What is stew? Recipe for making stew. Soups recipes

Chowder is a type of soup. Its difference is that it is quite thick in consistency, but easy for digestion. The cooking tradition has been around for centuries. This is how soups used to be prepared. The dish gets its name from the main ingredient: potato, mushroom, onion, cabbage, pea, lentil. Chowder differs from soup in that it is prepared with water rather than meat broth. The cook strives to ensure that additional components do not dull the taste of the main ingredient.

How to prepare stew

Chowder recipes are very simple and quick. They are ready in literally half an hour. Choose local, seasonal vegetables such as:

  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • mushrooms;
  • peas;
  • carrot;
  • cereals and legumes.

The most famous example is the famous French onion soup. The dish is served hot and aromatic, with a fresh piece of bread, and garnished with chopped herbs. Spices and herbs are added if desired.

Step-by-step recipes for preparing stew will be within the power of even the most inexperienced cooks. It is important to cook the vegetables well; it is extremely difficult to spoil the dish. You can make your food more exotic by making the stew in pots in the oven. This makes it more rich and flavorful.

Onion soup

1.25 liters of water, 4-6 onions, 1 leek, 1 parsley, 1 celery, 1 bunch of dill, 4-6 black peppercorns, 1 tsp. salt.
Cut the roots into strips and place in boiling water. Finely chop the leeks, grind with salt in a porcelain bowl and add to the boiling broth. Put pepper. When the onion has blossomed and the broth turns green, add salt, add chopped spicy herbs and after 3 minutes remove from heat. Close and let sit for 5 minutes.

Potato soup

1.5 liters of water, 5-6 potatoes, 1 onion, 0.5 heads of garlic (chopped), 3 bay leaves, 1 bunch of dill, 1 bunch of parsley, 608 black peppercorns.
Place chopped onion and diced potatoes in salted boiling water and cook until the potatoes are ready. Add spices 5-7 minutes, and spicy chopped herbs 2 minutes before readiness.

Turnip soup (turnip)

1.5 liters of water, 5-6 reps. 1 small rutabaga, 1 onion, 2 allspice peas, 2 clove buds, 4 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill, 4 cloves of chopped garlic.
Place chopped onion, diced rutabaga and turnips in salted boiling water and cook until tender. Add spices 10 minutes before, and spicy chopped herbs 2-3 minutes before readiness.

Lentil stew

1.5-1.75 liters of water, 1 glass of lentils, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 3 bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns, 0.5 heads of garlic, 1 bunch of savory, salt to taste.
Soak the lentils for a day in cold water. Before cooking, rinse again, add cold water and place on moderate heat. When it boils, add the chopped roots and cook until the lentils are completely cooked (1-1.25 liters of liquid should remain). Then add chopped onion and other spices, except garlic and savory, add salt and cook over very low heat for another 10-12 minutes, then season with chopped garlic and savory, remove from heat and let steep for 5-8 minutes.

Chowder with millet and tomatoes

240 g of onion, 120 g of butter, 360 g of millet, 5-6 medium-sized carrots, 1 kg of 100 g of potatoes, 700 g of tomatoes, 6 liters of cubed broth, 360 g of sour cream, dill or parsley, salt to taste.
In a deep frying pan, fry finely chopped onion in oil, when it begins to brown - peeled and chopped roots and tomatoes. Cover with a lid and simmer. When the vegetables are half-ready, pour 6 liters of cubed broth into the pan, salt if necessary, let it boil, add the potatoes cut into strips and well-washed millet. Further cooking takes less than half an hour. When the ingredients are ready, add sour cream to the stew, sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley, and serve immediately.

Chowder "Rainbow"

0.5 pods of sweet pepper, 2 onions, 300 g pumpkin, 1 large eggplant, 4 small tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 sprigs of parsley, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 pinch of a mixture of dry herbs, salt, pepper, water.
Peel the vegetables and remove the seeds. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, the onion crosswise into 8 pieces, the sweet pepper into large strips, the pumpkin and eggplant into large strips, chop the garlic. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add boiling water and vegetable oil, stir and cook until tender.
2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a mixture of herbs, finely chopped parsley, a pinch of salt and pepper to the soup.

