How popsicles are made at the factory. History of ice cream

The establishments of the Stoyn chain are located in different parts of Moscow. They are ready to surprise lovers of cold delicacies not only with interesting tastes, but also with the shape of the dessert on a stick: branded ice cream is made in the shape of the head of Marilyn Monroe (strawberry gum), Vladimir Mayakovsky (cranberry), Che Guevara (chocolate), Jason from the movie “Friday the 13th” -e" (cookies with maple syrup), Spider-Man (currant sorbet), Hulk (apple sorbet) and other popular characters. These forms were developed by specialists in the field of industrial design, and talented confectioners worked on the tastes.

Teatralny pr., 5/1, st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 7, st. Butyrskaya, 46/2, st. Pravdy no. 24, p. 3, st. Novy Arbat, 21

Tea Heights Club 0+

“Tea Heights” has been operating for more than ten years, and all these years the club has remained a constant haven for fans of tea and unusual ice cream. On the menu you can find more than 300 types of tea of ​​all varieties and an impressive selection of ice cream: with the taste of tea, cloudberry, marshmallow, cactus, birch sap, banana, green wheat, ginger, cuttlefish ink, mushrooms, white kvass and other original products. In addition, at Tea Heights they play Go checkers, watch movies, listen to lectures and music.

st. Pokrovka, 27, building 1, st. Tverskaya, 6


La Bottega Siciliana (“La Bottega Siciliana”) is the restaurant of Nino Graziano, owner of the Semifreddo chain of establishments. Bottega Siciliana serves popular Italian dishes, and for dessert they offer homemade gelato prepared according to the signature recipes of the Italian pastry chef. At Bottega Siciliana you can try ice cream with nuts, pineapple, passion fruit, mango, wild berries, candied ginger, caramelized olives and other unusual additives.

st. Okhotny Ryad, 2

Nano-ice cream Dippin" Dots 0+

Nano-ice cream Dippin "Dots" attracts with its unique shape: these are micro-balls of ice cream created by cryogenic freezing. This method was used to create sweets by a microbiologist back in 1987, and since then the unusual ice cream has delighted fans of technological progress. Dippin" Dots networks more than 2000 points. In Moscow, branded kiosks are located in shopping centers. Here you can try ice cream with flavors of blackberry, watermelon, cheesecake, brownie, cotton candy, bubble gum and other ingredients.

st. Kirovogradskaya, 13A (Columbus shopping center), w. Leningradskoye, 16A, bldg. 2, st. Okhotny Ryad, 2, st. Profsoyuznaya, 56, lane Stremyanny, 38


The craft ice cream workshop was founded by true fans of their craft. They tirelessly research the most interesting flavors and combinations, using only high-quality natural ingredients. Blueberries, baked milk, raisins in rum, melon, chicory, lavender and even chocolate Guinness - these and many other flavors are presented in the workshop menu. In addition, ice cream with a high protein content has been developed for athletes, and those who give up sugar will be offered a treat without sweeteners.

Blvd. Rozhdestvensky, 1


The democratic Conversation cafe offers guests extraordinary frozen cheesecakes on a stick, ice cream cakes, complex designs made from pies and popsicles, as well as various types of sorbets and ice creams, which are prepared right before your eyes. In addition to many types of ice cream, the menu includes cakes and other mouth-watering desserts. The cafe is very popular, so it is recommended to reserve tables in advance.

st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 23/14/9


This restaurant chain is well known to fans of Japanese cuisine, but not everyone knows about its dessert menu. In addition to cakes and pastries, you can find the traditional Japanese treat “moji” at Tanuki. This is an ice cream flavored with vanilla, strawberry, green tea and various fruits, wrapped in thin rice dough. You can try the dish in a restaurant or order it home on the Tanuki website.

w. Altufevskoe, 14, ave. Balaklavsky, 48, st. Profsoyuznaya, 26, bldg. 3, st. People's Militia, 22, st. Pyatnitskaya, 53


