Does catfish have caviar? Conditions for carp spawning

Fish is a healthy source of proteins. Catfish meat is lean, soft, but retains its shape well under the inedible skin, excellent for any type of heat treatment.

general characteristics

Catfish are bony fish that are found in fresh waters and coasts of all continents except Antarctica. Many representatives of this family are found in the river basins of the Baltic, Black and Caspian seas. And although the traditional habitat of these creatures is considered to be shallow fresh water, some species thrive in salt water bodies. The main feature of these fish is the antennae protruding around the mouth. They are very reminiscent of the whiskers of cats, so in some languages ​​of the world the name of this fish sounds like “cat fish”. Catfish usually have 4 pairs of whiskers (nasal, upper jaw and chin), but the number varies depending on the species. Although it is worth noting that not all representatives of this family have a mustache. Catfish do not have scales, although some species have smooth skin covered with bony plates that resemble body armor. Most of the dorsal and pectoral fins have spines that the fish uses as protection.

Catfish can reach 2 m in length. The largest representatives of the family, weighing more than 100 kg, inhabit the waters of Southeast Asia. In Indochina these giants are called Mekong. Researchers know many varieties of catfish, which differ in size, color and habitat. These fish can live outside the water for some time, but only as long as their skin remains moist. The color can vary from solid black (sometimes with a green or blue tint) to a lighter marbled pattern.

Whiskers for catfish play the role of taste buds: with them the fish searches for prey. The diet of these giants consists of fry, insects, worms, reptiles, and sometimes even waterfowl. The catfish, like a vacuum cleaner, sucks in its prey along with the silt, almost never using its sharp teeth.

Nutritional value

Freshwater catfish belongs to dietary food. A 100-gram piece of meat will provide about 90 kilocalories. At the same time, fillet is rich in proteins (16 g per 100 g of product) and does not contain carbohydrates. The proteins contained in fillets belong to the so-called complete proteins, that is, they contain all the amino acids necessary for humans.

Catfish is useful as a source of vitamin B12 (the substance can be obtained exclusively from food of animal origin), which is responsible for the formation of genetic material and the correct blood formula, and is also important for neurological health. Catfish is rich in other B vitamins, vitamin A, which makes it important for maintaining good appetite, proper digestion, healthy skin and eyes. The meat of this freshwater fish is very rich in minerals that are vital for humans. Also, do not forget about the polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in all fish and are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Nutritional value per 100 g of catfish fillet
Calorie content 96 kcal
Carbohydrates 0 g
Squirrels 16.5 g
Fats 2.91 g
Vitamin A 50 IU
Vitamin C 0.72 mg
Vitamin D 500 IU
Vitamin B1 0.23 mg
Vitamin B2 0.12 mg
Vitamin B3 1.91 mg
Vitamin B5 0.82 mg
Vitamin B6 0.11 mg
Vitamin B9 10.3 mcg
Vitamin B12 2.4 mcg
Omega-3 535 mg
Omega-6 101 mg
Saturated fats 0.7 g
Cholesterol 58 mg
Calcium 14.1 mg
Iron 0.33 mg
Magnesium 23.3 mg
Phosphorus 210 mg
Potassium 359 mg
Sodium 43.4 mg
Zinc 0.5 mg
Selenium 12.51 mcg
Water 80.4 g
Ash 1 g

Benefits for the body

Freshwater fish are as beneficial for humans as seafood. If we talk about soma, it is extremely important for diabetes, hepatitis, eczema, and potency disorders. The meat of this freshwater giant is necessary for children during their growth period, as it strengthens bones, promotes the absorption of calcium and maintains nitrogen balance in the body. This is a fish that can activate the production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and collagen. Catfish meat will protect against herpes and other viral diseases. Below is a list of the most important benefits of this fish.

Meaning for the heart

Scientific experiments have repeatedly proven the benefits of fish for the cardiovascular system. People who regularly include fish in their diet are less likely to accumulate fat in their blood vessels and are less susceptible to strokes and coronary heart disease. Research confirms that the protective functions for the heart are assigned to Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in all fish. Catfish regularly included in the diet will protect against thrombosis and improve blood circulation.

Benefits for arthritis

Research has shown that fish contains beneficial substances that help relieve the pain and swelling that accompany rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that Omega-3 substances are useful as a preventative against osteoarthritis.

To improve vision

Vitamin A and Omega substances contained in catfish meat will help maintain eye health and visual acuity.

Don't forget about fish to protect yourself from age-related macular degeneration of the retina.

Healthy skin

Fish is an excellent source of proteins, which are necessary for the production of collagen, a substance responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Omega acids contained in soma will protect against skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema. We must not forget about the benefits of fish products for protection against UV radiation.

Does not contain mercury

At a time when almost all marine fish contain mercury to one degree or another, residents of fresh water bodies are protected from this dangerous chemical element. That is, catfish belongs to a species of fish that is safe for humans, which even pregnant women can safely consume.

Complete Protein Source

Catfish meat is a high-quality protein containing essential amino acids for humans. The high protein content of catfish products makes them the number one food for people looking to build muscle. In addition, proteins are important as a means of strengthening the immune system.

Source of fish oil

Many may wonder how fresh catfish is a source of fish oil. The liver of this fish contains quite a lot of healthy fat for humans, which is necessary for the heart, blood vessels, brain and nervous system.

Possible side effects

Catfish fillets contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, in particular palmitic acid. For this reason, excessive consumption of catfish dishes, especially with additional fats, can cause an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Another nuance not in favor of catfish is the high concentration of Omega-6 acids, excessive consumption of which does not have the best effect on the condition of blood vessels. Consumption of Omega-6 in large quantities is fraught with inflammatory processes such as arthritis and intestinal diseases.

Fish raised in captivity are not always healthy. Antibiotics are often added to its food, which makes the fillet dangerous for humans.

How to choose the right fillet

Catfish fillets are white and contain virtually no bones. The younger the fish, the tastier the meat. Carcasses weighing one and a half to two kilograms are considered the most delicious. Fresh catfish fillets should spring back when pressed with your finger. Old fish can be easily identified by their specific unpleasant odor. A fresh belly should be white and not swollen. The gills, which should be pink and without spots, will also indicate freshness.

The fillets of this freshwater inhabitant are boiled, fried and baked. Fatty carcasses are ideal for grilling: the meat turns out juicy but dense. When buying catfish fillets, do not forget to stock up on thyme, cayenne pepper, oregano, black pepper and lemons - they perfectly highlight the taste of the fish and help get rid of the characteristic smell.

