Where to looking for? Who is behind him.

As scientists have proved, not only man, but any living creature can create a subtle field around him and control it (as a rule, this happens subconsciously).

Who has not seen what happens when a dog drives a cat into a dead end? She turns to her pursuer and takes a certain position - arches her back, raises her tail with a pipe, dilates her pupils ... The dog freezes in place, but not at all because it is afraid of this threatening pose. In fact, as psychics say, a dense energy field is formed around the cat that cannot be overcome, reports with reference to Salik.biz.

And here is a telling example from history. As you know, under Kutuzov and Napoleon, horses were killed more than once, the cores of the generals and orderlies being torn apart by cores ... However, both of them avoided wounds, although they never bowed to the bullets.

As for Napoleon, while still a lieutenant, he always went into battle ahead of his grenadiers and was invulnerable to bullets. Napoleon did not change this habit in the rank of general, thus instilling courage in the French soldiers and in a hurry - in enemies. From one of its kind mysticism blew.

An interesting story told by the famous St. Petersburg parapsychologist A. Martynov. Anatoly Vasilyevich heard her from a former front-line soldier from the city of Tikhvin by the name of Antonov. During the assault by the Red Army of the German fortress of Breslau, a platoon of machine gunners was ordered to take a church in the middle of a large area.

The smokescreen helped the platoon take possession of the church and provide communication in order to correct artillery fire. However, the wire was soon interrupted, since the area was completely shot through. The commander gave the order to restore communication. Antonov's partner, who went first, was killed after a few seconds.

It was the turn to go to Antonov, who, incidentally, did not receive a single scratch during the whole war. Later, he recalled that the asphalt around him had crumbled under the bullets, but not one of them touched it. Antonov crawled under this hail of bullets about fifty meters and safely connected the wire, after which he returned to the church under the same frantic fire. Already there, the fighter lost consciousness from overvoltage ...

Nestor Makhno and the famous Soviet pilot Alexander Pokryshkin were famous for their phenomenal invulnerability. The latter spent hundreds of air fights, from which he emerged unscathed. The best German aces hunted for Pokryshkin; Luftwaffe pilots managed to bring down many of the followers of Alexander Ivanovich, but he himself seemed to be talking.

If we talk about political leaders, the undisputed record holder for survival among them is the former Cuban leader Fidel Castro. According to the American media, at least six hundred assassination attempts were made against him, and murders were almost always planned by top-class professionals who rarely misfire. However, the CIA and the Cuban counter-revolutionary organizations were powerless against Castro with all their poisons, bombs, bullets, etc.

How do scientists explain this phenomenon? They say that a bullet moves rectilinearly only “for itself,” but in reality it flies according to the geodesic line of space. Therefore, if the space around a person is curved, the bullet will bend around his body, which in this case is a kind of gravitational mass. But this concerns bullets, and poisons, planted bombs and other methods of killing that were used, say, with respect to the same Fidel Castro? Why didn’t they work?

And why are there so few “unkillable people” compared to “mere mortals”? The answer to this question lies, in our opinion, in the field of the human spirit. The statement that “he is afraid of a bold bullet”, of course, was not born from scratch ...

All of us have heard about this sign from American films more than once, but the homeland is Great Britain. What does this mean, why and where do the roots of such a tradition come from?

During the reign of Queen Victoria, many modern wedding traditions were born, including this one. In the XIX century, symbolism reigned in fashion and all objects had their own significance. It was believed that throughout life, each person has several transition periods, one of which is a wedding. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach marriage with all seriousness, and with the help of rituals to guarantee yourself a happy family life.

And so the tradition appeared: it is necessary that the wedding should have something new, old, borrowed and blue or blue.

Let's figure it out!

Something new

Everything new is, accordingly, the beginning of a new cycle in human life. The new thing symbolizes the willingness to leave the old life and start creating a family. This is a transition to a new status: from a girl to an adult woman. Most often, a wedding dress is something new.

Something old

This thing symbolizes the connection of the bride with the past, with the parental home. Although the girl begins to create her new family, she should not renounce the old one. So as not to forget her family and friends who raised her, and her girl's life. One of the family heirlooms is best suited for the role of such a thing: brooch, hairpin, earrings, any jewel.

Something in debt

It means that communication with friends and relatives after marriage does not stop. The thing taken in loans, says that the girl at any time can count on help, support or advice. As a rule, some little thing is taken from the bridesmaids.

Something blue or blue

There are several interpretations of this tradition. Initially, this has religious significance. The fact is that the blue color symbolizes the Virgin, the Virgin Mary. The color of fidelity and purity. Most often, they used a blue ribbon to bandage the bridal bouquet. Nowadays, it can be anything: from accessories for the bride to the decorations of the hall.

Here is such a beautiful wedding sign that came to us from the British. In turn, Yabkupil offers ideas: to use such blue or blue at a wedding.

We have all heard such phrases more than once. People throw the word “tannins” like football players with a ball in the stadium, but something tells me that most wine lovers, if they get them to clearly answer what “tannins” are, cannot give an exact answer. So, let's finally figure it out ...

Here is the first surprising fact about tannins: tannins are TASTY (they have no taste), and they also have no smell. What we “feel” when we come into contact with tannins is a reaction from the interaction of this substance and the proteins that are in our oral cavity - absolutely structural sensations. And really, all that tannins give is “mouthfeel”.

We know where the tannins "end", but where do they come from? The answer is very simple. Tannins are found in grape skins, seeds, and in the stems of the vine (as well as in the bark and leaves of trees, etc.). And since grape skins undergo maceration for the production of red wines and since it is almost never used for the production of white wines, red wines are tannic and white wines are not. Tannins, in fact, are associated with a substance called anthocyanins (elements that make red wine red) and which are also found in grape skin. And when that bunch (right name proanthocyanidins) comes into contact with acids of grape must, acids break down tannins fromanthocyanins, allowing these coloring substances as well as the tannins themselves to fill with themselves all the wine.

But, despite the fact that the skin, bones and stems of the vine are the main source of tannins in most wines, tannins can also penetrate the wine through ... oak barrels! Tannins are also present in the tree, and although the chemical composition of these tannins is different from those in grapes, they are nevertheless tannins. More importantly, the tannins that stand out in the wine during aging in oak barrels (especially new ones) are usually “more powerful” than those found in aged wine. It is curious that when red wine is aged in an oak barrel, there is an exchange of tannins between the wine and the barrel.

So, tannins give red wines a texture, but they also perform another, even more important function. Tannins naturally slow down the oxidation process and, accordingly, allow the wine to withstand. Thus, theoretically, the more tannins are in the wine, the longer it can be stored, and the better it will grow. And yet, not all tannins are the same. The group of compounds to which tannins belong is very diverse and complex. Therefore, for example, those tannins that are in slowly ripening grapes differ in chemical composition from those that are in ripened grapes in one very hot week. We also know that there are two very tanny grape varieties, but those who have tasted wines from these two varieties can say with confidence that the tannins in these wines are completely different.

Another way to get tannins in wine is through the chemical compound “tartrate”. Tartrates are small crystals, salts of tartaric acid, which are sometimes found in the sediment of old wine. But, strictly speaking, tartrates are NOT tannins. Tartrates are a potassium salt of tartrate acid, but this salt very often contains a certain percentage of tannins. Thus, the more tartrates will be in wine, the more “developed” wine (you can read “less tannic”). For final clarity, I add that not all sediments contain tartrates or tannins. In unfiltered wines, most of what is at the bottom of the bottle is literally small particles of grape skin or pulp. They are very easy to distinguish from tartrates in color. The grape sediment is dark purple, while tartrates are fairly light crystals. And let’s make it clear that all of these substances are absolutely NATURAL and Harmless. Nevertheless, they should not be swallowed, as nevertheless this is a secondary wine material that can slightly bitter, but they are by no means toxic. I can’t tell you how many times people returned to the store complaining about spoiled wine. But what caused them these fears was just an ordinary sediment.

Here, the main essence of tannins. There are actually many more chemical explanations, but we will not go that far. In conclusion, I will say that tannins are absolutely inseparable from the essence of wine. Without them, wine is not "wine."

Examples of high-tannic wines of different price categories:

The wine has a rich ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. The aromatic bouquet is dominated by aromas of red berries, light shades of tomato leaves and herbs, the nuances of vanilla and cocoa.

The taste is elegant, intense, rich, with silky tannins.

The aroma felt notes of raspberries, blackberries, cocoa, licorice, candied cherries, which are complemented by sweet tones of spices. Wine with persistent tannins and refreshing acidity. Long aftertaste. The wine goes well with grilled kebab with tomatoes and halloumi cheese, sirloin steak in red wine with pepper and caraway seeds, bison meat burger, lamb with fresh herbs.

