Glaze recipes are simple at home. Colored chocolate icing

Confectionery decoration such as chocolate icing for a cake is widespread among confectioners. It may seem to some housewives that creating such a culinary masterpiece at home is far from easy. Although this is not at all true. Making chocolate icing for the cake is easy, and the ingredients for it are found in lockers in any kitchen.

Common recipes

The advantage of chocolate glaze is that for its preparation you can use different products: any kind of cocoa and chocolate, cream, fresh milk, sour cream or high-quality butter. The taste of the coatings for desserts will be different, but its appearance does not depend on the ingredients.

The composition of the classic recipe includes such products:

  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l butter;
  • half a glass of fat milk.

In a deep bowl, sugar and cocoa powder are mixed, milk is poured. The mixture is put on low heat and cooked for several minutes until the sugar melts. Then add melted butter and bring the mixture to a state of liquid honey. If the coating is too thick, you can add more milk.

On the basis of cream or sour cream, you can get a very light and airy glaze. To do this, prepare:

  • 100 g of fresh sour cream or low-fat cream;
  • for 6−7 Art. l granulated sugar and cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l creamy spread or butter;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

In a small pan spread cream or sour cream, sugar and salt, butter. The container is put on a small fire and heated until the oil and sour cream become liquid. Then cocoa powder is added and boiled to a thick consistency. The mixture must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn.

You can make chocolate icing for the cake from chocolate bar. It should not contain nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits and other fillers. Porous chocolate or sweets will not work.

It is better to purchase high-quality black, dairy or white tiles. For this recipe you only need chocolate and milk.

The tile is greased with butter - this will make it easy to remove the glaze from the container after cooking. Then it needs to be broken into small pieces and pour half a glass of milk. The mixture is heated in a water bath - this is how it is necessary to melt the chocolate to decorate the cake. Boil it to a plastic consistency.

Easy to prepare delicious milk glaze. It is necessary to stock up on such products:

In a small container, cocoa and powdered sugar are mixed, filled with milk. The pan is put on a small fire and boiled until foam appears. Then it needs to be removed from the stove, cooled and mixed with butter. In a hot glaze, it will quickly melt. The mixture is beaten with a mixer until plastic.

Mirror glaze

Mirror chocolate coating will help to decorate the cake in an original way and give it a glossy shine. When preparing such a glaze, you need to constantly maintain a high temperature, otherwise it will not evenly spread throughout the dessert . Ingredients:

Gelatin according to the instructions indicated on the package is soaked in water until it swells and dissolves. Tray and sugar are dissolved in 100 ml of water and brought to a boil over low heat. The mixture is cooled a bit and boiled cream is introduced into it. You can mix it with a spoon or beat with a mixer, after pouring cocoa powder. The swollen gelatin is heated and poured into a container with icing, then it is whipped with a blender.

Fragrant and mouth-watering chocolate icing makes the cake more beautiful and tastier. With this delicacy, you can cover all the pastries as a whole or use them to create patterns and inscriptions, inventing an original dessert. The preparation of chocolate glaze has its own subtleties that help make the cake especially tasty.

The list of recipes in the article:

Chocolate icing for cake: video recipe

Cooking delicious chocolate icing properly

To get the glaze without lumps, you must first stir the sugar with cocoa powder and only then add water. Otherwise, stirring the icing well will not work.

If you make white icing from melted chocolate, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of milk or sour cream. Without this, the icing will turn out too thick and will harden on the cake faster than you have time to spread it.

Instead of granulated sugar, it is better to use chocolate powder - then the icing will turn out to cook much faster. And in the icing of cocoa powder, you can add a little vanilla for flavor or orange zest if you make a citrus cake.

Cocoa Powder Chocolate Glaze

To make chocolate icing at home, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla

Mix sugar and cocoa powder in an enamel pan. Add milk to them and stir well. Put on a slow fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the glaze begins to foam. Then remove from heat. Wait about 10 minutes for the icing to cool slightly and thicken. Then add the butter and whisk with a mixer - this will make the delicacy softer.

