How to quickly pickle delicious tomatoes? Brown tomatoes for the winter - recipes for a gourmet menu.

Salted tomatoes have always been popular in our country. There are many recipes for pickling tomatoes for the winter, and every year this process is becoming more and more improved. This product is very tasty and healthy, since its benefits are not killed by vinegar and boiling.

Moreover, salting tomatoes is very beneficial because they can be used as independent dish, they are used as tomato paste, as a dressing for dishes, and delicious pickle many people also like it.

Features of salting tomatoes in a bucket

Canned tomatoes are not as tasty as they are in a barrel or bucket. This is explained by the fact that when canned, vegetables taste the same, but when pickled, tomatoes have a different taste.

Thanks to the fermentation process, tomatoes can be consumed at various stages of their pickling. Initially, they are lightly salted, after which their taste begins to gain momentum, becoming sharper and more vigorous.

Considered very popular cold method preparations. But all housewives have time to make hot brine, and with this method the tomatoes turn out no worse.

In addition, pickled vegetables retain a large amount useful substances than those subjected to heat treatment. In addition, you can salt a large number of tomatoes in a bucket, but such a container takes up little space.

Selection of tomatoes for pickling for the winter

You can salt any variety of tomatoes and any color in a bucket - brown, red, green. You can even use cherry tomatoes, but you will have to take smaller containers for them. Many people use the “Slivka” variety for pickling. These tomatoes are very popular and contain a large amount of dry matter, so they are ideal for any type of processing - pickling, pickling and canning.

You should pay attention to this point - there should be no white core inside the vegetables, otherwise the pickling will not be of such high quality and tasty. It is also necessary to remember that red tomatoes turn out soft, but green ones do not lose their hardness even in the last stages of salting, and they will taste no worse than brown or red ones.

The basic rule is cannot be mixed all types of tomatoes in one container. If during preservation it looks interesting and beautiful, and the difference in taste will be practically unnoticeable, then with pickling the situation is the opposite.

Brown, red and green tomatoes have different times preparations. The end result of this salting is very strange, and the difference in taste is too noticeable.

Recipe for cold pickling tomatoes in a bucket

It is quite difficult to catch the line separating fermentation and pickling. Salting is the storage of food in a salty solution, and fermentation is something between preservation and pickling, carried out using biological acids.

A large number of recipes have signs of both fermentation and pickling, so there is no fundamental difference in preparing tomatoes in these ways.

For this recipe you will need:

  • tomatoes (their quantity is determined based on how many vegetables can fit in the bucket);
  • sugar (for 3 kg of tomatoes 1 tbsp is needed);
  • salt (use 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water);
  • greenery;
  • chilli;
  • head of garlic;
  • peppercorns.

Peppers and tomatoes are washed under running water, putting aside overripe ones or crushed vegetables. It is not recommended to salt them, but for adjika or ketchup it is perfect product. As greens you can use dill, parsley, celery, cherry leaves, bay leaves, horseradish, currant leaves.

Greens, except leaves, are chopped very finely and put on the bottom of the bucket, closing it completely. Add bay leaves, black peas and allspice. Cut the chili pepper into pieces.

Start preparing the brine. A bucket with a volume of 10 liters will require about 5 liters of brine. Required amount salts are dissolved in water and poured into a bucket. Place a wooden circle on top, apply pressure and cover with a napkin.

The tomatoes should stand for several days at room temperature so that the fermentation process occurs, after which the bucket is put away in a cold place.

A simple recipe for pickling green tomatoes in a bucket for the winter

For this recipe take:

To prepare the brine, take two glasses of salt per 10 liters of water, a glass mustard powder, sugar and 12 Aspirin tablets. Cherry and currant leaves, and after 10 minutes they should be removed. Salt and sugar are added to the liquid, and as soon as the water has cooled, mustard powder is poured into it.

Peel the horseradish roots and cut into cubes. Peppers, herbs and garlic cloves are placed at the bottom of the bucket. Then add tomatoes, and to add salting spicy taste, on top of them sprinkle with pieces of horseradish and garlic.

Pour the cooled brine over the tomatoes, cover the bucket with a lid and send it to a cool place. To prevent them from floating up, put it on the lid oppression should be installed. After two weeks you can take a sample. Thanks to this recipe, the tomatoes turn out incredibly tasty.

