How to make tofu cheese. Vegetable salad with cheese

Back in the second century AD, tofu began to be eaten in the East, particularly in China. What it is, we learned in our country relatively recently. Along with the fashion for Japanese and Chinese cuisine, where tofu takes pride of place, this one has also gained popularity among Russian gourmets.

But anyway vegetable cheese, which in the East has long secured its place as one of the main foodstuffs, is still exotic in our country. Although every year there are more and more lovers of this product, especially among vegetarians.

So, tofu - what is it? In consistency, color and even slightly in smell it resembles regular cottage cheese, which is obtained as a result of milk processing. Only there is no “smell” of any animal products in tofu! This is a 100% plant-based food. It is created by special processing of soy milk. To do this, add magnesium chloride or ordinary citric acid to the milk, and after heating the mixture is filtered. Everything is delicious and healthy cheese plant origin ready to eat.

There are several types of this product. But, as a rule, to domestic consumers The most familiar type is tofu (we’ve almost figured out what it is), which is sold pressed in vacuum packages filled with water. It has a white color. By regularly changing the water in which the cheese is located, you can store this product in the refrigerator for several weeks, while its qualities are fully preserved.

Residents of the Celestial Empire believe that it is the regular consumption of tofu (even small children there know what it is) that provides the Chinese nation with health and longevity. And undoubtedly, they have every reason to think so. The fact is that in terms of the amount of proteins in its composition, tofu, whose calorie content is very low compared to ordinary cottage cheese, can compete with selected meat. Moreover, as is known, it is much easier to digest by the human body, which means that eating this cheese does not have any unpleasant consequences. side effects, which avid meat eaters tend to experience.

Vegetarians sing the praises of this product, claiming that even children who eat tofu in any form can easily give up meat, and they are not at all threatened by a lack of protein. Besides him, this herbal product rich in iron and calcium. And another plus is the complete absence of cholesterol.

Cheese can be eaten raw, just as a snack, it can be fried or stewed. Tofu goes well with all kinds of fish and meat dishes, based on it they prepare delicious desserts. In general, not a product - but just a fairy tale, if not for one “but”. The benefits of which for the human body are undoubted, are made from soy milk, that is, from soybeans. And today this product is number one on the list of plants that are most often amenable to genetic modification. And if soybeans were created thanks to GMOs, then there can be no talk of any benefits.

The worst thing is that it is almost impossible to protect yourself from consuming such products. The inscription “non-GMO” on packaging, which we have all become accustomed to, gives absolutely no guarantees. So even with tofu, which is healthy in all respects, it is better not to overdo it and show a sense of proportion.

Tofu cheese is especially well known to those who are intimately familiar with oriental cuisine. But for most of our housewives, such a product is still unclear. Many people believe that this is an analogue of cottage cheese, and so it is. True, it is unusual, because it is based not on cow’s milk, which is familiar to us, but on soy milk, which is little familiar to the average Russian. Tofu is an exclusively plant-based product with the most high performance squirrel.

Sometime in 164, the Chinese emperor commissioned the court alchemist Liu An to find the elixir of immortality. In search of solutions to such a difficult problem, the alchemist decided to use soybeans and special salts - this is how tofu cheese, or rather doufu, appeared.

But not only in China it became widely popular. In the second millennium they began to cook similar product from soybeans and in Japan. There it was called tofu. Japanese and Chinese cottage cheese are different in taste, since each country had its own traditions of making the main raw materials. In contrast to Japanese, Chinese has greater tenderness and delicacy.

Tofu is a vegetarian base that is created from chopped soybeans, hot milk and nigari used as a thickener. If you analyze the cheese according to its chemical composition, you will find vegetable proteins, several types of amino acids, a vitamin complex, as well as macroelements, in particular iron and calcium. And finally, calorie content - for every hundred grams of product there are only 72 Kcal.

What are the benefits and harms of soy products?

Most important element tofu is a vegetable protein, the concentration of which in this cheese exceeds even such protein “giants” as any type of meat and eggs.

And if frequent use The latter contributes to an increase in cholesterol levels, while soy curd, on the contrary, helps to reduce it.