The hero of the traditional column “SE” is the famous midfielder of “Torpedo”, CSKA and the USSR national team, a participant in the 1962 World Cup. A lot of interesting stories about Streltsov, Voronin, Beskov, Bobrov, Tarasov and other legends of our sport.

He was once a great footballer in Torpedo. How many of these survived? Our hero and Victor Shustikov. All.


We are going to Nikolai Alekseevich in the acting village of Zhavoronki. He feels bad, but we are glad. Next to his wife, actress of the Moscow Council theater Galina Dashevskaya. Drives away from the guests affectionate cur.

- Looks like a dog Ranevskaya- breaks out with us. Galina Samuilovna  played with Ranevskaya in the same theater. He remembers very well both her and the dog.

Yes, also a mongrel, nickname - Boy. Found on the street, sick, lame, shabby. Cured. Faina Georgievna lived alone, so there was no soul in him. I often came to the theater with him. Left in the dressing room, the dog was waiting for the performance to end. And after the death of Ranevskaya Boy, her friend took her.

Actually, I go, ”Manoshin smiles at us. - But today is not very well. Nothing, what will I say lying?

- No problem. We heard a joke how Galina won the box of cognac on your name.

This is not a joke, but the truth! I’m somewhere at the training camp, and we have many Georgian acquaintances in Moscow. They had money. Invited to a party at the Cinema House. Galya went with her friends. These Georgians are all with names - a doctor, artist, poet, sculptor, architect. They argued: who has done more for Georgia? Everyone gets up and lists their exploits. In the middle is a box of cognac - a prize to the winner. The queue reaches Gali. Rises: "I also want to say!"

- What are Georgians?

They look at each other - well, there is an impudence. What does it have to do with Georgia? And Galya continues: “Our family has done more for Georgia than you all put together. When Tbilisi Dynamo first became the champion, in the most important match my husband scored in his own net!” - "A la la!" This box was also drunk. He won’t carry it home.

- Stop. In the famous replay for the 1964 championship there were no own goals.

It wasn’t, she invented everything. Played up the mood! Although once really scored in his own, and in Tbilisi. Goalkeeper Gluhotko went to intercept, but I beat him. In the very "nine" drove.

- Is the story of acquaintance with Leonid Markov a reality too?

With Lenya something? Yes! A heavy man. But the artist is great. I only met Galya and started dating. We looked into the WTO restaurant on Gorky Street. We look - Leonid sits, gives in. Jackdaw presents: "This is Nikolai, my husband." He turned a little: "Sixth, or what?" Gone to your table, I still think - is he really a fan? How does he know that I'm playing under the sixth?

“But actually, what kind of husband?”

I am the second for her. The first was the artist-restorer Sergei Bogoslovsky. Galya is also my second wife.

Bobrov’s widow said - you were married to a motorcycle racer Tamara. She went to the deli and took three-day chickens. If five days is all, Kohl is not allowed.

Oh well, Lenka came up with! Although she was familiar with Tamara. Really caring. But what a "motorcycle racer" ?! Where is it from? It was considered a talented skater. When they began to live, they forgot about sports.

- Older than you?

Pretty well, about eight years old.

- Have you parted easily?

Very much like ships. No offense. There were no children. Everything happened because of her. I have not played. One day I’m returning home, some kind of bloke is sitting. Meet, says.

- That's the news.

Brought a man! He was connected with Israel, felt the prospect. I switched to him.

- And you?

He opened the closet, took his overcoat and left home. All.

“Why didn’t they throw him off the stairs?”

What's the point? I was even delighted! The age difference has already begun to affect. I found myself - and thank God. True, it did not work out for them.

- Tamara alive?

Long died.

- You also took away Galina from the family?

No, they have not divorced Sergei yet, but they have not lived. Disagreement has happened. To Gala in the room and moved.

- Still playing in the Moscow City Council?

Three performances left. It was five. When Sasha Lenkov died, “I, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion” were removed from the repertoire. And with the departure of Taratorkin they shot The Silver Age. They decided not to introduce new actors. But three performances - also a load be healthy!

- The best that you saw with your own eyes?

“Next is silence.” Awesome! With Plyatt and Ranevskaya. In the final scene, the audience sobbed. Jackdaw participated in this performance, played the editor. After our acquaintance, I often went to the Mossovet Theater. What were the performances there! I found Lyubov Orlova, Maretskaya, Zhzhenova, Markova ... Even in party performances they hooligans on stage. I hear the intonation of Ranevskaya, she was playing a speculator, she kept repeating all the time: "Why are you grilling?" Once he sat in the front row, and Galka from the hall went on stage. I don’t know, rose to give her a place. The actors died.

- Did you communicate with Plyatt, Ranevskaya?

Did not work out. They were friends with Zhzhenov.

- The most amazing meeting?

The Moscow City Council Theater toured in Georgia, and Anatoly Tarasov, who led the CSKA football, sent me to see the player in Tbilisi. Met there with the Glory of Metreveli, he was already the director of the restaurant.

- dumplings.

Yes, what dumpling? This restaurant! What did Slavka understand in commercial matters? But once appointed, then appointed. The assistants puffed out for him. And then we complained about Metreveli - in the restaurant, they say, there is no toilet paper. A whole commission was sent to sort it out. Tells me: "They call to the authorities. I'm going, shaking. I think - they’ll take off to hell now ..."

- Not taken off?

The boss hugs: “Listen, this idiot wrote that there was no paper. But don’t worry. We removed him from work, and you work calmly.”

- Perfectly.

Glory arranges a banquet - for a happy ending. It treats the entire commission. He asks me: "Since the theater is here, call the artists." I go to Ie Savvina: "Our friend invites me to have a bite" - "And who will be?" - "We are with Galya, Zhzhenov ..." - "Zhzhenov? I won’t go!" I didn’t come. Well there is no way. And Zhzhenov appeared. I remembered this banquet for a long time.

- Did the scandal happen?

In Moscow, a little bit, but in Georgia they began to restore the name of Stalin stronger. Metreveli sits at the head of the table, next to his stairwell neighbor, the general. Directs counterintelligence of the Transcaucasian Military District. He also had testers. Then we crouched, both commissions. Someone rises - he wanted to sweeten the local: "Raise the glasses for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin!" Zhzhenov defiantly puts his glass aside: "I will not drink for this man."

- What.

Everyone exchanges glances - and Zhzhenov continues: "By the grace of Stalin, I spent 20 years in the camps." And they planted something for nothing! Came from rehearsal, the apartment is sealed. He tore off the seal. That was enough to sit down. I’m quietly clarifying something, Zhzhenov replies: “It’s better to ask with what language I was released after 20 years. For“ insufficient evidence, can you imagine ?! ”


- In March, you turned 80. Celebrated here, in the country?

Yes. Our veterans arrived from CSKA. Who remained alive - Olshansky, Dulyk, Korobochka, Shvetsov, Valera Novikov ... Olya Ostroumova was, she generally comes in often.

- Wife Gaft?

Also our neighbor in the village. Val himself could not, he is weak. Although he also lives in the country. Feels worse than me. Where does the power come from playing? Inexplicably! Transformed on stage!

- Many are surprised at this.

My Galya with Olya are friends in misfortune. They share who is suffering. But I'm walking. You see, the wife everywhere has set the railing. So I’m climbing.

- Has a heart attack happened long ago?

The first - in 2004, followed by another. The third - about four years ago. With a cardiac arrest!

- Here?

No, in a Moscow apartment. I live on Bolshaya Spasskaya, near Sklif. The wife called an ambulance, the doctors measured the pressure. Seeing is a bad thing. They wrote a phone: "Call, this is an ambulance from the Sklifosovsky Institute." They immediately rushed from there, rolled up their sleeves, did a direct heart massage. The ribs broke. But came to life!

“Have you completely shut off?”

Yes. I didn’t feel anything.

- Nervous?

But you don’t understand! Gathered somewhere, bent to lace up. I heard a sound: "Trrr ..." Apparently, the esophagus broke. Pressure from the stomach went to the heart. The devil knows what it is from? Suddenly! This was the case, lost consciousness in CSKA. Drove on veteran affairs. Well, the implanted defibrillator worked for me. I did not know how it turns on before. The first time happened - I was so scared!

- How does it work?

I'm sitting, everything seems to be fine. Suddenly, a ka-ka discharge will give, yo! The device itself felt that the heart began to stop. Fine tuned. But I didn’t understand that there were any problems. Well, they did the shunting. There was a rich man, a fan of “Locomotive”. Allocated the amount - about fifteen veterans of the USSR national team were registered at the Moscow Soviet polyclinic in Solyanka. He came to a cardiologist, he convinced - we need to be operated on. In the hospital, these operations are like baking cakes. On the fourth day, people leave home! Joyful! I waved my hand: "Come on." He managed in time - soon the sponsor stopped allocating money, the veterans were unhooked. And now in the clinic on Rublevka they are watching me. Every month I call a car - they take me away.

