How and where to store mussels? How to choose, cook and store fresh mussels.

Mussels are bivalve shells with symmetrical shells, inside of which there is a protein of the highest quality. Mussels are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet. It is proved that these aquatic inhabitants are one of the very first human food products. There is a find on the coast of South Africa, dated 164,000 years ago. At this time, cavemen lived on Earth and their main food was shellfish and oysters.

Commercial cultivation of mussels began in the 13th century. Now this product is available in all countries of the world. Since mussels pump 700 liters of water per day through themselves, they must be grown in very clean water.

From the point of view of medicine, mussels are an excellent food product, as they are pure protein. There is not much fat in the product. Protein is perfectly absorbed by the body. Unlike shrimp, mussels have almost no cholesterol.

In mussels, there is such an element as zinc. For men, this is especially important, since zinc is involved in the formation of sperm, namely, the membrane and tail. It provides sperm motility. This element is necessary for our hair, nails and skin, zinc ensures their healthy appearance.

In mussels, there are fats that are extremely beneficial for us. Omega-3 prevents chronic inflammation. At a certain age, this protects against joint destruction.

Choose mussels

Buying live mussels in Russia is almost impossible, because they are not sold anywhere in this form. If you buy frozen mussels in shells, then know that their shells must be closed. Open shells indicate that the mussels were dead when they were frozen. It is not good.

Mussels grown in freedom, or wild, have a "beard" - a zone of accession to the place where the shell grew. Mussels that are grown industrially have a smooth surface and do not have a “beard”. Also in stores you can find frozen boiled mussels and canned. Salt is present in canned foods, so it is not advisable to consume them.

Proper storage of mussels

Boiled mussels are kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours, since pure protein is an excellent medium for the growth of microorganisms. Frozen mussels are stored according to the expiration date of the particular package.

Cooking Mussels

It is most useful to cook boiled mussels. The product is prepared very quickly, within 3-5 minutes. You can also steam mussels.

100 g of product contains about 100 kcal, which is less than chicken meat.

Freshly caught mussels can be bought in Europe and the Far East without any problems. Do not forget that you can check the freshness of the product by smell. An unpleasant odor is evidence of the deterioration of the product. If you bought the product freshly prepared, cook it according to the following instructions.

First you need to carefully examine the sinks, remove sand from them. Sinks with cracked surfaces and those that have opened must be discarded immediately.

For the preparation of mussels, water or wine is suitable. To do this, pour the liquid into the pan, pour in the same sinks and cover with a lid. It is better to cook clams in a small amount of liquid. This way the natural taste of the product is better preserved. To prepare 400 g of mussels, you need 0.5 l of liquid.

Bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Next, cook the mussels in a saucepan without a lid. Periodically, you need to shake the pan, so the sinks will open evenly. The opened sinks can immediately be taken out of the dishes.

Traditionally, mussels are served in shells. Before serving, the clams can be poured with the broth in which they were cooked. The broth must first be filtered. If you have unopened sinks, they must be disposed of.

Fried mussels go well with any vegetables. Tender “sea meat” replaces any ordinary meat, but it does not need long-term heat treatment. For example, if you are stewing vegetables, you must first bring them to readiness, and 5 minutes before cooking, add mussels.

Baked mussels can be cooked in sauce or under a “pillow” of cheese and vegetables. For example, you can pour mussels with cheese and garlic sauce and send in the oven for 20 minutes. You will get an amazing dish.

To remove the mussel meat from the sink, you need to put them in a hot pan or lower them into boiling water. When the sink opens, remove valuable meat from it and rinse off sand and algae.

Shellfish should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, this makes the product dry and tasteless.

Mussels are not recommended for use with gout. The protein compounds that are in the product in our body are converted to uric acid. It is deposited on the joints in the form of crystals and causes pain.

Seashells have become an integral part of the menu, not only for gourmets and coastal residents, but also for all seafood lovers who live far from the sea. But the further you go deeper into the continent, the higher the prices for live shells, and therefore their use in food is considered a sign of luxury and good taste. For most species of edible shells, the season falls in the cold season. It is important to remember that shells can cause serious poisoning, and in order to choose and cook them correctly, you need to be extremely careful!

