How to make simple rolls at home. How to cook sushi - recipes with photos step by step

This spicy and very unusual dish has gained incredible popularity in the world today. That’s why many housewives ask the question: how to make sushi at home? You can prepare this delicacy even without much experience in cooking, the main thing is to know a few secrets.

The main secret of delicious sushi is preparing the rice correctly. After all, this product is the basis and the taste of the finished dish ultimately depends on its quality. Detailed instructions will help you master this simple science.

  • Rinse the rice thoroughly in cold water at least 3-5 times.
  • Fill with clean water and leave for half an hour.

  • Drain the water in which the rice was steeped and add clean water in a ratio of 1.25 cups to 1 cup of cereal.
  • Place on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat. Then cook for exactly one minute, and then another 15 minutes at low bubbling, reducing the gas to medium. And don't forget to stir often.

  • Turn off the heat and leave the porridge on the stove with the lid tightly closed for another 10 minutes. The sushi rice is ready.

Having mastered the basics of cooking rice cereal, you can safely tackle the dish itself. Detailed recipes will also tell you how to make sushi at home, taking into account basic Japanese traditions. And small variations on this theme will tell you what and how you can experiment with.

If you decide to cook sushi for the first time in your life, then follow the simple recipe and you will get an excellent dish worthy of real samurai.

First, prepare the products:

  • 200 g mackerel fillet;
  • 200 g rice especially for sushi;
  • 6 tbsp. rice vinegar and a little more for marinating fish;
  • ginger root in marinade;
  • a generous handful of salt;
  • 1–2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • soy sauce.


  1. Prepare the rice using the method described above. While it cools, dissolve the salt and sugar in the vinegar. Pour the resulting mixture over the porridge.
  2. While it sits, start preparing the filling. Divide the fish fillet into fairly thick plates (1–2 cm) along the grain. Drizzle rice vinegar generously over the pieces. Marinate for 15 minutes.
  3. Cover the board with cling film. Place strips of mackerel, top with an even layer of rice. Cover with another layer of film and press down with something heavy. You should spend at least 3 hours under the sushi press.
  4. Remove the top layer of film and use a sharp knife to cut the compressed semi-finished product into small squares. Serve with soy sauce and pickled ginger.

Tip: Before cutting sushi and during the process, wet the knife in cold water. This technique will help you get perfect cubes that are literally one or two bites in size.

To prepare sushi according to the classic recipe, you will have to master the science of making rolls. For a traditional recipe you will need a standard set of products.

According to tradition, the Japanese eat sushi mainly from fresh fish. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find this high quality product in our stores. Therefore, before making sushi at home, stock up on a sufficient amount of salted, lightly salted or smoked fish.


  • 2 tbsp. Japanese rice;
  • lightly salted red fish (salmon, trout);
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • fetax cheese 150 grams or other soft varieties;
  • 2 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • wasabi sauce;
  • pickled chopped ginger;
  • nori seaweed


  • Rinse the rice in water until it becomes completely clear.
  • After this, boil it as described above.
  • While it is still hot, prepare the dressing. Mix vinegar, sugar, salt and heat the mixture over low heat, stirring thoroughly. Just don't bring it to a boil. When the grains of sugar and salt dissolve, remove from heat.

  • Transfer the rice to a cup. If it is too wet, place it in a colander to remove excess moisture.

  • Pour the sauce over the rice. Stir and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Preparing Other Ingredients

  • While the rice is steeping, cut the cucumber and fish into long slices 1 cm thick.

  • We also cut cheese.

The next step is one of the most important. In fact, rolling rolls is not difficult, you just need a little practice. The main thing is to purchase a special bamboo mat, which is called a makisu. It consists of individual straws reinforced with threads, which allows you to twist tubes of different sizes and shape the finished product at your discretion.

  • So, place a sheet of nori on the makisu with the pimpled side up. Dry seaweed is very fragile, but softens quite quickly, so there is no big problem with rolls twisting.

  • Wet your hands with water, scoop up handfuls of rice and spread evenly over the surface of the seaweed. At the same time, do not forget that on each side of the base you need to leave an empty space of about 1–1.5 cm.

  • Once the rice layer is formed, brush the central part with wasabi sauce. Do not forget that it has a too pungent taste, so you should not overdo it with its quantity. If you don’t want spiciness in your dish, then skip this point.

  • Place the fish, cheese and cucumbers, pre-cut into thin slices, randomly over the entire rice base.

  • Now proceed to twisting, helping yourself with the mat. It should be twisted tightly enough so that no voids form in the layers.
  • Be sure to moisten the edge of the nori with water so that it sticks well.