The chain is well known to all those with a sweet tooth: there are about 20 points open in Moscow, so everyone can find an island of delicious ice cream, and very close to home. 33 Penguins offers a huge selection of desserts based on cream, milk or juice, so be prepared for a painful selection process. Cheesecake, bubblegum, watermelon, banana, cherry, pear, maple syrup, grapes, cheese, blueberries and much more. In addition, Penguins prepare rich milkshakes, so you can not only eat the cold dessert here, but also drink it.

pl. Manezhnaya, 1, building 2, st. Krasnogo Mayak, 2B (small pavilion of the Columbus shopping center), ave. Mira, 211, ave. Michurinsky, 3, bldg. 1, st. Profsoyuznaya, 129A


Real ice cream made according to Italian recipes. Each serving of sweets in Amore is a real work of art, and the tastes are the dream of even the most spoiled sweet tooth. There is Sicilian pistachio, cherry with chocolate, caramel with sea salt, mango, peanuts, tiramisu, Caribbean rum with raisins... Another good reason to get acquainted with gelato and sorbets is the special technique of their preparation: less cream, more milk and fruit (and therefore , less fat and more traditional ice cream taste). Treats from Amore are not only served in cafes - they are also sold in popular shopping centers in Moscow.

ave. Vernadskogo, 11/19


Journalists dubbed it the most fashionable ice cream in Moscow because of the coal-black color of the balls and the unique taste. The creators achieved the dark color by adding charcoal to the dessert: it is not palpable and gives the ice cream the necessary shade. At Tim&Tim you can also try forty other types of ice cream - vanilla with salted caramel, sea buckthorn, mint, blackberry, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, honey, mango, ice cream with green tea, smoked almond and other flavors.

emb. Presnenskaya, 10


A restaurant of signature cuisine, where chef Christian Lorenzini has assembled an excellent team, and together they create amazing dishes with an unusual presentation. Beyond all praise is the branded ice cream, for the preparation of which buckwheat is used. The creators in the Christian kitchen make their own buckwheat milk, from which ice cream is made. It is served with strawberries, whipped cream and buckwheat popcorn. Well, for more conservative guests we can recommend ice cream with vanilla, walnuts, chocolate, pistachio or sorbet with pomegranate, black currant, mango.

ave. Kutuzovsky, 2/1, bldg. 1A


Farinari gelateria offers 25 types of signature Italian desserts. Here, using Italian technologies and imported equipment, ice cream with a wide variety of flavors is prepared. Mango or banana, mint or tea rose, stracciatella or coconut - take your pick! There are also special gluten-free, vegan and fitness varieties.

w. Leningradskoye, 16A, building 4 (Metropolis shopping center), st. Lesnaya, 20, building 3 (Project Depo)


Unlike numerous gelaterias, the Severyanye restaurant does not specialize in ice cream. Here it is easier to find an abundance of steaks, grilled dishes, something with a Siberian accent, certainly with potatoes and mushrooms. But once you look into the dessert section, ice cream lovers will immediately find a dish to suit their taste: plum with smoked ice cream. An unusual combination, but not so expensive that you would deny yourself this pleasure.

st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 12, building 1


The pan-Asian specificity of the Zodiac restaurant catches your eye even before you open the doors of the establishment. The menu includes a combination of dishes from China, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, created by the famous chef Vladimir Mukhin. There are both classic chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream (although with its own twist), as well as sorbets: strawberry and sea buckthorn. In addition to them, be sure to pay attention to fried milk, plum tart with chili ice cream, chocolate fondant with coconut ice cream, as well as a variety of wagashi “mochi”: with strawberries, with caramel and blueberries, with chocolate and prunes.

pl. Smolenskaya, 3

White Rabbit Restaurant 18+

If you think you know everything about interesting ice cream in Moscow, don’t rush to proclaim it loudly until you visit the White Rabbit. This establishment will become both a paradise for gourmets and a place of discovery for everyone who is accustomed to classic desserts. Here you can try ice cream made from black bread, fermented baked milk, honeysuckle with meringue and lavender water, pine ice cream and fondant with pine nut praline, as well as sorbet with Abkhazian lemon, sea buckthorn and Antonov apple.

