"Chuchwara": a recipe for cooking. Chuchwara, Lagman and Lentil Soup: We try national Uzbek soups in tea cafe Kinza Soup with dumplings Name Uzbek

Recipes Chucums, Uzbek dumplings like eachgo nationala dish, there is probably as much as. As minced recipes, and the methods of filing a lot. For minced meat, you can use lamb or beef, and you can mix them. Given the Muslims of Uzbeks, the pork is not used.As for feedand, you can select several basic methods of Cuccavs: in broth, like me, with spicy sauce, piced vegetables with the addition of a small amount of broth, with yogurt and greens and in fried form. As for the first preparation for the site, I chose the Chuchwaru shurpa, that is, the Chuvara in spicy broth and I offer you my interpretation itgo extremely deliciousgo and even a few exoticgo dish.

And so, rereading a lot of recipes, from the simplest to the most difficult, including the Recipe of Stalik Khankishev, the only culinary in the post-Soviet space, which I am very interested to read, I created my interpretation of the Scoochwara Shurps, trying not to move away from Uzbek culinary traditions, but also guided healthy Culinary meaning and your experience.

For the preparation of the head broth, I used meat bone bones, that is, bones of which are not all cut off. Since I mainlyi buy wellbaim's hind legs, processing meat on the portions, I always have meat bones, from which I do not cut all meat. It is for the preparation of various soups. And how many of you knowbone meat fragranther and the bone itself carries a lot of taste charm. You can use lamb ribs, they are just suitable for extinguishing or broths. Or lower legs, they will be a good basis for broth. You can also use beef. I personally love lamb in Asian and Caucasian dishes. The composition of the broth itself was created in the spirit of Uzbek culinary traditions.

Stuffing I did on the basis of lamb with a lot of bowswow is a pledge of juiciness. In most culinary sources, it is indicated that mince can not hammerb, only finely cut into a knife. From a practical point of view, I will tell you that if you have a Citz with large holes for the meat grinder, then you can boldly hammerb meat and not spend time oncutting. In addition, if you use meat from the carcass parts other than the lamb cutting (which is used for minced meat, the mince is hard enough, if you cut it with a knife. Just do not buy ready-made chomogenized stuffing barsfrom who knows what. Make it yourself.

In many recipes, the use of spices in the Chuchera recipes is very limited. I love spices and use. And I advise you. In the authentic Uzbek cuisinee spices are used in considerable quantities. These are Soviet canteens and GUTs distorted in the post-Soviet space of perception.e Uzbek and Caucasian dishes. became almost rice porridge with meat, and soup Beef soup with tomatoes and potatoes, without taste and culinary soul. Do not be afraid to use spices, in reasonable quantities, they emphasize the taste of the main ingredients and significantly enrich the dishes.

For feedcheese put in a plateohcy poured hot broth. It scores E.go intense fragrance leaving ego juiceth. Therefore, do not worry, revealing the Chuchwaru shurpa you can immediately go on a date :-). You won't breathe onions onion.

6-8 portions

For broth:

  • 800 gram meat bone bones (you can use ribs, not too meat legs or blades)
  • 2 tomato, wash, cut in half
  • 3 bulbs, clean, cut in half
  • 7 garlic cloves cleaned
  • 2 carrots, clean, large cut
  • 1 tsp. Coriander grains
  • 1 tsp. black pepper grains
  • Salt to taste

For minced meat and dough:

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 200 ml warm water (approximately 50-60 ᵒc)
  • 500 grams baranje minced hammer
  • 2 bulbs, finely cut
  • 1/2 C.L. Ground Kumin
  • 1/2 C.L. ground coriander
  • 1 cloth garlic
  • Salt to taste

For feeding to each plate:

  • 1 tsp. vinegar (usual 9%), can be replaced with lemon juice
  • 1/4 red or white onions cut by half rings
  • 1/4 Ch.L. Ground Kumin
  • 1/4 Ch.L. ground coriander
  • 1/2 C.L. sumy (you can miss)
  • 1 tsp. red pepper chili flakes
  • Black ground pepper
  • KINZ greens, chop
  • Parsley greens

1) In the large saucepan, put all the ingredients for the broth and pour 4 liters of water. Salted well. Bring everything to a boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook, without giving broth boiling, 1 - 1.5 hours. The liquid must evaporate on 1/4.

