How to store greens in a refrigerator: a few simple ways. How to keep greens in the refrigerator to stay fresh: a description of the methods

Keeping greens fresh is far from easy, in just a few hours it can lose its presentation, even start to deteriorate and become tasteless. To prevent this from happening, and we had the opportunity to store green spicy herbs in the refrigerator even from 1-2 weeks, fairly simple but effective tips were opened through experience and experiments. In this case, if you urgently need a pinch of fresh herbs, you will not need to run to the supermarket. It is enough to open the refrigerator and take what you need. It should be borne in mind that ripped greens, even placed in the refrigerator, subject to the correct storage conditions, will gradually lose some of their beneficial properties. Freezing greens   able to completely save vitamins.

  Rules for storing greens in the refrigerator

Since cut greens are rapidly losing moisture, this is the task we must handle. But excess moisture adversely affects the plant, especially if condensation is constantly formed. The constant access of oxygen and sunlight is also detrimental to delicate plants; they quickly become brown, yellow and lethargic. Some housewives prefer not to wash the greens, but pack them as they are, but the main thing is that it is also dry.

Spicy greens include spinach, basil, dill, mint, parsley, sorrel, cilantro, tarragon, celery, etc. The refrigerator is an ideal place to store any food, especially greens. Store greens in the cold like this:

  1. Clean   greens from yellowed leaves and twigs.
  2. Dip the greens in a bowl of cold water, rinse   from sand and dust, you can hold it in water for several minutes, if it has managed to wither.
  3. Shake off excess moisture and well dry.
  4. Sort   dry greens by grades, twig to twig.
  5. Pack up   greens in bags or containers, preferably vacuum.
  6. Send greens to the bottom shelf the refrigeratoron a door or a special compartment for storing vegetables and herbs.
  7. Regularly check the greens so that condensation does not form in it, delete   yellowed leaves and twigs.

  What to store greens?

If you buy a lot of greens and do not have time to use it quickly, store it in containers such as:

  • An ordinary glass jar with a lid.
  • Plastic container.
  • Cling film or bags.
  • Kitchen paper towels.
  • Parchment.
  • In a glass of water.

  Simple step-by-step ways to store greens

Option 1

Dry the washed greens so that it becomes dry. Moisture will contribute to decay. Some housewives prefer not to wash the greens, but to pack them as they are. Place prepared greens in a clean and dry plastic container with a lid. Greens are also perfectly stored in a liter jar with a lid, but it must also be dry. Send to the refrigerator.

Option 2

Put the washed and dry greens in a plastic bag, tie so that there is air there, to create a favorable microclimate. Such greens will be stored on the lower shelf for up to 2 weeks.

Option 3

Arrange the washed and dried sprigs of greens on a paper towel, parchment, wrap, sprinkle with water, place in a bag. Send to the bottom shelf of your refrigerator. If the greens are left simply in paper towels, without a bag, then you need to periodically sprinkle so that the greens are slightly moist.

Option 4

Wrap clean and dry greens in a cotton towel, fix the edges. Put in the refrigerator on the lower shelf.

Option 5

Option 6

Cilantro is very tender and takes moisture from the roots, so do not cut them. Place clean and moisture-dried greens in a container or bag, without squeezing the leaves, send them to the lower shelf in the refrigerator.

Option 7

Pour about 1-2 cm into a jar of water, put a bunch of greens in it, put on a bag and tie it tightly. Send to the refrigerator. Do not forget to change the water periodically.

Option 8

You can store greens already chopped. Wash, be sure to dry, grind and place in a vacuum container or jar with a lid. For cooking, draw a pinch, send the rest back to the cold, removing the air.

Fresh herbs are used in salads, for preparing first courses, second courses, appetizers, so the culinary secret of the proper storage of herbs is sure to come in handy!

04/29/2018 0,857 views

Heat and light are the main enemies of fresh plants. Two days are enough for them to lose their original appearance and useful properties. In two hours, vitamin C disappears from the greens if stored improperly. Therefore, it is important to keep it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to know certain subtleties of proper storage.

How to prepare the product for storage?

To preserve the appearance and freshness of greens, the right preparation is important. Plants do not need to be washed under water before being sent to the refrigerator. Contact with liquids can adversely affect them. It is better to remove dirt with a napkin or a dry soft cloth. Grass should be washed during the cooking process.

In special cases, you can send greens under water, but the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Leaves should not be kept under a powerful stream of water. It is better to pour it into a deep container and send the plants there.
  2. After processing, first remove the greens from the pan, then pour out the liquid. This will save her from repeated pollution.
  3. Long-term storage is possible after complete drying and removal of water. First you need to shake off the drops, then blot with a dry cloth and put on paper towels or napkins. After a quarter of an hour, all the moisture will go away.

