What to wrap in puff pastry. Puff pastry fillings: recipes for delicious savory fillings

Puff pastries are delicious and quick. Products from puff pastry very popular all over the world: pastries and cakes have glorified Austrian cuisine; classical sweet pastries made from puff pastry, loved by the French, savory puff pastries with meat fillings very popular in Germany. Puff pastry is a wonderful invention for preparing dozens of different desserts or quick snacks. For any puff pastry you only need the dough itself and the filling. Dishes made from puff pastry are prepared extremely quickly, they can be made even when it seems that there is absolutely no energy, time or desire for baking. Let's try to check?

We have two options: buy ready-made dough or make it yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are in a hurry or lazy, the second is ideal for those who love to cook. Both options have obvious advantages and cons.

The option is quick, store-bought. Puff pastry has been sold in stores for many years, and everyone has become accustomed to it as the only option. This is really convenient: you need to defrost the finished dough, roll it out, wrap the filling - and you can bake. It actually takes 10-15 minutes to prepare the dessert, and the oven bakes for another 10-15 minutes without our participation. Fast and easy.

A less fast option is homemade dough homemade.


500 g flour,
375 g butter,
250 ml water,
salt on the tip of a knife.

Sift the flour together with salt (you can take 1-2 teaspoons per 500 g), melt a piece in 75 g of butter. Let the rest of the oil remain in the refrigerator. Carefully pour water into the flour, then oil and knead the dough. Place on a floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Break the cold butter with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm. Make a cross-shaped deep cut in the dough and open it like a flower. Don’t touch the middle, but roll out the “petals” thinner. Place butter in the center and fold the “petals” into an envelope. The butter should be completely covered with dough. Dust the dough with flour, beat it a little with a rolling pin and roll it into a rectangle of equal thickness. Roll in one direction only! Fold the rectangle in three, beat it again, press the edges, dust with flour and roll out again in one direction. Then fold it 3 more times, beat it and roll it again. Wrap the dough in film and refrigerate for an hour. Repeat this operation 2 more times with a “rest” in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Ready dough You can make extra and freeze.

At this point you can consider the preparation complete and start creating. For convenience, we will divide all the puff pastries into sweet and savory (this is where the lack of sugar in the dough comes in handy). It’s easier to write what you can’t put in puff pastries than to list thousands of filling options. It can be any fruit, nuts, vegetables, cottage cheese, dried fruits, jams, meat, minced meat, chocolate, fish, mushrooms - whatever. There is only one rule, or rather a recommendation - the filling should not be too wet and there should not be too much of it.

It is not necessary to sweeten the dough itself, let it remain universal; you can sweeten the puff pastry on the outside by sprinkling with sugar or powdered sugar. There are really many options for sweet puff pastries; a good puff pastry is crispy, airy, goes well with a sweet filling and is tasty even without it.

Let's start with a simple one, that is, puff pastries without fillings. The well-known “tongue” is a piece of puff pastry, greased egg yolk and sprinkled with sugar, it goes amazingly with tea or coffee. Advice: try to make the “tongues” very tiny, “one bite size”, then it will be convenient to dip them in jam or honey and not use sugar. So let's get started. Don't forget to preheat the oven in advance. Roll out the dough, cut into small strips. Moisten the baking tray cold water and lay out the pieces of dough. Place the pan in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, then immediately hot oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Cool and serve with tea. If there is no jam or anything sweet, after rolling, sprinkle the tongues greased with egg yolk with sugar.

It’s a little more complicated, but just as easy to make filled puff pastries. You have already noticed that for the best lamination effect, a temperature contrast is required, for which we keep the dough in the cold, and then quickly move it into a preheated oven. This maneuver allows you to achieve fluffiness and better separation of the dough into layers.

You can choose any shape for filled puff pastries. The easiest way is to use a square of dough folded into a triangle. It’s better not to overdo it with the filling, the edges should be well protected, and everything will turn out great. If the filling is sweet enough, you don't need to sprinkle the top with sugar. Contrast unleavened dough And sweet filling goes very well with unsweetened black tea. Another simple way to place the filling is to roll out the dough into a large square or rectangle 5-6mm thick and spread a thin layer of filling, such as jam or cheese. Leave a little space at the edge for pinching. Then roll up, cut and bake at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Puff pastry is used in classic Austrian desserts and in making Napoleon cake, but the traditional English upside-down Apple pie Those who love apple charlottes will surely like it.