For filling:

  • 250 g beef minced
  • 250 g ram
  • 1 Middle Lukovitsa
  • 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures of freshly ground coriander and zira
  • salt, black pepper

For dough:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. With a slide salt

For shurps:

  • 700-900 g beef or lamb bones without meat
  • 3 Small bulbs
  • 3 medium tomatoes
  • 2 twigs of purple basil and parsley
  • coriander seeds
  • black peas pepper
  • 1 laurel sheet
  • red sharp pepper
  • 2 twigs of dill and cilantro, rods, prostromatic or sour cream for feeding

Step-by-step cooking recipe

For the bonds of the dice, put in a large saucepan, add onions, tomatoes, spices and bay leaf, branches of basil and parsley. Fill 4 liters of indoor temperature and bring to a boil. Remove a small amount of foam. Reduce the fire to a minimum - boiling should not be! Close the cover and tomit 2,5-3 hours. Then strain the broth into the pure pan (score onions, tomatoes and greens will not be needed).

The time to boil the broth is enough to cook dumplings and blind dumplings.

For a dumplings, seek flour into a bowl. In the glass, break the eggs, fray the cold boiled water so that the contents of the glass do not reach the edge to the width of one or two fingers. Add salt and stir up until the mixture becomes homogeneous, and the salt will not dissolve.

Pour the mixture into flour, first mix with a wooden spoon, and then knead the dough with your hands. Wrap the dough into the film and let it stand in the refrigerator at least 1 hour. The dough turns out the elastic, will not stick to the rill and the table. For rolling it is not required to plug flour.

For the filling of the dumplings, lay onion very finely. Mix two pieces of minced meat. Add bow, salt, black pepper and spices. Emboss and remove 1 h in the fridge.

Cut a piece of dough and roll it into a subtle layer. Cut the reservoir on the squares with a side of 6 cm or less. The edges that do not fit into the square format, return to the main piece of the dough and squeeze.

To the center of each square lay a chick of minced meat. Fold the box along the axis parallel to the side of the square. Separate from three sides. It turns out a rectangle with bulge in the center, closer to the bottom edge. Grasp the corners of this lowest edge (where the fold is) and connect so that the free corners of the rectangle seems to be moved to you and watched exactly in the opposite sides. Here you are and "Glazik".

Despite the fact that most of our compatriots, Uzbek cuisine is more often associated with the pilaf and - due to the rapid "reproduction" on Minsk Tandarov - National pastries, an important place in the home kitchen of Central Asia has always been occupied by Soups. Club of tastering as there is carefully examined the menu of the new tea cafe kinza and arranged a thematic test drive of real Uzbek soups.

Shurpa, Mastava, Lagman, Oziz, Guja Oshi ... Soups in Uzbek cuisine - this is not only a melody from the unusual to the Belarusian ear of the names, but also the love of everything that the nature of Central Asia rushed.

They are prepared on meat, bone and - in some regions - fish broths. At the same time, the national cuisine of Central Asia can be successfully ranked in Vegan Frankldley: Soups here have been cooked here even from alone vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, turnips, peppers, legumes, corn, etc. - Simple ingredients, of which are obtained a variety of variations of the first dishes.

A separate direction is soups refilled with fresh or sour milk. In the last, by the way, the famous cold soup "Chalop" is being prepared. Shirovak (milk soup with pumpkin) and Shirhourd (dairy rice soup), for example, do not lose their taste both in cold and hot, so they are often prepared in the summer.

All soups, except for dairy, is customary to fill with spices: podchkov or ground black or red pepper. And, finally, the real Uzbek soup would be not his own without greens - Dill, Ryichan, Jombil, bay leaf and kinza is always on guard of tastes and special flavors.

Soups in Kinz

Chuchera - fragrant lamb soup with small dumplings manual modeling. Served with sour cream. - 6.30 rubles. * (250/30/2)

Borscht - Beef soup, beets, white cabbage and greenery. Served with sour cream - 5,20 rubles. (300/30/2).

Lagman - Fragrant soup made of lamb, roasted with vegetables and greens. Pozheka is preparing manually. Served with Adzhika - 7.90 rubles. (300/20).