Another name for shells, which is often used by seafood sellers and cooks, is “cleme”. For unknown reasons, this name does not apply to all types of shells, but only to two of them - only sandy and hard shells are called clems.

To cook any mollusks is quite simple, but for the safety of your health you need to remember a few rules:

  • before cooking, sort out all shells that are open and do not respond to tapping and movement, be sure to remove these mollusks have already died.
  • when frying shells, be sure to remove all unopened shells, do not try to open and eat them yourself!
  • if you eat live mollusks, make sure that when opening this mollusk was really alive, as a rule, all mollusks carefully resist when trying to open them.
  • live mollusks should be stored either in a special aquarium for mollusks or in a refrigerator on ice. It is advisable to use shells within 2-3 days from the date of purchase. Dilute sea water and lower the mollusks should not be, because they will die much faster from their own waste products!

Sea cuttings, bowels and sand shells

Hard shells come in different sizes and colors and are divided into 3 main types:

  • the smallest ("young hard shell") - transverse length - not more than 5 cm.
  • shells measuring 5-8 cm across
  • soup shells - the largest, more than 8 cm

They do not need to be washed, but to open the cusps of these mollusks, they need to be heated. With a knife, they also open if you insert it in front of the castle and draw it between the shell wings. This skill is acquired over time, at first it is not easy. But in this case, it is important to understand whether the shell is suitable for food or not, it is quite possible that it has already died and it is impossible to eat it. Only an experienced amateur or cook can determine this!

The quality of hard and sandy edible shells is standard, and the only rule says: the smaller the shell, the tastier it is, the stronger the aroma. On the other hand, large shells are good because they need to be tinkered with less, and they have more meat.


They are known for their vitality and vindictiveness. Even in the oil stain, the mussels will not die, they will only absorb its smell and give it away when they try to feast on them! You can buy mussels from the store bred on the farm with water purity control. But even in this case, it is advisable to take a few seashells for a sample first.

Before cooking mussels must be sorted out. And it is very important not to skimp and get rid of all the suspicious sinks so as not to spoil the whole dish. How to detect signs of unsuitability? If the sink is slightly ajar, you need to knock on it. Normal mussels after tapping slowly close, if this does not happen, then the mussel can be safely thrown away. Also, do not spare the mussels whose shell is broken, and throw away too light and too heavy shells (the first ones are empty, and the second ones with silt). If during the heat treatment some more shells did not open, they also need to be disposed of.

In order to cook mussels, you first need to process them as follows: remove the “beard” with a knife or simply tear it off, put a container of mussels for an hour under a stream of cold water, and only after that you can proceed directly to cooking.


They are small, large and gigantic. Small scallops - not more than 7 cm, large, or scallops Saint-Jacques, reach a diameter of 15 cm, and giant scallops, the largest of all species. There is such a practice - to process this seafood in a solution of sodium tripolyphosphate to increase their weight. This procedure increases the weight of the scallops by about 25%. This is not harmful to health, but of course, it is not very pleasant: when heated, the scallop will release all the water absorbed during processing, and the very 25% of its weight will disappear. But scallops processed in this way have a distinctive sign: the color is too snow-white, while the real color of scallops is cream, light orange, light pink. Imported scallops that have not undergone such a tricky procedure must have a dry scallops label on their packaging.

Unlike many other products, scallops do not lose their taste when frozen. But buying them in frozen form, you do not get caviar bags to the table, this is perhaps the only minus of buying frozen scallops. Scallop bags of scallops have a pleasant taste and are very useful, so do not neglect the opportunity to buy scallops in the sinks. It is not difficult to open them, this is done with an ordinary knife - you need to carefully remove the meat on the lower half of the shell, then cut off the muscle-lock, which is located on the side and remove the insides.

It is very useful - it contains a lot of proteins and iron, but also an unusually tasty clam!


Although oysters are described in many sources, these descriptions can be difficult to figure out, especially not having the practice of eating them. But to learn the basics of handling this delicacy is within the reach of everyone.
So, living oysters, which are served to the table in accordance with all the rules, must exhibit a certain muscle activity. The nature of this activity is directly related to the conditions of carriage. When you touch the edge of the mantle of the oyster, which was transported in compliance with all necessary conditions to maintain its best taste, it slowly moves away from your finger. If during transportation oysters suffered overheating, frost, suffered from shaking and noise, then the reaction to touch will be sharp - the oyster will startled in fright. In this case, you will not be able to feel its true taste, and eat it is not worth it.

