How to cook oatmeal in water. Oatmeal recipes

The other day, I remembered that as a child, my mother cooked us porridge from oatmeal and told us how they made oatmeal in their village. I remembered and decided to buy oatmeal flour at the store. No, it was not here.

I visited several stores with dietary departments, and even went to pharmacies. But beargrass flour is not sold anywhere in our city. It's a shame that ancient Russian products are being forgotten here. But oatmeal, oatmeal porridge, is truly an ancient Russian product, and besides, it’s nutritious and tasty.

How to cook oatmeal

Previously, oatmeal was prepared in an artisanal way, from oats and barley. A bag of oats was dipped into the river for a day, then it was simmered in a Russian oven over low heat until the oats swollen well and a pleasant smell of malt emanated from it.

During soaking and simmering, fermentation of the grain occurred, during which all the beneficial and nutritional properties of oats are enhanced several times. The resulting flour lost its ability to form gluten, but it swelled well and thickened quickly. The grain was then dried and lightly fried until golden brown. And then they pounded it in wooden mortars, which is probably where its name came from - oatmeal.

A similar process of fermentation of leaves is carried out which was famous throughout the world and was considered a healing tea.

Sometimes, after roasting, the oats were simply ground in mills to produce flour. But the old people claim that crushed oatmeal is much tastier than flour, because when ground in a mill, the peeled fractions of the grain go to waste - bran.

After all, bran contains the largest amount of B vitamins. They are rightfully considered assistants to beauty and youth, vigor and health, strengthen memory, normalize sleep and mood, and significantly improve the overall condition of the skin.

Oatmeal porridge, as a medicine, saved people from many diseases. Such processing of grain enhanced the beneficial properties of all components contained in it. As soon as someone got sick, they immediately cooked oatmeal porridge.

Beneficial properties of oatmeal and oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal contains a lot of lipids, especially lecithin, and when heated above 45 degrees, they are destroyed, so oatmeal is often poured with warm milk.

In the spring, it was customary to eat oatmeal porridge every morning, and not by chance, because at this time the body lacks vitamins, and oatmeal is high in microelements and antioxidants. For pregnant and nursing mothers, porridge, kulaga, and bearberry porridge were considered mandatory and healthy products.

☀ Flour contains up to 15% protein and up to 7% easily digestible fat. Just one teaspoon of oatmeal porridge provides an adult with 20% of the daily requirement of protein.

Licithin, which I already mentioned above, promotes protein absorption.

☀ Thanks to the content lignin, flour lowers cholesterol and removes bile acids, 2 teaspoons of oatmeal per day, lowers cholesterol by 10%,

Avenanthramides prevent thrombus formation in blood vessels and remove toxins from the body.

☀ Oatmeal accelerates cell regeneration processes, which leads to rapid healing of wounds.

Alanin, which is contained in the composition, normalizes the activity of the endocrine and immune systems.

Cysteine acts as protection against radiation exposure.

☀ If you consider that flour, in addition to what has been said, is a powerful antidepressant and antioxidant, then it becomes clear why in Rus' this product was one of the most important in nutrition.

☀ Flour rejuvenates the body, brain cells, helps thanks to the action of group B vitamins, and also rejuvenates the skin, improving its condition, hair and nails.

☀ Various diseases were successfully treated with them. It was prescribed for diseases of the stomach and intestines, treated for liver and kidney diseases, anemia, nervous fatigue, metabolic disorders, and was given to people to restore strength during recovery, as a general strengthening food product.

☀ In one of the sources, I came across a comparison of oatmeal with a broom; like a broom, it cleanses the stomach, intestines, blood and lymph from harmful deposits and unnecessary substances.

☀ Porridge normalizes body weight, reducing the feeling of hunger, thereby promoting weight loss.

☀ Also, it has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects.

☀ An interesting fact is that only 1 teaspoon of oatmeal is equivalent in its healing properties to five glasses of bran, and in general it can’t be compared with instant porridge.

How to cook oatmeal porridge

Pour oatmeal into a saucepan, pour in cold milk, and bring to a boil over low heat. The porridge is ready. You can add berries or dried fruits, a little butter. Add salt to taste.

How to make kulaga

Boiled water was cooled, salted and oatmeal was kneaded on it. Kulaga was a favorite dish of many children. Kulaga was often kneaded between lunch and dinner, when you were hungry and dinner was not yet prepared.

