We make champagne from elderberry. Elderberry Kvass Recipe

Currently, many housewives are preparing kvass for themselves and their family. As ingredients for it, you can take a variety of products and fruits. Today we’ll talk about such drinks from elderberry branches and berries.


Elderberry kvass is prepared by many housewives. Remember that for this you can take branches only with black berries, because the red variety is poisonous. Drinks prepared with this ingredient have excellent taste and healing properties.

Such kvass will have a pleasant aroma of the inflorescences of this plant. He will also be able to quench even a strong thirst in the warm season. You can prepare this drink in a variety of ways.


Mistresses can offer many recipes for making kvass from elderberry:

  • classic with elderberry;
  • with mint;
  • with citric acid;
  • with lemon.

Classic with Elderberry

Kvass according to this recipe is prepared only from elderberry without other additives. 3 liters of water, the fruits of the plant, 30 grams of sour cream and 1 full glass of sugar are placed in the pan, after which everything is thoroughly mixed. Then the contents are placed in a dark warm place for fermentation. After three weeks, the drink will be ready to drink.

With mint

Often, mint is added to elderberry kvass. In this case, first dissolve 300 grams of sugar in water (3 liters), and then boil it all for several minutes. Pour 1 tablespoon of citric acid into the contents.

After all the liquid is poured into a container with elderberry flowers (100 grams) and mint (5 grams). Drink is advised to leave for 5 days, so that it fermented. But at the same time, during this time, the future kvass should be periodically mixed. You can use it earlier, after two days. Then you need to strain the drink, after which it can be drunk.

With citric acid

Well-washed elderberry inflorescences should be soaked in water (10 liters account for half a glass of elderberry flowers). Sugar (1 kilogram) and citric acid (25 grams) must be added to this liquid. Future kvass must be covered with gauze for two days. After that, the drink is filtered and poured into containers.

With lemon

First, granulated sugar is boiled to a syrup state. It takes about five minutes. Lemon powder is placed in the resulting liquid, after which everything is cooled. You also need to chop the lemon. Make it better in small slices. Moreover, the fruit is recommended to be used with a peel. All seeds in citrus are previously removed.

Pour lemon with elderberry in water (3 liters per half a glass of elderberry and 100 grams of citrus) and cover tightly. The drink should be infused for 4 days. In this case, the liquid should be shaken regularly.

You can make kvass from the berries of the plant, and from its flowers. For the first option, both fresh and dried fruits may be suitable. Rinse them thoroughly before cooking.

Then, 150 grams of fresh berries and 50 grams of dried berries are put in a container of water (0.5 liters). Then sugar is added to the liquid. If not, then honey can be used.

Often, when preparing kvass, several additional ingredients are used at once. So do when preparing a sedative drink. In this case, sugar is added to the water (for 3 liters of water 300 grams of granulated sugar) and all this is boiled.

After complete cooling, citric acid is poured into the future kvass (1 tablespoon). All liquid is poured into dishes with elderberry and mint branches. Everyone leaves to roam. After 5 days, the drink is ready to drink.

Also, often the hostesses prepare a special healing kvass from elderberry (a recipe for the healer Bolotov). To make it, you need to add 200 ml of sugar, 30 grams of sour cream and 2 full glasses of plant flowers to the water (3 liters). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and left to ferment for 14 days. This syrup has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces headaches, relieves fever and bloating.

Every day, future kvass should be mixed periodically. Drink it is advised 100 ml before meals. Do not drink portions anymore, as this can cause harm to the body. Many are sure that such a decoction helps with severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

Benefit and harm

Many housewives note that elderberry kvass is good for humans and their health. Indeed, in such a plant contains a huge amount of vitamins, tannins, saccharides and carotene. Often these drinks are also used to treat many serious illnesses. And they are advised to use not only ordinary people, but also some doctors.

Elderberry kvass contains most of the elements necessary for humans: zinc, iron, copper, selenium and calcium. Therefore, some experts and housewives argue that such drinks should be consumed systematically. They help strengthen the body, the immune system.

Berries, leaves and branches of elderberry have a large number of medicinal properties:

  • sweatshops;
  • antipyretic;
  • laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • astringent.

Also, syrups and decoctions from elderberry can significantly accelerate the metabolism in the human body. In addition, they help to eliminate bile and improve the promotion of intestinal contents.

