Pea porridge with smoked meats in a pot. How to cook pea porridge with smoked meats Recipe for pea porridge with smoked meats

They prepare salads, casseroles and, of course, cereals. It is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with blood pressure problems. If you put a little imagination into a simple pea porridge and add smoked meats, you will get an exquisite masterpiece.

Pea porridge goes well with smoked products

Pea porridge with smoked meats in Rus' was revered in every family and was prepared often, and all because this hearty dish does not require much effort and time. There are many, but the main skill is to cook peas correctly so that they do not burn and are airy, light, without lumps.

If your family doesn’t like to cook such a dish, don’t worry.

Try boiling peas or chicken today. The more ribs, the better, however, to feed the household, 1-2 ribs per person are enough. For a chicken recipe, you don’t have to buy the whole bird, just wings, legs or any other part you like.

So, write down an easy recipe for pea porridge with smoked meats.

Smoked chicken and peas - a delicious combination

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 1.5 cups peas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 bows;
  • approximately 0.5 kg of smoked chicken;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Let's start cooking.

  1. We soak the peas in warm water overnight, but if this is not possible, you can leave them in the water for several hours, adding a little soda. Before using the cereal, rinse it thoroughly.
  2. Pour water over the chicken, bring the broth to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Pepper, add bay leaf, but it’s better to add salt at the very end so that the peas are well boiled.
  4. The broth is ready. Now pour it over the peas so that the broth is about 2 cm higher than the cereal.
  5. After it boils, cook for 1.5 hours, stirring regularly. If the water boils before the porridge is cooked, you can add boiling water.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the frying: cut the onion into half rings, fry, add finely grated carrots and simmer for 10 minutes;
  7. 10-15 minutes before the porridge is ready, add the frying mixture, cook for another 7 minutes, let it brew a little and serve. It will work out. Ready yield - 6 servings.

An excellent side dish for this porridge is fresh sliced ​​vegetables or a vegetable salad.

Ribs for peas and more

As you already know, you can get a delicious porridge with a smoky flavor if you cook it with smoked ribs. not much different from the above, the peculiarity is that the pork ribs need to be lightly fried, then added to the prepared peas.

You can also make frying from onions and carrots. It is better to cook in a cast iron pot, simmer over low heat - this way the taste of the finished dish will be as close as possible to the original.

You can cook porridge with different smoked meats; whatever you have on hand will do - brisket, lard, etc. You can cut everything into slices, as for solyanka. The more meat you have, the tastier it is.

At the end of cooking, many housewives place the pan in the oven (ideally in the oven), while others, who want to get delicious food in a “modern way,” cook in a slow cooker. This has its advantages: the porridge will not boil over, burn, or take a long time to cook.

Multicooker recipe


  • Dry yellow peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • , chicken leg - 300 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Salt to taste.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Fill the peas with water for 2 hours, keeping in mind that they swell twice as they absorb a lot of water.
  2. Wash and place the peas, add water so that it slightly covers them. Turn on the “quenching” mode for 1 hour.
  3. Cut the smoked meats into cubes and place them in the bowl with the peas 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Add oil and a little salt, since smoked meats themselves are salty. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

Even the little ones will enjoy this aromatic, amber-colored porridge!

After reading our article, you will probably want to. However, a situation often occurs when two dishes prepared according to the same recipe turn out to taste completely different. To make your porridge tastier than your mother-in-law’s, follow these simple tips:

  1. Sort the grains before cooking, throw away spoiled grains, and do not use very old peas.
  2. If you're in a hurry, take split peas - they cook faster than whole ones.
  3. Always soak it in water for at least 2-3 hours.
  4. Remember, legumes are a gift from nature that we rarely remember. Correct mistakes and prepare pea porridge with us!

And I continue to confess my love for the clay pot. Having played enough with making milk porridges, I decided to cook something savory, meaty and aromatic. And my choice fell on pea porridge with smoked meats. After considering several recipe options, I preferred this one.
What happened as a result is simply some kind of miracle: aromatic (the seductive smells of smoked meats hovered in the house even the next day) and tender (the peas were completely boiled, turning into a tender puree). Unfortunately, I was unable to convey the beauty of this dish in the photo; due to the lack of it, this dish does not have a bright and catchy appearance, but the taste!..
But you and I are adults and already know that the internal content is more important than the external, so I urge you not to judge this dish by its appearance, but to concentrate on the content and taste (but the intermediate, step-by-step photos simply sparkle with beauty).