Oatmeal shortcakes with cinnamon

Mix oatmeal in equal proportions with flour and take about 500 grams of this mixture. Grind 150 gr. butter with 100 gr. sugar, add ½ teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt, add cinnamon to your taste.

Some people like more, some less. While stirring, gradually add the mixture. Divide the dough into small cakes, place them on a greased baking sheet, brush them with beaten eggs and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Bearberry drachena

From flour mixed half with oatmeal, a dough was kneaded, to which a little soda and salt were added. The dough was rolled into a flat cake. The filling was made with cottage cheese, adding chopped herbs or boiled potatoes, finely chopped and mixed with fried onions. The flatbread was pinched and baked on a greased baking sheet. The oatmeal porridge was served hot with sour cream or butter.

Oatmeal flatbread

Knead the oatmeal dough with milk or water with the addition of soda. Form the dough into thin cakes and lightly dry in the oven. Place a flatbread on a greased frying pan, sprinkle it with grated cheese and cover with a second flatbread on top.

Grease the top with oil and bake. Oatmeal is used not only for preparing porridges and baking, it is used to make desserts, dietary soups, and served with meat. Oatmeal dishes are easy to prepare and have a pleasant taste, vaguely reminiscent of a nut.

Tolokno is a native Russian product. In ancient times, it was produced by handicraft methods in the provinces of Vyatka, Kostroma, and Vologda. At the end of the 19th century, factories for the production of oatmeal and oatmeal appeared. Currently produced at food factories in Russia. It goes on sale not only in our country, but is also exported to European countries as a high-quality dietary product.

Oatmeal benefits and harms

Oatmeal contains proteins - 12.5 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 64.8 g, dietary fiber - 4.9 g, starch - 62.8 g, mono- and disaccharides - 1.6 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 1.2 g. Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K. Macro- and microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, copper, potassium, molybdenum, phosphorus, etc. 16 items in total. As well as bioflavonoids, avenanthramides, lignin, amino acids cysteine ​​and alanine.

Oatmeal contains lecithin, thanks to which the protein is easily digestible and does not form gluten. Despite its high calorie content, it does not threaten weight gain for those losing weight, as it contains complex carbohydrates that are not stored in fat.

  • 1 tsp. provides the body with 20% of the daily protein requirement
  • 1 tsp. The nutritional value is comparable to 5 cups of bran or 5 servings of “quick porridge” that does not require cooking.
  • 2 tsp. reduce cholesterol by 8-10%.

How it affects the body

All components of oatmeal are balanced and, successfully complementing each other, have a positive effect on humans. Inclusion in the diet promotes cell regeneration, removal of cholesterol and bile, stimulates the functions of the endocrine and immune systems, tones the nervous system, eliminates stress and depression, strengthens memory, improves mental activity, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blocks the growth of fat cells, and reduces sugar levels.

Eating oatmeal helps burn fat, cleanses blood vessels, and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails. Promotes the removal of toxins and waste, normalizes metabolism, improves digestion and blood composition (formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells). Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the occurrence of diseases of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis, anemia, caries, periodontal disease.

Oatmeal is a valuable food product for people of all ages, but it brings particular benefits to a child’s growing body and is introduced into the diet from 6 months. It is also useful for nursing mothers, the elderly and the sick to speed up the rehabilitation process after injuries and serious illnesses.

Correct use implies the exclusion of heat treatment, since when heated above +45 degrees, the lecithin lipid is destroyed and some beneficial properties are lost.

How to choose correctly

Oatmeal should only be purchased in sealed original packaging. This makes it possible to purchase a quality product with a specified production and sale period. The product should have a crumbly, delicate powder consistency with a light cream color. It is advisable to choose packaging with a “transparent window” through which the contents can be viewed. The presence of lumps, compactions and foreign impurities indicates poor quality.

Oatmeal can be found in grocery stores, in the diabetic aisle.

Storage methods

The shelf life of oatmeal is 24 months, provided the product is kept in a hermetically sealed container located in a dark room. The air temperature should not exceed +25. Moisture ingress is unacceptable.