It is also endowed with the power to remove such a dangerous substance as dioxin from the body - it is one of the causes of the development of cancer. Tofu is easily absorbed by our body, and its function improves digestive system and kidneys.

This soy product:

  • is a good preventative against various types of heart disorders;
  • it also increases hemoglobin levels;
  • prevents the development of arthritis;
  • improves mental activity;
  • helps preserve youth, thanks to selenium, which is part of it.

But despite all the usefulness of the product, it can also be dangerous. So, it can cause failures hormonal levels(especially in adolescents), cause diarrhea and contribute to the development of complications of the thyroid gland.

True, it is worth clarifying here that the cheese itself is harmless and any violations arise not from its consumption, but from the fact that it is eaten by people for whom it is contraindicated. For example, if a person has weak endocrine system, then exceeding the norm for consuming cheese can cause a number of complications. Therefore, before purchasing such a product, you should read the recommendations.

However, the most dangerous product one that is made from low-quality raw materials or using any analogues of soy milk. It is better to avoid such cheese immediately, because it can harm even the healthiest body.

What do you eat tofu with?

Tofu soy cheese comes in two forms. Soft cheese is also called silk cheese; it has a creamy texture and is often used for sauces, hot dishes and different desserts. But hard, as the name implies, has a more dense structure.

Tofu is tasteless and doesn't have much flavor, but it does a good job of absorbing the smells and flavors of other ingredients.

This opens up all the possibilities to use tofu in the preparation of the most different dishes– from first courses to desserts. It can be added to soups and cold appetizers, stewed and baked with vegetables, and even pickled and smoked. The options for its use are so diverse that everything depends only on the cook’s imagination.

Delicious omelette with tofu cheese

For those who are new to this soy product, we suggest starting your culinary experiments with more simple recipes. For example, prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Prepare in advance:

  • 380 g tofu;
  • half a glass of milk (almond or soy can be used);
  • any vegetables (tomato, onion, Bell pepper, spinach);
  • two tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt and turmeric;
  • salt, paprika and pepper to taste;
  • three tablespoons of flour (preferably chickpeas).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We remove excess moisture from the tofu with a napkin, cut the product into pieces and, together with a small amount Grind milk and flour in a blender until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Add all the spices to the mixture, mix and place on heated oil. Fry the omelette for 10 minutes.
  3. Then lay out the chopped vegetables on one half of it, cover them with the other half and cook the soy omelette with vegetables for another five minutes.

How to stew with vegetables

Vegetable dishes can be made more varied if you use them in their preparation. soy cheese tofu. Since bean curd has a weak taste, we recommend using more spices.

Quite often, tofu dishes contain a spice such as asafoetide. The spice is often used in Indian cuisine, but you can’t find it on our shelves. It is possible to bring it to order, but there is a possibility of stumbling upon a fake.

Like any “high” product, asafoetida has a special, exotic smell, which not everyone likes and children certainly do not like. However, you can replace this seasoning with garlic, onions or other spicy spices.


  • 220 g tofu cheese;
  • five tomatoes;
  • large eggplant;
  • three large fleshy bell peppers;
  • two tsp. coriander;
  • one tsp. paprika;
  • ½ tsp each ginger and turmeric;
  • a pinch of asafoetida.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour all the spicy spices into a saucepan with oil and after 30 seconds add the cubes of tofu cheese. Fry for five minutes.
  2. Then we send to spicy cheese vegetables, cut into cubes. First, fry the ingredients over maximum heat for five minutes, then reduce the heat, cover the food with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes.
  3. Five minutes before readiness, add some salt and, if desired, reduce the acidity of the tomatoes by adding three tsp. Sahara.

Tofu cheesecakes

Tofu cheese is especially popular among vegetarians, who are also famous for their varied cuisine. So, on their menu you can find interesting cheesecakes made from soy curd. If you decide to do this culinary experiment, then we advise you to slightly transform the dessert by adding a juicy apricot and aromatic banana.