It is important to know what the additional information about the oysters you ordered mean the mysterious words and numbers on the menu, since the value of these seafood depends on them. What is number 3 or number 5?

Firstly, it should be remembered that oysters are usually numbered according to their weight, the smallest oysters being numbered No. 5, the largest oysters are numbered 0 or 00. Moreover, each oyster variety has its own number system, although No. 3 will certainly point to smaller oysters than No. 1.

What does the beautiful word "clair" mean? Claire is a special pool that is connected to the sea by a small canal. Oysters are placed in clers in order to improve their palatability. This procedure is called “refining”.

With all this, the status of "de claire" can legally be carried only by oysters from claire on about. Oleron or in the Gulf of Marenne d’Oleron, department of Charente Maritim. So oysters from other claires that can be dug anywhere can not be called "de claire", even if they are from Normandy or Brittany, or from somewhere else.

The word “special” in the description of oysters means “special”, and “fin” translates as “exquisite”. But not everything is so simple, and these seemingly simple definitions can be understood in different ways.

If we are talking about “special oyster oysters” from Marenne d’Oleron, this suggests that the mollusk was aged in claire for 2 months, and their planting density was no more than 10 oysters per 1 square meter. If the oyster is signed as “fin de claire oyster”, then the aging in the claire was shorter and the mollusk density was higher.

If we talk about oysters from other parts of the world, then in this case “special” and “fin” are the density coefficients, for which the following formula is used: the mass of meat obtained from 20 oysters of a certain size is divided by the mass of these oysters fully and multiply by 100. " In this case, there can be no question of any “refining” or of any “de cleler”!

Remembering these few tricky words, you will protect yourself when ordering from deception and unnecessary expenses, and do not let yourself be confused by enterprising manufacturers.

Gastropods - rapana, trumpeter

Of course, a review of edible shells would not be complete without mention of gastropods.
With rapans the situation is somewhat controversial. They are listed in the Red Book in Russia, and their extraction there is prohibited, but in the Black Sea these gastropods multiplied very much. Their number has increased so much that now they have become a threat to the Black Sea mussels, and almost all of them have already eaten the Black Sea scallops and oysters! Therefore, in Ukraine, rapans can be legally legally obtained, including those allowed to be caught in an amateur way. It is very simple - you only need a diving mask and fins, and you will have to dive to a depth of three to four meters.

There are several ways to extract a rapana from a sink, depending on whether its integrity is required to be preserved. Rapana shell is very beautiful and will be a wonderful souvenir. In order not to damage it, the legs of the raps are cut with a small knife, and the remaining meat must be scraped and discarded. If the sink is not a pity, then the raps are placed in boiling water for about 3 minutes. After that, you can get the meat with a fork or skewer, and discard everything, leaving only a white leg for further cooking.
The trumpeter is another type of gastropod, the size of which is smaller than the rapana. Its habitats are much more north than that of the rapeseed. The extraction of the trumpeter is in no way limited by laws on the protection of nature, while he is a complete analogue of the rapana in terms of cooking. The trumpeter removed from the sink must be prepared immediately. You can cook it for about 10 minutes and freeze it.

The French believed that mussels were suitable only for the poor to feast on them for lack of more decent food. Of course, this stereotype has long gone down in history, especially when people learned to use mussels for their intended purpose. They are consumed in different forms, added to snacks, salads and other dishes.

If you often buy mussels in the store, then you know that they are of three types:

  • Fresh in the shells.
  • Boiled and frozen.
  • Canned.

How to store mussels

Most often, people prefer to buy a frozen product, since it is safer and does not require additional processing, like fresh. Let's talk about how best to store mussels in the freezer.

Experienced housewives advise against buying frozen mussels for the future. If you do not cook them so often, then it is better to get one or two packages that will not have time to deteriorate before cooking. Moreover, no one can know how long the mussels lay in the store’s freezer.

