How to pickle raw beets at home. Pickled beets for the winter - well, very juicy and tasty! Beets, caviar for the winter: a delicious recipe without vinegar

Introducing recipes for pickled beets, which are very tasty. It is better to take those that do not contain vinegar. It is worth trying different options, find a suitable option and preserve it. Such winter spins not only preserve the quality of the product longer, but also make it easier for a woman to cook.

How to pickle

There are many options. Few people know how to pickle beets for the winter correctly. You need to wash the root vegetables and place in water, pre-mixed with salt and vinegar. Proportions are selected according to the individual preferences of the hostess. An average of 2-3 tbsp. l these ingredients. In the marinade, the vegetable is cooked for about an hour, after which it is cooled and eliminated from the skin and laid out in sterilized jars.

Many people will like the recipe for pickling beets for storing billets in sterilized jars. Beets come out in the dining room. Beetroot marinade is filtered, boiled and poured into jars. The finished twist is covered with a lid and after cooling is placed in any convenient place. For preservation, it is better to use a small root crop, since a large one will need to be cooked longer, and after cooking, cut so that it fits in a jar.

For sterilization, the jars are covered with metal lids and placed in a pot of water. 0.5 l containers are sterilized 10 minutes after boiling, then they are corked and turned upside down. Pickled beets for the winter in banks are stored for a long time.

You can make pickled beets without sterilization. For this, several small root crops are selected, boiled and cleaned. For marinade 1 tbsp. l coarse salt is added to 1 liter of water and boiled, then the vegetable is poured and rolled up for the winter. Due to the lack of preliminary heat treatment, canned beets without sterilization will retain almost all of their beneficial properties.

Preparation option: make marinade from onions, salt, sugar, bay leaf and vinegar. Next, do everything according to the already known scheme. Beets with vinegar are prepared without sterilization, so it is better to store such spins in the refrigerator.

Small root vegetables are boiled in a saucepan along with vinegar and granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved, pour over the rest of the beets (1.5 kg). Cook it for about an hour. At the end of cooking, peel the vegetable, and strain the marinade and boil again. You can find many recipes for pickling beets in your own juice. All of them retain the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Different recipes

Classic beets:

  • vegetable to taste;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar - 70 ml;
  • cloves to taste;
  • peppercorns - to taste;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Mix all ingredients (except the main one) and pour 1 liter of water, boil. Peel and boil the boiled root crop in a convenient way, place in jars. Vegetable pour marinade (necessarily boiling) and roll. This pickled instant beet will become the basis for many dishes, and can also be successfully used as a separate dish.

Korean beets for the winter are especially piquant:

  • beets - 1 kg;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • black and hot pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 6 pcs.

Pickled beets (recipe): thoroughly rinse the vegetable, leave the spine and leaves. Pour the fruits with cold water and boil. After cooking, drain excess, peel. Boiled beets are grated, mixed with sugar, salt and vinegar. Mass fill up pre-prepared cans and wait for the juice to appear. Mix pre-crushed garlic with spices, hold on fire for about 10 seconds. Banks roll up and put in storage. This beet blank will decorate any holiday table.

Fancy recipes

This vegetable is popular in the cuisine of many peoples. The Caucasus is famous for its dishes. You can use several recipes for the blanks invented there.

Ossetian beets. You will need:

  • vegetable - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • basil - 1 tsp;
  • savory - 1 tsp;
  • cilantro - 1 tsp;
  • utsho-sunel - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml.

Salt with sugar and spices are poured with water, boiled for about 2 minutes. Pour the cooked and infused beet marinade, twist the jars with pre-boiled and chopped beets with vinegar, laid in jars, alternating it with layers of garlic and hot pepper

Pickle beets in Georgian:

  • vegetable - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • apple cider vinegar - 4 tbsp. l
  • utsho-sunel - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • saffron - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • black and red pepper to taste.

Beets marinated in jars for the winter are prepared as follows: place laurel and black pepper in a saucepan, pour 0.5 l of water, and then boil for 5 minutes. Add salt and sugar, boil for 2 minutes, after adding vinegar, remove from heat. Boil the vegetable, chop the garlic and chop the greens. In a plate, mix all the spices, put bay leaves and pepper from the marinade in a jar. Apply beets, garlic, herbs and spices in new layers. Continue applying layers until the jar is full. Pour everything with a warm marinade and spin.