The process of preparing this dish is long, but not exhausting :)

We will need:
peas (split) - 2 cups
smoked meat (I took smoked pork with garlic for flavor, and it was right) - 300 g
onion - 2 pcs.
bay leaf - 3 pcs.
salt, pepper - to taste

First you need to prepare the peas. Wash it thoroughly, fill it with cold water and leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the water from the swollen peas (they should almost double in volume), rinse them again under running water and fill them with cold water so that it covers the peas by 3-4 cm. Further, the recipe states that the peas should be left at at room temperature until it has absorbed all the liquid. I honestly kept the peas for at least 5 hours, it didn’t absorb anything else (apparently, it absorbed everything it could at night). But I can say from myself that these 5 additional hours will be quite enough, you can start further cooking and do not need to wait a week until the water is absorbed into the peas or evaporates into the atmosphere. After this, the peas are washed again. This is what the result looks like:

Now it's time for the rest:

Cut the onion into half rings

and send it to fry in a frying pan

Smoked meat cut into cubes

and send it to the onion

Fry them until browned.

Now we begin assembling our pot:
Place peas in a pot

Place meat and onions on top

Salt, pepper, add bay leaves

Now pour hot water into the pot almost to the edge

cover the pot with a lid and place it into a cold oven. We set the temperature in it to 160С(the oven will gradually warm up, just right for cooking the porridge). And through 2 hours Take the prepared pea porridge with smoked meats out of the oven:

The scents in the house are incredible! The porridge is eaten instantly by the family. True, my daughter argued with me, claiming that it was not porridge, but peye (mashed potatoes translated from children's), the peas were so boiled and became soft and tender.

Do you like pea porridge? Or do you only have memories of kindergarten/school dry pea porridge with a wild color and taste?

An easy-to-prepare, healthy, budget-friendly and very tasty dish will help you out when you don’t have time to stand at the stove. This is exactly what the recipe is - pea porridge with smoked meats. Its history goes back centuries. Pea puree with smoked meats has been enjoyed by many generations.


  • Peas - 1 cup;
  • Onion – 1 piece (large);
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Smoked chicken quarter (large) – 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Greens and salt - to taste.

Instead of chicken quarter, you can use any other smoked meats. You will need 400-500 grams of them.

Soak the peas overnight, then drain the water and rinse the peas. The optimal soaking time is 10 hours (porridge preparation time is reduced to 30 minutes). If you change the water several times while soaking peas, the peas become easier to digest and the unpleasant consequences after eating them disappear.

Separate the meat from the bones of the legs (it is better not to use the skin and very fatty parts). Pour water (300-4000 ml) over the meat, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes (ribs - 35-45 minutes).

Remove the meat and add the resulting broth to the peas so that it is 2-3 cm above its level.

Bring the peas and broth to a boil, then cook for 1.5-2 hours under the lid, stirring occasionally. It is very convenient to cook such porridge in a slow cooker. If you don’t have one, choose a pan with thick walls so that the peas do not burn during long cooking.

It is very important that the peas are well boiled, so if you see that the broth is not enough, add a little hot boiled water.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots and fry everything together in vegetable oil. When the onion is browned, add the boiled meat and continue frying over high heat for 3-5 minutes.

5 minutes before the porridge is ready, add fried onions, carrots, meat and herbs.

Turn off the heat. Close the lid tightly, wrap in a towel and let sit for 20-30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Pea porridge is surprisingly little popular among modern housewives. Although it is tasty, healthy, and easily absorbed by the body. It is worth trying to prepare this dish correctly at least once and, most likely, it will take pride of place in the list of breakfasts and side dishes for the cook.

This recipe does not involve soaking the grains. The finished dish will be an ideal side dish for meat or a nutritious main course for vegetarians. In addition to 450 g of dried peas, take: half a small spoon of soda, and a pinch of fine salt.

  1. First, the cereal is washed many times with ice-cold running water. For the dish to be tasty, the main component must be of good quality.
  2. Clean peas are poured with boiling water and left for 12-15 minutes.
  3. After draining the water, the cereal is placed in a cauldron and sprinkled with baking soda. Again, the product is filled with water so that the liquid completely covers it.
  4. Cook the peas over low heat for about half an hour until all the water has boiled away. Then add water again and add salt. The cereal is cooked until fully cooked.

To prepare lunch faster, take split peas; they boil faster.

