Canned melon for the winter in jars: tasty and practical. How to prepare canned melon for the winter without sterilization

Have you tried pickled melons yet? It's time to catch up! Today we will tell you about the recipe for pickled melon, the photo of which you see below.

Pickled melons in jars: tasty and unusual


Melon 500 grams Honey 1 tbsp.

  • Number of servings: 2
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Gourmet snack, unusual taste sensations- it's all about melon under marinade. How to cook it correctly?

Required Products:

  • melon: 500 g (net weight);
  • water: 1 glass;
  • table vinegar: 0.5 cups;
  • salt: 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon: 0.5 tsp;
  • cloves: 4 pcs.;
  • honey: 1 tbsp.

For marinade, you need to use liquid honey.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, cinnamon, cloves and add honey. Bring to a boil and add vinegar. Bring to a boil again and cook for 2 minutes. The marinade is ready, now you need to let it cool.

Meanwhile, wash the melon and peel it. Remove all the seeds and cut the pulp into small pieces. Sterilize clean jars in hot oven within 20 min. Place the chopped melon in jars and pour in the cooled marinade. The next stage is pasteurization of the workpiece. IN large saucepan pour warm water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jar. Bring the water to a boil and simmer the jars over low heat for 20 minutes.

We roll up the jars with clean, scalded with boiling water, metal lids. After this, turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket. After a day, the workpieces should be removed to a cool place.

How to pickle melons for the winter

Aromas of autumn on a cold winter day - it's possible! All you need to do is pickle the melons and enjoy them in winter magical taste and smell.

We will need:

  • ripe melon – 1 pc.;
  • water - about 1 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • pepper (peas) – 5 pcs.;
  • table vinegar – 200 ml;
  • citric acid powder – 1 tsp. (no slide).

Any type of melon can be used.

We wash and peel the melon, cut it in half and scrape out the seeds with a spoon. Cut the pulp into pieces the size of half a matchbox.

Prepare the marinade: boil water, add all the spices to it and bring to a boil again. Let it cool. Washed in soda solution Place the jars with melon pieces and fill them with marinade.

Let it pasteurize for 20 minutes. How to do this, read in previous recipe. After this, roll up the jars, turn them upside down and leave until cool. We remove winter preparation to a cool place. Fragrant savory snack ready!

Pickled melons are unusual, but very tasty dish. Bon appetit!

Juicy and soft melon is usually adored by both adults and children. It contains many vitamins (B1, B2, A, PP, C) and microelements, in particular iron, so it is recommended for those who suffer from liver, kidney, of cardio-vascular system, disorders digestive system, . The impressive list of benefits of this product makes you wonder if you can eat it. all year round. If you've told your family, "We're canning melon for the winter," the recipes below are sure to come in handy. Such blanks have their own characteristics that should be discussed.

How to preserve melon for the winter?

This melon, canned for the winter, is made quite quickly and will delight you even in January with its exquisite taste.


  • water – 1 l;
  • melon – 2.4 kg;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 2 cups.


IN liter jar mix sugar and citric acid. Pour water into the mixture, stir well and pour into the pan, then wait for the resulting syrup to boil. Pre-sterilize the jars and place in them peeled melon, cut into medium-sized pieces. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and place the jars in a container with boiling water for 10 minutes for further sterilization, and then roll up.

Melons canned for the winter without sterilization

If you are wondering what you can quickly make from melon for the winter, this recipe will help solve this problem.


  • melon – 500 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1 glass;


Wash the melon well and cut in half. Then peel and remove the seeds. Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Cut the melon pulp into small pieces (size approximately 2x2 cm). We put water in a saucepan on the stove and wait for it to boil, after which we put melon cubes in it and boil for about 2-3 minutes. After this, add sugar and squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon. Cook the resulting compote for about a quarter of an hour and pour it into washed, dry jars. You can also place melon cubes there. On final stage roll up the jars.

Apple and melon jam

This preservation of melon for the winter will certainly impress those who like to bake pies with fruit filling. The jam keeps well and can also be eaten for dessert with a cup of tea or coffee.


  • – 5 g;
  • apples – 750 g;
  • melon – 650 g;
  • sugar – 600 g.


We wash the melon well using a brush. Then remove the rough peel and extract the seeds. Chop the remaining pulp into small pieces, which we place in enamel pan, pour in half a glass of water and put on low heat for about a quarter of an hour, remembering to stir. After turning off, rub the still hot melon through a fine sieve using a wooden spoon.

