Biscuits "Maria": recipes, cooking features and recommendations. Biscuits - composition and calorie content, step-by-step recipes for making them at home Why are Maria cookies called hard biscuits?

Hi all!

Cookies "Maria" are probably the only cookies that are familiar to absolutely everyone, and even despite the fact that stores currently have a huge assortment of various products and baked goods, their popularity is not diminishing!

Now many manufacturers produce it, changing the composition, which is why both the taste and quality of the cookies suffer! And finding that same Lenten “Maria” turned out to be not so easy!)

I became acquainted with “Maria” cookies from the Lyubyatovo brand when I was breastfeeding my child! The list of permitted products is limited by strict limits, but at least sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something tasty!

I saw cookies in many stores and hypermarkets, their cost ranges from 37 rubles to 45 rubles per pack. It is packed in ordinary cellophane, on which the manufacturer’s logo and all the information about the cookies are printed! The pack has a transparent window, which allows you to visually evaluate the cookies in the store!

Weight: 180 grams

Shelf life: 6 months

Opening the cookies is very simple, just pull the special ribbon! It smells simply magnificent, with a hint of vanilla, very pleasant and subtle!

The cookies are not large in size, thin and round, light wheat color, each of which has the company logo on it!

Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, invert syrup (sugar, acidity regulators: lactic acid, baking soda),
raising agents: ammonium carbonate salt, baking soda, salt, emulsifier: esters of glycerin and diacetyl tartaric and fatty acids, flavoring, antioxidant: sodium pyrosulfite, natural sweetener: stevia extract.

It is clear from the composition that the cookies contain neither milk nor eggs, which means they are perfect for allergies, breastfeeding and during fasting! Also, these cookies are suitable for kids with allergies!

Nutritional value: proteins 8g, fats 9.5g, carbohydrates 72.

Energy value: 410 kcal.

Like any flour product, cookies are quite high in calories and contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which means you should limit their consumption during your diet!

The cookies taste simply gorgeous, vanilla, slightly sweet, crispy and very tender! It’s impossible to eat one cookie and stop!) I advise you to try these cookies, you will definitely not remain indifferent to them!

Thank you for your attention!❤️

I hope the review will be useful to you!😊


Many of our readers probably know biscuit cookies from a variety called Maria cookies. This cookie does not have any exceptional taste, but at the same time, a considerable number of people are its fans. So, what are Maria cookies, the calorie content of which will be the topic of our publication? Let's first remember what biscuit cookies are.

Galette cookies are a type of flour confectionery product. Biscuits are dry, unsweetened cookies that have a flaky texture, for which premium wheat flour and some other types of flour, yeast, baking powder and some food additives are used. In preparation they use sponge technology.

Maria cookies also belong to this type of confectionery product. The calorie content of such a product is determined by its composition. Biscuits can be simple - without sugar and fat (crackers), with added fat (up to 18%) and dietary. Simple biscuits may not lose their properties for two years, while fat biscuits can last for about six months.

Galette cookies are easy to break into pieces and soak easily in water. It is often given a rectangular shape during manufacturing. You can freely take it with you on the road, since such a product can be stored for a long time without losing its original qualities.

What is the composition of this product?

100 grams of product contains approximately 10 grams of proteins and fats, 65 grams of carbohydrates, and the rest is water. Diet varieties of biscuits may have lower nutritional value. If we try to calculate the calorie content of one “cookie” (which is quite difficult - after all, they can have different shapes and sizes), then the total calorie content of Maria cookies should be divided by approximately 30. Based on all this, we conclude that this delicacy is of great harm to the figure will not bring, but it will satisfy hunger remarkably.

All types of such cookies are very pleasant in their taste, but at the same time they are also the healthiest of those that we buy in the store. And the main ingredients for making such cookies are just water and flour. Therefore, such cookies will not cause an allergic reaction, have low calorie content and good dietary properties.

Maria cookies are an excellent element of the diet of nursing mothers, pregnant women, young children, patients with diabetes, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The rich vitamin composition of premium flour used to create cookies of this type makes it possible to compensate for the lack of B vitamins in the body, as well as PP, N. The lack of these substances in the body can cause disruption of the functioning of certain systems, in particular the nervous system, and also negatively affects skin condition. In addition, Maria cookies are a source of a large number of microelements - calcium and potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine. All of them are extremely important for maintaining the proper functioning of the body.

Another very important component contained in flour, and accordingly in cookies, is fiber. It is necessary for proper bowel function. Flour is also a healthy source of large amounts of essential amino acids and unsaturated fats.

