How to properly store watermelon at home. Is it possible to store watermelons fresh until the winter holidays? All ways to store whole watermelons: where, how and how much they can be stored

In winter, you really want summer products, and therefore it will be useful to learn how to preserve watermelon until the New Year. This fruit will cause a real sensation at a festive feast, while its taste will not change at all since the summer season. To do this, it is enough to know how to properly store a watermelon at home, and since there are few such rules and they are all easy to apply, it is quite possible to preserve the juicy summer fruits until winter, both in an apartment and in a private house.

In winter, you really want summer products, and therefore it will be useful to learn how to preserve watermelon until the New Year

Only late varieties of berries, which have thicker skins, are suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to some variety of watermelon that is not afraid of the chill:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Pulse;
  • Astrakhan with stripes;
  • Dessert;
  • Gift from Kholodov.

In addition, storage of watermelons will be correct if they are carefully selected: without cracks, damage, dents and other significant defects. For these purposes, it is better to purchase the fruit in September or even October. First of all, this rule provides for a reduction in the shelf life of watermelon. And you can achieve a guaranteed result if you grow such a berry of a suitable variety at home. Moreover, it is also not as difficult as it might seem.

Thus, before you begin to consider the question of how to freeze a watermelon for the winter, you should choose the right berry. That is, the product must be without visible defects, it can even be unripe (you can recognize this by tapping, the sound must be clear), weighing up to 4 kg.

How to store watermelon in the refrigerator

Since every home has a refrigerator, there is no need to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying summer products in the winter. Of course, the equipment is not rubber, the space in it is limited, but still one watermelon will fit in any refrigerator.

It is worth noting right away that it will not be possible to preserve a quarter or half of such a berry until winter; only the whole fruit is allowed to be stored for a long time.

The technology for storing watermelon in the refrigerator is very simple:

  1. The fruit is first washed carefully so as not to damage the peel.
  2. Afterwards, wipe off with paper towels. It must be completely dried.
  3. Then the berry should be wrapped in a thick layer of newspaper.
  4. We cover the bottom shelf of the refrigerator with a cloth, on which we place the prepared watermelon.

The shelf life during such storage is a maximum of 4 months, if you follow all the specified recommendations. In this case, it is necessary to turn the fruit over every 2 days.

There are several popular methods. And they all rely on the right temperature.

In addition to the fact that watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator, this can also be done using the freezer. However, freezing must be correct, since such a berry, after defrosting, can change its texture due to containing a large amount of water. There are several simple rules for effective freezing:

  1. The freezer must have a quick defrost mode. Otherwise, most of the nutrients and vitamins will be lost.
  2. The fruit must be frozen in quick mode for the first 2 hours, and after that you can set it to normal freezing.
  3. At a temperature of minus 19-23°C, the shelf life can reach 1 year.

Watermelon can also be stored cut up in the freezer. To do this, you must first remove all the seeds, cut the pulp into pieces and place in a closed container.

Storage conditions in the apartment

If you decide to store watermelons in your apartment until the New Year, then first of all you need to decide on a place. The most reliable option is the refrigerator, but this is not always an option, since such large berries will have to be stored for several months, and they take up a lot of space. Of course, you can cut it, but frozen watermelon often loses its taste. If it is inconvenient to keep a watermelon in the refrigerator, then it is better to find another place for it.

During the search process, you should take into account the following basic criteria that the repository should have:

  • watermelon storage temperature should not exceed +8°C;
  • ventilation;
  • exclusion of light and sunlight;
  • The humidity level should be between 60-80%.

There are not so many places in the apartment that will meet the criteria described above, but they still exist. Such repositories include:

  • glazed balcony;
  • a room with a low temperature that is poorly lit;
  • mezzanine.

In such places, watermelon stored will not lose its juiciness and taste.