Recipe for pickled root vegetables. You will need:

  • vegetable to taste;
  • water - 10 l;
  • salt - 500 g.

For preservation, you can take any amount of vegetable and water, the proportions of salt will also be selected in accordance with the volume of water. This beet marinade does not additionally require any spices and ingredients. The root crop laid in jars must be poured with marinade so that it covers the fruits by about 5 cm, squeezed with something and placed in a warm place for a week.

When the mixture begins to ferment, foam forms on it, which must be removed. After that, the workpiece is taken out in a cold place, where the process will slow down a little. If there is no cold place, fermentation can be slowed down by decomposing the workpiece in sterilized jars.

Marinating beets at home can occur according to different recipes. All of them preserve the color and useful properties of the root crop, facilitate cooking and do not change the taste of this indispensable vegetable on the table.

Pickled beets   tastes very good. It will be a great addition to any fish, meat dish, porridge, etc. Let's consider the options for its preparation.

Pickled Instant Beets.

   - water - one glass

   - carnation inflorescence - 3 pieces
   - bay leaf - 2 pieces
   - black pepper peas - 3 pieces
   - vinegar - 255 g

   1. Wash the beets, boil until cooked.
   2. Peel the boiled beets, cut them into slices, grate or chop them using a food processor.
   3. From seasonings, salt, sugar, vinegar and water, prepare the marinade, bring it to a boil, let it cool slightly.
   4. Pour the beets with a warm marinade.
   5. The next day, the workpiece can be eaten.

   Try also.

Quick pickled beets.

   - salt - half a teaspoon
   - water - one glass
   - fresh beets - 3 kilograms
   - granulated sugar - tablespoon
   - cloves of garlic - 8 pieces
   - black pepper peas
   - table vinegar - half a glass
   - bay leaf - 3 pieces
- clove buds - 3 pieces

   1. Rinse the beets thoroughly, peel with a sharp knife, cut the skin into thin strips.
   2. Pour the beets with water, boil for 60 minutes, remove from the broth, cool the tubers, cut them arbitrarily.
   3. Peel the garlic, cut into thin plates, put in a clean jar.
   4. Alternate beets with garlic.
   5. Prepare the pouring or marinade: pour water into a deep pan, add sugar, salt, boil, and then add black pepper, bay leaf, cloves, reduce heat, boil the marinade for another minute.
   6. Pour vinegar, bring to a boil again.
   7. Pour jars with boiled beets with marinade, cover with lids, leave to cool completely, close lids tightly, put in the refrigerator.
   8. After 10-12 hours, the pickled beets will be ready.
   9. If desired, add cilantro or parsley to the workpiece. ready!

   Cook others too.

Quick pickled cabbage with beets.


Cabbage - one kilogram
   - small beets
   - hot red pepper
   - salt
   - vinegar - half a glass

   1. Cut the cabbage into large pieces, and the beets into thin strips, stir.
   2. Add a little hot pepper, sliced \u200b\u200bin circles, put in a pan.
   3. All this pour boiling water with vinegar.

As you can see, there are many options for making quick pickled beets. In any case, you will be satisfied with her taste.

You can marinate beets in grated form, whole, cut into slices, cubes, cubes, etc. It should also be said that absolutely any marinade can be used to prepare such an appetizer. The main thing is that they are able to maintain the taste and color of beets throughout the winter.

Step by step cooking marinated beets

Beetroot is a very useful product for the human body. But, unfortunately, far from all culinary specialists, such a vegetable is to their taste. Therefore, we recommend preparing it for the winter. Using aromatic marinades, you can make a really tasty snack that neither an adult nor a child will refuse.

So how to pickle beets? For this we need:

  • medium fresh beets - about 1 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - approximately 200 ml;
  • salt is not very large table - 1 dessert spoon;
  • allspice black pepper - 3 pcs each. in each jar;
  • light sugar - about 30 g;
  • root horseradish - about 30 g;
  • fragrant cloves - 3 buds;
  • hot chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon (use as a stick) - 1 pc.

We prepare vegetables

Before pickling beets, it must be well processed. Red tubers are thoroughly washed, spread in a deep saucepan, poured with water and boiled until cooked.

After the vegetables are soft, they are taken out and cooled at room temperature. Subsequently, the peel is carefully removed from the beets and chopped with cubes.