A fresh carcass can be stored in the refrigerator without loss of quality, but not longer than 48 hours. The freezer will help preserve the product longer. A gutted carcass can be stored in it for about 3 months.

How to cook catfish correctly

Many restaurants include catfish dishes on their menus. But why not try cooking this fish yourself. If you can find a small carcass of a young catfish at the market, you can bake it in the oven. The result is a delicious, nutritious and healthy lunch. And to quickly get rid of a specific smell, just treat the carcass with lemon juice and leave it like that for half an hour.

While the oven heats up to the required 120 degrees, rinse the carcass with cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Line a baking sheet with foil, place a few slices of lemon and a couple of sprigs of herbs on it (thyme, parsley or oregano are ideal). Make several cuts on both sides of the carcass, about 1 cm deep, and rub with a mixture of salt and olive oil. Place the fish on the lemons, cover with a few more slices of citrus and sprigs of herbs. Fold the edges of the foil to form a makeshift baking dish and pour some white wine into it. Cook for approximately 30 minutes.

You can also make delicious fish soup from catfish (the head will do), cutlets (use fillet) or pies (the tail part of the carcass is excellent as a filling).

Fish is one of the healthiest foods on the menu. It contains a lot of proteins and polyunsaturated fats, which are good for the heart, brain and other organs. And the giant king of freshwater reservoirs, catfish, is perfect as an ingredient for a fish menu.

The meat of this small fish is quite tasty, but in larger catfish the meat becomes tough after cooking. Fish can be baked, stewed, stuffed, boiled, fried and made into cutlet mass, and an excellent broth for fish soup can be made from the head and fins. Catfish baked in the oven turns out incredibly tasty, because in this case the meat becomes very tender and soft, saturated with the aroma of spices, herbs and onions. This fish is very tasty when cooked with fruits and a spicy sauce.

In the oven
In a frying pan
In foil
In a slow cooker
On the grill
In sour cream

In the oven

Having tried almost all catfish dishes, many come to the conclusion that the tender, slightly sweet meat of this fish is good in itself. It does not require any additional flavoring additives and works great in the oven. Both portioned pieces of fish and fillets are suitable for this cooking method. But, if possible, it is best to bake it whole. Catfish baked in the oven without cutting turns out very impressive and especially juicy.


Let's start with gutting and cleaning the fish. Using a sharp knife, make a neat shallow cut in the abdomen from the anus at the tail to the head. Taking care not to crush the bile, remove the entrails. Remove the gills. Cut off the head of the fish only when the whole fish does not fit on the baking sheet - this way the finished catfish looks better.

There is no need to remove the skin so that the fish does not lose its juiciness. There are no scales on it, but there is mucus. You can remove it by rubbing the carcass on both sides with coarse rock salt, and then washing it thoroughly.

Cut the catfish prepared in this way into the thickness of portioned pieces from the back to the ridge. Do not cut it, the fish should remain intact, with some kind of pockets on the back.

Rub the carcass with salt and your favorite spices, paying attention to the cuts. Then pour lemon juice over it and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes. Thanks to this, the meat will not have the slightest smell of silt.

During this time, cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and finely chop the greens. Cut half a lemon into slices and remove the seeds.

Stuff the belly of the catfish with onions and herbs, insert lemon slices into the cuts on the back of the fish.

Grease it with vegetable oil and place it on an oiled baking sheet.

And place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 40-45 minutes. During this time, the catfish should be covered with a golden brown crust, and the meat should become dull white. If everything turned out that way, the dish is ready. You can transfer it to a plate, garnish with vegetables, boiled potatoes or fluffy rice and serve.

In a frying pan


Som – 1 kg

Onion – 1 head

Carrots - 2 pieces

Flour for breading

Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons

Spices and salt to taste only

Cauliflower – 400 – 500g

Green onions and tomatoes for garnish

Cooking process:

One of our family’s favorite fish dishes is catfish stewed with vegetables. You can take potatoes or rice as a side dish, this makes it more filling and familiar. But when our grandchildren come to visit us, we use different types of cabbage. And since they love broccoli and cauliflower most of all, we often cook them together with fish.

While portioned pieces are marinated in lemon juice and spices, you need to wash and disassemble the cauliflower into small heads. We stew some of it in a separate bowl with sour cream, and add the rest directly to the pan with the fish during stewing.

Cut the onion into large rings and lightly fry in a frying pan in oil, then add the grated carrots and continue to simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then put everything on a plate.

The prepared fish pieces must be sprinkled with flour on all sides and lightly browned in vegetable oil.

Then add water and place the cauliflower in the pan. After this, cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes.

At the end, add pre-stewed carrots and onions on top of the fish and cook the dish until fully cooked for about 10 minutes. The result is juicy and tasty fish, which is cooked covered with vegetables that release juice. As you can see for yourself, these are simple secrets that I shared so that you also know how to cook delicious catfish in an ordinary kitchen, without resorting to expensive products.


Lightly salted catfish caviar

Catfish caviar fritters



Water – 3 liters.

Catfish fillet – 1000g. (If you bought the whole catfish, then the head and 500g fillet).

Lemon – 1 pc.

Onion – 1 medium onion.

Carrots – 1 medium size.

Millet – 1/3 cup.

Bay leaf – 1 pc.

Black pepper - to taste.

Salt - to taste.


Sometimes catfish can smell like mud. Therefore, squeeze the juice of one lemon onto the cut pieces of meat and marinate for 30 minutes.

Bring the water to a boil and add salt, throw in the bay leaf.

Add cooked meat, finely chopped onions and carrots, millet.

Be sure to cook with the lid open and over low heat for 20 minutes.

Five minutes before cooking, add pepper and remove bay leaf.

And a small feature for those who are healthy and not pregnant. 5 minutes before readiness add 2 tablespoons of vodka. The soup will turn out simply magical.


During the season of increased catfish fishing, catfish kebab recipe

Somyatina – 2 kg

Juice of two lemons

Greens to taste: dill, parsley - a bunch, a little cilantro

Salt and pepper, again to taste (it is better to use red allspice)

Onions: three heads

Garlic: a couple of cloves

Wash the somyatina and dry with a towel, cut into small pieces (the size of two matchboxes). Note: Do not remove the skin under any circumstances! This is the most delicious according to many.

Marinade: squeeze lemon juice into a glass container (with enamel on the edge), chop the herbs, sprinkle with spices, salt and pepper. Cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic finely or through a crush. Marinate the somyatina for about an hour.

It is better to cook on a wire rack, since the catfish does not hold well on a skewer; the cooking time is about 4-5 minutes, if on good coals, on the one hand, then the same on the other.