  • 130 g tofu;
  • two spoons each granulated sugar, flour and semolina;
  • half a banana;
  • five apricot fruits.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. You need to remove the skin from the apricot, put the pulp in a container along with cheese cubes, sugar and banana slices. Knead the ingredients with a fork, then mix them with flour and semolina.
  2. Leave the dough for ten minutes so that the semolina swells a little.
  3. From the resulting composition we form cheesecakes, bread them in flour and fry until tender.

First course recipe

Soy cheese does not have its own taste, but happily takes it from the foods that are prepared with it. Therefore, tofu can be cooked light, tasty and aromatic soup. The first course can be prepared with meat, and if you plan vegetarian soup, then add more vegetables.


  • 270 g of any meat;
  • 220 g tofu cheese;
  • two potato tubers;
  • one onion, one sweet pepper and one carrot each;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fry the pieces of meat with salt and pepper until golden brown and transfer to a deep saucepan.
  2. We also sauté the vegetable cubes until soft and add them to the meat.
  3. Now we add potato cubes to other products, fill them with water and put them on the stove for 20 minutes.
  4. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, add the tofu cubes, let the soup boil and remove it from the heat.
  5. Pour the interesting first course into deep bowls and sprinkle with dill.

Tofu cheese in batter

Fried tofu may also be to your liking. You can cook it in batter - this way it will look more appetizing and festive.


  • 370 g tofu;
  • egg;
  • garlic clove;
  • carrot;
  • bell (green) pepper;
  • 140 g flour.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut the tofu cheese into cubes and mix it with salt, or better yet, with soy sauce.
  2. Prepare the batter from eggs and flour.
  3. Dip the tofu cubes into the resulting mixture and then fry in oil. Place the finished portions on a napkin to remove excess fat.
  4. Cut the carrots and peppers into cubes, finely chop the garlic. Fry the ingredients for five minutes.

Before serving, place rosy vegetables and cheese with an amazing crispy crust on the dish.

Salad with cheese

Even though tofu is low-calorie cottage cheese, the salad from it turns out to be quite filling. Therefore, if you want to make the snack lighter, the amount of cheese can be reduced.


  • 220 g tofu;
  • two tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 80 g olives;
  • spoon of sesame seeds;
  • dill.

To make the appetizer more interesting, fry the cheese cubes immediately along with the seasonings. You can take any spices, but be sure to add coriander.

Cooking method:

  1. If you don't love fried cheese, then just cut it into cubes and marinate in a sauce of butter, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and spices.
  2. IN apple cider vinegar or just in lemon juice We also lightly marinate the onion half rings.
  3. We put lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, which you just need to tear with your hands, then mix them with tomato slices, onions, olives and cheese. Season the appetizer with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Now you know the benefits of tofu cheese and what can be prepared from it. However, one more important point, which should be kept in mind concerns the issue of its storage. Like all dairy products, tofu can also be stored in the refrigerator. But before you put the cheese into the chamber, you need to lightly moisten it with salted water. This simple technique will prevent the tofu from absorbing other odors and will preserve the product for up to seven days.

Don't eat tofu because of its bland taste and unusual texture? You might just be cooking it wrong! The most common mistake is not squeezing the tofu before cooking. excess water, and the result is a softened mass. In addition, many people choose the wrong types of tofu, which are not suitable for certain dishes. In fact, tofu is easy to prepare, and the effort and time spent will be more than worth it!


Part 1

Selecting and preparing tofu

    Select suitable look tofu. When purchasing tofu, you may notice labels that say “soft,” “firm,” “extra-firm,” and the like. All of these varieties are delicious, but each has a different texture. Right choice cheese depends on what you are going to do with it, for example:

    • Silken tofu is soft and creamy. It can be used in spreadable dishes such as smoothies, puddings, sauces and dressings. Additionally, silken tofu can be cut into pieces and added raw to soups and salads.
    • Soft tofu is tender and has a consistency similar to jelly or gelatin. Like silken tofu, it is great in sauces, smoothies and puddings.
    • Semi-firm tofu retains a certain softness. It crumbles easily and is good for vegetable salads and stuffed dishes.
    • Firm tofu is quite popular. It is perfect for fried and stews, and also as a topping for scrambled eggs.
    • Extra-firm tofu is easy to process and suitable for baked and fried dishes.
  1. Remove the tofu from the package. Cut the plastic packaging with a knife. Drain the excess water from the bag and remove the tofu. If you are not going to use all the tofu, it is best not to drain the water from the package to prevent the cheese from drying out.

