How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat? How to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Note hostesses.

Eating an expired, spoiled meat product is the main reason for meat poisoning. Depending on storage conditions, qualities, several types of rotting, decomposition of meat are distinguished:

  • Tan - meat carcasses lie on top of each other in a warm room or do not pluck for a long time. An unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide appears, the meat turns gray. If the process has not reached deep tissues, then you can just finely chop it, ventilate, it will become usable;
  • Fermentation - characterized by a change in the normal environment to acidic. Due to the development of fungi, the process can transform into rot. Raw meat has an unpleasant sour smell, becomes grayish-white;
  • Decay - the decomposition of protein under the influence of harmful bacteria, most often causes damage to the product. Sometimes even storing the carcass at low temperatures does not save the product from decay if the animal was sick, tired or poorly maintained. The main differences are unpleasant odor, friability of bones, unnatural gray color of pulp;
  • Mold - the appearance of harmful fungi on the surface and inside the product that produce toxins. Violated storage rules contribute to their appearance - high humidity, lack of ventilation, high density between carcasses.

Rotten, rotten meat causes severe poisoning. You swallow hundreds of bacteria of E. coli or staphylococcus.

Being inside, they begin to produce poison - the gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed, the metabolism is disrupted, all the vital processes of the body slow down.

Fresh meat causes various forms of intoxication. Meat poisoning differs in the type of harmful bacteria.

Types of meat intoxication:

  • Salmonella. The product is poorly processed, the meat of an infected animal was used. How many hours does it show up? The incubation period is from 5 to 24 hours. Belongs to the category of severe intoxication. The main danger is dehydration, exhaustion, sepsis and death;
  •   . Extreme degree of intoxication with spoiled meat product - canned food, stews, sausages. The incubation period is from 4 hours to 5-7 days. It disrupts the respiratory system, the visual apparatus, and the digestive tract. In 65% of cases, death occurs;
  • Typhoid, paratyphoid. Bacteria enter raw meat from the human carrier of the virus, which does not comply with sanitary standards. The incubation period is long - from a week to a month. First, the small intestine, liver and spleen are affected, then the general symptoms of a viral infection are observed. Potential danger - the development of meningitis, arthritis, bacterial endocarditis;
  • Which contains enteroviruses. The incubation period from 4 hours to 2-3 days. All symptoms of food poisoning causing depletion are observed. It is impossible to detox at home, urgent hospitalization is required.

Symptoms and forms of poisoning

Infectious pathogens , foul meat, affect the body in different ways, so it is customary to divide the symptoms based on their shape.

Signs of salmonella intoxication:

  1. Sharp, severe pain in the center of the abdominal cavity;
  2. Uncontrolled vomiting with blood, nausea;
  3. Diarrhea, liquid stool with an admixture of blood;
  4. Temperature 38-40 degrees;
  5. Severe headache attacks, possibly lethargy, clouding of consciousness.

In the initial stage of development, only laboratory tests of the urine and blood of the victim will help distinguish the symptoms of salmonella poisoning from Escherichia coli.

Symptoms of botulism:

  1. Weakness in muscles (it is difficult to clench a fist, simple walking is difficult), impaired visual apparatus (blurred pictures, flies, bifurcation of objects) are the first signs of botulinum toxin damage;
  2. Slowing breathing until it stops;
  3. It is impossible to swallow not only food, liquid, but also saliva due to the abundance of vomit;
  4. Slurred speech, confusion, dizziness.

How does the state of health of rotten meat bacteria change - typhoid, paratyphoid, staphylococcus:

  1. Lymph nodes of the small intestine become denser, increase in size;
  2. The growth of lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity causes pain in the abdomen;
  3. Lost coordination;
  4. The pupils enlarge, they react poorly to light;
  5. Strong headache;
  6. Fever with chills;
  7. Hallucinations, delirium;
  8. In the future, paralysis and paresis may appear.

If the eaten meat contained enteroviruses, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Vomiting, nausea;
  2. Loose stools;
  3. Weakness due to dehydration, exhaustion of the body;
  4. The temperature rises.