Lentil soup - Lentils Red, onion, mint, tomato paste. Served with lemon and fried pita. - 5,90 rubles. (300/15/10).

Tovk Shurpa - Light chicken breast soup with homemade noodles and carrots - 4.80 rubles. (250).

Fish soup - Salmon, onions, tomatoes, garlic, carrots, potatoes, focus, spices, lemon - 9.20 rubles. (250/10/2).

Cold Soup on Airane - from sour milk, basil and apple - 4,20 rubles. (250)

Given the easy adaptation of the institution for the European format, borsch, fish and chicken soups in the dispensance menu do not cause. But attention is caught first the colors and the composition of soups with a national character. That is why four folk tastors made a choice in favor of Chuchwara, Lagmanas and Soup from Lentils, adopting the rules of the game of the traditional Uzbek cuisine.

___ * Price at the date of publication

Verdict taster

Natalia, 35 years old. Most of the childhood spent in Uzbekistan, so well oriented in Uzbek cuisine. He loves her because of a large number of vegetarian dishes. In Minsk, the thematic establishments are infrequently visited, because not confident in the quality and authenticity of food.

Order: Lentil soup.

Lentil soup - 5,90 rubles

"A very correct lentil soup. Everything in it was fine: and the lone of lemon, which can be added directly to the plate (it is very refreshing it), and crunchy lava.

In general, the soup is quite dietary and just excellent, especially for those who love vegetable soups. In my opinion, it is made very precisely, as close as possible to what I have been in Uzbekistan. Added vegetables, roasted spices. Not fat and easy. At the same time satisfying. "

Alexey, 35 years old. Loves homemade Belarusian cuisine. Relations with the Minsk urchopitis stubbornly refuse to develop into a long and mutual novel. Myatseed, but the lamb is a little wary - believes that it is not everywhere can cook it well.

Order: Chuchwara.

Chuchera - 6.30 rubles.

"Despite the fact that the order I had one, forced to (but not without pleasure) helped a colleague in tasting a large portion of the head of the lagman. So, Chuchwara is like that of our borsch or soup, only without cabbage and with small dumplings, or both at the same time. Densely. Not spicy.

Lagman, to be honest, I liked more chuchwars (he is more "light"). In the lagman, very tasty broth with vegetables, gentle lamb and homemade noodles. Very, very satisfying, but for a male body I would recommend ordering something on the second - not because the soup is not enough, but because delicious food, on the contrary, should be more. "

Antonina, 36 years old. Love for Uzbek cuisine is expressed by tons of the eaten pylov, frequent order of the Plov and Samsa to the office and the choice in favor of Uzbek restaurants, if you want something like, but tasty and understandable. Myathers, prefers white meat. It categorically not acute.

Order: Lagman.

Lagman -7.90 rub.

"Of course, I suspected that it would be more second than soup ... and that Lagman would be very satisfying, rich tastes and ... In fact, a full lunch, from a female point of view. Guys (or rather, the girls), keep in mind - so it is. In addition to jokes.

The soup is very fragrant, tasty, a lot of gentle lamb, saturated taste of tomatoes and a bell pepper. It is immediately clear that Lagman is in the best national traditions: handmade and homely taste.

Adzhika for me was too sharp. Still, I am not a lover of spices that interrupt the taste of dishes. But I do not exclude, of course, that on such sauce in Minsk there will be our lovers.

With the permission of colleagues-tastor, tried two other soups. If you want to take a second one in Kinz, then a leachy soup is suitable for the first best - a much easier dish. Chuchwara in "lightness" is the average denominator between the lagman and lentil soup. To taste reminded me of a gold middle between our borscht and sch).

Sergey, 26 years old. Vegetarian (categorically and even without fish). Loves delicious dishes from simple ingredients. It believes that the taste of the dish creates the quality of the initial products. Uzbek cuisine in Minsk eats in order of exception.

Order: Lentil soup.

"I love lentils and love soups insanely. And here just soup from lentils - a double portion of pleasure!

By consistency, it is sufficiently liquid and moderately thick. Not sharp, but there is enough spices. Compared to other submitted soups, it is light and neutral. It seems to me that even one portion will be enough for lunch.

Lentils are so good, there is no feeling of half-preparation. SUPU also serves small slices of crispy pita (as if twigs). Something they resemble the Belarusian chips, only fresh and many times tastier.