This is the simplest basic recipe for the dish under discussion, which, once mastered, can later be supplemented with roasted vegetables, meat, mushrooms and other ingredients.

Recipe with meat

This treat is a complete, hearty lunch or dinner for the whole family. Men will especially like it. In the cooking process we use: 620 g pork pulp, 1 tbsp. olive oil, onion, 1.7 tbsp. peas, carrots, salt.

  1. The peas are soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. The meat pulp is cut into small pieces and then thoroughly fried in oil. Next, large slices of onion and carrot are sent to the pork. The mass can be immediately salted and sprinkled with your favorite seasonings.
  3. Soaked peas are poured with water, mixed with frying and cooked to the desired degree of boiling.

Before serving, the dish is flavored with butter.

Quick and tasty porridge with stew

Meat porridge from peas is prepared even faster and easier with stewed meat. In addition to 1 can of beef product, you will need to prepare: 2 tbsp. butter, 470 g split peas, 2 medium onions, salt, carrots, any aromatic herbs.

  1. The peas are soaked in cold water overnight. Next, it is sent to a saucepan, filled with salt water and set to cook.
  2. Vegetables are sautéed in the fat from the stew, after which they are simmered over low heat with the meat until the liquid has completely boiled away.
  3. When the peas are cooked, add butter, spices and the contents of the frying pan.

You can also use pork stew for this dish.

With smoked meats

Any smoked meat is suitable for the treat under discussion. For example, you can use pork knuckle (220 g). In addition to the meat component, you will need to prepare: 220 g of peas, salt, 2 onions, aromatic herbs. How to properly cook pea porridge with smoked meats is described below.

  1. The peas soaked overnight are washed, filled with fresh water and cooked until tender. The already softened product is salted.
  2. The selected smoked meats are finely chopped along with the onions, and then fried until golden brown. There is no need to add oil, the fat from the knuckle will be enough.
  3. Ready peas are placed in a frying pan. The ingredients are sprinkled with spices to taste and mixed thoroughly.

The dish is served with pickled vegetables.

Cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker

The kitchen assistant will also come in handy for the housewife when preparing pea porridge. Absolutely any device model is suitable. The simplest version of this dish in a slow cooker is prepared from: 1 tbsp. legumes, salt to taste, 2.5 tbsp. drinking water, 60 g butter.

  1. The washed peas are transferred to the container of the device.
  2. Water is poured from above.
  3. The lid of the device is closed and the “Quenching” program is turned on for 110 minutes.
  4. Approximately 20 minutes before the sound signal, the device opens and oil and salt are placed in its bowl. After stirring, the pea porridge in the multicooker continues to cook under the lid.

The finished porridge goes well with paprika and chopped garlic.

Very quick recipe without soaking peas

If you need to start cooking porridge right away, and it was not possible to soak the peas in advance, then this will not interfere with the preparation of a delicious, tender dish. To do this, use shelled peas, without the rough shell. Products used: 2 tbsp. legumes, a small spoon of salt, 5 tbsp. water, 3-4 onions, a bunch of fresh dill, 370 g of fresh lard.

  1. It is best to cook peas without soaking in a slow cooker. It is pre-rinsed until the water is clear, after which it is placed in a bowl and filled with new liquid.
  2. The product is salted and cooked in the “Porridge” program for 95 minutes.
  3. The lard is cut into small cubes and fried until a small amount of fat appears. Next, chopped onions and herbs are added to the frying pan.
  4. Together, the ingredients are fried until the vegetable is golden brown.
  5. The finished peas are mixed with frying and served to the table.

At first the porridge may seem too thin, but once it sits with the lid open, the consistency of the dish will quickly change.

Pea porridge on water

You can reduce the calorie content of pea porridge by cooking it in regular drinking water. Of course, oil is also not added to the dietary dish. Required: 1 tbsp. legumes and 2 times more liquid, salt to taste.

  1. Pre-soaked peas are poured with salt water and sent to the fire. It will cook in 25 to 55 minutes. The exact time depends on the length of time the product is soaked.
  2. Softened peas are pureed using a special blender attachment.
  3. The treat is served hot.

This porridge will be an excellent side dish not only for meat, but also for fish prepared in any way.

With vegetables and cream

Pea porridge can be endlessly improved and tried with various additional ingredients. For example, combine it with juicy vegetables and delicate cream. Such products will help reveal the taste even more. From the products you will need to prepare: 130 g of dry peas, 70 ml of heavy cream, carrots, half an onion, half a bell pepper, a bunch of fresh herbs, salt.