A common set of features that is characteristic of any type:

  • From the digestive tract - vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • From the senses - visual impairment;
  • From the side of the central nervous system - blurred speech, headaches, dizziness, fatigue;
  • On the part of the musculoskeletal system - muscle weakness, loss of balance, impaired coordination;
  • From the side of the respiratory apparatus - shortness of breath or slowing of breathing with its subsequent stop;
  • Others - dry mouth, hoarseness, increase or decrease in temperature.

First aid and treatment for poisoning

If you have noticed poisoning with yourself or with a friend, it is urgent to do a gastric lavage.

Dilute 2-3 tsp of soda in 1 liter of water, give the victim a drink, artificially induce vomiting by pressing on the tongue or root of the tongue with a spoon. Repeat until only pure water without impurities comes out. After flushing is completed, do the following:

  • Give an absorbent preparation - “Activated Carbon”, “White Coal”, “Smecta”;
  • Drink a laxative magnesium sulfate;
  • Do not eat anything for a day, just drink warm, clean water in small portions.

What to do if after emergency assistance the victim does not feel better? Call an ambulance, urgent hospitalization is required. If the sufferer stops breathing, take artificial respiration immediately.

Meat intoxication causes serious damage to the body, so the patient must follow a therapeutic diet, drinking regimen.

What you can not drink - alcohol, soda, they give an additional load on the damaged digestive system. Food with saturated fats and protein should also be forgotten for 2-4 days after intoxication.

If a person feels only mild symptoms of food poisoning, the temperature does not rise, there is no threat of respiratory arrest, the development of complications, then the treatment of meat poisoning is carried out at home. It consists of a therapeutic diet, medication (for pain)

Therapeutic diet menu:

  • First day. Starvation. Plentiful drink;
  • Second day. If the patient feels better, then you can give rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge on the water, mashed vegetable soups, stewed vegetables. It is not recommended to eat raw vegetables, freshly squeezed juices;
  • Fifth day. Gradually increase the content of protein, fats within acceptable limits. For example, give a little cottage cheese or one boiled egg.

After a week, if you feel much better, you can return to a normal diet. But it is better to avoid fast food, foods high in fat and preservatives.

When hospitalization is needed:

  • With meat intoxication, a child, an elderly person, a pregnant woman;
  • If vomiting and nausea cannot be stopped;
  • If you cannot avoid dehydration;
  • If acute, infectious meat poisoning is suspected, typhoid, E. coli, or botulism.

The principles of inpatient treatment:

  • The water-salt balance is restored using the Regidron solution, injections Acesol, Trisol are introduced;
  • If there is no high temperature, sorbents are used as a binder that removes toxins from the body - “Black Coal”, “Polyphepan”, “White Coal”, “Smecta”;
  • To relieve spasms are appointed - "No-Shpa", "Drotaverin", "Papaverin";
  • If the poisoning is of a mixed nature, a course of antibiotics is prescribed;
  • To stop vomiting, normalize the stool to the patient give antiemetic, antidiarrheal tablets, solutions.

Meat poisoning: prevention

Avoiding meat poisoning is easier than being treated for a long time, and recovering after it. To do this, you need to observe a number of preventive measures:

  • Buy meat only at certified points of sale, from reliable sellers;
  • If you buy on the market, then only on the one that is controlled by local authorities. Be sure to ask the expiration date whether storage rules are followed, where the goods came from;
  • In supermarkets, look at the packaging, buy only from trusted manufacturers;
  • Pay attention to the appearance - a gray-white tint, an unpleasant smell are the first signs of spoiled meat;
  • Thoroughly heat-treat. Unfortunately, some livestock infections (anthrax, tuberculosis, glanders) do not die even at high temperatures, be careful. The risk with proper handling is lower;
  • Store in a freezer. Do not re-freeze - tissue disintegrates, nutritional value is lost, quality deteriorates;
  • Be sure to wash the meat in cold water, and drain the first broth during cooking;
  • If it is not possible to cook chilled meat immediately, chop it and freeze it.