pl. Smolenskaya, 3


The most extravagant item you will find here is the chef's mushroom ice cream. It is served with thyme and chocolate mousse and stands out noticeably from the rest of the ice cream that you have tried before, and therefore risks becoming one of the favorite desserts of the guests of the establishment. The restaurant also offers sorbets and desserts with them. For example, persimmon with white almond sorbet, raspberry pie with ricotta sorbet or lemon sorbet with tangerine.

lane Bolshoi Palashevsky, 2/12


As in any establishment that specializes in wine, they pay special attention to the dishes, because they must look decent against the background of drinks and, on occasion, create a suitable food pairing. Therefore, if you want to refresh yourself with taste, Wine Religion will not keep you waiting long. In addition, vanilla ice cream is served here with chocolate fondant and orange, and yogurt-lemon ice cream is served with toffee mousse with sponge cake and milk shortcake. There are a few more head-scratching positions. For example, rhubarb ice cream and three sorbets: watermelon, sorrel and strawberry-mint sorbet.

ave. Michurinsky, 16


It would be strange if the sweetest and most chocolate bar in Moscow avoided ice cream. Therefore, if you are already full of chocolate pizza, filled it all with a crazy shake, fortified yourself with a Belgian waffle and still have energy left for ice cream, we will understand you and will not dissuade you. Moreover, Max Brenner himself, not wanting to stop there, happily offers guests three types of ice cream that cannot be forgotten: popsicle fondue with melted chocolate, milk chocolate pieces, wafer balls and caramelized hazelnuts; vanilla and chocolate ice cream "Turin" with the same caramelized hazelnuts, brownie pieces and whipped cream; and citrus chocolate ice cream with milk chocolate, marshmallows, banana, orange and mint.

Blvd. Tsvetnoy, 2

Restaurant Balzi Rossi 18+

At the Balzi Rossi restaurant they didn’t come up with strange flavor combinations for ice cream. Here you can enjoy the rich and self-sufficient tastes of homemade ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, nut, coffee, berries, passion fruit, lemon, cherry, tangerine and orange. If you still want something like that, take truffle ice cream so that you will never forget its taste.

pl. Kudrinskaya, 1

Cafe-gelateria Casa Leone 0+

Cafe-gelateria Casa Leone is a sweet piece of Italy, because here they cook by hand according to the recipes of the Italian master Sergio Dondoli. The menu offers a large selection of desserts: more than 70 varieties of gelato and sorbets, fruit cocktails, brownies, tiramisu and almond cakes. Seasonal fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate, vegetables and spices give the delicacies bright and original flavors. At the gelateria you can try ice cream with chocolate, coffee, caramel, basil, cherry, orange, pumpkin, gorgonzola and other additives.

Updated 3 February 2020 15:31 ID5651

At the Yoshkar-Ola cold storage plant they make a unique product - goat ice cream. It can be safely given to children and those who are intolerant to cow's milk, and it is simply delicious. It appeared in the Republic of Mari El by chance. One day production received a call from:

“We have goat’s milk, let’s come up with something together!” - they said at the other end of the line.

- What can we come up with? We specialize in ice cream,” says Olga Surdina, director of the refrigeration plant. - But technologists quickly introduced a dose of realism - no, no one does this, and it is impossible to bring such an idea to life. Technologists are generally quite conservative.

By that time, goat ice cream was very popular in Turkey and India, and the proximity of the goat farm (and Sernur is 100 kilometers from the city) was conducive to joint projects. Who else has the opportunity to get fresh goat milk so quickly every day?

For three weeks Olga Valerievna followed the technologists and persuaded them to try. They had no experience with goat butter or goat milk.

Colleagues from the Sernur plant also did not lose hope. “They say we’ll bring you milk and butter for free, and we’ll charge you technology,” she recalls.

The first batch of ice cream doesn’t work out, and the technologists completely give up. The structure of goat's milk and butter is completely different from cow's milk. Temperature conditions, pasteurization - everything is different.