The benefits of tomatoes pickled in a bucket

It may seem strange to many, but tomatoes pickled in a bucket are considered a very healthy product. Their benefits for relieving a hangover are invaluable. They also help with other diseases. The lycopene they contain reduces the likelihood of developing cervical, prostate and pancreatic cancer.

Salted tomatoes contain: useful material, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine, magnesium, boron, calcium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc. When salted, everything is preserved useful elements like fresh tomatoes. Quercetin contained in the vegetable is a natural antibiotic.

To prevent pickled tomatoes from losing their benefits in winter, you should not use any marinades when pickling, and only natural products : herbs, spices, sea ​​salt, mustard, hot pepper.

Thus, to pickle green, red or brown tomatoes in a bucket, you need adhere to certain recommendations. There are many recipes that make wonderful tomatoes that both adults and children enjoy eating in winter.

Pickling vegetables has always been the best way prepare them for future use. Thanks to the large amount of salt and lactic acid, vegetables are well stored long time, because it is salt that kills many putrefactive bacteria, due to which vegetables are normal conditions spoil.

Almost any vegetables can be salted: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes.

The technology for pickling some vegetables - for example, cucumbers and tomatoes - is almost the same. But there are some features that housewives should be aware of.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Plum-shaped tomatoes are best suited for pickling - such as Fakel, Humbert, New Transnistria, De Barao, Mayak, Titan, Volgogradsky, Ermak, Gribovsky, Bison. These tomatoes have a thick skin, they are fleshy and are not so deformed when salted.
  • From ripe tomatoes products are obtained excellent quality, but they are often deformed during the salting process, so such tomatoes must be handled very carefully.
  • Pickles from tomatoes of pink ripeness and blanzhevoy are not damaged during pickling and in finished form they turn out very tasty. Green tomatoes, as well as fruits of milky ripeness, are often salted.
  • Unlike cucumbers, which can be pickled in large barrels, it is advisable to pickle tomatoes in a small container. In it they will not crumple under their own weight. That's why the best container for pickling tomatoes are glass jars capacity from 3 to 10 liters.
  • The technology for pickling tomatoes is the same as for cucumbers. But due to the fact that tomatoes contain more sugar, a little more salt is required for pickling them. For ripe tomatoes, prepare brine at the rate of 500-700 g of salt per 10 liters of water. For brown and green tomatoes For 10 liters of water take 600-800 g of salt.
  • Calculating the amount of tomatoes and brine is easy. When the tomatoes are packed tightly into the jar, half of its volume remains for brine. For example, in liter jar 500-600 g of tomatoes and 500 ml of brine are placed, 1.5 kg of tomatoes and 1.5 liters of brine are placed in a three-liter jar. Of course, there may be an error of 100 ml or 100 g in one direction or the other. It all depends on the size of the tomatoes and the packing density.
  • Tomatoes have a pronounced taste and aroma, so for pickling them spicy herbs it takes half as much as for cucumbers. The most commonly used are dill, garlic, red pepper, leaves black currant, celery, parsley, tarragon. Along with this greenery, cherry or oak leaves, rich in tannins, are added. Thanks to them, the tomatoes are strong and elastic.
  • Tomatoes, especially unripe ones, contain solanine, so fermentation proceeds more slowly than that of cucumbers, and at a temperature of 15-20° it ends in about 2 weeks.
  • Recipes salted tomatoes a lot of. They can be spicy, non-spicy, with sweet pepper, garlic, with cherry and blackcurrant leaves. They are salted in tomato juice, with mustard, cinnamon and even sugar.
  • Salted tomatoes are stored in glass jars in a room with an air temperature of 0 to 2°. Tomatoes are ready in about 1-1.5 months.

Salted tomatoes in jars: classic

  • red tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • red pepper - pod;
  • black currant leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • green dill – 50 g;
  • celery, parsley, tarragon – 15 g.