To cover the cake with chocolate, place it on the wire rack above the tray. Then slowly pour the icing on the middle of the cake and spread evenly with a spatula from the center to the edges. Then align the side of the cake. Excess glaze drains into the pan through the grate. After that, put the cake in the refrigerator and wait until the icing hardens.

If the icing is too thick and does not spread well on the cake, return it to the pan, add a little water and bring to a boil again. And you can add the density of too liquid glaze with sugar

Many housewives love to cook homemade desserts. Cakes or cake with chocolate icing will please adults and children, especially if you strictly adhere to the recipe. A glaze made of white or dark chocolate will be a great option for decorating a dessert with bird's milk, biscuit cakes and other homemade cakes.

How to make chocolate icing for a cake

In order for the fudge to obtain the desired consistency, it is important to determine for what purpose it is planned to be used. The technology depends on whether a matte or glossy mixture needs to be obtained. Classic chocolate icing on the cake is easy and quick to prepare. Each housewife has her own recipes and secrets for making fudge for pies and muffins, however, you can take into account several basic rules on how to make chocolate icing for a cake:

  1. The consistency should not be very thick or liquid. A creamy mass is ideal, because it is more convenient to apply to the product. This mixture hardens faster.
  2. If you get a very liquid composition, it is recommended to add a spoonful of powdered sugar. Too thick diluted with a spoon of warm water.
  3. It is better to make powder yourself from sugar with the help of a coffee grinder. Finished powder must be sieved additionally.
  4. If you replace the water with lemon juice, then the chocolate icing for the cake will turn sour, which will give an unusual taste to the sweet dish.
  5. If you need a lean option, just melt the tile.
  6. Many recipes include the addition of butter for greater softness.
  7. If before glazing put on the product jam from berries or fruits, then the mass will lie in an ideally even layer.

Chocolate icing - recipe

You can make a mass of pastry tiles or cocoa: depending on which chocolate icing recipe for the cake you like. You can use the resulting composition for applying inscriptions, combining cakes, decorating. An experienced hostess knows that glazed pies always look more attractive than unprocessed ones, so it’s worth spending a few minutes to prepare the composition. The classic base involves the use of sugar, cocoa, milk or water.

Below are some photos of recipes that describe how to make chocolate icing for the cake. Before using the fondant, it is recommended to cool slightly so that it does not spread over the dish. If using an oily cream, cool the mixture even more. Spread better with a brush. A special taste will give a little vanilla, rum, cinnamon or cognac.

From cocoa

The presented recipe will tell you how to cook a delicious plastic mass for decorating confectionery. When solidified, a dense glossy crust will be obtained. To prepare such a mass, it is recommended to take dark varieties of cocoa powder and high-quality butter. Chocolate icing made from cocoa is suitable for coating cupcakes, sweet cakes, pastries or desserts with a creamy consistency, for example, soufflé.


  • milk - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 1 spoon;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt butter over low heat.
  2. Add granulated sugar and milk to the stewpan.
  3. Cook until sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Sift cocoa powder through a sieve, add to the milk mixture.
  5. Warm everything up for about two minutes.
  6. Cool the composition before decorating the cake.

From cocoa and milk

Many recipes involve the use of cocoa powder with milk, sour cream or cream. This combination of ingredients makes the coating shiny, soft, dense. There are many photo recipes that provide for different proportions of products. By experimenting, you can constantly get icing from cocoa and milk of a different shade, taste. Coconut flakes, nuts, confectionery sprinkles will give originality.


  • milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all components in an enameled bowl.
  2. Cook in a water bath, constantly stirring the composition.
  3. Check readiness by dropping a little glaze on the saucer. The drop should freeze immediately.

Made of chocolate

The easiest way to make a glaze is to melt a bar of dessert chocolate. You can use varieties of white, milk or dark, depending on personal preference. Chocolate icing for is a quick way to decorate a product (as in the photo). For the recipe below, you need to take a tile with a cocoa content of 72%.


  • milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • chocolate without additives - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the tiles, put in a bowl oiled. Water cannot be added.
  2. Add milk to provide the desired density of the enrobing mass.
  3. Put a bowl of food in a water bath.
  4. Heat until completely melting at a temperature of 40 degrees. Constantly stir the composition with a dry spoon until it melts.