They bring the next batch of raw materials, and suddenly something similar to ice cream comes out. “This made us all happy, we tried to do it for 3 months until we got a good result. We simply distribute the first batch of ice cream - back to colleagues from the Sernur cheese factory, partners, children of employees... And everyone likes the new taste and light aftertaste that traditional ice cream does not have.”

3 years have passed since then. Technologists are already accustomed to the fact that this comes easily to them and have forgotten how difficult it all began. Ice cream began to be sold in local health food stores, but the republic could not generate good sales volumes, and the management of the cold storage plant sent a proposal to VkusVill. Moreover, the positioning of this product is very close to the philosophy of the network.

When goat ice cream appeared in VkusVill, the cold storage plant began receiving requests for goat products from other chains.

“When we ordered pure strawberry filling for goat ice cream, no one understood us,” recalls the director. “People weren’t used to it. Now we have completely moved away from chemical compositions in fillers and in the products that we make “for ourselves.”

They are developing goat ice cream with cereals to combine a sweet dessert with breakfast, and goat ice cream without sugar, low in fat. “Everything will be the way we would like our children to eat,” says Olga Surdina. “Prunes, walnuts” in a bath has already appeared on the shelves of VkusVill.

“People here forget the taste of real ice cream and get used to the taste of ice cream made with powdered milk,” Olga continues. “Working with powdered milk is very simple.” Whole milk always comes in different fat contents. Each intake of new milk is a new recipe. It may come with 3.5 percent fat content or 5. And each time you get a different amount of product at the end. You need to have laboratories and specialists who can determine acidity, because if you take sour milk, it means the product is killed. But powdered milk is never sour. It's a storage issue again. Powdered milk can be stored for a year, but you cannot keep live milk for 3 days while you have no orders.

Another difficult point in ice cream production is the shortage of milk, although there is still relatively plenty of it in Mari El. Sometimes a moment arises when suppliers say there will be no milk tomorrow. Ice cream is a seasonal product; refrigeration plants do not rely heavily on it. That's why many switched to dry food.

“This is the heart of the enterprise,” technologist Lyubov Tanerova shows us her possessions. “Raw materials are delivered, oil is heated, cooking takes place in two containers, oil and other ingredients are added.” The mass is heated, goes to the pasteurizer, and then to break up the fat globules. Balls in milk - from 1.5 to 3 microns. For ice cream to be beautiful, they need to be no more than 1 micron. Therefore, we homogenize, that is, we break up the fat globules.

The mass was cooled and sent to a tank for maturation. Any ice cream mixture must mature for at least 4 hours. Usually the mixture is boiled in the evening and worked with in the morning.

During our visit they make popsicles. The ice cream is cut, the stick maker (what a word!) inserts a stick into the ice cream, it sits for 40 minutes and comes out with a temperature of minus 18 degrees. It is then dipped into the icing, it sticks to the ice cream and the excess slides off. The process is meditative. When we posted a video of the process on Instagram, readers wrote that they could watch it forever.

There are also defects on the line, for example, there is no stick, or it is not positioned straight, or the ice cream is not lying correctly. This will no longer be suitable for packaging.

The technologist gives us ice cream straight from the line, still soft and without chocolate, on a piece of paper, with a stick. And, it seems, I really have never eaten anything tastier, even if I’m generally indifferent to ice cream. Lyubov Nikolaevna enjoys the second ice cream in a row with us. He says he loves his ice cream, and this picture is the best proof of that!

The next morning we come to the cold storage plant again, that day they make goat ice cream. The mixture enters the freezer through pipes, where it is cooled (from 2 to +6). Ice cream comes out with a temperature of -3.5 - -5. The dispenser releases the required amount of ice cream into the molds. It is packaged right there.

Packing at the enterprise is manual. If you consider that 3.5 tons of ice cream are made per shift, you can imagine what superpowers the workers have.

— What is the most difficult thing about your job? - we ask the technologist.

— Probably, that everyone should work with soul, understand the meaning of their work, and be responsible.

Every enterprise has its own difficulties, the technologist believes, but they can be solved. The main staff of the cold storage plant has been working together for more than 10 years.