- When was the last time at football?

Long! The comrade calls everything to the new CSKA stadium: "Come with us, the box has been bought out." And I'm honestly afraid of the scoreboard.

- Scoreboard?

From it is a strong radiation. Who knows how the defibrillator will work? I’m forbidden to pass through a metal detector, for example.

- What did friends give for their 80th birthday?

Yes, it’s not customary to give gifts to us. Usually we collect money in an envelope. Who helps veterans great is Alik Tokhtakhunov. Once they took him to CSKA with Berador Abduraimov, who very much asked for Alik. He was considered an assistant administrator, but was, of course, on free bread.

- Did you manage to "strip" citizens into cards on trains?

They didn’t bomb on trains, but at the airport. One can see from the person where he came from, with what money. From the North, people arrived in Domodedovo, oil industry workers, gold miners ... Near the taxi, they somehow involved in the game. There was a case: Alik returned at night to the base in Arkhangelsk. So as not to wake anyone, he lay down right on the pool table, covered himself with an overcoat. In the morning, they went with Bobrov to raise a team for charging, and came across a sleeping Alik. Mikhalych was saddened: "Kohl, give him 25 rubles. Hard for a guy, he only eats at the training camp ..." And Alik had big thousands in his pocket. Someone "met" at night.

- A wonderful story.

Alik to me with great respect - only “Alekseich” calls. Helps Lena Bobrova, Shesternev spends all the anniversaries with her own money. He remembers how he was a soldier!


- Why did the Bobrov coach in CSKA fail?

He could not do anything in that CSKA. When in 1967 he took command, there was generally a very difficult period. Even with the form of the problem, Mikhalych got through his friends. And strange things were happening to the players. We skid!

- What is it like?

That's it, the guy is called up. Already plays in SKA. It doesn’t matter, Rostov, Khabarovsk, Odessa. It would seem easier to transfer to CSKA? No!

- Why?

All the commanders of the districts are shaking for their own, they are not letting go to Moscow. And ours might insist, but they are afraid. What if tomorrow this district commander is appointed defense minister? It is still unknown how everything will turn out! In these SKA they are insolent, they ask again: “Now you want our player. Will he be in the main team for sure?” We could not stand it anymore, the three of us went to Minister Grechko - Bobrov, Shesternev and me. They just could not translate to themselves Leonid Shmutz, Ronaldo ...

- Ronaldo?

Romaualdasa Yushka! Someone else. Five people. Grechko scoffed: "Have you entrusted someone with the lists? To our click-clickers? Come on here!" Immediately put on the table.

- The result?

The next day they were already in the team! Every single one!

- Ah yes the minister.

So I drove all week at train stations, met trains. Through the conductors, documents were sent to these players.

- There was no new Shesternev in CSKA.

Alik is outstanding ... He ran like an elk, always hedges. He is a former athlete. Stronger than the central defender I do not know. True, I did not see the generation of the CDA, did not get to the stadium. And there Tolya Bashashkin was also a legendary person. He even entered the proverb: “Will you be a Bashashkin?” In the sense - the third in giving.

- Schmutz was considered the goalkeeper of the national team. As he threw in his own net against “Ararat” - he broke.

I remember this goal. He took the ball, he wanted to throw the defender. Either they blocked it, or Lenya changed his mind at the last moment. Like a woman, yo! He thinks one thing, but rises from a chair - quite another on his mind. The ball breaks from the hand - and into the goal. Soon Astapovsky came to CSKA, and Shmuts sat on the bench. Now no one knows where he is. I went to my Ukraine, I guess.

- The best goalkeeper in your memory?

Yashin. No one is close.

- Who is behind him?

Maslachenko and Volodya Belyaev. Gorgeous goalkeepers, but do you stick out from under Yashin? Maslachenko almost finished football with me. The national team plays with Costa Rica, Volodka rushes to his feet for the ball. Striker from the grassrock hits - in the jaw!

- Poor thing.

Volodka was taken away. After he said: "I only remember you, Kohl. You are dispersing everyone." It’s true, I stood above him and pushed: “Go away, give air!” With these words, he turned off. Maslachenko to the hospital, the team went to South America without him. You won’t cancel the tour. Then I met him at the airport. Did not recognize!

- Even so?


- A nightmare.

So that the jaw did not fall, ten bandages were pushed into his mouth about ten meters. One eye is higher, the other has moved out. My cheek was swollen. I was afraid that I wouldn’t get better - but nothing had grown together ... What was Maslachenko good at?

- What?

They put balls on the penalty line and beat one after another. No one was able to jump so dexterously. What the hell! The impression that the body pushes off the ground, spring.


Astapovsky in CSKA on the eve of the arrival of Tarasov was on the list for deduction. And a year later he became the best footballer of the USSR. How is this possible?

I have no idea. There were a lot of goalkeepers. Well, they would send Ostap - there is Schmutz. Behind him, Leva Kudasov, also an excellent keeper. This is only in CSKA! So they did not value anyone. In addition, our coaches have changed one after another. They appoint a new one - they clear everything: "I do not need these players ..."

- So the turn came to Tarasov. With him, CSKA almost snuck out of the big leagues.

Somehow I got to him for training - he grabbed his head. Tomorrow is a game, and he forces the football player to drag a partner on the back from the goal to the center circle. Then change. Could lower still pancake from a bar in hands to give. Who so loads before the match ?! Muscles clog! You can’t stop the ball, it bounces off you like a piece of wood.

- With him, the players ran to the wall from overclocking.

It was. Educational moment! Checked whether you are a coward or not. He drew a line on the wall: "Whoever comes is the hero." So you can go into reconnaissance. I drove onto a tree so that they would jump from a height.

- Did everyone decide?

Where are you going? I looked from below and thought - thank God, I had finished playing long ago, otherwise I would have jumped now. Or a guy brought to CSKA - a healthy, rosy cheek. Anatoly Vladimirovich fortunate rejoiced. So loaded that wrote off with heart disease. Finished with football.

- Nobody dared to argue?

What do you! It could cost a lot! There was a story in CSKA hockey. Played in Leningrad, returning "Red Arrow". The train leaves at midnight, the second coach Kulagin walked around the car, checked. Everyone is in place, going to bed. As soon as the door to the Tarasov’s compartment closed, the sacrifice began.

- Who would be surprised.

And the next day, Taras lays a report on the table - so that the title “Honored Master of Sports” is removed from Mishakov. That’s why the authorities couldn’t tolerate Tarasov, so beyond this line: he’ll show up before everyone else, at eight o’clock. The report to the head of CSKA will be thrown on the table - "to do this and that. If not, I report to the minister."

- What is it with Mishakov?

But no one knows. The report lies. I meet Zhenya himself: "What's the matter?" - "How could I know that at 3 o’clock in the morning Taras will do it?"

- Lord.

At night, impatient, went along the carriage. The toilet door pulls - and there is a drunk Mishakov. Taras made a riffraff, he opens everything in a row. In each walk, the team is drunk!

- Only Kulagin sleeps?

Yeah. Interesting case?

- Peerless.

And so it would have gone and gone, had Tarasov not left the toilet. They would drink and fall asleep. As if for the first time ... This is the difference from football: in hockey you do not need to adjust, you must follow a diet. The more weight, the better for skiing. Not to mention the game in the case.

- Did they return the title to Mishakov?

Sure. Well they constantly won.

- Did the players laugh at Tarasov?

Here we play with the Hungarians, they are rude. With Tarasov, this does not work out - he calls Kaplichny, loudly: "Comrade Captain! Water them all over the field! Colonel Tarasov is responsible for the red cards!" Is there a laugh or cry?

Nikolai Manoshin (on the lawn on the left) in the match “Torpedo” - “Dynamo”. Photo Fedor Alekseev

The call

- But you in that CSKA were in charge of selection?

Y. Zakotel Anatoly Vladimirovich to draft Yuri Chesnokov from the “Locomotive” in the army. He instructs me: "Go to the military commissariat, help them. So that without surprises."

- Could there be "surprises"?

What more! Such a noise came out with Konkov! At the airport, they arranged the operation "interception". So he escaped, began to beat the glass with his head. Some Japanese took everything off. After this, Colonel Nerushenko, who was in charge of the draft, Minister Grechko immediately fired without a pension. Tom was told - a massive heart attack, instant death.

- Horrible.

Chesnokov had to work quieter. The team is about to fly from Indonesia, it is in the composition. By the way, headed by Nikolaev, CSKA coach. He would have to talk with Yura about the transition to the team, but no - they hang me on me.

