Caviar from baked zucchini. Squash roe in a baking sleeve

Not a single zucchini season and no summer menu is complete without zucchini caviar! It's good to cook it for both children and adult members of their family, it seems simple, useful, and what to say - budget. But here's how you remember that you need to fry a whole bunch of vegetables, your hands drop ... Add time to wash dishes and stoves here, and a tasty picture ceases to be so desired. I want to introduce you to one of the most basic ways of making squash caviar in a sleeve. This mega is simple, not troublesome, and even at the same time you can manage to cook a delicious second dish.

I want to note that this recipe for squash caviar is not intended for preservation for the winter, but only for quick summer treats. Are you interested? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to cook zucchini caviar, baked in a sleeve quickly and easily.


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp

How to cook squash caviar in the sleeve:

We prepare vegetables for squash caviar: two or three squash, large carrots, onions, sweet bell pepper, tomatoes. Zucchini and carrots are washed and peeled, the onion is freed from golden husks, we cut the stalk from the pepper and remove the seeds.

Now you need to cut the vegetables a little smaller so that they bake well in the oven and soften as much as possible from its heat.

We take our sleeve and put all the vegetables for the caviar in a bag. Pour salt and pepper, also pour 2-3 tablespoons into the sleeve. vegetable oil. Wrap or fasten with clips, shake well so that the oil with salt and pepper is distributed as evenly as possible over the vegetables.

We put the sleeve, filled with vegetables, on a baking sheet or in a form with sides. We put the package in the form of baking in the oven for 1 hour at a 180-degree temperature regime. Agree, this is better than standing at the hot stove and constantly stir the zucchini with carrots. Now you have an hour of free time that you can devote to other culinary concerns, your oven will do everything itself.

After an hour, just take out the sleeve and cut it on top. I advise you to do this very carefully, since very hot steam from the baked vegetables comes from the sleeve, you can get burned! Just leave it as such for a few minutes so that all the burning air evaporates.

We shift all the baked vegetables into a deep bowl for chopping. Let it cool down a bit so as not to spoil the iron blender chopper. The liquid remaining in the sleeve, I do not recommend adding immediately to the vegetables, it is better to do this after grinding, if you get a thick caviar. For example, I did not need it, since all the vegetables turned out to be juicy enough.

As soon as the vegetables take on the temperature of the room, we take a blender into our hands and chop everything mashed. Control the consistency yourself, if you want to get a more uniform squash caviar - work with a blender longer.

If you like garlic in zucchini caviar, you can squeeze a clove of garlic through a press. Now the chilled squash caviar needs to be “leveled” on salt and seasoned with spices if desired. We shift into a jar and treat the family!

It can be cooked now and closed for the winter. So, sometimes you want to, but in stores she will not add up prices. Moreover, this method of cooking squash caviar has its advantages. The process is not laborious and takes an active 10 minutes. There is little oil in the product and it is great for diet and baby food.

Squash caviar in a sleeve

To prepare a delicious squash caviar, choose 3 medium squash. Peel and cut into large cubes. Seeds are best removed if they are large.

We do the same with three large carrots and two onions. I love a lot of carrots and onions.

Remove the core from the pepper.

Need more tomato thick juice. Anyone who likes tomatoes can use them. Just peel the tomatoes. Check back later on the recipe page.

If you do not close for the winter, then add mayonnaise (2 tbsp. L.).

Making delicious caviar from zucchini in a sleeve

For baking, you need:

  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots (circles) - 3 pcs.;
  • salt and allspice - to taste;
  • garlic - 3 cloves:
  • tomato juice - 1 cup (you can tomatoes);
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • zucchini (medium size) - 3 pcs.;
  • bulgarian red pepper - 1 pc.


