Hibiscus tea beneficial properties. Hibiscus tea: beneficial properties and rules of use

An unpretentious and pretty hibiscus tree will decorate any apartment. The Chinese rose attracts with its long flowering, charming single or double flowers that resemble a blooming rose. Flowers can have a variety of colors and shapes, depending on the type of hibiscus, of which there are about three hundred.

This tree or tree-like shrub in nature grows up to 5 meters, but at home it reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. Today, low plants - hibiscus hybrids - are also popular.

The glossy leaves are oval in shape and serrated along the edges. The colors of the flowers can be very different: from light pink or yellowish-white to fiery red or purple-violet.

Simple varieties of hibiscus have flowers similar to mallow flowers. In its natural form, the flowering period is winter; in cultivation it can bloom for almost a whole year.

The Chinese rose is native to southern China and northern India. Here it is bred everywhere, but it is no longer found in the wild. Hibiscus in Russia is known as a very popular indoor plant.

Useful properties and uses of hibiscus

Healing tea from hibiscus flowers

A healthy, refreshing tea can be prepared from hibiscus flowers, which quenches thirst well. Tea known as "Hibiscus". But it is also called “drink of the pharaohs”, “Sudanese rose”, “red rose”, “Kandahar”, “Mallow of Venice”, “Rose of Sharon”, “Kenaf”. It is the national drink in Egypt.

Hibiscus tea acquires a red color due to the presence of anthocyanin substances, which have so-called P-vitamin activity, which helps strengthen blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

Hot hibiscus tea will help cleanse the liver and kidneys, get rid of toxins and calm the nervous system. It has anthelmintic, choleretic, antispasmodic and antibacterial effects on the human body.
Tea can be drunk by both hypotensive and hypertensive patients. Moreover, when hot, tea helps to increase blood pressure, and when cold, it lowers it.

For making hot tea at home you need 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of dried Chinese rose petals, leave for half an hour and strain. There is no need to boil the tea for a long time, as it will turn dirty gray due to the decomposition of the coloring matter.

To make iced tea, You need to fill the flowers (along with the cups) with cold water overnight, and in the morning strain and consume cold. This tea quenches thirst well in hot weather.

In addition, vitamin C in flowers is completely preserved and it is recommended to add them to food to protect the body from viral infections.

After steeping the tea, the petals should not be thrown away like regular tea leaves; it is better to eat them. They contain a lot of protein, valuable amino acids, which are very necessary for the human body.

Hibiscus tea helps cope with alcohol intoxication. And with regular use it helps fight infertility. By drinking this tea regularly, you can not only improve your health, but also reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Contraindications for use

People suffering from gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, hyperacidity and gastritis should not consume hibiscus. Hibiscus drinks should not be given to children under one year of age.

Hibiscus in the house

Hibiscus or Chinese rose will help restore normal family relationships. This flower smoothes out tensions between son-in-law and mother-in-law, parents and children.

Drinking tea together near a blooming Chinese rose will resolve even a protracted conflict, help restore mutual understanding and establish a friendly atmosphere in the house.

In addition to all its beneficial properties, hibiscus also cleanses and improves indoor air. And weak plants growing near hibiscus begin to feel better.

There are about 200 types of hibiscus in nature, the most common of which are double, red, variegated, white, and tree-like. The flower brings great benefits to human health, as it has a large number of beneficial properties. Of these, the following can be distinguished: tonic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, anticonvulsant. It is contraindicated to take hibiscus teas for people with high stomach acidity, individual intolerance to the plant, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Description of the flower

Hibiscus (hibiscus), or Chinese rose, is an evergreen deciduous plant that is valued for its beautiful, abundant flowering and beneficial medicinal properties. Grows in southern China and India. In Russia, cultivating Chinese roses at home is popular. The plant is unpretentious in care, develops quickly and forms a lush crown. The leaves of the flower are spreading, have an oval-oblong shape and a serrated edge. The trunk of the plant is bare, the leaves are located on small petioles.

The main decoration of the culture is the buds, their shades from light pink to red or from yellow-orange to purple and dark purple. The hibiscus flower, depending on the type, has a diameter of 5 to 30 cm. In the middle there are long golden stamens. The flower wilts a day after blooming. The fruits look like a five-leaf capsule, inside of which there are seeds. At home, the shrub grows up to 1.5-2 m, and in nature - up to 5 m. Life expectancy can reach 20 years. The plant lends itself well to shaping. To give the flower the correct shape, you need to prune it at the end of winter.