White chocolate

If home-made cake is prepared for a special occasion, you can use white chocolate for glazing. With such a coating, the dessert will become truly elegant. The mass is suitable for decorating rolls, cakes or cream jelly. White chocolate icing for the cake can be prepared with cream, condensed milk, vanilla. Below is a classic recipe with a photo.


  • icing sugar - 180 g;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the tiles, place in a bowl.
  2. Put the container in a water bath.
  3. Add icing sugar.
  4. Pour in a spoonful of milk.
  5. Stir the mass constantly until a thick, homogeneous paste is obtained.
  6. Remove the bowl from the stove.
  7. Add a spoonful of milk.
  8. Beat the mass with a blender.
  9. Use the product until it has cooled.

On sour cream

The mass prepared according to this recipe will turn out to be thick, with a characteristic sour taste. Cocoa cake icing with sour cream is suitable for thick homemade cakes or, you can cover it with a traditional sausage with nuts. It will not drain or sugar, and will immediately lie in a beautiful mirror surface. If you wish, you can additionally decorate the product with butter cream, nuts, candied fruits.


  • sour cream - 2 spoons;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • butter - 1 spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the powder, sour cream, vanillin and cocoa in a bowl.
  2. Put on low heat.
  3. Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Remove the bowl from the heat.
  5. Add butter, mix.
  6. Apply to cakes until cool.


Glasazh looks especially beautifully and festively on homemade pies. It is prepared with special syrup or with the addition of a small amount of gelatin. Such a mass very beautifully solidifies on the surface of the product. If the glaze will be obtained with bubbles, you can pass it through a sieve before applying to the cake. You will need a thermometer: you can use the mass when it cools down to 35 degrees.


  • glucose syrup - 150 g;
  • water - 135 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • chocolate - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin pour 65 ml of water.
  2. Put sugar, syrup, water in a bowl.
  3. Put on a small fire.
  4. Stir the mixture constantly until sugar dissolves.
  5. Place broken chocolate, condensed milk, gelatin in another bowl.
  6. Pour in hot syrup. Beat with a blender and cool to the desired temperature.

Chocolate and cream

The recipe presented is classic, so it certainly will not let beginner cooks. Chocolate icing made from cream and chocolate will make even the simplest cake delicious. It takes a little time and a standard set of products to weld the glaze. Chocolate bar for the recipe can be milk, white or dark. Due to cream and butter, the mixture will turn out to be shiny, plastic, and thick.


  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • cream 30% - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the chocolate bar, place in a clean, dry bowl.
  2. Put in a water bath.
  3. Add oil.
  4. Stir the composition to a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Whip the cream.
  6. Gently mix cream with chocolate mass.

With butter

One of the easiest and most proven methods of preparing a composition for glazing confectionery products is chocolate icing made of chocolate and butter. Chocolate can be chosen to your taste, but prefer the option without additives. If you want to decorate the dessert with nuts or berries, lay them out already on top of the frosting.


  • semisweet chocolate - 125 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • thick cream - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the ingredients in a metal bowl.
  2. Heat in a water bath, stirring occasionally.
  3. Refrigerate before use.

Made of milk chocolate

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to please the household with cakes, muffins, rolls of thin pastry. Fragrant milk chocolate icing for the cake will be sweet, with an original aftertaste. The surface of the glazed cake will be matte, and if you want to achieve a mirror shine, you need to add oil to the composition.


  • low-fat cream - 150 g;
  • chocolate - 180 g

Cooking method:

  1. The tiles are broken, placed in a bowl.
  2. Add cream.
  3. Heat over low heat until smooth.

How to coat chocolate cake

It is important to know not only how to prepare the mass for decorating a pie or cake at home, but also how to properly fill the product with a sweet mixture. Glazing is a simple procedure: even a novice hostess can decorate a cake. The main rule is that the chocolate should cool slightly, but not thicken, so that the composition does not begin to drain from the cake or turn into a lump.