  • Cut the resulting “sausage” into small pieces with a knife. If everything is done correctly, the rolls will be dense and will not fall apart when served.

Homemade sushi with herring

How else to make sushi at home - the recipes will tell you what variations on this theme you can prepare in your own kitchen. For example, a very tasty Japanese dish can be made from rice and herring.


  • 100 g suitable rice;
  • 100 g salted herring fillet;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • soft cheese;
  • nori sheets;
  • 1 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. sesame seeds.

How to cook deliciously:

  1. Boil the rice. If you can’t get a special one, you can use a regular one. The main thing is not to overcook it on the stove.
  2. While the porridge is warm, pour rice vinegar over it and cool slightly.
  3. At this time, cut the herring fillet into thin slices, and the cucumber with cheese into cubes.
  4. Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, smooth side down. Spread the rice in a thick layer, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and top with slices of herring, cheese and cucumbers.
  5. Use a mat to roll a thick sausage and cut it into individual rolls. You can serve with any sauce to your taste: mayonnaise, soy, wasabi, etc.

By the way, you can prepare sushi not only with various types of fish, but also with any seafood: squid, shrimp, crab sticks. If desired, traditional fish can even be replaced with chicken. The taste will be unusual and very interesting.


  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • olive and sesame oil to taste;
  • 200 g boiled rice;
  • soft cheese;
  • ½ part avocado;
  • fresh cucumber.


  1. Mix olive and sesame oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillet in it until cooked. It should first be cut into several long slices.
  2. Cover a bamboo mat with cling film and place boiled rice on top, seasoned to taste with rice vinegar, in an even layer. Cover the top with a layer of nori.
  3. Place slices of fried chicken and long slices of cucumber and cheese in the middle. Place slabs of peeled and sliced ​​avocado on top.
  4. Roll into a tube. Cut the finished sushi into tiny cubes and serve with any suitable sauce.

On days of diet or fasting, you can prepare a dish completely without fish or meat. The following recipe will tell you how to make lean sushi at home.


  • 2 tbsp. cooked rice;
  • 2 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar;
  • no more than 1 tsp. salt;
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms;
  • nori;
  • 200 g of salad, for example arugula;
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • a couple of pieces of pickled ginger.


  1. Add a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt to the finished, still warm rice.
  2. While it sits, fry the mushrooms in a small portion of vegetable oil. Tear the arugula with your hands.
  3. Place rice in a thin layer on a bamboo mat, top with arugula and mushrooms.
  4. Form a dense sausage and cut it into small rolls.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade sushi (video)

As the latest recipes show, sushi can be made from completely different products. Taking the traditional method as a basis, you can experiment with combinations and shapes. The main thing is that cooking brings pleasure and then the meal will always be a great success.

How to make rolls at home is one of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet. Seeing colorful photographs with shimmering pieces of fish or funny faces of vegetables figuratively wrapped in rice, you want to try your hand at cooking.

Japanese cuisine is popular all over the world. Hollywood stars open restaurants where chefs prepare sushi and rolls. Calorie-conscious people appreciate these dietary products. Let's look at how to make them at home below.

There is no single recipe for making rolls; their fillings, composition and rolling techniques have become too diverse over the past decades. In the classic version, the filling of fish or vegetables is wrapped in rice and then pulled together with seaweed leaves.

Russian chefs offer adapted rolls with seasonal fruits, fried mini cutlets and even lard. In Japan, such fillings are not used, because a product modified in this way loses its position in the list of healthy food dishes.

Choosing ingredients for a future culinary experiment is a pleasant process, but it requires making a decision about the filling. The most impressive look is the assorted set, which contains rolls with fish, caviar and vegetables, therefore, the shopping list will be long.

Sample list:

  • rice for rolls;
  • rice vinegar;
  • salt and sugar;
  • wasabi paste or powder;
  • soy sauce;
  • dry sheets of nori seaweed;
  • pickled or lightly salted fish;
  • flying fish caviar (tobiko) red;
  • crab sticks;
  • soft cream cheese without additives;
  • cucumber and;
  • black and white sesame seeds.

In the East, the most popular cereal is rice. For rolls, it needs a strictly defined grade so that the cereal is not too crumbly after cooking.

Everyone chooses the type of fish depending on their preferences, but eel, salmon and tuna are good options. Flying fish roe and nori sheets can be found in the specialty section of a large supermarket.