  1. The peas are washed in several waters and then soaked overnight.
  2. In the same liquid (in a proportion of ½) in the morning the product is cooked for about 40 minutes with constant stirring.
  3. Next, heated cream and salt are added to the pan. The mass is slightly kneaded with a masher.
  4. All vegetables are peeled, washed and finely chopped. Then they are stewed together in a small amount of water. You can also add a little butter to the pan.
  5. The finished pea puree is placed hot into separate bowls and covered with roasted vegetables.

Just before serving, the treat is decorated with chopped fresh herbs. If you wish, you can slightly modify the published recipe to suit your taste. For example, add broccoli, cauliflower, canned peas, tomatoes and almost any vegetables to it. Green beans and any cabbage are boiled in salted water before frying.

Peas with mushrooms

Champignons go well with boiled peas (if desired, they can also be replaced with wild mushrooms). This component allows you to make the treat satisfying and nutritious even without adding meat. You need to take: 180 g of mushrooms, a pinch of fine salt, an onion, 1 tbsp. peas, a couple of garlic cloves, spices, 60 ml of unfragrant oil. How to deliciously cook pea porridge with fresh champignons is described below.

  1. The peas, soaked overnight, are poured with salted water and sent to cook. There should be twice as much liquid.
  2. Mushrooms and onions are washed, cut into small cubes, and then fried in unflavored oil. If you want to make the taste of porridge more rich, you can cook vegetables and mushrooms in butter.
  3. A couple of minutes before the end of frying, the mass is salted and flavored with spices. Chopped garlic is added to it.
  4. When the porridge is completely ready, it must be thoroughly mixed with the onion and mushroom frying.
  5. It is best to leave the treat to steep under a lid in a pan, wrapped in a blanket, for 40-60 minutes before serving. This will make the treat even more tender and flavorful.

Pea porridge is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. This economical and nutritious dish becomes more satisfying with the addition of smoked meats. You can cook it on the stove or in a slow cooker. Below are the simplest and most delicious step-by-step recipes with photos of peas with smoked meats.

Although pea porridge is very tasty and there are many different recipes, you rarely see it on tables. It is worth correcting this omission by preparing a delicious dish from available products.

The classic version is simply boiled peas with added butter. But the smoked variety has long been considered a classic. At the same time, you do not need to smoke meat yourself - there are many corresponding finished products on store shelves.

Ingredients needed

The recipe does not imply the presence of rare products. All of them are available and do not require large financial outlays. You need to prepare in advance:

  • dry peas - 1.5 cups;
  • smoked pork ribs – 6 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • water – 2-2.5 glasses;
  • vegetable oil, spices - taken to taste.

Tip: When purchasing peas, it is important to choose a fresh product. Old peas take longer to cook.

Cooking process

Smoked pork ribs are more suitable for cooking, but if desired, you can use other products, for example, bacon, smoked-boiled chicken, salami. In any case, the porridge will turn out very tasty.

  1. To prevent the cooking process from taking a lot of time, take crushed peas. It is washed and soaked for 2 hours. A faster way is to pour warm water mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda into the product for half an hour.
  2. The ribs are chopped into small pieces. Fry for 10 minutes in hot oil. Then add onions, cut into half rings. Season with spices (you can use salt and ground pepper).
  3. The swollen peas are sent to smoked meats and poured with boiling water. The proportion is usually 1 to 3. Cook for an hour under a closed lid. Sometimes the time can increase to two hours - depending on the size of the peas and the utensils used.

Tip: After the moisture has been absorbed, the porridge needs to be stirred from time to time. Add a little salt to taste, considering that smoked products themselves are already salty. Or use universal salty seasonings.

Convenience with a multicooker

If you have a multicooker in your kitchen, it will make the process of preparing porridge easier. The recipe will differ little from the traditional one, but it will take less time and effort to prepare. Prepare the following components:

  • peas – 400 g;
  • smoked brisket – 300 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • greens, parsley, salt.

  1. The meat is cut into small cubes. Grate the carrots and chop the onion with a sharp knife. The vegetables are placed in the multicooker bowl and a little oil is poured in. Cook for 7 minutes (Frying mode with the lid open). Add the breast and cook the same amount.
  2. The peas are washed several times. Immediately sent to the resulting frying. Pour in water - it should cover all the products. Salt to taste.
  3. Cook for 50-60 minutes (Stewing mode). At the same time, it is not necessary to stir and monitor the contents of the bowl.