- When I first arrived, they told me - let's make blue ice cream? Who will eat it? - I was surprised. And now it’s okay, we’ve adjusted, we’re already doing bad things. It's interesting, something new happens all the time. If you sit in one place, without moving and without developing, you will not go far.

From the workshop, where the magic happens, we go to the laboratory. Here, of course, there is no romance, everything is strict and everyday: they check the acidity, fat content in the milk, density. The finished ice cream also contains dry matter content. This is important to constantly monitor the quality of the product so that it meets the standards,” says the laboratory technician. Incoming raw materials are also checked.

— Does it often happen that you send milk back?

- No, very rarely. Over the course of a year and a half, there were 1-2 times when the acidity of the milk was exceeded. Such milk cannot be used in production because it will curdle. Acidity occurs when milk is not stored properly.

Microbiological indicators, antibiotics, pesticides, toxic elements - these are checked by the refrigeration plant in an accredited laboratory.

When Olga Surdina came to Moscow for an internship for suppliers, we even discussed trends in the ice cream industry. Foreign gelato, according to her, is generally expensive. The latest fashion is vegan ice cream, with coconut milk or rice milk; no matter how hard you want it, it can’t be cheap. By the way, Russian ice cream recently began to be sold to China!

If we talk about the market as a whole, three directions are visible in the work of manufacturers - some go into fashion lines, some into natural ones, some just make cheap ice cream, there is a great demand for it due to low incomes of the population. But while black or cheese ice cream can theoretically be repeated, goat ice cream is practically impossible. Some people brew it at home, but there are no analogues on a large scale yet.

Ice cream is a seasonal product. Last year there was no good weather and there were few orders. At the cold storage plant they still remember 2010, when ice cream was in almost every grocery basket. Therefore, it seems that the best thing that can be wished for the employees of the refrigeration plant is a hot summer! In Yoshkar-Ola, in Moscow... Hot summer - and a wide geography!

Yoshkar-Olinsky cold storage plant

As summer approaches, we crave ice cream more and more, and we eat kilos of it. Some people are not lazy and make it themselves, while the majority prefer factory-made ice cream.

However, if sanitary conditions, the condition of equipment and the quality of raw materials used for the production of ice cream may differ significantly in different factories, then the preparation technology remains approximately the same.

Now we are waiting for you with an impressive virtual excursion to the ice cream factory of the Inmarko brand, the Unilever Rus plant, accompanied by photographs and a video.

Quality control department specialists carry out incoming inspection of incoming raw materials for compliance with regulatory documents and quality certificates.

After approval of the raw materials and in accordance with the production schedule of a particular type of ice cream, it is moved from the warehouse to the factory (to the procurement department, to the workshops to the glaze department).

In the preparation and pasteurization department, according to the recipe, bulk ingredients are sifted and mixed in a hopper; in other departments, butter is melted, milk is pasteurized and then all this is mixed in a mixer.

This produces an ice cream mixture that still has to undergo the process of homogenization (crushing the fat globules) and pasteurization (holding at high temperatures to disinfect it from foreign microflora).

The finished milk mixture for ice cream is supplied through pipelines to a tank with a volume of 6 tons and matures from 6 to 24 hours, stirring periodically.

During this time, the enterprise’s laboratory conducts physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological analyzes of the mixture. If all indicators meet the norm, the process of producing delicious ice cream begins.

Actually, how is ice cream made?

The finished milk, cream or vegetable-fat mixture from the tank in which it matured passes through pipelines into a freezer, in which it is whipped and saturated with air bubbles. The next step is to dose the ice cream mixture into special containers (containers, waffle cups, waffle cones, plastic bags)
or in the case of popsicle, squeezed portionwise onto metal sheets.

Portioned soft ice cream is immediately sent to the freezer, where it is frozen for 30-50 minutes at a temperature of -18-20°C, and again returned to the same place where it began to be dosed.
Ice cream that needs glazing (chocolate or flavored glaze) is dipped in it when it comes out of the freezing chamber. The glaze hardens immediately.

Now the task of the personnel working on the ice cream production line is to repackage the ice cream in colorful film or in a painted cardboard package and make sure that the date and time of production of a serving of ice cream is printed on each package. The finished ice cream is put into boxes of a certain number of pieces, no more and no less.