We wash the apples and remove the stems and seeds. Cut into not too large slices, put in another enamel pan and boil for about 10-15 minutes. When the fruits become soft, puree them using a large sieve. Bring the resulting apple mass to a boil again.

Mix both fruit purees in an enamel container and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, gradually add half required norm granulated sugar. Cook the mixture for about 25 minutes, then add citric acid and the remaining sugar and leave on the fire for another quarter of an hour. Pour the finished jam into pre-sterilized and warm jars and roll up. Of all the recipes for canning melon for the winter, this one looks like the most labor-intensive, but the results are worth it.

Melon is a fragrant fruit with tender, sweet-honey pulp, good as in fresh, and as an ingredient for various sweet dishes. Melon is used to prepare compotes, jams, jams, candied fruits and other preparations for the winter that have an incredible smell and pleasant texture. There are a great variety of recipes, just choose the most suitable one.

Despite the abundance of varieties of this melon crop, fruits of two or three types are most often found on sale. The most common is the Torpedo, characterized by its elongated shape and impressive size. It is quite suitable for preparations, and it is advisable to choose a larger fruit - it will be juicier and sweeter than smaller ones.

But in the case of the Kolkhoz Woman, who also makes delicious dessert dishes, it is worth purchasing smaller fruits.

The main problem that arises when preparing melon desserts is the difficulty of maintaining the desired consistency - the melon pulp quickly boils. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to varieties with red or red pulp. orange color– Contaloupe, Princess Mary, Charente, Orange, Iroquois and their hybrid forms. Such fruits are harder, denser and retain their shape better.

How to choose the best melon

First of all, you should consider what dish is prepared from melon, what part will be used, and whether the fruit will be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. You can take the following recommendations into account:

  • the flesh of slightly greenish fruits retains its shape better during cooking (pieces can be cut out with a curly knife), the same applies to the peels;
  • It is better to make puree and jam from soft fruits;
  • The melon suitable for harvesting has a compacted, slightly greenish stalk;
  • a good large fruit should be heavy - if it is light, then most likely it is shriveled inside;
  • It is best to make a workpiece with pieces from melon peels - their structure is practically not destroyed during cooking.

And, naturally, the juicier and more aromatic pulp fruit, the tastier the dish will be.

Recipes for winter preparations

There are many options for melon dishes, which are prepared both in production and at home. Marshmallows, preserves, compotes, frozen jams, confitures - this is not all that can be prepared from of this ingredient. You can make either a one-ingredient delicacy or a complex sweet suitable for a festive table.

Variation of classic melon jam

By this recipe A delicious jam-like jam is prepared, which is best obtained from slightly unripe melons. It is advisable to choose fruit with dense pulp. For the treat you will need:

  • granulated sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • melon – 1 kilogram;
  • lemon (only the zest is used).

Step by step the jam is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • fruits are cut into small cubes;
  • they are covered with sugar and set aside for 30-40 minutes;
  • then the zest is added to the fruits and everything is sent to the stove until it boils;
  • the stove must be turned off and the container covered with a lid;
  • when the mass has cooled, it is boiled again for 5-7 minutes.

The jam can be cooled and poured into jars.

With added lemon

Citrus adds a pleasant sourness to a sweet dish, so lemon is often added to various blanks from fruit ingredients. Required Ingredients For melon jam with lemon:

  • melon – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 0.25 kilograms;
  • vanillin – 1 gram (optional);
  • lemon – 1/2 (for making juice and zest);
  • pectin – 10 grams.

Cooking process:

  • pieces of melon culture are mixed with granulated sugar, add vanillin;
  • the fruits are sent to the stove and boiled for a quarter of an hour;
  • juice is prepared with lemon zest and added to the mixture;
  • add pectin and mix the jam thoroughly;
  • Cook the mixture for another 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave covered for a few minutes.

The jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

With orange

Citrus complements the taste of melon dessert and gives it an interesting appearance. The following components will be required:

Cooking algorithm:

  • the fruits are peeled and cut into pieces;
  • they are covered with 0.5 kilograms of sugar, mixed and infused for 2.5-3 hours;
  • A syrup is prepared from water and 200 grams of sugar, cooled, and added to the melon;
  • cover the container with the future jam with a thick cloth and leave it at room temperature for 24 hours;
  • the syrup liquid must be drained, boiled and poured over the pieces;
  • the jam is infused for about 10 hours;
  • citruses are cut together with the zest, added to the melon and boiled until thick;
  • The mass can be divided into jars.