250 g puff pastry,
100 g sugar,
1 egg,
3 apples,
20 g butter,
1 teaspoon milk,
½ teaspoon ground ginger,
ground almonds, vanilla or vanillin - to taste.

In a round ovenproof dish about 20cm in diameter, combine the sugar, vanilla and 100ml water. Bring to a boil and cook until caramel is formed (do not stir under any circumstances, otherwise the caramel will crystallize and burn firmly to the bottom of the pan). Cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds, transfer to a mold and carefully roll in caramel. Add oil and cook for a few more minutes. Sprinkle with ground almonds and remove from heat. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm and cut out a circle with a diameter larger than the diameter of the mold. Gently place the dough on top of the apples, tucking the edges in like a blanket. The surface of the dough can be greased with an egg-milk mixture. Bake at 190 degrees for about 20 minutes. When browned, remove, let cool slightly and turn onto a plate with the apples facing up (be careful, the caramel is very hot!). Serve hot.

By the way, about the thickness of the filling. It should be equal to or slightly less than the thickness of the dough. It is better to make many small puffs with a small amount of filling than one large one with the risk that the dough will not rise.

Puff pastry lovers will be surprised to learn that their favorite strudels were not always made from puff pastry, and the dish itself can be savory. Strudels are prepared in all German-speaking countries and even a little in neighboring ones, like the Czech Republic or Hungary. Most often, the dough in them is puff pastry, and the filling is fruit, but there are options made from sausages, sauerkraut, potatoes, fried vegetables, meat, liver and God knows what else. We will opt for apple strudel; this is the simplest and most familiar version of the famous Austrian dessert. Let's not forget that in the original strudel is prepared from simple yeast-free, but very thin dough, and puff pastry is an influence French cuisine, although it will be delicious in both cases.

250 g unsweetened puff pastry,
500 g sour apples,
100 g sugar,
50 g ground crackers,
50 g raisins,
1 teaspoon olive oil,
lemon, cinnamon, salt - to taste.

Peel and cut the apples very thinly, mix with raisins, cinnamon and sugar. Fry the crackers in olive oil before golden color. Roll out the dough very thin, transfer to a towel, sprinkle lemon juice and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spread the apple-raisin mixture over the surface, leaving a strip without filling to hold the layer together. Roll the dough into a log using a towel. Pin in the place where there was no filling, pinch the edges. Preheat the oven to 200˚C in advance. Bake on a pre-greased baking sheet for 30 minutes. Ready strudel Serve warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, puff pastry is a “recent” invention and appeared in France in the 17th century. It is generally accepted that it was made under the influence Greek cuisine and in particular filo dough, used in the production of baklava and other dishes where layering is important. Similar dough is also found in Middle Eastern and Maghreb cuisines, but it is made using a completely different method - the dough does not use oil, the layers are rolled out very thin, and the layering is ensured by mechanical folding of the rolled out sheets of dough. The use of butter as an exfoliating force is a French invention and is in the tradition of pan-European culinary principles. Uninitiated in the mystery of preparing Maghreb puff pastries French puff pastries seem very complicated, but only until they see the process of preparing Arabic filling dough.

Unsweetened puff pastries can be made with cheese, ham, meat and minced meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. In addition to the fact that you need to handle the filling just as carefully as in the case of sweet options, the filling should be prepared, taking into account that the puff pastry is baked for only about 10 minutes. All meat, fish, vegetable and other fillings that require processing must be half cooked. To play it safe, you can cook the meat until full readiness and not give him a single chance to be underprepared in the puff pastry. Classic dish made from unsweetened puff pastry - this is kulebyaka. By the way, this is an example of real Russian cuisine, successfully combined with French royal cooking (yes, kulebyaka, of course, was also prepared in the original from without yeast dough).

Roll out two strips of puff pastry 15-30 cm long and 5 mm thick. One is 10 cm wide, the second is 20. Place small pieces on the narrow one. savory pancakes, on top of which place the pieces boiled fish layer 6-7 cm wide, and on top - pieces of smoked or salted fish (smoked salmon or lightly salted salmon). Cover the filling with pancakes and then with a wide strip of puff pastry, which you crimp around the perimeter. Brush the surface with egg and make punctures to allow steam to escape. Place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 190 degrees.

