How to paint eggs for Easter with napkins. How to make Easter eggs with your own hands How to paint eggs with vinegar in rags

Good day to all! How are you? Spring is in full swing outside, streams are running and babbling. Breathing is easy!

Mood for 5+ And that’s why I want to create and get weird, so today I want to show how unusual, original, tasteful and super beautiful you can decorate and color eggs for Easter. Look and choose the method you like, there is nothing complicated in this matter. I hope that the step-by-step descriptions in this article will help you with this. And your guests will be delighted.

Also, don’t forget to cook Easter cakes and bake delicious Easter. I think it’s a wonderful tradition to cook delicious things on spring days and decorate eggs with your own hands.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Therefore, I don’t want to write more information about this. I won’t go deep into history; to be honest, I never liked history at school, although of course it was wrong.

So, why are eggs painted for Easter? I answer.

At all times, the egg was considered a symbol of the birth and rebirth of the Sun. The sun carried light and warmth. Previously, eggs were presented to the gods, but now we present them to loved ones and friends.

They began to color eggs in Ancient Egypt, and the inhabitants waited for this event for a whole year. For them it was a great miracle.

In the Indian Vedas, the god Brahma hatched from the Golden Egg.

It is known that in the East, according to legend, they said that the World came from Chaos and was in an egg.

There are legends in our world that say that an egg is a symbol of life.

Easter eggs are one of the main attributes of Christian Easter. According to ancient church tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene gave the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. In Christian culture, colored eggs are considered a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian folk legends say that at the moment of the Resurrection of Christ, the stones on Calvary turned into red eggs.

How to color eggs with your own hands?

Of course, no one will argue that Easter eggs are a decoration for the festive table during Easter. In stores now there is a very wide variety of all sorts of interesting things for decorating eggs, these include stickers, dyes, materials for decoupage and much more.

The main thing is that the decorated eggs turn out to be cheerful and not sad, that is, they should be made in bright, sunny colors.

The presence of red color is required according to old Russian traditions, and the rest will be your imagination, imagination and creativity.

There are several rules for painting eggs:

  • Eggs must be degreased and washed before painting or decorating. This is done using laundry soap (washing) and alcohol (degreasing).
  • Eggs do not cook immediately, that is, you cannot take them out of the refrigerator and immediately put them into boiling water. Remove the eggs and let them sit warm for a while. Then there won’t be a big temperature difference and the shell won’t crack during cooking!
  • Boil the eggs by adding salt to the water, about 1 tbsp. for 1.5 glasses of water.
  • In order for the eggs to shine after coloring, you need to dry them well and then grease them a little with vegetable oil, remove excess oil with a cloth.

Interesting:😆 Have you ever heard about colored eggs, specks, Easter eggs and drapanki. Sounds fun :)

  • dyes - painted in one color
  • specks - painted one color, but have small specks of a different color
  • Easter eggs - these eggs have a small design on them
  • drapanki - a plain egg with a pattern, the design is done manually by scratching

We paint and decorate eggs for Easter

In this article I would like to teach you how to decorate and paint eggs in different interesting ways. And there are a lot of ways to paint. Choose which one suits your taste and experiment. You will succeed. 🙂

Decorating eggs with wax crayons

This method is very easy and not very costly financially.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, warm water, 9% vinegar, wax crayons

Stages of work:

1. Dilute the dyes according to the instructions on the package.

2. Add 1 tbsp of vinegar to 250 ml of water.

3. Mix the vinegar and dye well.

4. Boil the eggs, but do not drain the water, because this method requires hot eggs.

5. Take an egg and wet it with a napkin.

6. Take pencils and color the egg.

7. Dip the painted egg into the dye for 1 minute.

8. Take the egg out after the time has passed and dry it on a stand. The stand can be made from polystyrene foam and toothpicks. You can take a dishwashing sponge and stick needles and beads into it, it will also make a good stand for drying eggs.

9. These are the beautiful eggs we got 😎

Decoupage Easter eggs from napkins

We will need:

  • white eggs, patterned napkins, egg white and brush

1. Take a raw egg and separate the white from it. Beat the whites a little until they are thick. Many people write that you can use PVA glue instead of protein, but it seems to me that this is not safe. Prepare napkins with drawings for work.

2. Take a napkin and separate the topmost layer, which has a pattern.

3. Now cut out from the napkins the elements that you want to print on your egg.

4. These are the elements we got.

5. Take any element and place it on the egg. Dip the brush into the protein and coat the butterfly with the protein.

6. You can not completely coat the butterfly. To do this, do not remove the top layer with the pattern from the napkin.

Attach the butterfly, coat the middle of the butterfly with protein, remove the top layer of the butterfly, and coat the bottom layer with a brush with protein.

7. Easy and simple, and so beautiful!

When I was preparing for this article, I found one amazing video that I really liked. It also shows the original decoupage. Take a look, you won't regret it!

Master class “DIY Easter egg design”

If you like the patterns, write to me via feedback, I will send them to you by email.

Marble pattern using dyes

A good option for creative people, also an original and not very difficult method.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, white napkins, spoon, gloves

Stages of work:

1. Wear gloves for work.

2. Be sure to cover the table with cling film or oilcloth.

3. Take an egg and wrap it in three white paper napkins.

4. Take a spoon and scoop a little of any dye into it, and then pour it onto the egg.

5. Now take a different color of dye and apply it again to the egg. Continue applying dye to the areas where the napkin is white.

6. Press the napkin firmly onto the egg so that the dyes color the egg.

7. Leave the egg for 15-20 minutes on a special stand.

8. Then remove the napkin and look at your masterpiece result.

9. The result is a marble pattern with a transition from color to color.

Painting with nylon and greenery

This method of painting eggs will require a little perseverance and manual dexterity on your part.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, herbs (parsley and dill), nylon, thread

Stages of work:

1. Take an egg and place parsley on it and carefully wrap the egg in nylon, pressing and twisting tightly.

2. Tie the nylon with a thread and dip the egg in the dye.

3. Remove the egg and place it on a stand to allow the egg to dry.

4. The egg turned out to be a miracle.

You can use not only greenery, for example, take adhesive tape or electrical tape and cut out different figures, and in the same way wrap it in nylon and paint it in dye.

Easter patterns using thermal stickers

We will need:

  • white eggs, hot water, Easter thermal stickers

Stages of work:

1. Take a thermal adhesive pattern and place it on the egg.

3. The Easter egg with the pattern is ready!

Easter sticker patterns

The easiest way is to buy Easter stickers and decorate our holiday eggs as you please.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, Easter stickers

Stages of work:

1. Paint the eggs any color. Or you can leave them white.

2. Take Easter stickers, they are sold in the store. Remove the stickers from the leaves and decorate the eggs.

Method using onion and beet peels

You can always use this method, since products such as beets, onions, red cabbage and turmeric are almost always in the house. The only downside to this type of painting is time. This method takes much longer to paint eggs than with food coloring.

