How to salt hot peppers for the winter. Prepare peppers for canning

Preparing hot peppers for the winter

Peppers prepared in the following way will be spicy, crispy and with a slight sourness. For a liter jar you will need:

  • capsicum hot peppers (choose thicker fruits, of any color) in an amount sufficient to tightly fill the jar;
  • several (4-5) garlic cloves;
  • vinegar: essence 70% - 1.5 teaspoons, 9% - 55 ml;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry dill, salt, black.

Cooking technology

Wash the jars and sterilize them. Rinse the spices and arrange them in containers: garlic, cut in half, dill branches, peas and bay leaf. Cut off the tails of the hot pepper pods. Place in jars. Pour salt, add hot water and vinegar, cover with sterile lids. Place a cloth (at the bottom) in a pan of water and place the jars to sterilize for 10 minutes from the moment they boil. Then roll up the lids.

Pickling hot peppers for the winter without sterilization

This recipe will appeal to all lovers of spicy snacks.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • bitter capsicum (1 kg);
  • a liter of water (enough for four 700-gram jars);
  • 8 full spoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar;
  • spices as desired.

Cooking technology

Harvesting bitters begins with the pods being washed and dried. Then prepare the filling. To do this, you need to mix water with salt, sugar, vinegar. Place spices in sterilized jars and compact the pods. without sterilization will require double filling. The first time you should fill the containers with boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and drain the water. Then pour the prepared marinade over the pepper. The finished snack should be screwed under the lids and left to cool. Preparing hot peppers for the winter without sterilization is a simple and quick way to preserve the product. The pepper will stand for a long time, the brine will remain clean and light.

Hot pepper: preparing a snack for vodka

Ingredients (indicated for a liter jar):

  • hot pepper pods (enough to fill tightly into a jar);
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon

Cooking technology

Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds (wear gloves), pour boiling water over it and place under pressure for several hours. This procedure will relieve the pods of bitterness. Drain the water, put the peppers in jars, add spices (garlic, peppercorns, etc.), pour boiling water, season with salt and vinegar. Sterilization - 30 minutes. Screw the lids on the jars and the snack is ready.

Canning hot peppers for the winter

The Hungarian recipe involves using the following set of products: capsicum (bitter) - 1 kg.

For the brine:

  • liter of water;
  • 7-8 full spoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • a little more than a glass (250 ml) of vinegar 9%;
  • 3 full spoons (tablespoons) of salt;
  • aspirin tablet.

Cooking technology I

Prepare the pepper by removing the seeds, cutting in half, and rinsing. Place into jars. Prepare the brine by mixing water with sugar, vinegar and salt. Pour over the pepper and leave overnight. Overnight, some of the brine will be absorbed into the pods. Therefore, in the morning you will need to cook a little more and fill the jars. Sterilize the containers, add aspirin and screw on the lids. It turned out to be a spicy pepper appetizer.

Snack " Pickled bitter pepper for the winter” is not just a useful blockage. It is also famous for its excellent taste! Many vegetables are preserved with hot pods, and in different - sometimes unusual - ways, giving them a zest. Often the spicy vegetable is salted, poured with brine and left to ripen for 1-2 weeks. It is also served with spices in a hot marinade sauce. Methods for preserving hot peppers are not as numerous as recipes for rolling Bulgarian sweet fruits; but also very varied and tasty. Pickling allows you to preserve vegetables and present them for consumption in the most appetizing form.

Bitter capsicums are marinated in different infusions with the inclusion of new auxiliary ingredients. Salads and adjika are prepared on its basis. There are no restrictions on the choice of fruit varieties; Only the appearance, integrity (lack of spoilage and damage) and size of vegetables are taken into account. So, ideally, pods with dense and even moderately hard flesh are selected. Definitely meaty! After all, thick-skinned fruits have more internal juice. It is from such a selection that you will get a crispy, appetizing snack. And for aesthetic beauty, you can choose multi-colored peppers.

Preparing the Pods

Peppers can be marinated whole or in pieces. Whole fruits look more interesting. But, despite the presentation in the preparation, seeds and internal partitions are removed from the pods. But this is done so carefully, using rubber gloves and kitchen utensils to avoid getting essential oils on the skin. Specifically, they contain the bitterness of vegetables. And by removing the cores, the main part of the spice will “go away” with them. Next “Pickled hot peppers for the winter” recipes They offer very simple methods for packing these vegetables, according to which they are prepared for future use and preserve the entire range of vitamins contained in them.