    Cut the number of slices you need from the tofu. For one dish, 4-6 slices are enough. Cut the tofu according to its width rather than its length, but do not dice it.

    Place tofu between two layers of paper towels. Line a baking sheet with a clean cloth towel. Place a couple of paper towels on top and place the tofu slices on them. Cover the cheese with paper towels and place another clean cloth towel on top.

    Place something flat and heavy on top of the tofu. You can use any suitable item. The goal is to press the cheese down as much as possible. Place a cutting board or baking sheet on top of the tofu and place something heavy on top, such as a cookbook or jars.

    Leave the tofu under the weight for at least 30 minutes. It's even better to leave the tofu for a couple of hours. If you are in a hurry, you can press the tofu down with a baking sheet or cutting board for about 15 minutes.

    • You can even leave the tofu under a weight overnight. In this case, place the entire structure in the refrigerator so that the cheese does not spoil.
  2. Remove the weights and towels from the tofu and cut it even smaller if desired. If you want to bake the tofu as "steaks", you can leave it in thick slices. You can also cut the cheese into thinner strips or small cubes.

    If desired, marinate or season the tofu. Do not use vegetable oil-based marinades unless specified in the recipe. For tofu, marinades based on citrus fruits, soy or vinegar are suitable. Please note that some recipes recommend seasoning the dish after preparations.

    To obtain original dish, bake extra-firm tofu in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the tofu into cubes and season it vegetable oil. Sprinkle the cheese with arrowroot and sea ​​salt. Line a baking sheet parchment paper and place the tofu pieces on it in an even layer. Bake the cheese for 15 minutes, then turn the cubes over and cook them for another 15 minutes.

Tofu cheese - cottage cheese white, made from soy (see photo). This product has a neutral taste. The manufacturing process is very similar to ordinary cottage cheese from natural milk, hence another name - soybean curd. The main difference is that the final product is pressed into briquettes and packaged with water to avoid the absorption of unpleasant odors.

Tofu cheese is classified depending on its consistency:

  • solid, which in turn is divided into watery and denser:
  • soft.

How to select and store?

When choosing tofu cheese it is worth Special attention pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, there should be no damage to it, and there should be water inside. The product must be white. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition of the cheese; only 3 components should be indicated there: water, soy and coagulant. If you buy cheese by weight, then smell it; the aroma should be sweetish, without any sourness. If you would like to purchase a product with high content calcium, then the packaging should contain the following inscription: “with calcium sediment.”

Vacuum sealed tofu can be stored for several weeks. If you open the package, the product must be placed in water, which must be changed every day. In this form, the cheese will be stored for 5 months. This product is also suitable for storing freezer, but after defrosting the cheese becomes hard and porous.

The benefits of tofu cheese and its composition

The benefits of tofu cheese are due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. This product contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on activity of cardio-vascular system, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Magnesium, which is also found in tofu, also has a positive effect on the heart muscle. This product also contains calcium, which strengthens bone tissue, as well as phosphorus, which takes part in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. It is also worth mentioning that this product has a low calorie content, which means it can be safely consumed during the period of weight loss. Considering the content of vitamin B, tofu cheese has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Due to the fact that tofu cheese contains all replaceable and essential acids, this product can replace meat without any harm to the body. The benefit of this product also lies in isoflavones, which have the ability to destroy free radicals. Regular use Tofu cheese is considered an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and heart problems. In addition, this product supplies the body with energy, which increases physical strength. Considering this, this cheese is recommended for athletes.

Use in cooking

Tofu cheese is very popular in different cuisines peace. It is included in recipes for numerous dishes, and is also used as an independent product. For example, it can be fried, smoked, or deep-fried. Soft options Tofu is used to prepare a variety of sauces, first courses, and desserts. Since such cheese absorbs foreign odors and tastes very quickly, it can be used in literally any dish.

In addition, today you can find on sale various options tofu cheese, for example, smoked and with various additives. In this case, such cottage cheese can act great snack, spread for sandwiches, as well as filling for baked goods, etc.

