Yogurt cream for sponge cakes. Yogurt cream for cake

Light yogurt cream is great for layering layers in a cake and greasing surfaces. This cream is low-calorie if low-fat yogurt is used, so it can be used by people watching their figure. The cream turns out soft and creamy.

The light texture of the sponge cake goes perfectly with the yogurt layer. This cake comes out airy and well soaked. The cream does not “clog” the light texture of the cakes, but complements it with its creamy flavor. If desired, you can use yogurt without fillers or sweet yogurt with pieces of fruit and berries.



  1. Any low-fat yogurt - 400 milliliters.
  2. Boiled cold water – ¾ cup.
  3. Gelatin powder - 1.5 heaped tablespoons.
  4. Berry or fruit syrup (you can use liquid jam) – 90 grams.

Cooking process

Everything is done very quickly:

  1. Pour gelatin with water, stir and leave to infuse for 20 minutes (see instructions on the package).
  2. Transfer the swollen gelatin into a saucepan, add syrup and place on the lowest heat.
  3. Heat, stirring regularly, until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Pour gelatin cooled to 40 degrees into yogurt and whisk with a whisk.
  5. Pour over the cake mixture and leave for 2 hours at room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.

Curd and yoghurt cream

You can enrich the light cream made from natural yogurt and make it even more healthy, especially for children, by adding cottage cheese. Such a layer in homemade cakes turns out to be elastic, dense, holds its shape well, and therefore can be used even in fairly dense products, for example, shortbread.


Take these components:

  1. Non-drinkable yogurt – 400 milliliters.
  2. Homemade fat cottage cheese – half a kilo.
  3. 20 grams of powdered gelatin.
  4. Sugar – 120 grams.
  5. Water (or juice if desired) – 120 milliliters.

Cooking process

Let's start:

  1. Pour gelatin with juice or water until completely swollen (30–40 minutes).
  2. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve, optimally twice. Add yogurt and grind the mixture one more time.
  3. Melt the gelatin over a steamer and grind it so that there are no lumps.
  4. Enrich yogurt with cottage cheese with sugar and beat.
  5. Directly during the beating process, add melted gelatin, pouring it in a stream.
  6. Place in the cold until the mixture hardens slightly. After this, it can be applied to the cakes. If the cake is made in a springform pan, pour the mixture onto the base and refrigerate overnight. For complete hardening you will need at least 4 hours depending on the thickness of the layer.

Creamy yoghurt cream

Yogurt cream with cream is an airy, soft-creamy, shiny and snow-white mass that goes perfectly with sponge cakes, a base made with sour cream or condensed milk, and can also serve as a decoration for the finished dessert. You can color the layer using fruit or berry juice or add pieces during the cooking process.


You will need the following products:

  1. 100 grams of powdered sugar.
  2. 350 milliliters of yogurt.
  3. Vanilla (sugar) packet.
  4. Gelatin – 60 grams.
  5. Water – 150 grams.
  6. Cream 35 percent - one glass.

Cooking process

Prepare from chilled ingredients:

  1. Soak gelatin in water (150 milliliters).
  2. Mix plain yogurt, vanilla and powdered sugar in a mixer bowl.
  3. As soon as it swells, heat the gelatin and melt it, never bringing it to a boil.
  4. Cool it a little and pour it down the side into the yogurt mixture.
  5. Whip the cream until foamy, spoon it into the main mixture.
  6. Beat everything with a blender for about 3 minutes.
  7. Use the cream immediately or refrigerate it before decorating the cake.

Yogurt cream for cake without gelatin

The cream without the use of gelatin is more delicate, its texture is soft and loose. This cream is very delicate and requires careful handling - long-term hardening in the cold, careful cutting of the cake. But the taste of yogurt cream without gelatin is worth the effort spent on preparing it.


Prepare the following products:

  1. Regular sugar-free yogurt – 270 grams.
  2. Sour cream (20–25%) – 350 milliliters.
  3. One glass of powdered sugar.
  4. Vanilla – 1–2 pieces.