We will need:

  • white eggs, cabbage, beets, water, you can use onion skins, turmeric

Stages of work:

1. Take red cabbage and cut it into pieces with a knife.

2. Grate the beets. Pour boiling water over vegetables in separate cups. (Onion peels, if you are making paint out of them, need to be filled with water and boil this broth for about 40 minutes. Then add eggs and leave in the onion peels until the water cools down. Afterwards, move the pan to the refrigerator overnight, at morning eggs in onion skins will be painted).

3. Drop an egg in there.

4. Take it out after a while and dip the eggs with a napkin.

5. Place the eggs on a stand and let them dry.

6. In this way, the eggs are not very bright and rich. But these are real natural dyes!

Coloring using available materials at home

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring

Stages of work:

1. The egg must be dry; another important condition is that it must be warm or hot.

2. Dilute the dye with water according to the instructions and add 1 tbsp to the dye with water. vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Dip the egg not completely into the paint, hold it in the dye a little for 2-3 minutes. Remove the egg and a drop of paint with a napkin.

4. Place the egg on a stand and let the paint dry.

6. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 4 again.

7. This is what you will get, an interesting design, I think :)

8. Place the colored egg on the stand and dry.

Coloring eggs in a glass

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, glass, syringe

Stages of work:

1. Take a glass and put an egg in it.

2. Fill the syringe with dye and carefully pour the dye over the walls of the glass. Leave the egg like this for 30 minutes. Next, fill the syringe again and carefully pour it out so that the egg is completely covered and again leave for 20 minutes, and again fill the syringe with paint and hold for 10 minutes.

3. Remove the egg from the paint. Dip the egg carefully with napkins and dry on a stand.

4. The egg will turn out to be monochromatic, but the color on it will have 3 types: dark, lighter, very light.

Wrapping thread around eggs

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, knitting thread

Stages of work:

1. Wrap the eggs with thread.

2. Dip the eggs in the dye for 10 minutes and let them color.

3. Remove the eggs from the dye and blot the eggs with napkins.

4. Remove the threads.

Coloring eggs with vegetable oil

It turns out very interesting, I never thought that vegetable oil in combination with dye could give such an effect!

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, vegetable oil, water

Stages of work:

1. Paint the egg a light color, such as yellow.

2. Take a container with a dark dye, for example green, and add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and stir.

3. Dip the egg in green dye and let it color. That's how original it turned out!

4. Remove the egg. Place on a rack to dry.

Decorate with fabric

I never thought that you could paint eggs this way too. Watch and be surprised! “How to dye eggs for Easter using old ties! Silk dyeing:

An interesting way, you can take any fabric and paint eggs

Painting eggs with nail polish

This method can be called water manicure (or water manicure technique). The method is quite attractive, but not very safe for health. Since varnish is a chemical, you can use this method, if you just give the egg as a gift, but not eat it, I wouldn’t risk it.

We will need:

  • white eggs, nail polish

Stages of work:

1. First boil the eggs, cool and dry.

2. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl and add varnish (you can use one color, you can use several colors, it’s up to you).

3. If you are using several colors, remember that you need to drip the varnish into the center of the bowl one by one, then one color, then another.

4. Now take a toothpick and draw any abstract designs. Or take an egg and place it in a bowl, first one side, then the other. Let dry.

5. You can not dilute the varnish in water, but simply paint anything with varnish, flowers, horses, chickens, bunnies, etc. Let your imagination run wild!

Unusual Easter eggs made from jelly

When I was preparing for this article, I saw such an amazing video on how to make unusual jelly eggs. The video stars a child who is very mischievous and cheerful. It turns out to be such a bright, sunny meadow of multi-colored shiny eggs.

In addition, for those who like pranks, or making surprises for relatives or friends, this idea of ​​pranking with such eggs is perfect. To do this, you do not need to remove the shell from such eggs, just decorate the shell in any way. And it looks like it’s just an Easter egg, but in reality, when they start cleaning they will see a surprise. Play a prank on your guests for Easter, none of the guests will remain indifferent. There will be so much laughter and smiles!

Watch and see for yourself.

Such testicles (eggs) from jelly can be created together with your child, as shown in this video. After all, the joint work of a child and mother greatly unites and brings closer together. And most importantly, the child will be delighted.

If you have a desire, you can decorate eggs with your child and make some funny souvenirs for Easter; I wrote another article about this on this topic:

Friends, I want to wish you all the best, peace, prosperity, goodness! May there always be warmth and light in your life, may life be without illness and adversity! If you wish all this on the eve or day of Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health to everyone! Happy upcoming Easter to you! Christ is Risen!!!

P.S. By the way, Easter eggs can be left until next year, and then used in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and damage. I never knew about this. This year, I will definitely leave one, the most unusual, beautiful egg untouched. Let it lie until next Easter, there will be such an interesting tradition in our family.


How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands

The holiday of Easter is coming soon, which is one of the most significant and revered events of the Christian religion. On this day everyone says “Christ is risen!” and they give colored eggs and Easter cakes, and those who accept this gift say “Truly he is risen.” And if Easter cakes can be purchased in a store without any problems, then in order to get beautiful eggs you need to try. There are several types of gift eggs: krashenki (eggs painted one color), drapanki (eggs with a scratched pattern), pysanka (painted eggs) and krapanki (eggs covered with droplets of wax). We will describe modern methods, and one of the most popular is how to dye eggs in rags.

General tips:

- eggs must be fresh;

- you need to take them out of the refrigerator and wait at least half an hour for them to warm up to room temperature;

— potential paints must be washed thoroughly;

— in order for the egg to be bright and shiny after coloring, you need to rub it with a cloth moistened with vegetable oil.

List of popular ways to color eggs:

How to dye eggs for Easter in rags

You can dye the egg using bright silk rags or other rags that will probably fade when washed. Alternatively, buy scarves or ties with bright patterns at a flea market or sale. The front side of the flap must be tightly attached to the shell.

You can stitch the egg so that it does not slip. Next, you need to wrap it tightly in cotton and place it in a saucepan.

Pour water there and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Cook for about 15 minutes after boiling. After this, fill them with cold water and remove the fabric. The eggs will have the same pattern as the fabric.

In onion skins

The most classic and natural option. The result is shades from yellow to brown - all depending on the time of dyeing and the amount of husk. For example, if you need a bright red color, then you need to take the peels of six large onions and one and a half glasses of water. Boil it for 25-30 minutes. Wait until the solution sits for about an hour. After this, you can immerse the raw eggs in a boiling decoction of onion peels, cook as usual and rinse with chilled water (so that the eggs can be cleaned well).

How to color eggs in onion skins

Now there are many different ways to color eggs, but the most popular is traditional coloring in onion peels. The main reason is the naturalness of the paint, because during the painting process they can burst and the paint penetrates inside. Plus, this is a 100% guarantee of results, because the coloring will work out in any case, the intensity and depth of the color may differ.

The time to color eggs in the husk is 45 minutes.