How to make tofu cheese at home?

To be sure of the quality of this product, you can easily make it at home. To do this, you need to take 500 g of soybeans, which need to be washed and soaked for a day in water with 1 teaspoon of soda. It is recommended to change the water several times during the day. When the beans swell, they must be passed through a meat grinder 2 times or crushed into a homogeneous consistency using a blender. Additionally, you can grind the beans through a sieve. After this, they must be filled with water per 500 g of crushed beans and 1.5 liters of water. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and left for 3 hours. Then everything must be filtered through a cloth; gauze is not recommended. In the end you will succeed soy milk. Next, we repeat the manipulations of passing soy through a meat grinder and infusing it for 3 hours. Squeeze it again. As a result, you should have 3 liters of soy milk.

It needs to be brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. This is necessary to get rid of the herbal taste. Now add 0.5 teaspoon to it citric acid, which must first be dissolved in 1/4 tbsp. cold water. First, it is better to pour half of the lemon liquid, and if the milk does not start to curdle, add the rest. Line a sieve with 2 layers of gauze and pour the contents of the pan into it. We put a plate and a jar of water on top, that is, we create a certain press. After the whey has drained, the entire structure must be transferred to the refrigerator for several hours. Your homemade cheese tofu is ready.

Harm of tofu cheese and contraindications

Tofu cheese can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product.

Remember that soybeans have the ability to absorb harmful substances, and GMOs are often used during the production of this product. With this in mind, choose your product carefully to avoid causing serious problems.

It is not recommended to consume tofu cheese large quantities, as it may cause thyroid problems. It can also cause problems with the reproductive system. When consumed in large quantities, this cottage cheese can cause indigestion and problems with brain activity.

What is tofu? Europe learned about its existence only in the second half of the twentieth century. Can we say that tofu is a product of globalization? It’s unlikely... And the Chinese say the opposite. They believe that tofu was invented in the Middle Kingdom back in the second century. Around the eighth century after the birth of Christ, this “cheese” became known in Japan. Even later, he gained popularity in countries South-East Asia. Many Vietnamese and Korean cuisines unthinkable without tofu. The harm and benefits of this product will be discussed in this article. This cheese is received with a bang by vegetarians, especially those who avoid consuming dairy products. People who are lactose intolerant can also eat tofu. What about everything else? What chemical composition tofu? We'll talk about this too.

How tofu is made

According to legend, soy cheese arose by a happy coincidence. A Chinese chef, whose name has been lost for centuries, decided to add nigari seasoning to the puree to flavor the dish. In this case, magnesium chloride, which is part of the spice, acted as a coagulant. He curdled the milk. Thus, the process of preparing tofu is similar to the method of cheese making. Only the starting raw material is not cow, goat or vegetable - soybean. First you get tofu curd. It is pressed and kept for some time. This makes it white, porous, similar to soft cheese product. It is sold in sealed packaging filled with water. After opening, the tofu should be stored in the refrigerator, adding cool water twice a day. This cheese, like a sponge, absorbs foreign odors, so it should not be kept near strong-smelling foods.

What do chefs say about tofu?

And cheese is like a “blank sheet of paper” that awaits the master’s brush. It has no taste or smell of its own. But tofu soy cheese perfectly absorbs other flavors. It gets along well with all the products that chefs use in the kitchen. That's why chefs deservedly call tofu universal ingredient dishes. It is used for the first and second. The soy delicacy is good for a snack and even for dessert. It is boiled, fried, baked, smoked and pickled - in a word, subjected to all kinds of culinary processing. But since tofu is practically tasteless, it always goes side by side with some other ingredients. The porosity of the cheese allows it to be served with a variety of sauces - from ketchup to jam. It is customary to add tofu curd or soft varieties to soups. And when preparing the second one they use hard cheese. Shanghai cuisine uses "stinky tofu" - the Chinese version of Roquefort. It is almost unknown to Europeans. But you can buy “silken tofu”. This creamy cheese is similar to everyone’s favorite “Yantar”.