Spice has original taste and warm aroma, so it is recommended to use it for winter preparations. During the cold season, dessert comes in very handy for evening tea parties.

For melon jam with cinnamon you need:

  • melon – 2.5 kilograms;
  • lemon – 2 pieces;
  • sugar – 0.9-1 kilograms;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • cinnamon powder - to taste.

It's very easy to prepare:

  • added to vegetable slices lemon juice and 300 grams of sugar;
  • the mass must be infused so that the pieces give juice;
  • syrup is made from the remaining sugar and water - it is placed on low heat until the sugar dissolves;
  • hot syrup is poured into a saucepan with pieces and boiled over low heat to the desired thickness;
  • V finished product add cinnamon, mix and place in containers.

With bananas

There are many recipes for preparing melons with bananas; a rather interesting recipe that also uses exotic citrus– lime.


  • melon – 1.5 kilograms;
  • bananas – 1 kilogram;
  • lime – 7-8 pieces;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms;
  • cognac – 50 milliliters.

Cooking algorithm:

  • cubes of melon pulp are covered with granulated sugar, the container is covered with a thin cotton cloth and set aside for 20-24 hours;
  • a day later, lime – 5 pieces – cut in half, squeeze the juice into a vegetable container;
  • simmer the mass over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes;
  • the remaining citrus fruits should be cut into slices without removing the peel, cut the bananas into pieces and place everything in the melon mass;
  • the jam is boiled over low heat until it becomes a thickened puree;
  • you can immediately pour it into jars, roll it up, turn it over, and put it in the refrigerator the next day.

Melon jam

This melon crop produces excellent fragrant jam with a delicate jelly-like consistency. It requires:

  • melon (pulp) – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • juice of 1 lemon or 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • root fresh ginger- 1 piece.

The dessert is prepared as follows:

  • vegetable cubes are sprinkled with 0.5 kilograms of sugar and left overnight so that the fruits release juice;
  • add the rest of the sugar, lemon juice or acid, and finely grated fresh ginger to the mass;
  • the jam is cooked over low heat for about an hour (if the melon is very juicy, the cooking time increases, and additional components are placed at the end of the process), it is important to stir the mass periodically.

The workpiece is placed in jars while hot and rolled up after the steam has escaped.

Canned melon

If you want to cook unusual dessert, then you can preserve melon pieces in spiced syrup with port wine. The following components are required:

  • melon – 2.5-3 kilograms;
  • cloves - 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • water – 0.5 liters;
  • port wine - 250 milliliters;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  • Scoop out the pulp with an ice cream spoon so that it is in the form of neat balls;
  • Pour water into a container, add vanillin, cinnamon, cloves, sugar and place on the stove until it boils;
  • turn off the stove, place the melon and port wine in the syrup, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes;
  • remove the balls into a separate bowl, and boil the syrup by 1/2 at medium temperature;
  • Place the melon in sterilized containers and fill with cooled and strained syrup;
  • add 1 tablespoon of port wine to each jar, you can add a clove bud from the syrup.

Melon in sugar syrup

If time is short and you need to quickly prepare a melon, you can use the express method. For jam you will need:

  • melon – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 1.55 kilograms;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

The delicacy is prepared as follows:

  • dissolve 50 grams of sugar in water, add melon pieces and blanch for a quarter of an hour;
  • The remaining sugar is added to the mass and it is boiled until thick;
  • At the end of the process, citric acid and vanillin are added.

The finished jam can be rolled up.

In its own juice

For ripe sweet pulp doesn't require a lot of sugar own juice It will be quite rich and tasty. For the preparation you need:

  • melon - pulp to fill a 1-liter jar tightly;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • sugar is poured into the jar - 1 glass, 1 teaspoon of acid is added and water is poured to the top;
  • the syrup is stirred, poured into a saucepan and boiled until the syrup dissolves (this amount is enough for 3 liters of preparation);
  • Peel the melon, cut into slices that fit tightly into jars;
  • the pieces are poured with boiling syrup, and the jar is sterilized for 10 minutes.

Jam for the winter without sterilization

Sterilizing containers takes some time, but you can prepare a treat without this procedure. The following components need to be prepared:

  • melon – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • water 400 milliliters.