Well, specifically, how many calories are in Maria cookies? Here's how much:

The calorie content of Maria biscuits is on average 300-350 kcal per hundred grams

Just 100 grams of Maria cookies contain about 400 kcal. And since such cookies weigh quite little, it is not even possible to give an exact figure for the calorie content of one such cookie. This is determined by its size - approximately the indicated number of calories can be divided by 30, if one “cookie” is half the size of a small woman’s palm. Therefore, such cookies will not be particularly harmful to your figure, because they successfully curb hunger.

Can these cookies be made at home? Can! Here's the recipe for you:

Maria cookie recipe:

If you want to make these cookies at home, it would be a good idea to roll out the dough with a special machine before baking to make it as thin as possible (about 0.2 mm). After which the layers are connected so that the biscuits are multi-layered. Cookies are cut into squares or circles. Be sure to pierce them so that they do not swell during baking. They say that according to technology, you need to make 16 holes in a biscuit.

How to cook:

Grind a pack of butter, add a glass of cold milk, the same amount of powdered sugar (you can take sugar), 2 cups of starch, 3 cups of flour, a little slaked soda and vanilla. The finished dough should be quite stiff and elastic. It is rolled out in a thin layer, cut into equal parts with a knife or using special molds. The finished pieces are placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. The oven should be heated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 15-20 minutes.

Cookies "Maria" - recipe according to GOST


  • flour - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • starch - 15 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • Cookies Maria recipe according to GOST-2
  • milk - 55 ml;
  • baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon.


Mix milk with vegetable oil and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Combine flour with starch and baking powder, and then mix dry ingredients with milk. Knead the dough tightly and leave to rest for 10 minutes to make it easier to roll out, while you set the oven to preheat to 140 degrees.

Roll out the dough into a layer of 2 mm thickness, cut and place in the oven for half an hour.

That's all! Eat for your health, especially since the low calorie content of Maria cookies will not spoil your figure.

Maria cookies have been known since royal times. According to legend, it was baked by court confectioners in honor of the daughter of Alexander II, whose name was Maria, on her wedding day. This simple cookie does not lose popularity to this day, as it is considered one of the most dietary confectionery products. It often becomes the main delicacy for nursing mothers.

Composition of Maria cookies: benefits, harm and calorie content

The product “Maria” is classified as biscuits - a dry and hard type of cookie. They are very good as rations for travel, they last a long time, do not mold or deteriorate.

Cookies "Maria" are made from dough. This means that it contains a minimum of sugar and fat. If you dip a long-lasting cookie in tea, it will take a very long time to swell. During the cooking process, holes must be put on these types of cookies so that the dough does not rise and the biscuits are flat.
These cookies are produced in different countries, but the name “Maria” remains unchanged

In the classic “Maria” recipe, the composition is extremely simple:

  • flour,
  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • baking powder,
  • vegetable oil,
  • water.

This combination of ingredients makes the cookies dietary and hypoallergenic. This is an additional source of B vitamins. The cookies are well nourishing and at the same time easily digestible. The calorie content of these cookies is quite high - about 400 kcal.
Maria cookies can be harmful if the manufacturer has added palm oil or other cheap fat to the recipe. The reputation of the product is spoiled by antioxidants and other chemical additives that extend the shelf life.
No matter how dietary these cookies may be, you should not overeat them, as they can cause heaviness in the stomach and bloating.

What are the benefits of biscuits for a nursing mother?

Any breastfeeding woman, even if she does not experience serious physical exertion, spends a lot of energy. Breastfeeding uses all the resources of the female body. In addition, the young mother is constantly at the mercy of emotions and excitement about her new role. The lack of sleep and the monotony of everyday life are exhausting. All this makes sweet foods necessary for a woman during breastfeeding.
Dessert will help replenish energy reserves and stimulate the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, which will give you vigor.
“Maria” cookies do not have a significant effect on breast milk, since its components are hypoallergenic. The only harmful component is gluten (this substance is found in wheat flour and can cause reactions in the baby and mother).

We introduce it into the diet correctly

Some women deliberately give up sweets in the first months after giving birth for fear of harming the baby and the desire to lose excess weight as quickly as possible. However, you can’t leave yourself completely without desserts. This threatens nervous breakdowns and bad mood. Cookies "Maria" are a minimum taste that any nursing mother can afford.