There are about 200 species of hibiscus in nature. It comes in home and garden varieties. The indoor flower is unpretentious in care and requires timely watering and bright lighting. It should be located away from drafts. With proper care, the home flower grows well in pots on windowsills and in greenhouses.

Garden hibiscus (another name is Syrian) belongs to the mallow family. This flower has many different shades. The frost-resistant plant is intended for growing outdoors. The bush blooms from early July to October. Thanks to pruning, you can achieve an interesting shape. It can be a shrub, subshrub, or tree. The following types of hibiscus exist:

  1. 1. Terry - an indoor rose that reaches a height of 2 m. The leaves of the plant are bright green, jagged in shape. The rose buds are double, have a milky white, yellow, red color, and reach 15 cm in diameter. The blooming flower fades the next day. The species is demanding regarding watering, temperature and lighting.
  2. 2. Red is an evergreen plant that lives on the Pacific Islands and is also cultivated in gardens. The bush is large with a large flower. The plant has a lush crown with spreading branches. Red hibiscus can be easily propagated from cuttings.
  3. 3. Variegated - a modern look that combines red and white. It has large flowers with a long stamen. The shades of the petals depend on temperature, brightness of light and soil. During the flowering and growth period, fertilizers must be applied.
  4. 4. White - perennial. Has a long flowering period. The bud is large, painted white. The edges of the flower leaves are framed by a beautiful border. Grows in southeast Asia.
  5. 5. Tree-like - a perennial evergreen variety, has a large flower with a bright color. The diameter of the bud is about 10 cm. For abundant flowering, a lot of watering and fertile soil are required. Gardeners use tree hibiscus as a hedge.




Composition and beneficial properties

The Chinese rose is not only a beautiful ornamental plant, but also has medicinal properties. Its composition is presented:

  • vitamins - A, C, B2, B5, B12, PP;
  • macro- and microelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • antioxidants;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids - citric, tartaric, malic;
  • pectin substances;
  • anthocyanins;
  • phytosterols.

Chinese rose has the following beneficial properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anthelmintic;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • tonic.

Flower tea

The main purpose of hibiscus is to make tea from it. Thanks to anthocyanin substances, the drink made from rose petals acquires a ruby ​​hue. Due to them, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and cholesterol plaques are cleared. Consuming hibiscus can regulate blood pressure. When hot, tea can increase it, while when cold it can decrease it. Ascorbic acid and polysaccharides contained in large quantities activate the body's protective functions and help strengthen the human immune system. Vitamins of the PP group have antispasmodic and diuretic effects.

Hibiscus tea is used as a prophylactic for liver diseases, it stimulates the production of bile and improves metabolism. For seasonal pathologies, the drink helps to cope with viral and bacterial infections and keep the body in good shape.

The sour taste of tea is given by the organic acids included in its composition. They help quench your thirst. Chinese rose can cleanse the human body of worms, as it has antihelminthic properties. Flowers, ground until juice is formed, are applied to boils, weeping eczema, abscesses, and wounds. A drink made from the petals is used for edema as a hemostatic and anticonvulsant.

Homemade flower tea quenches thirst, refreshes and tones. Known under the name hibiscus, as well as Sudanese rose, mallow, the drink of the pharaohs. The substances that make up the tea improve your well-being. In case of hangover, due to its beneficial properties, drinking the drink cold significantly alleviates the person’s condition. It replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements, normalizes water-alkaline balance, and relieves headaches. Hibiscus tea can be drunk by people suffering from kidney disease, as it does not contain oxalic acid.

To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. red rose flowers and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. Then leave for 10 minutes and drink the tea drink 3-4 times a day.

Hibiscus goes well with a variety of fruits. Apples, rose hips, and strawberries are added to flower tea. The combination of red rose and rose hips, enriched with vitamin C, will help restore strength and immunity, and replenish the lack of vitamins. You can brew tea in a thermos, in which case it infuses better. To prepare the drink at home, you need to put 2 tbsp in a container. l. rose hips and hibiscus flowers, add hot water and leave for 1 hour.

Red rose is used not only as tea. Syrups, cherry drinks are prepared from the flowers of the plant, and added to marinades and sauces.