Since storage is not the only requirement for long-term storage of summer berries, it is important to decide specifically on the method, of which not everyone will be suitable. We suggest you familiarize yourself with each one in order to choose the most suitable indoor storage option for watermelon:

  1. Hanging. This is the easiest way to store such large berries, even in an apartment. To do this, you just need to wrap the fruit in natural material, then put it in a string bag and hang it from the ceiling.
  2. Any watermelon can get the cooling it needs from the sand. To use this method, you will need a wooden box in which you need to place the berries and bury them in the sand. It is recommended to store all this in a cool and dark place. For these purposes, you can also use grain instead of sand.
  3. Using straw. Living in an apartment and without a basement, it is difficult to store watermelon in the refrigerator from summer to winter. But this is not a reason to refuse delicacies for the New Year holidays, because you can create basement conditions in your apartment. To do this, you need to lay out a thick layer of straw on a shelf or in a box, then place the fruit in this place, covering it with additional straw.

By creating the right storage conditions, the whole family can enjoy delicious watermelon in winter.

Advantages of a private house or cottage

It is possible to preserve all the qualities of a watermelon before the New Year holidays in an apartment environment, but it will still be much easier to do this in a country house or in a private house. The main difference between such places is the basement, as well as the possibility of storing the fruit in suitable conditions. So, for example, you can easily wrap several berries in cloth at once and hang them in string bags on the ceiling in the basement, where the temperature and humidity levels are suitable, and they will not disturb anyone until winter comes. You can store watermelons in the cellar in the same ways as in an apartment, only in this case you do not have to artificially create the necessary conditions and set any restrictions so as not to harm the stored fruit.

It is very convenient to place barrels of sand in the cellar, where the watermelons will be located. The sand will not have to be changed, and due to the temperature in the room, the berries will always be cool.

Barrels can also be used to store watermelons in water. The water will be constantly cool, so all the taste of the fruit will be preserved until winter. The liquid must completely cover the berries, otherwise the sun and light rays that fall on the watermelons will not allow them to be preserved for a long time. Using this storage method, you need to periodically change the water - maybe not every day, but at least 3 times a month.

In addition to the basement, there are several other excellent places in a private house where you can store watermelons until winter:

  • garage;
  • attic;
  • summer kitchen, if you don’t cook in it;
  • pantry.

In addition to the storage methods described above, you can use other equally effective ones:

  1. With the help of ashes. The bottom of a small box should be well sprinkled with ashes, put some summer fruit and sprinkle a little more on top. After this, the box should be tightly closed and placed in a cellar or other suitable place in the house.
  2. Watermelons can retain their taste for 3-4 months if they are treated with paraffin or wax. The selected material should be carefully covered with a brush, and the thickness of the layer should not exceed 1 cm.
  3. Berries are stored well in clay, which must first be diluted with clean water to the consistency of sour cream. The fruit is processed with this material, and when it dries, it is stored in a cold place.

Watermelon is a symbol of summer. The juicy fruits are a great thirst quencher and are easy to find during this season. Many watermelon lovers want to enjoy the taste of the fruit not only in summer, but also in winter. In this article we will tell you what you need to do to enjoy watermelon in winter and what ways you can preserve its taste.

  1. Thanks to watermelon pulp, the intestinal microflora improves, the activity of the digestive tract is normalized, and blood vessels dilate. The consumption of fruits is indicated for people suffering from chronic constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea.
  2. Watermelon contains fiber, which is responsible for cholesterol levels. With regular use, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other serious diseases associated with large amounts of adipose tissue is reduced. In addition, watermelon maintains blood glucose levels, allowing people with diabetes to lead a full life.
  3. The berry contains lycopene, a natural antioxidant. It normalizes heart function, stabilizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of developing malignant and benign tumors. With regular use, the possible occurrence of cancer is prevented.

Choosing watermelon for winter storage

To ensure that the shelf life of the fruits is as long as possible and at the same time they retain their taste, it is very important to know which watermelon to choose for harvesting for the winter. Appearance When choosing fruits, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. There should be no damage to them. Sunburn, cracks, scratches and dents make the fruit unsuitable for long-term storage.