Experts argue whether it is worth introducing this product into the diet immediately after childbirth or after 3-4 months. On the one hand, there are no potentially dangerous ingredients in cookies. It tastes neutral, slightly sweet. This means that you can safely eat it already in the first days after birth. On the other hand, an excess of flour inevitably leads to increased gas formation - neither mother nor child needs this.
To avoid allergies, choose the best quality cookies

There remains a “golden mean” - eat cookies little by little. For the first month, 3-4 pieces per day will be enough. You can distribute them for each meal: eat one at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If no negative reactions are observed, you can increase the number of cookies eaten. However, don’t get carried away: 10 pieces is enough. Like any flour product, these cookies are quite high in calories.

Those who carefully introduce even the safest foods into their diet should adhere to the golden rule: eat the first portion in the morning and monitor all possible reactions throughout the day.

How to bake it yourself

At home, “Maria” can be of any shape

Today in stores you can see many different variations of dietary cookies - each factory produces them in its own way. There are more conscientious manufacturers, and there are less. The composition of cookies from different factories can vary greatly.

To be 100% sure that each ingredient is safe, it is better to bake long-lasting cookies at home.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 g butter (0.5 cup vegetable oil can be used);
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 100 ml of milk, water or whey - to choose from;
  • 300 g flour;
  • salt, soda, vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. In a bowl, mix the liquid (whey, water or milk), sugar and butter. If you use butter, you must first melt it.
  2. Add soda, salt and vanillin to flour.
  3. Place the flour in a bowl and knead the dough with your hands. If necessary, you can add a little water. You should get a stiff dough that, due to the oil, does not stick to your hands.
  4. You need to roll out the dough diligently several times, as it very quickly begins to take on its original appearance. You should get a layer 3–4 mm thick. Cut into pieces randomly or using a glass or mold.
  5. Place on a baking sheet lightly greased with vegetable oil. Prick the cookies with a fork to create holes on the surface.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place the baking sheet with cookies in it for 5-7 minutes.

Experienced housewives advise not to leave the oven, because... The biscuits bake very quickly. If the dough is rolled out thinly, 3-4 minutes will be enough.

Video: Maria cookies with eggs

Other types of biscuits allowed for nursing mothers

Galette cookies have many advantages, but, unfortunately, they quickly get boring. Dry and almost tasteless - you won’t really enjoy such a “delicacy”. Typically, nursing women are recommended light confectionery products without traces of cocoa and other additives, for example, marshmallows or marshmallows. But if the mother is prone to allergies or the baby reacts even to such desserts, you will have to limit yourself to biscuits.

To replace “Maria” you can buy long-lasting cookies “Zoology” or “Zoological”. It tastes slightly sweeter and has a more pronounced vanilla aroma. Another famous type of biscuits is “Croquette”. These cookies are rectangular in shape with scalloped edges. It tastes almost unsweetened. “Start” cookies taste and aroma more like bread. You can make sandwiches with it. Many confectionery manufacturers have in their assortment cookies called “Galettes”. If there is nothing prohibited in the composition, you can safely try them. It is desirable that there be a minimum content of various acidity regulators, anti-caking additives, and palm oil.

Photo gallery: types of biscuits

“Crocket” cookies are distinguished by their rectangular shape and scalloped edges. Well-soaked “Zoological cookies” can be given to older children. “Start” cookies are reminiscent of bread in taste and aroma. Cookies are also available for sale with the simple name “Biscuits”

For many, round cookies with holes are associated with childhood. Therefore, nursing mothers sincerely enjoy the taste of this simple delicacy, and then it remains on the menu in the future. The main thing is to observe moderation and find “Maria” cookies with the optimal composition for yourself.

Everyone knows the long-lasting “Maria” cookies. His recipe is passed down from generation to generation and always succeeds. Many manufacturers are trying to add new flavors to the classic recipe. But the usual Gost recipe always wins; it is loved and appreciated for its pleasant taste and low price.

The benefits and harms of biscuits

Galette cookies are cookies with a low sugar and fat content, light-colored surface and layered structure. In appearance, biscuits are similar to hard biscuits, but are thicker. Cookies "Maria" are the hallmark of the long-lasting cookie class.
Due to its low sugar and fat content, this product is ideal for children and adults who care about their health.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of biscuits