What does it go with in cooking? Cooking recipes

Oatmeal is an instant product that does not require cooking. As a rule, it is consumed for breakfast. To do this, dilute with warm water or milk. In thick form, it is used in the form of porridge, to which sugar, salt, and butter are added. If you want to get a drink, you will need 1-2 teaspoons per glass of liquid. To improve the taste, you can add honey, juice, cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

Oatmeal makes delicious and healthy confectionery products that can be combined with honey, jam, preserves, cream cheese, creams, and whipped cream. For these purposes, the product is mixed with wheat flour 1:1.

When baking cookies, you can do without flour by replacing it with a small amount of starch. Oatmeal jelly, which is prepared with milk, is popular, as well as soups, broths and other liquid dishes using this product.

Healthy combination of products

Oatmeal is a valuable product in dietary nutrition, as it helps normalize weight: it regulates metabolism, removes excess fluid, cleanses the intestines and improves digestion. Present in many weight loss diets.

It is useful to consume oatmeal on an empty stomach without pre-cooking. Can be added to broths, soups, botvinya, cabbage soup at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per serving. The porridge combines fruits, berries, dried apricots, prunes, figs, chopped nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, etc.). Harmonizes with spices: vanillin, cinnamon, cumin, cloves, cardamom and others.

For those who want to lose weight, a mono-diet based on oatmeal is popular. To do this, a glass of oatmeal is steamed overnight in 400 ml of hot water and consumed the next day in 6 doses. The diet lasts from 2 to 14 days. You can lose 6 kg in a week. The diet is tough, tasteless, but effective. At the same time, it treats the excretory system, kidneys, and eliminates problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This technique can be used as a fasting day, for example, after a festive abundance.

To maintain a normal weight, it is enough to include oatmeal in your diet: porridge for breakfast or jelly during the day. This product gives satiety, as it increases several times in the stomach, thereby helping to suppress appetite, which is important for those losing weight.

To count calories, it is useful to know the nutritional value of oatmeal:

  • 1 teaspoon = 21.9 kcal
  • 1 tbsp. spoon = 79.8 kcal
  • 1 glass 250 ml = 508.3 kcal
  • 1 glass 200 ml = 399.4 kcal


Oatmeal is good for everyone. An overdose is undesirable, since excessive consumption interferes with the absorption of calcium. During periods of serious health problems, it should be used under medical supervision.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are used for medicinal purposes. Doctors recommend using it daily. Included in the diet for gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, depression, fatigue, anemia, low immunity, and obesity. During lactation, during the rehabilitation period, with cancer, problems with the liver, kidneys, skin and hair, low acidity, tuberculosis.

In cosmetology Oatmeal serves as the basis for preparing masks that are suitable for all skin types. They help improve the structure of the skin and fight age-related changes: eliminate fine expression wrinkles and age spots. They also moisturize, nourish, relieve inflammation and irritation, eliminate dryness, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Bearberry scrub is popular. The swollen powder is applied with massage movements and washed off without soap. To combat freckles, add sour milk or sauerkraut brine to the flour and apply the paste for 30 minutes. For problem skin, combine oatmeal with yogurt 1:1 and add lemon juice. For dry - with tomato juice, for fatty - with sour cream or watermelon juice. To improve the condition of hair and strengthen it, masks and rinses are used. Oatmeal diluted in water is applied with massage movements for 10 minutes.

Tolokno is a national Russian product, undeservedly forgotten these days. This is oat, pea or barley flour prepared by pounding in a wooden mortar. Due to its unique properties, it is often used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. In the old days, oatmeal was spoken of as the quickest food: “Knead it and put it in your mouth.” However, he also has his own cooking secrets. We will talk about them in our article.

Cooking practice

Oatmeal was an important element in the diet of our ancestors. The secret is that, unlike ground flour, this product could be easily prepared at home. They did it simply: the oats were kept overnight in a warm oven, and they acquired new properties - they became denatured and lost their gluten. Flour made from such grains was not mixed into the dough, but it swelled beautifully in water and thickened instantly. This is what our ancestors used. The most common dish on the Russian table was kulaga - oatmeal mixed with boiled chilled water and seasoned with salt. In the old days, it was considered a favorite delicacy for children. The children sculpted fish, cockerels, and owls from the thickened product and ate them. This fun drove away hunger for a long time. The fact is that quite a lot of time passed between breakfast and late (before bedtime) lunch. Oatmeal was eaten as an afternoon snack and ensured satiety until the evening.

Properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal differs from traditionally ground flour in its more interesting taste, as well as high nutritional value. This is explained by the fact that in fried and crushed flour all fractions of the grain are preserved, while during grinding the most nutritious parts often go to waste. Since oatmeal retains most of the original plant, it can be eaten without additional heat treatment.

Thus, oven roasting gives the product we are describing:

  • unique aroma and taste, slightly reminiscent of cocoa, and a pleasant brown tint;
  • the possibility of consumption without cooking, that is, simply brewing it with hot tea or milk or cold kvass.

Oatmeal composition

Oatmeal is a very useful product. It contains 15-20% protein and approximately 5% fat, which contains a substance that promotes more efficient protein absorption - lecithin. In addition, oatmeal includes:

  • ligin, which removes excess bile acids and cholesterol from the body;
  • bioflavonoids are antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body’s endocrine and immune systems;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids cysteine ​​and alanine, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair;
  • avenanthramides, which protect arteries from blockage and blood vessels from plaque formation.

Oatmeal, the benefits of which are obvious, can be eaten by anyone. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it either. Its excess interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body. In addition, for acute and chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before including this product in your diet.

Oatmeal at home

If you don’t have ready-made flour on hand, don’t be upset. Oatmeal is a product that is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to buy whole grain oat or barley flour and fry it over low heat until it turns brown. After this, the product must be cooled and sifted. This will be a homemade “quick” oatmeal. Even after such a simple manipulation, you will be able to fully experience all its beneficial properties.

Oatmeal with kvass

You can prepare oatmeal in different ways. Recipes for this ancient Russian dish have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. The simplest of them is oatmeal with kvass. This dietary dish has many beneficial characteristics. With its systematic use, all body functions return to normal: metabolism accelerates, immunity is stimulated, digestion improves. To prepare this dish you will need simple ingredients that are accessible to every housewife.


  • oatmeal - 1 tablespoon (tablespoon);
  • homemade bread kvass - 1 glass;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

Stir oatmeal in kvass and season it with salt and kvass. Let us immediately make a reservation that the consistency of the dish may be different. Everyone, depending on their preferences, can choose the appropriate ratio of products for themselves.

Oatmeal jelly


  • oatmeal flour - 250-300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • bread crusts - several pieces;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to mix oatmeal with one liter of warm boiled water and put rye bread crusts in it.
  2. Then the resulting mixture should be covered and set aside for some time to ferment.
  3. Now that the dough has risen, you need to remove the bread crusts from it and add another liter of water to the future jelly and mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Next, the mixture must be strained through a couple of layers of gauze or a fine sieve into a saucepan.
  5. Then the dishes should be placed on low heat and kept on the stove until it boils and then thickens.

After this, the oatmeal jelly is finally prepared. Salt and sugar should be added to it at the very end, focusing on your own taste.

Cranberry with oatmeal

This sweet dish has also come to us from ancient times. There is no need to mention its beneficial properties. You can guess about it by studying the list of products that are needed to prepare the dessert.


  • cranberries - 200-300 grams;
  • oatmeal - 100-150 grams;
  • sugar - 4-6 tablespoons (tablespoons).

Cooking method

Sugar, oatmeal and cranberries should be mixed in a blender and served, garnished with whole cranberries.

Oatmeal porridge

For those who believe that it is impossible to do without heat treatment, we offer this recipe.


  • milk - 1 glass;
  • water - 300 milliliters;
  • oatmeal - 40 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to dilute the milk with half a glass of water, put it on medium heat and bring to a boil.
  2. Then you need to dilute the oatmeal, dilute it with the remaining water and stir until it has a uniform consistency.
  3. Next, add oatmeal to boiling milk, cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously, and remove from heat.

The porridge is ready! This makes an excellent nutritious breakfast for all members of your family. It can be flavored with a piece of butter or a spoonful of jam. This dish does not require sugar or salt. The ratio of ingredients can be changed depending on your preferences. In any case, the result will be a very tasty and healthy dish.


Oatmeal is an excellent alternative to traditionally prepared flour. It is very easy to prepare an interesting and nutritious dish from it. It will diversify your usual diet with new pleasant taste sensations. Bon appetit!