Definitely I order this soup and in the next arrival here "

Where: Minsk, EXPOBEL shopping center, intersection ul. Miroshnichenko and Moscow Ring Road.

Total assessment: White label *

* Since autumn 2017. We launched Black and white tags The club of tastering is like there. If the owners of the institutions got white, then there is clearly all well. If black, then here you urgently need to change something. The decision is made by a majority of votes of folk tastors.

The word "Chuchera" sounds incomprehensible and exotic. In fact, the Chuchera is a delicious dish, which is a variant of Russian dumplings prepared by a special way, and having several important distinctive features. Uzbek dumplings are no less famous dish than the famous pilaf. But if the pilaf is prepared on holidays, then the chuchwara recipe is used to prepare everyday food.

Chuchwara - species and features of cooking

Uzbek traditions do not tolerate wasting, so for the preparation of daily dishes, local cookies prefer to use instead of expensive products available ingredients, paying attention to handmade technology. Unlike Russian dumplings, the Chuchwara has a different form: for the preparation of Uzbek dumplings, the dough is rolled into one large layer, and then cut into squares in size 4x4 cm, so they are smaller in size.

Since the Muslim countries do not eat pork, Uzbek dumplings are prepared from lamb or beef, while mince is never grinding, and finely chopped with a knife. Separate attention deserves a method of cooking. According to the prescription, the chuchwaru is written not in ordinary water, but in broth. Depending on the method of cooking distinguishes:

  • barak-Chuchera - dumplings cooked in broth with fried meat, greenery and vegetables;
  • uGRA-Cucuvara - for cooking used broth with meatballs and noodles cooked from the same test as the main product;
  • cowurma-Chuchwara - prepares without a broth by roasting in oil until golden color is obtained.

Cooking products

In the prescription of Uzbek chuchwars the main ingredients are fresh dough and chopped meat. For the preparation of the test you will need water, flour, salt and egg. In order for the dish to be delicious, it is better to use flour from solid wheat varieties, but if it has not turned out, you can cook the dough from ordinary flour, increasing the number of eggs used. 3-4 eggs and flour are added to the glass of cold water as much as it is necessary to obtain a tight dough.

To the one who decided to prepare a real chuchwaru, it is necessary to stock up the branch of the pulp and the Kurdjunk lard. You can make a combined mince of lamb and beef. In Uzbek cuisine for the preparation of chuchwaras, at least 700 g of onions and 100 g of curly fat per 1 kg of minced meat are put into the recipe. In addition to the bow, mandatory additives are spices: coriander, basil, black pepper, zira, salt. Optionally, you can put mint.

How to prepare a chuchwaru (step by step recipe)

Cooking by dumplings start with dough kneading:

  • Eggs need to be broken into a bowl with a glass of water, mix and gradually add flour until the dough becomes solid so much that the pieces will not stick together in one mass. After that, the dough must be wrapped in the food film and put in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes so that it becomes more plastic.
  • While the dough is cooled in the refrigerator, mince is prepared. In the recipe of dumplings of the Chuchwara Meat and the Kurdnya fat, finely chopped with a knife. In rare cases, scrolling meat in a meat grinder with a large grill is allowed. Onions are crushed in a blender either on the meat grinder and added to mince. Putting to taste spices, mince should be well to wash.

  • The dough is getting out of the refrigerator, once again carefully, after which they are rolled into a large thin sheet and cut the size of no more than 4x4 cm. The squares are smaller, the more tastier the dumplings are.

How to sculpt Uzbek dumplings?

Since the chuchwara recipe is used tight dough, it is difficult to roll out. Therefore, a piece can be divided in half and roll out one half, leaving the second under the film or a clean towel so that the dough does not humble. When rolling, you need to try so that the layer turned out to be subtle. The optimal thickness of the sheet is about 3 mm. The center of each square is put a teaspoon of minced meat, the square is folded in such a way that the triangle is turned out, and the edges are protected.

For clarity, you can focus on the recipe for chuchwars with a photo. Further, the base of the resulting triangle turn around the finger and connect the ears with each other. It turns out a small dumplings, similar to a triangular cap with a sharp corner and hole in the middle. When laying the dumplings, it should be noted that the rolled dough quickly dries, so you need to hurry, otherwise the edges of the test will be bad. Uzbek dumplings are boiling with adding vegetables.

