What is molasses.

A lot of gingerbread recipes say that gingerbread cookies are baked with molasses - it gives them a unique special taste and aroma.

So what is molasses, is it possible to cook it at home? ..

Molasses is not made from sugar. This is a different product. Although sometimes different sugar-containing syrups are also called molasses.

Syrup (dextrinmaltose, maltodextrin) is a product of incomplete acid (diluted acids) or enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. The most commonly used potato and corn (maize) starch. It is used in confectionery and canning industries, as well as for the production of dressings.

The chemical composition of molasses:

  • dextrin - from 0% to 70%
  • glucose - from 0% to 50%
  • maltose - from 19% to 85%

Molasses is used in the manufacture of gingerbread and some varieties of bread. When added in small quantities determines the color, in large quantities - the taste and viscosity of dough products. Therefore, molasses is so important in gingerbread. Certain types of molasses are used in the manufacture of ice cream and frozen desserts to lower the freezing point of the product.

There are many ways to make molasses.

1) It is possible to use vitriol oil and turn any of the starch.ov into sugar, and not necessarily potato, wheat or any other.
2) Also, molasses is obtained by boiling juice of berries, vegetables - any fruits that contain a lot of sugary substances. Suitable for this (in addition to pear apples): currants, gooseberries, cloudberries and other berries.

In both cases, it initially turns out molasses, i.e. thick syrup juice,  and only then some of the molasses secrete sugar. You can use, for example, apples or pears, with pear molasses valued above apple.

According to the first method, molasses is most often obtained from potato starch, because it is cheaper than others and is pure, it gives molasses without a taste. But according to the same method of molasses, it is also prepared from other types of starch.

There is another type of molasses that is made from grapes in the Caucasus - called musales.

Molasses is prepared from starch by saccharification (hydrolysis). It has a thick, viscous consistency and is colorless or pale yellow. In cooking, molasses is not widely used. Her use mainly in the confectionery industry  and added to syrups with a high sugar content to protect them from sugaring.

The stick is added in the manufacture of lipstick, jelly, etc., it can be replaced with invert syrup or glucose; instead of 1 kg molasses take 1.1 kg of invert syrup.

Fruit molasses

Prepare molasses like this.

Ripe fruits or berries are crushed in a large container as small as possible. The resulting mass is put in a bag and put under a press, or in any other way squeezed all the juice from it. I don’t know if I can use a juicer here? ..

It is necessary to add to the juice the freshly slaked lime in water in such an amount that all the acid from the juice disappears. This is best done in the evening and leave the juice with lime until the morning. In the morning, carefully clear transparent juice is drained from the sediment, which should have no trace of acid at all. This stage, frankly, is a little scary - to add as much as possible - how much and how - is still unclear?

The juice is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into a container for boiling and boiled for 3-6 hours on low heat, constantly removing foam. During boiling, the juice is filtered another 2-3 times through bone charcoal to cleanse it of turbidity. For this, the boiling out has to be interrupted briefly.

If the juice is boiled 2-3 times (so that 1-1.5 bottles are left from 3 bottles of juice), then you will get liquid syrup, which can be used for cooking berry jam.

If you boil the juice 4-5 times, you get a thick brown molasses, which can replace sugar and is well stored in barrels.

Starch syrup

Cooking molasses without acid requires more attention. But you can do without acid and chalk, and get molasses very good, even if it is poorly cleaned. This molasses is prepared using barley malt. Best of all - in a Russian stove; Without a furnace, it’s difficult to maintain temperature.

In a large cauldron or pot, pour water heated so that you can tolerate it with your hand, and pour in the crushed malt. After that, we put the pot on the edge of the stove or at the very mouth of the Russian stove, on the shaft, so that the liquid is heated to 50-60 degrees. Pour the starch here, mixed in warm water, stir well and leave the pot on the heating stove for 7-8 hours. It is necessary to observe a thermometer lowered into the liquid so that it does not heat above 60 degrees.

At first the congestion will be cloudy, thick, but after half an hour, it will become light, like water. After 7-8 hours of quiet heating, they taste the liquid. At first, the taste of the liquid will be slightly sweet, nauseous, then the sweetness will appear more and more. By the end, the taste of the liquid will become pleasantly sweet and only slightly resembles the taste of malt.

After that, we filter the liquid through the canvas, mix it with bone coal (1 coal spool per 1 pound of starch or 4 1/3 grams of coal per 410 grams of starch) to destroy the taste of malt, stir, pour into a boiler and boil over high heat so that the liquid slightly thickened.

Pour the thickened liquid into a bucket and allow it to settle on coal. Then we merge from the sediment, pour into the boiler and boil until the desired density.

To process 10 pounds of starch, you need one and a half buckets of water and 1 pound of green or white malt (or one and a half pounds of spring malt). At the same time, out of 10 pounds of starch, 15 pounds of thick and sweet molasses will be obtained.

Molasses is a semi-liquid mass similar in its consistency to honey, but having a sweeter taste than sugar. Traction is obtained in the production of starch and sugar. The process for producing molasses is called hydrolysis. Often, syrup is called syrup that contains a large amount of sugar in its composition.