For the brine:

  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 50-60 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare clean jars.
  • Make the brine. For this purpose in Not large quantities hot water dissolve the salt. Mix with the rest cold water. After the brine has settled, strain it through a linen cloth.
  • For pickling, select strong red or pink tomatoes one size. Wash thoroughly in a basin, changing the water several times, or under the tap. Remove the stems.
  • Wash all greens well. Let the water drain.
  • Place 1/3 of all the greens at the bottom of the jar. Place the tomatoes tightly, layering with spices, being careful not to crush them.
  • Fill with brine. Place the jars in a room with an air temperature of 15-20°. Close nylon covers. Leave for 2 weeks. During this time, lactic acid fermentation will occur: the brine will become cloudy, part of it will be absorbed into the tomatoes.
  • Free the surface of the tomatoes from mold and foam. Add fresh saline solution up to the neck of the jars.
  • Seal the jars hermetically with sterile lids and put them in a cold room or put them in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes with garlic, mild in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • horseradish root – 20 g;
  • garlic – 150 g;
  • tarragon – 25 g;
  • hot pepper - several small pods according to the number of jars.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 400 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. Dissolve the salt in the water, let the brine settle. Strain.
  • Select strong tomatoes. Wash in cold water. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic and rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half.
  • Peel the horseradish root and wash under running water. Cut into slices. Wash the greens and peppers.
  • Place the tomatoes tightly in the jars, layering with herbs and spices. Place one pepper in each jar.
  • Fill with brine and close with nylon lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days.
  • Then remove any mold or foam from the surface of the tomatoes. Add fresh brine to the jars. Roll up hermetically or close with regular lids and lower into the cellar.

Note: To make the tomatoes spicy, increase the amount of horseradish, and put the peppers in the jars in cut form. It is recommended to put dill in these tomatoes: for 10 kg of tomatoes you will need 200 g of dill. For 8 liters of water, take 600 g of salt.

Salted tomatoes with sweet peppers in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • garlic – 30 g;
  • dill greens – 150 g;
  • sweet capsicum – 250 g;
  • hot pepper - several small pods according to the number of jars.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Make the brine. Dissolve salt in water. Let the brine settle, then filter it through a cloth.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Select ripe, firm tomatoes. Wash. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic and wash it.
  • Wash the bell pepper, cut in half, remove the seeds. Cut the halves into long slices. Rinse the dill with cold water.
  • Place tomatoes in jars, layering with herbs, garlic and pepper slices.
  • Fill with brine. Leave for 10-12 days in a warm (up to 20°) place.
  • After lactic acid fermentation is complete, remove foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Fill the jars with new brine. Close the lids and put them in the cellar. Or seal it tightly.

Salted tomatoes in tomato juice in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • black currant leaves – 250 g;
  • tomato puree – 10 kg;
  • salt – 300 g;
  • dry mustard – 1 tsp.

Method of use

  • Select strong ones ripe tomatoes. Wash well and remove stems.
  • Prepare the tomato mass. To do this, take overripe, cracked tomatoes. Wash them. Twist through a meat grinder. If you want puree without skin and seeds, rub it through a sieve.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Wash the greens.
  • Mix salt with mustard.
  • Place currant leaves at the bottom of the jars. Place a layer of tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt mixture. Add currant leaves again. Place tomatoes on them. When you fill half the jar, pour the tomato mixture over the tomatoes. Repeat layers with leaf, tomatoes, salt.
  • Cover the top layer of tomatoes with currant leaves. Fill the jar to the top with tomato mixture.
  • Close the jars with lids and leave for 6 days at an air temperature of 15-20°. Then top up the jars with tomato. Close with nylon lids. Store in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes with cinnamon in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • bay leaf – 5 g;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 tsp.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. To do this, dissolve salt in water. When the brine has settled, strain it.
  • Select red, firm tomatoes. Wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars, but do not crush them. Place a bay leaf and cinnamon into each jar, distributing equally among the entire number of tomatoes.
  • Fill with brine. Close with nylon lids. Leave for 10-12 days in a room at an air temperature of 15-20°.
  • After this time, remove foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Top up the jars with freshly prepared saline solution. Store in a cool place.

Green salted tomatoes in jars


  • green tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • dill greens – 200 g;
  • black currant leaves – 100 g;
  • sugar – 200 g.

For the brine:

  • water – 5 l;
  • salt – 250 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. When it has settled, strain.
  • Select green tomatoes and wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Wash the greens.
  • Drop the tomatoes in small batches into boiling water and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Cool quickly under running water. You can do without heat treatment, but in this case the tomatoes will be a bit harsh.
  • Place cold tomatoes tightly in clean jars, topping with herbs. Pour sugar into each jar.
  • Fill with brine. Leave in a warm place to ferment for 6-7 days. Add fresh brine. Close with nylon lids. Store in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice in jars


  • red tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • currant leaves – 30-40 pcs.;
  • tomato mass – 10 kg;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash the ripe tomatoes and remove the stems.
  • Rinse freshly picked currant leaves in clean water.
  • Place currant leaves at the bottom of clean jars. Place the tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt. Add currant leaves again, then tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt again. Fill all the jars this way.
  • Prepare tomato mass from overripe tomatoes, which you first wash in cold water. Pour it over the tomatoes.
  • Close the jars with lids and keep them indoors at 15-20° for about 6-7 days. When fermentation is over, transfer to a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes with cloves in jars

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • black pepper – 5 peas;
  • allspice – 2 peas;
  • cloves – 2-3 buds;
  • cherry and black currant leaves - 3 leaves each;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tsp;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves.