Hot peppers are well known to housewives. Add a little more than necessary, and the food becomes impossibly spicy. However, this pepper has many fans, because dishes with hot seasoning are not only aromatic and tasty, but also have medicinal properties. Therefore, more and more people are interested in what ways can you prepare hot peppers to diversify your home cooking in winter?

The American Indians were the first to grow capsicums, and they came to the countries of Europe and Asia relatively recently - in the 16th-17th centuries. But these days it’s even difficult to imagine Indian, Korean or Chinese dishes without a characteristic fiery taste. The unique properties of hot pepper are gradually gaining more and more fans around the world. Why is this happening?

  1. Hot peppers contain many vitamins beneficial to the body - C, group B and carotenoids. Interestingly, lemon contains half as much vitamin C as raw hot pepper pods. In addition, peppers contain fatty oils and sugars.
  2. The spiciness of pepper directly depends on the alkaloid capsaicin included in its composition, and this substance can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  3. Thanks to hot pepper, the body produces endorphins - hormones of happiness, joy and pleasure. They reduce stress and help cope with insomnia.
  4. For many years it was believed that eating spicy foods was harmful. Recent research by scientists suggests exactly the opposite. Hot pepper improves appetite and, if consumed in small quantities, qualitatively normalizes digestion.
  5. Eating hot peppers is especially useful in old age. It improves metabolism and blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Types of hot pepper and safety during its processing

There are only four cultivated types of hot pepper: Peruvian, Mexican, Colombian and pubescent. Over the years, by crossing them, people have grown a great variety of varieties that differ in pungency, taste, size, pod shape and color. Some peppers taste almost not spicy, and some varieties seem to burn with fire.

The main thing that all peppers have in common is that they have a sharp, hot, slightly bitter taste. Therefore, in cooking they try to use them in small quantities, as a seasoning for salads, first and second courses, and less often for baked goods and drinks.

Care should be taken when processing hot peppers. Burning substances that get on mucous membranes or micro-wounds on the hands can cause pain and a strong burning sensation. Therefore, when preparing pepper, the room should be well ventilated. It is advisable to wear gloves on your hands. In addition, you should try not to touch your face with your hands, much less your eyes. If pepper does get into your eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water.

Methods for drying hot peppers

It is very convenient to store dried hot peppers, and there are several ways to dry them. In this case, you can dry both whole pods and halves of peppers with the seeds already removed.

The easiest way is to hang the pods on ropes or strong, harsh threads. You just need to choose a well-ventilated room, a country terrace, a shed, an attic or a loggia, where it is dry and warm. It is also advisable that the pepper should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is convenient to string the pods through the stalks. It is necessary to ensure that they do not touch each other, and air can blow on them from all sides.

It is also convenient to place the peppers on paper-lined trays, small racks and large dishes anywhere, for example, on a wide windowsill. The main thing is not to forget to stir the pepper “raw materials” from time to time.

To speed up the drying process, the pods are placed in a stove oven or electric dryer. With this method, it is important to choose the optimal drying mode so that the pepper dries and does not bake. It is good to set the temperature in the oven to +50°C and open the door slightly. In an electric dryer, peppers of the desired condition can be obtained in about 12 hours.

Store dried pods whole or ground. To grind them, you usually use a food processor, coffee grinder or mortar and pestle. Dried pepper does not like moisture, so it must be stored in hermetically sealed containers: glass jars, wooden boxes, birch bark containers or paper bags. Many people leave a string with pods in a visible place - to decorate the kitchen.


The people of the Caucasus have a saying: “Nothing warms you up on cold days like a good spicy snack.” Pickling peppers is not difficult. For 1 kg of capsicum you will need: a large bunch of dill, cilantro and mint, 3 heads of garlic and 300 ml of grape vinegar. Most a good option for pickling - this is vinegar made from white grape varieties. In addition, black and allspice peas, bay leaves, cloves, coriander, salt and sugar are used for pickling.

Fully ripened peppers taste very good. Ideally, picked straight from the bush just before pickling. Only leaves are used from the greens; twigs are not needed for pickling. There is no need to chop the greens. The garlic just needs to be disassembled into slices without peeling it. Then, in combination with pepper, it will serve as an excellent savory snack.