We will need:

Chicken eggs

Onion peel

Table salt – 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil

How to paint eggs for Easter in onion skins:

First you need to collect the onion skins. How much will it be needed? This directly depends on what color depth you want to achieve. If your goal is to get a rich burgundy color, then first you need eggs with white shells, and of course a lot of brown shells.

Fill the onion peel with water. At the same time, you need to remove the eggs from the refrigerator, wash them well, and leave them on the table to warm to room temperature. This will protect them from damage (cracks) during cooking.

Place the pan with the husks on the fire and wait until it boils.

After the husks boil, turn down the heat and cook the paint for 20-30 minutes. About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and stir. This should also prevent the shell from cracking.

Now you can dip the eggs in the onion paint. You can show your imagination and wrap the eggs in pieces of lace fabric. If you do this very tightly, a pattern will be imprinted on the egg.

Carefully drop the eggs into the paint one at a time. Using a spoon, push the husks away so that the eggs do not crowd on each other.

We take the experimental “models” in lace by the “tails”, and also dip them in onion peel paint.

Cook the eggs for 15-20 minutes. Some of them, of course, may burst. But if you don’t forget to add salt, most of it will remain intact.

After the specified time, take the eggs out of the paint with a spoon and place them in a container with cold water to cool and fix the color. That is, you shouldn’t scratch them with a spoon, we do everything carefully and accurately, otherwise all our efforts will be wasted. We remove pieces of lace from experimental models.

Wipe the cooled eggs dry. Attention – the paint may still transfer to the fabric, so take a towel that you don’t mind ruining. The results are well-colored eggs, the experiment was also a success - we see a clear imprint of the pattern on the shell. The only negative is that the eggs turn out matte, without shine. Therefore, drop a little vegetable oil onto a sponge and rub the eggs until they have a beautiful shine. Ours are ready!

To give the paints an even more festive look, you can stick on special Easter stickers. Now you know how to dye eggs naturally.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes

Common products can also be used as dyes: purple (beet juice), yellow (carrot, orange pieces), green (spinach, nettle pieces), blue (red cabbage), beige (tea). You need to pour enough water into the pan to completely cover the eggs, then you need to add dye and 2 teaspoons of vinegar.

Leave to sit for about four hours. Place boiled eggs in a container with dye and leave for several hours. These dyes do not work as intensely as husks. Therefore, in some cases, eggs can be kept in solution for about a day.

Decoupage eggs

A fashionable option for decorating white eggs. To create such eggs you need gelatin glue and cute bright napkins (cut out the pattern and separate the top layer).

First, you need to hard boil the eggs. Then take a cut piece from a napkin and apply the pattern to the shell. Next, you need to apply gelatin glue from the middle of the picture to the edges.

Decorating Easter eggs using decoupage technique.

Eggs must be hard-boiled (10-12 minutes) and cooled completely. To decorate eggs, paper napkins should be used primarily with a beautiful, not very large design. It is advisable to take smooth napkins, three or two layers. You will also need a brush for painting and fresh egg white. Before separating the white from the yolk, the egg must be washed well with soap and wiped with a napkin.

The whites must be beaten thoroughly with a fork. Egg white is the easiest "glue" you can use. You can also make a paste from starch and water (heat 50 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of starch to a thick, almost transparent mass), and you can also use gelatin glue (0.5 teaspoon of gelatin, pour 100 ml of cold water, after 30 minutes, bring almost to a boil and cool to room temperature). All three methods are environmentally friendly and safe.

Separate the bottom white layer of the napkin from the colored one. There are napkins where you can easily separate 2 white layers, and there are napkins where the colored layer adheres very tightly to the white layer. At the initial stage, you need to separate the part that comes off easily.

For further convenience of decoupaging eggs, it is convenient not to cut out fragments of the drawings, but to tear them out with your hands, then when gluing, fewer wrinkles will form.

When you tear out the design, you will see if your napkin has another white layer. If you are decorating eggs with white shells, this white layer of the napkin must be removed; if your eggs are not white, then it is better to leave the bottom white layer of the napkin so that the design on the egg is clearer.

In this simple way we prepare drawings for decoupage eggs. Fragments should be pulled out both larger, on the sides of the egg, and smaller, on the top and bottom of the egg.

To glue a pattern to an egg, you first need to grease the desired area of ​​the egg with egg white, attach a dry piece of napkin with the pattern to it, and then use a brush to cover the top of the pattern with white. This should be done from the center of the picture to the edge.

It's best to glue small designs to the top and bottom of the egg first, and then glue larger pieces to the sides of the egg. The drawings should be glued slightly overlapping so that there are no empty spaces left (especially if the egg is not white). For decoupage, it is advisable to use an egg stand (for me, a yogurt lid successfully plays its role).

To dry completely, place the glued egg on a wire rack. After 30 minutes the eggs will be dry.

The decoupage technique will help you not only make beautiful eggs, but also have fun with your children, because it is a fascinating creative process.

An express method for decorating Easter eggs with napkins.

But if you suddenly have no time left to decorate Easter eggs, napkins come to the rescue again. To decorate boiled eggs, you just need to wrap them in colored, or even white, napkins like in knots and tie these knots with colored ribbons, ribbons, serpentine, New Year's rain or just colored threads. Decorative Easter eggs are ready!

How to paint eggs in rags for Easter without spending a lot of time? Carefully read the recommendations in this article with step-by-step photos, and in less than an hour, a plate with the most beautiful Easter eggs will appear on your Easter table. It is better to wrap the eggs in fabric with a thin weft (mesh, gauze, tulle, wide lace), so that in addition to paper and pieces of onion peel, the fabric pattern is imprinted on the shell. Look how else.
This recipe uses only natural dyes for coloring, no chemicals or medications!
It will take 40 minutes to prepare.


- white eggs – 10 pcs.;
- onion peel;
- paper – 1 sheet;
- mesh fabric – 0.3 m.p.;
- elastic bands – 10 pcs.;
- vegetable oil to add shine.

How to cook with photos step by step

Remove the husks from the bulbs. To prepare rich “onion paint” for a dozen eggs, you need to peel about a kilogram of onions.
We separate 1/3 from the husk - this part will be needed later, and put the rest in a stainless steel pan, pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, cool to room temperature.

Leave the eggs for coloring for an hour at room temperature, then wash them thoroughly with dishwashing detergent. Ink marks on the shell are washed off using a sponge with an abrasive layer.

Finely chop the set aside husks with scissors and place in a wide bowl or on a plate.

Then finely chop a sheet of white paper and mix the pieces of paper and husk.

Place the wet eggs in a bowl on top of the scraps and roll them in the scraps on all sides.

We cut the mesh fabric into squares measuring 15x15 centimeters or a little larger. We pack the eggs in cloth and secure them with rubber bands.

Place the eggs in a saucepan with the cooled broth, distribute them so that they are completely immersed in the broth.
Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes, leave in the pan for another 10 minutes.