In foil


1 kg of potatoes.
1 som.
2 carrots.
3 onions.
0.5 lemon.
A bunch of parsley.
250 g hard cheese.
40 ml vegetable oil.
4 tbsp. mayonnaise.

How to cook:

Clean the catfish - scrape out the skin, cut off the fins, head, tail, guts. Wash and cut the fillet so that it is skinless. The ridge, head, fins can not be thrown away, but can be used later to prepare fish broth.

Cut the resulting fillet crosswise into pieces 4-5 cm wide. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour in the juice from half a lemon. Stir, cover with something and leave for half an hour. During this time, the catfish pieces will have time to marinate well.

Meanwhile, prepare the potatoes. Cut about a third into circles. The rest - in large slices.

Season the potato slices with a little salt and pepper. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and mix.

Cut the carrots into slices.

Also cut the onion into slices.

Finely chop the parsley.

Line a baking sheet with foil. Place potatoes in wedges, onions, carrots. Apply a little oil.

Place pieces of marinated fish on top.

Sprinkle with parsley.

Cover it with potato slices. Lubricate with the remaining mayonnaise.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, folding the edges tightly so that the fish is covered on all sides.

Set the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Uncover the pan. Increase heat to 200 degrees. So keep the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes. After this, you can cut your catfish into pieces and serve. The best way to go with fish in foil is a side dish of fresh vegetables and a slice of lemon.

In a slow cooker

For the recipe for cooking catfish in a slow cooker you will need:

Catfish, in portioned pieces,
Onions, in this case, 3 pcs.,
black pepper to taste,
Vegetable oil

How to cook catfish stewed with onions in a slow cooker

Salt and pepper the pieces of fish (I have fresh catfish) on both sides.

Pour a little oil into the MV bowl and select the “Frying” or “Baking” mode for 15 minutes, I have a Redmond RMC-4503 multicooker (for Panasonic this is the “baking” mode, time 20 minutes).

Pour the onion into the multicooker bowl and stir occasionally, fry with the lid open.

At the end of the mode, load the pieces of catfish on top of the onion and set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode for an hour to an hour and ten minutes.

We carefully remove the stewed fish with onions onto plates and are surprised at how quickly it disappears.

On the grill


Som 1.5 - 2 kg
Lemon - 1 piece
ground white and black pepper
onion turnip 1 piece
mayonnaise 200 gr

How to cook

1 Cut the catfish carcass into steaks (portioned pieces), place in a bowl for marinating, add 1.2 teaspoons of white and black pepper, mayonnaise and chopped onion. Stir and marinate for 15-20 minutes! Place the pieces of fish on the grill and fry over coals until cooked! Potatoes (new, cut into halves, coated with vegetable oil and fried on a wire rack) go well as a side dish. Serve the fish with herbs and lemon slices.

In sour cream


Catfish (can be any other fish) – 0.5 kg,
Sour cream - 125 gr.,
Flour – 50 gr.,
Onions - 2 pcs.,
Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon,
Vegetable oil,
Salt, pepper, spices for fish.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in butter. Cut the fish into portions. Season well with salt, pepper and spices for the fish.

Dip the fish on all sides in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Place the fish on a baking sheet, pour sour cream (salt it a little), and sprinkle fried onions on top. If the sour cream is fatty, you need to dilute it with water.

Place the pan in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees C. The sour cream should thicken greatly and the fish should be browned. Catfish baked in sour cream can be served with rice or mashed potatoes.


Cooking fish according to this recipe will take you less time, but the taste will be just as delicious.

Cut the catfish so that only one fillet remains. Cut it into pieces 5-6 cm thick and rinse. Place the fillets, cut sides down, in a marinating bowl so that the pieces fit snugly together and sprinkle coarse salt on top. If necessary, place a second layer of fish on top and also sprinkle it with salt.

Place the container in the refrigerator for 2 days, then remove the fish, rinse and hang the pieces in a cool place for several days. After this time, your balyk will be ready.


Products for cutlets

Of course, fish, about 1 kg, a couple of onions, a couple of eggs, a few slices of white bread, milk. You also need salt, pepper, and breadcrumbs. For frying - vegetable oil.


We clean the catfish, remove large bones, and, if possible, small ones too. Finely chop the resulting fish fillet; if there are bones, remove them.

Of course, you can use a meat grinder, but when we chop into pieces, the cutlets will be juicier. Finely chop the onion, lightly fry it in vegetable oil and when it has cooled, add it to the minced meat. Pour warm milk over slices of white bread, wait a little for the bread to soak. Then add this bread to the minced meat.

Separate the yolks from the whites and add these yolks to the minced meat. Of course, you need to add salt and pepper. The resulting mass must be mixed well. Form cutlets, dip them in egg white, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Ready-made catfish cutlets can be served with any side dish, including vegetables.

To prepare the appetizer you will need: approximately 500 grams of catfish caviar, vegetable oil to taste, 1 small bunch of green onions, water and salt (at the rate of approximately 60 grams per 1 liter).

Separate the catfish eggs from the films using a fork and place them in a bowl or pan. Prepare the brine, bring it to a boil, remove from heat and cool to about 70°C. Pour hot salted water over the caviar, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Remove water using a colander lined with cheesecloth.

Finely chop the green onions and mix with the caviar. Add vegetable oil to taste and transfer the caviar to a glass jar. You will have an excellent cold appetizer. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

To prepare this dish, take approximately 750-800 grams of catfish caviar, 1 incomplete (without top) tablespoon of starch, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 small bunch of herbs to taste (dill, parsley, cilantro), salt, ground black pepper taste. You will also need vegetable oil for frying.

Rinse the catfish eggs and let the water drain. Then mix the caviar with starch, finely chopped herbs, egg, sour cream, salt and pepper. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth using a mixer or in a blender. You should end up with something like a dough, the consistency of pancakes.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the future pancakes with a tablespoon and fry on each side until a golden brown crust forms. Then reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

These catfish caviar pancakes will be especially tasty with sweet and sour sauce. For example, if you mix equal amounts of sour cream and tomato paste.

Lightly salted catfish caviar is an excellent appetizer

To prepare the appetizer you will need: approximately 500 grams of catfish caviar, vegetable oil to taste, 1 small bunch of green onions, water and salt (at the rate of approximately 60 grams per 1 liter).

Separate the catfish eggs from the films using a fork and place them in a bowl or pan. Prepare the brine, bring it to a boil, remove from heat and cool to about 70°C. Pour hot salted water over the caviar, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Remove water using a colander lined with cheesecloth.

Finely chop the green onions and mix with the caviar. Add vegetable oil to taste and transfer the caviar to a glass jar. You will have an excellent cold appetizer. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

It is better to add extra virgin olive oil to the caviar, then it will be especially tasty. But you can also use refined, odorless sunflower oil.