The pods are washed and pierced at the stalk with a toothpick or knife so that there is no air inside the peppers. The next task is to slightly soften the pods. To do this, they are placed in a pan of water, boiling water is poured into it and kept under a closed lid for 3-4 minutes. Then the water is drained. This must be done at least three times. This method will allow the peppers to become softer, but not lose their shape. The same result can be achieved if the pods are blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then turn off the heat and leave them in the pan, covered, for another quarter of an hour.

Pickling jars are sterilized in advance. For 1 kg of peppers you will need 3 jars of 0.8 liters each or 5 jars of 0.5 liters each.

After all the preparation, you can start preparing the marinade. Add 6 tsp to 1.5 liters of water. granulated sugar, add salt to the water to taste, add all the green leaves, cloves of garlic, 6-8 bay leaves, 15 black peas and 5-6 allspice peas, 1 tbsp. l. coriander seeds and 4-6 cloves. The marinade is boiled and grape vinegar is poured into it. Then the marinade should boil for a couple more minutes.

Green leaves along with garlic are placed at the bottom of glass jars. Peppers are placed on top of them and the contents are filled with hot marinade with spices to the very top. After this, the jars are sealed. They can be stored at room temperature.

In the video, Olga Papsueva talks about the secrets of pickling hot peppers at home.


Pickling is an excellent way to prepare for the winter, because it allows you to preserve maximum beneficial vitamins and minerals in vegetables. Hot peppers can be pickled in different ways.

If the house has the opportunity to store food in a cool place, for example, in a cellar, hot pepper pods can be pickled without rolling them into jars. The peppers are pre-baked in the oven until they become soft and allowed to cool. Then the pods are placed in pre-sterilized dry jars, placing peeled garlic cloves, dill sprigs, horseradish and black currant leaves between the layers of pepper.

To prepare the brine, 60 g of salt (not iodized!) and 80 kg of vinegar are diluted in 1 liter of water. Water is boiled, allowed to cool and poured into jars with pepper. Under pressure, the pickles are left at room temperature for three weeks, and then taken out into the cold.

If there is no cellar or cool veranda in the house, the jars are filled with hot brine, a little vinegar is added and sterilized: 0.5 liters for 20-25 minutes, and 1 liter for 35-45 minutes. After this, the jars are closed with lids. They can be stored at room temperature.

In the video, Maxim Punchenko shows how to prepare tsitsak - hot salted pepper in Armenian style.

Pepper paste

Hot pepper pastes are used in the cuisines of almost all Asian countries and many Mediterranean countries. They are added to ready-made dishes, as well as when cooking soups and while stewing meat and fish. For a fragrant spicy paste you need only five ingredients: 100 g hot pepper, 1 kg bell pepper, 5 heads of fresh garlic, 2 tbsp. l. salt and 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. To add different flavors while preparing the pasta, you can add cilantro, celery or mint.

Both types of peppers are washed and seeded. Garlic is also peeled. Then grind the peppers and garlic in a blender or food processor until smooth. The resulting puree is placed in cheesecloth and hung so that the juice drains. Under no circumstances should it be thrown away! The juice from the peppers can be frozen in small serving containers, such as ice cubes, and used as a seasoning during the winter months.

The drained puree is transferred to a baking sheet, salt and oil are added to it and mixed thoroughly. In an oven preheated to +150°C, the pepper paste is cooked for about an hour. Store it in small plastic containers in the freezer. It is recommended to store the opened paste in the refrigerator and use it within 10 days.

Canning hot peppers without salt

Hot pepper itself is an excellent antimicrobial agent. That is why it is consumed in large quantities in southern countries. Due to their antimicrobial properties, pepper preparations can be made with unusual preservatives.

To preserve hot peppers without salt and vinegar, you first need to wash, dry and pierce them with a toothpick. The whole pods are then filled into sterile jars and extra virgin olive oil is poured over the top. If desired, you can add some herbs to the pepper. The jars are covered with lids and stored in a dark place. With this type of preservation, olive oil will acquire a bright peppery aroma and become spicy in taste. Therefore, it can be used in winter as a salad dressing.

In another way, hot peppers are preserved using natural apple cider vinegar. The preparation of pods and jars is the same as for oil preservation, only the pepper is filled with vinegar rather than oil. As in the first case, if desired, you can add herbs to it - mint, rosemary or oregano, as well as honey - 2 tbsp. l. for a 1 liter jar. The pepper will be ready to eat in a month. Aromatic and spicy vinegar, like oil, is perfect for dressing fresh salads.