Place the eggs in a bowl of ice water, remove the cloth, and wash off the scraps.

Lubricate the shell with vegetable oil to make it shine beautifully, place the colored eggs on a beautiful plate. I also suggest you

Method No. 1

This is one of the simplest methods I've come across. But, in the end, Easter eggs turn out to be extraordinarily beautiful and unique: although they may be slightly similar.


  • eggs;
  • napkins;
  • food colors of various colors.

We paint eggs using napkins. Step by step recipe

  1. Dilute food coloring according to the instructions on the package. I mostly use 5-6 colors, but you can use your own preference. Containers for paint - cups work great, but I mostly use plastic cups so I don't have to wash bright colors off my housewares later.
  2. Boil the eggs for 7-10 minutes, add cold water for a couple of minutes and you can start coloring. We use them while still warm so that the colors stick better to the shell.
  3. We wrap them in 2-3 layers of napkin so that it does not break through during coloring.
  4. Using a spoon (teaspoon or table spoon), scoop up the dyes in random order and pour them onto the egg so that each time a new color is applied to an undyed fragment of the napkin.
  5. When all places on the napkin are painted, press it with your hands directly to the shell. Place on a plate and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Then we remove the napkin, and we get delicious, varied and very beautiful colors.
  7. Leave them until completely dry: at least 2 hours.
Method No. 2

This method is used to decorate gift versions of eggs; they are not eaten - this is a beautiful handmade craft. These eggs can be used to decorate a room, congratulate family and friends - and so on. I can't miss this painting method because the egg itself turns out just gorgeous. You know, you can look at it for a long time, making associations - it’s like looking into the starry sky.


  • container with water;
  • toothpick or skewers;
  • nail polish of different colors;

Marble eggs using nail polish at home. Step by step recipe

  1. Since these eggs are not for consumption, we only need the shell for work. Using the tip of a knife or a needle, make small holes on both sides of the shell (2-3 millimeters in diameter). Using a juice straw, blow out the white and yolk from the middle.
  2. Wash the shells well and dry them.
  3. We pour water into a small container (bowl) (I use a bowl measuring approximately 10x7 centimeters), pour a few drops of different bright varnishes on top of it (I use mostly 4-5 colors, but you use yourself as a guide). You end up with a thin film. Stir it lightly using a toothpick or skewer.

Another tip: when you pour out the varnishes, make circular movements with your hand so that one bloom does not flow into one point.

  1. We immerse the shell in water until it is completely covered with a varnish film. Take it out and dry it. To make the application set faster, I use a hair dryer.

Marble Easter eggs are ready! They turned out simply amazing, exclusive: so breathtaking! Before painting a new egg, carefully collect the remnants of the previous varnish in water and fill in a new batch of flowers.

Method No. 3

This method can be used both for eggs that will be served on the table, and for handmade crafts. The difference is that if you do not plan to eat them, then you can use regular PVA glue to fix the pictures and decorate the shell. And for edible eggs we use protein-based glue.


  • eggs;
  • napkins with drawings;
  • raw protein;
  • food coloring - optional;
  • scissors, brush, toothpicks.

Decoupage Easter eggs at home. Step by step recipe

  1. Boil the eggs hard.
  2. For edible glue: pass the protein through a sieve or shake slightly, but only so that foam bubbles do not form on its surface: because when it dries, the work will not look neat.
  3. Separate the top layer of napkins (if you are using multi-layer ones) and carefully cut out the pictures. Please note: the larger the cut out picture, the more difficult it is to glue it beautifully.
  4. Lubricate the surface of the shell with egg white, attach the cut out picture and smooth it out with your hands or a brush. Then dip your brush into the white and go over the top of the sticker. Apply “glue” from the center of the design to its edges, trying to expel all the air from under the napkin.
  5. After this, proceed to gluing a new fragment, trying not to touch the previous one. When everything is applied, coat the entire surface of the shell with protein and place it on a rack of toothpicks to dry.
  6. After 30 minutes, I re-coat it with protein “glue” and dry it again on toothpicks.

Original Easter eggs in decoupage style are ready! They turned out irresistible! If desired, you can additionally color with food coloring diluted in water - according to the instructions.

My advice is to wear gloves when painting and decorating. Firstly, you will avoid getting your hands dirty, and secondly, circles from fingerprints may remain on the shell - it doesn’t look neat.

Let's, together with "Super Chef", give ourselves a little pre-holiday positivity and make beautiful eggs for Easter with our own hands in the comfort of our own home. I'm sure you will succeed!

One of the largest church holidays is Easter. People begin to prepare for it in advance. Just before the holiday, housewives prepare Easter cakes and paint eggs. This is where women can show all their creative imagination. Particularly distinguished by their diversity

This article tells you how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands at home. The methods given are so simple that even a novice housewife can handle it. In addition, they do not require the owner to have any artistic skills. Before you start painting the eggs, you should prepare them.


  1. Initially, you need to remove the eggs from the refrigerator. They should be at room temperature. This is necessary so that the eggs do not burst during the cooking process.
  2. If you want the paint to lie evenly on the surface of the eggs, you should wash them with soap and water under running water before processing.
  3. To give the eggs a smooth and shiny surface, after applying paint to them, wipe them thoroughly and treat them with vegetable oil.

Now let's take a closer look at the technique of painting eggs for Easter.


Onion peeling is one of the old methods that was used by our grandmothers. The result of using the husks are eggs of red, yellow and brown colors. This effect can be achieved by adding onion peels and increasing the time the eggs are in the water: if the egg is in the water for several minutes, the color will turn yellowish. Provided that the eggs spend several hours in onion water, the eggs are guaranteed to be colored in bright red and scarlet tones.


A large number of foods that we eat have a coloring effect. These products include: beets, carrots, cabbage, coffee, lemon, orange, various greens and wild berries. The result is eggs of such shades as: orange, blue, purple, green, yellow. It should be noted that the color in such cases is not very saturated. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to increase the time the eggs are in the broth.


Currently, many tools have been created to help make the process of coloring eggs much easier for the housewife. These include various stickers. In addition, you can use the decoupage technique. Initially, you should boil the eggs and prepare gelatin glue. You must prepare it using the instructions on the package. Next, you should choose napkins with a beautiful pattern. The white layer of paper must be removed. Cut out the desired piece and place it on the egg. Next, the picture is processed using the prepared glue, wait for it to dry completely and slowly and carefully get rid of the stencil.


Now the culinary industry does not stand still and many confectionery additives have been developed. Various food colors can be used not only in making sweet dishes, but also for coloring eggs. To use them correctly, you must carefully read the instructions on the package. It should be remembered that the colored water should completely cover the egg.


In order to get beautiful patterns on eggs, you can use regular floss threads. The eggs should be wrapped in colorful paints and placed in boiling water. As a result of high temperatures, interesting patterns of bizarre shapes will appear on the eggs. After heat treatment, all threads should be cut.