It is important to remove yellow, rotten and dry branches from the inflorescences, and then carefully fold the remaining leaves.

How to store greens in the refrigerator?

The required temperature regime for long-term storage is provided on the lower shelf. In models of modern production, you can find a “zero” camera, which will allow dill and parsley to remain fresh.

Also favorably affects the plants airless environment in vacuum packaging. It is important to choose the right option. There are whole lines of dishes that are released for storing greens. Often, manufacturers use special technologies that allow it to "not suffocate" in the absence of air for a long time.

The latest development is the Prepara flask. It has a special water tank. A liquid is regularly supplied through a special compartment, which contributes to the long-term storage of greens. Cans come in different sizes, so they are suitable for long stems. Before sending them to the flask, thorough water treatment and drying are needed.


This plant is very delicate, so it is worth observing the special storage conditions. You can not leave it at room temperature, even at +12 there is a rapid evaporation of moisture, the taste is lost.

  • A wet towel is ideal for storing onion feathers in the refrigerator. It must be ensured that it does not creep away from moisture. It is better to choose thick paper towels or food paper, newspapers and magazines are not suitable for this purpose. Printing ink can harm greenery and ruin its quality.
  • Prepare the leaves, wrap in paper, process with a sprayer. Put the package in polyethylene, then in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. The method is also suitable for the rest of greens (parsley, sorrel, dill, celery, lettuce). Thus, it can be stored for 7-10 days. To further extend the period, periodically spray it.
  • For long-term storage, you need to use onions dug from the ground with the root. At home, it is necessary to clean it of excess dirt, lower it into water and carefully pack it in paper or cloth. Then put in polyethylene, make holes, send to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


Parsley is even more tender than onions. Therefore, it fades 30 minutes after it was torn from the garden. It is important to ensure that the plant does not wilt and always replenishes moisture reserves. The following methods are suitable for this:

  1. Carefully collect the parsley in a bunch, lower the stems into the water. This allows you to save its properties for 2 days. However, it should only be in the department for vegetables. There is a suitable temperature to avoid yellowing. For longer storage, it is worth freezing it.
  2. You can treat the greens with water, dry with napkins, cut, put on a tray, and then in the freezer. When it completely freezes, send it in sealed bags again to the freezer.
  3. Cut greens, put in ice molds. Pour in clean water or melted and slightly chilled oil. The resulting cubes can be used to add to sauces, soups.


Peppermint gives freshness to food, it is used for hot and cold dishes. It is perfect for drinks and sweets, so it is very important to stock it for future use. It is believed that it is allowed to dry. But this will serve as a loss of a unique menthol taste. Consider storage methods:

  • Remove excess from greens, put in a dampened towel. This will save freshness for a week. Do not pre-rinse it, as a strong pressure of water will adversely affect the leaves. In this case, it will last no longer than two days.
  • You can freeze it in cubes or put it in a chamber with stems, collecting them in small bunches. Then you need to send the mint in resealable bags, if necessary, remove and cut. This will decorate food and drinks with whole leaves.


Sorrel is difficult to store fresh, it is summer greens. He will not stay in the refrigerator for a long time either, a maximum of a week. Further, useful and nutritious qualities will be lost, it will fade and lose its unique taste.

  1. Keep the product in a container with holes or in a bag in the bottom of the refrigerator. This should be done after complete drying, so you should first lay them out on a cotton towel.
  2. To freeze, thoroughly rinse the plants in a large saucepan. Gently stir, withstand a couple of minutes. This is enough to donkey trash and sand. Arrange on a towel until dripping moisture. Cut, dip in hot water, immediately pull out and after cooling put in the freezer.


Dill - popular and beloved by almost everyone greens. It is perfect for many products, gives the finished dish a unique flavor. It is eaten even by those who are indifferent to greens. But it grows for a maximum of six months, so the housewives have come up with methods to extend its shelf life:

  • Fridge. Rinse greens, wrap in cling film. This will help to save beneficial properties for 10 days. For longer storage, put it in a glass jar with a tight lid. Pre-wash dill is not worth it, you just need to collect it in bunches. Shelf life will be 15-20 days.
  • The freezer. Putting in it you can chopped and a whole dill. Rinse thoroughly before drying and divide into portions.