It is necessary to marinate in various fillings, which often differ in composition, quantity and name of spices. Using this pepper you can prepare spicy winter salads and adjika. As for the choice of fruits for pickling, they must be intact without damage, the same size and necessarily fleshy (they will have more juice).

How to prepare hot peppers

Before moving on to specific recipes for how to prepare hot peppers for the winter, pickled hot peppers in tomato or other marinade, you will need to properly prepare the pods. In principle, this process is no different from seaming to seaming, so we will present it in a separate block of material.

Whole fruits look beautiful in a jar, but you will still need to remove seeds and partitions from them. This should be done carefully; be sure to wear kitchen gloves so that essential oils do not get on your skin and cause irritation or burns.

Hot peppers for the winter: recipes, pickled hot peppers with video

Recipe No. 1

To prepare the marinade for this classic method, you will need to take the pepper itself, four cloves of garlic, a quarter glass of table vinegar, a heaping tablespoon of table salt, spices (dill with an umbrella, bay leaf and peppercorns).

Scald a liter jar with boiling water and put spices, peeled garlic cloves and herbs into it. Next, wash and prepare the pepper itself, put it in a container and cover with salt. Now pour hot, but not boiling water, then pour in vinegar. Jars of pepper need to be additionally sterilized. So, put them in a large saucepan, put a cloth on the bottom, pour water into it and process the jars for 20 minutes. After this, seal the peppers airtight using tin cans. Delicious recipe.

Recipe No. 2

This is an option for preparing pickled hot peppers for those who do not want to waste time on additional sterilization. In this case, for two kilograms of peppers, take two liters of water, four tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of salt and sugar.

To make the seaming bright and interesting in appearance, choose peppers of different colors for it. Prepare the pepper by washing, removing grains and crossbars. Next, take 0.5 liter jars and first scald them with boiling water inside. Place the peppers vertically in a jar, alternating the colors of the fruits. Next, boil water, dissolving sugar and salt in it, pour the marinade into jars. After this, pour four tablespoons of vinegar into the jars.

Now you can immediately roll up the peppers with tin lids and leave them upside down, covered with a blanket, until they cool completely. After a day, move it to a pantry or other cool place so that the pepper can wait for its finest hour on cold winter days.

Recipe No. 3

How else can you prepare hot peppers for the winter: a recipe, pickled hot peppers with photos, we consider further. Often the housewife rolls up hot peppers not on their own, but by adding various vegetables to it. For example, the product goes well with red tomatoes when preserved.

To prepare such a spicy and spicy assortment, you will need to take 500 grams of hot pepper, five large tomatoes, a medium head of garlic, salt to taste and half a glass of vegetable oil, herbs to your taste and desire. It’s great if the pepper fruits are of different sizes - this can be done for this preservation. Be sure to peel the peppers and then put them through a meat grinder together with the tomatoes. Add garlic, passed through a press.

Now put the vegetable puree into a saucepan with a thick bottom, where the vegetable oil has already been heated. Add salt and simmer everything over low heat, without covering it with a lid, for about 20 minutes. When the mass becomes moderately thick, this means that you can stop cooking and pour the grounds into jars. Immediately roll up the jars and this spicy spicy adjika will be delicious to eat with bread in winter, or serve as an additional sauce.

Important! For the first few weeks, it is best to keep this seaming in the refrigerator after cooling. Outside the refrigerator, you can only store pre-sterilized preparations.

Recipe No. 4

Now we are preparing hot peppers for the winter: recipe. Pickled hot peppers with oil turn out to be delicate in taste, because the oil seems to envelop the hot pods. For clogging according to this recipe, it is preferable to choose long and thin red and green peppers. It is better to take a small size, although large fruits are also suitable for rolling if cut into pieces.

To prevent the peppers in this roll from being too hot, you can soak them in ice water for several hours. This is an Armenian recipe for rolling, so you should prepare for an unusual taste. Peel the peppers from films and seeds, then place them in a saucepan, add 100 grams of chopped garlic, chopped herbs (parsley is great), and 50 grams of salt. Mix everything, cover the pan and leave the peppers to marinate for a day.