Tolokno is an original Russian dish, previously widespread and, alas, almost forgotten these days. It is a pity that modern children do not know the taste of oatmeal, that adults deprive them and themselves of nourishing and healthy oatmeal dishes.

This natural product of high biological value is a wonderful breakfast that only takes a few minutes to prepare. Previously, oatmeal was the first complementary food after mother's milk.

What is oatmeal?

Oatmeal is flour made from oat or barley grains, which are pre-steamed, dried, fried, peeled and pounded. The technology for making oatmeal is reflected in the name (from the word “toloch”).

Oatmeal differs from ground flour primarily in its better taste and greater nutritional value, since all fractions of the grain are preserved in it, while in ground mill flour the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment.

You can give oatmeal to children from 6 months.

Oatmeal is useful for nursing mothers to enhance lactation, for the elderly and for those recovering from serious illnesses and injuries. Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is a dietary product and an auxiliary remedy for many diseases.


— chronic inflammatory diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, low acidity of gastric juice, sluggish digestion;
- liver and kidney diseases;
— oncological diseases;
— metabolic disorders;
- anemia;
- tuberculosis;
- nervous fatigue, stress and depression;
- skin diseases.

Due to its healing properties, oatmeal is used not only in home cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Just a teaspoon of this product provides 20% of the daily protein requirement for adults, and two spoons reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 10%. Oatmeal is a very healthy product for a vegetarian diet.

For health purposes, it is used in the form of jelly, decoctions and porridges, for compresses and baths.


Oatmeal is used to cook porridges, prepare drinks, jelly, desserts, add it as a dressing to soups, vegetable broth, cabbage soup (1 - 2 teaspoons per plate), and to casseroles. Oatmeal can be added to any flour products to improve their nutritional and dietary properties.

Oatmeal breakfast

Dilute 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of warm milk, kefir, yogurt or just in water and let stand for 5 minutes until the flour swells. Add salt, honey, grape or brown sugar to taste.

Oatmeal porridge

Dilute the oatmeal in lukewarm salted water so that there are no lumps.
Bring to a boil, stirring. At the end of cooking, add sugar or honey. The finished porridge can be coated with butter.

Oatmeal jelly

Milk – 300 ml, water – 100 ml, oatmeal – 30 g,
brown sugar or grape sugar (honey can be used) - 50 g.

Grind the oatmeal with water, gradually add milk and cook for 5-10 minutes. After cooking, you can add sugar or honey.

Berry dessert

Beat 200 - 300 g of berries (cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries) with 100 - 150 g of oatmeal. Add 4 tablespoons of brown sugar (or grape sugar).
Divide the mixture into vases.

Oatmeal fruit porridge

1. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, cook dried fruit compote, adding sugar and salt, pour oatmeal into the boiling compote, stir thoroughly, remove the pan from the stove and let stand for 5-10 minutes. If you want a fruity oatmeal jelly, then reduce the amount of oatmeal.

300 g dried fruits, 10 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 6-7 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 liter of water, salt to taste.

2. Pour 200 g of frozen berries with water so that the liquid in the pan is 2 cm above the berries, add sugar and salt to taste, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Add 3 tbsp to the berry mass. spoons of oatmeal, stir. You will get a thick porridge, keep it covered for 5 minutes, then dilute it to the desired consistency with warm milk or cream.

3. Pour the juice into the pan, bring to a boil, pour in the oatmeal in a stream, stir thoroughly and remove from the stove. You can add banana pieces to the porridge. If you add only 1 tbsp to the juice. spoon of oatmeal, you get a tasty and healthy jelly.

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 200 - 250 ml of any fruit juice.

Porridge made from oatmeal and flaxseed flour

2-3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flaxseed oil, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed flour, a pinch of salt, sugar - to taste.

Thoroughly stir the oatmeal in lukewarm salted water, add sugar, place on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Let stand for 3-5 minutes. When serving, drizzle with linseed oil. 1-2 minutes before boiling, add flaxseed flour to the oatmeal, the food will become even healthier.

Oatmeal dessert

Grind any nuts into powder in a blender, add 1 tbsp. boiling water, beat in a blender, let cool. Add oatmeal, chopped walnuts, honey, lemon juice, salt to taste and stir thoroughly.