The temperature in the freezer should not fall below –18 ° C, this will help preserve the taste and useful qualities of mussels.

If you have opened canned mussels, but have not consumed the entire product, do not rush to throw them away. In open form, canned mussels can be stored for about three days, so you have a chance to put the product in the preparation of a dish.

How to store live mussels in shells

Live mussels in shells are considered a delicacy, so they are always sold exclusively fresh. They are considered an ideal ingredient for various Mediterranean dishes: soups and salads with seafood and specific snacks. Live mussels are not stored for long - the product quickly becomes unusable. That is why you need to buy mussels in shells only when you are ready to use them or cook.

To prevent mussels from freezing, but not losing their taste, store shells in a container filled with ice. At this temperature, in a fairly cool room, this product can remain fresh for two days. Remember: fresh mussels are not kept longer!

How to store ready-made mussels

It is very convenient to purchase frozen mussels that have previously been boiled - they are stored for a long time without losing quality. Also, many prefer to independently cook live mussels at home.

If you have boiled mussels, but are not currently going to use them in cooking, create the necessary conditions for them to store properly. You can store mussels not only in the freezer, but also in the standard section of the refrigerator.

Before you remove the boiled mussels in the freezer, make sure that all the water from the glass is wet - soak them with a napkin. If you do not drain all the water, then ice will form during freezing, which will not affect the taste of the product in the best way.

If you add salt to the water during boiling, then the mussels will be completely prepared. Such a product is stored in the freezer for about 3 months, and they can be used immediately after defrosting.

The finished dish with the addition of mussels should not be stored at all - it is better to eat it right away. If you still have a dish that you did not have time to eat - put it in a container, cover and store for no more than a day.

GOST R 53848-2010

Group H28



Technical conditions

Frozen cooked mussel meat. Specifications

ACS 67.120.30
OKP 92 6535

Introduction Date 2011-07-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-ФЗ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic Provisions"

Standard Information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (FSUE "VNIRO") and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Polar Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography named after N.M. Knipovich" (FSUE " PINRO ")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 300 "Fish, food, feed, technical and packaging"

3 APPROVED AND IMPLEMENTED BY Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of July 29, 2010 N 194-st


Information on amendments to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments is published in the monthly published information signs "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notification will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This International Standard applies to boiled and frozen mussel meat intended for food purposes for the domestic market and export.

The species composition of mussels is given in Appendix A.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R ISO 7218-2008 Microbiology of food and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological research

GOST R 50380-2005 Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 51074-2003 Food Products. Information for the consumer. General requirements

GOST R 51232-98 Drinking water. General requirements for organization and quality control methods

GOST R 51301-99 Food products and food raw materials. Inversion voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)

GOST R 51574-2000 Food salt. Technical conditions

GOST R 51766-2001 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic

GOST R 51962-2002 Food products and food raw materials. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST R 52814-2007 (ISO 6579: 2002) Food products. Method for detecting bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST R 52815-2007 Food Products. Methods for the identification and determination of the number of coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus

GOST R 52816-2007 Food Products. Methods for detecting and determining the number of bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli (coliform bacteria)

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the amount of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 7630-96 Fish, marine mammals, marine invertebrates, algae and their processed products. Marking and packaging

GOST 7631-2008 Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Methods for determining organoleptic and physical indicators

GOST 7636-85 Fish, marine mammals, marine invertebrates and their processed products. Analysis methods

GOST 9569-2006 Waxed paper. Technical conditions

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical conditions

GOST 10444.15-94 Food Products. Methods for determining the amount of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 13516-86 Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Technical conditions

GOST 14192-96 Cargo labeling

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 23285-78 Transport bags for foodstuffs and glass containers. Technical conditions

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged goods. Key parameters and dimensions

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26668-85 Food and taste products. Sampling methods for microbiological analysis

GOST 26669-85 Food and taste products. Sample preparation for microbiological analysis

GOST 26670-91 Food Products. Microorganism Cultivation Methods

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for the determination of mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Method for determination of arsenic

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining lead

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for the determination of cadmium

GOST 28566-90 Food Products. Method for detecting and determining the number of enterococci

GOST 29185-91 Food Products. Methods for the identification and determination of the number of sulfite-reducing clostridia

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food Products. Method for determination of toxic elements by atomic emission method

GOST 31339-2006 Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Acceptance rules and sampling methods

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of this year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by the replacement (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms used in accordance with GOST R 50380, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions, are applied:

3.1 byssus:  The secretion of the bissus gland of a bivalve mollusk in the form of a bundle of threads by which the mollusk is attached to the surface.