Often, dried and fresh elderberries are used to prevent many diseases: hepatitis, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, problems with the nervous system. The fruits of the plant are also an excellent cure for a rare malaria disease.

Fruits, elderberry branches and syrups from them are included in the complex of therapy for cancer. Decoctions and kvass from this plant also have excellent antibacterial properties. Liquids with it also help with a severe cold.

Elderberry kvass is ideal for people who want to lose weight. After all, it is low-calorie (36 kilocalories). In addition, such drinks perfectly refresh and quench your thirst in the hot summertime.

Mistresses are advised to carefully approach the selection of elderberries for cooking kvass. Only plants with black berries can be used exclusively. Red fruits cannot be taken as an ingredient, since they are poisonous and can cause severe poisoning in humans.

Drink elderberry kvass during the week. After 7-8 days, the finished drink begins to deteriorate quickly. He begins to acquire the properties and taste of alcohol.

Keep elderberry kvass in a cool dark place so that it does not quickly go bad and stay fresh for several days. It is recommended to keep it only in glass jars and bottles. When filling, do not completely fill the tank, leave ¼ to the end. After preparation, the liquid is best filtered. This can be done several times at once.

See how to make kvass from elderberry flowers in the next video.

From elderberry flowers, it has long been learned how to prepare various miraculous wellness teas. But did you know that the flowers of this plant can be used to make lemonade, wine and even champagne!

What drinks can be prepared from elderberry inflorescences?

Freshness lemonade.

You will need:

  • elderberry inflorescences - 25 pcs.;
  • sugar - 900 gr.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • citric acid - 5 g.

Cooking Technology:

Elderberry flowers must be washed carefully to remove dirt and insects. In a large saucepan, put sugar and pour 3 liters of boiling water over it. We stand on fire for about 5 minutes, until the sugar dissolves, and let cool.

Add finely chopped lemons and acid to the resulting syrup. Then we put elderberry flowers. Cover with a lid. Set in a cool place for 24 hours and stir occasionally.

After a day, the drink must be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into previously sterilized cans.

Serve the drink better with ice and lemon slices.

Elderberry Wine

Wine recipe

You will need:

  • elderberry flowers - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • raisins - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • alcohol yeast - 100 gr.;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking Technology:

Rinse the elderberry flowers and separate them from the pedicels. Let them drain thoroughly and pour warm water, previously boiled and diluted with sugar.

Cut the lemon into circles (remove the seeds) and, together with the washed raisins and spirit yeast, put them in a bottle filled with syrup with elderberry flowers.

After fermentation, pour the liquid into bottles, firmly corking the stoppers. Keep wine in the refrigerator or cellar.

Champagne from elderberry inflorescences.

You will need:

  • elderberry inflorescences - 10 pcs.;
  • sugar - 500 gr.;
  • wine vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • zest and juice of 2 lemons;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Cooking Technology:

Mix all the ingredients in one dish, heat to a boil (but do not boil) and leave to infuse for 48 hours. Stir infusion periodically.

Strain the infusion. Pour the resulting drink into plastic bottles and put in a cold place for a couple of weeks.


From time to time it is necessary to test the bottles "for strength." If they become very tight, you need to slightly open the lids and bleed a little air. This will help to avoid an unexpected and unsafe “explosion”.

We will consider two of the best recipes that have proven themselves in practice. For the preparation of elderberry liquor, any kind of red and black elderberry is suitable. As an alcohol base, in addition to vodka, you can take well-purified moonshine or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45%. Cognac and other spirits in this case are not the best solution, since they do not go well with elderberries. Liquid honey instead of sugar will also be an amateur solution.

Elderberry Berry Liqueur

It has a characteristic “berry” taste and persistent aroma.


  • elderberry - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 kg.

The berries should be ripe, with no signs of mold and rot. Before cooking, be sure to remove the fruits from the inflorescences so that the drink does not bitter.


1. Transfer the washed berries, put the resulting mass into a container for insisting. Pour sugar, mix, seal tightly and leave for a day in a sunny place at room temperature.

2. Add water and an alcohol base. Stir, close tightly, transfer the container to a dark room. Leave for 2 weeks. Shake every 2-3 days.

3. Ready homemade elderberry liquor strain through several layers of gauze, squeeze the pulp well. Add sugar to taste if desired.

4. Pour into storage bottles. Leave for 3-4 days in the refrigerator or basement to stabilize the taste. If sediment or turbidity appears, filter through cotton.