It is recommended to decorate the cake with chocolate icing with a rubber brush. If you are making a dessert made from thick dough, try using jam from apricots or peaches and strawberries for an additional layer of grease. Coat the cake, leave for several hours.

After that, you need to put the cake on the wire rack and you can begin to design it: pour it with chocolate, leveling the surface with a spatula or rubber brush. If desired, the product can be additionally decorated with nuts, berries, confectionery sprinkles. Cool the cake for several hours in the refrigerator or on the balcony.


There is nothing tastier than a cake or a chocolate muffin sprinkled with cocoa glaze. Mistresses often know 2 to 3 simple cooking options. But there are a large number of cocoa glaze recipes with sour cream, cream, butter, condensed milk and other ingredients.

Classic recipe: ingredients and proportions

Glaze is an indispensable ingredient in baking various confectionery products: biscuit and shortbread cakes, muffins, marshmallows, cakes. Unlike chocolate fudge, making it much faster and easier. The cake, decorated with icing, looks appetizing and festive beautifully.

Today, housewives prefer to make icing from ordinary cocoa, which is part of black and milk chocolate. Properly prepared from high-quality cocoa glaze will be the best option for decorating various confectionery "masterpieces". It will help save the situation when the festive pastries failed and it is necessary to make it more presentable.

To prepare ordinary chocolate glaze you will need:

  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar (or powdered sugar) - 150 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour sugar, cocoa into the dishes and mix the ingredients.
  2. Then gently pour water and beat with a whisk.
  3. Put on a slow fire and cook the icing, stirring constantly, so as not to burn.
  4. When the mass begins to bubble, hold it on the fire for another minute and remove.

Replacing the usual ingredients (for example, milk - with water, sour cream - with condensed milk), adding other components, you will get a product with a different texture and taste.

Mistresses note: what should be a good glaze

Some useful culinary tips for making delicious and beautiful cocoa glaze.

  1. Density. Properly prepared icing from cocoa should, by consistency, resemble thick and fat sour cream. This mass fits well on the surface of the cakes. If it turned out to be very liquid, you can thicken it by adding powdered sugar. Very thick glaze is diluted with boiled hot water.
  2. Powdered sugar. To make the icing homogeneous, it is better to take powdered sugar that is thoroughly ground and sifted through a sieve.
  3. Cocoa. During the introduction of cocoa, it must be well sieved through a sieve so that there are no large lumps.
  4. Butter. In order for the glaze to acquire a soft creamy consistency, you need to add soft butter to it. It will give the glaze a perfectly mirror-like shine. If you use sour cream with a fat content of 20%, you can not add oil.
  5. Lemon or orange juice. Some recipes use water to make a glaze, but you can use lemon or orange juice instead. Then the mass will turn out even tastier and more aromatic, and egg whites will be better to beat.
  6. Application of cocoa glaze. Usually, icing of liquid consistency is applied to cakes using a soft pastry brush. Mirrored liquid glaze is poured directly from the dishes, and then the excess is removed using a special pastry shovel. To create beautiful jewelry from thick cocoa mass, use a pastry syringe or bag.

Classic recipe - video

Recipes with various ingredients.

Chocolate and its main ingredient in cocoa are popular products that are used to create various types of glazes for decorating confectionery. Each housewife in the home kitchen will be able to prepare delicious cocoa glaze with different ingredients.

Icing on milk

Product Composition:

  • cocoa - 4 teaspoons with a slide;
  • brown sugar (or icing sugar) - 6 tsp;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk 3.2% fat - 6 tsp.

Stages of cooking fill:

  1. Pour sugar with cocoa into a deep bowl. Mix well and pour warm milk.
  2. We put the dishes on a slow fire and cook the mass until the sugar is completely dissolved and the foam appears. While cooking, slowly mix the mixture so as not to burn.
  3. We remove the mixture from the stove and let it stand for a while so that it becomes warm. In this form, you can already glaze the cake and decorate any confectionery. When it hardens, it will turn into a crispy chocolate crust.

If we add softened oil to the warm mass, we get a lighter color of the glaze and a soft consistency. Instead of milk, you can use the same amount of water.

Finished glaze can be watered on any baking surface.