Sometimes sellers intentionally hide the poor quality of the goods, so you can poison yourself with ready-made cooked meat. How to recognize a defective product:

  • An unnatural red, bluish tint indicates either a painting of the carcass, or treatment with chlorine, other substances. Cut off a piece of meat, if inside it turns out to be dirty gray - the product is intentionally painted. Chlorinated meat has an unhealthy blue stain; during cooking, the broth strongly gives off chlorine;
  • Avoid ready-to-cook meat products, sliced \u200b\u200bwith an abundance of spices, salt. They can be used in large quantities in order to hide mold, fermentation;
  • It is better to buy frozen meat without re-freezing. To check, attach a paper towel to the pulp, if it is immediately saturated with meat juice, it means that it has already been repeatedly thawed and frozen.

Video: signs of stale meat

If the meat just “suffocated” and did not start to deteriorate, the unpleasant odor should go away after you take the meat out of the package and thoroughly rinse it under running cold water.

If the smell does not go away, this suggests that the meat has already begun to deteriorate, that is, rot out or rot.

Nevertheless, if the process of rotting meat is just starting, it (meat) can be reanimated, despite the fact that health is much more expensive than a piece of spoiled meat.

You can get rid of unpleasant odor meat, which has not yet completely rotten, in various ways.

Have to take:

   dry red wine or vinegar
   pomegranate juice
   weak potassium permanganate solution
   spices (black pepper, nutmeg, rosemary, tarragon, thyme)
   chamomile broth
   salt and sugar

Here are some ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat.

1. Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water and grease it with mustard on all sides, leave it to lie for 2-3 hours
  2. Season the prepared meat with salt, pepper, roll in spices and soak in red dry wine or wine vinegar
  3. Soak the prepared meat in cool brine for two hours, then rinse
  4. Soak prepared meat in pomegranate juice for an hour
  5. Soak the meat in a solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink) for three hours, then rinse
  6. Rinse the meat densely with sugar and salt, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse
  7. Soak the meat washed under running water for 30 minutes in strained and chilled chamomile broth, rinse and transfer for another 30 minutes in salt water.



Despite the fact that I read the sub-questionnaire, I still allow myself to remind you that if the meat has an unpleasant smell, it is better not to risk it and throw it away. Any odor signals the breakdown of the protein. Getting rid of the smell, you will not get rid of possible health problems. If you have even the slightest suspicion that the meat is spoiled, do not reanimate or eat it.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat?

It is impossible to store meat in cellophane (or in polyethylene) packages in a refrigerator. They are categorically unsuitable for long-term storage, since they create an ideal environment for decay of any product - and raw meat in particular.

The meat is packaged by the seller in polyethylene only for the convenience of transportation to the destination, but not for subsequent storage.

But, if the fresh meat you bought spent in polyethylene for some time and managed to "suffocate" - this does not mean that it has deteriorated. In this case, the meat does not need to be processed in any way, as described in the first answer. These methods, rather, relate to the resuscitation of already really spoiled meat.

And with "choked" meat, I propose to do it easier:

Free the “choked” piece of meat from the plastic captivity.
   Rinse the meat thoroughly in cool running water.
   Dry the meat well with paper towels.
   Then cut into portions for later cooking.
   Put the chopped meat in the freezer for several hours. Then you can cook the meat according to your plan - to defrost and no longer need to wash it.

Freezing the affected meat will help solve two problems at once. Firstly, it will stop the probable reproduction of bacteria. Well, and, secondly, it will save you from doubts about its suitability ...)))