Mushroom stew

300 g fresh or 50 g dried mushrooms, 1 carrot, parsley and celery root, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 0.5 cup pearl barley or rice, 3 potatoes, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, bay leaf, pepper, salt, herbs, 3 liters of water.
Boil mushroom broth, strain it, and finely chop the mushrooms. Cut the roots and onions into strips, fry in oil, pour in a little broth and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Put them in the broth, add mushrooms, separately cooked cereal, chopped potatoes, tomato paste, spices, salt and cook for 8-10 minutes.
When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley.

Vole (ancient stew)

Dilute rye flour with boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and let cool to a temperature of 25-28°C. Place a crust of rye bread into the resulting dough and let it sour. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt, pepper, beat the prepared dough (raschinu) well with a whisk or mixer.
Season the vole with onions sauteed in vegetable oil, boiled and chopped mushrooms (you can lightly fry them).

Rice soup with vegetables

3 tbsp. l. rice, 2 sweet peppers, 2 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, salt.
Rinse the rice, add hot salted water and cook until almost done. Add finely chopped capsicum (along with seeds), chopped tomatoes, bring to a boil, pour in vegetable oil and let simmer for 8-10 minutes.

Potato soup with cucumbers

3 boiled potatoes, 3 fresh cucumbers, 1 liter of kvass, herbs, salt.
Finely chop the peeled potatoes and cucumbers, add salt and pour chilled kvass. When serving, sprinkle the stew with chopped parsley, dill or onion.

Potato soup with onions

4 potatoes, 1-2 onions, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, salt.
Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, add boiling salted water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-6 minutes, then leave to infuse on the stove without heating for 8-10 minutes.
For the stew, serve onions cut into half rings with vegetable oil, which everyone doses themselves. Raw onions and butter add a nice kick to the dish.

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Another famous Russian writer, poet and playwright Alexander Sumarokov emphasized the originality of the original Russian word “pottage”. Starting from the 19th century, this ancient name for first courses replaced the word “soup” that came from Europe. According to ancient traditions, stew in Rus' was a name for dishes in which the main part was liquid. Sometimes soup that was too thin was called stew, because hard life dictated to the people the need to eat hearty and fatty meals. The liquid base of the stew was usually meat, fish, vegetable or mushroom broth, milk, and kvass. The same okroshka and botvinya can be classified as stews on a leaven basis.

Chowder was the most common dish in Russian cuisine. That is why the main cutlery on the peasant table was the spoon. In the old days, more than 200 days a year were fast, and this custom was strictly observed. Therefore, most village housewives knew how to prepare many different liquid dishes, where meat was replaced by mushrooms, lentils, peas, rutabaga, beans, fish and other ingredients. The peasants not only ate the stew, but also used it for treatment. Often the opportunity to “sip something hot”, take a steam bath and lie on the stove were the only available methods of treating any “illness” for poor peasants.

Initially, village-style stew recipes had only one main component. But modern cooks are improving ancient recipes to suit the current needs of most families.

We present for your consideration a recipe for a delicious Russian stew, “Country-style Zatirukha.” This dish is not only easy to prepare, but also very satisfying. In our version, it is cooked in mushroom broth. However, it has been verified that this stew will be just as incredibly tasty if you cook it in meat or fish broth.

Country-style grout

What do we need:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 500-700 grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms (ideally 300 grams of dry);
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • two thirds of a glass of flour;
  • two eggs;
  • 5-6 black peppercorns;
  • bay leaf – 2-3 pieces;
  • sour cream or cream;
  • fresh herbs;
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  • 50 grams of butter.