How to make chuchwara broth?

For the preparation of broth for chuchwara prescription, you will need:

  • lamb and beef with a bone - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 5 heads;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • garlic - 5-6 teeth;
  • greens of parsley, basil, dill;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • a pinch of salt.

Meat is poured with water and put a pan on fire. When the first foam appears, it is removed and added two-sliced \u200b\u200bbulbs, cut tomatoes, purified cloves of garlic and greens. Broth leaves languishing on slow fire. After two hours, the saucepan is removed from the stove, remove the meat, and the finished broth is filled through the sieve into another dishes. Boiled vegetables will not be needed, they can be thrown away, and the meat is cut by pieces and returned to the broth.

The pan is put on the stove again, the broth boiling and refuel the remaining onions and greens. Prepared Uzbek dumplings are thrown into the pan and boil until ready for 5 minutes after they pop up.

How to cook soup with Uzbek dumplings?

The soup recipe with the Chuchvoy includes a vegetable sauce made from carrots, onions, sweet peppers, potatoes and other vegetables grilled on vegetable oil. The sauce necessarily includes tomatoes, while they are lacking a tomato paste. To prepare vegetable sauce, you will need 50 ml of olive or linen oil, 3-4 medium-sized tomatoes, one big bulb, carrots, on one tablespoon of chopped dill, cilantro, and parsley, pepper and salt.

For the preparation of sauce onions and carrots clean and cut into small cubes. From tomatoes, they remove the skin and the clutch on the grater or finely cut. Sauce is prepared in a saucepan with a thick bottom. First roasted onions, then carrots are added and fried 5-6 minutes, after which the tomatoes are put and fled the vegetable mass of salt and pepper. When the juice evaporates, the meat broth is poured into vegetables and boiled for 10 minutes. Then omit in the boiling soup of the chute and boil 5 minutes after the dumplings will pop up. When applying to the table in a plate, finely chopped greens are poured and fed sour cream.

Fried Chuchera

To the one who did not try the Cucumba Cucumber, it is certainly worth trying fried dumplings. They prepare according to the classical recipe of the chuchwara, the composition of the ingredients and the method of cooking the test and the minced meat are practically not changed, in addition that a finely chopped greens add to the mince, and then pre-roasted. The Chuchera is glued after the minced is cool, roasted in a large number of vegetable oil in the fryer or cauldron before the appearance of ruddy crust.

Then the dumplings are laid out on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat. It is served roasted chuchwaru in a hot form with a glass of broth, prostroprious or kefir, filled with fresh greens. Uzbek dumplings prepared in this way are very similar to small pasties, they repeat the taste of juicy meat and the fragrance of greenery. The dish is very satisfying and is preparing mainly on religious holidays as a treat.

How to sign on the dumplings in Uzbeks?

Regardless of how dumplings were prepared, the chuchwaru is served in special deep plates - Kise. When filing barak-chuchwaras on the bottom of the plates are put finely chopped greens, then a portion of dumplings (12-15 pieces), all poured with broth in which they were cooked. The dish is fed by unsweequate yogurt, sour cream or sour milk. To the Ugro Chuchwara and fried dumplings sour cream, Maceni or Katus are served in a separate sauce.

Uzbek Chuchera will have to taste to all dumplings fans and is perfect for treating. With the help of a vegetable sauce, the casual dish will be easy to turn into a festive. The hostess will only have to file the Chuchwar to the table and take praise from guests.

The hot second dish is the mandatory component of the daily menu during the cold season, but traditional soup and borschy are often bored. Hot for lunch, which will be an excellent alternative to the dishes mentioned above, will be Chuchwara Shurpa - dumplings soup (prescription of Uzbek). Despite the fact that there is a minimum of ingredients in it, the broth is very welded and tasty, so you can call it a full-fledged dish.

Features of Uzbek soup with dumplings

Uzbek cuisine itself is very interesting. In fact, the word "Chuchwara" is dumplings.

But in contrast to traditional semi-finished products, the filling in which is made from the minced meat, Uzbek dumplings are always prepared from chopped meat.

It can be lamb, beef or a mixture of two types of meat, and sometimes, you can meet amazing dumplings with a stuffing from the Kurdnyh Sala, the onion and a large amount of greenery.