Puff pastries can also be vegetable. In this case, you can give them any flavor - from sweet for dessert (for example, filled with zucchini or pumpkin), to neutral or bright taste, rich in aromas spices and seasonings. A typical example of a neutral puff pastry is a pie filled with potatoes with mushrooms and dill, and if you replace the potatoes with chicken and add bright colors Indian spices, then the puff pastry turns into a completely different dish. The neutrality of the test in both cases is beneficial.

In any case, whatever the filling, maintain moderation in relation to the dough and do not be afraid to experiment - you can bake puff pastries with several filling options at one time, different sizes and forms. Delicious experiments to you!

Crispy, tasty, melt-in-the-mouth puff pastry buns and pies are one of the favorite delicacies, the recipe for which first appeared in France. Once upon a time a student French pastry chef It occurred to Claudius Gele to wrap a piece of butter in the dough and then roll it out, doing this several times. The result was an airy, light, buttery puff pastry that is still popular today. national cuisines peace. It’s easy to prepare at home, because it’s frozen puff pastry can be bought in the store. But aerobatics- make puff pastries with your own hands from home test, because it turns out tastier than semi-finished products.

How to cook puff pastries

The recipe for puff pastries is considered universal, because it can be used to make your own various baked goods. Puff pastries are made from puff pastry without and with filling, and pies can be sweet or savory, open or closed. However main secret delicious puff pastry lies not in the filling, but in the dough, which is prepared using large quantity butter.

The process of making the dough involves covering unleavened or yeast dough with butter and rolling the resulting “sandwich” many times to create a flaky texture. The more layers, the fluffier the puff pastries will be, since the oil evaporates in the oven, due to which the layers are separated from each other by a layer of air. In this case, you need to roll out the dough in a thin layer and make sure that it does not tear, periodically cooling it in the refrigerator. Afterwards, puff pastries are formed from the dough, filled with filling and baked in the oven. Baking made from yeast dough is soft and tender, while baked goods from unleavened dough are crispy and fragile. Making puff pastry is a complex and masterly process, which you can still master on your own if you really want to.

Fillings for puff pastries

The options for sweet fillings are very diverse: boiled condensed milk, chocolate pieces, dried fruits, canned, fresh fruits and berries, jam, preserves, cottage cheese, nuts, cream, marmalade or just cinnamon and sugar. If used liquid jam, it should be thickened corn starch so that the filling does not leak out during baking. You can add lemon and aroma to the filling for taste and aroma. orange zest, spices, sesame and poppy seeds. Sweet puff pastries - great dessert and a full snack with tea and coffee.

Puff pastries with savory fillings are served as an appetizer for soup and main courses, so they often replace bread. The most popular savory fillings are cheese, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, ham, mushrooms and vegetables. Very tasty combinations of spinach with cheese, chicken with ham, meat with mushrooms, eggs with onions, cream cheese with seafood, potatoes with lentils and many others. It's worth experimenting here by creating delicious combinations with spices and herbs.

Secrets to making delicious puff pastries: the right ingredients

By classic recipes puffs, a layer of unleavened puff pastry should contain about 300 layers, and a layer of yeast dough should contain from 24 to 96 layers. This is hardly possible at home, so housewives often use more simple recipes early ripened puff pastry. There are some subtleties, knowledge of which will help you prepare tender and airy puff pastries.

For delicious puff pastry, choose flour with high content gluten - these are the varieties “Extra”, “Krupchatka”, highest and first grade. It is advisable to sift the flour. Use cold, not ice-cold water, while some housewives replace part of the water with milk or add only milk - it turns out delicious, but the dough loses its elasticity. The dosage of salt is also important, since if there is not enough salt, the layers of dough may spread. To improve elasticity, culinary experts advise adding a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice when kneading.

Use oil or cream margarine- a matter of personal preference. Of course, it tastes better with butter, but modern baking margarine with a high melting point is also suitable for puff pastries, since it produces particularly fluffy baked goods. But you should not use spreads or cheap butter substitutes for dough. Before working with the dough, the butter is usually cooled, not frozen, otherwise thin dough will tear when rolled out. Sometimes eggs or yolks, a little cognac or other strong alcohol are added to the dough to improve the taste.