Cooking process

Everything will take you no more than 10 minutes:

  1. Beat the sour cream until it resembles butter.
  2. Add powder and beat again.
  3. Mix yogurt with vanilla and add this mixture in parts, without ceasing to work with the mixer, into the sour cream base.
  4. If the cream comes out completely liquid, you can add a packet of cream thickener.
  5. Immediately layer the cake layers with the prepared mixture. You can also use it to decorate the surface of the product by leveling it with a knife.

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An integral part of any cake is cream, which complements the dessert and makes its taste complete. Recently, yoghurt delicacy has become increasingly popular, which has not only a delicate consistency and a piquant sour-milk flavor, but also a lot of useful properties. The bacteria contained in yogurt have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, metabolism, and the digestive system. After reading the simple recipes for this cream, you can pamper your loved ones with a delicious cake during evening tea.

How to make yogurt cream

The technology for preparing yoghurt cream is simple, but to make the treat tasty, you need to take into account some subtleties:

  1. You should not use yogurt with a low fat content; there is a possibility that the cream will turn out very liquid and the cake will not hold its shape. Choose products with an indicator of at least 5-8%. Drinking water will not work.
  2. If you prepare a fermented milk product yourself, use milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%.
  3. For the cream used in recipes, also buy heavy cream (about 30%), be sure to cool it before whipping.
  4. Cooks use gelatin and sometimes agar-agar as a thickener for cream.
  5. To make the mixture fluffier, sift the powdered sugar before adding to the yogurt. Beat these ingredients for at least 7-10 minutes with a mixer at medium speed.
  6. If desired, the cream can be tinted with natural food coloring and flavorings can be added to it.
  7. For additional aroma and taste, confectioners add fruit juices, jams, preserves, pieces of fruit, cocoa and even alcohol to the cream.
  8. If you are soaking the cakes, spread the cream immediately using a springform pan. If you want the cake to turn out tall and keep its shape, cool the yogurt mixture in the refrigerator, and only then grease the cakes with it.
  9. From the dishes and utensils you will need: a mixer (whisk, blender), a sieve, a deep bowl, small containers, a non-stick pan, a silicone cooking spatula, a tablespoon, measuring and regular (250 ml) glasses, kitchen scales.

Yogurt cream recipe for cake

The process of preparing yoghurt cream is simple and does not take much time, which housewives really like. Another advantage of this delicacy over other types of sandwiches is its low calorie content. Thanks to this fact, the treat is popular among people watching their figure. Light texture, creamy flavor with piquant sourness allow you to combine sweetness with any berries, fruits and cake layers. If you are going to prepare a treat for the first time, follow the step-by-step recipes with photos.

With gelatin

  • Time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 106 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This version of the yogurt layer for cakes is one of the simplest. The delicacy is easy to prepare at home, spending a minimum of time and products. During the culinary process, two main conditions must be met: do not bring gelatin to a boil and do not add fresh pineapples, kiwi, or papaya. Both factors will lead to the destruction of the thickener and the cream, as a result it will turn out liquid.


  • yogurt – 400 g;
  • gelatin – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute the gelatin with hot water or add cold water, then heat it in a water bath and cool.
  2. Beat the sugar and yogurt with a whisk or mixer.
  3. Pour in the gelatin mass and continue whisking until you obtain a fluffy, homogeneous consistency.
  4. You can then add vanilla sugar, fruit syrup, jam or pieces of fruit other than those listed above if desired.
  5. Cool the cream and spread it on the cake.

With cottage cheese

  • Time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 156 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Yogurt cream for sponge cake with cottage cheese is called “Sea Foam”. This is due to the fact that the consistency of the mass is very light, airy and tender. The combination of two fermented milk products makes the delicacy, and the cake itself, very healthy due to the large amount of calcium. This product holds its shape perfectly, goes well with sponge cakes, and is suitable for preparing the children's dessert “Kinder Penguy”.


