How to cook charlotte with banana in a slow cooker. Charlotte with banana in a slow cooker

Charlotte is a traditional and relatively easy-to-make sweet apple pie. But many people are already tired of the classic recipe, so you can give free rein to your imagination. For example, you can dilute the charlotte with aromatic and tender bananas. This dish can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet with its fresh taste.

You will like this treat, especially if you like experiments and exotic things. This article will discuss various variations in the preparation of banana charlotte, because these fruits can be used either independently or in tandem with apples. Of course, you can experiment with any recipe and add, for example, vanilla extract, lemon zest or cocoa to the classic dough.

Product Set

To prepare charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker, use the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup premium flour
  • 3 eggs, pre-chilled in the refrigerator
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 fresh banana
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • Salt, butter - to taste.

Step by step recipe

The cooking process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Chop the banana into medium-sized cubes and not thick slices. Immediately sprinkle them with a little lemon juice to prevent them from browning.
  2. Combine the cooled eggs with the required amount of sugar and a small pinch of salt. Start beating with a mixer or blender at minimum speed. Once the mixture begins to foam, increase the speed to maximum. Continue beating for 5-10 minutes, then the charlotte will turn out very fluffy and airy. During this time, the mixture should increase in volume by 4–5 times.
  3. Continuing to beat, add slaked soda to the egg-sugar mixture. Gradually add flour until the dough is smooth and thick enough.
  4. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter. Pour in the prepared batter and place banana slices on top.
  5. Select the “Baking” mode in your multicooker and bake the charlotte for 45 minutes.

Advice: Charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker will turn out more tender if, after a few minutes of beating, you place the container with the egg-sugar mixture in a large dish filled with warm water.

In traditional charlotte, the main ingredient is apples, which add a special aroma and taste to the dough. To add notes of exotic piquancy to the apple charlotte, you can add a banana to the apples.

Recipe with apples and bananas in a slow cooker

Product Set

  • 2 bananas;
  • 2 apples;
  • Half a glass of premium flour;
  • 2 chilled eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 1/3 part lemon;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of soda.

Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the fruit into small cubes and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to preserve color.
  2. Melt the butter in a water bath and cool it slightly
  3. Beat the cooled eggs thoroughly with sugar until the volume increases several times. Continuing to beat at low speed, add sour cream and soda to the egg-sugar mixture.
  4. Add flour to the mixture in small portions, stir everything until smooth. Then pour in warm oil and add fruit.
  5. Generously grease the multicooker bowl with butter and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour.
  6. Pour the prepared mixture into the bowl and bake the banana-apple charlotte in the “Baking” mode for about 45 minutes.

Advice: While whisking the egg-sugar mixture, try to allow the sugar to dissolve completely. Otherwise, a crispy sugar crust will form on the finished charlotte.

To surprise your guests with an even more unusual pie, add 100 grams of cocoa to part of the dough, and then combine with the remaining light part of the dough. Then you will get an amazing marble charlotte with bananas. You can also generously pour chocolate glaze over the finished charlotte (Melt the chocolate with milk and butter).

In addition to cocoa and chocolate, you can add vanilla extract or ground cinnamon to the recipe, and add dried fruits or nuts to apples and bananas.

The finished hot pie is delicious washed down with cool milk, and cooled charlotte is good with tea, coffee and other drinks.

Banana charlotte in a slow cooker is an easy-to-prepare dish that even the most inexperienced cook can certainly do. All ingredients are available financially, and the result of the work will appeal to both children and adults. The pleasant consistency of the pie and the most delicate banana aftertaste may make banana charlotte your favorite dish.

A fragrant and bright charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker is easy and simple to prepare. You can also use overripe bananas. If you are confident in the quality of the eggs, then you don’t need to add baking powder or soda slaked with vinegar to the dough - fresh eggs themselves will add fluffiness to the dessert during baking.


  • chicken egg 3 pcs,
  • banana 1 piece,
  • wheat flour 1 cup,
  • sugar 1 glass,
  • salt 1 pinch.


1. Break the eggs into the bowl of a food processor or into a deep container. Add salt and granulated sugar, beat at high speed for about 2-3 minutes, turning the contents into a fluffy foam. If you want to get a taller and more fluffy charlotte, then take 5 eggs, not 3, without changing the amount of flour and sugar.

2. The main thing is not to beat the whites in the eggs so that the foam does not settle.

3. Then add the sifted flour and, if you wish, baking powder or baking soda slaked with vinegar. Now mix the flour into the egg mixture at low speed (about a minute).

4. Peel the banana and cut it into slices diagonally.

5. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable or butter and pour the prepared dough into it. Place banana slices on the dough. If you want the slices to be inside the pie, first divide the dough into two parts, pour one into the bowl, place the banana slices and fill with the second part of the dough. Activate the multicooker for 40 minutes in the “Baking” mode and close the lid.