They look very solemn and impressive. To properly color eggs, you need to take vegetable oil and paints of different colors. This method is very complex and requires the housewife to have artistic skills. Coloring is carried out in the following way: first, the eggs should be painted with light-colored paints. Then they need to dry. Next, dark colors must be diluted in a cup with a small amount of water and oil. It should be remembered that cups containing liquid should never be shaken. It must be placed so that small drops of paint appear. Then each egg must be dipped into this solution. It should be lowered once, maximum twice. The length of time the egg remains in the dye determines the intensity of the coloring. You should carefully select shades to each other and combine colors correctly.


For this method you will need fabric of bright colors with a beautiful pattern. For this, silk ties or Pavloposad scarves are most often used. A raw egg at room temperature should be wrapped in cloth so that the bright side is on the outside. To prevent the fabric from slipping, you can stitch the fabric along the contour. Next, the egg with the cloth should be wrapped in regular white cloth and carefully secured on both sides. Then add water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar to the pan. Eggs should be boiled until tender directly in the cloth. The same process is followed if silk fabric is used. After the eggs have cooled completely, remove the cloth.


  1. Before staining, wet eggs should be rolled on any cereal.
  2. In addition, you can use fresh herbs for decoration. To prevent it from falling out during cooking, the egg with herbs should be secured with gauze, stocking or bandage.
  3. To decorate the egg with straight lines, use tape glued in the form of strips. You can also use an elastic band.

After completion of processing, all devices must be removed.


Easter is considered a family holiday and you can make it a tradition at home to decorate eggs together with your children. Children will be interested in making chickens out of eggs. To do this, parents and their children can paint them with yellow food paint and use egg cells as stands. We cut out the legs, eyes and beak of the chicken from paper and attach it to the egg using gelatin glue.


Most parents do not have creative skills, but everyone wants to decorate eggs exquisitely. You can remember the times of your youth and cut out stencils from tracing paper. There can be one or several, and one stencil can be placed on both sides of the egg. They can already be treated with paints. Several types of stencils can be used.


If you don’t want to bother with various stencils and tie eggs around with thread, then there is a way out in this situation. Permanent markers, which can be bought at any office supply store, will come to the rescue. If you lack creative impulses and imagination, you can use patterns available on the Internet. Your child can help you decorate. For it you can use regular felt-tip pens or watercolors, water-based gouache. After coloring is completed, the eggs should be dried.


This method will not only help you creatively decorate eggs, but will also lift your spirits while working. If you want to leave the surface of the egg untouched, you can simply wrap the eggs in colored foil and attach decorative elements to them. It is not necessary to use gold or silver shades; you can choose colored foil.


This method is very simple, but at the same time it makes the surface of the egg more heterogeneous and gives it an interesting look. First, boil the eggs using food coloring. Next, you need to mix the powdered sugar with water until you get a thick paste. When the eggs have cooled, you can use a pastry bag to apply a pattern of your choice. Here everything depends on the author’s imagination. In addition, you can use special stencils, of which you can find a huge amount on the Internet and for every taste.


This coloring method will give the eggs uniqueness, originality and make them more extravagant. Initially, boil the eggs and cool slightly. This will make the application process more efficient. Next, you should dilute several types of paints in different containers and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar each.

Initially, the egg should be dipped in the desired paint, repeat with everyone. Eggs should be laid until completely dry. Next, you need to dip the painted egg halfway into another paint. Also let it dry. This procedure can be performed several times.

You can afford the most daring color combinations. After dyeing, you can apply any decorative element to the colored egg. However, even without them they will look very beautiful.


One of the most unique methods of decorating eggs is the use of new methods. One of these is quilling. This is the art of making various patterns out of paper without the help of scissors. Nowadays you can find entire paintings created in the quilling style. Of course, an egg does not have a large surface area, but even on it you can make a real masterpiece out of paper. But many craftsmen manage to create entire pictures: various three-dimensional animals, people, and decorative elements can be folded from paper.

Thus, using these methods of coloring eggs will help make your Easter table more sophisticated and unique. Just imagine how delighted your loved ones will be when they see painted eggs, which they also made with their own hands.

The traditional custom for Easter is colored eggs, signifying the birth of a new life. But in order to decorate them beautifully, you need to know some secrets of art.

The content of the article:

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a fun and interesting activity that brings all family members together. According to church tradition, this is usually done on Maundy Thursday, when it is customary to clean the house, bathe and get a haircut. Easter eggs and krashanki are the first to be consumed at the festive table. In addition, they represent a talisman, so there is a custom of giving them at Easter. They are presented to relatives, friends, neighbors, visiting guests, taken with them when visiting, distributed to the poor and brought to church.

Nowadays, on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, all stores sell a lot of food dyes, films, glitter, stickers and other decors for decorating eggs with Easter symbols. However, many housewives still dye eggs using old methods: onion skins, beet juice, red cabbage, etc. Today we’ll talk about various ways to dye eggs for Easter.

Natural dyes for eggs

Natural dyes are completely harmless to health. For a more intense color, after boiling, continue to keep the eggs in the colored broth until they acquire the desired shade. Once colored, remove them from the broth with a slotted spoon, place them on a plate and cool or decorate further.
  • Onion peel. Remove the husk from the onion, fill it with water, boil and cook for 30–40 minutes over medium heat. Cool the broth and strain. Then put the eggs in it, boil and hard-boil for 7-10 minutes after boiling. Onion skins impart shades ranging from light yellow to bright red-brown.
  • Spinach, nettle or brilliant green solution. Place the eggs in the pan along with the spinach and nettle leaves. Boil them hard for up to 10 minutes. The greens of the grass will give the green color. You can also get green pysanky with a solution of brilliant green, in which already boiled eggs are placed and kept until the desired color.
  • Turmeric and violet. To get the yellow color of the eggs, the eggs are boiled in water with the addition of turmeric, and the purple ones are boiled with violet flowers. If you add lemon juice to violets, you get a lavender color.
  • Walnut shell. The coloring method is the same; the eggs are boiled with walnut shells and turn out brown or light beige.
  • Cranberry, blackberry and beet juice. These products will be colored pink. To get beet juice, boil peeled beets with vinegar until tender. Boil the eggs in the resulting broth. First wash the cranberries or blackberries, squeeze out the juice in any way convenient for you, and then boil the eggs in it in the same way.
  • Carrot juice. Boil the peeled carrots to obtain a yellow broth. Dip the prepared eggs into the juice and boil hard.
  • Coffee, hibiscus tea, mint tea. Boil eggs in ground coffee, get them brown or beige, in hibiscus tea - pink, with mint leaves - pistachio.

The meaning of Easter egg colors

  • Red is the joy of life.
  • Yellow - sun, moon, rich harvest.
  • Blue - health, sky, air.
  • Green - spring, renewal of nature.
  • Black - grief.
  • Black and red - life as it is.
  • Black and white - memory, respect for departed souls.
  • Multicolor - love, family happiness.