1.5 tbsp. spoons of any nuts, 5 walnuts, 0.5 tbsp. oatmeal, 0.5 teaspoon each lemon juice and honey

Kulaga from oatmeal

1 kg of berries, 100 g of oatmeal, 200 g of sugar, honey

Pour a small amount of water over the berries, put on the fire, and bring to a boil.
Add brewed oatmeal to the berries, gradually add sugar during cooking and steam in a water bath for 30 minutes.
Add honey at the end.

The simplest oatmeal dish in the old days was kulaga. Kulaga is a mass mixed in cold boiled water and seasoned with salt. When the mass hardened, it resembled dough from which various animals were molded.

Another way of consuming oatmeal was to knead it with water or kvass, salt it and roll it into sausages - “zapyatinki” (or “bulls”). There was a proverb about him: “The quickest food is oatmeal: knead it and put it in your mouth.” They also prepared dezhen - oatmeal with cottage cheese and milk or cream. Gradually the range of oatmeal dishes expanded.


Oatmeal- flour from oat or barley grains, which are pre-steamed, dried, fried, peeled and pounded. The technology for making oatmeal is reflected in the name (from the word “toloch”).

Oatmeal differs from ground flour primarily in its better taste and greater nutritional value, since all fractions of the grain are preserved in it, while in ground mill flour the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment. Oatmeal is rich in the lipid lecithin, which is destroyed when heated above 45 degrees.


In the old days, oatmeal was prepared from oats, kept overnight in a not too hot, but quite warm oven. At the same time, the grain proteins underwent changes, became denatured, and the flour obtained from such grains lost the ability to form gluten, but it swelled well in water and quickly thickened.

Oatmeal mixed with chilled boiled water seasoned with salt was called kulaga. It was a favorite delicacy of children. Animals were sculpted from thickened oatmeal. Oatmeal was usually consumed if enough time passed between lunch and dinner.

see also


Tolokno is a real old Russian “fast food”. It was precisely for the ability to quickly, without much time, prepare a variety of tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes that oatmeal was valued in Rus': “a quick meal of oatmeal, knead it and put it in your mouth.” Oatmeal is flour made from oat or barley grains, which are pre-steamed, dried, peeled and pounded. This is the difference between oatmeal and oatmeal - it is immediately ready for use. Its name comes, as you might guess, from the word pound. The oatmeal was not ground using millstones, but was pounded in a wooden mortar. In the old days, oatmeal was prepared from oats kept overnight in a not too hot Russian oven. At the same time, the grain proteins underwent changes, became denatured, and the flour obtained from such grain acquired new properties: it lost the ability to form gluten, but it swelled well in water and quickly thickened. Oatmeal differs from ground flour, first of all, in better taste and greater nutritional value, since all grain fractions are preserved in it, while in ground mill flour the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Due to the fact that all parts of the original plant are preserved in oatmeal, oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment. Roasting in the oven gives oatmeal: 1. A very special taste and aroma, vaguely reminiscent of cocoa, and a brownish tint. 2. The ability to consume it without cooking - simply by brewing it with hot water or milk (for example, nut milk), or even simply pouring cold kvass. Nowadays oatmeal is made and sold, but some manufacturers, for some reason, forget this important detail. Oatmeal mixed with chilled boiled water seasoned with salt was called kulaga. It was the children's favorite treat. From the thickened oatmeal, “little sculptors” quickly sculpted a scoop, fish, and cockerels - it was fun, tasty, and drove away hunger. They usually ate oatmeal in the afternoon, since quite a lot of time passed between lunch and dinner (they usually had dinner before bed). Tolokno has been used for thousands of years in Rus' as a healing and healthy food. Of particular interest in this product has arisen recently. It has been proven that in Tolokna, for the first time among grain products, the effect is manifested when: “living” whole grain, containing many substances, has a strong complex effect due to the mutual multiple enhancement of the healing properties of each component (vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, etc. ) When consuming Oatmeal, the body completely absorbs the beneficial substances found in whole grains in their natural form, including those that are inaccessible. Oatmeal contains: 15-20% protein and about 5% fat, which contains lecithin - a substance that promotes better protein absorption.

