French sweets: how to cook macarons.

Macaron has been the favorite dessert of French monarchs from time immemorial. The recipe was brought to France by the Italian princess Catherine de' Medici, who married Henry II, the king of the future republic. It's hard to believe, but back in the 16th century, pasta was a simple cookie made from almond flour, egg whites and sugar. None exotic tastes and rainbow colors, no cream filling, just dough.

It acquired a second layer of pasta at the beginning of the 20th century. Pierre Defontaine - grandson of Louis Ernest Laduree (owner of the first Laduree tea salon in Paris) - decided to glue two halves of cookies together using a sweet chocolate mass known in French cuisine like “ganache”. Thus, the macaron acquired the familiar two-story look that is familiar to us.

By the way, you still need to pronounce “makarOn”, as required by the French transcription. Macaroon is a completely different cookie, which in 90% of cases is made from egg whites and coconut.

As history shows, pasta has always been the preserve of wealthy people. Therefore, these cookies are now associated more with the Queen of Manhattan, Blair Waldorf from the TV series “Gossip Girl,” eating a ton of pasta in her own bathroom, than with a housewife baking an elite dessert in her own kitchen. However, with the onset of the crisis, it will be useful to master the recipe for fluffy cookies to surprise your loved ones.


Before preparing macarons according to the Maison Ladurée recipe, you should master the most detailed step by step instructions those who have already done this before you and know all the pitfalls complex process. In addition, you need to know a few simple secrets preparations: they may seem insignificant, but experienced people say that it is necessary to follow them to achieve an ideal result.

    “Age” the eggs. Most agree that eggs should be room temperature. It is best to remove them from the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking, but 2-4 hours is also possible.

    Sift flour 3 times. Exactly 3. The number of siftings was experimentally determined by the chefs of the Parisian culinary school Cook'n with class. Moreover, the first time you do this simply to get rid of lumps, the second time you consolidate the result, and the third time you sift the flour together with powdered sugar. The procedure will make the dough glossy.

    Drying the dough before baking. Don’t try to immediately put the baking sheet with the pasta “lids” into the oven. Leave them on the table for 20-30 minutes.

    Air circulation during baking. The desired mode is ensured by the correct arrangement of the cookies on the baking sheet (checkerboard order) and the oven being slightly open during the process (so that excess moisture escapes).

    Proportions are important. In the case of pasta, you won’t be able to make the dough by eye. That's why the kitchen scale is yours faithful assistant while preparing dessert.

Classic pasta recipe


  • almond flour— 150 g,
  • powdered sugar— 150 g,
  • sugar - 150 g,
  • water - 50 g,
  • protein - 50+50 g (about 3 eggs),
  • dye (preferably gel).


    We prepare the flour, namely: sift it as expected - 3 times. Add powdered sugar, mix well with a whisk and sift again.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. Make sure that not a single gram of fat, water or yolk gets into this mass. It is important! Divide the protein into 2 parts - 50 grams each.

    Prepare a work area for kneading dough. Pour 50 grams of egg whites into a large bowl. Place a saucepan with sugar and water on the stove, next to it is a cup of egg whites, a spare glass of water, a mixer and a thermometer.
    *Attention! A thermometer is essential to monitor the temperature of the syrup. Any more or less degree and the whole idea will fail!

    Next, we will perform several actions simultaneously. Turn on the stove and begin to cook the syrup, stirring with a thermometer. Keep it in the middle of the mixture so the temperature is as accurate as possible. Watch the heating carefully. As soon as the thermometer shows 95 degrees, start beating the egg whites at full mixer power. When the syrup heats up to 110⁰, remove it from the stove and begin to slowly pour into the whites.

    The whipped whites should be almost firm and should not leak or drip from the bowl when you turn the bowl over. If the syrup has already heated up to 110 degrees, and the whites are not whipped to the desired state, you can cool the syrup with water and wait again desired temperature. While pouring in the syrup, continue beating the mixture with the mixer.
    *Attention! The mixture should be dense and very strong. It should not have any fluid qualities. The mixture will cool as you beat. Add another 50 grams of protein, and on top - ready-made flour and powder.

    We begin to mix the dough with a spatula and continue the procedure until the desired texture is obtained. The dough should flow from the walls of the spatula and not fall in lumps. Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment.

    Pour the dough into pastry bag and begin to carefully form the pasta caps. Try to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Don't forget to dry! Place the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 140 degrees Celsius.

    Baking time: 10−20 minutes. Don't be upset if your caps start to crack, crumble, or lift. Even the great Ladura would hardly be able to make perfect pasta the first time.

    If everything worked out, then your pasta will have “skirts”. This will happen in 3-4 minutes. After 10 minutes you can try to pry them off with a knife. If the cookies come off the parchment easily, the pasta is ready. The lid over the “skirt” should be rigid.