  1. All chopped vegetables are transferred to a bowl and seasoned with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower). Salt and add spices to taste. I only put allspice. You can immediately lay in the sleeve and add all the spices and vegetable oil there.
  2. We mix and fill the baking sleeve with the vegetable mixture. We make a toothpick in several places on top of it with a toothpick.
  3. It remains to place the bag in a baking dish and bake exactly 1 hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. After the time runs out, drain the liquid, and grind all the vegetables in a blender. By the way, the juice from them is very tasty. If the caviar is thick, add it to the dish.

Be sure to try and enjoy your meal.

Step 1: Roasting sleeve.

   For this dish you will need a baking sleeve. It can be purchased in departments that sell foil, cling film, etc. In the sleeve, the dish is baked in its own juice and turns out to be very tasty and juicy, thereby preserving the maximum amount of nutrients in the products.

Step 2: Cook the vegetables.

   First of all, you need to wash the eggplant, cut off its tail and cut into rings about 1 cm thick, put them in a plate and add salt (so as not to be bitter). Next, wash, peel the potatoes and carrots and cut into large pieces (I really like baked carrots, so I always add more). So that the chopped potato does not darken, fill it with water. After, peel and chop the onions in large pieces, 2-3 cm in size. Wash the sweet pepper and cut it in half and remove the seed box, cut into pods. Tomatoes should also be washed thoroughly and cut into medium-sized cubes. Wash cauliflower and separate the inflorescences from each other, 6-7 large inflorescences are enough. All vegetables are cut and prepared. The number of products depends on your appetite and the preference of the products, so experiment.

Step 3: Prepare the sleeve.

   There are a couple of touches: put the vegetables in a deep bowl - salt, add spices to taste and olive oil 3 tbsp. Mix the entire mixture and transfer to a prepared sleeve. Tie the sleeve on both sides with a special ribbon (like candy), turn the edges of the bag down so that they do not touch the heating elements of the oven. Make 3-5 punctures with a toothpick in the upper part so that there is no complete “steam effect”. Place the sleeve on a baking sheet. Now he is ready to go to the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

Step 4: Take out the sleeve with vegetables.

Step 5:

We take out our sleeve very carefully from the oven, using tacks. We cut the bag with a knife and take out the vegetables on a serving dish.

Step 7: Serve the vegetables in the sleeve.

   In my opinion, the dish succeeded, it turned out tasty and juicy! Serve the vegetables hot with any side dish. Garnish abundantly with herbs and serve. Bon Appetit!

You can leave a small hole so that there is no complete "steam effect".

Carefully read the instructions of the manufacturer of the baking sleeve (on the packaging) before using the sleeve. Typically, the package indicates the maximum temperature at which you can bake - do not exceed it.

So that the chopped potato does not darken, fill it with water.


Here is another improvisation on the theme of “bake in the sleeve.” So I liked to cook in it - simple, tasty, with minimal labor! And today I unexpectedly appreciated another plus of cooking in my sleeve - when we suddenly turned off the water, so that neither soup, nor porridge, pasta, roast can be cooked, but it is necessary to cook! Here and the sleeve helped out - in it you can cook a delicious dinner without a drop of oil and water. And then you do not need to wash the dishes either. So I recommend it.

Roast in the sleeve can be cooked in different variations: potato-chicken; potato meat; But you can make a mixed platter. I had a zucchini, so it turned out roast with potatoes, carrots, chicken and zucchini.


  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 4 chicken legs;
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to your taste.


Still, some water needs to be found - to wash vegetables and chicken. After peeling vegetables, cut the potatoes into small pieces, carrots - in circles or half circles, onions - in half rings or chop, as you like.

Salt, pepper, add seasonings (I have a set of peppers-peas of different colors), and stuff it with chicken legs into the sleeve. At the edges of the sleeve there should be free ends of 15-20 cm, since when baking it is inflated like a balloon.

Mix the products directly in the sleeve and tightly tie its ends with special wires (included). Put the sleeve on a baking sheet - and an hour and a half in the oven. Approximately at 180-200C.