Soluble dietary fiber. Lignin (cereal shells) – removes cholesterol and bile acids from the body. Bioflavonoids (shells) are the strongest antioxidants. They have antitumor, biostimulating, anti-inflammatory effects. Affect the immune, endocrine and other systems of the body. B vitamins (cereal shells) – vitamins of youth and beauty, stress compensators, antidepressants, memory, sleep, mood, skin, hair, nails, etc. improvers. Avenanthramides are special antioxidants that protect against clogged arteries. Amino acids alanine and cysteine ​​- restore the structure and shine of hair, reduce hair loss, fragility and fragility.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Oatmeal was diluted with milk, yogurt, kvass, or even just water. Or it was added to cottage cheese, berries, and stew. As a rule, these dishes did not require heat treatment, that is, there was no need to light the stove. To prepare oatmeal, oats were initially steamed and then simmered in a Russian oven, and only after that it was pounded in mortars. This is apparently where the name oatmeal came from. This was done in order to get rid of the flower shells of oats (unlike wheat and rye, where they are absent). Oats were also ground in special mills - crushing, water, wind, and later steam and electric. As a result, the finished product acquired a delicate creamy “downy” color and an incomparable subtle, soft aroma, characteristic only of oatmeal. Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is recommended by doctors suffering from anemia, nervous fatigue, tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive tract, metabolic disorders and weakened immunity. This is an excellent food for children, from a very early age to improve health and increase body weight, and for nursing mothers to enhance lactation. Oatmeal differs from ground flour primarily in its better taste and greater nutritional value, since all fractions of the grain are preserved in it, while in ground mill flour the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Eating oatmeal lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces hunger, suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss. The presence of unique substances in oatmeal in an optimal proportion for the human body makes it a most valuable health component. Namely: it is a powerful immune complex; “broom” for the stomach, intestines, lymph and blood. Oatmeal in Old Russian For the sake of historical truth, it should be said that oatmeal is also a traditional Old English and Old Scottish product. A glass of warm milk for breakfast was invariably present on the table of both a true gentleman and a simple subject of Her Majesty. For some time now, we have been supplying only disgraced oligarchs of various ranks there. And until recently, back in Soviet times, oatmeal was one of the few goods (along with hemp, Stolichnaya vodka and black caviar) that the USSR exported to the UK. And in our native lands it was held in high esteem: oatmeal was recommended for baby and therapeutic nutrition, and among those observing fasts it was valued as an excellent lean product. A lot has been written recently about the benefits of oats. Perhaps this is the most fashionable cereal among modern nutritionists. Now you have a great opportunity to try it in its original, old Russian form, in which our ancestors used it, and compare it with other oat products. Although oatmeal is a fast food, it is not so simple that you simply add water, as in modern extrusion products, without which not a single muesli mixture can do now. Oatmeal will still require some time from you to acquire skills so that insoluble lumps do not appear during kneading. It is also important that you choose the most suitable recipe for yourself: bearberry (liquid diluted oatmeal), tolokontsy (bearberry balls), kulaga (with berries and honey) or salamata (with fried lard and onions). A little patience, and you will have every chance of becoming a “tolokonnika” or “tolokonnitsa” - an oatmeal lover. And when giving an assessment to something, you will begin to say as in the old days: “Okay, but not like oatmeal!”

Cooking method:

Mix two or three teaspoons of oatmeal in a small amount of water, milk or meat broth to form a liquid slurry, then dilute with a glass of the same liquid and boil, stirring continuously. Add sugar, salt, and butter to taste. You can add cocoa or chocolate to oatmeal (a teaspoon per glass). We can recommend liquid gruels, decoctions, as well as oatmeal cookies with or without the addition of flour and starch. Of course, the product is lean, and can also be used in meals during Orthodox Lent. The product can be recommended for dietary and diabetic nutrition. One teaspoon of Tolokn has the same beneficial properties as five glasses of bran or instant porridge. - gives an adult 20% of the daily protein requirement and valuable fiber. Two teaspoons of Tolokn can reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 10 percent. Recipes with oatmeal from the Internet My beloved grandmother often bought oatmeal. She prepared it like this: she simply took this oatmeal powder or flour, poured in a little water, and kneaded this “dough” with her hands. The result was such a tight sausage that was eaten without salt and without anything at all. I really liked it as a child! It tastes like black bread, only better. They are cooking porridge for children - gray, terrible looking, but tasty. Brewed in boiling water. You can add raisins and/or cocoa powder to the porridge. it tastes even better! For porridge you will need: 200 - 250g. any juice (can be freshly squeezed) or directly squeezed for children (Fruto Nyanya, Agusha, etc.), 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. We take a coffee maker, pour out the juice, add oatmeal, mix thoroughly, put it on the burner, and bring to a boil, stirring. Pour into a plate, let cool and eat. Yummy. You can use water instead of juice. Oatmeal with kvass The easiest way to prepare an old Russian dish from oatmeal, about which they said: “The quickest food is oatmeal: knead it and put it in your mouth.” Despite the ease of preparation, oatmeal with kvass is a valuable dietary dish. If you take good kvass without yeast. This dish is prepared like this: mix oatmeal with homemade bread kvass, add a little honey and sea salt to taste. That's it, the healing and nutritious product is ready. To begin with, take a tablespoon of oatmeal per glass of kvass. Then decide for yourself what tastes better to you.