Marinade process

Marinate beets so that the appetizer is not very spicy, but at the same time has a special piquancy. To prepare such a marinade, ordinary drinking water (1 l) is mixed with table vinegar, and then spread the parsley, clove buds, salt, root horseradish, hot chili pepper, peas, cinnamon stick and granulated sugar.

Having mixed all the ingredients, they are put on a strong fire and quickly brought to a boil. After removing the dishes from the stove, its contents are cooled at room temperature.

How to roll up cans?

Quick-marinated beets are no worse than those that take several weeks to create. That is why such a recipe is especially popular with modern chefs.

After the marinade has cooled, the beet sticks are laid out in sterilized jars and poured with aromatic liquid. Having closed the containers with lids, they are immediately removed into the refrigerator.

How to serve a snack to the table?

Pickled beets instantly ready to eat after a day. Red vegetables are spread in a bowl with a marinade and served to the table with a slice of bread.

The most delicious pickled beets: a recipe for cooking

It is no secret to anyone that beets are a very high-calorie product, especially when cooked. That is why marinades from it are very nutritious and nutritious.

If you plan to pickle beets for the winter, we recommend using the cooking recipe provided. To implement it, we need:

  • medium fresh beets - about 3 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - approximately 180 ml;
  • salt is not very large table - 3 dessert spoons;
  • allspice black pepper - 4 pcs. in each jar;
  • light sugar - about 100 g;
  • lavrushka - several petals;
  • drinking water - about 2 glasses;
  • fresh garlic - a few cloves;
  • large white onions - several heads;
  • refined sunflower oil - a full glass.

We prepare vegetables

The presented recipe for pickled beets for the winter is good to use if you want to get a juicy and very tasty snack. For its preparation, medium-sized fresh tubers are thoroughly washed and spread in boiling water. On low heat, the beets are cooked for 50-70 minutes.

After the tubers become soft, they are removed from the pan, cooled and peeled. Next, the whole beets are rubbed on a coarse grater.

As for onions, it is peeled and chopped with thin half rings. In the future, they are added to the grated beets and mix well.

Make a marinade

Pickled beets, the recipe of which we are considering, turn out to be very tender and tasty. This is due to the fact that its marinade contains a large amount of oil.

To prepare such an appetizer, ordinary water is poured into a large pan, as well as black allspice, lavrushka, white sugar and table salt. Bringing all the ingredients to a boil, they are removed from the stove. Table vinegar is added to the dishes and the marinade is well mixed.

As for sunflower oil, it is poured into a deep bowl and strongly heated over medium heat. By the way, some housewives add such a product directly to the marinade during its heat treatment.

Seaming process

Pickle beets in oil brine should be about a month. Only after this period can the snack can be opened and boldly presented to the table. But before you implement these actions, you must properly roll all the vegetables.

Grated boiled beets with half rings of onions are tightly spread in small sterilized jars, and then marinated with 2/3 parts. Filling the containers with hot sunflower oil, they are immediately rolled up with metal caps.

After the formation of the snack, all banks are turned upside down and left in this position for exactly one day. Over time, pickled beets are sent to any cool place.

How to use?

Beets marinated in oil marinade can be eaten only after 4 weeks. During this time, the red vegetable will become as juicy and soft as possible. As a rule, it is served at the table as a flavorful snack with toast or just a slice of bread. However, there are also such housewives who use this product for cooking other hot dishes. For example, very often pickled beets are added to various borscht and goulash. With this ingredient, dishes acquire a rich color and unrivaled taste.

Beets are an indispensable vegetable, its benefits cannot be overestimated. This common vegetable contains substances that favorably affect blood formation, in addition, it, like all vegetables in general, is useful for the digestive tract, as it contains a lot of coarse fibers. The benefits of the product remain after heat treatment. Therefore, we will prepare for ourselves and for the winter several jars of pickled beets according to these recipes.

This pickled vegetable in winter is a lifesaver for the hostess. Beets prepared according to this recipe can be used in any dishwhere the root crop is present according to the recipe. This borscht, and salads and soups, and as an independent dish, as a snack.

