.6 kg of dried apricots and 0.5 - 0.7 kg of granulated sugar.

For 1 kg of lingonberries there are approximately 0.5-0.7 kg of peeled nuts and 0.8 - 1 kg of granulated sugar.

We check the nuts so that there are no pieces of shell (this happens in purchased shelled nuts). Break them apart or cut them into large pieces.
After boiling, cook the lingonberries over low heat for 10-15 minutes, add the nuts, let it boil, and cook for another 20-25 minutes.
The jam turns out quite thick and darker. The taste and aroma remains lingonberry, but the nuts are clearly noticeable and have an original taste. Men really like this jam. They diligently pick nuts out of it.

Bon appetit!

Lingonberry is an amazing berry that is able to retain its beneficial properties even under the influence of heat treatment. It is worth considering that lingonberry jam has a rather bitter, tart taste. Therefore, in order to make the sweetness more delicate, many housewives add additional ingredients to it, for example, fruits, vegetables or nuts.

Lingonberry is an amazing berry that can retain its beneficial properties even under the influence of heat treatment.

Lingonberry jam with apples is the best option for children's sweets, since such a tandem creates a subtle flavor combination in which the astringency of lingonberries is dulled.

To prepare it you need:

  • kilo of lingonberries;
  • 3 apples;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • 1.25 kilograms of sugar.

How to cook:

    1. Granulated sugar is poured into the water, everything is mixed and put on fire. The liquid is boiled until the sugar granules are completely dissolved and removed from the heat.
    2. Washed and dried lingonberries are poured into the resulting syrup and left in it for 12 hours.
    3. Then the pan is placed on the stove, its contents are brought to a boil.
    4. Apples are washed and cut into small pieces.
    5. Apple pieces are added to the lingonberry mass, everything is mixed and cooked for another 30 minutes after boiling. To prevent the jam from burning, you need to stir it regularly.
    6. The mass is removed from the heat and left to cool.
    7. At this time, the containers are washed using soda and then dried.
    8. The cooled lingonberry-apple jam is put into jars and simply screwed on with a lid.

Thanks to the selected ratio of ingredients, the prepared jam does not require sterilization or seaming, but has a long shelf life.

How to make delicious lingonberry jam in 5 minutes (video)

Berry and orange dessert recipe

By adding oranges to the lingonberry mass, you get a spicy, sweet and sour jam that will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Probably, many housewives know how to prepare lingonberry jam. But do not forget that from the same berry you can make many different varieties of jam and preserves. And today we invite you to learn how to prepare lingonberry and orange jam. This sweetness has a very delicate taste and a simply amazing orange aroma!


Step-by-step recipe for making lingonberry jam with orange with photo

So let's get down to business:

Wash and sort the lingonberries. Place it in a colander and let the water drain.

Peel the apples and remove the core.

Peel the oranges and remove the white film.

Pass the oranges and apples through a meat grinder.

Transfer the resulting mass into a wide saucepan, add sugar, put on fire and cook for 15 minutes.

Now, using a meat grinder, chop the lingonberries, send the lingonberry mass into a container with apples and oranges.

Add the remaining sugar here and cook the delicacy for 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let the jam cool.

Now take the jars, put the sweetness you prepared in them, leave a little so that in the evening your household can try the new lingonberry and orange jam!

Video recipe Lingonberry jam with orange

Melon jam recipes with orange

You can also surprise your kids and make delicious melon and orange jam. There are many recipes for making such jam today, you will learn about one of them!

So, in order to make jam according to this recipe you will need:

melon – 1.5 kg;
sugar – 2.5 cups;
water – 3 glasses;
oranges - 2 pieces.

Now let's start working:

  1. Peel the melon, cut into two halves, remove the middle with seeds.
  2. Cut the melon pulp into small pieces.
  3. Place the melon pieces into a wide container, sprinkle them with sugar, set aside, let them sit for several hours, juice should appear.
  4. Next, cook the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, boil, pour hot syrup over the melon pieces, let them sit in the syrup for a day.
  5. Then drain the syrup, boil it and pour it over the melon again. Infuse the sweetness for another 10 hours.
  6. Peel the oranges, remove the seeds and cut into slices.
  7. Place the orange slices in a container with the melon, put it on the fire, and let it all cook for an hour.
  8. Now pour the sweetness into the prepared jars, screw on the lids and put them in the basement for storage until winter. Believe me, not only your children will be delighted with this jam, but you too!
Have fun!