There are several types of molasses, the most common are white, dark and black molasses. White molasses is obtained by sugaring starch, dark molasses is obtained from brown sugar, and black molasses is a waste from sugar beet production mixed with sucrose and some other impurities. Black molasses is often called beet molasses.

Molasses properties

Molasses has a fairly diverse chemical composition, it contains: iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, potassium, vitamins B, oligosaccharides, glucose, maltose, carbohydrates, phosphorus, sodium and a small amount of healthy fats. Molasses is sweeter than sugar and healthier, since it contains a moderate glycemic index.

In one hundred grams of food, there are about three hundred and sixteen kilocalories, and in two or three spoons only thirty-five kilocalories, which allows you to safely use molasses in small quantities while observing diets. One glass of molasses holds three hundred and ten grams of product.

The benefits of molasses

Molasses has a beneficial effect on the body. First of all, it is recommended for anemia and for normal bone growth. Using this product can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and other problems with bones and joints. To increase energy and improve immunity, it is recommended to dissolve molasses in boiling water and drink the resulting water in a cooled form. In this case, the amount of molasses per glass is only two teaspoons. The resulting mixture must be drunk through a straw, otherwise you can harm the tooth enamel.

It is recommended that pregnant women take molasses one spoon a day. This will allow future mothers to endure a healthy and properly developed baby. The effect of molasses on the hair is good, if you regularly use dumb molasses, the hair will become strong, shiny and healthy. In addition to this molasses, it is able to treat ulcers, develop mammary glands, normalize the entire nervous system and improve brain activity. In order for molasses to bring only benefit, when choosing it, it is worth excluding products containing sulfur.

The use of molasses

Traction is added in the production of gingerbread and some types of bread. Use this product during the production of ice cream. Molasses contains maltodextrin, which increases the hardness of the product by lowering the freezing point. Once in the product, molasses increases the viscosity of the mass, allowing you to form a homogeneous structure. In baking, molasses is added as a baking powder. The molasses is indispensable in the preparation of jam or jam.

Molasses is also added in the preparation of halva, many types of sweets and caramel. Also found wide application of molasses in the production of soft drinks. In this case, it is used as a sugar substitute. Molasses is also added in the production of ketchups, some sauces and many canned fruits. They also use molasses in nutrition. A small amount of this product can work wonders. The inclusion of molasses in the diet makes it pleasant, healthy, and most importantly tasty. Molasses is able to answer for satiety, so the number of eaten portions of main dishes is sharply reduced, which is extremely important when dealing with unnecessary weight.

Molasses diabetics will also like it, because it can replace sugar and honey when there is a desire to eat something sweet. If molasses is very difficult to buy in the store, you can always cook it at home. Beet molasses is not eaten, however, special yeast used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages and many types of beer is made from it.

Harm molasses

This product is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components present in the molasses. Allergy addiction is another sign that this product is prohibited for you. People with high blood sugar should be very careful with molasses, because if you slightly exceed the norm, then the sugar level will immediately increase, as a result of which the general state of health will worsen. Harm molasses can occur with overeating and too frequent use. Do not give molasses to small children, otherwise the child may experience irritation and allergic reactions.

   Buttermilk \u003e\u003e

Molasses (maltodextrin, dextrinmaltose) is used in canning and confectionery industries. In particular, it is used in the manufacture of some varieties of bread and gingerbread. Some of its types are used for the production of frozen desserts and ice cream in order to lower the freezing point of products. In the food industry, molasses is produced in two ways. The first way it is prepared from starch (potato, corn) by saccharification (hydrolysis). In the second way, molasses is made from juice of berries, vegetables (fruits containing a large amount of sugary substances). For this purpose, apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. are used.

All about sugar. Watch the video!..

Fruit molasses


How to make fruit molasses:

    Rinse the berries or fruits and squeeze the juice with a juicer. Strain the juice through cheesecloth into a saucepan and simmer until it thickens.

    Stir it periodically with a wooden spatula. The finished molasses should have a dark yellow color.

Pomegranate molasses

   It has a sour taste and a beautiful dark color. It can be used not only in baking, but also added to salad dressings.


4 cups pomegranate juice
   ½ cup sugar
   half lemon juice

How to cook pomegranate molasses:

    Pour juice into a saucepan, put on a slow fire. When it boils, add sugar, mix and cook until the volume of liquid decreases fourfold.

    At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to molasses.

Honey syrup


500 g honey
   500 g brown sugar
   200 ml of water

How to cook honey molasses:

    Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar melts. Bring it to a boil and let cook for 5-7 minutes.

    Remove molasses from heat and refrigerate.

Golden syrup


300 g regular sugar
   100 g of water

How to cook light molasses:

    Put sugar in a bowl or pan, pour water and put on low heat until sugar dissolves.

    Let the mass boil over low heat for 5 minutes.

All the secrets of honey. Watch the video!

Light lemon molasses


350 g granulated sugar
   150 ml of water
   2 g citric acid
   1.5 g baking soda

How to cook light lemon molasses:

    Boil water, add granulated sugar to it, bring to a boil. Once it boils, put citric acid, cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 45 minutes.