The salad is perfect for light dishes, sandwiches, decorating food on holidays. Greens has a unique delicate and juicy taste. Its disadvantage is that after processing it quickly loses moisture. Therefore, usually the plant is bought in small quantities, which is enough for certain dishes. But there are a number of rules, and their observance will help to store the product in the refrigerator for more than 30 days:

  1. Divide the leaves in portions, put in cling film, then in the container, closing the lid.
  2. Send to the department for fruits and vegetables.
  3. Do not wash the product before storage. The salad should be completely dried and chilled.

Video: how to store greens in the refrigerator so that it stays fresh for a long time?

  • To revive the greens, you need to lower the stems into a bowl of cool-temperature water mixed with a few drops of vinegar.
  • Parsley and dill should be placed in a jar of water after purchase.
  • Spices should not be salted before being sent to the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to store mint and dill in foil and pack it in small portions.
  • When cutting, do not squeeze the greens with a knife strongly. Thus, they will lose juice, which contains useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Basil is best stored in a plastic bag for up to seven days. Leek, too, but it should be chopped, made holes and put into the container. Its shelf life will be up to three months.
  • For long-term storage of wild garlic, you can prepare a sandwich mixture. It should be chopped very finely, add a small amount of salt, pepper and mix with butter and lard, passed through a meat grinder. Roll into sausages, wrap with cling film, put in the freezer. Then it can be eaten throughout the winter period.

Many types of greens retain the beneficial properties in the refrigerator. Proper preparation and careful adherence to the rules for each product is important. You should also consider the purpose of storage and choose the appropriate method depending on it. For a long period, you need a freezer, for a not very long period - a refrigerator.

I really like to season dishes with fresh spices. But keeping greens at home is not so easy. Let's find out together how to store greens in the refrigerator and what to do to prevent it from wilting.

The main disadvantage of fresh weed is its short shelf life. In warm and bright rooms, it begins to turn yellow and rot after two days. In order not to fade the greens, it is necessary to observe some storage conditions of the greens.

Preparation of greens for storage

To store greens in the refrigerator for a very long time, you need to do a few preparatory steps:

Picture Instruction manual

Step 1. Cleaning

Carefully inspect the bunches of grass for dry branches and insects. If something is found, remove it.

Step 2. Wash

If you need to remove a small layer of dust, wipe the green leaves with a dry sponge.

If there is a lot of dirt, wash the spices in a container with clean water.

Green onions, parsley, garlic and dill do not like “bath” procedures. It is best to limit your treatment to a damp sponge.

Step 3. Drying
  1. Gently shake off excess water.
  2. Spread the grass on paper napkins and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Take a dry paper towel and pat it on top.

Step 4. Packaging

Sort the spices in pre-prepared clean containers.

Packing: 5 options

How to store greens in the refrigerator? You need to choose a suitable container, put spicy herbs in it and put on the lower shelf.

Which storage container will be ideal for a particular greenery:

Images Description

Option 1. Glass

In a clean glass jar with a lid, you can put twigs of dill, parsley and cilantro. Be sure to remove long stems and roots.

Option 2. Plastic container

A sealed container made of food-grade plastic is suitable for long-term storage of lettuce, spinach, sorrel and tarragon.

Option 3. Packages

Lay a paper towel in a plastic bag and fold the greens on top. Place in the refrigerator so that the cloth is on the bottom.

Option 4. Foil

You can wrap celery, dill and mint in foil. The wrapper should not be pressed very tightly against the leaves - it is advisable to even leave air in.

Option 5. Paper towel

Wrap green leaves in a paper towel and place on the side shelf of the refrigerator.

So, you can store any spices for 5-7 days.

Storage specifics 10 types of herbs

Fresh herbs are a seasonal product, so the price of greenery in the winter is very high. But each spice has unique properties, so the stock must be made taking into account their characteristics.

How to store fresh herbs in the refrigerator correctly:

Picture Description
  • container - a plastic bag;
  • shelf life - 14 days.
  • in a plastic container - 1 week;
  • in a glass of water - up to 2 weeks with regular replacement of water;
  • in a glass jar / in a bag - up to 2 months;
  • with onions (put dill in a bag with chopped onion) - 2 months if you change onions every 5 days.

  • capacity - a plastic bag;
  • the term is 3-4 weeks.

  • container - a glass of water, covered with a bag;
  • how long to store - 2 months if you regularly change the water.

  • tara - wet paper towel (foil);
  • shelf life - 1 week.
  • container - chopped onions in a plastic bag;
  • how long to store - up to 3 months.

Be sure to make several holes so that the bow can "breathe".

  • capacity - a plastic container with perforation;
  • freshness period - up to 1 week.