6. After the sound signal, we will not open the lid for another 3-5 minutes, turning off the multicooker completely, without leaving it even in the heating mode.

7. Then carefully remove the charlotte with a spatula onto a plate or dish, serve warm, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and garnish with fresh mint. You can serve condensed milk with the charlotte.

Time: 80 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Unusual charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker

Charlotte is a fairly well-known type of pastry. Many people love this pie for its rich apple flavor combined with a light, fluffy dough.

And although this dish enjoys popular popularity and love, in its classic form it is not considered an exquisite dish. If you, too, are a sucker for sponge cake with apples, we suggest you prepare an original variation of this dessert.

We made only a few changes to the traditional recipe, but the result - charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker - will not leave anyone indifferent.

As the name suggests, bananas were used as an additional ingredient. These fruits are easy to find in any supermarket or market, and their cost will not greatly affect your budget.

When choosing tropical fruits, pay special attention to their degree of ripeness. Never buy fruits with greenish skin. But also avoid overripe bananas - they are too soft and may simply dissolve in the dough.

When going for apples, focus on sweet and sour varieties that will organically contrast with sweet bananas. It is best to buy green apples: they will give a pleasant sourness and retain their elastic texture during heat treatment.

Below is a list of ingredients. It should be noted that you can adjust the volume of a component such as sugar. If you are not a foodie, reduce the recommended amount of sugar by a third.

Bananas are very sweet fruits, especially when combined with apples, and if you do not have a sweet tooth, then the finished pie may seem overly sweet to you. Well, if you can’t imagine life without sweets and jam, then there’s no need to change anything.

To bake original charlotte you need to have on hand:

Note: Multicooker glasses were used as a measurement unit.

Step 1

Break the eggs into a large enough container. Beat with a mixer. Add sugar and vanilla, continuing to beat. Do not turn off the mixer for about five minutes, during which time the sugar should dissolve in the egg mass and the mixture should become like a thick foam.

Attention! If you are using vanillin rather than vanilla sugar, add it literally at the tip of a spoon. Otherwise, the finished pie may taste bitter.

Step 2

Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl. Using a spoon or spatula, gently fold the flour into the egg mixture, working the spoon from the bottom up.

Option: If you don’t have baking powder on hand, you can take a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in vinegar. But in this case, the soda should not be added along with the flour, but earlier, at the stage of beating the eggs.

After all the manipulations, the dough should be homogeneous, like thick market sour cream.

Step 3

Wash the apples, peel them, cut out the cores. Cut the fruit into medium-sized pieces.

Step 4

You should do the same with bananas - remove them from the peel and cut them into medium-thick slices.

Option: If you want only banana flavor in the charlotte, without pieces of fruit, it is better not to cut the fruits. Place them on a plate or bowl and simply mash them with a fork until mushy.

Step 5

Grease the multicooker bowl with butter. Now we need to combine all the components. Place the chopped fruit into the bowl with the dough. Mix the mixture with apples and bananas.

On a note: There is no need to thoroughly knead the dough, just a few movements with a spoon are enough. If you overdo it, the dough may not rise, and then the finished product will not be tall and fluffy.

So, if the charlotte preparation is ready, transfer it to the multicooker bowl.

Step 6

Select the “Baking” mode. If your multicooker model allows you to choose the temperature, set it to 170 degrees and time for 50 minutes.

Well, if your assistant does not have such a function, it doesn’t matter. In this case, the baking time will simply increase, it will be 70 minutes (since the standard “Baking” program is designed for a temperature of 140 degrees).

After this time, do not rush to take out your creation. The pie with apples and bananas should simmer a little longer in the slow cooker - about 10 minutes. After this, it can be removed and placed on a serving plate.

To give your banana charlotte the appearance of a finished confectionery product, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Perhaps you have cream in your refrigerator?

Beat them with sugar and decorate the finished pie with this cream. A very delicious dessert can be achieved if the top of the banana sponge cake with apples is decorated with melted white chocolate.

It is white chocolate that makes the perfect combination with fragrant bananas. Take a tile, melt it in a water bath until liquid, cool for a few minutes and pour over the charlotte.

You don't even need a pastry syringe - careless splashes will look original and unusual.

But even if you leave everything as is, without any decorations, charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker will pleasantly delight you and your guests with its unusual taste.

If you like the pie, you can continue experimenting. Very interesting combinations can be obtained by using bananas with cocoa, nuts or condensed milk as a filling.