How to roll out dough correctly

First, all the ingredients specified in the recipe are mixed, with the yeast added at the very end. While the dough is resting for 30–40 minutes under a towel or cling film, the butter is mixed with a small amount flour, then a rectangular layer is formed from it, which is placed in the refrigerator. After this, a layer is rolled out from the dough, butter is placed in the middle, the ends of the dough are lifted and pinched at the top with an envelope. The dough is rolled out in one direction, folded into three or four and left in a cool place so that the butter hardens a little. Then the procedure of rolling and folding the dough is repeated several more times. By the way, the room should be cool, otherwise the butter will start to melt, and you will have to put the dough in the refrigerator more often.

Cutting dough into puff pastry and baking

The most important thing when cutting is to preserve the layered structure, so the knife must be very sharp. Puff pastry is flexible and can be easily molded into puff pastry of any shape. You can cut the dough into squares and put a little filling on top, you can cut the rectangles diagonally and make bagels. If you collapse rectangular layers into rolls, cut in half, make small cuts in the center and turn the rolls out, you get puff curls. Puff pastries in the form of roses and croissants, rectangular and shaped pies, envelopes and baskets with filling look very beautiful.

Before putting the puff pastries in the oven, their tops are greased with yolk for color, but it is better not to grease the edges of the products, otherwise they will become tough. The puff pastries are placed on a cool baking sheet covered with baking paper, rest for a few minutes (no more, otherwise the oil will leak) and placed in the oven, preheated to 180–240 °C, depending on the recipe. At a lower baking temperature, the dough will not rise well and the butter will melt, resulting in flat puff pastries without a flaky texture. If you bake them at very high temperature, the puff pastries will quickly brown, but the inside will remain raw.

Air puff pastry: master class

Ingredients: wheat flour with a high gluten content - 250 g (a little flour for sprinkling), cold water - 130 ml, butter - 150 g, salt - on the tip of a knife, thick jam or marmalade - to taste, eggs for brushing the dough - 1 pc.

A step-by-step puff pastry recipe is an easy way to learn how to bake puff pastries for a dessert or snack. This recipe uses classic way preparing puff pastry.

Cooking method:

1. Sift the flour and mix it with salt.

2. Mix flour with 30 g of soft butter, mash well.

3. Pouring into the butter-flour mixture in small portions water, knead the dough.

4. Knead the dough for 5 minutes until it becomes elastic and soft, but the dough should not stick to your hands.

5. Let the dough rest for about 20-30 minutes under a towel.

6. Roll out the dough into a rectangle measuring approximately 13 by 25 cm.

7. Place a piece of the remaining butter on the rectangle and smooth it in the middle, leaving the edges, because you will have to bend them towards the center.

8. Fold the edges of the dough into an envelope.

9. Turn the dough seam side down, lightly sprinkle with flour and gently roll out with a rolling pin. Make a large rectangle 2-3 times larger than the original rectangle.

10. Brush off any remaining flour from the dough, otherwise these areas will become discolored during baking. Fold the dough into three layers, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

11. Roll out the dough into a large rectangle and fold it into thirds again. Repeat this procedure 5 more times, refrigerating the dough if necessary.

12. Roll out the finished multi-layer dough and cut out small squares of approximately 7 × 7 cm.

13. Place some in the middle of each square. thick jam or jam.

14. Brush the edges of the squares with beaten egg using a silicone brush.

15. Connect the opposite ends of the dough, and slightly fold the other ends inward to form unfinished envelopes.

16. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet covered baking paper, and brush them again with beaten egg.

17. Bake the dessert in the oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.

18. Sprinkle the finished and slightly cooled puff pastries with powdered sugar.

If you make a lot of dough at once, you can store it in the freezer and use it as needed. Homemade dough puffs are tastier and fluffier than store-bought ones puff pastries- you will see for yourself!

Puff pastries with cheese and sausage

These puff pastries are good for breakfast, and they are ready instantly if you defrost 400 g of puff pastry prepared by yourself in advance. Grate 100 g cheese, cut into small pieces 100 g smoked chicken and 2 sausages. Mix all the ingredients and season them with sour cream to taste. Roll out the dough and cut it into rectangles. Place a little filling on one half of each rectangle, cover with the other half and seal the edges well. Place the puff pastries on a greased baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C until they are golden brown. If you have time, you can brush the pies with egg, but in the morning everyone is in a hurry, so you can skip this culinary step - they will still turn out rosy and delicious!

