How to color eggs in different ways. An original way to decorate without dyes or chemicals

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

How to dry eggs?

Before starting master classes, you need to decide where and how you will store the unfinished results of your creativity? It’s very easy to smear the design if you just place the egg on a flat surface. There are several options:

  1. Use containers to store eggs. The pattern will be less blurred in them.
  2. Take foam rubber and toothpicks. Insert the toothpicks into the foam rubber at such a distance that you can place your creation inside.
  3. Buy special stands. You can build them yourself. For example, make a cardboard ring in which you will place the egg after painting.

I myself am still just getting ready for total Easter coloring. I have tried a couple of methods so far, I will further share my findings.

Natural ways

In the meantime, keep a very valuable sign that shows most of the simplest options for decorating eggs with the most natural dyes at home. All of them require vinegar - add one tablespoon of it to a saucepan of water.

Presented here:

  1. Coffee. You can also use tea, since it is much more accessible and you don’t have to grind anything. It turns out a beautiful brown shade.
  2. Beet. My favorite color is pink or raspberry, it all depends on the soaking time. It is recommended to soak for 8 hours.
  3. Carrot. A bright festive color will be given to you by carrots, from which you will need to squeeze the juice and then boil the eggs in the resulting solution.
  4. Spinach. A somewhat unexpected way for our latitudes, isn’t it?) You will need spinach if you want to get a delicate green color.
  5. Cabbage. To get blue eggs, take a couple of heads of red cabbage, chop finely and mix with 500 ml of water. Leave the eggs here for 8 hours, covering the top with film.
  6. Turmeric. But she will give sunny yellow. Pre-grind the turmeric (you should get 2-3 tablespoons) and cook until boiling, then cool and place the eggs there.

All the main nuances are presented in this wonderful hand-drawn instruction, which I have long ago stored in my hamster bins. Very useful thing during Easter

They completely forgot about onion skins! But she is the most classic dye. It couldn't be more classic. For it, take onion peels in the desired volume (for the brightest shade, they recommend peeling from four onions per glass of water). Boil the water for about half an hour, and then lower the eggs into it for a few minutes.

Advice: for a beautiful floral-herbal pattern, place the eggs in nylon “bags” with blades of grass, flowers, etc. inside. The result will be an interesting drawing.

It is not necessary to make exactly plant-like traces. You can wrap the eggs with threads and glue paper patterns.

Food colorings

In general, when purchasing any food coloring, it should contain instructions that allow you to correctly carry out the coloring procedure. If this suddenly does not happen, then:

  1. Add vinegar to the water and bring to a boil. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Then the eggs can be boiled in this solution (not for long) or lowered into the already cooled solution.

However, there are some tricks that will allow you to stand out from others. For example, if you stick round stickers in the form of a “polka dot” pattern before painting, you will end up with an unusual and very stylish egg.

Or maybe you want a richness of colors? Then feel free to take gold leaf (it’s not that expensive, by the way, if you know the right places;)). Paint first and then wrap the egg in a piece of gold foil and brush lightly with a brush. This creates an interesting marble effect.

Wondering where you can buy gold leaf inexpensively? There you are link to the comprehensive Aliexpress (verified seller and one of the best offers). Here you can buy a lot of precious leaves for a small amount).

Advice. If you want to achieve a beautiful marble effect, you can do this: paint the egg a light color, and then dip it in dark-colored water containing vegetable oil (small drops, about two teaspoons per 500 milliliters).


A favorite with kids and adults alike, they're super easy to make using yellow and blue dyes and lots of little toy eyes and a marker. To do this, the egg needs to be dipped only halfway in the dye and dried. Glue eyes on the yellow part and draw funny faces. The child is happy

Drawing with a permanent marker

One of the fastest ideas. All you need is a permanent marker (one or more) and your imagination. Specks, lines, numbers, mysterious patterns - you will get minimalistic, but very stylish eggs. True, I think it’s not worth leaving these for a long time so that they can be eaten. Still a marker...

Metallic markers are also on sale now - a suitable accessory for Easter. The design is more delicate than when using regular colors.

Simplicity and cuteness

Have white chicken eggs ever reminded you of a funny Hello Kitty? Try making one like in the photo. Little girls will be especially happy - they will love the cute design. For additional decoration, use small flowers, bows, buttons and whatever else you have on hand.

We use paints

What would we do without them? You can use watercolors or acrylic paints. In the second case, you don’t have to worry about moisture getting on the surface - acrylic dyes are not afraid of this. They do not have a strong odor and do not penetrate deeply.

Don't want to bother with time-consuming painting? Then take the bubble wrap and paint it properly. All you have to do is roll the egg on the surface of the film and you will get a speckled egg

Let's move on to less traditional painting methods.

Using fabric

For me, these methods became a kind of discovery. For example, there is an option for where to put old ties. To do this, however, they must be made of real silk.

The method is as follows: take a tie, wrap it tightly with fabric and thread on top (you can use cotton fabric). Take a little more vinegar than before (about three spoons). Boil the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling, cool and very carefully separate the fabric. An incredible beauty comes out

Here is an option with a silk scarf and fabric. In general, do not throw away silk scraps - they can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.

On the theme of fabric and bow decoration: take the lace and wrap it tightly around the eggs. The recipe remains the same, but the patterns turn out great!

Thread decor

You can wrap your creations with threads not only to form beautiful patterns, but also use them as a full-fledged decorative element. To do this, take PVA and coat the surface as you move the thread, which you lay out in a spiral.

Groats in progress

Why does an egg need to be painted? After all, you can simply cover it with grains! Take anything - rice, peas, buckwheat, sesame seeds and much more. You can completely roll the product in one type of grain, or you can sprinkle it in strips, as in the photo.

Confectionery topping

Again, you need to properly coat the surface with glue (you can use PVA) and sprinkle sprinkles on top of it. Balls, stars, and just long strips of sweet material will come in handy.