Tip: pea porridge can be served with fresh vegetables and garden herbs - they will be an ideal addition.

Benefit for health

Protein is necessary for muscle growth, and it is present in healthy porridge in sufficient quantities. It is also found in meat, but it is easier for the human body to absorb it from legumes.

The advantages of the pea plant do not end there; it is capable of:

  • enrich the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • improve performance and mood;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels due to the presence of nicotinic acid;
  • provide antioxidant properties due to selenium;
  • support the functioning of the digestive system with thiamine;
  • improve immunity against viruses and bacteria.

If you eat porridge regularly, your body will always receive protein and an abundance of necessary compounds. They will stand guard over your health, allowing you to preserve your beauty and youth for as long as possible.

Possible harm

In moderation, homemade porridge will only be beneficial. But if you abuse it, you may have problems with stool. The product is introduced into the diet very carefully in the presence of intestinal diseases and a tendency to gas formation. The main contraindications include:

  • gout;
  • cholecystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of inflammation in the intestines.

Important: peas with smoked meats are a high-calorie combination. Eating is not recommended for obesity.

Children can start giving peas a year after birth. But the reaction of a child’s body is sometimes difficult to predict. Bloating and pain in the intestines may occur. In addition, it is better not to cook the version with ribs for children at all. You should start with vegetable supplements. And instead of butter, use vegetable fats.

Pea porridge with smoked meats always turns out nourishing, appetizing, and tasty. There is a pleasant campfire aroma due to the addition of smoked products. The cooking process will not be difficult if you follow the suggested recipes. You can get enough of this culinary masterpiece for a long time, so you can safely serve it for breakfast for the whole family or cook it for lunch.

Pea porridge with smoked meats

Traditionally, this dish does not belong to any cuisine, however, it is an extremely tasty and satisfying dish. This dish takes quite a long time to prepare, but it lives up to all expectations. Those who have at least once tried pea porridge with smoked meats will certainly want to try it at least once again.
Cooking pea porridge with smoked meats will take about 4 hours of your time. To prepare 5 servings you will need 500 grams of peas (you can use crushed ones to speed up cooking), 200 grams of any smoked meats (any kind will do - smoked sausages, pork ribs or smoked chicken), 2 small onions, medium carrots, 40 ml olive oil, 1 teaspoon a spoonful of sugar, salt and spices to taste. To give the dish a more sophisticated look, you can decorate it with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Pea porridge can be prepared with regular meat - see the recipe, and you can also cook it without any additives - a recipe for simple pea porridge.

How to cook pea porridge with smoked meats?

At the very beginning of cooking, fill the peas with cold water to the top and let them sit for 3 hours. You can also read about soaking peas here.

After this time, it will swell and cook faster. If you are expecting guests and have little time for cooking, you can add a little soda to the water. This will speed up the process and the peas will be ready in 40 minutes, and you can proceed with further cooking.

While the peas are settling, you need to cut the smoked meats into small pieces.

After the peas have settled, add the previously chopped smoked meats and cook for about 1 hour over low heat, stirring so that the peas do not burn.

As soon as the pea porridge absorbs the water, add a little warm water to the pan, add a little salt and simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly and not allowing the pea porridge to stick to the bottom.

If the smoked meats you used for cooking are not fatty enough, you can add a little olive oil after cooking. When serving pea porridge with smoked meats on the table, the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.

If you cook this dish outdoors, it will certainly taste even better if it smells a little smoky. To do this, at the end of cooking, add a burnt firebrand to the pan. It is best to eat the dish while it is hot.

Pea porridge with smoked meats is an incredibly appetizing and nutritious dish that will please even the most capricious gourmet and even a connoisseur of extravagant dishes.

Peas are a very nutritious and tasty product, from which soups, salads, casseroles and, of course, porridge are prepared. It is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with blood pressure problems. If you put a little imagination into a simple pea porridge and add smoked meats, you will get an exquisite masterpiece.

Pea porridge goes well with smoked products

Pea porridge with smoked meats in Rus' was revered in every family and was prepared often, and all because this hearty dish does not require much effort and time. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the main skill is to cook the peas correctly so that they do not burn and are airy, light, without lumps.

If your family doesn’t like to cook such a dish, don’t worry.

Try cooking peas with smoked ribs or chicken today. The more ribs, the better, however, to feed the household, 1-2 ribs per person are enough. For a chicken recipe, you don’t have to buy the whole bird, just wings, legs or any other part you like.