For the brine:

  • water – 2 l;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

Cooking method

  • For pickling, select red ripe plum-shaped tomatoes with thick skin. Wash thoroughly. Remove the stems.
  • Rinse dill, parsley, cherry and currant leaves in plenty of cold water.
  • Peel the garlic and wash it. Wash the pepper pods and cut off the dried part of the stalk. Do not damage the flesh, otherwise the tomatoes will turn out spicy.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Place some of the spices at the bottom of each jar. Then fill the jars with tomatoes. Place pepper between the fruits. Cover the top layer of tomatoes with herbs. Sprinkle mustard seeds.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bay leaf. Boil the brine for 5 minutes. Remove it from the stove and cool.
  • Pour cold brine over the tomatoes. Cover with plastic lids.
  • Place the jars in a cool place for 3 weeks.

Note to the hostess

You can change any of these recipes to your taste by using instead of one spice plant other. But do not reduce the amount of salt, otherwise the tomatoes may turn sour. Also, do not neglect the rules of sanitation. By fulfilling all the requirements, you will end up with delicious salted tomatoes.

It is better to salt fruits of different ripeness separately. Select small or medium-sized tomatoes with thick skin and fleshy, elastic flesh. Salt red fruits on the day of harvesting, and leave green and unripe fruits to soak for 2-3 days in a cool place until pickling. You can salt in barrels with a capacity of 25-30 liters (ripe fruits) to 100-150 liters (green and unripe) and glass jars (3-10 liters).

Salting in a barrel (recipe by A.V. Mokhova from the Moscow region). Before salting, thoroughly wash the barrel (tub), scrape it, and steam it. Sort the tomatoes, wash them and place them in rows in a barrel. Browned tomatoes of approximately the same size are suitable for pickling. Consumption per 10 kg of fruit: 150 g of dill, 100 - blackcurrant leaf, 5 - pepper, 50 - horseradish, 100 - garlic. Pour the tomatoes with brine prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of salt per 1 liter of water. Cover the barrel with a circle, and put pressure on top.

Salting in jars. When salting in glass jars, it is recommended to sterilize them before sealing in boiling water. However, many culinary gardeners use a simpler, but equally reliable way: a heated jar with tomatoes and spices is poured with boiling brine (for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon granulated sugar), cover with a boiled lid and let stand for 3-4 minutes. Then the brine is carefully poured into the pan, boiled again, poured over the tomatoes again and the jar is covered with a lid again. And so 3 times. After the third pour, roll up the metal lid and, after tilting the jar, check whether it is well sealed.

Dry pickled tomatoes(recipe by A.I. Kislotoy from Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka). Take ripe raspberry-colored fruits. For 10 kg of fruit you will need 200 g of salt, 2 heads of garlic, 100-200 g of horseradish roots and dill seeds. Place salt and dill seeds in a layer of 0.2-0.3 cm at the bottom of the container. Using a pointed match, make 2-3 punctures on the tomatoes at the point where the stalk is attached. Place the fruits in layers so that the small depressions (pits) in the places where the stalk is attached are at the top. Pour salt into the holes. After every 2-3 layers of fruit, add cut cloves of garlic and pieces of horseradish. After filling the container, place a circle and a bend on the tomatoes. He must squeeze the juice out of the fruits, but not crush them. Bend the top and cover the container with a cloth smeared with raw mustard. Every 2 months, wash the fabric and lubricate it with mustard again. Store such pickles in the cellar; if necessary, fill the container not immediately, but in several stages as the product arrives. The fruits disappear within a month, and before that they remain lightly salted. Ready salted fruits taste like soaked apples.