Dragon eggs

Yes, not the most Easter idea, but it also has its place. For these you will need round sequins and glue. You can go the other way - take an artificial foam egg and a lot of buttons. All that remains is to stick them in circles to get the effect of scales.

I recommend using options with rhinestones, “scales” and so on either for empty shells or for artificial fake eggs, since it will be a shame to scrape off all these decorations later.

Advice. How to blow an egg out of its shell? There are two ways:

  1. Pierce the egg with an awl on both sides. Take a saucer and simply blow out the contents of the egg. Blow carefully so as not to damage the shell.
  2. Pierce the egg on one side. Take the syringe and use it to extract the contents.

Pieces of glass and rhinestones

To decorate eggs, both artificial and natural, square pieces of glass or rhinestones will help you. Looks very impressive and festive

Compromise option

A great idea for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling around, but still want to decorate. And not artificial eggs, but the most natural ones. For each instance you will need several small rhinestones, which you can glue in any order. PVA is useful for gluing.


It seems to me that this method would be suitable for an ordinary Easter egg, but it would be a shame to spoil it. Or you can take an artificial form, as in the master class.

And now, perhaps, the most exotic method of all - painting... with nail polish.

Painting eggshells with nail polish

My friends, just the shell without the contents if you don’t want to get poisoned. I decided to experiment on eggs with their contents and realized that even after lying for a short time, they are so saturated with the smell of varnish that at best only the yolk remains edible.

However, if you just want to get a beautiful shell or surface, then take note. Incredibly simple way.

Prepare nail polish (preferably several colors), a container of water (not used for cooking) and the shell itself. Pour the varnish over the surface of the water, drawing the patterns that you want to see later. Take only fresh, undiluted varnishes that have not expired, otherwise you will end up with thick lines and cakes rather than a thin, beautiful layer.

The coverage area should be approximately equal to the surface area of ​​the egg to again get a beautiful effect.

Carefully lower the egg into the pan, submerging it completely in water. It will immediately become covered with an interesting pattern.

This is what I “drew” for the second egg. First I dripped pink varnish, and then green. As a result, green “dispersed” pink.

I took the eggs not white, but brown, so the result was not very bright.

At the same time I painted a plastic honey jar. I didn’t take into account some of the features, so here and there there were patches of varnish left:_D In general, this method of painting is suitable not only for shells - here you can also use small decorative jars and dip your nails (although you will have to scrub your fingers later, but the result is worth it :) )

But this is what others get by diluting a larger amount of varnish and using the white color of an egg as a base. As soon as people don't fantasize!

other methods

Suddenly I remembered that I had not told about all the options I knew. What else can you use to color eggs for Easter:

  1. Zelenka. It’s best to use it this way: wrap the eggs in gauze, into which you put grains of rice, leaves, pieces of paper, etc. Tie tightly. Now place them in a pan of cold water and cook until boiling, then for a few more minutes.
  2. Paper decorations. These are all kinds of bunny ears, eyes, and handmade coasters. The decorating options here are almost limitless.
  3. Glitter. Coat the surface with PVA glue or paste, and then sprinkle it liberally with glitter, shaking off excess.
  4. Iron-on adhesives. Before Easter they are sold in almost all stores. All you need to do is pull a sticker onto an already boiled egg and quickly lower it into boiling water. I must say, it doesn’t always work out well—you have to experiment with stickers from different manufacturers.
  5. Pencils + watercolor. Use a pencil to draw an image on the surface. Dilute the watercolor in water (the thicker the better) and drop the product into it. Didn't like the effect? Wash off the dye and try again.

Finally, I have prepared for you an interesting video with a very simple method of decoration, in which it is very easy to get the effect of “cosmic” coloring:

Well, what do you think of the painting methods? But I'm sure I forgot something. Maybe you can tell me in the comments? I will be very grateful, as well as other readers who look at the blog. In the future, I will definitely share with you my painting results, don’t miss it

Don't forget to subscribe to updates so you don't miss new interesting articles! And I say goodbye to you.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva


Positive psychology 28.03.2018

Dear readers, very soon we will celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Let me remind you that in 2018 we will celebrate Orthodox Easter on April 8th. We will bake Easter cakes, Easter cakes and, of course, paint eggs.

The tradition of coloring eggs goes back to ancient times. And if earlier eggs were painted mainly red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, now the creativity and creative approach of people around the world are simply amazing. Find out how beautifully you can paint eggs for Easter, from the simplest to the most unusual!

Where did the custom come from?

When to dye eggs for Easter

What day should you dye eggs? According to church canons, eggs should begin to be colored on the eve of Easter on Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is customary to clean the house, wash and prepare Easter eggs and dyes. If you didn’t have time to color the eggs on Maundy Thursday, you can do it on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday are the best days for coloring Easter eggs.

On what day should you not dye eggs?

It is believed that on the day of Jesus' death, that is, on Friday, one should not do household chores, including painting eggs. However, many priests say that even on Good Friday you can start preparing the dyes. When is the best time to do this? - only after 15.00 hours.

Easter eggs have long ceased to be just a ritual food. They are given to friends and relatives and decorate the holiday table. Therefore, every year they try to decorate them as interesting as possible. This process is especially popular with young children, who happily join in this creative game.

  • Chicken eggs will not burst during cooking if you add a tablespoon of table salt to the pan. In addition, eggs should be removed 1-2 hours before cooking. This step will also protect the shell from damage;
  • in order for the paint to evenly cover the shell, you need to wipe the boiled egg with alcohol;
  • if you like the mirror shine of Easter paints and Easter eggs, rub the eggs with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • to fix the shade, place the eggs in a 9% vinegar solution based on the proportions of 1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water;
  • the brightness of the shade depends on the concentration of the dye and the time the egg is in the liquid;
  • You can dye not only chicken eggs. Try coloring quail eggs and you will see how beautiful it is!