Catfish caviar pancakes - tasty and original

To prepare this dish, take approximately 750-800 grams of catfish caviar, 1 incomplete (without top) tablespoon of starch, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 small bunch of herbs to taste (dill, parsley, cilantro), salt, ground black pepper taste. You will also need vegetable oil for frying.

Rinse the catfish eggs and let the water drain. Then mix the caviar with starch, finely chopped herbs, egg, sour cream, salt and pepper. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth using a mixer or in a blender. You should end up with something like a dough, the consistency of pancakes.

In addition to ground black pepper, you can add a few other spices to the dough to suit your taste.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the future pancakes with a tablespoon and fry on each side until a golden brown crust forms. Then reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

These catfish caviar pancakes will be especially tasty with sweet and sour sauce. For example, if you mix equal amounts of sour cream and tomato paste.

Lightly salted catfish caviar - recipe

You will learn further how to prepare catfish caviar so that it impresses everyone as a wonderful appetizer. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • catfish caviar – 600-650 grams;
  • vegetable or olive oil – 5-6 tbsp;
  • green leeks – 1 bunch;
  • water – 1l;
  • salt – 60-80g.

To get lightly salted catfish caviar, the recipe is as follows.

Clean the catfish eggs from the film using kitchen utensils - a fork or knife. Place it in a comfortable deep container and leave to rest. In the meantime, prepare the brine with which you will pour your caviar. It is prepared as follows. Boil water, add salt at the rate of 1 liter of water per 80 grams of salt. Cool this liquid to 70C 0 and pour the caviar with it. Stir thoroughly and set aside for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the water using a colander with small holes so that the caviar does not pass through them. For insurance, you can put gauze in a colander; it will prevent the caviar from seeping into the holes.

Then chop the leek finely and combine it with the caviar. Add vegetable or olive oil to this mixture - whichever you like best. Pour everything into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. This is how lightly salted catfish caviar is prepared easily and simply, the photo of which you see on the page. You can store this healthy culinary masterpiece for no longer than 3 days, and then only in the refrigerator. But it seems to me that it won’t last until the next day if your loved ones try it.

You already know how to prepare catfish caviar quickly and comfortably, and now I will offer you a recipe for delicious caviar pancakes that will amaze you with their ease of preparation and stunning taste.

Catfish roe pancakes

You have catfish caviar, but you don’t know what to cook from it - read on and be amazed at how quickly, easily and conveniently you can prepare a culinary miracle from this simple ingredient.

What could be more desirable than a crispy-crusted, mouth-watering piece of fish that recently splashed in the coastal waters of the river? A housewife who knows the secrets of how to deliciously fry catfish or other river inhabitants in a frying pan will always be able to feed her family well. Having bought a piece of fresh fish fillet, or taken part of a trophy brought from fishing from the refrigerator, it is not at all difficult to turn it into an amazing dish.

Catfish: benefits, features, advantages

Catfish is a fertile fish in all respects. It is quite nutritious and tasty. At the same time, you don’t have to spend a lot of time fiddling with it, because it doesn’t have scales, which means it doesn’t need to be cleaned. The main secret of the tenderness and juiciness of fried fillet is batter.

Of course, you can do without it by simply rolling the fish pieces in flour and then browning them in oil. But if you make a couple of extra moves, for example, mix the egg with milk and flour, and dip parts of the fish into the mixture, you will get an incredibly tender treat that will literally melt in your mouth.

Despite the reserves of fat that adults accumulate in excess in their bodies, their fillets, even fried, are not very high in calories - only 125 kcal per 100 g of product.

People who regularly feast on catfish steaks remain young for a long time, since its tender pulp contains an extremely high amount of vitamins E and A, which prevent the body from aging quickly.

Knowing how to properly fry catfish in a frying pan at home, you can replenish the reserves of useful macro- and microelements in your body with taste and great pleasure!

Catfish in flour: classic recipe


  • Catfish fillet – 500 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Fish spices - 0.5 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • - 1-2 tbsp. + -

How to fry catfish in a frying pan: step-by-step recipe

For those who have never dealt with the meat of this type of fish, we offer a simple recipe for frying it in flour. Browning in heated oil, the fillet is covered with a crispy crust, under which tender, juicy flesh is hidden.

  1. We wash the fish fillet in water, dry it lightly with paper towels, then divide it into portions and rub each of them with salt.
  2. Having sprinkled the steaks with aromatic spices, we leave the fish to salt for about half an hour.
  3. Now take a frying pan, pour oil into it and let it warm up thoroughly.
  4. When the oil starts to sizzle, take the pieces of fish, roll them in flour and send them to fry.
  5. How long it takes to fry catfish in a frying pan at home is difficult to answer. It all depends on the intensity of the fire and the thickness of your fish pieces. So, the stronger the fire, the faster the pieces will be covered with a fragrant crust and, accordingly, the thinner the piece, the faster it will fry. On average, it takes 15 minutes to cook one batch of fish.

Indicator of readiness is the appearance of a golden brown crust and internal frying. Catfish, like other fish, is especially tasty hot. Boiled rice is ideal as a side dish.

If flour coating is an excellent option for the daily menu, then on the occasion of the holiday you can fry the same pieces of catfish in homemade batter. It will turn out even more tasty and appetizing!


  • Catfish (fillet) – 500 g;
  • Onion (large) – 1 pc.;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Flour – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Spices for fish – 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp.

How to properly fry catfish in a frying pan in batter

  1. Salt the fish, washed and cut into portions, season with spices and leave in a bowl so that it has time to soak in the aromas.
  2. Make the batter: remove the shell from the egg, mix with flour and salt.
  3. Grind the onion (without husk) using a grater with the smallest holes. Add the resulting slurry to the batter and mix everything well again.
  4. We take each part of the seasoned fillet and dip it into the prepared batter, then immediately place the fish in a frying pan in heated oil.
  5. How long to fry catfish in this case? 4-5 minutes on each side will be enough, provided that the fire is no higher than medium.
  6. To remove excess fat, place the fish on paper towels - they will absorb all the excess.

How to improve the taste of low-calorie catfish

  • You can marinate the fillet in dry white wine (0.5 cup) or additionally sprinkle it with fresh lemon juice at the salting stage.
  • Fish pulp is best soaked in spices if it is in a closed container.
  • You don’t have to dip the fish in batter, but simply dip the pieces of fish before frying: first in an egg mixed with onion gruel, and then in flour.