Decorating paints

  • Blue stains. Grate boiled, colored and dried eggs with red cabbage leaves.
  • Specks. Wash the eggs, roll in rice, buckwheat, millet or other grains so that the cereal sticks to them. Wrap them tightly in gauze, tie them tightly and cook in dye.
  • Abstract drawing (stains). Wrap the eggs in onion skins and wrap them in cheesecloth. Boil them hard-boiled in any dye.
  • Stripes. Put several rubber bands on the egg or wrap it with threads and cook it in dyes.
  • Drawings. Attach any design to the egg (cut out of paper, leaves of parsley, dill, flowers, etc.). Place it in a stocking and tie it tightly. Cook in any dye. When it is cooked, remove the stocking and remove the design. The pysanka will be colored, and a clean place will remain where the drawing was.
  • "Silk" dyeing. Wrap a raw egg in a natural silk cloth, secure it with thread and cook it with the addition of vinegar. They will produce exactly the same pattern as on the fabric.
  • Wax drawing. Apply wax designs from a burning candle onto the egg using a match or toothpick. Dip it in warm temperature dye (hot water will melt the wax) and leave for the required time. Afterwards, remove the wax, the egg will be colored, but where the wax is applied will not.
  • Scratches. On painted eggs that have almost cooled down, use a needle to make scratches of any pattern.
  • Lace. Wrap the eggs in openwork lace and cook them into dyes. When you remove the lace, a beautiful pattern will remain on the surface.

Other ways to color eggs

  1. Water based markers. Using children's harmless markers, apply any design to the boiled eggs. To make the drawing neat, first outline the sketch with a pencil.
  2. Acrylic paints. Dilute the paints to a liquid consistency, dip a toothbrush into the paints and spray it onto the boiled painted Easter eggs.
  3. Children's paints, gouache, pencils. For paints you will need a thin brush, for a pencil - a soft lead.
  4. Glitter. Apply glue to the shell in a pattern and place the egg in a plate filled with cosmetic or special confectionery glitter.

  1. Use stainless steel dishes as they will not stain.
  2. Wear gloves when working with paints to avoid getting your hands dirty.
  3. Before dyeing, wash the eggs and wipe them with soda, vinegar or alcohol solution. This will help the paint lay down evenly.
  4. To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking and protein leaking out of them, add ½ tbsp to the water. salt (per 1 liter of water).
  5. You can paint quail eggs. But the exposure time in the dye must be reduced so that the contrast with the specks remains. They cook for no more than 5 minutes.
  6. To ensure that the eggs dry carefully, place them on needles inserted in a 2x2 cm square into the foam.
  7. After the paints have completely stained and cooled, they can be rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. This will enhance the brightness of the color, add shine and saturation.
  8. It is not recommended to eat eggs that are not colored with natural dyes. In this case, it is better to paint them blown out. Then they can be stored for years.
Learn how to color Easter eggs in rainbow colors in this video:

Beautifully decorated boiled eggs are an integral attribute of the great Orthodox holiday Easter. Every housewife wants to decorate eggs in a special, exclusive way. This article will help both seasoned housewives and those who are still completely inexperienced in making Easter eggs truly beautiful and unique, without spending a lot of money and time.

Materials needed to color eggs with dyes

On the eve of Easter, markets and supermarkets have a large selection of food dyes for making Easter eggs. Therefore, to color eggs in the classic way using dyes, you just need to buy it.
To color eggs with food coloring you will need:

  • Eggs.
  • A packet of dye in the desired color.
  • Tablespoon.
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

The classic version of painting eggs using dyes

Having prepared the necessary materials for work, we paint the eggs step by step:

  • Pour cold water over eggs at room temperature and boil hard for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pour cold water over the finished hot eggs and wait until they cool completely.
  • While the eggs are cooling, start preparing the dye solution. Usually, the packets of purchased food colorings contain instructions for preparing the coloring solution.
  • If it is not there, then you need to do the following: pour the contents of the package into 0.2-0.5 liters of water, stir well. The color concentration depends on the volume of water used.
  • Pour the coloring solution into a shallow, flat container.
  • Treat eggs with vinegar before painting. Soak a small linen cloth in vinegar and wipe the shell of each egg. This is done to degrease the surface to be painted.
  • Place a dry egg ready for painting on a tablespoon and dip it into the prepared solution.
  • We perform these actions with the number of eggs that you want to paint in the chosen color.
  • The eggs should stand in the coloring solution for 5 minutes.
  • Using a tablespoon, remove them from the solution and place them on a paper napkin to drain off excess water.
  • After complete drying, rub the painted shell with sunflower oil, this will give the egg shine, the color will become more saturated and will play in the sun.

An unusual way to paint eggs with dyes

For an unusual method of painting eggs, prepare them in the same way as described above. We dilute a packet of food coloring in 100 g of water and perform the following steps:

  • Pour the coloring liquid into a tall glass so that it covers the bottom by 2 fingers.
  • Place the prepared egg there. It should be half immersed in the dye solution.
  • We wait 3-5 minutes and add regular water to the glass so that it completely covers the egg.
  • After 5 minutes, take out the egg.

The Easter egg will turn out darker on one side, and on the other side the color will not be as saturated.

Painting eggs with dyes using electrical tape

The method is quite interesting. In addition to the above materials, you will need electrical tape.

  • We cut the electrical tape into narrow strips.
  • Wrap the prepared egg with electrical tape and a spiral.
  • Dip it into a dye of the same color, for example yellow, and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  • We take it out, let it dry, remove the electrical tape.
  • We wind the electrical tape on the other side, overlapping the previous strips.
  • Dip it into a dye solution of a different color, blue or green, and leave for another 5 minutes.
  • Place on a napkin and wait until dry, remove the tape.

The result is an original Easter egg with multi-colored spirals. The vowel condition is that the first dye should be several tones lighter than the second.
You can also cut out various figures from electrical tape, stick them on and follow the steps described above. Such eggs will not yield to their originality.

Coloring Easter eggs with dyes using a money eraser

The easiest way to make an original egg. You will need several rubber bands for money.

  • We put rubber bands for money on the prepared eggs, twisting them chaotically.
  • Color the egg using the classic method for 5 minutes.
  • Take it out and let it dry.
  • Remove the rubber band and the original egg is ready.

Experiment with dyes and available materials, and then the bright holiday of Easter will become not only bright, but also original and beautiful.

Spring is just around the corner, and with it one of the brightest holidays of the year - Easter. Both adults and children look forward to it. The tradition of exchanging colored eggs is familiar to every person since childhood. The multi-colored attributes of the holiday, for which we paint eggs for Easter, symbolize the resurrection of Christ and are presented with the words: “Christ is risen!” "Truly risen!" - and the one who congratulated receives an egg in return.

Types of Easter eggs

Every housewife tries to make beautiful and unusual eggs on this bright holiday. The name of the resulting eggs depends on which coloring method you use. For example, eggs painted in one color are called krashenki. Eggs with multi-colored dots due to droplets of wax are called specks. Drapanka is a one-color egg with a scratched pattern. With a design or pattern made using a special tool - a pisachka - these are pysanky. They are the most beautiful, they can even be called works of art.