  • capacity - a glass of water;
  • how long - up to 2 months if you regularly change the water.

  • packing - a plastic bag;
  • shelf life - up to 1 week.

  • container - a plastic bag with perforation;
  • how long - up to 5 days.

How to return greens freshness.

And in winter, I want to eat something fresh, fortified. Here greens are the best option. Parsley, dill, onions, cilantro, basil - and that's not all of the assortment offered on the market and in supermarkets. But so that it does not disappear, you need to clearly know how to store greens correctly in the refrigerator, avoiding wilting or drying out. And from high humidity, the product, on the contrary, can become sour or rot. To prevent this from happening, you can take advantage of some tips regarding how to store greens in the refrigerator - both folk and more modern, technologically seasoned. Moreover, if some housewives in the kitchen have new models of refrigerators (in which there is a special specialized zero chamber where it is not difficult to store greens), then the bulk of the people still use proven grandmother's methods. We will try to tell about these methods and about many other, no less interesting, in our article.

Vacuum container

How to store greens in a refrigerator using a vacuum container? Well, in the beginning it needs to be purchased. Moreover, it is better and more appropriate to choose dishes from well-known companies that have established themselves on the market. The reason is that a slurred manufacturer may use low-quality, non-product-specific plastics. In addition, many companies, quite popular, have already developed entire lines of such products - and there is no need to invent any bicycles. Containers exist different in size, shape, color. This is not the point here. And it is important that the dishes comply with the vacuum principle of action and be made of "food" material. Before laying, greens must be sorted out, washed in running water and dried. Yes, and the last caveat: such accessories are quite expensive, but it’s better to spend money than then throw away spoiled products.

Glass jar

How to store greens in the refrigerator with an ordinary glass jar? This is a popularly proven method, invented, probably, even when buying the first

  1. Bundles of greens free from threads and possible spoiled elements. Cut off the roots.
  2. Pour cold water into a wide and deep bowl and thoroughly wash the plants.
  3. Forgive a towel (paper) on a table or on any plane and blot the greens from the liquid. We leave some time to dry it as much as possible.
  4. In a dry liter (if there is a lot of greens - then it is possible in a three-liter) jar, we add the plants and close the jar with a plastic lid.
  5. We put it on the very bottom of the refrigerator, where the temperature is always positive, but not high.

In this way, green plants can be kept fresh for two or even three weeks (this applies to species such as dill, celery, parsley). More tender species - lettuce, for example, or cilantro - can live there for a slightly shorter period: up to a week.

Food polyethylene bag

How to store greens in a bag in a refrigerator? As easy as pie! This is also a good old proven way. Thus, you can save greens even without a refrigerator, in the cellar or on the glazed balcony in the winter. But she feels excellent at the bottom of the refrigerator: she has been stored for more than a week.

  1. We sort out the purchased plants, remove the rotten ones. By no means wash mine?
  2. We put them in a rather dense package of food plastic.
  3. We make the bag of greens pout like a ball from the inside with air. Then we tightly tie, keeping a rounded shape (it is convenient to do this with clerical tape).
  4. We put the spicy bundles in the bag down the refrigerator with the plus indicators of the thermometer.

Wet wrapping paper

How to store greens in a refrigerator using paper? A paper towel or food wrapping will do - no difference. Do not use newspapers - they have printing ink that can switch to products. The main quality of the selected material is that it does not creep under the influence of moisture. Wash my greens and sort out. Then wrap in paper and spray with water from a spray bottle. The bundles are laid down the refrigerator in an open bag made of polyethylene. Thus, greens can be stored for up to a week, and possibly longer.

Freezer and zero chamber

The most technologically advanced way to store fresh herbs in the refrigerator. It is necessary to prepare the herbs for laying, sorting them out and washing. Then - grind and put in a plastic container. Put in the freezer (or in the zero chamber, designed specifically for freezing fruits and greens). In such circumstances, if you know how to properly store greens in the refrigerator, you can use it almost all year round to decorate dishes when serving, use it to make salads and other tasty and healthy things!


We are all delighted with the aromas of freshly picked or brought greens from the market. It is an adornment for any dish and delicious support to our health. But, unfortunately, the lifespan of such a product is very short, but I want that in the winter, and at any time tasty and fragrant herbs are at hand.

To maintain freshness, it is necessary to deprive the spice of access to sunlight and excessive moisture.

Another storage enemy is oxygen. At the termination of access of air greens remain much longer.

Regardless of the type of grass, it should not be washed. Washing, as well as the presence of any moisture, accelerates the deterioration of the product.