Fried catfish caviar: homemade cooking

Double luck for any fisherman is to bring back catfish from fishing. And if he also ends up with caviar, then consider it a “jackpot”! Cooked in flour (even in the simplest way), the roe of this bottom-dwelling fish is always magnificent.


  • Fresh caviar – about 500 g;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • Black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to fry catfish caviar at home

  1. We thoroughly wash the bags filled with eggs, carefully cut them into small pieces 7-10 cm long, add salt, season with lemon juice and sprinkle with pepper.
  2. You need to leave the product for 15 minutes to soak in the aromas and salt.
  3. Pour oil into a well-heated frying pan with a thick bottom.
  4. Take each piece of caviar and roll it in flour. Shake off the excess flour, then place the fish in the heated oil.

Frying catfish caviar over medium heat takes no more than 5 minutes. You cannot hold the caviar for a long time, otherwise it will become too hard. If the pieces are still slightly damp, you can simmer them for a couple of minutes under the lid over moderate heat.

Catfish caviar fritters: recipe for an appetizer

  • By freeing the caviar from the films and dividing it into eggs, you can make delicious pancakes. To do this, for half a kilo of product, take 1 chicken egg (large), 1 tbsp. corn or potato starch, 1 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. sour cream, a bunch of fresh dill (or any other favorite herbs), pepper and salt.
  • We combine everything, stir and fry like regular pancakes.
  • You can serve this simple and very tasty treat with vegetables, cutting them into a salad, or with sour cream (as you prefer).

A generous catch of catfish is the dream of anyone who does not part with fishing rods and spinning rods. However, catching a large fish is only half the battle, because it would be nice to also know how to fry catfish in a frying pan so that it is tasty and satisfying. Our step-by-step recipes will help you master this delicate matter to perfection.

Use them as a basic aid - and you will begin to create real fish masterpieces!

The largest freshwater fish that lives in Russian reservoirs is catfish. This beautiful fish is the most desired and profitable catch of every fisherman. And this is not at all surprising. After all, the meat of this fish is very nutritious and tasty. It is rich in proteins and microelements that are important for our body. And how many vitamins are in this product! You can cook absolutely anything from catfish – and all dishes will be equally tasty and healthy. This fish is good in any type of preparation: stewed, fried or smoked - it breaks all records for density and extravagance of taste. From the pulp you can prepare a lot of different culinary masterpieces, which will become a truly rich decoration for both a festive dinner party and a home family dinner. But a completely different question is catfish caviar and not everyone knows how to prepare this healthy product.

So what can you cook with catfish caviar that will be both satisfying and surprising for those around you?

Although this product is inferior in taste to other fish, it is very suitable for cooking. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Lightly salted catfish caviar - recipe

You will learn further how to prepare catfish caviar so that it impresses everyone as a wonderful appetizer. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • catfish caviar – 600-650 grams;
  • vegetable or olive oil – 5-6 tbsp;
  • green leeks – 1 bunch;
  • water – 1l;
  • salt – 60-80g.

To get lightly salted catfish caviar, the recipe is as follows.

Clean the catfish eggs from the film using kitchen utensils - a fork or knife. Place it in a comfortable deep container and leave to rest. In the meantime, prepare the brine with which you will pour your caviar. It is prepared as follows. Boil water, add salt at the rate of 1 liter of water per 80 grams of salt. Cool this liquid to 70C 0 and pour the caviar with it. Stir thoroughly and set aside for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the water using a colander with small holes so that the caviar does not pass through them. For insurance, you can put gauze in a colander; it will prevent the caviar from seeping into the holes.

Then chop the leek finely and combine it with the caviar. Add vegetable or olive oil to this mixture - whichever you like best. Pour everything into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. This is how lightly salted catfish caviar is prepared easily and simply, the photo of which you see on the page. You can store this healthy culinary masterpiece for no longer than 3 days, and then only in the refrigerator. But it seems to me that it won’t last until the next day if your loved ones try it.

You already know how to prepare catfish caviar quickly and comfortably, and now I will offer you a recipe for delicious caviar pancakes that will amaze you with their ease of preparation and stunning taste.

Catfish roe pancakes

You have catfish caviar, but you don’t know what to cook from it - read on and be amazed at how quickly, easily and conveniently you can prepare a culinary miracle from this simple ingredient.

Required components:

  • caviar – 800-900g;
  • potato starch – 1 tbsp;
  • 1 egg;
  • homemade sour cream – 1 tbsp;
  • parsley and dill;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • vegetable or olive oil.

Wash the eggs and let the water drain. Next, combine caviar, potato starch, chopped herbs, egg and homemade sour cream. Beat this mixture with a mixer until smooth. Salt and pepper it according to your own wishes. You should end up with the same dough as for regular pancakes, but with its own interesting twist. If you are a gourmet and like to add something to your food, experimenting with taste, then add some more of your favorite spices to the dough. However, be careful not to overdo it with seasonings, otherwise they can drown out the taste of the catfish caviar itself, which is the basis of the entire recipe.

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Fish spawning is a natural process that involves females laying eggs and fertilizing them with males. It is based on the instinct to preserve one's species. It usually occurs on a spawning ground, a place where fish spawn in a body of water that is most suitable under certain conditions.

During reproduction, certain species of fish change their traditional colors to their mating plumage. Migratory species rise from seas to rivers or vice versa to lay eggs. At the same time, the fish goes to spawning grounds, covering many kilometers.

Violation of spawning grounds leads to irreversible processes. For example, spawning of certain species of fish on the Volga, due to the construction of hydroelectric power stations and straightening of river channels, has decreased significantly or stopped completely. As a result, their numbers became small or disappeared completely.

As a rule, during the spawning period there are restrictions on fishing, movement on motor boats, etc. For example, fishing during this period is allowed only outside the spawning areas. In other places, during the fish spawning season, you can only fish with one fishing rod and one hook.

Time and conditions of spawning of different fish species

Conditions for spawning of grass carp

  • age of maturity: 7…8 years;
  • water temperature – 26ºС…30ºС;
  • calendar period – May-June;
  • place of deposition: spawns eggs directly into the water column;
  • caviar: pelagic, large, calorie content: 118 kcal;
  • features: grass carp spawning occurs only when there is a current; portioned or one-time.

Conditions for beluga spawning

  • age for reproduction: 12…18 years;
  • temperature – 9ºС…17ºС;
  • terms: – April-May;
  • caviar: large, calorie content: 235 kcal;
  • place of deposition: rocky ridges, pebble placers;
  • features: changes body color to grayish-blue; spawns for a long time, up to a month, periodically.