  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • yogurt – 40 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • water (juice) – 2/3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in juice or water. Leave to swell for about half an hour (depending on the brand of the product).
  2. Then place the container with gelatin in a water bath. Heat, stirring constantly, until the thickener dissolves. Remove from heat, cool.
  3. If the cottage cheese is coarse-grained, first grind it through a sieve. If not, just beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour in the yogurt, continuing to whisk the mixture until smooth.
  5. Add sugar and mix until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  6. Next, without ceasing to beat the yogurt-curd mass, pour in the gelatin in a thin stream.
  7. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, put it in the refrigerator to harden.
  8. Spread the cream onto the finished cake layers and assemble the cake.

With cream

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 168 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Yogurt cream for a cake with the addition of cream turns out more delicate, airy, and has a pronounced creamy taste. All components must be cooled in the refrigerator for several hours (5-6), so they will beat better and acquire the desired consistency. In this recipe, instead of gelatin and agar-agar, a dry cream thickener is used, which can be purchased at the store.


  • cream (minimum 30% fat) – 400 g;
  • yogurt – 200 ml;
  • thickener for cream - 2 packs;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the cream with powdered sugar and thickener, beat with a mixer (blender) until stable peaks appear.
  2. Then pour in the yogurt in small portions, gently kneading the mixture with a spatula. Make movements slowly, in one direction clockwise.
  3. Spread the prepared cream onto the cake.

With sour cream

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 176 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you do not need the confectionery product to hold its shape, but it is important that the cakes are soaked, prepare yogurt cream for the cake with sour cream. The soft, loose consistency of the mass is obtained due to the absence of gelatin and other thickeners, but the delicacy will not spread. By refrigerating it for a few hours, you can easily grease the cakes and assemble the cake.


  • yogurt - a glass;
  • sour cream (20-25%) – 350 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 p.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the sour cream until it reaches the consistency of butter.
  2. Add powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, continue beating.
  3. While still running the mixer, pour in a glass of yogurt in a thin stream.
  4. If you want to achieve greater thickness, add 1 packet of cream thickener.
  5. If desired, you can immediately grease the prepared biscuit or shortbread cakes and place the finished cake on the refrigerator shelf to soak.

With condensed milk

  • Time: 9 o'clock.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 157 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Yogurt cream with condensed milk makes the cake especially tasty, with a rich creamy milky aroma. Choose cream and yogurt with not a low, but an average percentage of fat content. The quality of condensed milk also plays an important role; add only the real product. Otherwise, the cake layer will not thicken, but will remain liquid, and the dessert will quickly lose its shape.


  • yogurt – 600 ml;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, strain, combine with yogurt and condensed milk.
  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer, setting the device to maximum speed.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 8 hours (overnight is possible).
  4. Once the time is up, whisk the cream separately until stiff peaks form.
  5. Then add powdered sugar little by little and continue whisking.
  6. Combine both masses, stir until smooth.

With butter

  • Time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 4-5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 380 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A yoghurt treat with the addition of butter is prepared just as easily and quickly as the previous versions of the cream. The consistency of the finished layer is thicker, but at the same time very tender. Such a treat will be more satisfying and high-calorie, but its amazing taste is worth it. The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it can be churned.

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

yogurt cream for cake

40 minutes

200 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Cakes have become one of the most important elements of every holiday feast. And a good creamy filling for the cake is half the success of the whole dessert! We will tell you how to make your cake not just good, but wonderful, and all thanks to the cream recipes described below. All of them are based on yogurt; these cream recipes came to us from American cuisine, where they are used in every second prepared cake. Let's look at each of them in as much detail as possible!

Creamy yoghurt cream for cake

Kitchen appliances and utensils:


Step-by-step preparation of yoghurt cream with cream

Video recipe

Check out the video recipe for making yoghurt cream for a cake with cream. Store this cream in the refrigerator for about a week!

Yoghurt cream for cake ☆ Yoghurt cream



Recipe for curd and yoghurt cream for cake

  • Cooking time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two cakes with a diameter of 24 cm.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer or silicone whisk with a bowl, saucepan, stove.


  • sugar - glass;
  • gelatin - small package;
  • water - 80-100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 70 ml;
  • cottage cheese (5% fat) - 400 g.