- How was it?

We learned a lesson - it’s not worth taking it at the airport. Let’s move away. As it dives into the bus, it starts, we block it from all sides. We go in, present the summons. I tell the general: "He may not even board the general bus. Often cars are sent from the club." The general wondered: “Okay, we’ll meet near the house. We will surround the top and bottom - so as not to run away.”

“This is a flawless plan.”

No. They could send Chesnokov to Khosta immediately, there is a base at Lokomotiv. We decided to send a patrol there, to block the entrances. He says to me: "And you, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, go personally to the airport, help the military commandant. So that your football player is not brought out through the restaurant. Or a window."

- So romantic.

All windows checked. Our people are everywhere. The commandant says: "We stand together at the gangway. Your task is to indicate what is needed, nothing more. Then we ourselves." The guys are coming down, I was immediately noticed. They say: "Wow, Manoshin in uniform. For someone ..."

- Chesnokov did not rush back on the plane?

No. For some reason, they decided; I’m passing Valero Zenkov from Spartak. It started: "We’ve come for Zenkov!" I pointed to Chesnokov, and to Nikolaev. Anyway, we are driving past the "general's" house on Sokol, where Nikolaev lives. I’ll abandon it along the way. Then the commandant rushes to me, all in sweat! "Lost Chesnokov!"

- The minister will fire everyone.

I looked around: “Yes, he gets on the Lokomotiv bus. It turns out that they flew to Indonesia from the same airport, left their winter clothes in a storage room. What should I carry with me? I recognized Chesnokov on a ladder in a shirt - and he left the airport in a sheepskin coat and hat.

- What is the commandant?

He ran after the bus. And we drove off with Nikolaev. I look, at the very exit to Leningradka the Lokomotiv bus was taken in ticks. I just went home - a call from Tarasov: "Kolya, how?" - "Anatoly Vladimirovich, everything is fine. Met, handed the summons ..." - "Well, why didn’t you bring him to the barracks?" - "I do not call them!" Tarasov shouted: "If Chesnokov does not come to training tomorrow, we will not work!" I hung up. Rude was a guy.

- Chesnokov appeared?

At 11-00. Everything worked out.

- Olshansky all his life was angry at Tarasov for the call, looked at point blank range and did not greet. What about you?

Not for me. Although he could. Nikonov is more offended at me. Olshansky something offended? He became a colonel, a good pension! Which of the veterans is so arranged?

- You called Olshansky at 27?

How can I tell you what happened. Decide for yourself whether I am to blame or not. Tarasov consulted with me on footballers. I reported: “Anatoly Vladimirovich, in order to strengthen the team, we can take Olshansky from Spartak and Nikonov from Torpedo. This is the last draft year. If not now, everyone will float away.”

- Tarasov was delighted?

He inserted the names in the directive of the General Staff on the call. But instead of CSKA, he sent Nikonov to serve in Chebarkul, and Olshansky to the Far East, the Pacific Fleet!

- Incredible. He did not need them as footballers?

Who knows? There, that's all! The main thing is to weaken the enemy team. Apparently, he reasoned like that. Although Olshansky was the captain of the team. Happiness, Seryoga, as a football player, was not lost; Then they transferred to Khabarovsk. And Nikonov served in Chebarkul for real.

- It's sad.

The next year, Tarasov is removed, they put me in charge of the team. At the reception of the Minister of Defense I tell you - Olshansky is serving there, and Nikonov is there. Both will help the basic structure of CSKA. The directive flew - the guys were transferred to Moscow. I also wanted to get Tarkhanov.

“Is it easier with him?”

Much more difficult!

- Why?

Somewhere at the training camp, the head of the Khabarovsk SKA approached: “Kohl, there is a cool guy in Krasnoyarsk. But we don’t have enough strength to summon him. We hid him, put him on guard at the nuclear plant. Take it away if you can.”

- Nikonov in Chebarkul wilted?

Unfortunately. Heavy, gained weight. Absolutely not the player from whom everyone went crazy in the “Torpedo”. He also let me down.

- How?

The military base in Kudepst, below the sea a youth center. Bobrov arrives with a friend, correspondent Volodya Pakhomov from the "Evening". And two, Olshansky and Nikonov, disappear that very night! We met friends, took a walk. Clear business, it is necessary to punish. I punished!

- Severe?

Withdrew from the first category - transferred to the third. This is 130 rubles. At first, he wanted to kick him out altogether. According to the results of the training, he reported to the Minister of Defense - he suggested expelling and writing to the family what they were doing. He restrained me: "Do not."

- Have you lost 30 rubles? Nonsense.

But Nikonov remained in CSKA, so he received 130. Although he was no longer pulling, he could not lose weight. He is not a strong-willed person. He would have to take care of himself, hold him up, set up food, run the extra cross ... No! I thought it was not necessary. He returned to the “Torpedo” - also did not play. Olshansky is more disciplined, conscientious. Because he went to the colonels.


The breeder of Kiev Dynamo Alexander Petrashevsky told us how he came to some village for Vasya Rat. So the men with stakes and pitchforks went to his “Volga”, barely managed to turn around. Are you in danger?

I have never heard a threat. But when he called on the Gener Shtromberger from Alma-Ata, all flights to Moscow were canceled. So as not to take it away.

- Are you sure because of you?

No doubt! It was under Kunaev. It has its own power, not entirely Soviet. They hoped for Gena, they gave the apartment. But I cunningly arranged ...

“How is that?”

I bought two tickets in advance, and we figured out when they should leave. We looked: yeah, then, in the name of Manoshin and Trachtenberg.

- Stromberger.

Ugh, Stromberger. And we arrived at the airport early. There was a landing on a Moscow flight, which was delayed for two days. Then they suddenly release!

- And there were tickets?

Just enough space for such an airplane - someone did not wait, handed over a ticket. I stretch ours: "Take it?" - "No problem". I didn’t even have to pay extra.

- Shtromberger - that rare person who dreamed of getting into CSKA?

Yes. I wrote a statement, I arrived in Alma-Ata with the order of the Minister of Defense on assigning him the rank of lieutenant. The most important thing in my pocket lay. Usually the locals saw such a paper - immediately hands up, no questions were asked.

- Someone was upset?

Andreev from Rostov. There was already an order for him; Serega was transferred to Moscow. Galya and I persuaded in turn - there is no severity in CSKA, the capital is here, the best theaters, everything is allowed ... He was afraid of discipline - a terrible thing: "I know, it's tough with you." But reduced to some performance, and all convinced. Ready! Melted: "Is it really so democratic?" My wife and I vied: "Of course!"

- Why didn't it work out?

He arrived at the reception of the head of CSKA. Waiting. And then one of our men ... ran into him and kind of joked: "What is this ?! Why not sheared? I wanted to go to the guardhouse?" Andreev turned and left, they didn’t see him again at CSKA.

- Could not hold back?

No. In addition, the mother-in-law wrote letters to the Central Committee. A little earlier, another transition failed. Made me sad.

- Tell me.

Forward, with Stromberger in “Kairat” played. Together and had to go.

- Pahlavanidi?

Right! Eustathius at first wanted to go to Moscow, then hesitated. I fly in the family recovering to him. We lived somewhere near Chimkent, the pope is cultured, at one time he played as an extreme defender in Dynamo Tbilisi. They met me wonderfully, they didn’t even let me go to the hotel. He lived with them. Father asked: "Nikolai, there are options, how to avoid the army?" I have explained. Do you know what they got hold of?

- For what?

For the idea with two children.

- Not so easy to catch.

Eustathia was immediately found by an aunt with two males, they got a lime marriage. Everything, the question was closed. There was great resistance in Lithuania too. I took Ivanauskas from there. If I really wanted to - nothing would have worked out for me. There, too, he immediately poked at his parents, they answered: "We have no idea where he is. He does not appear at home."

- Where to looking for?

I tell my parents - I’m in a hotel like that. Let it come, let's talk. CSKA coach was Yuri Morozov, Ivanauskas played in his youth team.

- Appeared?

Father first came. Following, I look, Valdas weaves. He began to draw it up, everywhere they look at me with anger. In the military enlistment office they turn to him: "What do you want in the army?" - "Yes!" And say no, and no one would let him go. At the recruiting station all will be repeated. It seems to Lithuanians that I am forcibly taking them away. Ivanauskas insists: "No, I myself want to."

- You delivered it to CSKA. So what did Morozov put on his greatcoat and send it to guard the gate?