Making your own rolls is not difficult. Even the first attempt to make them is guaranteed to end in success. The most dangerous process for a beginner is rolling, since it is desirable to get rolls of the same size and neat shape.

In addition, there are certain requirements for the preparation of products - in particular for cooking rice and making the filling.

To prepare several servings of assorted dishes, you will need 2 cups of Japanese rice for rolls. First, place it in a large bowl and rinse it with cool water several times until the drained water becomes completely clear. Then the rice is placed in a colander and kept there for about an hour. During this time, wash the vegetables and prepare the filling elements.

Fill the rice with cold water, exactly one and a half times its volume, and place the pan on high heat. The rice should boil for five minutes, then reduce the heat and continue cooking until all the water is absorbed. After removing the pan from the heat, keep the finished rice for another quarter of an hour under a closed lid.

After this, the hot rice is laid out in a wide plate and poured over with a sauce made from rice vinegar (3 tablespoons), sugar (2 tablespoons) and salt (1/2 teaspoon), boiled over low heat for five minutes.

The sauce will give the grains additional stickiness, which will prevent the rolls from falling apart.

While the rice is cooling, you can prepare the fish and washed and dried vegetables for the filling.

  1. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts and remove the core and seeds. Only the hard edges are used for filling. Chop them into thin strips, dividing each quarter into another 3-4 parts.
  2. Peel the ripe avocado, remove the pit and cut into slightly larger pieces than the cucumber.
  3. Grate the crab sticks and mix in equal parts with cream cheese.
  4. Cut the fish into long and medium strips.
  5. Lightly moisten the nori sheets with water until they become sticky.
  6. Dilute wasabi powder with water and stir until the consistency of a thick paste.

Now all that remains is to combine the different fillings with rice and nori and roll the rolls. A small flexible bamboo mat will help with this. It can also be found in the sushi and roll products department.

Roll rolling techniques

It is believed that rolls in the form in which they are present in restaurants were invented by an American chef. He figured out how to roll the rolls. The Japanese stored fresh fish in rice in the absence of refrigerators. This way it didn't spoil longer.

The Americans popularized the inexpensive diet food, and it quickly spread throughout the world. Some people prefer rolls wrapped in seaweed, others prefer a more elegant option - with rice on the outside and sprinkled with multi-colored tobiko and sesame seeds.

Internal twist

A sheet of nori soaked in water is cut in half and placed on a bamboo mat. Spread the rice evenly on top, pressing lightly with your hand for density. The filling is placed in the center.

The mat is taken with both hands and carefully bent so that the filling does not fall out, and the edge of the nori sheet is pressed against the mat with your fingers. The roll should not be loose, so you need to adjust the pressure on the mat. At the end, when the nori leaves are connected, wait for some time for them to completely stick together.

External twist

Inside out rolls, or ura-maki sushi, were invented for variety and beauty of serving. By rolling vegetables or fish wrapped in nori, you can get pictures and marks on the cut of the roll, but this art takes a little longer to learn.

Place cooled rice and soaked in vinegar dressing in an even layer on the mat, and place a damp sheet of nori on it. Spread the filling over the sheet and use a mat to make one turn to bring the edges of the rolls together. After allowing the rice to stick together, the tube is cut with the sharpest knife so that it does not deform due to the hard nori.

Since the Americans became the founders of modern rolls, they assigned their own names to the most popular types, for example, “California” and “Philadelphia”.

Below are short master classes on how to make rolls at home. It’s better to start with options with internally rolled vegetables to “fill up” your hand, and only then you can move on to “famous” dishes.

  1. With cucumber. Place a sheet of nori, rice and cucumbers cut into long strips on the mat. Add white sesame seeds for taste. Roll up the tube, divide into separate rolls and sprinkle each with black grains on top.
  2. With salmon, avocado and cucumber. Spread the rice over a sheet of nori, on which place strips of salmon, avocado and cucumber strips. You will need two thin strips of each ingredient. Cut the resulting tube into rolls.
  3. With eel. Place a couple of strips of smoked charcoal and cucumbers on a sheet of nori and rice, sprinkle with sesame seeds and roll up. Decorate the finished rolls with white sesame seeds on top. Next comes the preparation of ura-maki sushi - externally rolled rolls.
  4. "California". Place the rice on the mat and press it into place. Cover it with a sheet of nori. Spread the filling of chopped crab sticks and cream cheese over it. Cover the surface of the rolled but uncut rolls with a layer of red tobiko. Divide the tube into separate rolls.