+ -
  • Despite the difficulties in production, the result is an airy multi-layer product, light and pleasant to the taste;
  • Cookies made from flour with weak gluten are less porous, but dense. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or on a picnic, since such cookies, unlike butter cookies, are less fragile and do not crumble at all;
  • flour contains dietary fiber, which improves product digestion and bowel regularity;
  • The package also indicates that the product includes the necessary elements:
    • phosphorus;
    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • zinc;
    • potassium.
  • cookies due to the small amount of fat and sugar are less calorie;
  • Even with a low calorie content, it satisfies perfectly. Even a couple of things for tea are enough for a full tea party;
  • the product does not contain preservatives in its composition, but due to its low fat content it is stored for a long time:
    • in simple packaging - up to a year;
    • sealed - up to two years.
  • due to the simplicity of the composition - flour, salt, water, sugar and yeast, the risk of an allergy to the product is minimal;
  • it is recommended for use:
    • women who are breastfeeding;
    • pregnant women;
    • children from 6 months;
    • with dietary nutrition;
    • during recovery after surgery.
  • To prepare this type of cookie, the dough is kneaded from flour with weak gluten, its basis is the water-insoluble proteins gliadin and glutenin, which are able to swell, stick together, forming an elastic elastic mass. Therefore, the technology for its industrial production has its own characteristics that make the production of such cookies difficult:
    • weak gluten, after washing, immediately forms a sticky liquid mass or a coherent lump. After an hour of lying, such gluten loses its shape, liquefies and loses elasticity;
    • the dough has low elasticity - a flagellum of weak gluten from 25 grams of flour can be stretched to almost 1 meter. The lack of plasticity is explained by the use of less sugar and fat in cooking;
    • weak flour absorbs little water, the dough liquefies during fermentation and loses elasticity, becoming sticky. Baked products made from weak flour spread and do not hold their shape;
    • products made from such flour are low in volume, vague in shape, and have poor porosity;
    • in order to achieve lamination, the dough has to be rolled out repeatedly on a special machine to a thickness of 0.2 millimeters, then the resulting blanks must be combined to create multi-layer cookies.
  • when making it at home, the dough will require a long time of kneading, since the dough will return to its original shape when rolled out, which is why its name appeared - lingering;
  • When choosing cookies from different manufacturers, it is better to check the composition. There are variations of the famous cookies containing trans fats. These additives make the product cheaper, but have a bad effect on health. Low-quality fats are not completely absorbed by the body and can clog blood vessels with cholesterol plaques;
  • Eating even high-quality cookies can lead to excess weight and bloating due to the large amount of carbohydrates in the flour product.

What does biscuit biscuit "Maria" look like?

Maria cookies can be found on any counter, even a rural store. These cookies are known and loved for their consistent taste and state-of-the-art quality.

Round and yellow, like the sun, and always with holes - this is how our mothers and grandmothers are used to seeing “Maria” cookies, and they are still produced in the same form

Composition of cookies "Maria"

The calorie content of biscuits is on average 300–350 kcal per 100 grams, but when butter is added to the composition, the calorie content soars to 430 calories per 100 grams. Accordingly, the fatter it is, the shorter the shelf life will be.

What is included in the “Maria” cookies:

  • wheat flour of the highest and first grades;
  • sweeteners - sugar, powdered sugar, invert syrup, molasses;
  • fats - margarine with a fat content of at least 82% or butter;
  • raising agents - soda, ammonium carbonate;
  • whole, condensed or powdered milk;
  • corn starch;
  • egg powder, melange;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • flavorings, most often vanilla or cream flavor.

How to introduce Maria cookies into your diet

When eating cookies with tea, you need to adhere to the basic rules for introducing new products into the diet of a nursing mother - gradually and little by little:

  1. It is better to start in the morning, so that by the evening the child’s reaction will definitely manifest itself, in the form of a rash, increased gas formation or diarrhea.
  2. Try half a cookie first and if there is no reaction, you can eat the same amount in a couple of hours.
  3. The next day, increase to 2 pieces.
  4. And so you can increase it day by day, but when you reach 5-6 pieces per day, you should stop at this figure.

Why not more:

  • After childbirth, a woman is usually overweight. And cookies, even with a reduced calorie content, are definitely not an aid to weight loss;
  • An excess of fast carbohydrates in the diet provokes spikes in blood sugar and acute attacks of hunger. After all, snacking on these cookies will soon make you feel hungry again. Doctors do not recommend replacing any meal with such a treat. It is better to use cookies in combination with a fermented milk product for a snack;
  • Increased consumption of cookies can cause digestive upset in a child, because what the mother eats, the child also eats through milk. And this leads to the following reactions in the child:
    • the appearance of constipation;
    • bloating;
    • acute intestinal colic with abdominal pain due to the immaturity of the infant’s digestive tract;
    • skin rash;
    • increased regurgitation.

When can you start eating biscuits?