Stages of marinated billet preparation

  • For harvesting, we need to select a medium-sized, fresh vegetable. Medium-sized vegetables boil faster and more evenly, they are juicier and more harmonious in taste.
  • If the beets are only from the garden, we will completely cut the tops and leave the small tail, cook with the peel, otherwise the root crop will lose its saturated color, everything will go into the water.
  • Rinse the roots well and put them in a pan, add water so that all vegetables are completely submerged. Put on medium heat and cook until tender, you can check the readiness with a knife or fork, if root crops easily pierce, then they are ready. We drain the water and let it cool.
  • You can boil the root crop until half-ready, save more vitamins and this will not affect the taste of the future pickled harvest.
  • From the cooled beets, carefully remove the skin and cut into cubes or strips, at your discretion. Pieces should be small to marinate well.
  • Now we need to cook the onions. We clean it and cut into thin neat rings, in this form the onion will look much more appetizing in jars, if you want to prepare pickled beets for the winter.

Harvesting pickled beets for future use

Instant recipes for pickled beets with other vegetables

By experimenting with other vegetables in the main recipe, you can get your unique product.

Recipe for marinating instant beets with cabbage

Cut two kilograms of fresh white cabbage into strips or small squares. Take beets and carrots about a pound, wash, peel the roots and cut into small strips. Peel half a large head of garlic, chop finely. We mix all cooked vegetables by adding a glass of vegetable oil.

Now prepare a pickle according to this recipe: pour one liter of water into the pan, add 50 grams of salt and an incomplete glass of sugar, spices (bay leaves, peppercorns), boil for 5 minutes and add 150 ml of 9% vinegar at the end.

Pour boiling brine over the vegetable mixture, then let cool and place in the refrigerator for a day. Now you can put the finished pickled root vegetables into sterile jars and roll them up. Turn the jars over, put on the lids and wrap the heat until it cools completely. Store in a cool place.

The next variant of pickled instant beets for lovers of savory snacks

We pickle a couple of jars of beets in Korean. So, take the washed and previously peeled beets, cut into strips, add crushed garlic, salt, sugar and cilantro seeds to the beets. Mix and add more vegetable oil and vinegar. Again, mix well and leave to marinate at room temperature for a couple of hours, then remove for a few hours in the refrigerator   and roll up.

Beets with different vegetables

Prepare all the vegetablesrinsing and cleaning them. Cut beets, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers into cubes. Divide cauliflower into parts, cut celery into rings, and tomatoes into small slices. Add the onion by simply peeling it.

Blonch all vegetables for five minutes, pouring them completely with boiling water. Add cooked spices, salt, sugar and vinegar to a pan with vegetables. Mix everything well and simmer the vegetables for a few more minutes over low heat.

Arrange the vegetables and brine in sterile jars, sterilize in the oven for a quarter of an hour and roll up. Then, as usual, you need to wrap the jars and allow to cool at room temperature, then put them in a cool dark place for storage.

Necessary harvesting products   instant vegetables with this recipe

  1. We take medium-sized vegetables of 5 pieces of carrots and beets
  2. 5 pieces. unripe (brown, green) tomatoes
  3. 1 medium squash
  4. Small onions - 15 heads
  5. Small cucumbers - 10 pieces
  6. Three celery
  7. One head of cauliflower
  8. Salt 100 grams
  9. Sugar incomplete glass
  10. Vinegar 6% 220 ml.
  11. Water 2 liters
  12. Spices to taste

Pickled Beets with Onions

Beetroot marinated with horseradish

As usual, wash and clean the vegetables. Cut root vegetables into cubes, horseradish to pieces. Now prepare the fill. Boil the water with sugar, salt, spices and vinegar. Boil for a short time, two minutes will be enough.

We mix the beets, horseradish and dill seeds well and put them in prepared containers (sterile jars). Fill with hot brine.

  1. For 1200 beets
  2. Horseradish root 10 grams
  3. Dill seeds (you can take cumin) 3 grams
  4. Brine is prepared from three hundred ml of water
  5. Salt needs 100 grams
  6. Sugar 200 grams
  7. Vinegar 9% 600 ml
  8. Spices to taste

Note: in all recipes take salt not iodized. Root crops in all the recipes listed here can be cut much finer, you can grate. This will speed up the preservation of the product. This option will be ready for use much earlier and will be more convenient for cooking dishes where a fine shredding of ingredients is required, for example, in soups, borsch, salads.

You can cook pickled beets not only with vegetables, but also with fruits.