French puff pastries with Nutella and raspberry jam

This delicious dessert will brighten up any tea party and is quite easy to make. Roll out 0.5 kg of puff pastry and cut the layer into rectangles, cut the edges diagonally. Place 6 tbsp in the middle of each rectangle. l. chocolate paste. Gather the puff pastry into a herringbone pattern, pinch the edges nicely and brush the top of the puff pastry with beaten egg. Make several cuts in the top of the pie with a sharp knife, place the products on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and bake the French puff pastries for 20 minutes at 200 °C - the oven should already be heated to desired temperature. Nutella puffs that melt in your mouth - what could be tastier?

Cook with joy for your family and enjoy tasting puff pastries with with different fillings during joint lunches and dinners!

Puff pastry puffs will help you out in almost any situation. They can be baked either from semi-finished products or from dough prepared with your own hands. There shouldn’t be any special problems in the process, because I will try to describe all its stages clearly and as clearly as possible.

Baking from puff pastry - popular and favorite recipes

The most important thing is to buy or prepare puff pastry!

So, so that your puff pastry puffs are devoured by all members of your family, prepare a dough that consists of:

half a kilogram of flour; 375 g butter; 250 ml ice water; teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar

Recipes for baking puff pastry contain step by step instructions. I suggest making the puffs as follows:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix it with salt.
  2. Melt 75 g of butter over a fire and cool slightly.
  3. On the contrary, cool the rest of the oil prescribed in the recipe in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour water into the bowl with flour, then butter in a thin stream and begin kneading the dough.
  5. To make yeast-free puff pastry puffs, use cold water and flour premium.
  6. After the dough mass has acquired viscosity, place it on the table and start kneading with your hands until it becomes elastic.
  7. Wrap the dough mixture in cling film and place it on the refrigerator shelf, where it will remain for at least 40 minutes. Calculate your time, you can bake the puff pastries the next day, as some recipes call for, and it won’t make them any worse.
  1. Butter place it on the table and form it into a square cake 1 cm thick, using a rolling pin to help you.
  2. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out into a rectangular shape.
  3. Place the butter on half of the dough, cover it with the other half and start rolling out, moving the rolling pin in one direction, trying to get the dough back into a rectangle.
  4. Divide the rectangle into 3 unequal parts (2/3 in the middle, 1/3 at the edges) and fold it with a booklet from the edges in two steps, you will get 4 layers.
  5. Again, roll out the dough in one direction and repeat folding, maintaining intervals of one hour. During this time, place the dough in the refrigerator, wrapping it in film. The more layers of dough you make, the higher and airier the puff pastries will be in the end.

Recipes, following which you will have baked goods that will delight your loved ones and friends, include the stage of forming the preparations. Today we are preparing puff pastry puffs called “tongues”, that is, these are baked goods without filling. It comes from salty or sweet puff pastry, choose for yourself, focusing on the tastes of your family.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Roll out the dough into a layer on a table dusted with flour and cut it into strips.
  3. Divide each strip into squares and then into triangles.
  • Baking made from puff pastry is fragile and crumbles easily, so recipes advise making small puff pastries.
  • So you can eat them in one fell swoop, without biting, and before that you can dip them in honey or jam.
  • Sprinkle puffs of yeast-free puff pastry with sugar and bake on a baking sheet moistened with water for 10 minutes. During this time they will be well baked and browned. Before serving, place the puff pastry on a beautiful plate.

See my other recipes for making delicious pastries from puff pastry.

Puff pastries with filling

The puff pastries are filled with the most various fillings. Depending on your taste preferences, use mushrooms, meat, vegetables, jams or boiled condensed milk. But remember, to prevent the puff pastries from spreading in the oven, the filling should not be too wet and hot.

Let's start forming the puffs:

  1. Place the dough on a floured table and roll it out with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut strips of dough 8-9 cm wide, then divide them into squares.
  3. Place the filling on one half of the puff pastry and roll it into a triangle shape. To prevent the edges from coming apart, press them down with a fork. In addition to being durable, your baked goods will look more attractive.
  4. Moisten the baking sheet with water and lay out the puff pastries, keeping a distance between them, because at high temperatures (200 degrees) they will begin to increase in size.
  5. In total, the puff pastries will spend 15-20 minutes in the oven, it all depends on their filling.