It is not difficult to prepare Japanese cuisine at home. The main condition for success is the choice of fresh ingredients and proper preparation of rice. After studying the instructions on how to make rolls, there are a few useful tips to remember:

  • rolls should be made in such a size that you don’t have to bite them off;
  • the variety with vegetables is usually slightly thinner than the one with fish;
  • When preparing ura-maki sushi, the mat should be wrapped in several layers of cling film to prevent rice from sticking to it;
  • the most delicious rolls are those combined with smoked or pickled fish and cucumber straws, and sesame seeds give them a piquant flavor;
  • Pickled ginger should be served with the assortment. It helps to overcome the taste of the previous type of rolls;
  • Do not add too large a piece of wasabi paste to the soy sauce socket. It's very spicy. It must be thoroughly stirred with chopsticks, otherwise the resulting lump will disrupt further taste perception.


Nowadays it is fashionable to invent new dishes and treat guests to them. The stores have a huge selection of a wide variety of products, so exotic foods have become available not only in cafes and restaurants.

The question of how to prepare rolls at home can be resolved after visiting the “Everything for Sushi” department. There you can choose the required components of the future assortment: branded soy sauce, mats and stylish flat plates for serving rolls on the table.

Everyone will find their favorite variety. This is why there are so many varieties of rolls. They look great on a wooden board and on china and are suitable as an appetizer or main course. The fish rolls have a delicate and pleasant taste, and a serving of six for lunch is enough to wait until dinner without feeling hungry.

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Until recently, rolls in our country were considered exotic. Now you can buy them literally at every step. Moreover, you can make just one call and after a while the finished sushi will be delivered directly to your home. And, looking at these works of Japanese cuisine, few people think that rolls are not at all difficult to prepare yourself at home.


  • Rice(not steamed) - 1 cup
  • Fresh cucumber- 1 piece
  • Nori sheets— 5-7 pieces
  • Red fish (lightly salted)- 200 grams
  • Processed curd cheese— 100 grams (1 jar)
  • Sesame
  • Rice vinegar- 2 tbsp
  • Sugar- 1 tsp
  • Salt- 0.5 tsp
  • How to cook rice for rolls at home

    1. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to follow the cooking technology. Pour 1 cup of rice into 1.5 cups of cool water, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, (try to open the lid as little as possible, do not stir!) Reduce heat to medium level (closer to minimum) and cook for 5 minutes. Next, reduce the heat to low and leave for another 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid for 15 minutes. The rice for the rolls is ready. It will not boil, will not burn and will be quite sticky.

    . Next, you need to season the rice with a special filling. Pour 1 tbsp into a mug. l rice vinegar.

    3 . Add 1 tsp sugar + half a teaspoon salt. Stir until dissolved.

    . Now pour the rice in a thin layer and mix it with the dressing. It may seem that this amount of filling is not enough, but it is not.

    How to make homemade rolls, option No. 1

    . The mat can be wrapped in cling film, since in this version of preparing homemade rolls, the rice is on the outer layer and can get stuck between the rods of the bamboo mat. If you don't have a mat, use a regular kitchen towel, also wrapped in cling film.

    . Place the nori sheet on the mat, smooth, shiny side down. Depending on the size of the desired rolls, you can cut the sheet in half.

    . Spread the rice in a thin layer over the rough surface of the sheet, leaving a free edge of 1-1.5 cm. To prevent the rice from sticking too much to your hands, moisten your fingers with rice vinegar.

    . Then we carefully take the edges of the nori sheet in the place where there is no rice and turn it over so that the smooth side of the seaweed is on top and the rice is on the bottom.

    . Lay out a thin strip of fresh cucumber. Dense cucumbers do not need to be peeled or seeds removed. Just cut the cucumber into long strips as is.

    . Then place cottage cheese (a substitute for Philadelphia cheese) in a strip near the cucumber.

    . On the other side of the cucumber, place a strip of red fish.

    . We twist the rolls, starting from the edge where there is no rice. Gradually, lifting the mat, roll the nori sheet with the filling into a tight roll. You can give it a round or square shape as desired.

    . Roll the roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces. It is important to cut the rolls beautifully, the knife must be very sharp. You can also pre-lubricate the blade with rice vinegar.

    Rolls at home, option No. 2

    . Place a sheet of nori, smooth side down. Spread the rice by wetting your fingers in the rice vinegar. Leave a free edge of the sheet. On top, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the rice, place strips of cucumber and fish.

    . Roll up the roll.

    . Spread cream cheese on top.

    . Then roll the roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces with a sharp knife.

    Delicious homemade rolls are ready

    Bon appetit!