Cooking method:

  • Boil water and add melon pieces to it;
  • the fruits are boiled for 5 minutes, and then the liquid is drained (if the pieces do not soften, the cooking time must be increased);
  • you need to place sugar in the water in which the melons were boiled and stir until it completely dissolves;
  • put melon pieces into the syrup and boil for 10-15 minutes;
  • remove the mass from the heat and leave for 12 hours;
  • The algorithm is repeated three more times, syrup can be added.

During cooking, do not forget to stir the mixture and remove the foam.

Preparing melon for the winter in jars


  • melon – 300 grams;
  • basil - a couple of sprigs;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

The seaming is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • pieces of the fruit are placed in prepared jars, filling them by a third;
  • basil is added based on your own taste, sugar and acid;
  • containers are filled boiling water and cover with lids;
  • cover the bottom of a large pan with a cloth, place jars, pour hot water and warm up for about half an hour;
  • The jars should be hermetically sealed and placed under a warm blanket.

Pickled melon

The fruits of this melon crop are pickled quite rarely, although using a similar harvesting method you can achieve great result. For such an unusual dessert you will need:

  • melon – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • honey – 4 tablespoons;
  • vinegar – 0.5 cups (both grape and apple vinegar can be used);
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  • melon cubes are placed tightly in pre-sterilized containers;
  • The marinade is prepared: honey is diluted in water, salt is added and put on the stove until it boils;
  • pour vinegar into the marinade and bring to a boil;
  • the fruits are poured with hot marinade, and the jars should be sealed with heated lids.

The workpiece acquires the maximum rich taste after standing in a cool place.

Melon jam in a slow cooker

This kitchen appliance, undoubtedly makes life easier for housewives, and it can also be used to prepare melon jam - quickly and without special effort. The following products will be required:

  • melon – 700 grams;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • sesame – 30 grams;
  • vanilla - to taste.

Preparing the dessert step by step:

  • the orange is peeled and white films removed, the pulp is cut into slices;
  • the melon is peeled, the part with the seeds is removed, and it is cut into cubes;
  • Place one layer of melon in the multicooker bowl and the second layer of orange;
  • the fruits should be covered with sugar, vanilla and sesame seeds should be added;
  • the device is set to the most suitable mode – “stewing”, cooking time – 1 hour;
  • during the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the mass every 15 minutes, and after the sound signal about the end of the program, the jam can be placed in prepared jars;
  • containers are closed with lids, wrapped in a blanket, and put away for storage only when the contents have cooled completely.

Methods for storing preparations for the winter

They depend on how the delicacy was prepared. If it is necessary for the workpiece to be stored long time, then it is recommended to roll the mass while hot. And if the product is placed in a jar with nylon cover, then it must be cooled.

It is important that the containers are washed clean and free of excess moisture. The preparations are stored better in sterilized jars; it is enough to place them in a cool place, but some recipes require storage only on the refrigerator shelf.

In any case, you should follow the recipe and recommendations in order to enjoy tasty, healthy, aromatic dessert from melon, and the effort spent on cooking was not in vain.

Some have tried salted watermelons, and some have not, but we can bet that those who have eaten them at least once are much larger than those who have tried pickled melons. It is this amazing preparation that we will talk about in this article.

If you can pickle or pickle a watermelon, then why can’t you do the same with a melon? Of course you can! If you big fan melons, then you are unlikely to remain indifferent to pickled melons and either fall in love with them, or at least try this amazing delicacy.

In the old days, pickled melon was served as a side dish for fried meat and the bird, it has a sweet and sour taste spicy taste. Why this preparation has not become as popular as, for example, pickled tomatoes is not clear, but the fact remains that today this dish can safely be classified as unusual and very interesting. If you are not afraid to try new things and love melons, then try making such a preparation, and perhaps in the future you will make it every year, delighting your loved ones with such an interesting snack.

How to pickle melons?

Which melon to choose for pickling is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Some culinary specialists who practice preparing this preparation believe that you need to take slightly greenish, unripe fruits, others that medium-ripe melons are most suitable, others that there is nothing better for pickling than ripe sweet and fragrant melon, but with dense pulp. In general, the main thing is that the melon is of high quality.

It is customary to pickle melon with vinegar and additives such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice, and honey. Preparing a melon often comes down to peeling and seeding and cutting the pulp into small or large pieces– it depends on the recipe.