If you have small children, then when dyeing it is better to avoid chemical dyes. The risk of dye penetrating into the egg is minimal, but still present, especially if the egg bursts during cooking.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to traditional natural components for coloring, which will definitely not provoke allergies in our children. There are several ways to color eggs for Easter without store-bought dyes. The choice of dyeing tactics depends on the desired shade.

Educational shade chart

Dear readers, I offer you a list of products that will help you achieve the desired shade when coloring Easter eggs. This chart can be printed and used as a guide.

How to color eggs in onion skins. Classic way

Many people know how to paint eggs in onion skins, but let's remind you again about this method for beginners. This recipe is quite easy to make. You just need to stock up on onion peels in advance.

In order to get a purplish-red hue, take the peels from 8 onions and add 400 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. As soon as the coloring solution has cooled, it needs to be filtered.

Now you can start coloring - immerse the eggs in water until they are completely covered and cook them for 10 minutes. If at the end of cooking the color is not sufficiently saturated, you can place them back into the strained coloring broth and leave for another 10 minutes.

How to paint marbled eggs in onion skins

There is another way to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern. This recipe produces marbled eggs. To do this, in addition to onion peels, you will need:

  • a jar of pharmaceutical greens;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • gloves.

To begin, grind the onion skins into fine crumbs. Moisten the eggs with water and roll them in the shells. Now you need to wrap each egg with gauze or nylon so that the husk is fixed, and dip it in water for cooking.

You need to add brilliant green to the container with eggs at the rate of 10 ml per 1.5 liters of water. Now all that remains is to boil the eggs in this coloring solution for 15 minutes. At the end of this simple manipulation, you need to cool the eggs by dousing them with cold water and freeing them from the onion skins.

I would like to emphasize that the use of food products when coloring eggs does not give such an intense color as chemical dyes. The final result also depends on the natural color of the shell. Therefore, to obtain a deep shade it will take more time, up to 12 hours.

Turmeric for a golden hue

Did you know that you can get a yellow-golden color using spices? To do this, add 3 tablespoons of aromatic turmeric to a container of boiling water. Give the solution time to cool and brew, then dip the eggs into it and boil. If the shade is too weak, then you can leave the eggs in the broth overnight.

Beetroot for crimson shade

How to color eggs with beets? Sugar beets give eggs an interesting purple hue when dyed. To do this, grate a medium-sized vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Add beet juice to a container of water, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to steep for half an hour.

Strain the coloring solution and add the eggs to it. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes to obtain a light brown color. Adjust the dyeing time depending on the intensity of the desired color.

Red cabbage for a purple hue

There are many ways to beautifully paint eggs for Easter. One popular method is using red cabbage, which gives the eggs a purple tint. To color this recipe you need:

  1. Chop the cabbage and pour 1.5 liters of water into it.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
  3. After the solution has cooled, it must be strained and allowed to brew for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add eggs to the container with the broth and cook them for 10 minutes. During this time they will acquire a light pink tint. To obtain a rich purple color, leave the eggs in a container with natural dye for 4 hours.

Food colors for coloring eggs

Using store-bought dyes is very simple and many people resort to this method as the fastest. Before purchasing food coloring, pay attention to the instructions on how to color eggs for Easter. The thing is that different paint manufacturers present different methods of applying it. Sometimes you need to boil eggs in water with dye, and in other cases you need to place boiled eggs in the solution.

Most often in stores you can find bags of water-soluble paint. To color in this way, you need to first boil the eggs. Pour cold water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and food coloring into a metal container. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred and wait until the dye grains are completely dissolved.

Then you need to put the eggs in the container and leave for 30-60 minutes. The finished dyes are blotted with napkins and decorated with them on the festive table.

I suggest watching a video on how to color eggs for Easter using food coloring in rainbow colors.

How to make a pattern on an Easter egg

Many families have maintained the tradition of painting eggs using twigs of homemade flowers, leaves, and grass. If you want to make your Easter eggs original, you definitely need to try this coloring method.

Choose any dye that will give you the base shade of the eggs. This could be the usual onion skins, beet juice or store-bought dyes. The choice is yours.

Pour water into a metal container, dilute the dye and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the solution for 10 minutes. During this time you will have time to prepare the eggs for coloring.

To obtain a picture, leaves of trees, plants, and parsley are suitable. Moisten an egg with water and attach a piece of paper. Now wrap the shell in gauze or nylon stocking, securing the ends.

Add a tablespoon of salt to the slightly cooled coloring solution and carefully lower the eggs into it. You need to cook them for 10-12 minutes, then fill them with cold water and free them from the nylon. The result is original Easter eggs with a floral pattern.

Coloring eggs for Easter using the “speckled” technique

In Ukrainian villages, the tradition of making rags, kraponkas or shkrabanks for Easter is still preserved. These are ordinary painted eggs, on which ornaments are then made.

If you want to try to make these Easter eggs, then color them using natural dyes, because store-bought ones smudge a lot when drawing the pattern. Experienced housewives share advice that for this method of decoration it is better to use dark eggs, since they have a thicker shell.

I suggest watching a master class on this technique from Olga Proyda, who participated in the competition along with her 6-year-old son Dima.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • candle;
  • dyes;
  • rags.

Boil the eggs and dilute the dyes in a convenient container. It is better to make the solution sufficiently saturated.

When everything is ready, lay out the rags, light a candle and drip melted wax onto the testicle. After each drop, you can lightly blow on the wax to make it harden faster. After drying the egg with a cloth, then apply wax to the egg in other places. This can be repeated several times.

When all the necessary drops are already in place, dip the egg into the paint. It is convenient to do this with a spoon.

You can see everything in more detail

Easter engraving

For a floral or geometric design, use a thick gypsy needle and a sharpened orange stick. Sometimes in stores you can find a ready-made Easter engraving set, which contains all the necessary tools.

Decoupage Easter eggs

Experienced craftswomen recommend trying to decorate Easter eggs using an interesting decoupage technique. Using this method you can translate any pattern. Painting this way is more labor-intensive, but the end result is worth the effort.