In recent years, such a preparation as . There are no less methods and technologies for marinating spicy than sweet Bulgarian. They differ from each other in the technology itself - using sterilization and without sterilization, the composition of marinades, and additional ingredients that are used in the preservation process.

Therefore, it becomes obvious that the spicy one prepared according to one or another recipe will have a different taste and spiciness. The most frequently asked question among housewives who are planning to pickle it for the winter is the question regarding the varieties of pepper. Are all varieties of hot peppers suitable for canning?

Any variety is suitable for harvesting for the winter by preservation. This can be either green or red pepper of different varieties, ranging from large and long pods to decorative indoor pepper “Ogonyok”. Pickled hot peppers for the winter, step-by-step recipe The preparation of which I want to offer you will be cooked in a sweet and sour marinade, without sterilization.

Ingredients for a half-liter jar:

  • Hot pepper – 200 gr.,
  • Parsley – 2-3
  • Black peppercorns – 3-4 pcs.,
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.,

For the marinade:

  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Pickled hot peppers for the winter - a simple recipe

Wash the hot pepper. Cut off the stalks almost to the root.

Wash the parsley and peel the garlic cloves.

Wash the jars thoroughly. Sterilize them. Let's leave the lids like this for now. If for other preservation you can use nylon steaming lids, then hot pickled peppers for the winter are closed only with metal seaming or screw lids. Place peppercorns, garlic cloves, parsley sprigs, and bay leaves on the bottom of clean jars.

Arrange the hot pepper pods tightly in rows.

All that remains is to prepare the marinade and pour it over the pepper, and also sterilize the lids. Place the lids in a bowl or pan and pour boiling water over them. Let them sit and steam for about 2 minutes. The marinade for strictly peppers will be classic - water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Add salt, sugar and vinegar alternately to boiling water.

Let the marinade boil for 2-3 minutes. It is not recommended to boil it for more than five minutes, as the vinegar will begin to lose its qualities. Pour hot marinade over hot peppers. Seal the jars with prepared lids. Hot peppers marinated in vinegar for the winter ready. We turn the jars of pepper over, put them on the lids and wrap them warmly. Leave it until completely cooled. After the jars of pepper have cooled, we take the pepper out to a cold room for further storage.

Pickled hot peppers for the winter. Photo

I offer you a few more recipes for pickling hot peppers for the winter. Let's look first at the most popular recipe for pickled hot peppers for the winter in Armenian style. This recipe is very similar to the recipe for pickled hot pepper tsitsak, which is served with in Armenia. But unlike it, the pepper will be preserved in jars and will be pickled in the winter without fermentation.


  • Hot pepper – 1 kg.,
  • Carrots – 3 pcs.,
  • Parsley - a small bunch,
  • Dill - a small bunch,
  • Garlic – 2 heads,

For the marinade:

  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoon,
  • Sunflower oil – 100 ml.,

Armenian pickled hot peppers for the winter – recipe

Wash the hot pepper pods. Cut them into two parts. Remove the seeds and stem. Wash the parsley and... Chop them finely. Peel the garlic cloves. Chop them finely with a knife. Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater.

In a bowl, mix the herbs, chopped carrots and garlic. Add all the ingredients listed in the ingredients to boiling water. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes. Sterilize jars and lids for pickling hot peppers in a convenient way.

Place a layer of hot pepper on the bottom of the jar. Cover it with a mixture of herbs and garlic. Alternate layers until the jar is filled to the very neck. Next, fill it with marinade and roll it up. After this, turn over the jars of hot pickled peppers in Armenian style and cover until they cool completely.

It has a very unusual, simultaneously spicy and sweet-sour taste. hot peppers marinated for the winter with honey.


  • Hot pepper – 500 gr.,
  • Allspice peas – 2-3 pcs.

For the marinade:

  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sunflower oil (refined) – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Hot peppers marinated for the winter with honey - recipe

Wash the hot peppers. The stalk can be cut off or left. Place them in clean, sterile jars. Add black peppercorns. Scald the lids with boiling water and cover the jars with them.

Add honey, vegetable oil, vinegar and salt to boiling water. Boil the marinade until the salt is completely dissolved. Pour the hot marinade into the jars of pepper. Seal and cover with something warm.

That's it, now you know how to pickle hot capsicums for the winter. All that remains is to choose the appropriate recipe and start preserving it. I will be glad if these recipes for pickled hot peppers are useful to you in the future.