    What are rolls made from?

    In Japan, making rolls has long been elevated to the level of an art. Every little detail is taken into account here. But real masters are especially careful when choosing products. They should not only be fresh, but also complement each other well, creating a real harmony of taste in the mouth. So before you start making your own rolls, you need to select all the necessary ingredients correctly.


    Not every type of rice is suitable for making rolls. In order not to bother too much, you can simply purchase special varieties of Japanese rice. Now they are sold in the specialized department of almost any chain store. Of course, such a product is not very cheap.

    In fact, regular rice is also suitable for rolls, which costs much less than special rice. The main thing is that the rice is moderately sticky, but not too overcooked. Therefore, the best option is to buy round-grain varieties, and the best of them is ordinary Krasnodar round rice. What you really shouldn't do is buy clear and parboiled rice.


    What we don’t have problems with in our stores is wasabi. True, in our country you can only buy a cheap imitation of this seasoning. Not every Japanese can afford real wasabi even in their homeland. The main components of the imitation are horseradish and mustard, flavored with several other ingredients. It's not exactly wasabi, of course, but it tastes very much like it.

    Just a tip: it’s better to buy the seasoning in powder. This wasabi just needs to be diluted with water and the seasoning is ready. Ready-made wasabi in tubes can also be used for rolls, but the likelihood of them containing various not very healthy preservatives is much higher.

    Rice vinegar

    To make the rolls tasty, you shouldn’t skimp on vinegar. For this dish, it is best to use Japanese rice vinegar, the so-called sou. Unlike our sour and rather hot vinegar, sou has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. Plus, it's not spicy at all.


    An integral ingredient for rolls are sheets of seaweed or, in other words, nori. They are sold in the form of large dark sheets. Their sizes vary, but the most optimal width for such a sheet is considered to be 20 cm or so.

    Ginger and soy sauce

    Rolls, of course, can be made without these two ingredients, but serving them without pickled ginger (gari) and soy sauce is somehow wrong.

    As a rule, rolls are eaten dipped in soy sauce. By and large, there is not much difference which variety of sauces to buy. The main thing is that it is a product of natural fermentation and that it is packaged in glass containers. For everything else, you can completely rely on your taste.

    As for ginger, there is nothing complicated here either. You just need to make sure that the product is fresh. Yes, and one more nuance. Ginger comes in white and pink. For lovers of spicy food, it is better to take pink ginger, while others should take white ginger. Although in reality the taste of ginger does not really matter. After all, it is eaten in order to remove the taste sensations from the just eaten roll before putting the next one in the mouth.

    Some subtleties

    Making rolls has its own subtleties. Professional craftsmen also have their own tricks. But at first you can get by with standard rules, especially since there aren’t very many of them.

    How to cook rice properly

    How to choose rice has already been written above. Now some nuances of preparing and cooking cereals.

    First, you need to wash the rice. First, you just need to fill it with water and shake it a little with your hands to clear it of debris and husks. Even if the rice is clean, the water will still turn milky white. This water must be drained, then again “squeeze” the cereal with massaging movements, add water and repeat the entire operation. You need to do this 5-7 times. This will be quite enough for the water to remain clear after the procedure.

    Rice must be cooked in a fairly deep pan. Water should be poured at the rate of 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water. Cook the cereal over low heat. When the rice has absorbed all the water, the rice should be removed from the heat and left to steep under the lid closed for about 15 minutes. Only after this can the rice for rolls be considered ready.

    Filling and dressing for rolls

    Cooking rice is half the battle. It still needs to be refueled. To make the dressing, mix salt, sugar and vinegar. In this case, the sou (rice vinegar) can be heated a little, then the seasonings will dissolve faster.

    The rice that has not yet cooled down should be placed in a fairly wide container. Gently pour the resulting dressing mixture into the rice in a thin stream over a wooden spatula, stirring constantly with the same spatula. It is advisable to stir the rice with horizontal movements so that each grain is saturated with the dressing mixture. Then cover the container with a paper towel and leave for a while.

    Now you can start filling. Most often, fish is used as such in rolls, which is cut into thin and long slices. If other products are used for the filling, then, as a rule, they also need to be cut into strips.

    How to roll rolls?

    The simplest version of homemade rolls is hoso maki or thin rolls. Of course, to prepare them you need to get a special bamboo mat - makisu.