The products are designed for 7 servings of soup.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Fresh mushrooms (preferably porcini or champignons) must be thoroughly sorted, rinsed under running water and carefully cut into small slices.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan (preferably passed through a filter or purified purchased water).
  3. After the mushrooms have simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon. The mushroom broth itself must be strained through a strainer or two layers of gauze. Slices of boiled mushrooms are again dipped into the broth.
  4. Potatoes must be washed, peeled and cut into cubes.
  5. The mushroom broth must be boiled again, salted and chopped potatoes should be placed in it.
  6. We prepare peeled vegetables (onions and carrots) for frying. To do this, finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Lightly sauté the vegetables in butter, each separately.
  7. Now we need to prepare the “mash” for our stew. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly before doing this.
  8. For grout (or grout), mix an egg and two tablespoons of water.
  9. In a bowl, grind the egg mixture with flour with your hands until you get flour crumbs. It should be about a glass.
  10. In the mushroom broth in which the potatoes are cooked, create a funnel by stirring, into which we gradually add flour crumbs. You can’t overdo it and shift the “grout”. Otherwise, instead of soup, you may end up with a thick, unappetizing porridge.
  11. All this time the broth must be stirred. Then you need to add frying to it and boil the dish for another 3-5 minutes.
  12. Pepper and bay leaf are added to the broth.
  13. Some housewives additionally pour a raw egg into the stew, a few minutes before it is ready. Before adding, the egg must be carefully shaken with water so that the white mixes with the yolk. It is better to pour in the egg little by little with a spoon or do it through a colander so that the egg is distributed evenly. The soup must be stirred constantly.
  14. It is better to serve the stew on the table in a ceramic bowl, flavoring the dish with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Various options for preparing stews

It is possible that each of the housewives will want to open and learn how to cook their own signature stew. And that's great. It is especially important to learn how to vary the recipes for such dishes depending on the circumstances. If it’s better to greet a cold and hungry husband with a hearty meat stew, then your teenage daughter will be more happy with a delicious soup with mushrooms and quail eggs. If your own image in the mirror begins to disappoint, then you should try a low-calorie recipe for vegetable soup for weight loss.

What secrets do you need to know in preparing delicious stews? Let's look into this.

  • Many variations of country-style stews include bread. One of the simplest versions of this soup includes a minimum of ingredients: potatoes and slices of fried bread. Add herbs, sour cream, and crushed garlic to the finished dish. Before serving, the stew is slightly kneaded right in the plate. This dish is not only one of the most budget-friendly, but also quite filling and tasty.
  • Many families prefer soups prepared the day before. Then the dish has time to infuse more. Isn't it very convenient for working women?
  • In mushroom versions of such dishes, it is better to use dry mushrooms. Their aroma will make the dish simply incomparable!
  • Any stew will benefit from adding crushed garlic, herbs and sour cream to the plate before serving. In addition, these components can become a serious defense for the body during epidemics of viral infections.
  • In addition to bread, many first course recipes include eggs. Then the feeling of fullness from such a meal is guaranteed. Eggs can be added to a dish in different ways. These include yolk dumplings, pouring a beaten egg and water into the soup, and a spectacular option by adding quail eggs to each plate. This recipe is also interesting: the prepared stew is poured into a refractory glass plate, a whole chicken egg is carefully driven into it and placed in the oven for a few minutes until the white hardens.
  • Most often, three grains are added to stews for thickness and satiety: pearl barley, semolina and rice. These cereals are the most versatile and can be combined with most ingredients. Semolina is added to pea soup during the fasting period for satiety and thickness. Barley goes well with mushroom and meat dishes. But rice, especially dark rice, is good as an addition to vegetable soups.
  • Chopped ham or bacon is often added to a bowl of legume-based stews. This combination is very successful and appetizing.

We will be glad if our article makes you interested in recipes for making stews. We are confident that stew should not be forgotten, since dishes based on it can bring many health benefits, creating an atmosphere of warmth and care in the house.

Nowadays we cook soups, and we call stew a food whose taste is far from ideal, or a soup whipped up from what is “lying around” in the refrigerator and on the shelves of kitchen cabinets. Although the stew can be put on a par with borscht, cabbage soup, solyanka and fish soup. In terms of consistency and method of preparation, these are, of course, soups, but, like stews, they are given their own names and their characteristics are indicated. In order for a liquid dish to have the right to be called a stew, it must be “salted” by one ingredient. Another important difference is that if the soup is cooked in meat broth, the stew has rather a light decoction of the main ingredient. If potatoes are used as the main product, the result is potato soup, if cabbage is used, cabbage soup is obtained, if mushrooms are used, mushroom soup is obtained.