I think he annoyed him with his stubbornness of his Lithuanian. But I felt guilty. Once called, then responsible for it. Ivanauskas was offended by me, needless to say. And you can’t discuss these topics with Morozov, heavy person. Here is an example. We are sitting with him on a bench, CSKA in Moscow is playing with Kairat. Stromberger is already ours. Loses the ball, does not run after him, Kazakhs attack, beat by. In a rage, Morozov changes him - a minute before the break! I ask: "Yura, why?" - "Why didn’t he roll back ?!"

- Score?

Veli 1-0. We entered the second half - “Kairat” crushed us. They were afraid of Shtromberger, respected. Former leader. And how they removed it was a great relief for Kairat. They just came to life. We lost that match ... It was a shame and with Vasya Shvetsov.

- And with him what?

They took from Minsk to CSKA, served, was about to return home. Then a girl comes to me: "I love Vasily, we are dating. But he doesn’t want to get married." I shrugged.

- This is the mission.

He went up to him: "Vasya, ugly. Once you meet - what are you?" - "Alekseich, everything will be fine!" I was in Minsk, local bosses warmly received me. We were reduced to a performance, to the museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and paid attention. They say: "You really do not keep our Vasya at your place, he wants to return to Minsk ..." - "Yes, no one is going to keep!" And then embarrassment.

- What is it?

I’m returning to Moscow, I find out - Shvetsova was hanged by the lieutenant’s shoulder straps. Bubukin himself wrote a report for him in the name of the Minister of Defense with a request to continue serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

- He himself signed for Vasya with his left hand?

Yes. I've done everything!

- Agility. So what?

And what? The guy stayed in CSKA.

- Often used this trick?

Yes you! Who will decide on this? After a while, I meet the Minsk leaders. They shake their heads: "Nikolai, your happiness - they searched and did not find it. They would have killed it."

- Was it hard to find?

I went to Africa to train.

- Did you have to get players out of the police?

No. With hockey player Ragulin there was a story. He coached the Novosibirsk SKA. Once he left for a few days in Moscow - and through the ground. He does not appear in CSKA, he does not sleep at home. Telegrams fly from Novosibirsk: "Where did Ragulin go?" Also, the ex-wife, actress Lyudmila Karaush, complained about him. They could not share the car. They instructed me, the secretary of the CSKA party organization, to find Ragulin. Went to hot places.

- What is it?

In Serebryany Bor, for example. The hockey players had a lured place there. But he had not looked in there for a long time. I also traveled a couple of points - past. I had to contact the police. Finally, Ragulin called me back. I say: “Sasha, you can’t do that. You are an officer ...” And he went on a walk. Another time, Mishka Voronin threw out the number.

- The son of Valery?

Yes. First he served in Gorky, then in the Smolensk “Spark” they added. A month before the demobilization they were given a vacation. And he rushed to Ukraine. He played for some little command, hit a penny. Six months hanging out. I didn’t understand that I was walking along the edge. If they stop, they check the documents - everything, they will arrest! Deserter!

- How did it end?

His mother, Valentina, came in tears: "Kolya, help me. My son is on the run, imposed with summons." He explained: "It is necessary to go to Gorky, to the place of conscription, to mark that he served and to leave the army." It seems nothing complicated, but it turned out, as with Andreev. While standing at the checkpoint, an officer walked past. He flashed his eyes: "What a hairy? You need to put such people on guardhouse!" Misha got scared, ran away, called in a panic. Barely I persuaded to return.

- Voronin Jr. died early.

At 48 years old. In recent years, he worked as a masseur in a bathhouse. Not modeled, to say the least. That heart could not stand it.


- Bubukin was opened for us from a new perspective. According to the story of Shvetsov.

Yes Valka is a wonderful man! Galya and I came to the hospital to see him for the last time. Bubuk already understood - the end is near. Cancer does not make out. I didn’t talk about myself! You can’t imagine what worried him!

- What?

How through the government to register veterans in a hospital so that they can be treated for free. He handed over all the papers to the Administrative Department: “This player is not arranged for me, and this one ...” He himself was kept in life only by the training of the government team. They paid 100 thousand for one injection for Valentine. Wonderful person. And how to start telling!

“We are aware of this.”

I could slap this! They knock on his door in the middle of winter: "Master, do you need firewood?" “No, not needed.” Then comes out - oh, no firewood. Dragged away. I kept asking: "Valka, how many jokes do you remember?" - "And the method is very simple. I heard a new one - I immediately caught one, two, three. Retold - and he remembered."

In the book he read the episode about Yuri Morozov. If someone played poorly, it began: “That's it, we’ll remove the bet! Manoshin, issue a report!” You’ll make a report, but under the cloth. Because very soon the same footballer will play great, and Yuri Andreyevich will exclaim: "Manoshin, return everything to him! Make out!"

Here is Valka the confusion!

- What's wrong?

This is not with Morozov, but with Tarasov. There, the story repeated: "Take off the bet!" I answer: "Yes, yes, now I’ll do it." But I will keep the report. I know for sure - soon Tarasov will take pity: "Okay, put him back." There is a saying in the army: when you receive an order, do not rush to comply. It will be followed by a new - canceling. And Valka is a comedian that you listen to him. Metreveli in the national team followed him as if attached, did not stick. Bubuk something blurt out - this one laughs. So funny! Mischievous! Arakelovich, Christmas trees, sticks ...

- Actually - Kalistratovich

What's the difference…

Someone told us: Metreveli is the only person who, at a conscious age, managed to develop speed.

This is unreal! Although once introduced standards. So Slavka laid us all down. We took into account who, how many times on horseback, gets into a small gate, pulls himself up, jumps in height.

- How much did you have to pull yourself up?

At least 12 times.

- Did you succeed?

For me, six is \u200b\u200bthe limit. And Metreveli figured it all out. 175!

- A lot of?

Yes, this is a professional leap. With its sprout. We had no idea that Slavka was so jumping. I opened the road to him in big football. The team played somewhere, a pause in the championship. “Torpedo” went to a friendly match in Gorky. This is where Metreveli first saw. I am the left midfielder, he is the right insider. Hold each other. They played on the double-ve system, with personal guardianship.

- Did you do it?

Canopy, I jump and do not get it. And Slavka closes behind him, a goal! And the whole match was surprising, jerk after jerk. I pointed to Beskova on Metreveli, and he himself was already peering: what kind of guy? Immediately took him to Moscow, and nowhere to live. Not even a hostel.

- How to be?

Beskov put him in his apartment on Mayakovka! Then all the newcomers made a hostel. Ostrovsky came, Purkhvanidze ... These will start, there isn’t enough booze - Slavka pops money to run away. He brought a bottle.

- Did you run?

He’ll take the money. He is simple-minded. Returns - instead of vodka I bought myself pants. But such a modest guy!

- He lived in Georgia like a king.

I once rode with him. Glory at each post was given honor. And he sees, the policeman slowed down the taxi driver, reports. Metreveli stops, it turns out: “What's the matter?” - “Yes, I’ve violated ...” - “Give him back his rights!” The traffic cop returns without saying a word.

Everyone in Georgia adored fame! - joined our conversation Galina Samuilovna. - It was impossible to walk along the street with him calmly. But he did not boast of popularity, no fanabery. Wonderful guy.

- And Meskhs?

Also. Mischief! - laughed Nikolai Alekseevich. - I remember the national team is training in Tbilisi. Fans are walking along the field, Misha is saying something in Georgian. A second later, he jumps at me, holds a reception, tries to fill up. I wanted to show how strong and courageous. We are in different weight categories, plus I’m fifteen centimeters higher. I can imagine how ridiculous it looked. I can tell you many stories about Misha.

- So tell me.

Tbilisi. Friendly match. I look - the rostrum opposite is crowded. And during the break it empties, thousands of people run across to our side. What's happening? They explain to me: "Misha Meskhi will now play on this flank!" Or 1961. Tours in South America began with a match with Argentina. Which was losing at home. Nobody took us seriously, they thought savages arrived, now we are putting on a full string bag. On the eve of the interview, they described how the Russians would be torn. Sanfilippo, the national team's top scorer, said Argentina would win 4-1. Simeone, the right-back, has his own prediction: “What are 4: 1? Yes, we will not miss it at all!”

- It wasn’t there?

We won - 2: 1. This Simeone Misha drove the whole game! Clown made of him! From feint Meskhi people baldel. Especially when throwing the ball on one side and running around the opponent on the other. The next morning, they wrote in local newspapers that the River Plate was giving a million dollars for Yashin, and 500 thousand for Meskhi and Metreveli.

- It is solid.

At that time - sky-high money. Misha bought up all the newspapers, brought them to Georgia, distributed them to friends. Well, buzzed in joy. Further fees, but no Meskhi. It is completely upset. Andrei Petrovich Starostin is furious: "Misha, you are a pest! We rely on you, we release you in the starting lineup, and you barely move. You don’t play football like that! When will you put yourself in order?" - "In two weeks". Not fooled.