    First, you need to place the mat on the table and prepare a bowl with a mixture of water and vinegar to wet your hands. Place half a sheet of nori on the mat. Place it with the rough side up. Place four tablespoons of rice on the seaweed. The spoons should be full - heaped. With your hands soaked in water and vinegar, you need to spread the rice over the surface of the nori sheet so that there is a free strip about 10 mm wide on top, and about 5 mm on the bottom. The result should be a layer of rice approximately 7 mm thick.

    There is no point in talking about laying out the filling. It is simply laid out in layers or paths on the rice. But then the most interesting part begins - rolling the roll. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First, you need to align the bottom edge of the nori sheet with the edge of the mat. Holding the filling, lift the makisa and begin to roll the roll blank with forward and upward movements. When the roll is rolled to the end, the edges of the mat should be slightly bent and the roll should be rolled back and forth a little. There is no need to put pressure on him. After this procedure, the workpiece can be considered ready.

    How to cut rolls?

    Cutting rolls into even rolls is also a kind of art. This is best done following the traditions of Japanese roll-making masters. First, you need to moisten the knife with a mixture of water and vinegar. This kind of “lubricant” will allow the knife to pass through rice as if through butter. The prepared roll must be cut first in the middle, and then each part should be divided into three or four equal rolls. That, in fact, is the whole trick.

    Popular roll recipes

    There are incredibly many types of rolls. There are simple recipes, there are complex ones, there are popular ones, and there are unfamiliar ones. In principle, you can make anything at home. It’s better to start with the simplest or, at least, popular varieties.

    Syake maki rolls

    Perhaps these are the simplest rolls that even a child can make in Japan. All they need is rice, nori and salmon prepared according to the recipe described above. Sake maki is incredibly easy to make. To do this, you need to lay rice on half a sheet of nori in a layer 5-7 mm thick, departing from the edge by about 1 cm. In this case, it is meant that not the entire area of ​​the seaweed sheet is filled with rice, but only half of it. A “path” of salmon cut into oblong pieces is laid out in the middle of the layer of rice. After this, the workpiece is rolled into a roll and then cut into 8-16 rolls.

    By the way, you can make rolls with shrimp or crab meat using the same principle. The only caveat is that the peeled shrimp must first be fried in oil for 5 minutes, and then simmered with a small amount of soy sauce (you can add a little sherry) until the liquid has completely evaporated.

    Philadelphia rolls

    Preparing this type of rolls, of course, cannot do without rice, nori and rice vinegar. For the filling you will need the following ingredients:

    • red fish;
    • cucumber;
    • Philadelphia cream cheese (you can use another similar cream cheese).

    There is no point in describing the preparation of rice in this case. This is discussed in sufficient detail in the previous sections.

    Place a sheet of nori divided in half on a bamboo mat and place a thin layer of rice on it (about 4 tablespoons). Using the mat to help yourself, turn the nori over so the rice is facing down and place it back on the mat. Grease the shiny side of the seaweed sheet with Philadelphia cheese, and place thin slices of cucumber on it. After this, you need to roll the roll using the above method.

    Place the roll blank on the edge of the mat, and place a layer of thinly sliced ​​red fish in front of it. The width should correspond to the resulting roll, and the length should be such as to cover the entire rice. Using a mat, “wrap” the roll blank with red fish and roll it lightly.

    It remains to cut the roll first in half, and then each part into another 3 or 4 parts. Philadelphia rolls are ready.

    Rolls "California"

    The birthplace of this type of roll is not Japan, but the United States. In principle, that is why they are called “California”. To prepare them you will need quite a lot of additional ingredients, in addition to rice, vinegar and seaweed leaves:

    • trout;
    • avocado;
    • cucumber;
    • curd cheese;
    • Flying fish roe (tobiko). If you couldn’t find tobiko in the supermarket, you can also take cod or pollock caviar. True, such rolls will taste different from real California.

    The technology for preparing “California” is in many ways similar to that used when working with “Philadelphia”. After all, both types of rolls are turned inside out, i.e. in finished products, nori is located not outside, but inside the mini-roll.

    To begin with, rice is laid out on half a sheet of seaweed. A thin layer of caviar is placed on top of it. Now the sheet of nori with the filling should be turned over with the caviar down, and its smooth surface should be greased with a thin layer of cheese. Next, lay out thin slices of avocado, cucumber and trout. After this, the workpiece can be rolled into a roll, given a more square shape using a mat and cut into 6 or 8 rolls.

    These rolls can be slightly modified by using mayonnaise sauce (preferably Japanese) instead of cheese and crab meat instead of trout or together with it.