It is advisable to choose a room for storing greens that is darkened and cool. Elevated temperature generally does not contribute to the preservation of anything.

To keep the greens bought at the market or in the store as long as possible, it should be chosen correctly. The fresher the spice you buy, the more chances to keep it for a long time.

Preliminary preparation for storage

As soon as they brought the product home, the first thing is to sort out. Dry, diseased leaves with signs of decay - discard.

If there is dust on the leaves, they can be wiped with a slightly damp sponge. If you decide to still wash, be sure to dry thoroughly. This can be done with a paper towel, it should be spread out and put greens as thin as possible.

Several ways to keep greens at home

The most popular storage methods:

Glass jar

Shelf life in this form at home and a half months. To do this, greens are laid down, the jar is closed with a clean polyethylene lid. Greens can be pre-chopped, and then rammed into a jar, preferably sprinkled with salt. In this case, the shelf life is increased to 2 months. Keep the jar in a cool place.

Plastic bottle

Ideal for storage in the freezer. Grind greens (it needs to be washed beforehand), we fall asleep in small plastic bottles and put in the freezer. Shelf life is several months.


Salt is the most famous preservative, so it is suitable for preserving the product for a long period. It should be taken in 5 parts of herbs and 1 part of salt. Stir and pour into glass jars, while tamping tightly.

In this form, the spice can be stored until the next harvest. It is advisable to put the jar in a cool dark place (cellar or basement).


This method is great if you do not need to store it for long - several days. It is enough to put the bunch in a container with water and change the water every day. In this case, the roots must be cut off, and a plastic bag should be pulled on the leaves.

Vacuum container

Such a container is good in that it does not have air access. Store with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. Shelf life - a few days, if not opened - up to a month.

Food bag

For storage in a bag you will need a paper towel, which should be put in a bag. Put dry greens on a napkin, close the bag and place on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Wet paper

Another way to save a product for a short time. You can use wrapping paper or cloth, such as linen or cotton. Dampen cloth or paper. You can under the tap, you can just sprinkle out of the spray gun. Wrap greens tightly, put in a bag and refrigerate. In this form, you can store on the balcony or in another cool place.

In dry form

A method for long-term storage. The grass is ground and carefully dried, then, after drying, it can be placed in a bag or in a jar. The container must be absolutely dry. You can store dried herbs for years, the main thing is to prevent air from entering.

Places for storing greens

To preserve freshness and vitamins, a refrigerator or freezer is best suited if you need to keep it for a long time.


A glass jar, container or paper towel is suitable. The ideal place is the bottom and side shelves. The container must be tightly closed.


Before freezing, greens should be carefully sorted and washed. Can be frozen using plastic bags. There is another way in which the parsley is chopped, placed in an ice container and filled with water. You can freeze both in bunches and in crushed form.

It is stored in the freezer for about 6 months (if it is not thawed).

In the kitchen

You can store in the kitchen in the cabinet for several days, for this the greens should be put in water or wrapped in a wet cloth. Home storage space must be without access to light. If the kitchen is warm, the greens cannot be stored for more than a few hours.

How to store certain types of greens

There are nuances of storage, depending on the type of greenery. For example, peppermint and basil are stored at room temperature better than in the refrigerator. Each type of greenery has its own way:


Plastic bag or container. Cultural is better suited for long-term storage, but wild-growing can also be used.


The ideal option is freezing raw. For consumption, spinach leaves are not recommended to thaw with heat. This should happen naturally. Spinach can be stored in perforated bags in the refrigerator for up to five days.


Tie in bundles and wrap with cling film so that it does not absorb extraneous odors.

Lettuce leaves should be dry and slightly chilled. As such, they must be stored in the department for vegetables and fruits, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

Preservation of greens for the winter

  • salting;
  • freezing
  • drying.

When salted, herbs are stored longer, but lose their aromatic properties. Therefore, drying and freezing is a priority.

When harvesting for the winter, you can mix different types of herbs. These mixtures are ready to use.

If you want to give freshness to an already wilted product, try dipping the grass in cold water, and then immediately in hot; you can’t store it after that, you need to immediately eat it.

It is advisable to wash in a container with water, and not under a stream, so it is less injured and lasts longer. For a quality washing of greens, water should be drained, and not grass taken out of it, then sand and dust will not remain on the leaves.

If the seasoning will not be stored for a long time, it should not be mixed, since different types of herbs absorb the surrounding aromas in different ways.

To always have aromatic and healthy herbs in your diet, it is not necessary to go to the market every day or have your own garden. With proper storage, you can have spices and aromatic seasonings on the table all year round.