Dry pickled tomatoes (quick cooking). Prepare a mixture of salt, pepper, chopped garlic and green dill (to taste). Cut off the tops of the tomatoes (in the place where the stalk is). Set this cap aside for now. Sprinkle 0.5-1 teaspoon of the prepared mixture onto the cut and cover with a lid. Place the fruits in a glass bowl in layers - one on top of the other - and place in the refrigerator. You can eat every other day.

Pickling with mustard(recipe by Z.F. Shashkova from the Tula region). Select unripe (pink and brown) tomatoes, wash them and place them in a barrel, buckets or glass jars. Cover the bottom of the container with blackcurrant leaves and layer the rows of tomato fruits with them, fill the workpiece with brine. To prepare the brine, add 2 cups of salt, 15 bay leaves, and 1 teaspoon of mashed allspice and hot pepper to a bucket of water. Boil all this and, after cooling, add 100 g of dry mustard. Stir the brine, let it settle and pour into containers. Cover the pickling in the barrel with a clean cloth, make a circle and put pressure on top, and close the jars with nylon lids.

Cold poured tomatoes(recipe by E. Sereda from Poltava region). Place tomatoes at the stage of incomplete ripeness in three liter jars, sprinkle them with spices (dill umbrella, several blackcurrant leaves, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a sprig of lemongrass). Dilute the salt in cold water (2 level tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Pour cold brine over the tomatoes, cover the jars with lids and leave them in the room for three days. After fermentation ends, the brine becomes clear.

Pickling tomatoes is a great way to prepare homemade winter period. There are many variety of options salting tomatoes, where vinegar acts as a preservative in addition to salt, lemon acid, even an aspirin tablet. The salting procedure can be carried out using the hot or cold method.

Surely you have favorite recipe, how to pickle tomatoes, but there comes a time when you want a variety of flavors. Below are presented to your attention best options pickling tomatoes.

The right tomatoes for pickling

In order for canned tomatoes to delight you with their taste and elastic texture in winter, you need to choose the right varieties for pickling. Elongated, oblong-shaped fruits with hard, dense pulp are ideal. You can salt red ones, but it is better to choose brown (slightly unripe) tomatoes. These salted tomatoes in jars for the winter look beautiful and appetizing, have the right texture, and a memorable taste.

The following spices are usually chosen for pickling:

  • seeds, umbrellas, dill;
  • garlic cloves;
  • mustard seeds;
  • leaves of parsley, cherry, black currant;
  • bay leaves;
  • hot pepper (peas, fresh rings);
  • peeled horseradish root/leaves.

Spices are not put into the jar all at once, but in certain combinations. For example, amateurs add horseradish to jars pungent taste salty tomatoes, and currant leaves have a sweet-spicy aroma.

If you are going to pickle green tomatoes, their variety and shape are not as important as their size: you should choose small-sized fruits.

Principles of salting for the winter

The process of salting vegetables in barrels and jars compared to pickling is considered more in a useful way preserving them for winter use. Boiling water and vinegar used in marinades have a destructive effect on vitamin composition tomatoes. Cold salting (fermentation) preserves their benefits and increases them due to the formation of enzymes necessary for good digestion. That's why salted tomato will serve as an excellent addition to “heavy” meat and fried foods.

Vegetables and spices that go into jars for pickling must be clean - this is the key to the success of preservation.

Tomatoes should be thoroughly washed with water and inspected for defects. Vegetables with a damaged surface cannot be harvested for the winter, but they can be used for quick salting.

The jars that will be used for pickling tomatoes must be sterilized with steam (can be done in a double boiler, oven, or microwave). Metal lids are also subject to mandatory processing (boiling).

If you are going to use a cold salting method, then it is enough to clean the containers and plastic lids with baking soda.

Garlic and horseradish must be thoroughly peeled and washed. Leaves and greens should be sorted from debris, twigs, damaged parts, and rinsed with clean water.

Quick salting of tomatoes

When the harvesting season is just beginning, before salting tomatoes in jars for the winter, a recipe for quick salting is popular in many families. Lightly salted tomatoes stuffed with spices are cooked in brine for 24 hours; they are tasty as an accompaniment to barbecue, as an appetizer, and are usually eaten faster than they are cooked.

Lightly salted stuffed tomatoes

You will need red fleshy tomatoes the size of an egg. Cut them into halves with a knife or crosswise, cutting them to the end (it is convenient to use a bread knife). Place the filling of chopped garlic, parsley, and dill into the resulting gaps.