Protein shake recipes - Oatmeal

Advantages: healthy lifestyle, low cost Disadvantages: none Method of preparation: Ingredients: 1 tablespoon oatmeal, 500 ml skim milk, 1 tablespoon honey (sometimes condensed milk was added instead of honey), 2 bananas, walnuts to taste. Mix everything and beat in a blender. As a result, we get a high-calorie carbohydrate-protein cocktail, which is good for gaining muscle mass. Take 1-1.5 hours before training and immediately after training to close the protein window. Oatmeal is an inexpensive and very healthy product, without any dyes or food additives. It contains a number of different amino acids (cysteine ​​and alanine). This recipe can easily replace the intake of “protein” and “gainers”. Nutritional value of 100 g of product: Proteins - 20 g Carbohydrates - 60 g Fats - 8 g Energy value - 350 kcal Time of use: an hour before training and immediately after it Now about the benefits of oatmeal and its use for cosmetic purposes: Oatmeal is ideal for preparing homemade face masks, recipes for which you will find below. With its help, you can clean, smooth, and also enrich the skin with essential nutrients, improve complexion, and to some extent improve problematic skin. Nourishing and cleansing oatmeal masks for all facial skin types: 1 or 2 tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of oatmeal with warm milk (for drier skin), or just cool, clean water (for oilier skin types) until you obtain a medium-thick porridge. Apply a generous layer of this porridge on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water, while lightly massaging the skin. Such masks not only cleanse and fully nourish the skin, but also improve the complexion, making it more even and smooth. It is also good to use an oatmeal scrub for gentle cleansing of all skin types. As in the case of an oatmeal scrub, you need to moisten a handful of oatmeal in your hand, then massage the cleansed and damp facial skin with this mass for 1-2 minutes. Recipe for a mask of oatmeal and sauerkraut for oily and problem skin: To prepare this mask, you will need to squeeze the juice from sauerkraut and dilute it with 1 or 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal until a medium-thick paste forms. The resulting paste should be applied to the face for 15 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water. Or stir 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal with the same amount of chopped sauerkraut. Dilute this mixture with the juice of the same cabbage (or brine) to again form a paste, which you apply to your face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Regular use of such masks has an ennobling effect on problematic and oily skin, helping to eliminate excess shine and helping eliminate acne. Nourishing oatmeal masks for dry skin: To nourish the skin, oatmeal is well mixed with products such as egg yolk, full-fat sour cream or cottage cheese , heavy dairy cream, olive or other vegetable oil, homemade mayonnaise, as well as banana, melon, or persimmon pulp. For 1 tbsp. take a spoonful of oatmeal 1 tbsp. spoon of any of the above products. In the case of the yolk, take it alone. And if you mix oatmeal with vegetable oil, then pour in enough oil so that when stirred, you get a not very thick paste. If you mixed the products and the mixture turns out too thick, dilute it with a small amount of milk. The prepared composition must be applied in a thick layer to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water. For oilier facial skin, it is recommended to mix oatmeal with egg white, low-fat sour cream, yogurt, black bread crumb, as well as white, blue and green cosmetic clay. For 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal - 1 raw protein, or 1 tbsp. spoon of any of the listed products, in the case of clay, take half a tbsp. spoons. It would be good to dilute such mixtures with kefir, sour milk, whey or yogurt. Again, you need to dilute the composition so that the result is a medium-thick mass that will be convenient to apply to the face. By the way, for oily skin, it would be good to add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice to such masks. Keep on your face for about 15 minutes, after which wash with cool water.