Instant plum beets

  • To prepare this workpiece, we need an ingredient that is not quite usual in our kitchens - Rhodiola rosea. This blank is without vinegar!
  • So, take the prepared root crops about a couple of kilograms and boil them until cooked. Cook beets necessarily in a peel.
  • We clean the boiled root vegetables and chop with a thin straw.
  • 500 grams of plums are peeled. Put slices of plum in boiling water for five minutes.
  • In sterile jars we spread the root crops, plums, pieces of Rhodiola roots and cloves in any order. Fill the jar and fill it with hot marinade.
  • For a marinade, boil one liter of water with 30 grams of salt and 110 grams of sugar.
  • Then we roll everything as usual.

Beetroot with currant

Raw chopped at random beets and currant berries   (any color) lay in sterile jars and fill with brine. Cans with this preform must be sterilized for 8–15 minutes, depending on capacity.

The main ingredient for the harvest, beets, can combine with different vegetables, fruits, berries, and even nuts. Different peoples give their name to this tasty, healthy, indispensable preparation in any kitchen. These are beets marinated in Bulgarian, Polish, and Czech. Everywhere they love and appreciate the useful properties of an affordable and tasty root crop. Try and you prepare for yourself several jars to your taste and find in this sea of \u200b\u200brecipes your favorite. Good luck with your experiments in the kitchen.

The beets began to be eaten began in the fourth century BC by the ancient Greeks. Later, the vegetable spread throughout Europe.

Beets contain many useful minerals and vitamins. Beets are used in cooking in boiled, baked and raw form. Marinated beets for the winter have long been harvested by our hostesses. It can be used as an independent snack or used to make vinaigrette, borsch and other dishes.

You will have to spend about an hour, but in winter you only need to open a jar of home-made and enjoy the taste of pickled beets.


  • beets - 1 kg .;
  • water - 500 ml .;
  • vinegar - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1/2 tbsp;
  • pepper, cloves.


  1. For this recipe, it is better to take small young root crops. Peel the beets and cook over low heat until soft. It takes about 30-0 minutes.
  2. Let it cool and cut into halves or quarters. Can be cut into thin slices or strips.
  3. Place the pieces in sterilized jars, add bay leaf and prepare the marinade.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar and spices. A few peas of black pepper and 2-4 clove inflorescences. If you like, you can add half a cinnamon stick.
  5. Add the vinegar to the boiling brine and pour into a jar.
  6. If you intend to store the blank for a long time, it is better to sterilize the jars for 10 minutes, and then roll up the metal lid with a special machine.
  7. Turn over closed jars and allow to cool completely.

Pickled beets in jars can be stored until the next season. You can eat beets such as a side dish for meat dishes, add to salads and soups.


  • beets - 5 kg.;
  • water - 4 l.;
  • caraway seeds - 1 tsp;
  • rye flour –1 tbsp


  1. Ripe root vegetables need to be peeled and cut into pieces.
  2. Then they need to be folded into a suitable container, sprinkling layers of beets with caraway seeds.
  3. Rye flour should be dissolved in warm water and pour the beets with this composition.
  4. Cover with a clean cloth and press down.
  5. Leave in a warm place for fermentation for about two weeks.
  6. Then the finished beets should be stored in a cool place.

The beets are tasty, have a rich color and a spicy caraway flavor. They can serve as the basis for various salads or be an independent dish.

Such beets can be served as an independent appetizer, or decorate it with a hot meat dish.


  • beets - 1 kg .;
  • water - 1 l .;
  • plums - 400 gr.;
  • apples - 400 gr.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • salt - 1/2 tbsp;
  • pepper, cloves, cinnamon.


  1. Peel small beet fruits and boil.
  2. Blanch the plum for about 2-3 minutes. Cut the apples into slices and dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Cut beets into slices or slices and place in prepared jars, alternating layers with apples and plums.
  4. A whole beet looks beautiful in banks, if it is small enough.
  5. Prepare the brine, you can add other spices.
  6. Fill your workpieces with hot brine and tightly cork with lids.
  7. If you store these pickled products in the refrigerator, you can do without sterilization.
  8. The acid found in berries and fruits will give this dish the necessary acidity. But, if you are worried, you can add one spoonful of vinegar.

Pickled beets with cabbage for the winter

With this method of harvesting you will get an interesting snack. Crisp cabbage and spicy beets - just two pickled vegetables to your table.