There are several proven ways to preserve watermelons for the winter at home, the main thing is that the temperature is below room temperature. But at home, you can’t store just any type of berry. Late-ripening watermelon varieties with thick skin are suitable for this. You should especially pay attention to the following options:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Astrakhan striped;
  • Dessert;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Pulse
  • Gift from Kholodov.

Whatever variety you choose, you should not purchase watermelon in early August in order to extend its shelf life and save it until the new year; the purchase should be made in mid-September - in October. Then the plant will not have long to stay at home. To achieve a guaranteed result, you can even grow a suitable variety of watermelon yourself.

The ideal weight of the berry should be 4-5 kg. The watermelon must be handled carefully, not thrown, maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, it will quickly disappear and cannot be stored. Variety You can save watermelon until the New Year only if you choose the right variety. Only late-ripening varieties with thick skins are excellent for storage. It is recommended to purchase fruits for harvesting at the end of September. Usually they contain virtually no nitrates, since by this time their ripening occurs without auxiliary substances. It is recommended to give preference to varieties with strong pulp, such as “Astrakhan Striped”, “Dessert”, “Podarok Kholodova”, “Volzhsky”.

Storage conditions for fresh watermelons

The places where fresh watermelons will be stored before New Year must be:

  • ventilated;
  • dark;
  • cool (air temperature in the storage should not be higher than +5-+8 °C);
  • with a relative humidity of 60−80%, but no more. In a dry room, the berries will quickly lose their juiciness, and in too humid, they will simply spoil.

Where is the best place to store fresh watermelons in an apartment?

There are not many places in the apartment that would meet all the above requirements, but they do exist. The most suitable premises for long-term storage are the following:

  1. pantry;
  2. glazed loggia;
  3. bathroom or any other poorly lit room with low temperature;
  4. mezzanine.

In any of these places, “sunny fruits” will be stored for a long time. However, choosing the right storage is not the only key to success.

Methods for storing watermelons before winter

There are many proven methods for storing sweet fruits with success. All of them are effective and available even at home:

  • In the newspaper.

Wrap the watermelon loosely in dry newspaper, place it in a net and hang it up.

  • In alabaster or clay.

Dilute the alabaster with water and coat the berries. After the first layer has dried, apply the second. Once dry, also hang the watermelon in the net. Alabaster can be replaced with clay.

  • Storage in ashes.
  1. Ash serves as an analogue to aging fruits in sand. If for certain reasons you decide to resort to this method, choose ashes from burning branches of fruit trees.
  2. The “preservation” technology is identical: pick up a wooden box, line the bottom with ash, lay out the berries and sprinkle them. Duration of aging - until January.
  • Net storage.
  1. If you plan to save a small harvest until the New Year, use a string bag or fine mesh. Select one device for each berry.
  2. Wash the fruits with newspaper, parchment paper or album sheets, and send them inside. Hang the net from the ceiling in the basement or cellar. It is important to prevent the fruits from touching each other.
  • Storage in moss.
  1. To use this method, you need to collect moss in the fall. It must be dry and whole, otherwise the watermelons will rot. Before you start packing the berries, spread the moss out in the sun and leave it to dry for 2 days.
  2. Choose a wooden box of the appropriate size. It would be better if each copy was given a separate box. Line the bottom with moss, send the watermelon inside, wrap it on all sides, and tamp it down.

Regular checking of watermelons during long-term storage

So that you do not have questions about how long you can store a watermelon, you should conduct a daily inspection of the fruit. By identifying rotten fruits in a timely manner, you can protect others from spoilage - the appearance of spots and rotting. It is important to turn watermelons every day, change the litter and ventilate the room. This will avoid the appearance of various defects and bedsores on the surface of the crust. All actions should be performed using disposable rubber gloves to minimize contact with hands. By following these simple recommendations, you will learn how to properly store watermelons so that they remain fresh, tasty and juicy.

Freezing watermelons for the winter

If you do not have the opportunity to place melons in a separate room, then you are probably wondering whether watermelons can be stored in the refrigerator and how long a frozen watermelon can be stored.