    Prepare the filling yourself to your taste - it can be custard or ganache. It is important to remember that if the filling is liquid, it will be absorbed into the dough faster and soften it more quickly. Therefore, you can fill the cookies with this filling just before serving.

    The ganache can be applied immediately after the oven and left in the refrigerator until consumed.

My mom is very for a long time I was friends with my friend Lyuba. Lyuba lived in St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad), and we lived in Crimea. They to us, we to them - the trips were frequent, hospitable and took place in mutual respect and pleasure for both friends and their families.

But one day we went to St. Petersburg again. I was about 10 years old, upon arrival (it was autumn) I was a little sick and my mother left me at home with this friend Lyuba, and she went to the city on business. And for breakfast, Aunt Lyuba served pasta with sugar and bread. At first I was amazed by this unusual food for me (we had never cooked this), I tried it, but immediately spat it out, I didn’t like it so much that I couldn’t eat another gram - for me it was wild - eating dough (pasta) with dough (bread), and even with sugar.

I categorically refused, no amount of persuasion worked, and then Aunt Lyuba burst into tears - she screamed that it was normal food For normal people, they have been eating this since childhood and it is very tasty. And I feel like, excuse me, I feel like vomiting - pasta with sugar, what disgusting stuff. Aunt Lyuba yelled at me so much (in general, she was a hysterical aunt), she got angry to such an extent that she drove me out onto a bench at the entrance on a cold day with drizzling rain. I cried, people came up and asked what happened, through my tears I tried to explain that I was being forced to eat something I didn’t like, people apparently thought that this was some kind of whim of the child and the parents justly punished me - there was no need to waste food and left. In general, I sat for several hours waiting for my mother. Mom arrived, saw such a thing, rushed to her friend, who declared that everyone in her house would eat what she made, without exceptions or any hysterics. Mom also tried to say that we had never eaten this, and the child might quite reasonably not like the food, she appealed in every possible way to her friend’s reason, asking her to imagine what would happen if someone forced her to eat something not to her taste. But everything was in vain, there was a scandal, my mother took me, we went to the hotel, and I lay there with a fever for two days.

On next year, in the summer, Aunt Lyuba called and, as if nothing had happened, began a conversation about her future visit, to which my mother replied - sorry, dear, the pasta with sugar is not ready yet, call me later. This ended the friendship.

Then I remembered this pasta for a long time, I used to ask friends and acquaintances if they found this dish tasty. I was offended that because of such a trifle, a long-term friendship was destroyed. The interesting thing is that not a single person in my circle had ever eaten pasta with sugar, some were amazed that such a dish even existed and many said that they would refuse if they were offered it and said that my mother did the right thing.

What do you think - is this a reason for a friendly breakup?

(User Anna75)

Surely many people have known it since childhood this recipe. Our grandmothers prepared sweet pasta in the Soviet times, when such a dish was an excellent substitute for a child’s candy or dessert. Undoubtedly, times have changed. But the dish is delicious in itself.

Of course, it can hardly be called the most useful, but more harmful than sweets and other modern store-bought sweets it definitely won’t be. And as a dessert the dish will do quite (especially in combination with such healthy products, like cottage cheese, honey and cinnamon). Well, let's try to cook?

Sweet pasta. Basic recipe

For the dish we will need: half a pack (200-250 grams) of pasta, a little salt, a couple of spoons of butter, half a glass of granulated sugar (if possible, you can add vanilla - on the tip of a knife).

  1. Place the pasta in boiling water with salt and cook until tender (cooking time is usually indicated on the package). In the first few minutes of cooking, they need to be stirred carefully so as not to stick together - clockwise.
  2. Cover the finished pasta in the pan with a lid and let stand for two minutes.
  3. We drain the product in a colander and return it back to the pan.
  4. Combine the pasta and sugar in a container, stirring again until it melts.
  5. Season sweet pasta (while it is hot) with butter. And when serving, place on plates (you can top with sour cream if desired).

Improved version of the dish

You can cook pasta not just with granulated sugar, but try to improve the old Soviet recipe and fry sweet pasta in sugar caramel. And then serve to the table, sprinkling fragrant cinnamon. Just lick your fingers!

Need to take: figured wheat durum varieties(better amenable to frying and do not stick together), granulated sugar, butter, a little cinnamon. Add salt to taste during cooking.

Simple cooking

sweet treats

Can you still cook this dish using an ingredient such as cottage cheese. It is better to take a granular product of the “market” type, but if there is no market nearby, then store-bought cottage cheese from a pack will do. The main thing is that it is not pasty.

We leave all other ingredients as in the first version of the recipe. We do it step by step. And in the end, sprinkle crumbs (or grains) of cottage cheese into the dessert dish laid out in portions on plates. In this case, sweet pasta will not only be tasty, but also healthy for your child.

Nuances of preparation

For the dish, you should choose firm pasta and not too much big size. And the products will be more interesting for children unusual shapes: bows and spirals, gears and letters.