Tofu: composition

Now let's talk about what the ingredients of this product are. So, we found out that tofu is a soy cheese made by fermenting bean milk. Thus, its composition is rich in complete plant protein. In hard cheese it is 10.7 percent, and in cottage cheese - 5.3%. You should know that plant protein is better absorbed by the human body than substances of animal origin. It contains amino acids essential for health. At the same time, soy cheese is low-calorie: only 73 kcal per hundred grams of tofu. The composition of a product says a lot about its benefits. Here you have iron - which helps fight anemia, and calcium, which, as you know, is a “building material” for bones. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, but it is rich in vitamins. Among the line useful substances it is necessary to highlight group B. This vitamin is responsible for good memory, strong teeth and nails, shiny and thick hair, healthy skin.

Tofu: harm and benefit

All properties of soy cheese, both positive and negative, are determined by its composition. Since the product does not contain cholesterol, it is good for heart patients. Vegetable protein obtained from boiled and pureed soybeans is perfectly digestible. And therefore it is prescribed to patients with a weak stomach. Low nutritional value tofu (reviews often mention this) makes it indispensable in dietetics. Soy cheese is also prescribed for athletes. Regular consumption of tofu slows down aging and is an excellent preventative against cancer, since it removes dioxin, the causative agent of cancer, from the body. Soy delicacy helps to more successfully fight osteoporosis, menopause, and heart disease. And, of course, tofu is just a gift for allergy sufferers, those who cannot tolerate dairy products. It is also good for those who have recently suffered fractures. Soy cheese helps bone tissue recover and makes it denser and stronger.

Who benefits from tofu?

We can say that everyone. In China, the product's homeland, soybeans were treated as a poor man's product. In Ukraine they say that chicken is for the beggar and honey mushrooms. And in the Middle Kingdom it is believed that soy is “meat without bones.” However, vegetarians have increased the demand for this product. “Chops”, “goulash” and, of course, “cheese” appeared. To get enough, you need to eat more of these cutlets than their meat counterparts. But this is almost the only disadvantage of tofu. Its price is quite affordable - 150-290 rubles per package (depending on weight and type). Of particular note are the benefits of tofu for people who care about their appearance. Soy cheese contains isoflavones - powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. It also contains the substances daidzein and genistein, which prevent the action of estrogen. Thus, cheese saturates our body with energy, strengthens bones, and the selenium and iron contained in it give us physical strength.

Harm of soy cheese

All food products - depending on the amount of their consumption - have positive and negative properties. Tofu is no exception. The harm and benefits of this product mainly depend on the dose. Do not overuse soy cheese. This can lead to thyroid diseases and negatively affect the reproduction of women and men. Bean curd and cheese should be given to children with extreme caution. Tofu can cause diarrhea and, in adolescents, provoke early sexual activity. But this product can act as a mild laxative for constipation. By the way, not all allergy sufferers can use it. Doctors have recorded several cases of allergic reactions to tofu, which resulted in nausea and hives. This is caused by individual intolerance to soy products.

What can you make from soy cheese?

In Japan, many diets have been developed in which tofu is the main product. We have already discussed the harm and benefits of this product. It only remains to add that soy diet allows you to lose from seven to fourteen kilograms. And this despite the fact that you do not need to change your usual lifestyle and limit yourself in the amount of food. Just replace the meat with soy cheese - and the result is obvious. Now let's look at how to eat this product. Simply consuming it in the form in which it is sold is the same as eating Dutch cheese. Momen - firm tofu - can be put on a sandwich, cut into cubes into a salad, or fried in breading. It can be pickled. And if you smoke dense soy cheese tofu, you won’t be able to distinguish it from ham. Kinugoshi (“silk”) is a delicate soft curd. It is used for soups, desserts and sauces. Sometimes you can find tofu on sale with fillers (spices, herbs, nuts) or sweetened - for making “vegetarian cheesecakes”.

Benefits in cosmetology

Women use soy tofu not only for weight loss. Chinese women have long used it to whiten the skin and make it velvety and soft. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to grind this Japanese curd with one teaspoon olive oil. The face must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed before application. Apply the mask to skin with lungs patting movements of the fingertips. Keep in a state of absolute rest for about ten minutes. After this, rinse with cool water. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.