    Hot Tempura rolls

    Rolls can be served not only in “raw” form. Even in Japan, this dish is often fried or baked. Rice for such rolls is prepared in the same way as for all other varieties. And besides this, you will also need nori for Tempura:

    • cream cheese;
    • lightly salted salmon or salmon;
    • cucumber;
    • flying fish caviar;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • breadcrumbs.

    Place the rice on the nori and generously spread it with cream cheese. Spread flying fish roe evenly on top and place fish and cucumber cut into strips. Roll the workpiece into a roll.

    Now you need to prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour in a long rectangular container. The last product can be bought, but you can also prepare it yourself. To do this, mix wheat and rice flour, starch, garlic powder, black pepper and baking powder.

    The prepared roll should be dipped in batter, rolled in breading and fried on all sides in vegetable oil heated in a frying pan. Only after this, cut the workpiece into 6 pieces and serve immediately.


    That's all. Of course, there are countless varieties and recipes of rolls in the world. But they are all done according to the principles described above. Well, you can experiment with fillings, adding those ingredients that you like best. Bon appetit!

    Video recipes

    Cooking rolls at home

    How to make rolls at home, step-by-step recipe with photos. Homemade rolls- cooking secrets .Preparing rolls. Rice for rollo in, like wrap the rolls. How to do homemade rolls. Rolls at home conditions with photo. How cook rice for rolls. How to store nori seaweed.

    By popular demand, I am posting a short step-by-step photo recipe for making rolls at home. I want to say that making rolls at home- it's simple, tasty and fast. After I started doing rolls at home myself, I stopped going to like Japanese eateries. Why pay 200-300 rubles for something that I can do without much difficulty at home. I'll give you some tips and recommendations. It takes me a little over an hour to prepare 12-15 servings of rolls, including cooking the rice. For me, preparing rolls at home is much easier than, for example, cooking shawarma at home.

    What you need to buy to make rolls:

    1. Rice for sushi.
    2. Pressed nori seaweed for wrapping rolls.
    3. Rice vinegar.

    There is no need to skimp on rice and seaweed - this is the basis. I always buy Blu Dragon rice, it is quite common in many chain stores. Do not buy excess sheets of nori; nori does not store well once opened. If you have any leftover sheets of nori, store them in an airtight container or plastic bag in a dry, dark place. Nori does not tolerate moisture. Poor quality nori may be difficult to chew.

    You can use many ingredients for the filling, in this recipe we used:

    1. Lightly salted trout, salted in-house.
    2. Crab sticks
    3. Avocado
    4. Cucumber
    5. Philadelphia cheese

    We didn't make it too complicated prepared rolls in the first recipe we prepare only rolls wrapped in nori sheets. In the following recipes we will talk about preparing more complex rolls, such as, Philadelphia roll and etc. Lightly salted trout we do it ourselves. I just love avocado, and I had crab sticks and cucumbers in the refrigerator. I definitely recommend adding Philadelphia cheese to the rolls, it adds a delicate taste to the roll. When it comes to the filling for rolls, you can experiment according to your taste.

    Of course, you can order free delivery of rolls in Moscow, but for me, hand-made rolls taste better. And I am always confident in the quality of the products.

    What else needs to be purchased for the rolls:

    1. Japanese horseradish wasabi
    2. Pickled ginger
    3. Soy sauce.
    4. Chuka seaweed salad

    The list goes on and on: sake, Japanese beer, etc. But wasabi, ginger and soy sauce are a must. If you use kikkoman soy sauce, then take the sauce with a green lid - it is less salty than the one in the photo with a red lid.

    We also can’t do without a bamboo mat. It is needed to wrap the roll into a roll.

    Let's get to the main thing - cook rice for rolls.

    I cook 500 grams of rice - this amount makes 12-15 servings of rolls. If you need less, reduce the amount of rice, water and vinegar proportionally.

    Place the rice for the rolls in a colander and rinse under running cold water.

    Place the rice in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and set aside for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, drain the water.

    Add water to the rice in the proportion of one cup of rice to two cups of water. Place on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cook rice for rolls until ready.

    Filming rice for rolls from the stove and remove to a warm place (under the pillow).

    While the rice is cooking we cook filling for rolls. You need to cut everything into thin strips.

    Cut the trout and crab sticks into strips.

    Peel the cucumber and avocado and also cut into strips.

    Now we need to finish the rice for the rolls. Pour 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a small ladle (this is for 500 grams of raw rice) and add four tablespoons of sugar to the vinegar. Place the saucepan on the fire and stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar in the rice vinegar.

    Let's prepare a tray; in such a tray it is convenient to mix rice with vinegar. We will also need a spatula.