Conditions for goby spawning

  • onset of puberty: 2 years;
  • water temperature – 6ºС…9ºС in March, more than 15ºС in other periods;
  • terms – March-August (depending on the type);
  • caviar: oligoplasmic, large, egg-shaped, calorie content: 167 kcal;
  • place of deposition: stones, sandstone, compacted spongy shell rock;
  • features: occurs at a depth of more than 5 m; spawns in nests, which are then guarded by the male.

Conditions for chub spawning

  • onset of puberty: 3…4 years;
  • water temperature – 12ºС…17ºС;
  • period – April-June (depending on the latitude of the area);
  • caviar: orange, small, calorie content: 90 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on shallow rifts, shoals; sometimes on plants in shallows;
  • features: portioned; where there is a fast current.

Conditions for pink salmon spawning

age: 1 year;

water temperature – 4ºС…16ºС;

period – May-September (depending on the region);

caviar: the largest among Pacific salmon; bright orange color, calorie content: 230 kcal;

Place of deposition: in a sandy, pebble bottom in shallow water, on riffles;

features: changes color from light blue to pale gray (back) and yellowish-white (on the belly); enters rivers and pink salmon build nests there, where they lay eggs; after spawning it dies.

Conditions for asp spawning

  • fish age: 4…5 years;
  • water temperature – 4ºС…12ºС;
  • spring spawning occurs in the period – April-May;
  • caviar: sticky, yellowish, with a cloudy shell, calorie content: 90 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a rocky, non-silted bottom in rivers with currents; on aquatic vegetation in reservoirs;
  • features: fast, 1…2 weeks.

Conditions for spawning crucian carp

  • fish age: 2...4 years;
  • the beginning of crucian carp spawning - when the reservoir heats up to 18ºС...20ºС;
  • period – May-June;
  • caviar: has zero buoyancy; yellowish color, calorie content: 112 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: in pondweed thickets;
  • characteristics: noisy, gregarious, portioned; After laying and fertilizing the eggs, the crucian carp goes into the grass thickets, where it actively begins to feed.

Conditions for carp spawning

fish age: 3…5 years;

carp breeding time - occurs when the water heats up to 16ºС...20ºС;

season – May-June;

eggs: sticky, yellowish, calorie content: 200 kcal;

Place of deposition: on thickets of last year's sedge, on shallows;

Features: occurs in sunny, quiet weather, in portions.

Chum salmon spawning

  • sexual maturity: 4…5 years;
  • temperature in the reservoir – 5ºС…10ºС;
  • period – July-August (summer view), September-December (autumn view);
  • caviar: very large, orange-red color, calorie content: 251 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a rocky, pebble bottom in places with a current;
  • features: spawns once and then dies; During the mating season, the color and shape of the body changes (especially in males).

Rudd Spawning

  • sexual maturity: 3…5 years;
  • period – April-June;
  • caviar: sticky, calorie content: 90 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on underwater plants;
  • Features: spawning, unlike other types of fish, occurs silently and in portions.

Brown trout

  • sexual maturity: 3 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 2ºС…6ºС;
  • period – September-December (spring form), November-February (winter form);
  • caviar: large, orange, calorie content: 246 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a rocky, pebble bottom in shallow places with a current;
  • characteristics: gregarious; it rises from the sea to spawn in rivers; usually prefers the upper reaches of rivers; During the mating season, a change in body shape and color occurs, but only slightly.


  • time of puberty: 3…5 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 12ºС…16ºС;
  • period – April-June (in the south), May-June (in the north);
  • caviar: yellowish color, calorie content: 142 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on grassy thickets in shallow water;
  • features: spawns in schools and noisily; spawns eggs in three stages: when the birch tree blooms, the bird cherry blossoms, and the cereals begin to spike; Before the spawning period, growths grow on the male’s head and a “pearl rash” appears on the head and sides.

Tench breeding

  • time of puberty: 3…4 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 18ºС…20ºС;
  • period – May-August;
  • caviar: sticky, small, calorie content: 90 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on the stems of aquatic plants;
  • Features: spawns in families for 2…3 weeks.

Salmon breeding

  • time of puberty: 1…7 years;
  • Salmon during spawning prefer a reservoir temperature of 12ºС…16ºС;
  • period – October-December;
  • caviar: orange-red, bright orange, without or with a bitter aftertaste (depending on the type of fish), calorie content: 208 kcal;
  • place of deposition: in Kamchatka it occurs in nests on the pebble bottom;
  • features: males “put on” the mating plumage; when the salmon spawning period ends, some fish die; can spawn up to five times; Salmon fish spawn, as a rule, on the same spawning grounds.

Lamprey reproduction

  • time of puberty: 4…5 years;
  • water temperature – 10ºС…14ºС;
  • period – April-June;
  • caviar: oval; not sticky, smooth, yellowish-blue in color;
  • place for laying eggs: on rocky rifts; in places with great depth and fast currents;
  • features: group; after spawning, the lampreys die.

Capelin spawn

  • time of puberty: 2…3 years;
  • water temperature – 6ºС…10ºС;
  • period – March-May;
  • caviar: light yellow, small, bottom; has a specific mayonnaise taste, is highly digestible, calorie content: 304 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on sandy soils on shallows;
  • characteristics: gregarious; The laying is done almost near the shore, up to the water's edge.

Reproduction of burbot

  • time of puberty: 2...7 years;
  • reservoir temperature – about 0ºС;
  • period – November-February;
  • caviar: non-sticky, with a drop of fat, semi-pelagic, calorie content: 88 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a crushed stone, sandy bottom; in shallow water;
  • features: burbot is a prolific fish, one individual lays more than 1 million eggs.

Sockeye salmon spawn

  • ripening time: 5...6 years;
  • water temperature – 1.5ºС…6ºС;
  • period – May-December;
  • caviar: red with a bitter taste, calorie content: 245 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a pebble bottom, in holes;
  • features: more often in lakes, in places near springs; spawn in the same places where they were born; before spawning takes on the nuptial plumage (red); After spawning, it guards the clutch and then dies.

Reproduction of river perch

  • ripening time: 2…3 years;
  • temperature of the aquatic environment – ​​7ºС…8ºС;
  • period – February-June (depending on the region);
  • caviar: small, watery, yellowish in color, calorie content: 87 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on last year’s aquatic vegetation;
  • features: single use; spawns, laying eggs in the form of long mesh ribbons.

Omul spawn

  • ripening time: 5...8 years;
  • water temperature – 3ºС…13ºС;
  • period – September-November;
  • caviar: sticky, dark, calorie content: 203 kcal;
  • place of deposition: on a pebble-rocky bottom, on the current;
  • features: enter rivers, sometimes over long distances; They spawn in the evening and at night.