It’s very interesting to watch this process, but packaging the products is quite difficult; dexterity is required, since ice cream is packed very quickly.

Ice cream boxes go through metal detectors that detect any metal in the product or box. Therefore, the likelihood of buying an ice cream maker with wire is very low!

Next, the boxes are sent along a constantly moving conveyor to the hardening chamber. The temperature there is of course very sub-zero, -30-35°C.

During the production of ice cream, the quality control department necessarily selects arbitration samples of ice cream during the entire production process and sends them to the same storage conditions as boxes for sale in trade. This is done so that in the event of a complaint from a buyer or a retail outlet (for example, a complaint about the low weight of a portion, or crooked ice cream that has melted and frozen again, and so on), it is possible to check whether such a mistake was actually made during production. This is often the fault of retail outlets that improperly transport and store ice cream.

Where does waste go in the ice cream production process?

There were, are and will be defects in any production. There is quite a lot of it during the startup of the line or during operation the equipment fails. In some cases, the waste is disposed of, and if it is suitable for further processing, it is again sent for pasteurization and put into further production. Such work with defects is carried out in any production, be it confectionery, fish, cheeses, and so on.

Who makes ice cream (profession)?

The question is quite complex and ambiguous. For children and those with a sweet tooth, working at an ice cream production plant is the ultimate dream. After all, you can eat ice cream as much as you like!!! In educational institutions, graduates of the food industry faculty are issued diplomas with the qualification “engineer” or “food industry technologist”. However, there are a lot of positions in ice cream production companies that employ those same graduates. These include engineers, technologists, foremen, technicians or laboratory assistants, as well as operators.

Now you know how ice cream is made at the factory, it’s so tasty and tender! We hope you enjoyed your tour of the ice cream factory! You can look for other answers to questions regarding ice cream on our website. And now we offer you to watch a video of ice cream production:

Ice cream is a favorite dessert, which means you should pay great attention to its composition. Even 50 years ago, the assortment of this sweet could be counted on one’s fingers, and the manufacturing technology was under close control. Modern ice cream is fraught with many dangers. Since there are countless varieties of it, and they all contain not only healthy ingredients.

Varieties of Ice Cream

The original recipe divides the refreshing delicacy into several types.

  • Cream.
  • Creamy.
  • Dairy.
  • Soft.

Often on the packaging you can find the inscription “GOST”, “according to GOST”, “from childhood”, etc., unfortunately, nowadays it is almost impossible to find the taste of childhood. The technology for making ice cream can be carried out both according to GOST and TU. What's better? It is advisable that the choice falls on a product manufactured in accordance with GOST, since its requirements are more stringent, and the specifications imply the use of palm or coconut oils. Accordingly, a product made according to specifications is cheaper and is dangerous to eat more than once a week. Cold sweets according to Russian GOST standards have become 8% less fatty than 50 years ago. But otherwise, naturalness remains a mandatory requirement for manufacturing both then and now.

An example of the composition of ice cream according to GOST 1939:

— cream up to 35% fat;
- granulated sugar;
- vanilla;
- condensed milk;
- gelatin.

What should ice cream not contain?

  • Vegetable fat (palm or coconut oils).
  • Stabilizers, mono, are fatty acid diglycerides (preferably should be replaced with agar-agar or gelatin).
  • Water.
  • Gum.
  • Agroid.
  • E: 102, 466,407, 477.
  • Sorbic and benzoic acid.

The first ingredient listed in the composition should be milk or milk powder. Components that come first make up a larger share of the product. The composition of modern ice cream should look something like this: milk or milk powder, cream, sugar, flavoring, fruits, nuts, berries.

Manufacturers assure that gum is a natural component and does not pose any danger to the human body. It’s hard to argue with the claim that this ingredient is natural. The gum can be found on the bark of trees in the form of small crystals. Technologists use it to increase viscosity. But it is strictly prohibited for use by people with gastrointestinal problems.