You will need beautiful napkins with a design that you would like to transfer to the shell. You can first color the eggs in any way convenient for you, or simply boil them in water, leaving a natural shade.

You will also need gelatin glue, which is very easy to make yourself. To do this, soak purchased gelatin according to the instructions on the package, drain off excess liquid. The resulting mixture must be heated in a saucepan, without bringing to a boil, until the small particles are completely dissolved.

Now cut out a pattern or fragment from the napkin and separate the top layer, which you will use. Place the design on the boiled egg and cover it with glue on top. Movements with the brush should be smooth from the center to the edges. Let the drawing dry and enjoy the beauty of Easter paints.

Master class “Decorating an Easter egg”

To begin, take multi-layer paper napkins with a pattern and cut out patterns, in this case they are flowers.

Never coat the first layer with plain water, otherwise the water will dry out and the design will fall off.

We attach our flowers to the eggs in any order you like. This is what happened in the end.

The master class is taken from the competition work “Easter Miracle” from Nina Kuzmenko

Stickers – thermal films

It is not always possible to devote enough time to coloring Easter eggs. In this case, purchased thermal stickers come to the rescue. Perhaps this is the fastest and easiest way. Such stickers are made with a wide variety of patterns: Khokhloma or Gzhel, biblical motifs, butterflies, rabbits, cartoon characters, geometric patterns, holiday inscriptions.

Boil the eggs first, put a thermal base on them and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. The sticker will instantly wrap around the shell and the Easter egg is ready!

How to color eggs with little kids in a simple and fun way

All children love to participate in coloring eggs. Give them free rein to be creative. Children's fingers, whatman paper and dyes or paint - that's all you need.

Read more about this master class in the competition article from Anastasia and her wonderful sons.

As you can see, there are a huge number of ways to color eggs for Easter. You can choose any option you like or try each one as an experiment.

I would like to add at the end that Easter is a family holiday. Color the paints with your little children and family. It's not only easy to do, but also fun. Touch a piece of beauty with the whole family!

How do you paint Easter eggs: the old fashioned way with onion skins or in unusual ways? Be sure to share your experience.

I suggest you read other articles on this topic:

And for all of us a musical gift. Beautiful sunny music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

see also

Along with the warm and sunny spring warmth, the good and bright day of Easter is approaching us. Every housewife tries to prepare fragrant and bright Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, various baked dishes and naturally colorful eggs for the festive table.

Colored gifts are given not only to relatives and friends, but also to people who are not always familiar, sharing the good news “Christ is Risen”, and hearing in response “Truly is Risen”.
Did you know that they are divided into certain types, and completely depend on the method of painting the paint. For example ,

  • Krashenki - painted in one color;
  • Easter eggs - have a certain design;
  • Specks - covered with chaotic drops or circles;
  • Drapes - designs will be scratched out on plain ones.

In this article, we tried to collect the most popular methods of coloring shells, revealing all the secrets and nuances to obtain the best result.

How to paint eggs with beets yourself for Easter

Before you start painting eggs, read the rules below so that this venture does not turn into complete disappointment.
Before you start cooking the eggs, you need to bring them to room temperature, taking them out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking.

Add 1.5 tbsp of salt to the water per 1 liter of water. The salt will prevent the protein from leaking out if it does crack.
For a more uniform color, wash them thoroughly with a sponge before cooking.
In addition to chicken eggs, you can also paint quail eggs for the Easter holiday; they look very cute.

And to fix the paint, vinegar is added to the paint, 1.5 tbsp. for 1.5 liters of water.
For a more beautiful effect, you can rub it with a drop of sunflower oil. They will be glossy and very rich in color.

One of the simplest and most economical ways to color eggs is coloring with beets. And here we offer you take advantage in two ways to obtain shades of different saturation.

Painting with beet juice

What should be done :
Grind the beets and, using additional means (such as a juicer), squeeze out their juice;

If you don't have a juicer, simply grate the beets on the coarsest grater and, using gauze, manually squeeze out the juice.

Pour 1.5 teaspoons of 9% table vinegar into beet juice. There should be quite a bit of juice so that it completely covers the workpiece.

And leave them to sit in this juice for several hours. Periodically turn over them and watch the color saturation when it suits you, remove painted items and wipe on dry.

Coloring eggs with beet pulp

You can do it here too take advantage two ways :
You just need to chop raw beets and rub pre-boiled eggs with it until you get the shade you want. Then let them dry and lubricate them with refined oil.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves, otherwise at Easter you will not only have colored eggs, but also no less colorful hands.

Rub also fresh beets and cook them for about 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and put the testicles in it overnight.
Depending on the chosen method and exposure time, you can get from a light pink tint to a dark burgundy color.

Painting with onion skins

To paint eggs in this way, you need to prepare in advance. Now even in stores they have begun to sell onion peels for a purely symbolic price.

But you don’t have to buy it at all, just a few weeks before Easter, don’t throw away the onion peelings while cooking. And by the right day you will have enough to paint.

Ingredients :

  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Pan – 1 piece.

Let's get started:

Dry the onion skins first.
Pour water over the onion skins and put on high heat until it boils, then turn the heat to medium and let it simmer for 30 minutes.
When the broth is ready, remove it from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.
First remove the chicken from the refrigerator, leave for a couple of hours and wash thoroughly.
Strain the onion broth, very carefully transfer the preparations into it, at room temperature, and put on fire for 10 minutes.
After the products have been painted, transfer them to another container and fill with ice water. Onion broth can be used several times, the quality of painting the eggs will not deteriorate.
Rub them with sunflower oil for a glossy shine.

Marble method of coloring eggs

When inspiration strikes to create something original using improvised materials, we recommend using this method of painting. Thanks to simple tricks, the result is souvenirs that are not of ordinary beauty, and it is hard to believe that they are real.


  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Nylon stockings – 1 pair.