There are no strict deadlines for this type of product; these are not overseas fruits or seafood, which, in principle, are highly allergenic and prohibited during breastfeeding. But still, for the first week after giving birth, it is advisable to limit yourself in consuming a large amount of flour products, starting to introduce cookies according to the scheme described above. When starting complementary feeding, you can also give “Maria” cookies to your six-month-old baby; he will happily scratch his gums with them. These cookies are allowed for both pregnant and lactating women.

How many pieces can you eat per day?

What to choose: review of Maria cookie manufacturers

On store shelves you can find Maria cookies from a variety of manufacturers. The range of prices is amazing - from 36 rubles to 200 per pack.

Table: comparison of the price and composition of Maria cookies from different manufacturers

Manufacturer (pack weight)PriceCompoundDifference from others
CJSC Confectionery Factory Pokrovsk
(220 gr)
62 rub.
  • first grade wheat flour;
  • syrup;
  • buckwheat or flaxseed flour;
  • refined deodorized sunflower oil;
  • corn starch;
  • whole milk powder;
  • egg powder;
  • table salt;
  • raising agents: baking soda, ammonium carbonate salt.
  • part of the wheat flour in the composition is replaced with healthier ones - buckwheat or flaxseed:
    • advantages of buckwheat flour:
      • does not contain gluten, which means it is suitable for allergy sufferers on a gluten-free diet;
      • has a high fiber and protein content;
      • it has a relatively low glycemic index (GI);
      • rich in vitamins and microelements:
        • vitamins A, C;
        • microelements calcium, iron.
    • advantages of flaxseed flour:
      • contains the most valuable microelements - tocopherol, retinol, vitamin PP, sodium, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, chromium, potassium, manganese, zinc and B vitamins - vitamin B4, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, vitamin B3, folic acid;
      • suitable for diabetics, regulates blood glucose levels;
      • contains protein or natural protein in an amount greater than that of legumes;
      • thanks to dietary fiber, it cleanses the intestines, eliminating stagnant masses;
      • polyunsaturated acids Omega-3, 6 remove cholesterol plaques, control weight and promote weight loss by increasing metabolism.
(250 gr)
67 rub.
  • premium wheat flour;
  • fructose;
  • vegetable fat;
  • corn starch;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • table salt;
  • raising agents: baking soda,
  • ammonium carbonate salt;
  • citric acid;
  • emulsifier - lecithin;
  • flavor and smell enhancer - vanilla flavoring, identical to natural.
  • has a balanced composition;
  • due to its reduced sugar and fat content, it is an indispensable product for those who want to lose excess weight;
  • For sweetening, not sugar is used, but fructose, which means the product is also suitable for diabetics;
(180 gr)
31 rub.
  • sugar;
  • wheat flour;
  • invert syrup;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vanillin;
  • leavening agents;
  • natural sweetener - stevioside;
  • Alfamalt is a flour improver.
  • contains a natural sweetener;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • its low price makes it an affordable dessert.
"Union brand" (400 gr)36 rub.
  • premium flour;
  • sugar;
  • invert syrup;
  • confectionery fat;
  • egg powder;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • sodium pyrosulfite (antioxidant and leavening agent);
  • vanillin;
  • lecithin.
  • the composition of cookies from the “Union Mark” corresponds to the old GOST standards for long-lasting dietary cookies;
  • manufacturers of goods under the Soyuznaya Mark TM are the largest manufacturers of products with guaranteed stable quality;
  • affordable price.
"Schar Maria biscuits"
(125 gr)
190 rub.
  • corn starch;
  • vegetable margarine and fats - palm, palm kernel, coconut, rapeseed;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • emulsifier:
  • corn flour;
  • sugar beet syrup;
  • baking powder;
  • natural flavor.