3.2 deep dehydration:  Loss of tissue juice, a sign of which is the presence on the surface of the meat of mussels of white and yellow spots, penetrated into the thickness of the meat and not removed by scraping without affecting the appearance.

3.3 freezing:  The process, which is carried out on the appropriate equipment so that the temperature range of maximum crystallization of tissue juice passed quickly.

3.4 impurities:  Substances that are not derivatives of mussels are easily recognized without an increase or are present in quantities determined by any method, including an increase, and indicate a violation of sanitary rules and production standards.

4 Main parameters and dimensions

Cooked and frozen mussel meat is made:

- in bulk;

- blocks in consumer packaging net weight not more than 1.0 kg;

- blocks of net weight not exceeding 10.0 kg.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Cooked and frozen mussel meat should be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological instructions in compliance with sanitary rules and norms approved in the established manner.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 Cooked and frozen mussel meat is obtained by extracting muscle, mantle and gonads from blanched mollusks, followed by freezing them.

Upon receipt of meat, mussels remove byssus, gills, stomach, liver, intestines.

5.2.2 Boiled mussels are frozen in artificial dry blocks, in bulk or in consumer packaging.

5.2.3 The temperature in the bulk of the product when unloading from freezers should not be higher than minus 18 ° C or minus 29 ° C in accordance with the storage regime established by the manufacturer.

5.2.4 Cooked and frozen mussel meat is made in glazed form.

The glaze should be in the form of an ice crust, evenly covering the surface of the product, and should not lag behind with a light tapping.

The mass of the glaze should be from 2% to 4% with respect to the mass of the glazed product.

Do not glaze boiled and frozen mussel meat:

- wrapped before freezing in waxed paper according to GOST 9569 or release paper according to regulatory and technical documents;

- Packed under vacuum in bags of polymeric materials;

- packed before freezing in consumer packaging.

5.2.5 According to organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, boiled-frozen mussel meat must meet the requirements specified in table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator

Characteristic and norm

Appearance of boiled and frozen mussel meat:

In blocks

The surface is clean, flat.
Slight hollows are allowed on the surface of the blocks.

In bulk

The whole, separated from each other; the surface is clean

After defrosting

The whole surface is clean, without pieces of sash.
There is a violation of the integrity of the meat of individual specimens of mussels in places where the byssus

From pale beige to bright orange with a brownish greenish tint

Consistency (after defrosting)

Dense to soft

Taste and smell (after thawing)

Characteristic of freshly cooked mussel meat without extraneous taste and smell.
There may be a slight weakening of taste and aroma

Mass fraction of table salt,%, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities (sand, calcareous formations "pearls"),%, no more

The presence of impurities (in consumer packaging)

Not allowed

Deep dehydration,%, no more *

* Determined in contentious cases.

5.2.6 In terms of safety, boiled and frozen mussel meat must comply with the requirements and standards established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation *.

5.3 Requirements for raw materials

5.3.1 Raw materials used for the manufacture of boiled-frozen mussel meat correspond to:

- live mussels - to normative and technical documents;

- raw mussels - to normative and technical documents;

- food table salt - GOST R 51574;

- drinking water - GOST R 51232 and hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems;

- clean sea water - to sanitary rules and norms for the production and sale of fish products.

5.3.2 Raw materials, including those purchased by import, used for the manufacture of boiled-frozen mussel meat, according to safety indicators, must comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the Russian Federation *.
* Prior to the introduction of relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of federal executive bodies -.

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Label containers with boiled-frozen mussel meat in accordance with GOST R 51074 and GOST 7630.

Labeling should contain one storage mode and one expiration date.

On the consumer packaging with products additionally inscribed:

"Aquaculture production" - when using mussels grown under controlled conditions as raw materials.