Step-by-step preparation of yogurt cream with cottage cheese

Recipe for cake cream made from yogurt and condensed milk without gelatin

It is worth understanding that it is impossible to make a good cream for a cake without some kind of thickener. It simply won’t hold its shape, and everything will drain from the biscuits directly onto the plate. But if you have already set out to prepare a delicious cream without using gelatin, then we have prepared a recipe for you in which we will replace it with agar-agar. It is a plant-based thickener and does its job perfectly!

  • Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: into two cakes with a diameter of 24 centimeters.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: silicone whisk with bowl, saucepan.


  • agar-agar - 5 g;
  • natural white yogurt - half a liter;
  • condensed milk (not boiled!) - 200 ml;
  • fresh strawberries - a glass;
  • fresh raspberries - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - a glass.

Step-by-step preparation of yoghurt cream with condensed milk

Natural yogurt is an excellent salvation for those with a sweet tooth. Anyone who watches their figure and strives to lose weight can safely use this product.

This unique dairy product contains extremely healthy qualities, it is tasty and does not contain many calories. It is for this reason that you can eat it at least every day.

Today, on the shelves of modern stores you can find several types of similar products from different manufacturers.

Yogurt cakes are very popular, because you can treat yourself to a dessert that is also very tasty, without worrying about gaining extra pounds.

This cake also looks like a real confectionery masterpiece, and therefore can take pride of place at a festive tea party. Look at the photo in person.

Basic principles of cooking

The base of the cake is light cream. Yogurt cream for sponge cake has a light consistency, delicate taste, piquant lactic acidity, and can also go well with berries.

You can prepare sour cream yoghurt cream for a cake with cherries, strawberries, raspberries or black currants at home for your family.

The mixture will have a deep taste of sour cream and berries. This combination can be used as a separate dish.

Berry-yogurt desserts have a magical taste, and even have a minimal sugar content. It turns out that this is another dish that you can eat on a diet.

Prepare a cream based on yogurt, both homemade and industrially produced, cream and gelatin. Thanks to the latest product, the cream holds its shape, does not spread and hardens perfectly.

You can mix the cream for the cake from yogurt without gelatin, then you should use agar-agar. It will harden even at room temperature; there is no need to soak the thickener. The choice is yours.

Thanks to the addition of whipped cream to the cream, the mass becomes airy. During active whipping, there is a possibility that the composition will begin to separate, and creamy liquid and flakes will appear separately. This should not be allowed!

An important rule is to whip the cream vigorously, but do not forget about a sense of proportion. As soon as a dense cap forms on the mass, immediately turn off the device. It is best to beat using a mixer.

The main advantage of yoghurt cream, when compared with other sweet masses, is its low fat content.

The thing is that yogurt is a natural living product, especially if you decide to prepare it at home.

It exclusively benefits the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the digestion process, and therefore experts indicate its use for a healthy diet. Yogurt has a special refreshing tart flavor and is similar in texture to pudding.

Contains exclusively beneficial bacteria that can convert lactose into lactic acid and release a number of active substances that promote better absorption of calcium. This element is found in yogurt in excess!

Natural yogurt has an excellent effect on normalizing fat metabolism in the body, and therefore will be a salvation for those people who love sweets, but are forced to struggle with extra pounds.

The cream is easy to prepare, and even involves the use of products that you may very likely have on hand at home.

I described each recipe from the article step by step, and therefore there should be no problems with preparing the cream. Well, it’s time to choose a recipe and prepare a delicious, healthy dessert for your family!

Very easy recipe for yogurt cream for cakes


0.5 liters of homemade milk; 1 pack yoghurt starters; 5 tbsp. fruit flavored syrup; 4 tbsp. boiled water; 2 tbsp. gelatin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I boil the milk, cool it to room temperature, add the starter, mix and pour into glasses. I make natural yogurt in a yogurt maker, setting the program for 8 hours. Or you can even do without the appliance, leaving the yogurt in glasses in a pan wrapped in a warm home blanket. You also need to stand for 8 hours.
  2. I pour boiled water over the gelatin. I give it 1.5 hours for the mass to swell.
  3. I put the syrup in a water bath, cook it, but make sure that the mixture does not boil. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. I add yogurt. I stir.
  5. The yogurt custard is ready. I'm putting together a cake. I fill the cakes generously with creamy mixture. I place the cake in a mold with high split sides. In it I put the cake in the refrigerator so that it hardens before serving.