Preparing eggs for painting

There are many ways to dye eggs for Easter. However, regardless of the option chosen, it is necessary to prepare correctly. Here are some tips:

  • An hour before coloring, remove the eggs from the refrigerator so that they reach room temperature. In this case, they will not burst during cooking. The same result can be achieved by piercing the eggs with a thin sharp needle;
  • In order for the paint to lay more evenly, they must be washed thoroughly. Uniform coloring can also be ensured by wiping the eggs with soapy water or alcohol;
  • Painted eggs will acquire a shiny appearance if, after painting, they are wiped dry and rubbed with vegetable oil.

Now you can proceed directly to painting the eggs. Here are a few ways, among which everyone can find the most suitable one for themselves.

The first method: a classic of the genre - in onion peels with patterns

This is the way of our grandmothers, which still remains relevant. As a result, you can get red eggs, as well as yellow, brown or their shades - it all depends on the intensity of the paint and the duration of the dyeing procedure.

When cooked in onion skins, the colors turn out to be monochromatic. To decorate them with imprints of flowers or leaves, you will need the fragments of dried plants themselves and what you will use to fix them on the shell. It is best to use stocking nylon as a retainer. If you don’t have it, you can take regular white thread or gauze (bandage).

To prevent dry plants from crumbling during the attachment process, soak them in hot water for a few minutes. After softening, place on the shell and secure by covering the egg with nylon, bandage or thread. Next, lower the eggs into the water with the onion skins and let them cook.

To get straight lines or geometric patterns of natural color on a red-brown background, stick pieces of electrical tape or stationery tape onto the shells of raw eggs degreased with alcohol. After cooking in onion skins, the stickers can be easily removed, revealing unpainted areas.

Second method: gifts of nature - natural dyes

Many natural ingredients have a coloring effect. This allows you to obtain a variety of colors and shades. Pink color comes from beet juice, pale yellow from lemon, orange, carrots, yellow from birch leaves and calendula flowers. Green color can be achieved with spinach or nettles, blue with red cabbage. Coffee gives the beige color to the eggs, and violet flowers give the purple color. Some dyes are not very intense, for example, violet or spinach, so eggs can be left in such decoctions overnight.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add vinegar (1 tbsp) and natural dye. Bring to a boil. Let the broth brew (about 30 minutes).
  2. Boil the prepared eggs in the broth depending on the desired shade - from 15 to 30 minutes. If necessary, you can leave the eggs in the broth longer - for a day.

Third: decoupage technique

To decorate an Easter egg with a picture, you don't have to buy stickers. You can decorate it using decoupage technique.

Fourth: the food industry presents - food colorings

One of the most trivial and simplest ways is to color eggs using dyes from Easter kits. There is always a recipe listed there, but you can do it like this:

  1. Boil the eggs hard.
  2. Dilute the dyes with water - each color in a separate bowl. There should be enough water to cover the eggs. Add vinegar (1 tbsp).
  3. Keep the eggs in bowls until they begin to color.

The result is bright, colorful eggs that are pleasing to the eye.

Fifth: colorful palette - colored threads

To get intricate patterns, paint the eggs with multi-colored floss threads:

  1. Wrap the eggs with thread.
  2. Boil it hard.

Sixth: marble effect

Marble eggs look unusually festive. To make them you will need egg paint of different colors, vegetable oil and artistic flair.

  1. Color the eggs in light, bright colors, such as yellow, red, orange.
  2. Let the eggs dry.
  3. Dilute dark colors (blue, brown, purple) with water. Add vegetable oil (1 tsp) to each cup. Gently stir (do not shake) the oil until there are a lot of oil “money”, no larger than a pea.
  4. Dip each egg in the dark color and remove immediately. A beautiful marble pattern is obtained if you do this no more than once.

Seventh: eggs in silks

Exquisite eggs with designs are obtained by painting them with fabrics. You can use a silk tie or a Pavloposad woolen scarf.

    1. A raw egg should be wrapped in a cloth with a pattern. The front side should fit tightly to the shell.
    2. To prevent the fabric from slipping, sew along the contour. Wrap it over the colored cotton fabric, securing it at the blunt end.

  1. Pour water into the pan, add vinegar (3 tbsp). Place the eggs wrapped in cloth into the pan and cook for 10-12 minutes after boiling.
  2. Pour cold water over the prepared eggs. When they are completely cool, carefully remove the cloth. A thin pattern will remain on the egg, just like on fabric.

Eighth: fantasies in patterns using scrap materials

  • chaotic specks can be achieved if wet eggs are rolled in rice or millet before coloring;
  • a leaf-shaped design can be obtained by attaching a parsley leaf to the egg before painting and securing it with gauze or stocking;
  • To ensure that straight lines cross the egg, you can glue masking tape to its shell or pull a money elastic band over it;
  • symbols or letters XB can be glued on before painting using adhesive tape or masking tape. After painting, they should be carefully removed;
  • You can get “checkered” eggs if you boil them wrapped in fishnet stockings or a net from fruits or vegetables.
  • a lace pattern will decorate an egg if, before painting, an interesting lace motif cut from a napkin is attached to it;
  • paint the egg with wax crayons. The drawing will appear at the end of the staining procedure.

Ninth method: for the joy of children - a craft egg

Easter is a family holiday, so you can decorate eggs with your children. You can make funny chickens out of testicles.

  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Paint it bright yellow.
  3. Prepare gelatin glue.
  4. We decorate the eggs with details cut out of colored paper. These are wings, beak, comb, paws, tail and others (bows, eyelashes, curls) - it all depends on your imagination. The eyes can be glued on or simply drawn on.

Tenth: saving time - thermal stickers

An indispensable way for busy people is to decorate Easter eggs with iron-on stickers. They are sold on the eve of the holiday in supermarkets, newsstands and other stores.

  1. Boil the eggs hard.
  2. Place a sticker on the egg. To avoid problems with size (the sticker may be small), it is better to choose medium-sized eggs.
  3. Dip the egg into boiling water so that the sticker “hugs” it and takes the desired shape.

Eleventh: stencils - back to the future

Using stencils to color eggshells is a relatively traditional method. But as they say, “The new is the well-forgotten old.” Let's remember the times when drawing images using stencils was a very entertaining activity. You feel like an artist. We invite you to remember this technique and try it on Easter eggs. The result will be surprising.

  1. Cut out any stencil image from ultra-thin paper (tracing paper). It can be anything (Easter theme, images of saints, and even your favorite brand). You can find an image for a stencil on the Internet or on the pages of books and magazines. The better the image and stencil, the more impressive the result.
  2. We moisten the made stencil base with water until plastic paper is formed, capable of taking on the shape of a shell.
  3. We firmly attach the moistened stencil to the surface. If the design is small in format, it can be duplicated along the entire perimeter, rather than being limited to one side.
  4. We fix it with a stencil, wrapping it with nylon or gauze. Boil the eggs using any types of dyes (natural, food) for coloring.
  5. After cooking them, take them out and let them cool.
  6. We remove the material fixing the stencil and the stencil base only after they have cooled completely.
  7. The design you have chosen is visible on the eggshell.