Recipe for pickling melon in a spicy marinade

You will need: melon, marinade - 2-3 buds of cloves, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 1 glass each of water and vinegar, ¾ glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp. salt, allspice to taste.

How to pickle melon. Wash and cut the melon in half, remove the peel, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes. Place the melon into jars. Prepare a marinade from all the ingredients, cool it and pour the cold marinade over the melon. Cover the jars with parchment, tie it with a bandage, place in a basin or large pan, placing thick paper under the jars, pour water into this pan to the height of the melon (up to the “shoulders” of the jars), boil for 1 hour, remove from heat, leaving the jars in the water , then remove from the water and store the pickled melon in the cold.

You can pickle melon in a simpler way.
A simple recipe for pickling melon for the winter

You will need: 500 g of melon, 200 g of vinegar 6% and water, 30 g of honey, 10 g of salt, 1-2 buds of cloves, a small piece of cinnamon.

How to quickly pickle melon. For the marinade, combine water with honey, salt, cinnamon and cloves, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar and let cool. Cut the melon pulp into cubes, put it in jars, and pour cold marinade over it. Cover the jars with plastic lids, take a large container for sterilization, put a towel in it, pour in water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jars, boil for 40 minutes, seal the jars with lids.

This recipe is a slightly improved version old recipe, it is a little easier to implement.

You can pickle melon in a stuffed version.

Recipe for clove-stuffed pickled melon

You will need: 600 ml of vinegar, 400 g of sugar, clove buds, cinnamon stick.

How to pickle stuffed melon. Peel the melon by cutting in half and removing the seeds. Cut into slices, stuff each with cloves and place in a bowl, cover with sugar and pour in cold marinade(vinegar+sugar+cinnamon and cloves). Leave the melon at room temperature for a day, on the 2nd day, drain the marinade, bring it to a boil, lower the melon, and boil a little without boiling it. Pack the prepared melon with syrup into jars and seal.

The following recipe differs from the previous ones not in the composition of the ingredients, but in the method of preparation.
Quick pickled melon recipe

You will need: 3.5 kg melon, 500 g sugar, 20 g vinegar essence, 1.5 liters of water, 30-40 allspice peas, 20-30 cloves, 10 cinnamon sticks.

How to pickle melon. Peel the melon, remove the seeds, cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes, place in boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, place in a colander, cool under running water, and dry. Place 3-4 peppers, 1 cinnamon stick, 2-3 cloves and melon into each 0.5 liter jar. For the marinade, combine water with essence, sugar, and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour the marinade over the melon in jars, cover them with lids, sterilize in a container with water for 10 minutes, seal tightly, cool at room temperature, turning them upside down.

Try making one like this for the winter an interesting piece and surprise your family and friends, pickled melon is truly original!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today I suggest you prepare an unusual dessert for the winter - melon in syrup. As you will see from my recipe with photo, the process of canning such a product is very simple - without sterilization. The most important thing is to choose the right melon; under no circumstances should it be green, but it should not be overripe either. The amount of sugar can be reduced if desired, but since we are preparing dessert, sugar, in my opinion, is in moderation. Of course, it won't be like a fresh melon, if you tried it once canned pineapple, then you approximately sing the final taste, melon is vaguely similar to pineapple. This melon can be served as an addition to, cottage cheese dessert.

- melon – 1 pc.;
- water – 1 liter;
- sugar – 1.5 cups;
- citric acid – 1 tsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

The melon must be cut into several parts and the seeds scooped out. Rinse the melon under cool water.

Then remove the skin and cut the melon pulp into arbitrary pieces, not too small and not too large. If you are preparing melon for children, you can cut it into shapes.

Prepare the jars - wash with soda and sterilize in a way convenient for you. Then fill the jars with melon pieces. Shake the jars several times until the melon pieces fit tightly together.

Pour freshly boiled clean filtered water over the melon and leave it alone for 10 minutes. Then pour the water into the pan.

Add sugar and citric acid to the water, using 1.5 cups of sugar and a teaspoon of acid per liter of water. Boil for a couple of minutes. You can add a little if you wish vanilla sugar, you can have mint, you can have cinnamon and star anise.

Pour hot sweet syrup back to the steamed melon pieces. Immediately throw on the lids and roll them up.

Place the jars of melon upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day. After a while, put it in a cellar or pantry for long-term storage.

Enjoy your meal!

And it turns out very tasty