5.4.2 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 7630 and GOST 14192.

5.5 Packaging

5.5.1 Cooked and frozen mussel meat is packed in accordance with GOST 7630:

- in packs of cardboard and combined materials according to regulatory and technical documents with a maximum product weight of 1.0 kg;

- in cardboard boxes with polymer coating or polymer according to regulatory and technical documents with a maximum product weight of 1.0 kg;

- into packages of polymeric materials under vacuum or without vacuum using trays or substrates or without them according to regulatory and technical documents with a maximum product weight of 1.0 kg;

- in film liners according to regulatory and technical documents under vacuum or without vacuum or plastic film according to GOST 10354 with subsequent packaging in boxes from corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13516 with a maximum product weight of 30.0 kg.

5.5.2 Packages, boxes and bags of products are placed in corrugated cardboard boxes with a maximum product weight of 30.0 kg.

5.5.3 Packaging of products in film liners and bags made of polymeric materials is carried out in accordance with.

5.5.4 Packages and boxes with products must be closed, bags - fastened with clamps or heat-welded.

5.5.5 Each packaging unit must have boiled and frozen mussel meat of one type, one type of consumer packaging and the method of packaging (under vacuum or without vacuum), one production date.

5.5.6 The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net contents of the packaging unit shall comply with the requirements of GOST 8.579.

Permissible positive deviations of the net contents of the packaging unit from the nominal amount,%:

2.0 - for products up to and including 0.5 kg;

1.0 - for products over 0.5 to 1.0 kg inclusive;

0.5 - for products over 1.0 kg.

5.5.7 It is allowed to use other types of containers and packaging, including those purchased by import or made from imported materials, authorized by the authorities and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation to contact this type of product and ensuring the safety and quality of products during transportation and storage.

5.5.8 The containers and packaging materials used for packaging boiled-frozen mussel meat must be clean, dry, odorless and made of materials approved for contact with food by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation.

5.5.9 Requirements for packaging and labeling can be supplemented in accordance with the requirements of the agreement (contract), and for products manufactured for export - changed in accordance with the requirements of the agreement (contract). At the same time, consumer rights to receive high-quality and safe products and complete, reliable information about these products must be ensured.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance rules - in accordance with GOST 31339.

6.2. The control of the content of toxic elements, radionuclides and phytotoxins is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of the products in the production control program.

6.3 The frequency of microbiological control of boiled-frozen mussel meat is set by the manufacturer of the products in the production control program taking into account.

6.4 The frequency of determination of the indicators “Mass fraction of glaze”, “Mass fraction of table salt”, “Mass fraction of mineral impurities”, “Presence of foreign impurities” is set by the manufacturer in the production control program.

7 Control Methods

7.1 Sampling methods - in accordance with GOST 31339, GOST 26668,.

Sample preparation for determination:

  GOST 7631, GOST 7636;

- toxic elements - according to GOST 26929;

  GOST 26669 and.

The cultivation of microorganisms - according to GOST 26670; preparation of solutions of reagents, paints, indicators and culture media for microbiological analyzes - in accordance with GOST R ISO 7218 and.

7.2 Control methods:

- organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators - according to GOST 7631, GOST 7636, GOST 31339;

- toxic elements - according to GOST R 51301, GOST R 51766, GOST R 51962, GOST 26927, GOST 26930, GOST 26932, GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538 and;

- microbiological indicators - in accordance with GOST R ISO 7218, GOST R 52814, GOST R 52815, GOST R 52816, GOST 10444.15, GOST 28566, GOST 29185,;

- radionuclides - by;

- phycotoxins - by,,.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Transportation

8.1.1 They transport boiled and frozen mussel meat by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods operating on this type of transport, subject to the requirements for the temperature regime of their storage.

8.1.2 Transportation of products shipped to areas of the Far North and equivalent areas are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846.

8.1.3 Packing - according to GOST 23285, GOST 26663.

The main parameters and sizes of packages are in accordance with GOST 24597.

8.2 Storage

8.2.1 Shelf life of boiled and frozen mussel meat, from the date of manufacture, months, not more than:

3 - at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° C;

6 - at a temperature not higher than minus 29 ° C.