    Stir molasses from time to time. Cool the finished product, add baking soda diluted with water in a small amount.

    Mix the molasses properly, and it will foam very much. Foaming will stop after 15 minutes.

    If the foam remains, remove it with a spoon from the surface. Pour molasses into a glass dish and put in the refrigerator for storage or use for baking.

Molasses is a liquid sweet syrup that is often used in the preparation of confectionery. The beauty and the main difference between molasses and sugar is that the syrup does not crystallize and therefore products with it remain fresh and soft longer. In addition, pastries prepared using molasses acquire a special taste.

You can not buy this ingredient in every store, so it’s easier to make molasses at home.

How to make molasses?


  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • baking soda - 1.5 g.


Boil water in a saucepan, as it must be hot for the recipe. Dissolve sugar in it, and constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Then add citric acid to the syrup, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 45 minutes. Cool the finished syrup a little. Add a little water to baking soda, mix, then transfer the mixture to the cooled liquid and mix everything again.

The mass will start to foam very much, leave it to infuse for 10-15 minutes. After the foaming stops, your molasses is ready to use. If a little foam remains on the surface, simply remove it with a spoon. Ready syrup can be stored in a glass bowl in the refrigerator.

Sweet molasses

Most often, molasses is made from brown or black sugar (molasses), so it is also called dark molasses. According to our recipe, it will take you no more than 10 minutes to cook it.


  • brown sugar or molasses - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.


Pour brown sugar into the pan, add water to it and boil the syrup over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar has completely melted. After this, bring the liquid to a boil, let it boil for 3-5 minutes and remove from heat. Leave the molasses to cool at room temperature and then use to make baked goods.

In some recipes, an ingredient such as light molasses, which can also be prepared at home as well as dark molasses, is found. We will tell you how to make light molasses, for which instead of brown sugar you will need ordinary white.


  • ordinary sugar - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Pour sugar into a saucepan or bowl, add water and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Put the syrup on the stove and let it boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, let the syrup cool and then use as directed.

Honey syrup

Cooking honey syrup at home is not a big problem, and the syrup is quite thick and viscous.


  • brown sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and simmer until the sugar melts. Then bring the syrup to a boil and let it boil for about 5-7 minutes. Remove honey syrup from the fire, let it cool.

Fruit molasses

In our recipe for syrup, grapes are used, but if desired, it can be replaced with other berries, which contain a lot of sugar, the result from this will not get worse.

Take the most ripe clusters of grapes you can find, wash them in cold water and squeeze the juice. Strain the mass that you have, strain through cheesecloth, pour the juice into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until it becomes thick. In this case, be sure to periodically stir the juice with a wooden spatula. Ready molasses should turn dark yellow.

Molasses - what kind of substance is it, how is it made, and in the manufacture of what foods is it used?

This word is more widely heard by American housewives than by Russian. Indeed, in the United States molasses (what kind of sweetness, and what are the features of its production, we will consider in this article) is served on the dessert table of almost every family. There, its production is put on stream. But recently, this product is increasingly appearing in Russian stores.

Molasses - what is it?

Many people know this product as being used for sweetening. In Russian, the word "molasses" is derived from the verb "flow". A similar name reflects the properties of this product, which is similar to a viscous thick syrup. The production of molasses is associated with and subsequent dilution of the resulting semi-finished product with special acids. To the desired consistency, the syrup is boiled.

Ready molasses is used in the manufacture of confectionery products, it is added to canned food, some first courses, and pastries. Also, this syrup, in addition to being used as a food product, is added to textiles (dressings). Molasses contains maltose and dextrins, the ash content in it varies depending on the variety, nitrogenous substances are responsible for the darkening of the syrup when heated. This product has an important property: it prevents the crystallization of white sugar. For example, jam or jam, in which molasses is added, become more viscous, longer sugared. They are increasing. And the taste is improving. The molasses added to frozen desserts reduces the freezing point of the product. And this helps to increase its density. In some types of baking, molasses is necessarily added. What are these products?

First of all, of course, gingerbread cookies. Their characteristic dark color and density are due to the presence of molasses in the dough. A similar viscosity, taste and color can be achieved by adding honey. But on an industrial scale, they still add molasses. It is also laid in the dough for some types of bread (for example, for Borodino, Karelian and Riga), added to beer and kvass.

How to make molasses at home?

Unfortunately, due to the use of toxic acids during the manufacturing process, you will not be able to exactly reproduce the production of this product at home. But you can make the so-called invert syrup - this is a full-fledged household substitute for the sweet syrup we need. This is a solution of sugar, water and acid, which is heated to break down sucrose into fructose and glucose. It can be used for baking homemade bread - while extending its shelf life, improves porosity and aroma. To make glucose (invert) syrup, pour one and a half glasses of sugar into a pan with a thick bottom, pour a glass of hot water and bring the mixture to a boil. Enter 1.7 g of citric acid - active drilling will begin. Reduce heat, boil the syrup for half an hour. After the mixture has cooled, add soda (its amount should be equal to the amount of acid). Seething will follow again. When it calms down, the syrup can be considered ready.