If you are making puff pastries from raw foods, then their baking time increases slightly. Keep this in mind when preparing a treat with cottage cheese or fruit. Recipes recommend keeping them in the oven for at least 20 minutes.

  • Monitor the condition of the baked goods through the oven glass, trying not to open the door at first.
  • As soon as it turns brown, check the readiness on one copy and take out the puff pastries to cool. The main thing is that the filling does not remain raw.
  • You can serve dessert puff pastries with any drinks – tea, compote, fruit juice, it all depends on the time of year and your desire.

I promise that your guests and friends will not remain indifferent to your efforts, so praise and compliments are guaranteed.

If you are interested in more delicious and air baking from puff pastry, visit my website, where you will find a lot of tips and recommendations on this topic. Bon appetit and check out my other recipes!

Basic rules for making puff pastries

In every modern grocery store, customers can purchase puff pastry, both yeast and plain.

The baked goods will turn out splendid, because each product is ideal for homemade. As a rule, it is customary to use frozen dough.

Before you start cooking, you should let it sit in a warm place for a while. You need to remove it from the freezer in advance so that the dough defrosts.

The dough layer needs to be rolled to the required size, and then you need to start forming the puffs. The fillings can be very different.

Fillings for homemade puff pastries

You can make homemade puff pastries with different types fillings: meat, sausage, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, cottage cheese, marmalade and marshmallows. Even chocolate and dried fruits are suitable for this purpose.

As you can see, don't be afraid to experiment. Here you should do everything as the recipe for working with the dough indicates, but choose the filling to your taste.


Homemade puff pastries can be different forms: rectangle, square, envelope, roll, bagel, etc. In fact, as in the previous point, there are no restrictions, everything will depend on your personal desire and the filling that you like best.


The puff pastries should be baked in home oven. The temperature will vary from 200 to 220 degrees. In this case, everything will depend on the parameters of the filling.

If you cook puff pastries with meat, then know that they take much longer to bake. Therefore, the temperature should be made a little lower, otherwise there is a high chance that the dough will burn.

That's all for the theory in this article, I suggest moving on to the recipes.

Cheese puffs based on ready-made dough

Cheese puff is very easy to prepare. Plus, it takes very little time to cook. The result is delicious baked goods. Cheese Any will do, even processed, but in this case I indicated the use of hard cheese as part of the ingredients.

Components: 500 gr. test; 170 gr. TV cheese; 1 PC. chickens egg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Roll out the defrosted dough into a layer about 3 mm thick. I cut it into squares, the sides of which will be 10 cm.
  2. I rub the TV. shredded cheese on a grater, preferably on the large side.
  3. Chicken mix the egg with 1 tbsp. water. I beat the mass.
  4. I grease the chicken dough squares. egg using a special kitchen brush. I put the filling on the square and cover it with dough, the edges need to be fastened together. To give the puff pastry strength, it is better to go around its entire perimeter with a fork. The puff pastry will have ribbed edges.
  5. I transfer the puff pastries onto a baking sheet to put them in the oven for baking. But remember that it is important to grease the baked chickens before doing this. egg.

Puff pastry with apple based on puff pastry

Apple puffs involve the use fresh fruit, but it is quite possible to replace them with jam, puree, and leftover compote.

Components: 300 gr. test; 2 pcs. apples; 3 tsp cinnamon; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 3 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I make the filling: chop the apples into cubes, mix with sugar and cinnamon.
  2. I put the filling in a microwave bowl and heat it for a couple of minutes. Let it cool.
  3. I roll out the dough, but don’t make the layer too thick.
  4. I divide it into parts. I grease the edges of the chickens. egg. I distribute the filling between the puff pastries and secure the edges to make triangles. I put it on a baking sheet. The dough will rise several times during baking. I grease and bake in the oven.

Curd puffs with raisins based on puff pastry

This recipe allows you to use not only homemade or store-bought cottage cheese, but also ready mass, which contains chocolate, candied fruits, raisins and other additives. In this case, you can only add chicken to the filling. egg.