  To refresh the meat, it is not necessary to soak it in potassium permanganate, just wash it in a weak solution, and then rinse with cold water. But if the smell after processing has not disappeared, you can’t eat such meat.
  To eliminate the "darling", you can mix finely chopped onions (or chopped in a blender) with caraway seeds and marinate the meat in this 30 minutes before starting cooking. Onion copes with different types of bacteria very well due to the content of phytoncides in it. Red pepper also contains many phytoncides, so adding it to meat along with black pepper, horseradish and other spices will partially rid the product of existing bacteria.
  I also know that they make a highly concentrated brine (18-20% - 20 grams of salt are diluted in 100 grams of water) and process the meat. The smell disappears, because salt is a good preservative, although it does not kill germs, it inhibits their reproduction. Why make such a strong concentrated solution? Because a solution, for example, at a concentration of 4%, will not affect the development of putrefactive processes in meat.
  The markets still use such an old way to sell meat more profitably. It is treated with 3-5% vinegar solution.
The degree of corruption of meat can also be judged by the smell that appears during cooking. If it was possible to remove the stale smell in a cold form, and during cooking it reappeared, then the best way is to get rid of such meat and not play with your health. The presence of a rotten smell during cooking indicates that the putrefactive process has begun.

Meat with a choke  always causes certain fears and conflicting feelings. You have to make a choice, eat it or throw it away. Most often the first option is used. However, in other countries, in particular, in southeastern cuisine, a slightly different approach is used, where meat that has rotted is considered a delicacy in some cases. The main thing is to process and cook it in a special way.

What if meat with a choke?

  • The first thing to do is to inspect meat  and rinse it under cool water. If the process of decay is just beginning, then the “aroma” from the surface can easily be washed off. Next, cut the meat. If you do not smell a bad smell, then it is still edible.
  • It is also recommended to keep this meat  about 20 minutes in a weakly concentrated solution of manganese. So the chance to get food poisoning comes down to almost zero.
  • If after washing under water, meat  If it still retains a faint odor, then ordinary vinegar will help you, which will remove the remaining smell and serve as a preservative. After that, the meat can be cooked in any way.
  • In the event that the decomposition has clearly begun, then in no case such meat  should not be eaten. You run the risk of getting into a hospital with severe food poisoning.
  • If meat  acquired a greenish tint, then it immediately needs to be thrown out. You can’t eat such a product even for pets.

Stewed meat in southeastern cuisine

  • The dubious freshness of the foods used for cooking is a strange feature of Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. There are many products that undergo lengthy preparation before use.
  • For example, Chinese “rotten eggs” are prepared by placing fresh eggs in a special solution for a couple of months. There they acquire a specific color of both protein and yolk, as well as a disgusting smell.
  • Almost everyone tried sushi, but few people know how this product was prepared initially. And it was done like this: they took fish that underwent the fermentation procedure, and placed under its press mixed with rice, which helped to accelerate the process of decay.

The exact answer to the question is, is it possible to eat meat with a choke still not. It all depends on fitness for such food and nutrition culture in general.

Every housewife at least once in her life reflected on how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat. It is necessary to deal with the problem before the start of the processing process, otherwise the taste of the dish will be definitely ruined. And for this, the first thing you need to determine the cause of the unpleasant darling.

Possible reasons

There are a number of reasons why meat loses its natural flavor. In some cases, it was not originally. This happens when the meat:

  • completely rotten;
  • a little spoiled;
  • lay in the refrigerator in a plastic bag and had an unpleasant odor;
  • a rabbit who was feeding incorrectly or was slaughtered illiterate;
  • boar pork;
  • lamb with a peculiar smell.

A spoiled product in the form of rotten meat will have to be ruthlessly thrown away, since its use, even after heat treatment, will lead to poisoning of the body. In other cases, you can successfully remove this flaw and prepare decent food.

The smell is slightly rotten

If you leave in a warm room even for a short period of time, various microbes and bacteria will gladly get to work, having received a nutrient medium in the form of a delicious meat cut.

The smell appears very quickly. You can remove it by the following methods.

  • Soak in cold water with a spoon of vinegar for an hour, then rinse.
  • Soak in lemon juice or wine for an hour. If the piece is large, it should be cut into pieces. Then rinse.
  • Smudge small pieces in mustard and leave for an hour. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
  • Soak in salt water (there should be plenty of salt), then rinse thoroughly.
  • Soak in a weak, barely pink, potassium permanganate solution, then rinse in running water and leave it in cold for 15 minutes.
  • Chop onion, garlic in a bowl of meat, add herbs and leave for an hour.