    Place the rice in the tray in an even layer.

    Water evenly rice for rolls with vinegar and sugar and mix the rice with cutting movements of the spatula. We do not stir the rice in the literal sense of the word, but rather cut it with a spatula.

    We are ready for the wrapping process rolls. Rice should be at human body temperature.

    We take out a sheet of nori. One side of the nori sheet is glossy, and the other is rough. Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. You can make smaller rolls, then the nori sheet needs to be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

    Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. Can be done rolls smaller size, then the sheet of nori must be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

    Place a container of warm water next to you and begin to distribute the rice over the nori sheet. Do not put a lot of rice, otherwise it will roll there will be a lot of rice and little filling. The layer of rice should be thin.

    On one side, the rice should cover the sheet to the edge of the nori sheet, on the other hand, leave part of the nori sheet free.

    Place the filling and some Philadelphia on the rice. We put the filling in various combinations, then decide for yourself which one you like best.

    Let's start wrapping roll. Wet the rice-free part of the nori with water. We bend the mat and, little by little, crush the rice with the filling and wrap the roll.

    After wrapping, add roll form and set aside on a plate. Let's move on to the next roll.

    Let's spin rolls until we use up all the rice.

    Now you need to carefully cut rolls. Take the sharpest knife. I recommend cutting the roll in half first, and then cutting the halves into three equal parts.

    Cut into portions roll Place on a plate or dish. Decorate with chukka and ginger and serve the rolls.

    Do not cut all the rolls at once. Not cut rolls cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator. Rolls Stored in the refrigerator for several days, practically without losing taste.

    Making rolls at home is a very real task if you equip yourself with the necessary “tools”. We will need a mat (a special mat for rolling rolls), a sharp knife, cling film, and some products. Having purchased everything you need in advance, you can start making a popular dish.

    We will use a simple recipe for making rolls with the classic combination of fish, cucumber and cream cheese. This filling option can be called the simplest, most common and quite affordable. So, let's find out how to make rolls at home.


    • Short grain rice - 1 cup;
    • water (for cooking rice) - 1.5 cups;
    • dressing for rice - approximately 50 ml;
    • red fish - 150 g;
    • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
    • nori sheets - several pieces;
    • cream cheese - 150 g;
    • green onions (optional) - a few feathers.

    Making rolls at home, recipe with photos

    How to make rolls at home

    1. Any recipe for making rolls begins with cooking the main component - rice. We remind you that the technology for making rice in Japanese cuisine differs from the method we are used to. The washed rice grains are boiled with the lid tightly closed over moderate heat until the moisture has completely evaporated, and after cooking they are necessarily soaked in a special dressing. Detailed instructions are described in the article "".
    2. Next, we proceed directly to the formation of the Japanese dish. To do this, wrap the mat in cling film and cut the nori sheets in half. Spread the rice, which has cooled to room temperature, in a thin layer over the rough surface of the Japanese seaweed. We leave a free space of about 1 cm on one edge, and on the other, on the contrary, we “step” the rice grains beyond the border of the nori sheet. Periodically wet your palms with water to prevent the glutinous rice from sticking to your fingers.
    3. Carefully take the nori by the edge free from rice and turn it over to the other side. Now place several thin slices of cucumber on a smooth surface. Distribute 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cheese. For variety, you can add a feather of green onion to the filling.
    4. We cut the fish into slices, removing all large and small bones. You can prepare rolls at home with salmon, lightly salted salmon, trout and any other red fish - there are no restrictions here. Place several bright fish pieces with the rest of the filling ingredients.
    5. Now we face the most important stage - rolling our workpiece into a tight roll. We start from the edge of the nori where there is no rice. Lift the mat, covering the entire filling with part of the nori sheet, then make another turn. The result should be a monotonous, moderately tight roll. For a beginner in the field of Japanese cuisine, this process may seem complicated, but there is nothing incomprehensible here: it just takes practice.
    6. Use a mat to give the roll the desired shape (round or square), and then cut it into 6 or 8 pieces. It is important to remember that only a sharp knife is suitable for this: it is almost impossible to cut rolls beautifully with a dull blade.
    7. To give the rolls a presentable look, you can use sesame seeds, tobiko caviar and much more. Serve the rolls with soy sauce poured into a small bowl. The Japanese dish will be complemented by pickled ginger and a small portion of spicy Wasabi sauce.
      As you can see, the recipe for making rolls is quite accessible. The main thing here is to practice rolling rolls, but otherwise everything is extremely simple. For variety, experiment with filling and decoration. Enjoy your meal!