Components: 1 pack. test; 400 gr. cottage cheese; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; sugar; vanilla and 50 gr. raisins

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I rinse the raisins with boiling water and give them time to swell. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar. I add vanilla to the mixture and chickens. egg. I mix it with raisins.
  2. I roll out the dough with a rolling pin. I cut layers of approximately 15 cm into squares.
  3. I'm whipping chickens. egg. I lubricate the edges with it. I put the cottage cheese filling on the pieces and fold them in half. I run a fork around the edges to seal the dough. Place in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. at 170 gr.

Puff pastries with cherries

Based ready dough You can make not only puff pastries with cherry filling, but also other berries. For example, I advise you to use raspberries, cherries, and strawberries.

It is necessary that the juice from the berries does not leak out while the puff pastries are baking. I have a couple of secrets about this that I will tell you.

Components: 1 pack. test; 3 tbsp each sugar and starch; 2 pcs. white crackers; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 300 gr. berries

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I remove the seeds from the berries. I add sugar and starch to the cherries.
  2. White croutons from a loaf or with vanilla flavor are useless. I roll out the dough and sprinkle the puff pastry squares with breadcrumbs. The edges must be avoided.
  3. I place the filling in the center of each square. I cover with the second part of the dough. I'm making puff pastries. Using a sharp knife, I cut slits so that the cherries can be seen. I send it to bake at 200 gr. 15 minutes, but before putting the baked goods in the oven, I brush the puff pastries with beaten egg.

The finished puff pastries can be served immediately to the table. aromatic tea. Try to cook a couple of recipes from my article, you will definitely be satisfied with the result!

If you don’t have time to knead dough, but still want delicious homemade baked goods, then buy ready-made puff pastry in the supermarket and bake delicious puff pastries.
Recipe contents:

Puff pastries - delicious and quick baking. This product is very popular all over the world. Thus, classic sweet pastries made from puff pastry have glorified the cooking of France, savory puff pastries with meat are loved in Germany, pastries and cakes are very popular among Australians. Puff pastry is a great invention for making many desserts and quick snacks. Now, in conditions modern cooking, no special confectionery skills are required. From store-bought ready-made puff pastry you can make delicious puff pastries with any filling.

Puff pastry has been sold in supermarkets for many years and is very convenient, especially for busy housewives. Dishes made from it are prepared extremely quickly. For example, such a delight, puff pastries, will be ready in 20 minutes. They can be baked even when there is no energy, desire or time for baking. After all, to prepare them you just need to defrost and roll out the dough, wrap the filling in it and bake. Fast and easy. What could be better for delicious dessert. Each layer of puff pastry makes two pockets.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 352 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20-25 minutes (not counting the time for defrosting the dough)


  • Frozen puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • Any jam - 4-6 tbsp.
  • Eggs - for brushing puff pastries

Step-by-step preparation of puff pastry from store-bought puff pastry

1. Remove the dough in advance freezer and leave to defrost. Keep in mind that puff pastry is not refrozen. Therefore, defrost as much as you plan to cook at a time. Place the defrosted dough on a flat surface sprinkled with flour and roll out a sheet with a rolling pin to a thickness of 3-5 mm. Roll in one direction so as not to disturb the layering of the dough.

2. Cut the dough sheet in half. This will be two puffs. Place 1-2 tbsp on one half of two pieces of dough. jam, which can be any to your taste and preference. In addition, you can add grated cheese, chopped meat, vegetable stew etc.

3. Cover the jam with the other half of the dough and firmly seal the edges of the dough.

4. On top layer Using a sharp knife, make cross cuts in the dough to allow air to escape. Transfer the puff pastries to a baking tray. The baking tray does not need to be greased with anything, because... There is quite a lot of fat in the dough, so the product will not stick to the surface.

5. Using a pastry brush, brush the surface of the future layers with a loose egg or melted butter. If desired, for beauty, you can sprinkle the puff pastry with sesame seeds.

Step 1: prepare flour and salt.

First of all, we need to sift the flour. Thanks to this process, our dough will be tender and soft. Also, lumps will not form in it, which is also important. So, pour the flour and salt into a sieve and sift over a large dry bowl.

Step 2: prepare the butter.

Place butter on cutting board and using a knife, cut off from a common piece 75 grams. We transfer most of it to a saucer and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Place a smaller piece in a Turk and place on medium heat. Constantly stirring with a tablespoon, bring the oil to a liquid state. Immediately after this, turn off the burner and set the container aside using oven mitts. Let the melted butter cool slightly.

Step 3: prepare the puff pastry.