So, write down an easy recipe for pea porridge with smoked meats.

Smoked chicken and peas - a delicious combination

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 1.5 cups peas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 bows;
  • approximately 0.5 kg of smoked chicken;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

  1. We soak the peas in warm water overnight, but if this is not possible, you can leave them in the water for several hours, adding a little soda. Before preparing the dish, the cereal must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Pour water over the chicken, bring the broth to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Pepper, add bay leaf, but it’s better to add salt at the very end so that the peas are well boiled.
  4. The broth is ready. Now pour it over the peas so that the broth is about 2 cm higher than the cereal.
  5. After it boils, cook for 1.5 hours, stirring regularly. If the water boils before the porridge is cooked, you can add boiling water.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the frying: cut the onion into half rings, fry, add finely grated carrots and simmer for 10 minutes;
  7. 10-15 minutes before the porridge is ready, add the frying mixture, cook for another 7 minutes, let it brew a little and serve. It will turn out tasty and nutritious. Ready yield - 6 servings.

An excellent side dish for this porridge is fresh sliced ​​vegetables or a vegetable salad.

Ribs for peas and more

As you already know, you can get a delicious porridge with a smoky flavor if you cook it with smoked ribs. This recipe is not much different from the above, the peculiarity is that the pork ribs need to be lightly fried, then added to the prepared peas.

You can also make frying from onions and carrots. It is better to cook in a cast iron pot, simmer over low heat - this way the taste of the finished dish will be as close as possible to the original.

You can cook porridge with different smoked meats; whatever you have on hand will do - brisket, lard, and sausages. You can cut everything into slices, as for solyanka. The more meat you have, the tastier it is.

At the end of cooking, many housewives place the pan with peas in the oven (ideally in the oven), while others, who want to get delicious food in a “modern way,” cook in a slow cooker. This has its advantages: the porridge will not boil over, burn, or take a long time to cook.

Multicooker recipe

  • Dry yellow peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • Smoked brisket, chicken leg - 300 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Salt to taste.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Fill the peas with water for 2 hours, keeping in mind that they swell twice as they absorb a lot of water.
  2. We wash and place the peas in the multicooker bowl, fill with water so that it slightly covers them. Turn on the “quenching” mode for 1 hour.
  3. Cut the smoked meats into cubes and place them in the bowl with the peas 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Add oil and a little salt, since smoked meats themselves are salty. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

Even the little ones will enjoy this aromatic, amber-colored porridge!

After reading our article, you will probably want to cook a pea masterpiece. However, a situation often occurs when two dishes prepared according to the same recipe turn out to taste completely different. To make your porridge tastier than your mother-in-law’s, follow these simple tips:

  1. Sort the grains before cooking, throw away spoiled grains, and do not use very old peas.
  2. If you're in a hurry, take split peas - they cook faster than whole ones.
  3. Always soak it in water for at least 2-3 hours.
  4. Remember, legumes are a gift from nature that we rarely remember. Correct mistakes and prepare pea porridge with us!

Pea porridge with smoked meats

Cooking time: 40 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Number of servings: 2 pcs.

Recipe suitable for: dinner.


How to cook pea porridge with smoked meats

Peas are a tasty and healthy high-protein food product. Most often, peas are used for making soups, filling for pies and pies, and preparing porridges.

Any pea dish goes well with smoked meat products, so pea porridge with smoked meats turns out tasty and aromatic. When preparing pea porridge with smoked meats, remember that it is necessary to salt it only after adding smoked meats, since they themselves are already salty.

Don't forget to pre-soak the peas - this will greatly speed up the preparation of the porridge itself.

How to cook “Pea porridge with smoked meats” step by step with photos at home

For work we need peas, smoked loin, onions, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper.

Wash 1 cup of peas and soak in cold water for 5 hours. Then place the peas and fresh water (3 cups) into the pan. Boil the peas until almost done.

At the same time, peel 1 onion and cut into cubes. Fry the onion in sunflower oil until transparent.

Add diced loin (150 g), stir and heat for 1-2 minutes.

Place the onion and loin mixture into the almost finished porridge. Season with salt (0.5 tsp) and ground black pepper to taste. Salt the porridge should be done with caution and only after smoked meats have been added, since they themselves are salty. Stir and cook the porridge until cooked (5-6 minutes).

Pea porridge with smoked meats is ready. Serve the porridge hot.