At the bottom of any convenient container, generously place dill umbrellas, sprinkle mustard seeds, add currant leaves, horseradish, pepper, and bay leaves.

Fill stuffed tomatoes brine (stir 1 tablespoon of salt without iodine, sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard powder into 1 liter of boiled, cooled water), press down on top with pressure. Wait one day and you can take a sample. These quick salted tomatoes are stored in a cool place for 5 days.

Salty aromatic tomatoes

By choosing this recipe you will get sweet-spicy salted tomatoes with aroma roasted peppers. You will need: a bucket of medium red tomatoes (each needs to be pierced with a fork), 5 sweet peppers, for connoisseurs of spicy taste - 1 hot pepper, a couple of heads of garlic, currant leaves, horseradish root, dill (seeds or umbrellas), oil (favorite vegetable) for frying peppers, salt.

Fry the coarsely chopped peppers in oil until soft, cool. Divide the spices in half, spread the first part along the bottom of the bucket, place half the tomato on top, then put the peppers on them and pour out the oil, from frying, lay out the second part of the spices, add the tomatoes to the top of the bucket. Close the lid.

A day later, prepare the brine (5 tbsp salt, 3 l clean water), fill a bucket with tomatoes, pick up pressure, put the bucket in the kitchen. After 5 days, the fragrant tomatoes are ready quickly. Keep cool.

Cold barrel salting

Using a similar technology to lightly salted tomatoes, you can prepare real salted tomatoes for the winter. Pickling recipes are usually simple, and the results exceed expectations.

Pickled tomatoes

Place a pinch of dill seeds at the bottom of dry jars (3 liters) washed with soda or scalded with boiling water. bay leaf, a few peppercorns. Place the tomatoes quite closely, choosing fruits with hard flesh and thick skin. Pour 1 tbsp into jars. salt (without iodine, always coarse), 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 full tbsp. dry mustard powder. Pour, cover upper layer, cooled down boiled water, cover with washed plastic lids, placed in the cold for 2 months. The tomatoes will ferment, acquire a harsh, slightly carbonated taste, and become barrel-like. Tomatoes salted in this way should be stored in the cellar/refrigerator.

For lovers aromatic spices in pickles you will like the following recipe.

Salted tomatoes

For the preparation you will need dense red or yellow tomatoes, tender currant leaves, cherries, horseradish root/leaves, cloves young garlic, pepper, dill, mustard (dry), sugar, salt.

It is recommended to start filling jars with leaves, dill, and spices. In a 3 liter jar it is enough to put a small amount young leaf currants, cherries, dill seeds/umbrella, peeled root, half a horseradish leaf, about 4 medium cloves of young garlic, 5 peppercorns. Place the tomatoes evenly on top of the spices. Pour 2 tbsp. l. sugar, coarse salt, dry mustard. Fill the jars with clean water (tap or bottled) and close with a plastic lid. Turn the jar over to dissolve the salt and sugar. Pickling tomatoes for the winter can a priori be considered the main event of August, and the first sample is taken in October. Tomatoes salted using this option are perfectly kept cool until spring.

Unusual salting option

Those choosing how to pickle tomatoes in an unusual way you will like this method of cooking, when the tomatoes practically retain their original fresh taste and can be used simply in food and in the preparation of other dishes.

"Juicy" tomatoes

You will need tomatoes and salt. Jars and metal lids should be sterilized before sealing.

Place ripe tomatoes with a diameter of 5-7 cm into a boiling pan of water, a few at a time, hold for a couple of minutes, and remove to a bowl of cold, clean water. Remove the skin from blanched tomatoes, put them in a 5 liter saucepan, add a whole tbsp. salt (without iodine, coarse), without water, put on gas. From the moment of boiling, wait 5 minutes. Juice will be released. Mix very carefully and continue cooking for 5 minutes. We carefully pack the tomatoes into sterilized jars, filling them one at a time, pouring the boiling juice that has been released, rolling them up, and covering them until they cool.

Salted tomatoes according to the hot salting recipe deserve attention; they can be offered to small children. There is no vinegar, only tomatoes and salt.

Simple salted tomatoes

Any ripe red or yellow tomatoes will do. Large tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Place in jars (1 liter is convenient). Add 1 tsp. with a slide of salt and water to the top. Filled jars must be sterilized (lay a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars inside. Make sure they do not reach the walls of the pan or touch each other. Carefully pour water along the wall of the pan so that it reaches ¾ of the height of the jars, put the pan on gas You need to start counting the sterilization time after the water boils in the pan: 15 minutes for cans with a capacity of 1 liter). Roll up the lids (sterile), turn them over, and be sure to wrap them up. Keep cool.