  • suitable for those on a gluten-free diet;
  • sweetened with natural sugar beet syrup.
“Yarych” / Confectionery factory “Yarych” (155 gr)30 rub.
  • premium wheat flour;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable fat;
  • water;
  • wheat bran;
  • corn starch;
  • powdered milk;
  • emulsifier;
  • salt;
  • vanillin flavoring
  • acidity regulator - citric acid.
  • Wheat bran in the composition is a source of:
    • fiber, which normalizes the process of natural cleansing of the body and improves digestive processes;
    • a significant amount of B vitamins;
    • vitamins A, E - antioxidants that nourish skin cells and strengthen vision;
    • minerals - potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium;
    • micro and macroelements that normalize blood composition and remove cholesterol.
  • in order to guarantee and safety of product quality, the company has implemented a European quality system based on IFS Food standards, which are one of the most modern quality management tools;
  • The factory's activities are concentrated on the production of hard biscuits and crackers. In Ukraine, this is the best manufacturer of Maria cookies.
(240 gr)
78 rub.
  • premium wheat flour;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • starch syrup;
  • baking powder - baking soda;
  • salt;
  • whole milk powder;
  • flavoring identical to natural vanilla;
  • sweetener - stevioside;
  • baking powder;
  • complex nutritional supplement.
  • sweetened with natural stevioside, which does not sharply increase glucose levels, which is important for diabetics;
  • has a pleasant taste.
"Haze Good Sweets"
(300 gr)
40 rub.
  • first grade wheat flour;
  • sugar;
  • margarine - refined deodorized vegetable oils in natural and modified forms, including sunflower oil, palm oil;
  • water;
  • emulsifier - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids;
  • dyes - annatto, curcumin;
  • flavoring;
  • acidity regulator - citric acid;
  • corn starch;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • salt;
  • egg products;
  • leavening agents - ammonium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate;
  • Vanilla flavoring;
  • antioxidant - sodium pyrosulfate.
  • made according to a classic recipe;
  • has a light vanilla taste;
  • ideal price-quality ratio.
"Sonday Marie"
(4 pcs. 200 g each)
177 rub.
  • 65.5% wheat flour;
  • Sahara;
  • palm fat;
  • glucose-fructose syrup, lactose;
  • disintegrants - sodium bicarbonate, ammonium bicarbonate;
  • salt;
  • emulsifier - soy lecithin;
  • antioxidant - sodium disulfide;
  • may contain traces of sesame seeds.
  • the product does not contain additives and does not cause allergies in 97% of cases;
  • Finnish manufacturers claim that cookie flour is made from the best varieties of wheat.
“Sweet Sloboda” (500 gr)50 rub.
  • premium wheat flour;
  • granulated sugar;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • margarine - natural and hydrogenated vegetable oils;
  • water;
  • powdered milk;
  • emulsifiers - monoglycerides;
  • salt;
  • antioxidant and acidity regulator - citric acid;
  • butter flavoring;
  • natural dye - “annatto”;
  • chicken egg;
  • invert syrup - water, granulated sugar;
  • acidity regulators - citric acid;
  • table salt;
  • leavening agents - ammonium carbonate salt, baking soda;
  • vanilla flavoring;
  • antioxidant - pyrosulfite.
  • Cookies are produced in a convenient and strong tray-box that retains its shape. There is no need to transfer the cookies into a vase;
  • Contains natural oils and dyes.
"Master of Sweets"
(195 gr)
38 rub.
  • wheat flour;
  • sugar;
  • sesame seeds;
  • vegetable oil;
  • corn starch;
  • syrup;
  • leavening agents;
  • vanilla-cream flavoring;
  • salt;
  • lecithin.
  • sesame has been added to the composition, containing:
    • thiamine, necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system;
    • beta-sitosterol, which prevents blockage of blood vessels and reduces cholesterol;
    • vitamin E - for youthful skin and protection of cells from destruction;
    • calcium - to strengthen bones, hair, teeth.