Let's get started:

To begin, cut the onion skins into different pieces, with a maximum diameter of 1 centimeter.
Plus shred a white sheet of paper and mix them.

This is done so that the products are not completely painted, but just get a marble effect. You can also add red onion skins.

Preheated to room temperature, moisten with water and roll thoroughly in husks and paper.
Cut nylon tights into approximately 15*15 centimeter squares, and wrap the eggs in the husks in them. Tying them in the same way with a stocking is not a bow.
Place everything in a saucepan, add the remaining husks, add water and put on fire. When boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes.
Then take out the products, free them from nylon and husks, and then cool them with ice water. Next, place them on a napkin and wipe dry. Be very careful when doing this.

Marble pattern in onion skins and brilliant green

This method is similar to the previous one, except for adding a few drops of regular brilliant green. It also has every right to exist, since it is thanks to the Green Diamond solution that the marble color turns out to be more pronounced and rich, try both methods yourself and choose the one that suits you best. Or maybe you'll like both.

Ingredients :

  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Nylon stockings – 1 pair;
  • Green Diamond solution – 1 bottle.

Let's get started:

Grind the onion skins with paper and mix thoroughly. Wash the products at room temperature with a sponge and mix with onion peels. Cut the nylon tights into squares of 15 * 15 centimeters, and cut into strips for tying the blanks. Wrap them up.
Carefully place the crafts in a saucepan, pour in water, light the fire as high as possible, and put on the stove. As soon as the water boils, pour a bottle of brilliant green into it and let it simmer for at least 8 minutes.

When they are cooked, spoon them into cold water, cool and unwrap them.

In onion peel with a pattern

In addition to plain coloring of eggs with onion peels, there are also various options for decorating them with different patterns. We will look at several of them in more detail.

Easter eggs with plant pattern

For such decoration, you can use green leaves sold in the store, as well as house plants growing on the windowsill.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Nylon stocking – 1 pair;
  • Green leaves – 10 pcs.

Let's get started:

Boil the onion skins for at least 30 minutes to obtain a rich broth.
Decorate each egg with one leaf and carefully, without crushing it, wrap it in a stocking.
Boil the chicken pieces in the onion broth for 10 minutes. Cool them under ice water and carefully unwrap them.

Easter eggs with rice pattern

Using ordinary edible rice, you can also decorate Easter souvenirs in an original way. They look unusual, that's for sure. And they are prepared literally from improvised means.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Nylon stocking – 1 pair;
  • Rice – 150g.

Let's start:

Boil the chopped onion skins in salted water for 30 minutes. Wash the products thoroughly and roll in rice.
Make a bag out of nylon, pour 1 tbsp into it. rice and add an egg. Distribute the rice evenly. The bag should be tied as tightly as possible.

It is better to take long-grain rice, since it takes longer to cook, and the picture will definitely turn out.

Boil eggs with rice in onion broth for at least 10 minutes.
Cool the finished products and unwrap them.

Decorating Easter eggs with lace and onion skins

They look very delicate, painted with onion peels and decorated with a lace pattern. At first glance, it may seem that this is not a feasible task, but in fact there is nothing difficult here. Try it yourself, and you will see for yourself. The variety of patterns directly depends on the lace itself, on the width, number of patterns and monograms.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Lace – 50 cm.

Let's get started:

First, prepare a strong decoction of onion peels. To do this, it must be boiled for at least 30 minutes.

For a more saturated color of the broth, use peels from different types of onions.

Then carefully wrap the washed chicken eggs, which must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, since they may burst immediately from the refrigerator, with lace. It is better to wet the lace first, so it will lie more tightly on the egg, and sew it with a needle and thread. Let the broth cool, put everything in it and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce it. Boil everything for at least 10 minutes, then spoon it into another bowl and cool it with cold water and pieces of frozen ice.
Remove the lace and grease the finished product with sunflower oil.

Decorating eggs in onion broth using the drapanka technique

We offer you an equally interesting way to decorate eggs in drapanka style. First you need to boil them and cool them, and then very carefully scratch the design. Create drawings with the whole family, it will bring you closer together.


  • Boiled eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Pencil – 1 piece;
  • Elastic band – 1 piece;
  • Stationery knife - 1 pc.

You can start:

First, prepare a strong onion broth in the standard way, cool it. Warm the testicles to room temperature to avoid cracking. Boil in onion broth. Pat dry with paper towel and set aside to cool.
Using a pencil, draw an example of the future pattern on the egg. There are no special rules here, as in pysanka, you can draw whatever suits your heart. Using a stationery knife, scratch the design along the contour. Hold the knife with your whole hand, and not like a pencil, with two fingers, since it is not very easy. But it is not so difficult that this activity should not be given to children; they will also enjoy creating drawings on their own.
When the drawing is ready, use a careful eraser to remove the pencil and wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth. And to add shine, lubricate it with oil.

Decorating eggs with wax in onion broth using the pysanka technique

A very common method in Ukraine is decorating eggs with wax. But its implementation requires certain skills. Since wax decoration is done using a special device “Pisachok” - this is a wooden stick with a thin funnel at the end. It is with this that the wax is collected and the design is applied.

Required tools:

  • Food coloring – 2 pcs;
  • Pissie – 1 piece;
  • Candle – 1 piece;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Cotton pad – 2 pcs;
  • Vinegar – 50g.

Let's get started:

We take the food out of the refrigerator in advance and heat it to the desired temperature, because otherwise the wax simply won’t stick. Then we wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in 9% table vinegar. We dilute the dye according to the instructions on the package, not forgetting to add vinegar at the end to fix the color.
Light the candle and let it warm up to melt the wax. Dip the piss into the melted wax and heat it under the flame.
We begin to gradually apply wax to the surface of the shell.

You need to hold the pisser straight, but twist the egg with your left hand to get the desired pattern.

The surface on which the wax is applied will subsequently not be painted and will remain white, while the rest of the surface will acquire the required color.
Then we dip them in the dye and wait for the required time according to the instructions.
Next, we clean the egg from the wax by heating it over a candle fire and rubbing it with a wool rag.
That's it!