Pour into a bowl with the sifted flour mixture in a thin stream. clean water and then melted butter. With clean hands, knead into a thick, elastic dough.

Attention: When the mass becomes viscous, transfer it to the kitchen table, previously sprinkled with a small amount of flour. Continue kneading the dough for 1–2 minutes until it stops sticking to your hands.
Now we form a ball from the mass, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to infuse for at least for 40 minutes.

After the allotted time has passed, place the butter on the kitchen table and, using a rolling pin, break it into a thin layer approximately V 1 centimeter. Try to immediately give the component a square shape.
Now we take the dough out of the refrigerator, free it from the cling film and place it next to the butter on the kitchen table, crushed wheat flour. Roll it out into a thin rectangular shape. 1/2 part Gently spread the broken butter. Attention: As long as the component is still cooled, this should be easy to do. Cover the butter with the second half of the dough and, using a rolling pin, lightly beat it and immediately roll out the layer in one direction.

Now lightly sprinkle the dough with flour and fold it into a rectangular shape. three times.

We beat everything again and roll it out in one direction. We repeat this procedure 2–3 more times depending on how flaky you want your baked goods to be.

Next, wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to infuse. for 1 hour. After the allotted time has passed, I recommend repeating everything from start to finish, and so on. only 2 times with a break in 60 minutes. That’s it, the puff pastry is ready, so you can move on to the process of forming and baking the puff pastry.

Step 4: prepare puff pastry puffs.

Today you can prepare many dishes from puff pastry. It is primarily sweet and savory baked goods. The most famous puff pastry is called “tongues”. It is prepared without any filling at all, but it turns out tasty, tender and crispy. So let's get started! Turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 200 °C. Meanwhile, on the kitchen table, dusted with a little flour, we lay out a piece of puff pastry that we prepared earlier.

Using a rolling pin, roll it out into a thin layer and immediately chop it into small strips with a knife. We cut each segment crosswise into medium squares, and then, if desired, into triangles. Don't forget to sprinkle each piece with sugar. Attention: the smaller the puff pastry, the tastier it will be, because you can immediately dip it in liquid honey or condensed milk and eat it in one fell swoop.

Now place the pieces of dough on a baking sheet moistened with ordinary cold water and place on the middle level in a preheated oven. Bake the puff pastries for 10 minutes until golden brown. After the allotted time, use oven mitts to remove the container from oven and leave it aside. Let the baked goods cool slightly. Then transfer it to a serving dish.

Another option is to make filled puff pastries. This can be jam, cottage cheese mixed with chopped dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots), stewed vegetables, minced meat (both raw and fried with onions), stewed pieces mushrooms and much more. In general, whatever the filling is, it should not be very wet (so that the dough does not spread during baking) and in small quantities. So, put our puff pastry on a floured kitchen table and roll it out into a thin layer with a rolling pin. Then, using a knife, cut the flatbread into squares of length approximately 8–10 centimeters.

Place the filling in the center of each piece and wrap it into a rectangle or triangle. Press the open edges with a fork to prevent the seams from opening during baking. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet greased with a small amount vegetable oil, and place on the middle level in the oven.
Preparing baked goods at temperature 200 °C during 10–15 minutes before appearing on the surface golden crust. Important: Cooking time depends on the filling inside. If it is already ready, then the above minutes are enough. If it’s raw, then it’s worth adding a little more time. For meat - 30 minutes, for cottage cheese with egg – 20–25 , for vegetables – 15–25 . At the end, turn off the oven, and take out the baking sheet using oven mitts and set it aside. When the puff pastries have cooled slightly, you can call everyone to dessert table.

Step 5: Serve the puff pastry puffs.

Place the finished, still warm puff pastry puffs on a special plate and serve at the dessert table along with tea, coffee and other hot drinks. The baked goods turn out very tasty and tender, even if there is no filling in it.
Enjoy your meal!

Before baking, the “tongues” can also be greased with beaten egg yolk and sugar;

The puff pastries can be given any shape. For example, round, square, rectangular, roll. Place the dough in muffin tins and bake into baskets, into which you can then add any filling, for example, jam or berries mixed with sugar;

To prepare puff pastry, use only the highest grade flour, finely ground and proven trademark. It is best to use homemade butter, then the baked goods will turn out not only very tasty, but also soft and flaky.