Sturgeon reproduction

  • puberty time: 5…21 years;
  • water temperature – 8ºС…15ºС;
  • sturgeon spawning period is March-November, maximum July;
  • caviar: large, dark, calorie content: 201 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a rocky, gravel bottom; depth 4...25 m;
  • features: rises into rivers from the seas; not annual; sturgeon caviar fast (3...4 days); at low flow speed.

Roach spawn

  • ripening time for reproduction: 3…5 years;
  • water temperature for spawning – 8ºС…9ºС;
  • mating season – March-May;
  • caviar: soft, translucent, with a greenish tint, calorie content: 100 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on aquatic plants;
  • Features: gregarious, noisy, one-time.

Rotana spawn

  • ripening time for reproduction: 2…3 years;
  • water temperature during spawning – 15ºС…20ºС;
  • mating season – May-July;
  • caviar: elongated;
  • place of deposition: on stones, roots, driftwood; from below on floating leaves, aquatic plants;
  • features: portioned; Before spawning, males “dress” in bright nuptial attire; The clutch is guarded by the male.

Reproduction of carp

  • time of puberty: 2…5 years;
  • water temperature during spawning – 18ºС…20ºС;
  • breeding season – April-June;
  • caviar: small, dense consistency, reddish color, calorie content: 97 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on vegetation in the coastal zone;
  • features: portioned; carp breeds in fresh and salt water.

Herring propagation

  • ripening time for reproduction: 3…6 years;
  • water temperature during spawning – 15ºС…23ºС;
  • period – May-July;
  • caviar: semi-pelagic; in some species, bottom, calorie content: 208 kcal;
  • place of deposition: on vegetation in the bottom layer;
  • Features: spawns by entering the lower reaches of rivers.

Salmon spawn

  • time of puberty: 3 years;
  • temperature of the reservoir for reproduction – 1ºС…3ºС;
  • mating season – October-December;
  • caviar: large, red, calorie content: 263 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on a rocky bottom, on rifts;
  • features: portioned; enters the rivers where they were born, with fast flowing, clear water; During the mating season, the body color darkens and changes in its shape occur.

Whitefish spawn

  • ripening time for spawn: 4…6 years;
  • water temperature for reproduction – 1.5ºС…6ºС;
  • mating season for whitefish – October-February;
  • caviar: small, white, calorie content: 163 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: in nests on a pebble, sandy, rocky bottom on the river fairway;
  • Features: in standing water.

Catfish breeding

  • time of puberty: 3…6 years;
  • water temperature during spawning – 16ºС…23ºС;
  • catfish breeding time is March-August;
  • caviar: sticky, large, light, calorie content: 179 kcal;
  • place of deposition: in nests arranged on the bottom among vegetation;
  • characteristics: noisy, gregarious, often portioned; The clutch is guarded by the male.

Sterlet breeding

  • puberty time for nikromet: 4...7 years;
  • water temperature during reproduction – 10ºС…15ºС;
  • mating season – April-June;
  • caviar: sticky; oblong shape, dark color; less than sturgeon, calorie content: 221 kcal;
  • Place of deposition: on sandy and pebble soils;
  • features: reservoir depth 7...15 m;

Zander spawn

  • time of puberty: 3...7 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 15ºС…18ºС;
  • time of year – April-June;
  • caviar: watery consistency, pale yellow in color;
  • place of laying: in nests, in shallow waters, on the roots of reeds, sedges, reeds, thickets of water lilies, tree roots, grass of flooded meadows;
  • nuances: usually at night; in places where the current is slow; The area is protected by a “guard pike perch” until the fry begin to emerge.

Taimen spawn

  • time of puberty: 5...7 years;
  • season – April-June;
  • caviar: large; color amber red;
  • Place of laying: in nest-pits on a rocky and pebble bottom, in shallow water;
  • nuances: periodic; for the process they rise to the upper reaches of rivers; in spawn they acquire the color of red copper.

Reproduction of silver carp

  • time of puberty: 2...8 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 25ºС…26ºС;
  • season – June-July;
  • caviar: pelagic, transparent, calorie content: 86 kcal;
  • place of laying: sweeps directly into the water column;
  • nuances: portioned; spawns when there are sharp rises in water levels;

Cod reproduction

  • time of puberty: 3...9 years;
  • temperature of the aquatic environment – ​​0.5ºС…5ºС;
  • time of year – March-April;
  • caviar: delicate consistency with neutral buoyancy, calorie content: 166 kcal;
  • place of laying: in the bottom layer;
  • nuances: annual portion; at a depth of up to 100 m; The main spawning occurs off the Norwegian Lofoten Islands.

Eel spawn

  • ripening time: 5...25 years;
  • water temperature – 16ºС…17ºС;
  • place of laying: sea bottom;
  • nuances: portioned; comes to the Sargasso Sea to breed; at significant depths; after spawning, the fish dies; Before reproduction, color and body shape change.

Bleak spawn

  • age of puberty: 3 years;
  • water temperature – 15ºС…16ºС;
  • time of year – May-July;
  • caviar: sticky, small, yellowish-orange in color;
  • place of laying: on underwater vegetation, stones, pebbles;
  • nuances: portioned; depth up to half a meter; calm water.

Trout Spawning

  • age of puberty: 3 years;
  • temperature of the aquatic environment – ​​5ºС…10ºС;
  • time of year – September-January;
  • caviar: small, medium size; color from dark red to light yellow, calorie content: 251 kcal;
  • Place of laying: on a rocky bottom;
  • nuances: portioned; occurs in areas with fast currents, with a depth of up to a meter.

Grayling spawning

  • age of puberty: 2…3 years;
  • reservoir temperature – 5ºС…10ºС;
  • time of year – May-June;
  • caviar: color light yellow, calorie content: 200 kcal;
  • Place of laying: on a pebble-sand bottom, in areas with fast currents;
  • nuances: breed in the upper reaches of rivers; Before spawning, the nuptial plumage appears.

Pike spawning

  • ripening time for spawning: 2…4 years;
  • pike spawning time – when the temperature reaches 3ºС…6ºС;
  • spawning season - occurs in the spring, immediately after the ice melts;
  • caviar: yellowish color, calorie content: 131 kcal;
  • place of laying: coastal zone with a depth of 10...30 cm;
  • Features of spawning: pike behave noisily during spawning.

Spawning of ide

  • ripening time for spawning: 4 years;
  • water temperature during spawning – 5ºС…7ºС;
  • spawning period – April;
  • caviar: small, yellowish color;
  • place of masonry: on piles, driftwood, rocky bottom;
  • Features of spawning: friendly, one-time, in a fast current; spawns in streams and channels flowing into rivers.