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

The modern food coloring market is literally replete with the proposed color palette. But you don’t always want to eat souvenirs painted in this way, especially to give them to children. Despite the fact that all the labels say that the dye is food grade, this does not make it any easier. Therefore, we suggest you use our tips for coloring eggs with natural dyes.
After all, in addition to onion skins, there are many more wonderful vegetables and spices, which, although not so bright and rich, are still painted in different shades. Let's begin to gradually list them according to the desired colors.
From dark red to pink:
Brew arcade tea as strong as possible and simmer in this broth for at least 10 minutes; the longer you cook, the richer the color will become. Another burgundy-pink tint will help recolor the decoction of grated beets.
Orange shade:
Carrots work great with such a bright color. It is necessary to grate it and boil for several minutes, then cool and put future souvenirs in it and boil everything together for at least ten minutes. For spices, paprika and ground red pepper will help you, 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water and boil for at least thirty minutes.

Yellow shade:
This color can be obtained from the spice saffron (turmeric). Dilute three tablespoons of turmeric in half a liter of water and boil for several minutes over very low heat. Also cool it and boil the eggs in it. To get a yellow tint, use citrus peels or young birch leaves, if they have already appeared in your region.
Various shades of green: For this you can use the juice of various greens, for example, parsley, dill, basil. For a richer shade, use spinach leaves. Pre-boil the greens for at least thirty minutes, then cool and boil in this broth.

You can also use brilliant green for greens. But there is no need to cook the brilliant greens in the solution, just put them in it for a while, turning them over from time to time, until the desired shade is obtained.
Brown and gold:
Here you will need traditional onion peels or a strong coffee solution. Blue shades:
Here your helper is red cabbage. Finely chop it, add water and a couple of tablespoons of table vinegar. When the solution is infused, place pre-boiled eggs in it and wait for the desired shade.
Lilac shade:
The peels of the red onion will give a beautiful lilac hue, and if you boil them longer, you can bring them to a purple color.

When using food coloring, know that the longer you keep it in the solution, the more saturated the color will be.

Video tutorial on painting eggs in rainbow colors

And if you want to surprise your loved ones with an original coloring of Easter eggs, then we present to your attention a very interesting video that reveals all the secrets of rainbow coloring.

Good afternoon dear friends! We have already begun preparations for Easter in earnest - we have prepared ideas, prepared recipes for the most delicious and... Now, let’s discuss various options for coloring eggs for Easter week, because dyed eggs and Easter cakes are the main attributes of Easter Sunday. I got inspiration and ideas from this article you can see for yourself how many colorful and bright ideas the author of the blog Ekaterina fit into one article!

Agree, after all, if all kinds of baked goods for the Bright Holiday are prepared only for your family, then Easter eggs are given not only to relatives, but also to friends or just acquaintances. Therefore, I believe that they should be bright, unusual and fun! And in villages and villages, you can find such a tradition - giving this symbol to everyone, including strangers.

When presenting the dye, they say “Christ is risen!” In response to this, you can hear “In truth he is risen!” and get the same beautiful colored egg.

Why do they paint eggs for Easter, what is the tradition and where did it come from?

Not every person knows the true reason for painting Easter eggs and their presence on the holiday table. Some people don’t think about it at all, but take it for granted.

Meanwhile, there is a legend about Emperor Tiberius and Mary Magdalene.

In the Roman Empire, people visiting the emperor were required to bring something as a gift. Wealthy people gave gold, while the rest chose from what they had on the farm. Mary Magdalene was able to present an ordinary chicken egg as a gift. She didn't have anything else.

With her she brought the news of the resurrection of Christ. Handing her gift to the emperor, she exclaimed, “Christ is risen!” Tiberius just laughed in response and said that he would believe it if only the egg turned red. At the same moment, the egg changed color to red. It was the greatest miracle. The greatly surprised emperor exclaimed, “Truly risen!”

It was from this moment that the tradition of coloring eggs for the bright holiday began - Easter. The most important shade is always red. But the rest of the tones of the color palette came later.

There are also differences in the type of coloring:

  • Pysanky are amazingly beautiful and skillfully painted eggs. To create them, the following are used: stencils with geometric designs, ornaments and patterns, as well as various leaves or flowers.

  • Krashenki are eggs colored with natural liquids made from the juice of vegetables, berries, herbs or food coloring.

  • Drapankas are eggs decorated with a scratched pattern. Typically, eggs with brown shells are used for this type. It is more durable than white. The pattern is created with an awl, knife, thick needle or scissors. The eggs are pre-colored.

Don’t forget that egg painting begins on Maundy Thursday. Easter cakes are baked in it and the house is cleaned.

There is a tradition: the very first egg is divided among all family members. A piece for each. After that, everyone eats their share. According to legend, this custom makes the family stronger and preserves love in it.

Original DIY painting ideas, very beautiful!

In addition to traditional methods of painting eggs, there are others. They will give the egg an unusual and unique look, they will look original on the holiday table or serve as a cool themed gift!

  • Marble.

To get this effect, you need to dip the egg in water with a light-colored dye. And then in a dark dye, with the addition of sunflower oil.

  • Foil.

If you don't want to waste time painting. Wrap pre-cooked and cooled eggs in colored foil.

Or simply cut out various decorative elements and attach to the egg with glue.

  • Water-based markers or paints.

For mothers and children, painting with eggs using water-based markers is suitable. They are harmless. And if the baby doesn’t know how to draw yet, but is good at coloring, draw a picture on the egg with a simple pencil.

Also, don’t forget about paints. It can be watercolor or gouache.

But what options I found for children, I think fans of cartoon characters will appreciate

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are just wonderful, young guys will love it

Funny minions

For fans of the cartoon Peppa Pig:

Disney cartoons, do you recognize cartoon characters in these cute eggs? These are my favorite cartoons, if I were given these colors for Easter, I would jump for joy!