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

I propose to prepare a delicious pie, which a multicooker will help us bake. With the acquisition of such an assistant, cooking became much easier, and many dishes began to turn out even tastier. An example of this is Charlotte pie. It is thanks to the slow cooker that it always turns out fluffy, tender, tall and very tasty. I am sure that any housewife will be satisfied with this result, and this is very easy to achieve. All you need is a slow cooker, a small list of ingredients and, of course, the desire to cook, dare I say it, masterpieces.

Today I will tell you how to cook charlotte with banana in a slow cooker. For a more pronounced aroma, I added a little vanilla sugar and ground cinnamon - it turned out to be a pretty successful bouquet. I recommend you try it too!

So, let's begin!

First of all, prepare the necessary set of ingredients for preparing banana charlotte in a slow cooker.

Break the chicken eggs into a clean, dry bowl suitable for kneading the dough.

Using a mixer, beat them into a homogeneous mass.

Then gradually add granulated sugar in small portions without stopping the mixer. Also, for flavor, add vanilla sugar.

When the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and the egg mass turns white, add sifted wheat flour, ground cinnamon and baking powder.

Mix the dough gently from bottom to top. It is very convenient to use a wooden or silicone spatula for these purposes.

Generously grease the multicooker bowl with softened butter and transfer the dough. Cut the peeled bananas into thin slices and spread over the entire surface of the biscuit dough.

Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “Baking” mode. Bake the charlotte with banana in a slow cooker for 60 minutes.

When the beep sounds, transfer the cake to a wire rack and let it cool completely. As you can see, the cake turned out smooth, beautiful and quite high. It has a very soft and porous crumb. And thanks to ground cinnamon, the charlotte acquired not only a divine aroma, but also the color characteristic of this spice.

Before serving, cut the pastry into portions and don’t forget a cup of aromatic tea or berry compote.

Bon appetit!

Charlotte is a pie that has been familiar since childhood, the taste of which cannot be confused with anything else. This pie is very easy to prepare and typically consists of apples baked in dough. Classic charlotte is a French sweet dish made from white bread, custard, fruit and liqueur.

What kind of name is “Charlotte”?

There are many legends about the origin of this name. So, one of the options is that the recipe was invented by Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III of Great Britain. Another option is English. So, charlyt translated from English. means a dish made from beaten eggs, milk and sugar. And in the 15th century in England they served a meat dish with the same name. And the third option is a story about a cook who was desperately in love with Mrs. Charlotte, to whom he dedicated his original recipe.
How is Charlotte useful?

The answer is very simple - its composition. Traditionally, charlotte contains a lot of apples, so let me remind you of the value of this fruit.

This simple fruit consists of 80% water, the remaining 20% ​​is sugar, fiber, vitamins A, C, P, E, B vitamins, carotene, microelements (potassium, sodium, iron, fluorine, zinc, etc.), starch, pectins and organic acids. You can’t count all the beneficial properties of this miracle fruit. Thus, thanks to pectin, the amount of cholesterol in the blood is reduced and metabolism is normalized. Thanks to its vitamins and microelements, especially its high iron content, this fruit is prescribed for anemia and vitamin deficiency. Sugars and organic acids help develop the body's resistance to radiation and strengthen the immune system as a whole.

But this is all theory, but in practice we simply love apples for their wonderful taste. This is why we love bananas, which add an exceptionally delicate, soft taste to the already familiar charlotte. And lemon will only emphasize the new, sophisticated taste of this wonderful pie.

To prepare charlotte with apples and bananas in a slow cooker, you will need:

bananas – 2 pcs.
apples – 2 pcs.
eggs – 2 pcs.
butter – 60 g
sugar – 100 g
powdered sugar – 100 g
flour – 120 g
sour cream - 3 tbsp.
lemon – 1/3 pcs. (for juice)
cinnamon - a pinch
soda – 1/3 tsp.

How to cook charlotte with apples and bananas in a slow cooker:

1. Wash the apples and remove skins and seeds. Cut into slices.
2. Peel the bananas and cut into pieces.
3. Mix chopped apples and bananas in a bowl.
4. Squeeze lemon juice onto the banana and apples (to prevent the banana and apples from darkening in the air, use lemon juice).
5. Melt the butter in a saucepan over heat and leave to cool.
6. Beat eggs with sugar (until thick foam forms).
7. Add flour, cinnamon, sour cream and soda little by little (while stirring) to the egg-sugar mixture. There is no need to extinguish the soda, because we use sour cream. It is better to mix the dough with a wooden spoon.
8. Add melted butter to the dough and mix well.
9. Add apples and bananas to the dough. Mix very carefully (so that the fruit does not turn into mush).
10. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and sprinkle with flour (or breadcrumbs).
11. Place the dough in the multicooker bowl.
12. Bake in a multicooker with the “Baking” program for 65 minutes.
13. Sprinkle the finished pie with powdered sugar.