It is best to store the watermelon in the freezer, where it is placed pre-cut into pieces. To do this, it is recommended to remove the crust, cut the pulp into uniform, small pieces and place on a flat surface in one layer (for example, on a tray or baking sheet). The tray is then placed in the freezer, where the pieces are evenly frozen. After part of the fruit, you can quickly transfer it to containers or tight bags.

Such berries can be stored for a very long time - until the next harvest. However, remember that defrosted pulp quickly loses moisture and volume, so be sure to consume fresh watermelon quickly. Also, do not forget to close the container tightly, otherwise the fruits will become saturated with freezer odors.

“Sunny berry” will not surprise anyone if you decide to enjoy it at the height of the melon season; it’s a different matter in the winter. It is not easy to preserve fruits until the cold weather, while maintaining their benefits and freshness, but there is a secret to successful storage, and we will tell you how to preserve watermelon until the new year.

Simple storage rules will allow you to bring a piece of warm summer to the winter cold, and you will be able to enjoy it on one of your favorite winter holidays.

How to choose and store watermelons correctly

That is why when purchasing, pay attention exclusively to the following characteristics of the berry:

  • The purchased fruit must be of late varieties, i.e., if you decide to keep the ripe deliciousness until winter, then purchase it at the end of September.
    Firstly, such berries most often do not contain nitrates, since by this period they ripen on their own, and, secondly, they can be stored longer;
  • The watermelon should not be damaged. The absence of sunburn, cracks, scratches, and dents on the glossy surface of the berry is the best indicator of a good fruit going for long-term storage.

More detailed tips on how to choose a watermelon can be read in our article:

If you have set yourself the goal of storing fresh fruit for as long as possible, then it’s time to think about where to store it. The most reliable place is in the refrigerator, however, it is unlikely that it will be convenient to keep whole fruits there for several months.

Watermelons will take up a lot of space, so you have to constantly think about where to put the rest of the products. If you decide to do such an experiment, we suggest you read about it in more detail in our article:

In order not to suffer for months over an unnecessary problem, initially choose freer premises for storing berries.

Storage conditions for fresh watermelons

The places where fresh watermelons will be stored before New Year must be:

  • ventilated;
  • dark;
  • cool (air temperature in the storage should not be higher than +5-+8 °C);
  • with a relative humidity of 60-80%, but no more. In a dry room, the berries will quickly lose their juiciness, and in a too humid room they will simply spoil.

There are not many places in the apartment that would meet all the above requirements, but they do exist. The most suitable premises for long-term storage are the following:

  1. pantry;
  2. glazed loggia;
  3. bathroom or any other poorly lit room with low temperature;
  4. mezzanine.

In any of these places, “sunny fruits” will be stored for a long time. However, choosing the right storage is not the only key to success.

In order for vegetable berries to really last a long time and at the same time retain their best nutritional characteristics, you need to purchase watermelons of suitable quality and successfully choose a reliable method for storing them.

How to preserve watermelon until the New Year: storage methods

There are many proven ways to keep sweet fruits alive not only until the New Year holidays, but also until spring. Here are some easy-to-follow techniques that will increase your chances of successful storage.

Method number 1: hanging a watermelon

This is one of the most reliable methods that can be used even when living in an apartment.

All you need to do is wrap the ripe fruit in natural dense fabric, then place it in a string bag or net and hang it from the ceiling.

Method No. 2: storage in sand

To use this method, we use a wooden box with dry sand. We place the berry in it with the stalk down and, as it were, bury the watermelon in the sand. It is best to store such boxes on the floor in a cool place.

If desired, sand can be replaced with grain. The berries will be stored no worse in dry cereals.

Method No. 3: storage in straw

Living in apartments, most do not have the opportunity to use a basement to store summer fruits. However, this is not a reason to give up your favorite delicacy, so we offer you the option of so-called “basement” storage in indoor space.

Many melon growers most often use straw to preserve the “sunny berry”. If you have the opportunity to get it, then without a doubt use it to store fruits at home.

To do this, lay out a fairly thick layer of straw on a shelf, in a box or on the floor of the room, then place ripe watermelons on it and cover them on all sides with additional straw. Under the necessary storage conditions (compliance with the temperature regime, compliance with the required level of humidity, etc.), the berries can be stored until spring.