A substance called agroid is often used; it is obtained from algae; it increases gelatinization and can cause allergic reactions in particularly sensitive people.The use of acids in confectionery and flour production is a common fact. They are also added to ice cream. These acids are even found in naturally occurring fruits and vegetables. And such acids are considered absolutely harmless, but undesirable in products consumed by children. They have antimicrobial properties and are considered beneficial in small doses for an adult body.

Many manufacturers encode artificial food additives under the word “stabilizer-emulsifier”; such ice cream should be left on the store counter, since the likelihood that the product contains harmful “E” is 100%.

What should you pay attention to when buying ice cream?

  • Compound.
  • Packaging integrity.
  • No foreign odor.
  • Manufacturing technology according to GOST or TU.
  • Best before date.
  • Date of manufacture.
  • Manufacturer.

TOP 5 all-natural cooling desserts

"Cow from Korenovka"

Manufacturer: Krasnodar region.
Production strictly according to GOST.
It is natural in composition based on whole milk, cream and condensed milk. The only drawback is the presence of an emulsifier stabilizer. Unfortunately, what exactly is hidden behind this word is known only to the manufacturer.

Cost: 35 – 45 rub. for a ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Filyovsky ice cream"

Manufacturer: Vologda
Natural ingredients are the advantage of a cold delicacy. Water and glucose syrup are in doubt. This product is the winner of the Test Purchase program.

Cost: 50 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

“Your ice cream” (Clean Line company)

Manufactured in accordance with GOST.
Good composition, except for the percentage of cream to other ingredients. Ice cream is made from milk powder.

Cost: 40 - 45 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Chelny Cold"

Manufacturer: Naberezhnye Chelny.
Ideal ingredients, no preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers. Production is carried out in accordance with state standards.

Cost: 30 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Gold Standard" (Inmarko)

Manufacturer: Tula region.
Manufactured according to specifications, does not contain sorbic and benzoic acid, does not contain preservatives, but contains starch and milk powder. It is a safe filling.

Cost: 50-60 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

Still, the best substitute for a store-bought cold dessert is homemade ice cream.

  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 1 glass – condensed milk.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons - lemon juice.
  • 200 ml – heavy cream.

Beat the cream to stiff peaks, preferably using a blender or mixer. Then add a couple of spoons of lemon juice, condensed milk and whole milk to the resulting mixture. For a brighter taste, you can use orange or lemon zest. Knead everything thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. Place the resulting product in the freezer. During the first 2 - 3 hours, alter the product for half an hour.

Ice cream is a sweetened frozen product that is typically eaten as a snack or dessert. The question of who invented ice cream is a tricky one. Its production technology has undergone significant evolution. Nowadays, it is usually made from dairy products - cream or milk - combined with fruit or other dessert ingredients. Typically, modern ice cream is sweetened with sucrose, cane sugar, beet sugar, or other similar sweet substances. Today, various flavors and colors are used as additions to stabilizers.

The mixture is stirred to add air spaces and cooled below the freezing point of water to prevent ice crystals from forming. This is a classic definition, but has it always been like this?

What it is?

The understanding of the term "ice cream" may vary from country to country. Phrases such as “frozen yogurt,” “gelato,” “sorbet,” “frozen custard,” and others are used to describe different varieties and flavors. In some countries, the definition of "ice cream" refers only to a certain type of product, as well as the quantity of the main ingredients. Dishes that do not meet the established criteria are called "frozen dessert", etc.

Today, in almost all countries you can find treats made from alternatives to cow's milk. So, it is made from sheep or goat milk, or its vegetable substitutes are added (for example, soy or tofu).

Ice cream can be served in bowls for eating with a spoon or in cups and cones for licking. It can be served with other desserts such as apple pie. It is also used to prepare other dishes, including milkshakes.

The history of the delicacy

Who invented ice cream first? As early as the 5th century BC, the ancient Greeks ate snow mixed with honey and fruit. This delicacy was sold in the markets of Athens. The well-known Hippocrates recommended that his patients eat ice, considering it a means of revitalizing vitality.

In the 4th century BC, Alexander the Great's favorite treat was snow mixed with honey and nectar.