If during this time the desired effect does not occur, the meat can be considered completely spoiled. In addition, if the smell returns during cooking, you should not spare the effort and money spent - you must throw the product away immediately.

Cellophane bag - cause of unrest

If you leave the meat in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, an unpleasant odor cannot be avoided. And the point is not that it has deteriorated, but that the chemical elements of cellophane provoke the appearance of a strange "artificial" aroma.

Refrigerated storage is a delicate matter. Instead of cellophane, there are parchment and paper towels. And only as a second layer it is wise to use cling film to protect the space in the refrigerator from easily perishable product.

If an error has occurred, you can use any of the methods that are suitable for spoiled meat. There are others of a milder effect.

  • For 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and a piece of charcoal. They will present an original aroma that gives the specific taste of a bonfire, forest, nature. Soak 3-4 hours.
  • Broth 1 tbsp. tablespoons of chamomile per 1 liter of water.
  • We use any herbs with a strong aroma (basil, cardamom, rosemary, nutmeg, and even better - their mixture) for rubbing and leave for 1 hour.
  • Sprinkle small pieces with pomegranate juice, rub and leave for an hour.

In any case, this will help not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also to give a new, unique and very tasty.

Lamb specificity

If not a sheep, but a real ram falls into the hands of the hostess, an unpleasant odor spreads throughout the kitchen. However, this does not mean that the selected dish will be spoiled. In fact, tender, juicy pulp will be delicious if cooked properly. And you should also take into account low cholesterol - in this parameter, lamb meat is even superior to beef.

Lambs do not deliver such trouble up to a year. In the future, you need to take some action.

  1. Completely cut fat inclusions, which to a greater extent create a problem.
  2. Grated with spices, herbs and garlic, small pieces are infused in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
  3. Instead, you can boil lamb for a couple of hours with spices, onions and carrots, and then use the finished product for its intended purpose.
  4. Any marinade along with garlic and a decent amount of spices in 2 hours will turn a piece of meat into a flavorful workpiece.
  5. Leave to soak for several hours in salted water diluted in boiling water adjika, dry mustard, allspice, garlic, and then rinse.
  6. Pour cold water, boil, drain the water and repeat the process 3-4 times. With hot water, the smell will go away.

Choose one and the options should be depending on the future method of use.

Fragrant rabbit

If the rabbit is not properly slaughtered or does not eat properly, its meat will have a specific smell and taste. There are several ways specifically for this type of meat.

  • Soak in cold water for 10-12 hours. If there is time, it is best to do just that, gaining freedom in future use. The meat will be completely neutral and ready for any processing method.
  • Pickle. For this purpose, you can use kefir, olives with tomatoes, a mixture of wine, sour cream and juniper. The meat will be ready in an hour and will acquire a flavoring shade of spices and bases used in the marinade.

If the rabbit is old enough, its meat can be tough. Using kefir marinade will help soften it.

Boar meat - a challenge to the point

It is best to prevent such a catastrophe by choosing meat more carefully. It is enough to fry a slice of fat with a lighter, and the truth about the state of the goods on the market becomes absolutely clear.

If you are unlucky and the problem is already in the refrigerator or on the cutting table, the only way to get rid of the smell is to soak the meat for 10-12 hours in milk, changing it every 2 hours for fresh. In this case, the meat should be cut into thin slices, without fat. Spices when cooking excess can not be in principle. And even in this case, a strange shade of aroma and taste may remain.

The most reasonable and effective way not to encounter the problem of pleasant smell is prevention. You need to buy fresh meat of even color, elastic, with a pleasant smell. Store in a freezer or refrigerator wrapped in parchment or paper towel soaked in salted water. Relatives will be grateful for a tasty and fragrant dish. The decoration of the table will be a nutritious, healthy and attractive product in every sense - meat.