Shelf life - up to 5 years. Fortress - 16-17%.

Elderberry liquor

A drink of medium strength with a light floral and citrus flavor.


  • elderberry inflorescences - 15 pieces;
  • lemons - 5 pieces (medium);
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • water - 500 ml.

It is better to collect inflorescences during the day in dry, sunny weather and do not wash so that nectar remains. If necessary, you can slightly brush off dust and insects. Torn inflorescences to use for several hours.


1. Remove zest from the washed lemons in hot water and wiped dry lemons - the upper yellow part of the peel without white pulp.

2. Put the zest and inflorescences in a glass container for infusion, squeeze the juice from the peeled lemons there. Pour in the alcohol base, mix and seal tightly. Put in a dark place with room temperature.

3. A day later, boil the syrup from water and sugar (mix in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes on low heat, removing the foam, then cool to room temperature).

4. Add cold syrup to a container with elderberry flowers. Mix.

5. After 2 days, filter the infusion, removing elderberry inflorescences, leave the zest.

6. Insist 3 weeks, then filter the finished drink through cheesecloth and cotton wool. Sweeten with sugar if desired.

7. Pour into storage bottles, seal tightly. Leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or basement to stabilize the taste.

Shelf life away from direct sunlight - 2 years. Fortress - 19-20%.

Elderberry drink recipe.

Elderberry drink.... In the elderberry garden ...

Today is not history, but cuisine.

And all from the fact that I cook elderberry syrup and something else ...

If anyone has an uncle in Kiev, then in the garden must eldergrow. But not a fact. Any rule has exceptions. For example, here I have no uncle in Kiev, but elderberry is growing.
  This is a tall, up to 3-5 meters, multi-stemmed shrub with a light brown, bark-like, cork.
  We have a lot of elderberries in Hungary, there is even Elderberry Land: in 1281, one of the little-known and not-so-high-hungarian noblemen was given a diploma of origin, in which the current location of the village is named as “Terra Bodzias”. Elderberry Land. They are now holding the annual elderberry festival. A real holiday - with songs, dances, refreshments.

Help yourself, help yourself ... It's really very tasty. Bunches of elderberry flowers baked in pastry. And at the festival it is worth trying cookies and pastries stuffed with elderberry cream. Taste elderberry syrup and a variety of cocktails based on it. For example, from marzipan.
  If you want something stronger, you can ask for a low-alcohol cocktail to make. Again, including as one of the ingredients syrup from elderberry inflorescences. Well, and to whom it is even stronger, for those in stock there is an elderberry, which is a type of fruit vodka. Something like Bulgarian or Yugoslav brandy.

As for me, I cook elderberry syrup .

It’s not only delicious, but, most importantly, very healthy.Black elderberry is an amazing medicinal plant.Elderberry syrup is a strong biologically active substance: anti-cancer, anti-tumor, blood-purifying.

It has a laxative effect, regulates the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and fights against throat diseases. It is used for blood diseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis) and lymphatic system, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, female inflammation, goiter, chronic constipation.

It is also used to treat rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, kidney disease, muscle inflammation. This high-vitamin product has a bactericidal effect and can be drunk by both adults and children for the prevention of viral diseases, especially during exacerbation of influenza. This wonderful syrup does not compare with any colored lemonade, moreover, it is very tasty and fragrant.

Here is the prescription:

  • 2,5l.water
  • 40 large elderberry inflorescences
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 2 lemons

Flowers (DO NOT WASH !!!) but be sure to check and peel all kinds of midges, add water, add sliced \u200b\u200blemons, cover with gauze and leave in a cool place for 36 hours. Strain, add sugar, stir and boil for 10 minutes. All.
  Store only in glass bottles.
As an option: flowers with lemons are poured with syrup chilled to room temperature, insisted for 5 days, filtered, bottled.

And also a recipe Elderberry liqueur.   The aroma is extraordinary !!!

So we need:
  25 umbrellas with elderberry flowers
  3 lemons
  juice of 3 lemons
  400 g sugar
  1.5 l of vodka without flavoring
  250 ml of water

Method for making elderberry liquor

1. Thinly lemons into circles.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water.
  3. Lay elderberry flowers and lemon slices in layers in a large container and sprinkle with lemon juice; pour sugar syrup.
  4. Close the container and let it brew for 10 days in a warm place.
  5. Then strain the mixture through a linen towel, mix with vodka and pour into bottles.