Fluffy custard with yoghurt for a delicious cake

Sponge cakes go well with light airy creams made with natural yoghurt. Its recipe is presented a little below.


2 tbsp. heavy cream; 550 ml nat. yogurt; 200 gr. Sahara; 100 ml water; 150 ml lemon juice; 1 pack gelatin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour the yogurt into a bowl and add sugar. I mix the mixture with a mixer for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour in lemon juice in a thin stream. I beat the mixture again until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. I pour water into a bowl and send it to boil. I let the mixture cool to room temperature and add gelatin. I mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  4. Pour gelatin into the cream and whisk.
  5. In a bowl, mix sugar and chilled cream. It is necessary to obtain a stable foam.
  6. I mix the 2 masses together and refrigerate for 2 hours, covering the bowl with a lid. I take out and coat the sponge cake.

A portion of cake with yoghurt cream will not harm your figure, but it will lift everyone’s spirits during a tea party. Bon appetit!

Curd and yoghurt cream for a delicious cake

The curd and yoghurt cream will have a delicate and airy texture. It is prepared from related products: yogurt and cottage cheese.

Of course, it is better to take homemade cottage cheese, but if you don’t have it, buy a store-bought product that has been previously tested for high quality.

So, let's start preparing the curd and yogurt cream mass.


0.5 kg of cottage cheese; 0.5 tbsp. water; 50 gr. nat. yogurt; 1 pack gelatin; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I fill the gelatin package with water. I let it swell. Read the instructions, the exact time will be indicated there.
  2. I dissolve the gelatin over the fire, stirring constantly. It is important that the mass does not boil, then the cream can harden. It is better to do this in a water bath; in this case, the solution will not be able to boil.
  3. Remove the gelatin from the heat and let it cool. The mixture needs to be at room temperature.
  4. I grind the mass of cottage cheese using a sieve or an electric meat grinder. I add sugar to the cottage cheese and stir until all the crystals dissolve. The amount of sugar can be varied depending on the desire to mix the curd and yogurt mixture sweeter.
  5. I beat the mixture and pour in the liquid with gelatin. I refrigerate for 2 hours. The curd and yogurt cream will harden and thicken, and therefore all that remains is to smear the sponge cake layers.

If there is any curd-yogurt cream left after assembling the cake, you can put it in a beautiful bowl, decorate it with fruit and serve it to the table as well.

Get a small original yogurt dessert with a minimum number of calories!

  • To make creamy yogurt cream at home, take medium-calorie or home-cooked products. Low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and other fermented milk products will not allow the cream to harden, and will make it almost tasteless. You need to reduce calories by reducing the amount of added sugar. You should not be fanatical about the issue of calorie content; take milk with 3.2 percent fat content, nat. yoghurts – 5%. Only in this case the cream will be thick and plastic.
  • Yogurt and sugar. The powder must be mixed for 6 minutes at medium speed of the mixer.
  • To make the mass even more airy, you need sac. Before adding to the mixture, sift the powder using a simple kitchen sieve.
  • The sour cream and yogurt cream mixture can be stored for a week if placed in a food container with an airtight lid.
  • The creamy mass can be used not only for different types of cake dough, but also for greasing pancakes and pancakes.
  • The layer can be used to dress a fruit salad or to decorate a portion of ice cream.
  • To customize your yogurt dessert with cream, you can add food coloring or simple carrot juice to its composition.
  • You can add flavor to the cream by adding cinnamon or vanilla.
  • You can decorate a light dessert with cream right before serving it.
  • If you replace gelatin with agar-agar, you need to know the correct proportions. You can check them using dough. Enter tsp. solution into the freezer for 30 seconds. This time will be enough for the liquid to harden. If this happens, then the treat with the creamy mass will definitely harden. Otherwise, when the agar-agar remains liquid, you need to add a little more extract and add it to the cream composition.

Try making delicious desserts at home, delighting your family with healthy homemade desserts!

My video recipe