Despite the large amount of vitamins and microelements, hibiscus also has contraindications. If the body is individually intolerant, it can cause an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to take hibiscus for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, or pancreatitis.

Pregnant women should use Chinese rose tea with caution, as it can lead to uterine hypertonicity. This can harm the unborn child. You should refrain from drinking tea during lactation, since the substances included in the drink can cause an allergic reaction. Children under 5 years old are not recommended to drink hibiscus.

A plant known to mankind since ancient times. Today it has many names - Sudanese rose, hibiscus, Chinese rose, rosella. It is considered a national symbol by residents of South Korea and Malaysia.

In many countries it is grown for its many beneficial qualities, and in Latin America a black dye is obtained from it. In northern latitudes, this plant is grown as an ornamental plant; it decorates greenhouses and window sills. This hibiscus is an extremely useful plant.

What is hibiscus?

This is the common name of a genus of plants from the mallow family. Its main representatives are annual and perennial shrubs, as well as small trees. Herbs in this genus are rare.

Hibiscus flowers are simple, have five petals, which can be of various colors, like all mallows. Chinese rose flowers reach 30 cm in diameter.

The most common types include: hemp (used in the textile industry), as well as Chinese and rosella (hibiscus tea is made from their petals).

This heat-loving plant. Its habitats are climatic zones with a tropical humid climate. On the territory of Russia it can be found in Crimea, the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, and the Far East.

A special place in the composition of the plant is occupied by:

  • Acids(lemon, apple, ascorbic, wine)
  • Amino acids(hibiscus contains 13, six of which are essential)
  • Anthocyanins(gives the petals of the Sudanese rose a bright red color)
  • Flavonoids(quercetin, myricetin, hibissetrin, hibiscetin - allow us to consider hibiscus as a powerful antioxidant)

Also, the composition is rich in vitamins (almost the entire group of vitamins B, A, C, PP), mucous substances, pectins, microelements (P, K, Ca, Mg, N).

Useful qualities

The plant is most often used for food as a tea drink called “Hibiscus”. Thanks to such a diverse composition, it can bring great benefits to the body:

  • Anthocyanins are involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, remove cholesterol from the body, and also help burn fat deposits.
  • Antioxidant action manifests itself in the removal of toxic substances from the body (including heavy metal oxides), improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Due to the presence of ascorbic acid, it has strong antiviral effect, is an immunostimulant.
  • Useful for normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps remove old feces from the intestines, successfully copes with constipation and increased gas formation.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.
  • Possesses antihelminthic effect.
  • Helps the body fight free radicals, which prevents the risk of developing cancer.
  • It has anticonvulsant, hemostatic, and also antispasmodic effects.
  • Participates in the normalization of metabolism.


There are no special contraindications to the use of hibiscus. However, it is not recommended for people with gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis and high acidity, as well as for children under one year of age.

The hibiscus drink can be consumed with extreme caution by people prone to allergic reactions. It is forbidden to take if you have an individual intolerance. During pregnancy, drinking a hibiscus drink is not recommended because of its ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which can cause premature birth and miscarriages.

Rules of application

In order to correctly use Chinese rose to improve the health of the body, it is necessary properly prepare raw materials. The largest amount of useful substances is contained in the roots and flowers of the plant. It is recommended to collect the ovaries no later than six days after formation. They are then dried and used as a brew for the drink. You can also freeze the petals.

To prepare dietary soups, the leaves and petals can be boiled. The seeds are used as seasonings for first and second courses and side dishes.

Oil from Chinese rose petals has become widespread in cosmetology. It is used to make anti-aging masks, as well as products for the care of problematic facial skin.


Today, there are many recipes in which the main component is hibiscus. These are not only drinks, but also desserts, soups, salads, and they all have the beneficial properties of this amazing plant.

  • Pour 10 grams of petals with warm water, let it brew for 12 hours. Then bring to a boil, cook for about five minutes. Strain the finished drink; if desired, you can add honey or sugar to taste. This tea is good for improving appetite and helps improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  • To achieve a laxative effect, one tablespoon of flowers is brewed in a glass of water. It is recommended to drink this drink only warm.
  • To improve immunity, you need to take a pinch of lemon balm, oregano and mint. Mix these herbs with two tablespoons of hibiscus, pour 500 ml boiling water. Then leave for half an hour and strain. Take in small portions throughout the day.
  • For weeping eczema, it is recommended to apply a paste of crushed parts of the plant over the wound.
  • For skin diseases, hibiscus flowers are ground with honey and applied to the affected areas. Keep the compress for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  • For insomnia, you can take Sudanese rose petals and hops in equal quantities, brew with boiling water and infuse. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. Take: in the morning - one tablespoon, in the evening - two.
  • Hibiscus tea can be frozen in ice cube trays and then used to cleanse and freshen your facial skin.
  • If you pour 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of ground coffee to a prepared hibiscus drink to get an excellent body peeling.