Whole fresh fruits can be stored in private homes for almost the same amount of time as in an apartment, if all the requirements of this important process are strictly followed (3-4 months). It is sometimes even easier to preserve ripe berries in such houses than in multi-storey houses, because there are many times more suitable places in the private sector.

By correctly using the possibilities of home storage, you can extend the shelf life of the “sunny berry” and enjoy it much later than during the New Year holidays.

How to keep watermelons fresh in a private home

There are quite a few places in the house where watermelons can comfortably sit and survive until December, or even longer. Ideal places for storage include:

  • basement (for more details about storage methods in the basement, read the article on our website):
  • attic;
  • garage;
  • summer kitchen (only if during the cold season you will not cook in it, because it is important not to forget at what temperature the fruits must be stored);
  • pantry;
  • mezzanine;
  • any room in the house that is poorly lit and poorly heated.

Temperature and humidity levels are of great importance. Which room in your home is most suitable - decide for yourself. However, try to choose only places that fully comply with the necessary storage conditions.

Basic knowledge, which is used by all melon growers, will help to maximize the shelf life of melons. The use of these simple recommendations will not only extend the storage time, but will also help improve the nutritional quality of the berry.

Rules for storing fresh fruits

  1. Never place berries on a hard surface. Before placing watermelons on it, be sure to lay something soft: straw, sand, thick insulation, etc.;
  2. Before putting the sweet away for storage, wash it in cold water, dry it, and only then send it into “hibernation”;
  3. Stored fruits should not come into contact with each other. They should not touch other vegetables/fruits. Watermelons quickly absorb foreign odors, so “neighborhood” with various products can have a detrimental effect on the taste of the berry;
  4. Turn the fruits over periodically and do not forget to inspect them. You may not have noticed a scratch or crack when purchasing, but over time it will make itself felt by rotting or lethargy of the fruit. You should not store spoiled watermelons; at the first sign of spoilage, throw away the berries.

Do watermelons ripen during storage?

“Sunny berries” will not ripen after picking, which is why it is very important to buy initially ripe fruits.

If you purchase unripe watermelons, there is a high probability that they will not last until the new year.

Water is an excellent medium for long-term storage, so many housewives keep sweet fruits in water until winter. A similar method involves diving a berry “headfirst into an ice hole.” After all, it is important that the water is cold and covers the watermelon completely.

You can use large vats of water, just be sure to keep them in a cool place, adhering to all basic storage conditions.

Can watermelons be stored at room temperature?

It’s worth saying right away that ripe fruits cannot be stored at room temperature either in summer or winter. Watermelons do not tolerate high temperatures well, so they will quickly wither and spoil. Start storing them in September rather than August, this will extend the shelf life of the fruit.

Knowing how to preserve watermelon until the new year, you can always save a sweet piece of summer until the winter cold. How long you can store the berries will largely depend on you, because no one guarantees how many days or months the fruit can last fresh.

By adhering to all the conditions, especially observing the storage temperature of watermelons, you will receive juicy, aromatic berries for the New Year celebrations, the taste of which is in no way inferior to summer stripes.

Bon appetit!

Quite suitable for long-term storage. There are simple ways to try a piece of “warm summer” on New Year’s Eve. Properly prepared berries lie unharmed until the winter months. Anyone can repeat the options proposed in the article and in the video in their own home.

Choosing the right watermelon

Not every fruit is suitable for this purpose. It is clear that berries damaged or beaten during transportation will not last long under any conditions. Watermelons brought to the market in bulk in a truck will always have at least one minor defect. Proper transportation is in containers with a soft bottom.

Do not take watermelons that are too large. The optimal weight is no more than 5 kg. Even unripe fruit will quickly deteriorate. Don't expect it to ripen during storage. Moreover, it can spoil other watermelons lying nearby. The level of ripeness is determined by the halo around the dried stem. A dense light surface indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

For storage, choose medium-sized late watermelons

There is no need to rush to put early varieties into the cellar. As a rule, their crust is thin, and the pulp is rich in nitrates. Late-ripening varieties have a thick, dense shell. Ripening naturally at the end of August, they are least stimulated by fertilizers. Such a watermelon will remain intact for as long as possible.