- Have you visited Meskhi?

Yes, he lived in a beautiful house near the Dynamo base. A spring was beating from the wall on the veranda, Misha was holding bottles there. When they gave him the Volga, I bought door locks abroad. Seems from Ford. But they approached the “Volga”, gave Misha. He was happy.

- You mentioned Ostrovsky. About which Vladimir Ponomarev said: "Hooligan, profitable."

Well what are you! Normal guy. He grew up in Riga, brought up in European traditions. Because of this, the team either teased the Germans or joked that in the occupation the Nazis dug trenches.

- Offended?

Laughed the loudest ...


Let's debunk the myths. Viktor Pondelnik told us: “In the USSR, they loved to remember the match with Uruguay at the 1962 World Cup in connection with the gentlemanly act Net. In the second half, after hitting Chislenko hit the net through a hole from the outside. The referee pointed to the center, and Net to "He approached him as a captain and explained that there was no goal. I read a lot about that episode, including in the Net book, but, kill God, I haven’t left it in my memory."

And I could not postpone! There was no such thing in that game! Everything happened in the Union, in some kind of international match. Igor acted nobly, there are no questions. But why they decided to link it with the World Cup in Chile, remains a mystery.

- What prevented Voronin from leaving the “Torpedo”? He trained for two months at Dynamo Moscow and returned.

I don’t know the details. By that time, I was no longer in the Torpedo. That Valera certainly would not have gone to CSKA. I did not like this club. He said: “I’d better chop off my hand than go to CSKA!” But the Moscow “Dynamo” attitude is different. I think because of Beskov, with whom his father was friendly, they served in the army together. Yes, and Geshka Gusarov in 1963 already moved to Dynamo.

- How in 1956 did Beskov fuse torpedo "old men"?

He began to drastically introduce young people - Metreveli, Voronin, Medakin, Ostrovsky, me. Veterans did not like it. Details surfaced when Valya Emyshev came to us from CSKA. He told me how he played against the “Torpedo” and heard from our defender Lev Tarasov: “Come on, Val, go along the edge, shoot, we rafting Beskov.” And at the end of that season at a meeting with the leadership of the “old people” openly flooded Konstantin Ivanovich.

- What did they say?

Alik Denisenko, the goalkeeper, got excited: “Beskov said that you need a pole to get the ball up? Why does he humiliate me ?!” Others complained. The main thing was that Ivanov and Streltsov were pulled over to their side. Those are already in authority. Edik was terribly annoyed by Beskov’s long analysis and installation. Once, in the midst of a theoretical lesson, he jumped up: "I don’t need this!" Slammed the door.

- Konstantin Ivanovich suffered?

Well, what could he do? Beskov, before whom everyone was in awe, became later. And then he was 35. He had just finished playing, worked as an assistant to Kachalin and accepted the “Torpedo”. Immediately invited Medakin and me. Noticed us in the youth team. Do you know what is the most interesting?

- What?

In “Torpedo” I did not break. So Beskov Medakina sent me. Sasha was on the heels, persuaded. And I was happy with everything at FSM. The head coach there was Victor Maslov, who struck me a scholarship.

- Good?

80 rubles! My father, who worked all his life at a meat processing plant, received 110. In the end, Beskov said: “Kolya, forget about FSM, don’t show up there anymore. Don’t worry about money, I’ll compensate.”

- I kept my word?

Yes. I, sucker, gave a bet of the first category! 160 rubles! But Maslov was offended. I thought I betrayed him.

- When, after Beskov, he headed the “Torpedo”, did it backfire?

Of course. The chill was felt, treated differently than in FSM. At first, under Maslov, they were released exclusively for the double. Although he played great, people went to me! Zhenya Kravinsky, a popular entertainer, specially brought George Menglet to our matches.

- He was rooting for CSKA.

That's right. Kravinsky told me: “After the national team’s failure at the 1958 World Cup, Menglet was completely depressed. I suggested going to the Torpedo double match. Let's go, I’ll say, I’ll show our future star, Kolya Manoshin. His game will cheer you up.”

- Sounds like a toast!

Thanks to the fans, a turning point in relations with Maslov happened. After the next double match, a torpedo bus was surrounded, and they began to swing. Yes, so that almost turned upside down! Noisy: "Maslov, when will you start putting Manoshin ?!"

- And he?

Stunned. I said a strange phrase: “Kolya, you would play. If I only believed in you at least 37 percent ...” Under pressure from the fans, I still included him in the squad. And I didn’t miss a chance.

- Who was considered his favorite?

Medakin. Reminded Maslov of a son who was hit by a car to death. Also Sasha, blond. Viktor Alexandrovich was so kind to Medakin that he dismissed. He began to succumb, hooligan. For which he received the nickname of the beast blonde in the team.

- And Lev Tarasov - Hans.

Right. Why - not in the know, it happened to me. Beskov took Medakin to the position of right-back, just to replace Tarasov. Oh, and poor Sashka suffered at first! Then, playing hockey at a training session, Hans slashed his kneecap with a club. That with the "grandfathers" at the assembly pushed into the sewer manhole.

- Cruel Hans.

Sasha - impudent, shebutnoy, that's more of the others from the "old" and got it. They also liked to throw off their hats in the flight of stairs, when at the training camp you climb up to your room after the hardest cross-country race on asphalt. My legs hurt, my muscles are clogged so that you can’t sit on a jerk. Hurry to crawl up to the bed, and instead up the stairs up and down, up and down.

- Hans, Blond beast ... Still in the “Torpedo” were funny nicknames?

Kolya is not that leg.

There was such Kolya Afanasyev, the defender of the double. In a double-sided on a damp field demolishes in a tackle. I get up with difficulty, brush myself off. He bends over his ear: "Kolyunya, I'm sorry. I’m not using your right foot ..."

- Not from evil?

Yes, that’s understandable. Snag! That stuck: Kolya is not that leg. There was also Hochma with him in Indonesia, where the Torpedo held friendly matches. He sits in reserve, in the middle of the second half, Maslov says: "Kolya, come on as a substitute." But there is no pause and no pause in the game, Afanasyev tosses on the edge. Suddenly the ball flies in his direction. Tries to stop, but he slips under his foot. Maslov shakes his head: "Perhaps, do not go out." He sits back at the bench.


- Your “Torpedo” of the 60s is remembered to this day. The most magical match of that team?

In Kiev. We won 2-1 and for the tour to the finish line we guaranteed ourselves gold medals. When Gusarov scored the second, I launched a goal attack. A line from Leo Filatov’s report flashed into my memory: “Manoshin effortlessly, in Brazilian style, walked around three Kievites ...” Even slipped away from Sabo, which he threw at my feet, tore his leggings with spikes. And in a match with Dynamo Moscow, I generally carried the ball on my head through almost the entire field.

- Come on.

Really! In his half caught on his head and forth. Coinage, got to the penalty area, threw it on his leg, hung it, and Oleg Sergeev closed.

- How did Dynamo allow such a trick to crank out?

Well ... We ran nearby. Waited, probably, when I drop it, yo! And I have order with the equipment. I remember another case. Introduced standards, one of the exercises is juggling. But not simple, with every part of the body - head, shoulder, chest, thigh, "Swedish", "cheek", lifting. First left foot, then right, not lowering to the ground. I missed the ball 21 times in a circle! Members of the commission found fault that he was moving. The next day they called again: "Repeat. Only now stand still." I got angry. What kind of bridegroom arranged? Not in the circus. Three times did and went.

- In Kiev, winning the championship, you burst into tears.

It flooded over. What a happiness!

- Still because of football, there were tears?

In the same season. When at home unexpectedly lost to “Daugava” 1: 2. I’m sure something is unclean here. We have a game set, we understand each other perfectly. We fly across the field. And we can beat these on foot. But these came, ached, asked to give points. Say, we’ll fly out - and instead of Riga you will wander to Mukhosransk. I think ours wavered, sold the game. So I felt sorry that in the locker room I cried.

- And how did you celebrate the championship?

Modestly. They returned from Kiev by train, no banquet. That's when the reception was arranged at ZIL, in the director’s office they took a sip of champagne. They poured it into some kind of cup, let it go in a circle. A small prize was also handed over to the Kiev camera.

- Used it?

Some, like Sergeyev, were immediately bought up, and I became an amateur photographer, traveled a lot of countries with this “Kiev”. The club specifically hired a person, held photography lessons for us. Interesting!

- Which of the team is alive?

Four. Vitya Shustikov and I are in Moscow, Lesha Polikanov - in St. Petersburg, Misha Pozuelo - somewhere near Madrid.

- The first buried Voronin.