8.2.2 The expiration date of boiled-frozen mussel meat with the storage conditions specified by the manufacturer.

Appendix A (informative). The species composition of mussels

Appendix A

* It is allowed to use other types of mussels classified as coastal fisheries.

A.1 The species composition of mussels is shown in table A.1.

Table A.1

Name of mussels *




Mytilus edulis

Mediterranean-Black Sea mussel

Mytilus galloprovincialis

Pacific mussel

Mytilus trossulus

Gray mussel

Crenomytilus grayanus

Shiny mussel

Mytilus coruscus

Modiolus Longleaf

Modiolus difficilis

* Including mussels grown in aquaculture.


SanPiN by the Resolution of the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2008 N 43

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control", approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2001 N 24

Sanitary rules and norms "Production and sale of fish products", approved by the Resolution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia of 11.03.1996 N 6

"Instruction on the sanitary-microbiological control of the production of food products from fish and marine invertebrates", approved by the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR on 11/18/90 and the Ministry of Health of the USSR 02/22/91

Inversion voltammetric measurements of the concentration of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in food products and food raw materials
Radiation control. Strontium-90 and Cesium-137. Food products. Sampling, analysis and hygienic assessment Express determination of saxitoxin in mollusks using the RIDASCREEN FAST PSP (SAXITOCXIN) test system manufactured by R-BIOPHARM AG, Germany

Rapid determination of okadaic acid in mollusks using the "DSP-CHECK" test system manufactured by PARAPHARM LABORATORIES CO., LTD, Japan

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Codex CJSC and verified against:
official publication
M .: Standartinform, 2010

Like any resident of the Mediterranean coast, of course, I love fish and seafood. This goes without saying. Moreover, every time they ask me if I miss Italy, I always answer: “No, Italy, I’ve lived there for 50 years, but yes, I really miss fish and seafood!”

But why? Now, after all, the market is globalized, and any product, including "seafood," can be found anywhere on the globe.

But because, unlike other food products (cheeses, smoked meats, pasta, fresh olive oil, and indeed anything!), It is very important for dishes from sea fish and seafood that they should be freshly caught, just from the sea. This is such a food product - with rapid freezing, it loses 80% of its excellent culinary qualities.

Just imagine: in Italy, the whole daytime catch is cooled (by no means frozen!), And in the second half of the same day they are loaded onto airplanes, which will deliver it to all cities of the country before sunset, and it will be on the next day on the shelves of markets, or supermarkets, or specialized seafood stores. That is, even settlements far from the coast are provided with fresh fish.

Russia is too big a country to provide its internal regions with fresh sea fish and seafood. Well, if only at an extremely high price ... That's why, you have to freeze it, and frozen fish is already not so tasty. And the Russian population has long preferred sea river fish - which is why it is so difficult to establish a wide market.

That is why I can’t advise you to buy frozen fish “dorado”, and even more so “fresh” - for a week (!) Freshness. In either case, you would be disappointed. But with those who live "at the very blue sea" it is quite possible to start a serious conversation about one of the main seafood - about mussels.

The mussel is a mollusk with a bivalve shell of the "drop-shaped" form. Two of its wings are connected by tendon tissue and three or four teeth - denticles. Outside there is a mussel shell of black color with violet veins (sometimes greenish, it depends on the place of catch), inside there is a mother-of-pearl pattern. On the outer surface of the shell flaps there are closed concentric lines formed during the growth of the mollusk, approximately like the annual rings of a tree trunk.

There is a so-called “mantle” between the shell flaps and the inside of the mussel, the color and thickness of which depends on the reproductive stage of the mollusk at the moment. The mollusk can reach 11 cm in length, but mussels of average size, 5 cm, usually go on sale. The mussel is attached to the stones with “Byssus” protein threads, a tissue that her body produces specifically for this.

Mussel is a mollusk widely distributed in all the seas of the globe, our ancestors knew it already during the Paleolithic, because mussels played a very important role in the then meager diet. They were eaten even by residents of South America, Northern Europe and Patagonia.