Photo gallery: “Maria” cookies from different manufacturers

The manufacturer is very popular, these cookies are sold everywhere - from the largest supermarkets to small stalls at an affordable price
“Maria” from “Soyuznaya Mark” - GOST quality at an affordable price
Dymkovskaya “Maria” - a classic recipe with an ideal price-quality ratio
“Master of Sweets” changed the usual “Maria” recipe to their own variation with a crispy sesame crust. Cookies “Maria” with buckwheat and flaxseed flour without sugar, ideal for diabetics
“Maria” from “Zdorovka” has a pleasant taste and a natural sweetener that prevents spikes in blood sugar
Cookies “Maria” from “Schar” have a natural composition, they don’t even contain gluten, but the price is quite high
“Maria” from “Sladkaya Sloboda” turned out to be inexpensive, but sweet and little reminiscent in composition of the classic cookie recipe. The Finnish manufacturer “Sondey” claims that their “Maria” is a product without artificial additives that does not cause allergies in 97% of cases
“Maria” from “Arcom” is an ideal option for diabetics and overweight women. “Maria” cookies from the manufacturer Yarych are loved for the most useful additive in the form of bran, which cleanses the intestines better than any brush.

At one time, I suffered wildly from a lack of sweets after being discharged from the maternity hospital. Maria cookies saved me from cravings for sweets and unhealthy candy snacks. Even two pieces for tea were enough for a tasty and pleasant snack. I most often bought “Maria” from “Lyubyatovo” and “Soyuznaya Mark”, because they were always on sale in the nearest supermarket near my house.

Homemade “Maria” cookie recipe for nursing mothers

True connoisseurs of the classic Maria cookie recipe can prepare it at home. The technology is not as simple as it seems, but knowing certain “tricks”, the most inexperienced cooks can cook it at home. If you haven’t had time to eat fresh cookies, you can make a delicious cake out of them by combining biscuits with condensed milk cream.

When purchasing flour, pay special attention to indicators such as the mass fraction of raw gluten and the Gluten Deformation Meter (GDM).

website of the flour manufacturer “Bogatyrskiy Vzglyad”

Secrets of making Maria cookies:

  1. You need to choose the right flour:
    • in 1st grade flour, the raw gluten content must be at least 30, and in the highest grade - at least 28%;
    • the best value of IDK (Gluten Deformation Meter) is 60–70 conventional units. units:
      • if the IDK is below 55 (gluten is too strong) - use gluten relaxing improvers (restorative action);
      • if more than 75 (gluten is rather weak) - improvers that strengthen gluten (oxidative action).
  2. Preparing the dough:
    1. Mix sugar or sweetener to taste, one egg, butter or sunflower oil and milk or water, 30 g each;
    2. Sift 250 gr. 1st grade wheat flour and combine with 1/4 part tsp. soda;
    3. Knead the dough:
      • using a bread machine in the “kneading dough” mode for 2 minutes, sequentially adding first liquid and then dry ingredients to the bowl;
      • manually - for half an hour or an hour, rolling repeatedly, with pauses between rolling. The dough is pierced along its entire length to avoid bubbles during baking.
    4. Leave the kneaded dough layer in the refrigerator for an hour, covered with cling film to make rolling easier.
  3. It is better to roll out the baking base on a silicone base, then the dough will not stick to the surface. Cookies should be made from freshly prepared dough. After a certain time, it will be difficult to form figures from it. The recommended thickness of the dough is 2–4 millimeters, otherwise the cookies will not crisp.
  4. We give the shape by cutting out standard circles from the dough, but you can give them any original shape.
  5. The molds must be pricked with a fork to ensure even baking and to prevent them from bubbling during the baking process.
  6. It is advisable to line a baking sheet with parchment and grease it with butter so that the cookies do not stick. It is better to lay them out not close together, but at a short distance from each other.
  7. It is better to preheat the oven to 180–200 degrees.
  8. Such flour products should not be baked longer than prescribed. The baking time, according to different recipes, ranges from 7 to 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the dough. If the dough thickness is 2 mm or less, the baking time is reduced to 5–7 minutes. As a result, the dessert should turn out light and slightly golden.