Valera - kind, generous, loved to hang out. I liked women. Dude. Always dressed with a needle. He traveled abroad in a chic ink-colored suit. The Union did not see such. Yes, what we have - in Europe they did not take their eyes off Voronin, grabbed by the sleeve: "Who sewed this beauty to you?" When we were in Italy with a youth team, he got into a story that could cost a lot.

- What's wrong?

The tournament is over, stand-up meal. Returned to the hotel, added. And there is a demonstration on the street. Valerika in his underpants climbed onto the windowsill, opened the window. The slogans were yelling.

- "Glory to the CPSU"?

- "Camarados! Long live the revolution!" Something like that. Just fooling around. And in the morning the meeting, the trainers and the leadership of the delegation began to say: “Shame and disgrace! Disgraced the honor of a Soviet citizen ...” For some time Voronin was not called up to the national team.

- Explain how with regular spree he managed to play divinely?

Believe me, he didn’t drink so much, ”she said. Galina Samuilovna. - More talk. Unless after the game, champagne allowed itself.

Yes, the topic is bloated, Nikolai Alexeyevich frowned. - Kavazashvili agreed that Voronin and Pozuelo drank on the day of the match!

This is Anzor Amberkovich told us in an interview. We quote: “In the evening, play with CSKA. In the morning at the base in Myachkovo we go out for charging. Then we go to the side of the building - Voronin, Pozuelo, Savushkin, Marushko, Andreiuk and I. Suddenly the guys turn into the forest.“ Where are you going? ”-“ Ida with us. ”We come to the clearing. Voronin winks at Pozuelo:“ Bear, drive him around. ”He runs to the base and five minutes later returns with a bag. He opens - there is cold champagne, five bottles, caviar, sausage. Everyone has been stored in advance.“ You're crazy gone? - I say. “Today we play!” Valera smiles: “Anzorchik, a bit of champagne. “Do you need something else?” - “What else!” Everyone looked at me: “Well, will you go?” And I understand: if I leave, they’ll catch the company, they will say - I passed Kavazashvili. Moreover, I was a Komsomol in Torpedo and the national team So I stayed. When the bag was empty, we returned to the base. Nobody noticed anything from the coaches. We had lunch, rested - and to the stadium. We won - 3: 0! They trampled CSKA! The coach said: “Here, we have a little cut - and what a result!”

Nonsense! There was no such thing! You have no idea how veterans were indignant after the interview. They pushed Anzor: “Why are you inventing?” Voronin, of course, is not an angel, but there is no need to make an alcoholic out of him. It began to pawn only after a terrible accident.

“Valentina, his wife, died long ago?”

About ten years ago. From the moment they got divorced, we talked a little. I recall that Edik Streltsov told me about Valya: “I’m meeting with a girl, her father is a big police chief. I’m at their place. Somehow they started talking about Val Voronina. Suddenly it turns out that she’s been under observation for a long time. Because of her friend, who is married to an Italian. They go to Valya with restaurants, get acquainted with foreigners, pay for them. And they give them at the exchange rate. Then the girlfriend buys something in the Birch ".

- How do I remember Sagittarius?

Silent. Quiet, modest, calm. But in his youth, when he drinks, aggression woke up, there were scandals. That in the subway will quarrel. Then on the street he will chase after someone, break into the apartment, almost start to ruin everything.

He is one of those people to whom alcohol is generally contraindicated, - added Galina Samuilovna. - Sober, and he won’t offend flies. But a few glasses - and another person. Sorry for Edik. Remember the last meeting?

On Bolshaya Spasskaya, - Nikolay Alekseevich nodded. - The soup decided to cook, jumped into the store, I look - three in the gateway. With a bottle. Edik, Valka Denisov and a man who turned out to be the deputy of Khatuntsev, chairman of the Torpedo society. Valka has oatmeal cookies in a string bag.

- A snack?

Probably. Autumn, cold. I say: "Wait, I will instantly. Buy what is needed - and come to me." Jackdaw set the table, sat. I ask: "Where are you from here?" They told. Denisov after the “Torpedo” somewhere in the Far East played out. Hackwork, issued without documents. I returned to Moscow - I need a work book, seniority for retirement. He called Streltsov, he helped. He brought Khatuntsev to the deputy, straightened Valka's labor. And then he heard from Edik: "Kohl, I'm to blame. Forgive me."

- For what?

I do not know! I clarified - did not answer.

- Is there a version?

Something related to the Torpedo. Maybe he remembered how the "old people" were choking, but he did not intercede. Or already under Maslov, when they pickled me in a double.

Draft board

- The most unpleasant person you met in football?

The whole Union hated the central defender from Minsk - Zarembo. There are so many injuries on his conscience! Sabo played hard too. I didn’t make out where the leg was, where the ball was. There was a great story - broke Volodka Sidorov, a torpedo striker. And he tried to get into me, but I slipped out. On the tangent passed. However, no one can compare with Zarembo. He was like a kite. I could pay for everything with him ...

- How?

A good "patch" was formed. I would go to the end - he would get a fracture in a very unpleasant place. And would have finished. But at the last moment I spared. He almost took the spikes off his leg.

“Did he even understand that he regretted it?”

Yes, hardly. It was dumb. Straightforward.

“And who did not spare you?”

This episode slowed down my career. In 1958, they played with Spartak understudies. I have to keep Lobutev, insider. Their soccer player is on the flank with the ball. Lobutov and I are running next to him, he says: "For five, five!" Make, they say, a cross. Suddenly a terrible blow over Achilles!

- Specially beat?

One hundred percent!

- What a villain.

I limped for a long time, played on injections. Doctors thought something with the ankle. Then let go. Time later, I gathered in CSKA. Medical Board, sent for x-ray. The picture clearly shows: there is a pit on the bone! It turns out that Lobutev hit the leg, but did not break the bone, but crushed it. Shards dispersed into muscles throughout the leg. So they didn’t let me play.

- Could remain disabled.

There is no handicap, but he could have easily avoided the call.

“How is that?”

The doctor directly said to me: "You are not a conscript!" - "Oh, uncomfortable ..." I play football - but the army is not good? Although hiding at first. The military commissar almost cried, tried to persuade him not to hide: "Nikolai, call on me please.

- Sin is not invoked.

He also had an argument - he extracted an anonymous letter from the safe. It’s written in detail how I’m hiding with relatives in the Moscow region: “We all know ...”

“Who do you think wrote?”

Most likely, one of the neighbors. The main thing is that no one at Torpedo thought to stand up for me. At the factory, a difficult period, switched to a new model. Not to the football player Manoshin. Would Pavel Dmitrievich Borodin, a member of the Central Committee, be a director, he would defend. But then another taxied. The team was pulled apart. They only advised me at Torpedo: "You, Kohl, do not appear in Moscow yet." I ran.

“Well, did they come to the draft board?”

Still, he looked in home. The inboxes in the mailbox were piling up. Officers guarded me. At some point, I thought: how long should I live underground? In “Torpedo” there was not even a coach, Maslov was removed.

- You went to CSKA and at 28 you finished your career.

In 1966, the team was headed by Sergey Shaposhnikov. From Lviv, where he had worked before, he dragged his own - Kaplichny, Shulyatitsky, Szekec, Greshchak, Varg ...

“But you are stronger.”

Ha! It is your opinion. Shaposhnikov has something else. Plus, a conflict at the training camp in Bulgaria happened. I lived in a room with Dimka Bagrich. I wake up in the afternoon - not him. Yeah, I think the guys are somewhere. I went to the numbers. I look at Lev Kudasov - the company is sitting. Volodka Polikarpov, someone else, is sipping a local screw. Suddenly a knock on the door. Shaposhnikov’s voice: “Open!” Guys jump - and out the window.

- God. Floor?

The first. Why should I be afraid? I didn’t touch wine. Shaposhnikov flies, grabs a glass, sniffs: "Ah, drink!" As a result, I was the last. Withdrew from the composition.

“You have nothing to do with it.”

He counted otherwise. Just looking for a reason. He cleared the road with his own. I have no complaints about the guys. Although Istvan Szekec was cowardly, he removed the legs from the struggle. But Styopa Varga is a fighter, he was in love with me. He said: “Alexeyich, you have been a welcome guest in our Uzhgorod since the time of the Torpedo. You will come - all your basements!”

- What are the cellars? Wine?

Well yes. Soon, Shaposhnikov proposed to switch to coaching. Previously, 30 out of football drove off. And I’m 28. I’ll play, I think, a year or two — and so what? And here they already assigned the major, the prospects are looming. Although many, including Beskov, were amazed: "Why did you finish so early?" You will not begin to explain to everyone, turn your soul.

- Coach Bazilevich in CSKA did not accept. Why?