Condensed milk recipe

Product Composition:

  • powder cocoa - 4 tsp;
  • condensed milk with a fat content of 8% - 1 can;
  • butter with a fat content of 62–72.5% - a dessert spoon.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a deep, non-stick dish, mix cocoa and a can of condensed milk.
  2. We mix the ingredients well into a homogeneous mass and put it on a small fire. Bring to a boil and cook for another 1 minute, stirring continuously.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  4. Add the softened butter and knead thoroughly the whole mass. The icing is ready and you can cover any biscuit or sand cakes.

Glaze with condensed milk - photo

For glaze, mix cocoa and a can of condensed milk. Cocoa with condensed milk. Cook over low heat. Cover the cake with the finished glaze.

Honey and Coconut Milk Recipe

Essential Ingredients:

  • cocoa - 2 tsp;
  • half a bar of chocolate;
  • flower honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • coconut milk - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • butter - 50 g.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Rub the chocolate on a coarse grater.
  2. We put it in a deep bowl or pan and mix with sifted cocoa through a sieve, flower honey and coconut milk.
  3. We put the dishes with the mass on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly.
  4. After boiling, cook the mixture until it becomes homogeneous and thick.
  5. Remove from the burner and let cool slightly. Add butter and whisk with a whisk or an electric mixer.
  6. Cooked glaze should be used immediately to decorate baking, until it has completely cooled.

Sour Cream Recipe

Ingredients Composition:

  • sugar (or powdered sugar) - 6 teaspoons with a hill;
  • cocoa - 2–2.5 tsp. with a slide;
  • fat sour cream (fat content 21% or more) - 4 tsp;
  • butter - 2 tsp.

Step by step cooking:

The icing, which is prepared on good sour cream, does not quickly harden, does not flow, therefore, it is perfect for filling holiday cakes.

Cocoa Mirror Glaze

Product Composition:

  • cocoa - 80 g;
  • fat cream - 80 ml;
  • boiled water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • gelatin - 8 gr.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Soak gelatin in warm water.
  2. Pour sugar (or powder) into the dishes, cocoa, sifted on a fine sieve, and then pour in the cream and water.
  3. Mix with a wooden spoon and put on the stove. Cook on low heat - bring the mass to a boil, stirring, and when it starts to boil, remove from the stove.
  4. To avoid lumps, filter the icing through a sieve. When it cools down a bit, you can cover the pastry baking.
  5. In order for the icing to lie evenly on the surface of the cake, it is necessary to carefully and evenly pour it over the entire surface of the cake, while helping with a long metal or silicone spatula.

This glaze hardens for two hours, and then the cake can be served on the festive table. Especially delicious are light cakes with mirror icing.

How to cook mirror glaze - photo

Mix cocoa, sugar, cream, soaked gelatin and water. Cook the icing over low heat, stirring constantly. Warm the icing on the cake with a spatula. Festive cake with chocolate icing.

Mirror glaze - video

Cold starch-based cocoa glaze

  • corn starch (or potato) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sifted cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar or sifted icing sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cold boiled water - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Stages of cooking:

It is important to use ice water for cold glaze!

Vanilla Recipe

Product Composition:

  • butter - 50 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa - 8 teaspoons;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • vanillin - 1 pack;
  • sugar - 15 tsp.

Step by step cooking:

  1. We mix all the ingredients in a thick-walled dish, except for oil and vanillin.
  2. We put the bowl on the stove, turn on the smallest fire and, constantly stirring the mass, bring to a boil.
  3. Gently introduce soft oil into the mixture and knead it well until smooth.
  4. We fall asleep vanillin and mix again.

Cocoa Glaze with Lemon

Ingredients Composition:

  • cocoa (sifted) - 2 or 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon or orange juice - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • icing sugar - 200-250 g;
  • oil - 1/3 packs (60 or 70 g).

Stages of cooking:

  1. In a deep bowl, first melt the butter and then pour the lemon juice into it.
  2. Without removing from the heat, we introduce powdered sugar and cocoa, mix well.
  3. On a small fire, cook another 2 to 3 minutes, mass, so that it acquires a uniform consistency.
  4. Remove from the stove and set aside so that the mixture cools slightly. Warm liquid glaze pour cake, cake, cake.