Video: making “Maria” cookies using a bread machine

Table: recipes for making long-lasting cookies

IngredientsCooking method
  • flour - 160 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • corn starch - 0.3 kg;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g.
  1. Soften and beat the butter, add salt, starch, and sugar.
  2. Beat the mixture again.
  3. Pour in the milk and run the mixer for a couple more minutes.
  4. Add the sifted flour in parts, continuing to beat the mixture. When the dough becomes thick, knead it with your hands. You need to achieve plasticity when the biscuit base stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Place the dough in the cold for a couple of hours, then roll out a layer 2–3 mm thick and cut out circles from it.
  6. Prick the cookies with a fork and place in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • soda – ½ tsp;
  • flour - 130 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • corn starch - 20 g;
  • sugar - 30 g.
  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water, add butter, starch, flour, soda.
  2. Knead the ingredients into a stiff dough that will not stick to your hands. Place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Roll out the base until it reaches a thickness of 2–3 mm, fold it several times and roll it out again.
  4. Cut out the biscuits into any shape and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  5. Bake the dish for half an hour at 140 degrees.
  • premium wheat flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • butter - 150 tbsp. l.;
  • potato starch - 250 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  1. Thoroughly mix the softened butter with flour, starch, vanillin, sugar and slaked soda. Pour in milk.
  2. Knead the dough and roll out the base in several stages.
  3. Cut beautiful products from a thin layer. Use a fork to make puncture holes.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • 1 tbsp unscented sunflower oil;
  • 1 tbsp milk, 200g flour;
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda or baking powder;
  • vanillin to taste
  1. Mix the egg with sugar.
  2. Add milk, butter, mix well.
  3. Gradually add flour (mixed with vanillin, soda or baking powder), you should get a fairly stiff dough that does not stick to your hands.
  4. Roll out the dough as thin as possible.
  5. We cut out cookies with cookie cutters and make random punctures with a fork.
  6. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 180–200 degrees. approximately 5 min.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • Butter - 250 gr.;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  1. All ingredients are mixed until an elastic mass is obtained. It is rolled into a sausage with a diameter of up to 5 cm, wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. After this time, the sausage is taken out and cut into small pieces. Subsequently, they can be left round or given any other shape.
  3. Biscuits should be baked at a temperature of 150 - 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • corn starch - 40 g;
  • milk (or water) – 100 ml;
  • soda – ¼ tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • wholemeal wheat flour - 40 g;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml.
  1. Dissolve sugar in milk/water and add vegetable oil.
  2. Pour the flour into the container with the liquid, mixing the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Add soda and starch slaked with lemon juice here.
  4. After kneading the base well, leave it to stand for an hour.
  5. Then roll out a thin layer and cut the cookies using a glass or special molds.
  6. Prick the figures with a fork, place them on a baking sheet and into the oven.
  7. You need to bake the dessert at 180 degrees for 8–10 minutes.
  • water - 60 ml;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • salt (to taste);
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1–2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Combine sugar, salt, water, oil, baking powder.
  2. While beating the ingredients with a mixer, gradually add flour.
  3. The base for the biscuits should be moderately dense, yet elastic.
  4. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm wide, cut out figures from it, and prick them with a fork.
  5. Bake the dessert for 10 minutes in an oven heated to 210 degrees.
  6. Do not keep the dish in the oven longer, otherwise the cookies will turn out too dry.
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • salt (to taste);
  • lemon zest;
  • potato starch - 5 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder – ½ tsp.
  1. Mix flour with other dry ingredients, mix the mixture.
  2. Grate the zest on a fine grater and add to the mixture.
  3. Rub the butter with your hands, turning the product into crumbs, add to the other cookie ingredients.
  4. Slowly pour in the milk, mix the dough with a spoon, then with your hands.
  5. When the baking base is plastic and soft, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, covered with a napkin.
  6. Roll out a thin layer of dough, cut cookies into any shape.
  7. Prick it with a toothpick and place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  8. The biscuits will be ready after 7-8 minutes, when they are browned.

Video: recipe for dietary biscuits identical in taste to store-bought “Maria”

Why are cookies called biscuits? This name comes from the French “gal”, which means “boulder”, “pebble”, that is, a flatbread that can replace bread. It can be stored for a very long time, almost two years. If you make it with fat content, the shelf life is reduced to six months. This was very convenient in ancient times, during times of war, but it was no less popular among participants in long expeditions, as well as among Spanish sailors, who called them biscuits for swimming.

Cookies "Maria": benefits and harm

Everyone is familiar with Maria biscuits. Both small children and adults who monitor their health or are on special diets that exclude flour. But when you really want it, low-calorie cookies “Maria” may well be suitable. It is also great for people who suffer from allergies or have temporary health problems. Cookies "Maria" can be considered dietary, which is determined by its content. If Maria cookies contain oils and sugar, they are fatty cookies, otherwise they are dry cookies with a long shelf life. They come in different shapes and may differ slightly in taste, but they all have a pleasant taste, despite the fact that they contain practically only water and flour, and have a fairly high satiety index. The usefulness lies in the fact that such cookies have dietary properties and do not cause allergies, which is especially common in young children. “Maria” biscuits are not even prohibited during breastfeeding, but babies can start giving them at 7 months, soaked in milk, and used as complementary foods.
There is no harm from such cookies. But recently, manufacturers have begun to add flavorings, raising agents, margarine and palm oil. Therefore, read the packaging carefully, because these will no longer be diet cookies.
But to make it even more useful, you can prepare it at home yourself.

Cookies "Maria": recipe

You will need:

Knead a homogeneous and fairly dense dough. First, beat the egg with the addition of sugar, salt and soda until they are completely dissolved. Next, add water or milk and sifted flour and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous tight mass.

Next, it is advisable to wrap it in film and leave it warm for half an hour. During this time, the dough will become softer and acquire the required consistency. Afterwards you need to roll it out and cut out the shapes. Be sure to prick the top, putting a lot of dots.

They are not only a decoration, but also part of the technological process, thanks to which the dough does not swell during baking. There is an opinion that one product should have 16 holes, then it will bake well.

Try making homemade Maria cookies and enjoy their good taste.