Ukrainian psychology is completely different. Kiev attitude, namely Dynamo.

- What is this?

They are very high opinion of themselves. Lobanovsky had the same thing. Sits down with Khusainov for chess. Gilya puts a checkmate - so Loban jumps up and says: “But I still play chess better than you!”

- The main thing is how to play football.

So I was not interested in playing with Lobanovsky. Valerika - he is like that ... "Give me the ball, that's all!" He’ll get it, he will turn his back on you and poper. It will reach the corner, it will rest against the flag. Calculation of what? Earn a corner. Serves its "dry leaf". Either he himself will twist the gate, or Bazilevich will close at the far. That's all their football.

- It's funny.

You can’t build everything on the expectation of a "standard"! This is ruining football now. A weak team will be locked in its own penalty box, pulling time. Waiting for a penalty shootout. A strong one is afraid to take risks, open up. Spits: okay, let a penalty. Everything is like in Russia with Spain. Such football is not interesting to me.


- Were there adventures in Africa?

Yes, what! In Yemen, he slept with a camel in an embrace. Hump \u200b\u200binstead of a pillow.

- Conveniently?

Quite. It turned out how? Visited a familiar doctor with Galya. It got dark, it’s time to return home, but I lost my temper and quarreled with her and the driver. I say: "Well, you FIG! I'll get it myself."

- Not afraid to get lost?

No, everything is simple - you go down the serpentine road to the highway, and there it is a stone's throw to our part. They left, I went on foot. At some point I feel - I won’t get there, it scares me to sleep. But do not fit on the asphalt. I look - in the distance the caravan is located.

- Bedouins?

Yes. They were friendly, they didn’t even ask about anything. Came up, lay down with a camel. In the morning I woke up, said goodbye - and home. And there is panic! Manoshin is gone! They were ready to leave the army in search of it.

- You started in 1977 with Somalia.

I liked it there. He took the team in fifth place - and made the champion, won the Cup. Among local officers, those who studied in the Union at military academies predominated, they spoke good Russian. They treated us beautifully. It all ended in one moment. The President of the country, the Saudi prince brought a check: "Enter any amount. The only condition is that there are no Russians here." The Soviet-Somali treaty of friendship and cooperation was severed, everyone was sent home. Instead of us, the Chinese came to Somalia.

“And you were transferred to Yemen.”

If the climate in Somalia is normal, air conditioning is not needed, then Yemen will bend without it. The heat is 45 degrees! The level of solar radiation is very high. The metal nets that they put on the mosquito windows scattered in a week. We joked that in this country there is a reverse process of turning a person into a monkey.

- I.e?

Memory worsens. Vegetation in all parts of the body increases dramatically. Here you (points to Kruzhkov) would become curly in Yemen. The British who served there could not stand it for more than a year. And I worked for three and a half!

- Is that where a football player died right on the field?

Yes. Heart. Although they trained always before sunrise. If it has risen a little, that's all, running is unrealistic. When the guy became ill, he took him to the clinic in his car. He died on the way. The club's leaders immediately reassured: "Don’t blame yourself. Work as before, do not reduce the load." I was at the funeral, but I did not hear reproaches from relatives. Death in those parts is philosophical. So, it pleases Allah. Now the deceased is next to him, he is well there.

- Have you encountered shamans?

No. But in Yemen, they told me a story about our instructor pilot. During the exercises, the local pilot’s plane got into its satellite stream, lost control, and went into the ground with his nose. Several months pass - our pilot dies.

- Suddenly?

Yes! Healthy as a bull, he was not sick, did not complain at all. An autopsy showed nothing. Doctors wrote - the cause of death has not been established. And the locals suggested that the voodoo sorcerers, whom the relatives of the deceased turned to, sent damage to him. We decided to punish the guy.

- And in Somalia, and in Yemen, and in Mali, before your eyes, there were coups. Have you experienced fear?

Well no. Bullets overhead did not whistle. If there is a coup in the country, we were warned: "They are shooting on the street, not a foot from the house." We did not stick out. But those who lived near the presidential palace were less fortunate. When the firing started, they crawled into the toilet. By the way, in those years there was no sewage system in Yemen. Everything spilled onto the street and burned under the scorching sun.

- Imagine what a stench.

Well no. It’s even strange. Near the garbage pits, cows and buffaloes constantly swarmed. On each back is a raven. They sit, clean their beak, look out for something to profit from. The British brought them there. Without a raven, Yemen would be mired in unsanitary conditions. And they help a lot, they eat all carrion. In packs they go astray, attack rats. I saw it myself: a few seconds - and not a damn thing was left of it.

- The orderlies of the desert.

Exactly. I lived in a villa. Somehow, from the window of the second floor I observe a picture. A woman cooks, throws scraps out the open door. There is a cat. Around the ravens. One creeps up to the cat from the side of the tail, yanks, it hisses, the crow bounces. Then a second time, third, fifth. Finally, the cat breaks down, rushes after the crow.

- Successfully?

No. He manages to soar into the air, and her brothers instantly grab an orphan piece of meat and tear. Yes, I think the raven’s collective selection has been established. Another case. Comrade bought a son’s air gun there. A little thing. He began to shoot at the crows from the balcony. So what do you think? Soon, a huge flock of ravens stuck around the balcony. Long croaked, beaks hollowed on the glass. The kid forgot about the gun, for several days it’s not like the balcony - he was afraid to slip into the street!

- How did your wife live in Africa?

Fine. In Yemen, on the day of the national holiday, we arrived for the match, but we can’t get to the stadium, everything is closed. They made him walk around, let him go from the end, through a small door. Galya is with us. One of the leaders invited her to participate in the ceremony, to bring the team to the field.

- Agreed?

Why not? And now the Yemeni army team is walking along the treadmill, and a Russian woman is at the head. Blonde in an embroidered shirt. Arabs bulging eyes: "Who is this ?!" There were no girls on football for some time. But there was an unpleasant moment.

- Where?

In the same Yemen. We were taught: "Do not serve the poor on the street! More expensive to yourself!" Once together we went to a shop, followed by a crowd of beggars. Vote: "Madame, bakshish!" We do not respond.

- Reasonable.

But in the shop, the female heart trembled. Galya regretted the kids, decided to show that we are not greedy, just begging is bad. I bought 20 servings of ice cream, and it’s not cheap there. While distributing, the crowd began to grow before our eyes, shouting: "Madame! Madame!" But you can’t feed all of Yemen with ice cream. Those who did not have enough were offended and threw stones at Galya. Here is the story, huh?

“You have wonderful stories.”

You think? Then one more, - said Galina Samuilovna. - About seven years ago, Kolya was invited with CSKA veterans to a holiday in Khanty-Mansiysk. The guys knew that he had a sick heart, heart attacks, and a stroke. They said: "Do not worry, we will protect our husband. He will make a symbolic blow to the ball, and that’s all." And he did it ...

- What, Nikolai Alekseevich?  - we turned to Manoshin. He grinned:

They put up a local commander against us. Clearly, much younger. At the end of the match I could not stand it, asked for a replacement, at least for a couple of minutes. Released. I got a pass, I wound one, the second. She covered the ball with such a body that no one could get close to it. In general, I did not spoil it.

Dashevskaya fondly looked at her husband:

That's for sure - you won’t drink skill!

We have heard about these things more than once, but few know how they look in kind. Most likely, if we showed pictures without captions, you would never have guessed what it was. Here judge for yourself!

Black box

Everyone knows that in every airplane and helicopter there is a “black box” on which everything that happens on board and instrument readings are recorded. It is called BUR (airborne registration device) or airborne recorders. So, it’s not black at all, and in most cases it’s not a box. A orange ball. The color is so that it is far visible, and the form - so that it does not sink in the water, but floats like a buoy. These boxes were black only in the first time from 1939 to the 50s. Black color protected the film in the recorder from exposure.


Now only the lazy did not hear about bitcoin. The digital currency is gaining momentum, but few people know that since 2011 real coins have been issued. Each of them has an individual email address and a key to it. They are protected by a special hologram, access to which the owner of the coin can only get in a special online service.


Tarantula is the most poisonous spider in the world. For some reason, everyone believes that he is very big and scary, as in the movie "Home Alone." In fact, there was a tarantula spider. And the tarantula is small and inconspicuous.


In our view, the DNA molecule is an ideal double helix. So it is drawn in the school textbook. In fact, it is such a confusion of threads, as in photo 2. The molecule is so long that it can not only be seen, but also touched!

Elephant tail

Anyone who has not seen an elephant alive will never guess it in this wand with a bristle. By the way, among African tribes this is a very valuable thing.

Barrel of oil

An oil barrel was invented in the United States as a unit for measuring the amount of oil. It is a barrel of this size.