Here's how you can transform it for Easter based on the plot of the cartoon Frozen

Cute little yellowthroats will also be a wonderful addition to the holiday table.

  • Powdered sugar.

Maybe this is the first time you have learned about this method of painting eggs? Then be sure to use it.

Mix powdered sugar with water at room temperature. The consistency should be thick and homogeneous. We put the mixture into a pastry syringe and draw the desired pattern. Now let's wait until the patterns dry. These are such beautiful eggs.

We color Easter eggs with natural dyes

Natural dyes, or they are also called natural, are the most popular and widespread, since for a long time they were the only ones used to color eggs for the bright holiday. And if you have onion peels, beets or turmeric at home, then you won’t have to spend money on purchasing them. In simple words, the natural method of coloring has only advantages. Therefore, if you are interested in how to color eggs with natural dyes at home, read below for a detailed guide...

We paint evenly with patterns in onion skins

Our grandmothers also made dyed onion skins. But how can we make sure that they also have patterns on them? Let's get a look.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • leaves (for example, parsley or dill);
  • threads;
  • square pieces of gauze;
  • onion peel.

Stages of work:

Wet the egg with water. We attach leaves to it. Carefully wrap the egg in gauze. Pull tightly so that the decorative elements do not move. We tie the ends of the gauze with thread.

Be careful as raw eggs are very easy to break.

We do this with all the eggs.

Place eggs in a saucepan with onion skins. Fill with cold water. Exactly up to half the pan.

Cook for about three minutes. To get a brighter color, you can use a little more.

After this, we take out the dyes, cool them, and remove the gauze and leaves.

To add gloss, wipe the paint with a cotton pad soaked in sunflower oil.

Painting paints with beets

  • Freshly squeezed beet juice can give eggs a pink tint. Just pour it into a bowl and place the boiled eggs there.

What if you leave the eggs in the solution overnight. They will be burgundy.

  • Grate 2-3 medium beets (peeled). Add a little water, 1 tsp. vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Place the eggs into the resulting broth. The time depends on the desired color intensity.

You can also do this with the juice of any vegetable or berry. For example, cauliflower or blueberries.

  • But the most economical way is to simply boil eggs with beets. As a result, we get both dyes and an ingredient for the salad.

Coloring with turmeric

If you want beautiful yellow eggs, this method is perfect.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. turmeric;
  • white eggs;
  • water.

Stages of work:

Pour cold water into the pan. Add 2 tablespoons of turmeric. Stir and place on the stove.

Dip the eggs into the solution.

After the mixture boils, cook the eggs for about 10-15 minutes. Stirring constantly with a spoon.

If you want a richer shade, leave the eggs in the solution overnight.

This is what we got.

There are other natural dyes:

How to transform eggs with fabric?

Amazing Easter eggs can be obtained by boiling eggs in fabric, the dye of which is unstable to high temperatures. It can be silk, muslin, chintz or other materials.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • fabric with a beautiful pattern and unstable dye;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • 3 tbsp. vinegar;
  • needle;
  • white cotton.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut a square of silk fabric.
  2. We wrap it around the egg so that the front side of the fabric fits tightly to the shell. We sew the fabric along the contour of the egg, so that there are no folds.
  3. Next, wrap the wrapped egg in white cloth.
  4. We secure it near the blunt edge using threads. Mix water with three tablespoons of vinegar. Put the eggs in it and put it on the stove. When the water boils, cook the pysanky for another 10-12 minutes. Then remove from the stove and fill with cold water.
  5. After the eggs have cooled, peel them from the cloth.
  6. The pysanky are ready!

Here is an example on different pieces of fabric, it turns out very beautiful!

How do you like this coloring? Would you make Easter eggs like this?

If you do everything correctly, you will get incredibly beautiful patterns on the shell.

Beautiful ornament using colored rice

Now let's try to add beauty to Easter eggs using colored rice. It turns out very beautiful and original, do you like this idea?

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • food coloring for Easter eggs;
  • plastic bags;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 cups rice (for each color).

Stages of work:

While the eggs are boiling. Let's start coloring the rice. Pour half a glass of rice into each bag.

Add a little vinegar to the dye. We dilute the dry powder dye with a small amount of water so that the color is rich. And after that we add vinegar. Pour the mixture into the rice, 2-3 teaspoons at a time. One bag - one color.

Shake each bag well so that the rice is completely colored.

During this time the eggs were boiled. We put them in the bag while hot (two or one at a time).

We tie the bag so that the egg is completely immersed in the rice.

Leave the bags for a while. The longer the eggs sit in the colored rice, the more intense their color will be.

Afterwards, take the dyes out of the cellophane and shake off the cereal.

Here's an interesting way to paint eggs with rice.

You can experiment and mix two different colors.

We paint paints with iodine and brilliant green with our own hands

It is best to color already boiled eggs in this way. We just briefly place them in a solution of iodine or brilliant green.

But it’s worth considering that this is a labor-intensive and rather dirty process, but in the end you get marbled eggs like these. If you are interested in learning how to make such beauty, read the step-by-step description below.

But still, if you are not afraid to get dirty. You can try making dyes this way:

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • brilliant green - 1 bottle;
  • onion peel;
  • small gauze squares;
  • sunflower oil.

Stages of work:

  1. We cut the husk into pieces of different sizes.
  2. Soak the egg in water and dip it in the peel.
  3. We wet it in a gauze square and tie it with thread.
  4. Place the eggs in a saucepan with water.
  5. Add a little salt to prevent the shell from cracking during cooking.
  6. Pour the green stuff into the pan. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Then remove the gauze and rinse under cold water.

Despite all the variety of methods, it is better not to eat eggs painted with brilliant green, iodine and potassium permanganate, but to use them for decoration, because these are still medical preparations. Natural dyes will be healthier: onion peels, juices of vegetables and berries, turmeric or food, but of course each housewife decides on her own.