Compared to bony fish, it is very simple to cook them; this, apparently, attracted our ancestors. But, precisely because of their wide distribution and everyday life, ancient historians, poets and writers did not pay due attention to mussels: only a few mentions of them came to us in passing. The French, who have bred them since the end of the 8th century, claim the first place in the matter of their artificial breeding. However, on the British Isles, the remains of ancient mussel shells were also found - of which, along with the bones of cattle, some ritual symbols were laid out.

Mussel breeding is widely developed in all the seas of the world, but especially in the Mediterranean, on the coasts of Italy, France, Greece and Spain.

Culinary experts most value the female mollusks caught at the stage of their reproduction. Their "meat" has a pinkish tinge, they are very delicate in taste, and in the aroma there are barely noticeable iodine "notes".

We choose and buy

On sale there are both fresh (live) mussels, and frozen, quick freeze. When buying, you need to look at their color: it should be clean and shiny, the shell wings should be tightly closed, without cracks.

How to store

Mussels are a very perishable product, the sooner you eat them, the better. After purchase, they can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, in dishes covered with a damp cloth. If you bought fresh, unfrozen mussels, they can be frozen and stored in plastic bags for food for 3 months.

To check how fresh the mussels are, put them in the water for several hours. Then, slightly open or completely open - throw it away, because only if the shell leaves are tightly closed, you can not doubt the freshness of the mollusk.

What and how to cook

When buying mussels grown on marine farms, check the labels on the packaging. It should indicate the place of breeding, the date of catch and packaging. Already washed and peeled mussels are also on sale. The unwashed ones need to be washed in a stream of running water, vigorously scraping from their outer surface all contaminants adhering to it. Then you need to remove the byssus with a knife. To open them, you need to heat them. After that, they will no longer close. If, after a couple of minutes, some shell has not yet opened, it must be discarded, because the mollusk in it may turn out to be stale.

You can eat raw mussels (my opinion is that they are even better than oysters to taste!), For this they just need to sprinkle with lemon juice. But you can cook in a variety of ways: pickle, bake, cook soup from them.

However, the traditional Italian dish is thin noodles (linguine) with mussels (linguine alle cozze), where they go with parsley, garlic and tomatoes.

Mussels are a valuable source of antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy ("noble") proteins. But in them there are few lipids and calories, but many salts containing trace elements: potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, which are well absorbed by the body and improve digestion. In particular, zinc is essential for the health of muscles and bones, and iron and magnesium are essential for bones, the nervous system, and muscles.

Entertaining facts

Like oysters, pearls can be obtained from mussels, so oysters have no monopoly in this matter: pearls can form in the shells of many mollusks, including freshwater ones. In order for a pearl to form in the mussel shell, a larva must get into it. The mollusk begins to cover it with a membrane similar to the mantle. Then, the larvae close, releasing products of their vital activity into the mollusk shell, which become the "seed" for the formation of the pearl. However, such pearls are much less valuable than those obtained from oysters: they are smaller, and their color is not mother-of-pearl, but brownish, and even black. Therefore, their commercial value is small.

British scientists have studied byssus, this mucus secreted by mussel. The properties of this natural glue are very unusual: it is water resistant and does not interfere with the functioning of the human immune defense. If they succeed in obtaining byssus in the laboratory, they can sew up wounds, glue bone fractures, and glue tooth fragments. In general, this method of treatment would be more effective than some others currently in use.

There is a popular belief that mussels should be eaten in those months in the name of which there is no letter "p". It turns out that this is not so stupid: in those months during which the reproductive stage of the mollusk falls, its mantle is more tender. And the reproductive stage falls precisely on the months of march, april, september, october, november and december!

To summarize

To taste this delicacy, you need to go to the sea: to Europe, or to Sochi, where I recently had the opportunity to try excellent mussels. Or go to such a restaurant (and there are such ones in Samara!), Which is guaranteed to cook only from fresh and lively mussels.

And where did they come from? There is a way to deliver them still fresh and alive, but only some restaurants use it: They are delivered by plane to Moscow from European sea farms (from Spain, Italy, France) on the day of catch. And on the same day they are sent by another plane to restaurants in other cities of the country ... Taste? - great! Price? - Not so wonderful, but if these are really fresh mussels, you should go try them, if only to compare them with frozen: cheap, but rubber, or even rancid taste.

Gangwido breddo