The best varieties for storage are as follows:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Gift from Kholodov;
  • Dessert;
  • Astrakhan striped;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Melitopol.

The fruits are pre-washed and dried.

Long-term storage of watermelons in the apartment

Fridge. Wrap the berry in a thick layer of newsprint and place it on the bottom shelf. The place must be previously covered with soft bedding. After a day, the watermelon is turned over to the other side. There the “minke whale” will feel good until January.

Advice! Frozen watermelon pulp retains all its beneficial and taste qualities. The only negative is that the thawed pieces instantly lose their shape and spread apart.

Glazed loggia or balcony, basement. The temperature should not be higher than +6 C°. There are several ways to place fruits:

  • In wooden boxes with moss, ash, sand or straw. Watermelons are wrapped in cloth and laid out on the bottom, stems up. Each fruit lies separately, does not touch the walls or other berries. Covering material is poured on top. It should be dry, covering the melons on top, filling all the space between them. The advantage of sphagnum moss is that it is a natural antiseptic. Fungi and bacteria will not damage the safety of the fruit.

Attention! Sand is poured into 0.5 container volumes. Watermelons are laid out with the stem down.

  • In limbo. The watermelon is covered with melted wax, paraffin (1 cm), or a 0.5 cm layer of clay. Placed in a net and suspended from the ceiling on the balcony.

You can store watermelons on the balcony for a long time

Storing watermelons in a private basement, veranda

The basements of private houses are most suitable for this. It's always cool, dark and dry there. In urban apartment buildings, the basements are warm, and it is impossible to maintain the required temperature, especially during the heating season.

The fruits are placed in containers with dry sand or grain. From time to time they check their condition and turn them over. There is no need to change the bulk material to a new one. You can also hang the fruits by wrapping them tightly with cloth. Complete tightness will be created by a layer of lime, alabaster or clay. In this state, watermelons “survive” until March. Before use, the peel is soaked in water and removed with a stiff brush.

An unheated veranda or summer kitchen are places for possible storage of melons. Humidity in the premises should be from 60 to 80%. In a damp room, the fruits will quickly rot, and excessively dry air will significantly reduce their juiciness. The temperature should not fall below +1ºС. Place watermelons whenever possible, using wooden boxes or hanging from the ceiling.

Watermelon has the ability to absorb foreign odors. Therefore, it is advisable not to place other foods and vegetables nearby.

We store watermelons in the garage in barrels of water

Barrels of cold water are placed in an unheated garage box. Optimal temperature +1…+3°С. Ripe watermelons are very buoyant. This is due to the properties of their pulp; it becomes more loose and starchy. The ripe berry floats about halfway. To store in water, the fruits must be completely covered with liquid, so they are pressed from above with oppression. In this state they can be stored until winter without any problems.

The water is changed several times a month with new water. Make sure that there are no small black spots on the peel. This is a sure sign of a damaged core. Of course, if space allows, you can set up a good cellar in the garage. Containers are installed in dug holes. Tiered racks also save space, where watermelons are stored in dry bulk materials.

Watermelons prepared using the above methods will decorate the New Year's table. Only ripe fruits will benefit. It is easy to determine the naturalness of a product as follows: a piece of pulp is dissolved in water. The rich red color indicates the presence of chemicals. This is evidenced by large bright veins on the cut. Excess nitrogen when ingested increases the risk of cancer.

It is best to purchase watermelons directly from the melon plant. A ripe watermelon is light, the sound when struck is dull, and the color of the rind is shiny. Colonies of microbes immediately settle in cut watermelons in the fresh air. In refrigerators this will happen on the second day.

Watermelons are useful for diseases of the digestive system and relieve swelling. Contains iron, folic acid, and large amounts of sugar. In winter, desserts made from fresh watermelon will come in handy.