Twelfth: stylish permanent makeup for eggs

If you are tired of tradition, refuse to use dyes, and your Soul requires something exclusive, there is a way out. Color the eggshells with a permanent marker. As they say, “cheap and cheerful.”

  1. Boil them.
  2. If your imagination fails, use existing images and fragments of patterns.
  3. Place the egg on a stand to make it easier to apply patterns. As a result, the drawing will be uniform and clear.
  4. Draw lines using a permanent marker.
  5. After completing the creative process, allow the paint to dry. An hour will be enough.

Combine your creativity and your child’s imagination, giving him the opportunity to do the same, but only with colored markers or honey-based watercolor paints. You will both be happy: joint work is conducive.

Thirteenth: foil and colored confetti - simple but tasteful

Fashion trends are so diverse that it is no longer necessary to paint Easter eggs; you can take the path of least resistance - wrap them in colored foil.

  1. Buy colored foil (don't limit yourself to the standard gold and silver foil) and colored paper from an office supply store.
  2. Boil the eggs.
  3. Let them cool.
  4. Cut the foil into equal parts according to the number of eggs.
  5. Pre-make the elements for the applique. Instead of applique, you can use ready-made confetti.
  6. Wrap the cooled boiled eggs in foil, secure the applique elements or confetti to the foil using glue.

Fourteenth: snow-white patterns with powdered sugar

Sugar will help diversify and make traditional dyes more stylish. Unusual patterns and printed texture make eggshells irresistible.

  1. We paint in the standard way, using various dyes.
  2. Mix a glass of powdered sugar with a small volume of water so that a fairly thick consistency is formed. The resulting mass should be homogeneous, that is, not contain lumps. If you don’t have powdered sugar, you can easily make it yourself; to do this, you just need to place the sugar (there should be more than a glass) in a coffee grinder. The quality of the powder is not inferior to store bought.
  3. We take the sugar solution into a pastry syringe.
  4. We apply the pattern and let the solution harden.

Fifteenth: Rainbow Eggs and Flower Power

Brightness and richness, individuality and uniqueness are what are inherent in paints painted using this technology. Rest assured, every egg is original, so the probability of having exclusive colors on the table is 100%.

  1. Boil the eggs, be sure to hard boil them.
  2. Cool (it is advisable that the eggs are warm, then the paint application process will be more effective).
  3. In separate containers, dilute the paint of your choice according to the instructions. It is advisable that the paints be in contrasting colors.
  4. Be sure to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to each container.
  5. Stir.
  6. Dip each egg into the container with paint, carefully holding it with a spoon.
  7. Leave them in the solution for a while. This will allow you to achieve even paint distribution.
  8. Take out the already painted objects and let them dry on a paper towel.
  9. Take the painted egg with your fingers (you can use tweezers) and dip it into another paint, but do not dip it completely, but only halfway.
  10. Keep it in the paint solution for a minute. It is important that the paint has time to adhere to the shell.
  11. Remove and dry thoroughly on a paper towel.

This sequence can be carried out several times, changing only the paint solutions.

Sixteenth: wax pencils (crayons)

Using regular wax crayons for children's creativity, you can color Easter eggs with all the colors of the rainbow. And also apply a white (lace) pattern on them.

How to get a color drawing on a natural background:

  1. Boil the eggs in clean water with added salt. The color of the shell can be any color, since it will be hidden under a layer of opaque wax.
  2. Once ready, drain the shells and place the eggs on special stands. Instead of coasters, you can use caps from plastic bottles.
  3. While the eggs are still warm, color them with colored crayons. When it comes into contact with a hot surface, the wax melts and forms bizarre, bright patterns with color transitions on the shell.

You can also grate pencils on a fine grater and sprinkle them on freshly boiled eggs. Grains of wax will create an unusual speckled or cosmic pattern on them. By the way, some housewives melt wax crumbs in a water bath and dip the eggs in liquid dye. Or apply a drawing using a brush.

How to get a white pattern on a colored background:

  • Rinse raw eggs with running water and rinse with soapy water (this will help the paint lie more evenly).
  • Dry the shell with a towel. Draw a design on it with wax pencils (the color of the pencils does not matter).
  • Dip the eggs into a solution of any dye and let them cook. During cooking, the wax will melt and go into water, and the places that were under it will remain unpainted.
  • After removing from heat, immediately remove the dyes from the solution.

Seventeenth: candle, cereal, confectionery topping

Easter eggs can be decorated with the most common cereals - rice, millet, buckwheat, peas, lentils, ground corn. And also - confectionery topping made from colored glaze or chocolate, small star-shaped noodles and even beads. To secure all this to the shell, you will need a wax or paraffin candle.

  1. Boil the eggs. You can pre-color them in any way or leave them natural.
  2. After cooling, take the egg in your hands, light a candle and apply a pattern to the shell with melted paraffin or wax. This will be the adhesive base. Try not to touch the egg with the flame so that no soot remains on it.
  3. Before the wax hardens, roll the egg in the cereal (sprinkling) or lay out the pattern with your hands.
  4. After hardening, grease the surface covered with cereal with vegetable oil to make it shiny. This will make the egg look more elegant.

Eighteenth: cocoa and eyes

Together with your children, you can decorate eggs with diluted cocoa powder and decorative stickers; it will turn out very original and unusual. You can draw anything: faces, faces of animals or insects.

  1. Boil chicken eggs until tender: 10-15 minutes. Cool slightly in cold water.
  2. Place a tablespoon of cocoa in a small container and dilute it with warm water until it becomes sour cream.
  3. Using a brush, apply the pattern to the warm egg, place it on a dry surface, painted side up, and allow the chocolate pattern to dry.
  4. Glue on decorative eyes (they are sold in craft stores). Stickers can be on an adhesive base or without, then use PVA glue.

These are the interesting and unique answers to the question of what colors eggs are used for Easter. Traditionally, housewives do this on Maundy Thursday. Easter is a wonderful Christian holiday that gives wings and hope for a better life. He comes to us in the spring, like the first timid rays of the sun. Spend a little time dyeing eggs and let a bright spring holiday into your life.

Is it difficult to lose weight using conventional methods?

Why persistent dieting DOES NOT BRING visible results, but only leads to frustration and depression, and how to still lose weight in order to:

  • Get your husband's attention back or find a new man.
  • Feel the envious glances of friends and colleagues again.
  • Believe in yourself, feel slim and desired.
  • Don't be shy to go to the cinema or to a cafe with your friends.
  • They are not shy about posting photos from vacation or with children on social networks.

Burn fat specifically in problem areas