The only thing that in Uzbekistan you will not find is the dumplings with pork - they are simply not prepared there.

Uzbek dumplings soup: recipe with beef and lamb


For dough

  • - 3-4 tbsp. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 200 ml + -
  • - taste + -

For filling

  • - 700 g + -
  • - 500 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 3 teeth + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp. + -

For broth

  • - 500 g + -
  • - 500 g + -
  • - 5 pieces. + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 7 Zubkov + -
  • Fresh greens (dill, parsley, basil) - 1 beam + -
  • Coriander hammer - 1 tsp. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -

For soup

  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 3 teeth + -
  • Fresh greenery leaves (dill, parsley, basil) - 1 beam + -

How to cook soup with dumplings in Uzbek

Dumplings for such a soup must be prepared independently. At the extreme case, ready-made dumplings are suitable, on the packaging of which the word "Chuchera" is indicated.

Such, sometimes found in large supermarkets. But we will tell you how to make them independently of lamb and beef.

Prepare broth for soup

  • To do this, we put meat into the cold water, put a saucepan on the slab on the middle fire, and when the foam will appear - we remove it and we reduce the fire to a minimum.

In principle, you can prepare the soup broth and from one type of meat or use just bones, but since we do a real Uzbek shurpa, we try to get it fat and weld. If you have a cauldron - it is better to boil in it, and not in a saucepan.

Preparing vegetables for broth

  • The bulbs purify from husks and cut on the quarter, tomatoes - in half, garlic just clean from husk. Yes, do not be surprised that the vegetables are cutting so large - in this Uzbek recipe just so everything is done.
  • Throw tomatoes, garlic and onions in meat broth after removed the foam.
  • We continue to cook soup. Shurpa is preparing for quite a long time: meat with vegetables should boil about one and a half or two hours.

Lepim dumplings for Uzbek soup

  • In principle, the recipe for the preparation of Uzbek dumplings is no different from Russian: flour, eggs, water and a little salt we connect and smear well, until it turns out a dense homogeneous dough.
  • Components for filling (two types of meat, onions and garlic) finely chop with a knife, add salt and spices.
  • Now sculpt the dumplings themselves. If we want to get such a form as accepted in Uzbekistan, then the raw dough layer cut into small squares, to the center of each we put a little filling, connect the corners of the square, located diagonally, then fasten the remaining, free to each other, and we get a triangle.
  • Now we take the dumplings and the angles of the base of the triangle together, passing them through the finger, - we get an interesting dumplings with a hole in the middle.
  • However, if you do not want to mess around with a complex form, then you can give them a classic look, but try to in order for the size of dumplings there are no more than 3-4 centimeters.

Please note that from the specified number of ingredients you will get more dumplings than you need for soup, so part immediately you can throw in the freezer before the next cooking.

Add vegetables to broth

  • When we finish with the modeling (from the moment of throwing into the broth, vegetables should pass about one and a half hours) - add salt and spices to broth, and then prepare vegetables that will be in the finished soup. Since we will push the broth, then those vegetables that were cooked in it will not be useful for us.
  • So, at this stage we cut a beam with thin half rings, tomato and garlic - thin plates, and the leaves of greens are just large.
  • From the pan take out meat and put it aside. While it will cool - we are a permanent through a sieve (or gauze) our broth and transfers it into a separate pan, then put it on fire and bring to a boil if during this time he cooled.

Separate the cooked meat from the bone

  • While the broth is heated - we separate the cooked meat from the dice, cut it into small pieces and throw in a pan with a broth. When it boils - add the prepared vegetables there.

Lay the dumplings into the broth with meat and vegetables

  • Now throwing trained dumplings into the broth. They should be as much as it should be needed so that the soup can be easily mixed. If the dumplings be too much - they will stick around, and we will get porridge instead of soup, so it is better not to report to shift.

Cook soup in Uzbeks until readiness

  • When the dumplings flood - cook the soup for another five minutes, after which we remove the saucepan from the fire. It remains only to serve it with sour cream and greens (optional).

Congratulations, the recipe for soups with dumplings in Uzbeks mastered! Now you can please this dish of your guests, unless, of course, before their arrival, you will have time at least two hours, ready.