You can also pour condensed milk over sweet pasta or sprinkle with cocoa (then you can put less sugar). And also - decorate this simple dessert fresh berries, water liquid jam. Good for refueling and thick jams. But this is optional, according to personal wishes and tastes (for example, your child). Some kids simply love sweet pasta, sprinkled with grated cheese and flavored with crumbs white chocolate. Or maybe they will like a dish drizzled with honey? In general, start with classic recipe, and then you can experiment. Bon appetit everyone!

Total estimated cost of products as of 05/05/15: 550 rubles.

I wanted to cook something unusual. I came across a recipe for raspberry pasta on the Internet. The pictures looked interesting and colorful, and the recipe itself was described as “very tasty, satisfying and easy.” Well, that’s actually why I decided to cook.

This dish is my first experience of crossing something sweet with pasta, both in the history of “pasta mania” recipes, and simply in my entire life (not counting milk soup with pasta, to which only sugar is added).

Looking ahead, I’ll say right away that This recipe is specific and not everyone will like it.. But it's worth a try, at least to find out if you like it. taste buds combination of a given bunch of ingredients. If this is “your thing,” then new opportunities will open up for you to experiment with already familiar and new dishes with pasta and more.

Subjectively, sweet pasta with creamy sauce and raspberries has a very varied taste. The sourness of lime and raspberry gives way to the sweetness of honey, and a second later returns with renewed vigor. This whole range is enveloped in creamy sauce, cinnamon flavor and pasta. Overall extremely unusual. But still, I wouldn’t repeat this particular recipe in the future, since I like pasta with meat, usual vegetables and sauces more =).

About the ingredients:

Sweet pasta with raspberries in creamy sauce. Step-by-step preparation:

    Place a saucepan with cold, unsalted water over high heat, at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta.

    Place 2/3 of a raspberry or other berry in a bowl and add 3-4 tablespoons of honey. The rest of the berries will be used to decorate the finished dish.

    After the water boils, add the selected type of pasta into the pan. It will need to be boiled at the rate of minus 1-2 minutes from the time indicated on the package or until “al dente”. The easiest way to check the readiness of pasta is to test it “by the tooth”, they should remain a little elastic. The pasta will “arrive” after combining with the future creamy sauce.

    While the maccheroncini or other pasta is cooking, grate the zest of one lime or lemon.

    Place the frying pan or saucepan over low heat. Pour cream into it, add cinnamon and grated citrus zest.

    Place the finished pasta in a colander and return it to the pan in which it was cooked.

    As soon as the cream begins to boil, turn off the heat, remove and discard the cinnamon.

    Add cream sauce into the pan with pasta and mix the contents of the pan thoroughly.

    Then squeeze in some lime or lemon juice. Add raspberries in honey and mix again.

    Sweet pasta with raspberries in creamy sauce ready.

    Place pasta, raspberries, and mint leaves (if purchased) on a plate.

    Try new things, live deliciously and buon appetito!

With fruits or berries - a treat for children and adults. This is one of my favorite dough dishes. By the way, sweet we will not make dessert from macaron, but from “bows” that we will make ourselves. We have already learned how to do homemade dough for noodles and pasta, all that remains is to make what we need from it - bows. You can also make this dish from ready-made wide noodles if there is not enough time for the dough. Let's get started!

We will need:

Pasta - bows or wide noodles 300 g;

Breadcrumbs - 100 g;

Butter 80 gr;

Canned or fresh peaches, apricots;




Cooking sweet pasta.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1-2 mm thick.

Cut it into rectangles using a dough roller cutter.

We pinch in the center of each rectangle, creating a “bow”.

Cook the “bows” in salted water. When they are ready, place them in a colander and rinse. cold water and leave for a while until the water drains.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a deep frying pan and add breadcrumbs and quickly fry them until golden color. This will take less than a minute, be careful.

Add pasta, noodles or our “bows”, roll in breadcrumbs and quickly heat up.

We post it on dessert dish, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and add pitted fresh peaches or apricots. Fresh fruits can successfully replace canned ones. Drain the syrup from them and place on a plate.

We made a great dessert from sweet noodles with fruits.

You can also make ravioli with apricots. To do this, cut the dough into squares, put a piece canned apricot or peach, fold into a triangle and pinch the edges.

Sweet pasta for dessert - ravioli with...

Prepare these desserts for yourself or your little sweet tooth, everyone will be happy! We also have ones for children and adults. Look!

"Pasta Record" ...Who eats the most pasta? Of course, the Italians are leading here. Every self-respecting Italian eats 28.5 kg of pasta per year. Second and third places in eating pasta occupied by the USA, France and Switzerland. In fourth place is Brazil with 7 kg of pasta per capita, and fifth place belongs to Russia. On average, each Russian eats 6.5 kg of pasta per year. In Germany, pasta dishes are also very popular, but the Germans are only in 14th place, with no more than 5.4 kg per year per person...