Meat, like any other product, cannot constantly stay fresh. Over time, under the influence of various enzymes, microorganisms, as well as molds, it spoils and becomes unfit for human consumption. Any housewife should be able to determine a poor-quality product. But how to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Deal with this issue will help the advice of experienced chefs.

Main characteristics

Before you start cooking anything from meat, you need to be sure that it is fresh enough and suitable for further processing. Suspicious foods are best avoided. This can lead to undesirable consequences. Beginning housewives in such cases ask the same question: how to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Experienced professionals or those who often face a similar problem can answer it. In their opinion, there are three main indicators of meat freshness:

  1. Appearance. The meat of any animal should have a color from bright pink to dark brown. Any iridescent overflows and grayish shades are unacceptable. If a piece of meat has bones or joints, then they should be white. For fatty layers, a yellowish tint is permissible.
  2. Smell. When buying a product in a store, you must definitely smell it. But how to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Usually an external examination is not enough. Here we must remember that fresh meat almost does not smell except for a light shade of milk. Any extraneous “aromas” indicate poor product quality.
  3. Consistency. How to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Fresh meat should be firm and firm enough to the touch. The fossa, which forms when lightly pressed by the hand, usually disappears immediately. A spoiled product, on the contrary, will be loose. A finger enters it, as if in oil. In addition, a fresh piece of meat will never be sticky and slippery.

Knowing these indicators, it is easy to distinguish a good product from a bad and low-quality one.

Is the minced meat spoiled?

Inexperienced housewives are often lost when it comes to minced meat. How to understand whether the meat has deteriorated if it is not a whole piece, but a chopped semi-finished product in front of your eyes? Nevertheless, the freshness of minced meat is determined by the same indicators.

The product must be well inspected, sniffed and be sure to touch it with your hands. Only then can a final decision be made regarding its suitability. Take, for example, minced beef meat. It is not necessary that it is cherry red. During storage, the beef gradually begins to darken from the inside. This is due to the lack of direct access of oxygen. In the middle, over time, the stuffing may even turn brown. But this is quite normal. Prefabricated should not smell bad. This is a clear sign of a spoiled product. Here you must always remember that even in a fresh product there are bacteria. Therefore, in the presence of any suspicious aroma, it is better not to risk it. In conclusion, the forcemeat must be touched. If it is sticky, slippery or too wet, then no heat treatment will fix such a product.

Definition of pork freshness

Each type of meat has its own characteristics. For example, on the counter in the store is pork. How to understand that the meat has deteriorated? Here again, we need to recall the three main features.

By color, a piece of pork must be pale pink. A darker shade indicates that it is either not fresh, or the meat of an old animal is in front of you. In this case, it is better to refuse such a purchase. A dish made from such pork will be disgusting and will not give pleasure. If the meat is very pale, then growth hormones may have been added to animal feed. It is not safe to cook food from such products. If the appearance of the meat looks normal, then this does not mean that it does not need to be sniffed. Sometimes sellers try to hide an unpleasant smell with spices or table vinegar. The presence of any foreign odors suggests that the product is not as good as it seems. When pressed with a finger, pork, like any other meat, should be elastic. When buying a product on the market, one must not forget to check for the stamp of the sanitary inspection.

Characteristics of spoiled chicken

Poultry meat is no exception. It can also become unusable during prolonged and improper storage. How to understand that chicken meat has deteriorated? The inadequate quality of such a product is determined by the scheme already familiar to all. Firstly, the color of the meat changes from pink to gray. In small quantities, this is acceptable. The carcass can be boiled a little more. If there is very little natural shade left, then such a chicken can no longer be saved. Secondly, spoiled poultry meat has a characteristic unpleasant odor. It is very difficult to get rid of it, yes, and it is not necessary.

Thirdly, the skin of the damaged carcass will be slippery and sticky. A small plaque is formed on the surface in the form of a thin shiny film. Sometimes you have to deal with a finished product. For example, spoiled fried chicken has a smell of sulfur or rotten eggs. And no spices here will help. And another important sign is the presence of mold. Even the initial formation of fluffy formations of black or green color is a signal that the product is finally damaged.