A frozen mixture of milk and rice was used around 200 BC. e. in China. The Chinese poured a mixture of snow and saltpeter over vessels filled with syrup. This technology reduces the freezing temperature below zero. Therefore, it is difficult to say in what century ice cream was invented.

Other countries also had similar dishes. In 400 BC. e. The Persians also invented a special refrigerated food made from rose water and noodles, which was served on ice during the summer. Ice was mixed with saffron, fruits, and various other flavors were added.

Rimsky (37-68 AD) personally brought ice from the mountains and mixed it with fruit fillings to create a chilled delicacy. Of course, it cannot be said that he was the first to invent ice cream, but this recipe is the closest prototype of modern sorbet.

Middle Ages

In the sixteenth century, Mongol emperors used fast horsemen to carry ice from the Hindu Kush to Delhi for use in fruit desserts. Thus, answering the question of which country invented ice cream is quite difficult. But this delicacy was quickly appreciated and continued to develop.

Italian Duchess Catherine de' Medici is credited with introducing ice cream to Europe in the 16th century. According to historical legend, when the Medici married the Duke of Orléans in 1533, she brought with her to France several Italian chefs who used recipes for flavored ice or sorbet. The question of where ice cream according to this recipe was invented has never been answered. But the dessert was received very well.

A century later, Charles I (King of England) was so impressed by the ice-cold dessert that he offered the cook a lifetime pension as a favor for keeping the ice cream recipe a secret so that the dessert would remain a royal prerogative only. However, there is no historical evidence to support these legends, which first appeared in the 19th century.

Who invented ice cream for mass recipes?

The first recipe for flavored ice in French appeared in 1674 in a large collection. Tips for making sorbets were also published in 1694 in several English sources, and then reprinted several times. Initially, according to these recommendations, it was possible to make only a dish with a rough taste, with large pieces of ice. Subsequently, chefs began to argue that real ice cream should have a thin consistency of sugar and finely crushed ice.

Popularity Breakdown

In Mediterranean countries, ice cream became available to the general population by the 2nd half of the eighteenth century. The delicacy became inexpensive and widespread by the mid-nineteenth century in England, when in 1851 Swiss emigrant Carlo Gatti opened the first store in Charing Cross, equipped with a refrigerated display case invented by the owner. This technology became a success, and soon portable glaciers began to appear everywhere.

Speaking about who invented ice cream, we must not forget about such a figure as Agnes Marshall, who is considered the “queen of desserts” in England. She actively popularized recipes for the delicacy and made its consumption fashionable among middle-class people. She has written four books on ice cream and regularly gives public lectures on cooking. Marshall even suggested using liquid nitrogen to make super-chilled desserts.

New species

The monotonous ice cream was invented in the 1870s and immediately became popular. It is believed that it was invented by the American cook Robert Greene in 1874, but in fact there is no hard evidence of this. It is also impossible to say unambiguously when and where ice cream sundae was invented. It is believed that it first appeared at the end of the 19th century in one of Approximately the same period of time, several culinary experts claimed that they were the first in the world to create fruit and berry ice cream, but not a single original recipe has survived. As legend has it, fruit varieties began to be invented for use as a meatless product.

Rise in popularity

Despite the fact that no one could answer the question in what century ice cream (sundae, sorbet, gelato) was invented, the delicacy became unambiguously popular in the world in the second half of the 20th century, after cheap refrigeration equipment became commonplace. It was in those years that there was a real “boom” in the production of ice cream of various flavors and types. Vendors often competed on the basis of diversity. At the same time, retail outlets specializing in this delicacy appeared. The most famous brand today is Baskin Robbins, which entered the market with 31 flavors and does not change its traditions. The main slogan of the company is one taste for every day of the month. The company currently boasts that it has created more than 1,000 varieties.

Soft ice cream

A significant development was the invention in the 20th century of soft-serve ice cream, which contains more air. In addition, its production technology is such that costs are reduced very significantly. Further development of soft ice cream production led to the emergence of special machines that squeeze the mass into a waffle cone. Today, such a delicacy is offered both in independent retail outlets and in fast food chains.