Thus, knowing about the beneficial properties of this plant, you can not only enjoy its wonderful taste, but also, at the same time, heal your body. And from an aesthetic point of view, the beauty of hibiscus will not leave anyone indifferent.

Large, red flowers with stamens of an original shape, on rather “spreading” bushes with beautiful heart-shaped leaves, are well known to us as the “Chinese rose” houseplant. But it has a close relative, often called the "Sudanese rose", which is a completely edible plant. From its dried petals a drink is obtained, which we know as.

Amazing plant

Hibiscus sabdariffa, or rosella, is an annual plant, herbaceous, unlike its shrubby indoor relative. It is native to India but is widely grown in various tropical environments around the world.

The drink is obtained from the petals along with the calyxes of the plant. It has a thick red or wine color, a sour taste with a very light and delicate aroma. This tea is considered the Egyptian national drink, which has become popular among people from various countries due to its wonderful taste, refreshing abilities and beneficial properties.

Healing properties of hibiscus

  • A complex of vitamins, including vitamin P, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Anthocyanins, which give the drink its unique ruby ​​color.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Pectins.
  • Organic acids, including citric acid.
  • Brewed petals contain up to 10% protein, so you can eat them, enriching your body with vitamin C and pectins.
  • Tea can be consumed cold or hot, with or without added sugar.


This is an excellent refreshing and invigorating drink with vitamin properties. It is perfect for people with weakened immune systems, during mass epidemics or in the presence of a cold, as it has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic and temperature-reducing properties.

In hot weather, iced tea with hibiscus tones the body, gives vigor, and reduces thirst.

Contraindications and side effects

Contains a lot of acids and can lower blood pressure, so you should not use it in the following cases:
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • This tea should be given with caution to young children and people with a tendency to metabolic disorders (“salt deposits”, gout).
Making Refreshing Tea

Hibiscus can be brewed like regular tea, pouring boiling water and leaving for 5-7 minutes. Take the “leaf tea” according to taste; more petals mean a more sour and richer taste. You can add sugar to the drink if desired.

It is not worth brewing “pharaonic tea” - when boiled, its beneficial properties and taste are lost, and the drink itself acquires a dirty gray tint instead of a beautiful ruby ​​tint.

Hibiscus is known as a houseplant called Chinese rose. He came to Russia from the East.

This plant has a number of useful properties that make it possible to significantly.

What are the benefits of hibiscus tea and how to brew it?

Features of hibiscus tea

- This is a rather rare type of drink with a non-standard rich taste. Read about the features of the production, preparation and use of this drink.

Preparing and brewing hibiscus

There is: hot, cold, with the addition of seasonings, herbs and tea leaves.

It can be heated, boiled, or cooked in a water bath.

But the only rule that cannot be broken is the ban on boiling the drink for a long time.

When exposed to boiling water for a long time, the rose petals begin to decompose, causing the color of the tea to turn a dirty gray.

How to make tea in Egyptian style?

In Egypt, hibiscus is prepared as follows:

  • hibiscus flowers - 1 tablespoon;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • sugar.

The drink will get a rich taste if you soak the petals in cold water for a couple of hours.

Then the infusion is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, boiling for 5 minutes. The petals are removed, sugar is added, and the tea is ready.

Drink to boost immunity

Tea with hibiscus and rosehip is very useful for well-being.

It can be prepared either from its flowers.

To prepare the drink you will need a mixture of hibiscus and rose hips in a ratio of 1 to 1. The following steps are as follows:

  1. pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of cold water;
  2. place in a water bath and bring to a boil;
  3. boil for 10-15 minutes;
  4. strain.

The drink can be sweetened to taste, preferably with honey.

But him the benefits become noticeable with regular consumption of tea. Rosehip helps increase the effectiveness of the drink.

There are many recipes for making hibiscus tea, and all of them allow you to get a wonderful ruby ​​drink that quenches thirst and heals the body.