Pickling green tomatoes

Weather conditions are such that all the tomatoes never have time to ripen before frost sets in. In this case, thrifty housewives will be helped out by recipes on how to pickle green tomatoes. It is important to remember that only medium and large green fruits can be pickled.

Spicy green tomatoes

If you have a medium sized bucket of green tomatoes you should have: 7 heads of garlic, pods hot pepper(adjust the spiciness to taste), a large bunch of parsley, salt. Make a side cut in each vegetable. Prepare the filling: chop and mix garlic, parsley, pepper.

Stuff the tomatoes with this mixture. Place the remaining filling on the bottom of the pickling bucket and tightly stuffed green tomatoes on top. Fill the container with brine (3 l drinking water boil, add 6 tbsp. salt, cool). Place under light pressure. After a week, transfer the tomatoes to washed jars, use the resulting brine for filling, close simple lids, hide in the cellar.

Be patient and wait the month required to salt the green tomatoes. You can eat such fruits right away, but their taste will become rich and full after a month.

There is a simpler recipe for tomatoes, picked green, in jars for the winter.

Green salted tomatoes

Prick medium green tomatoes in 3 places with a toothpick. In 3 liter jars: dill seeds, currant leaves, horseradish, rings hot pepper. Arrange the tomatoes, top with parsley, dill, and sprinkle with chopped garlic cloves. Add 3 tbsp. salt (iodine-free, coarse), 1 tbsp. dry mustard powder.

Fill the jars with cold water and seal with plastic lids. Twist the jars in your hands to dissolve the salt. Refrigerate. You can appreciate the taste of pickled green tomatoes after a couple of months.

The existing variety of recipes for preparing tomatoes (ripe and green) for the winter will allow the housewife to choose the most delicious ways pickling tomatoes to please your household in winter with natural and healthy products. Recipes for making salted tomatoes are often quite simple and do not require special cooking skills. Important condition preservation by salting barrels/buckets/jars without adding acetic, citric, acetylsalicylic acid - storage finished products in the cold.

Recipes for pickling tomatoes. Recipes for salted tomatoes with garlic and seasonings.

Salted tomatoes


2 kg tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 2 liters of water.


Prepare a brine from sugar, salt and water. Wash the tomatoes, place them tightly in a bucket, fill them with brine, cover them with linen cloth, and put pressure on top. Place the bucket of tomatoes in a cool place. After 10-12 days, the tomatoes are ready to eat.

Salted tomatoes


2 kg ripe tomatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 liter of water.


Wash the tomatoes, place them in rows in a wooden tub or bucket, gently shake it several times so that the tomatoes lie more tightly. Prepare a brine from salt and water, pour it over the tomatoes. Cover the vegetables with linen cloth and press down. After 10-12 days, the tomatoes are ready to eat.

Tomatoes salted with garlic and lemon balm


2 kg of ripe tomatoes, 2-3 heads of garlic, 1 large bunch of lemon balm, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 liter of water.


Wash and peel the garlic. Rinse the lemon balm. To the bottom wooden tub add a layer of lemon balm and garlic, then lay out the tomatoes in rows. Gently shake the tub several times so that the vegetables lie more tightly. Prepare a brine from salt and water, pour it over the tomatoes. Cover the vegetables with linen cloth and press down. After 10-12 days, tomatoes, salted with garlic and lemon balm, are ready to eat.

Tomatoes salted with garlic and horseradish


2 kg of ripe tomatoes, 2-3 heads of garlic, 1 large bunch of parsley, 5-6 parsley roots, 1 tbsp. spoon of dill seeds, 2 horseradish roots, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 liter of water.


Wash and peel the garlic. Peel and wash the parsley roots. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Peel the horseradish roots and cut into cubes. Place a layer of garlic, horseradish, parsley roots, and dill seeds on the bottom of a wooden tub. Then lay out the tomatoes in rows, sprinkling them with parsley. Gently shake the tub several times so that the vegetables lie more tightly. Prepare a brine from salt and water, pour it over the vegetables. Cover the vegetables with linen cloth and press down. After 10-12 days, tomatoes, salted with garlic and horseradish, are ready to eat.