How to salt river fish caviar at home

Every true fisherman must be able to not only catch fish, dry it and dry it, but also salt the caviar himself. After all, properly salted fish roe is a real delicacy. In addition, homemade caviar is very healthy due to its naturalness and high nutrient content.

In this article we will talk about the technology for salting fish roe at home and provide several detailed recipes that will help you prepare an amazingly tasty appetizer.

How to properly remove caviar from fish

You can use caviar for salting only if the fish is fresh enough. To remove the caviar, you need to act very carefully and accurately. First we cut the belly of the fish. Then, with our fingers, we pick up the elongated shell bags with caviar and slowly separate them from the cavity of the fish.

It is very important to remove the caviar in one piece, since if handled carelessly, bitter bile may get into the caviar. Oysters are separate egg parts covered with a thin film, the internal filling of which plays a binding role for the eggs.

Preparing caviar for salting

Caviar from pike, roach, perch, carp, rudd, bream and crucian carp is ideal for salting. To prepare the appetizer we will need at least 150 grams of caviar.

The main preparatory stage is the release of the eggs from the film. This procedure is called "punching". Since we are working with a small amount of caviar, for these purposes you can use a colander, a sieve or a vegetable grater with non-sharp hole edges.

The larger the eggs, the larger the holes in the dish should be so that the eggs can pass through them freely. But the process of caviar cleansing is much faster if we use a colander.

Recipes for salting caviar - preface

First we need to prepare the brine. Rapa is a special salt solution for washing fish eggs.

  • The proportions of standard brine are 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Bring the solution to a boil and pour the caviar into it while hot.
  • Stir the caviar with a fork for about 3 minutes so that the hot solution covers all the eggs. Then we drain the brine and prepare a new one to repeat the procedure.
  • A total of 3 fills are required. The first two times the water turns out cloudy, but the third time it should be more transparent and clean.

Then you need to free the caviar from excess moisture. To do this, put it on a sieve and wait 10-15 minutes until all the water has drained.

If there is no sieve, the caviar can be spread on a flat surface in an even layer of 3-4 cm and placed for a while at a slight slope. This method will help the water drain no worse than through a sieve.

After this, take a glass jar with a volume of approximately 1 liter and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into its bottom. Pour caviar on top, but not to the top, but about 75% of the jar.

Add a full teaspoon of salt and mix well with a fork. Then fill the rest of the jar with caviar and pour sunflower oil on top - about a 5 mm layer. We cover it all with a plastic lid and let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, but it’s better to leave it overnight.

In the morning you can already enjoy sandwiches with delicious crumbly caviar of light amber color. The appetizer tastes lightly salted and does not smell of fish at all.

Recipe No. 2

To salt caviar according to this recipe, we will need an enamel pan. Pour water into it - the volume is approximately three times greater than the volume of existing caviar. Add salt to the water (as for boiling eggs) and bring the saline solution to a boil. Add various spices and herbs to boiling water to taste: bay leaf, ground black pepper, black peppercorns.

Then remove the water from the heat and pour the prepared caviar into it. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave to steep for 15 minutes, no more. Strain the caviar through cheesecloth, allowing the water to drain completely. After the caviar has cooled, it is ready to eat. Storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 -5 C is possible for a month.

Recipe No. 3

This method of salting caviar is significantly different from others. This kind of caviar is usually called “pressed caviar”. For salting, caviar is stored in presses, that is, in the bags in which it was originally located. Even torn and damaged bags will do. You can also salt a mixture of caviar from different river fish in one bowl.

Salting is done by placing the caviar in a bowl in layers and covering them with a large amount of salt. Each layer must be separated by a spacer made of hard material. After salting, the caviar is washed and dried. The result should be oblong rectangles of a dark color. Even if we see a recipe for pressed caviar for the first time, we are already familiar with it and have tried it more than once. After all, such caviar can be in any dried fish.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe features a special method of cleaning and washing the caviar. For 2 kg. caviar you will need:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • colander;
  • several deep cups;
  • gauze;
  • large saucepan.

Bring 5-8 liters of water to a boil and pour it over the caviar, previously placed in a deep cup. Try to get boiling water onto all the bags of caviar. Under the influence of hot water, the film moves away from the caviar and curls up. In this way, we will be able to quickly and efficiently release the eggs from the shell.

It is important to pour the caviar quickly so that the water does not cool down. You can also clean the caviar from the film using a meat grinder - when scrolling, the entire film remains on the knife.

Next, we get rid of small film residues. Pour plenty of cold water over the caviar and mix it thoroughly so that each caviar is thoroughly washed. We carry out the washing procedure 10-15 times, changing the water all the time until it becomes clear.

After thorough washing, making sure that the caviar is clean enough, transfer it to dry gauze and tie it in a knot. To ensure complete drainage of water and easy drying, the unit can be hung.

Next, your actions depend on how long you want to store the caviar. If you eat it in 1-2 weeks, then in 400-500 g of caviar it is enough to add a large pinch of salt and mix well. After it has stood in the refrigerator for 1 day, it can be eaten.

For longer storage, the caviar bundle is soaked in brine. The brine is prepared from cold boiled water to which salt is added (5-6 liters of water and 7-8 tablespoons of salt are enough for 1.5 kg of caviar).

A gauze knot with caviar is dipped into this brine and kept there for 15 minutes. Then, to prevent the formation of salt, the caviar is washed once in a colander with cold water. After all the water has drained, the caviar is transferred to glass jars, closed with a lid and put in a cold place for storage. Caviar salted in this way can be stored for 1-2 months.

In preparing this issue, I caught pike with caviar and at home made a video of a recipe received by inheritance. It is interesting to note that this recipe combines the features of several of the above-mentioned recipes and has its own individual secrets. I highly recommend watching it.

  • The fattier the fish, the tastier and healthier its caviar.
  • It is better to use fine “Extra” salt for pickling.
  • Spring caviar is most suitable for pickling. It is larger, tastier and can be stored for a very long time.
  • Do not use metal utensils. The utensils for preparing caviar should be glass, porcelain, wood or clay.
  • It is possible to salt even frozen caviar. For example, trout caviar, which is sold frozen.
  • To determine the readiness of the salt brine, you can use raw peeled potatoes. Place the potatoes in the water and gradually add salt, stirring. As soon as the potatoes float to the surface, the brine is ready.


So, now you can salt the caviar of any river fish yourself, making it the main dish of your table. All that remains is to stock up on 2-3 loaves of fresh bread and butter, since such a tasty snack is eaten very quickly. Both adults and children love her. Especially if the caviar is seasoned with finely chopped onions, spices and vegetable oil.