And for a snack - Hungarian national music

Black elderberry is a shrub whose fruits and flowers are used in cooking for preparing various drinks and other dishes, as well as as a medicine:
  - with a cold;
  - coughing;
  - rheumatism;
  - skin diseases;
  - for the prevention of diseases and strengthening immunity.

Recipes of delicious black elderberry drinks

Elderberry juice:
  - 1 kg. black elderberry;
  - 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.
  Wash the elderberries, scald them with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then squeeze the juice from the berries, pour it into an enameled pan, pour sugar into it, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Bottled drink and store in a cool dark place. For the treatment and prevention of diseases, you can consume 30-50 g of juice daily.

Elderberry juice with lemon:
  - 1 kg of black elderberry;
  - 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  - 1 tbsp. water;
  - juice of 1 lemon.
  Rinse the berries, fill with water and boil for 15 minutes. Then squeeze the juice from the elderberry, add the juice of one lemon and granulated sugar into it and cook for another 10 minutes.
Black elderberry kvass:
  - 8 liters of water;
  - 12 elderberry inflorescences;
  - 4 lemons;
  - 1 kg of granulated sugar.
  Wash the lemons, dry and cut into circles. Boil water with sugar, cool, put lemons and elderberry flowers in it and leave for a week for fermentation. After the specified time, pour the drink into a bottle with a screw cap and put it in a cool place. You need to use such kvass as soon as possible, you can not store it for a long time.

Aromatic elderberry juice drink with spices:
  - 1 tbsp. water;
  - 1 tbsp. elderberry juice;
  - 1 lemon;
  - 2 tablespoons honey;
  - 1 clove bud;
  - 1 stick of cinnamon;
Rinse and dry the lemon. Cut the zest with half a lemon, and squeeze the juice from the pulp of the whole fruit. In a saucepan, mix the elderberry juice with water and lemon juice, add honey, zest and cloves with cinnamon. Mix everything well, then bring to a boil over medium heat and remove from the stove. Serve the finished drink in warm glasses with hot.
Black elderberry syrup:
  - 1 liter of elderberry juice;
  - 0.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  - juice of 1 lemon.
  Mix the elderberry and lemon juices, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a boil in an enameled pan. While heating, constantly stir and remove the resulting foam. Bottled syrup ready.

Black Elderberry Wine:
  - 4 l of water;
  - 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  - 10 elderberry inflorescences;
  - 2 lemons;
  - wine yeast.
  Rinse the flowers, separate from the stalks and leave to dry briefly from the water (can be knocked over in a colander). From syrup and water, prepare syrup, cool to a warm state and fill them with flowers in a glass bottle. Wash the lemons, cut into circles (you can not peel them), remove the seeds from the pulp and put the circles in a syrup with flowers. Add the wine yeast there. Cover the bottle with gauze and leave for 7 days for fermentation. After the specified time, carefully drain the liquid, strain it and pour it into a clean bottle. Build a water shutter and leave the wine to ferment. When the fermentation process is over, pour the drink into bottles with screw caps.
Elderberry refreshing drink:
  - 1 liter of water;
  - 2 elderberry inflorescences;
  - 4 tsp honey;
  - juice of half a lemon;
  - a branch of lemon balm.
  Dissolve honey in water. In a glass jug, put elderberry flowers, lemon balm, add lemon juice and fill everything with water and honey. Then put the drink in the refrigerator for a day.

Healing drinks with elderberry

Strengthening drink:
  - 1 liter of hot water;
  - 5 tbsp honey;
  - 2 tablespoons dry elderberry
  Pour the berries with hot water, bring to a boil, boil for about 5-6 minutes and add honey. Then strain. Use moderately hot throughout the day.
Elderberry tea for colds:
  - 10 g of black elderberry;
  - 10 g of chamomile flowers;
  - 10 g of linden flowers;
  - 10 g peppermint.
  Mix the above ingredients, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and brew it with 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the drink with something warm and leave to insist for half an hour. Then strain and drink hot.
Black elderberry healing drink:
  - 250 ml of vodka;
  - 1 tsp buds or flowers of black elderberry.
Pour the kidneys with vodka and leave to infuse for a week. Take the finished tincture in 30 ml before bedtime for 2-3 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 2 months and you can repeat the course of treatment. It is especially good to use this medicine, combining with elderberry baths (15 minutes after the bath).
  Bon appetit and stay healthy!