And I wish you a warm spring and a Happy Easter!

Be sure to write what methods of coloring eggs you use. If you liked the article, press the social buttons. networks and add to bookmarks.

Until new publications!

You can get creative when painting eggs for Easter, which is celebrated in Russia on April 8th this year and get an incredibly beautiful shell - marble, watercolor or with complex geometric patterns. Medialeaks talks about popular ways to color eggs on YouTube that don't require any special skills from you, but will give an impressive result.

Natural dyes: how to make them brighter

The easiest way to color eggs is to buy special harmless dyes in the supermarket and follow the instructions on the packaging. You can even find mother-of-pearl and gold ones. If for some reason you want to use natural dyes, there are ways to do without onion skins, which give the usual red-brown color. Natural dyes for eggs can be divided into groups.

  • Green - spinach or nettle leaves, fresh green apples.
  • Yellow - turmeric, orange or lemon peel, carrots, walnut shells.
  • Red - onion peel (white or red onion).
  • Blue - red cabbage.
  • Blue - blueberries.
  • Pink - beets.
  • Purple - hibiscus leaves.
  • Beige - coffee beans.

The selected ingredients must be added to the water when boiling the eggs. You need to be prepared for the fact that the color after coloring eggs with natural dyes will not be as bright as in the case of artificial ones, but it can be enhanced if, after boiling, you keep the eggs in water with the dye longer (or even leave them in the refrigerator overnight). In addition, the dyes can be mixed or the egg can be dipped first in one of them and then in the other.

To make the dye stick better to the eggs, you can add one or two tablespoons of table vinegar to the water.

Speckled or quail effect using rice

One easy way to make an Easter egg beautiful and unusual is to create a quail shell effect using a container of rice. For this channel Sunrise Fun TV advises pouring a little uncooked long-grain rice into the bottom of a plastic container with a lid (preferably cylindrical). And then add a few drops of liquid dye and shake, closing the lid to mix the contents.

The boiled egg should be placed in this container and shaken again. As a result, it will not be completely colored, but speckled like a quail. As in many other methods, it is better to remove the egg from such a container with gloves so as not to get dirty.

This method has already been adopted by manufacturers of seasonal goods for Easter, and now in European stores you can come across professional kits for painting eggs with rice. But the method will also work at home - you just need to remember that the container must be soft so as not to damage the egg.

Patterns with pieces of fabric

This unusual way of painting Easter eggs has become very popular recently - a video with it in blog HolidashVideo was watched by about six million people. To dye eggs with fabric, you will need two types of fabric - unnecessary colored items made from 100% silk and white synthetic. All fabric is cut into 15 centimeter squares. Raw eggs need to be wrapped in silk, the packages placed on a sheet of synthetic material and tied up, making something like a bag.

The bags need to be filled with water in an enamel or glass pan. Add two tablespoons of vinegar to the water and boil for 15 minutes. Boiling in vinegar causes the silk to fade, staining the eggs with fabric patterns.

Each of these rag wraps can be used for painting several times.

Watercolor shaving foam

Blogger Jenna Ezarik, who published a video about this original way to color eggs for Easter, calls it “the creepiest thing possible.” It will require a lot of shaving foam. She needs to fill the bottom of the container and pour liquid food coloring on top. You can pour the dye in stripes, drops and other abstract patterns, use one color or several.

The goal is not to color all the foam completely, but to prepare a mass of paint in which the egg will fall, so the patterns will be much more effective than a single tone of dye.

Boiled eggs are rolled in the resulting mixture and left outside the containers for twenty minutes.

After this, the mixture is removed with a napkin. The result should be eggs painted with a watercolor effect.

Geometry with a rubber band

Rubber bands are suitable for more than just cutting a watermelon in half (). The essence of the method is simple: before dipping a boiled egg into paint (the method works with soluble food coloring), you need to carefully tighten it with several rubber bands. It is not necessary to strive for symmetry in the lines.

After 15-20 minutes, you need to remove excess liquid with a napkin and simply remove the gum.

You can not use an elastic band, but apply stripes and patterns on the egg with a thin layer of regular dough or in another way. For example, a blogger Sarah Johnson, who posted a video about the eraser, simply draws patterns on the eggs with a simple wax pencil, and then removes the wax.

Textured designs with paper towel

An easy way to color eggs that requires liquid dye, a spray bottle of water, thick napkins or paper towels, rubber bands and gloves. The boiled egg is wrapped in a towel, tying this makeshift package with an elastic band. Liquid dye is dripped onto it in different places, and then sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

After twenty minutes, the egg is removed from the towel. The perforation from the paper will be transferred to the egg.

Colored spots using nail polish

One of the strangest methods that bloggers use is painting eggs with nail polish. And no, you don't have to drag a brush over it. You will need a plastic container with water at room temperature, bottles of polish of different colors, a wooden stick or toothpick (to stir the polish) and gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty.

Blogger A Thrifty Mom, who painted eggs this way for Easter, notes that the water should be at room temperature, otherwise the varnish in it will not spread properly. You can check the readiness of the water by dropping varnish into the vessel several times - the drops should spread over the surface of the water without sinking.

If everything works out, you can stir the varnish a little with a wooden stick: such stains will create more unusual patterns on the egg.

After all these preparatory operations, you just need to lower the boiled egg into the water - but not completely. The varnish film from the surface of the water will transfer to the egg, creating an abstract pattern, and the egg itself will begin to resemble marble.

Since the egg will not be completely covered with a varnish film, you can repeat the procedure with the same colors of varnish and dip the egg into them with the other side. Or use a different set of colors.

The ideas of network users are sometimes more interesting and creative than the proposals of marketers and professional companies. On New Year's Eve, we learned that even gift wrapping can be approached with incredible sophistication: a guy wrapped a gift for his brother in such a way that what was inside the package.

Others at this time are sharing tips on how to save a marriage in the best Japanese traditions, and although they go with a bang.