Recipe for Protein, Orange or Lemon Juice

Product Composition:

  • sifted powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • egg whites - 1 or 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • cocoa - 2 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice - 1 tsp.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix the powdered sugar, cocoa and vanillin.
  2. We put it in a water bath and pour the juice of lemon or orange into the mass, add egg white.
  3. We carefully rub the resulting mass with a wooden spoon to get a uniform uniform mixture.
  4. Remove the finished glaze from the burner and set aside so that it cools slightly.
  5. Water the cake or any other pastry baking.

To diversify the classic recipe for chocolate icing from cocoa, it is possible to include various aromatic spices and spices in it: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, vanillin, ground ginger, ground nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and others).

Video: how to make delicious chocolate cocoa ganache

If you follow the recipe exactly, you can easily and quickly prepare icing from cocoa and various additional ingredients for pouring and decorating the holiday cake. Each housewife will be able to use a mirror glaze to make a wonderful cake for the family out of biscuit.

Cake decorating

30 minutes

350 kcal

5/5 (2)

Often we bake cakes that need to be beautifully decorated at the very end of the process, however, the production of glaze seems to us too complicated and time-consuming. Is that familiar? I also asked this question until the experience of my family came to the rescue.

Grandma has been cooking for decades tasty and thick   glossy chocolate icing for pouring cocoa cake or chocolate and butter, milk, sour cream or cream according to the recipe from the old Soviet cookbook. I also learned from her how to cook white   chocolate icing according to the classic recipe for spring biscuit chocolate, cocoa powder and milk cake to quickly and easily cope with the design of the product.

Today I will share with you simple   chocolate icing recipes so that you can just as easily decorate your cake at home and not be afraid that you will not succeed.

How to cook and make glossy chocolate icing for pouring cake from cocoa powder or regular chocolate? Experienced chefs say the secret to the recipe super shiny   chocolate-mirror glaze for any cakes lies on the surface: you should have a good mood and enough free time. Haste and nerves will prevent you from preparing the perfect glaze correctly.

Classic option

Kitchen appliances: take a pot with a volume of about 800-900 ml, several capacitive deep bowls of 300-800 ml, a whisk, a sieve, a grater and a measuring cup. In addition, a blender is required to make good glaze in order to mix the mass of glaze well.

Chocolate icing, which is prepared with sour cream or milk, may burn or stick in the process. Make sure you take the pan with non-stick   coated.

You will need

Instead of milk, you can take water or nonfat cream, as well as sour cream   low fat content. However, remember that the classic recipe involves the use of milk.

Your wonderful chocolate icing is completely ready! Now you can decorate a cake with it, since the chocolate mass does not require complete cooling. To do this, place your pastries on a metal wire rack and place together with it on a wide dish.

Pour the icing cake “from the center”, distributing it with a spoon on the entire surface of the product. Then, without removing the wire rack and the dish, place it in a cold place for an hour or two.

Classic Glaze Recipe Video

How to make excellent chocolate icing - attention to a detailed step-by-step video:

However, do not rush to the kitchen - you have one more excellent recipe for you.

White Chocolate Option

Time for preparing:   25-30 minutes.
Number of persons:   1 cake weighing up to 1 kg, diameter 30-45 cm.
Calories per 100 g:   350 kcal.

You will need

  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 50 ml of milk.

Can replace   milk with water or other dairy products, but a smoother and thicker glaze is obtained only with milk or cream, so water should only be used as a last resort.

Cooking sequence

Done! Pour your cake or small pastries with the finished and still warm glaze and let it brew for about 2 minutes at room temperature. During this time, you can sprinkle the cake on top with crushed nuts or confectionery powder.

My mother often sprinkles white icing with grated dark chocolate and vice versa, but the final choice of the final cake decorating is only yours.

Video recipe for white chocolate glaze

See how delicious chocolate icing is for the step-by-step recipe in this video! We look, remember and begin to act:

Thank you for attention! In the end, I would like to remind respected culinary specialists about cakes to which such icing is ideal. Famous