The most famous is lentil stew, which has become a symbol of neglect of family values ​​for the sake of meager material benefits. For a meal of lentils, Esau gave his younger brother Jacob his right of seniority. However, in the Old Testament, where this story is mentioned, the word “pottage” does not appear; it appeared in the retelling of the biblical parable to emphasize how low Esau valued his birthright.

There are others, such as corn chowder and the Belgian fish chowder waterzooi, now also made with chicken.

How to cook waterzoy

Cod fillet - 2 pieces
Carrots - 2 pieces
Onion - 1 piece
Leek - 1 piece
Celery stalks - 8 pieces
Parsley - 70 grams
Garlic - 2 cloves
Egg yolk - 2 pieces
Cream - 1/4 cup
Bay leaf - 2 pieces
Black peppercorns - 5-8 pieces
Coriander seeds - 10 pieces
Butter - 30 grams
Water - 6 glasses
Salt - to taste

Cooking in a saucepan
1. Chop half an onion, the green part of a leek and 1 carrot, place in a saucepan.
2. Add here 3 stalks of celery, parsley stalks, garlic, bay leaf, coriander, black pepper.
2. Pour 6 glasses of water into a saucepan with vegetables and spices and cook the broth for half an hour after boiling.
3. Strain the finished broth through a colander; the vegetables from it are no longer needed.
4. While the broth is cooking, cut the white part of the leek into half rings, and 1 carrot, 5 celery stalks and half an onion into cubes.
5. In a saucepan with thick walls, melt the butter and saute the chopped vegetables in it for 6 minutes, until soft.
4. Cut the cod fillet into pieces 3 centimeters wide, add to the fried vegetables, pour in the broth.
5. Cook the stew for 12 minutes from the moment of boiling, do not increase the cooking time, otherwise the fish will become tough, add salt before turning off.
6. Using a slotted spoon, place the fish and vegetables on a plate.
7. In a separate bowl, beat the cream with 2 egg yolks, then pour in half a glass of broth and mix well.
8. Pour the egg-cream mixture into the slightly cooled broth and stir.
9. Place fish and vegetables on portioned plates for first courses, pour over the stew, and garnish with parsley.
10. Serve with thin slices of white bread.

Lentil soup

Lentils - 1 cup
Meat or vegetable broth - 1.5 liters
Lemon - 1 piece
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Paprika - 1 tablespoon
Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 heaped teaspoon

How to cook lentil soup
1. Pour meat or vegetable broth into the pan and put on fire.
2. Rinse the lentils under cold water.
3. Pour lentils into the pan without waiting for the water to heat up.
4. Cook lentils for 20-40 minutes, depending on the type of cereal (cook green lentils for 40 minutes, brown - 25, red - 25 minutes).
5. Add salt and all seasonings to the stew.
6. Wash the lemon, cut in half and squeeze out the juice.
7. Pour lemon juice into lentil soup.

One of the oldest stew recipes is “Spartan Chowder.” The recipe for this dish includes lentils, vinegar, pork feet and blood. Chowder was the basis of the diet of this warlike city. Strange combination of products, isn't it? Especially for a modern person. However, even in our time, animal blood is used in cooking, both in soups and main courses.

An equally interesting fact is that the stew cannot be cooked with a meat base. This is exactly a vegetable soup: meat in the stew can only be used as an additional ingredient. Otherwise, the stew recipe will lose its unique taste and originality.

Chowder: recipes with photos and history of this dish

Despite the centuries-old history of the dish, Russia is considered its historical homeland. Apparently, this is a consequence of the fact that “pottage” as a culinary term is most often used in our country. It was also a big influence that Russian cuisine uses a huge amount of vegetables. You can find out how to prepare stew and get acquainted with classic as well as original stew recipes with photos and detailed instructions on the Culinary League website.